Game of Thrones production is scheduled to return to Ballintoy Harbour in upcoming weeks, according to @IrishThrones.
‘Game of Thrones’ Withdrawal Guide Part II
Part II: Supplementary Reading
For those trying to cut down on screen time or simply in search of new reading material, I have compiled Part II of the Game of Thrones Withdrawal Guide. This isn’t a list of fantasy novels that resemble Game of Thrones (nor is ASOIAF on this list because … come on) but rather a list of books that relate directly to GoT and, to a lesser extent, ASOIAF.
Littlefinger’s trailer spotted on the set, and other filming updates
While today was full of casting news about a potential new Frey and the amazing news of Max von Sydow joining the show, cameras still rolled for Game of Thrones.
Twitter user @IrishThrones, a site dedicated to reporting on Game of Thrones shooting locations, has some news from the set in Moneyglass, Northern Ireland.
Potential spoilers below!
Legendary actor Max von Sydow joins Game of Thrones season 6!
It’s a huge week for Game of Thrones casting news! Entertainment Weekly has broken the news that legendary actor Max von Sydow has signed on for season 6 of the show.
Who will be he be playing? It’s a bit of a surprise for us, frankly- the actor is playing a recast role!
Game of Thrones casting another Frey for season 6?
Another piece of casting information about Game of Thrones season 6 has dropped into our laps here at WatchersOnTheWall. This newest casting breakdown we’ve received from a source does provide a hint at where one story may go next year.
Currently Game of Thrones is looking to cast the role of a “hapless sly son to cruel father.” The son is in his late 30’s.
The detailed description (beware of spoilers!):
Casting Speculation Season 6: Ian McShane
For years, it has been a habit of the fine people behind this site to consult their inner augurs and predict which actors and actresses will appear as characters from the vast pool of Westerosi and Essosi names. In fact, Sue has already written speculation posts this year for Randyll Tarly and Euron Greyjoy.
This post is the inverse of that idea. As of yesterday, we know that Ian McShane has been cast in the upcoming season. What we don’t know is who he will be playing. Below are some predictions, both likely and outlandish, as to who exactly this talented actor may be portraying in Game of Thrones season 6.
Light spoilers for all released books below the cut.
Ian McShane cast in Game of Thrones season 6
Game of Thrones fans, rejoice! The first major casting for the upcoming season is in.
Beloved English actor Ian McShane has been cast in a mystery role for season 6. According to Entertainment Weekly, “he has a relatively small amount of screen-time during the season, yet his character is of key importance.”
[Updated!] Sophie Turner spotted filming at Winterfell with a visitor rumored

The Game of Thrones set in Moneyglass, Northern Ireland, became active again this week with cameras rolling for season 6. Last year, the location stood in for Winterfell and it appears it’s serving the same purpose this season, thanks to information from Twitter users. Locals have run into crews and the ubiquitous pink signs in the area, and now a star of the show has been seen.
Unsurprisingly, Sophie Turner was spotted around the location. Her character Sansa was last seen jumping off the walls of Winterfell so it’s reasonable to speculate we may next see her close to those walls, continuing the scene. Where she goes from there remains to be seen. We’ll keep our eyes peeled but security is tight at filming locations.
Based on the Twitter sightings of locals and visitors:
Plenty of filming going on today at #Moneyglass #GoT
— Suzanne Chesney (@suzanne1245) July 31, 2015
Standing outside #gameofthrones unit base in moneyglass.. Yayyyy — Vivek (@vivek_mogal) July 31, 2015
@WatchersOTWall spotted sansa stark and confirmation that they were actually filming.
— Vivek (@vivek_mogal) July 31, 2015
The North Remembers: June & July 2012
Summer. Three years ago. The second season wrapped up (to think we’re now discussing season six already!) as we were still reeling from the awesomeness of episode 209 “Blackwater”.
- The finale aired at the beginning of June and broke the viewership record with 4.2 million, passing 4 million for the first time. Three years later, the number stands at twice that.
- Casting for S3 was going strong. We got Kerry Ingram (as Shireen), got the first word of Tara Fitzgerald joining (as Selyse, as we learned later), while Clive Russell joined as Blackfish. We also got Charlotte Hope (as Myranda), Nathalie Emmanuel (as Missandei), Mackenzie Crook (later revealed to play Orell), and Philip McGinley (as Anguy). We also posted about the rumour that Diana Rigg was joining the cast (later confirmed to play Lady Olenna). We also figured out that Iwan Rheon was cast to play Ramsay (though he was initially only listed as “Boy”).
Game of Thrones Q&A with David Peterson today at GeekyCon!
Today at GeekyCon 2015, David J. Peterson will be guesting at a special panel hosted by our friends at Game of Owns. The panel, titled “Game of Thrones: The Final Battle of Ice and Fire,” begins at 2 P.M. EDT and will include questions from fans, so that’s where you all come in!
The panel will cover a variety of topics, including theories, where characters stand as we head into season 6, and yesterday’s big news of the show going beyond seven seasons.
Peterson is best known for creating Dothraki and Valyrian languages on the show. He has also worked on Showtime’s Penny Dreadful, Syfy’s Defiance and Dominion, CW’s Star-Crossed and The 100, and the movie Thor: The Dark World.
There will be an Open Q&A at the end of the panel and Game of Owns would love to bring some questions from our community here at Watchers on the Wall into the mix at GeekyCon.
Share your thoughts and questions about the languages of Game of Thrones in our comments section! Game of Owns may choose your question for the Q&A today.