The Game of Thrones set in Moneyglass, Northern Ireland, became active again this week with cameras rolling for season 6. Last year, the location stood in for Winterfell and it appears it’s serving the same purpose this season, thanks to information from Twitter users. Locals have run into crews and the ubiquitous pink signs in the area, and now a star of the show has been seen.
Unsurprisingly, Sophie Turner was spotted around the location. Her character Sansa was last seen jumping off the walls of Winterfell so it’s reasonable to speculate we may next see her close to those walls, continuing the scene. Where she goes from there remains to be seen. We’ll keep our eyes peeled but security is tight at filming locations.
Based on the Twitter sightings of locals and visitors:
Plenty of filming going on today at #Moneyglass #GoT
— Suzanne Chesney (@suzanne1245) July 31, 2015
Standing outside #gameofthrones unit base in moneyglass.. Yayyyy — Vivek (@vivek_mogal) July 31, 2015
@WatchersOTWall spotted sansa stark and confirmation that they were actually filming.
— Vivek (@vivek_mogal) July 31, 2015
@WatchersOTWall yes the winterfell set , we’re not allowed to go inside we were able to see the set though. pic.twitter.com/IyJQ0jhv2t — Vivek (@vivek_mogal) July 31, 2015
Now here’s something interesting (scroll past the gif if you’re fine with potential spoilers):
@WatchersOTWall we may have spotted catelyn stark as well, not sure though, even we couldn’t believe it. But she might have been there.
— Vivek (@vivek_mogal) July 31, 2015
It’s entirely possible Michelle Fairley stopped by the set for a visit. She’s from Northern Ireland, after all, and Sophie Turner was her TV daughter. Perhaps they were just catching up? Still, if it was Fairley, it is nice to imagine Catelyn being back at Winterfell, if only for a Bran vision or two.
UPDATE: False alarm! I’ve checked in with some trustworthy sources and they confirmed that Fairley was nowhere near the Moneyglass set. Given Michelle Fairley is starring in “Splendour” at the Donmar Warehouse in London, it also would’ve been quite the stretch, traveling-wise. Ah well!
Holy Hodor!
Oh God, here comes the LS brigade. Everyone duck and cover!
It would be really nice to see a scene or two with Catelyn (probably via flashback) to help forget about the last time we saw her. I really don’t think that LS is happening so it would be nice to see her in a somewhat happier context lol.
To be honest, it’ll be a nice change from the #HairWatch2k15 brigade.
It would be a nice nod to have Cat back in visions – we couldn’t give you LSH but we do acknowledge Lady Stark and all her wonderfulness. That makes me happy.
I admit that was thrilling but I’m pretty sure there won’t be any LSH in season 6 (and following). Otherwise, the flashbacks… please, let her return for flashbacks!
Sue the Fury,
I was expecting it to be hairwatch so yay for something else!
never too late for ol LS , especially with all the potential casting for the BWB this season.
I mean if they’re vehemently saying Jon Snow is dead and well.. we know better..(naming technicalities and such loopholes) Why should we take their no LS to be any kind of truth either.
Well, maybe a Bran-Flashback involving Sansa and Catelyn? Or Sansa having her own flashback/ hallucination due to being excruciatingly exhausted from running away with Theon?
I don’t know what this could mean BUT I also don’t see a reason for a higher chance of an appearance of LS just by reading this message (yet I can feel the LS confirmed-messages in the comment section).
Oh for fucks sake, not the LS fanatics again.
It would be the biggest troll of Michelle Fairley if she just went there to do a visit.
She probably is just visiting.
“Hey fellas, I’m going to give the kiddies hanging around the gate outside a thrill on the way out.”
As much as I love the Lady Stoneheart storyline and wish it had happened, I have a feeling that if it was to happen, D&D would cover her up with a sack before they let her be seen by the public. I don’t believe this is anything other than a visit.
Not that I would be unhappy if it was to come about…
Michelle Fairley is starring in a play at the moment so unless she’s got Littlefinger’s time travel device this is a no-go
Please no. Please. Make it go away.
Aw man… LSH rumors, here we go for the 4th season in a row.
But yeah I really hope they don’t get captured by Ramsay again, yeesh.
This news deserve to be commented, even in the high seas…
Gods be good… Catelyn <3
LSH + Flashback = Perfection. Take care in your wedding, Lord Walder Fucking Frey.
Sue the Fury,
Could you ask the poster if Sophie was wearing the Sansa costume from when she escaped WF or a different costume btw? If it’s a new costume it could be she returns to WF later in the season. If he was able to spot her on set, I think he’d get a decent glimpse of the costume too, right?
Where is the play? Because if it’s not in NI then the source is mistaken.
Its in London and is on daily until the end of September I believe.
And it’s going on at the moment? Like today, I mean.
The preview night was last night for the press, the website lists it as being 30th July to 26th September. Its called Splendour and its at the Donmar Warehouse, London..http://www.donmarwarehouse.com/whats-on/donmar-warehouse/coming-up/2015/splendour
I don’t think Sophie could plausibly play herself from 6+ years ago at this point.
I hope that play thing is verified quickly, because I really don’t want yet more LSH speculation. Though if she was coming back, I think they’d probably do a better job of hiding her.
Sansa may have a vision of Catelyn as LHS (throat cut, zombie) saying “Avenge us”, which could open the plot with Sansa went after northerners lords seeking alliances.
Found it. http://www.donmarwarehouse.com/whats-on/donmar-warehouse/coming-up/2015/splendour
If I could find an emoticon or a gif of my jaw dropping to the ground, I’d post it here. Not the name I was expecting to read for sure.
If it is Catelyn and it is a flashback, please let it be a Jon flashback.
Yeah, I went into the “Book Now” feature, but regrettably there’s no longer any July listings — nevertheless, it says they’re performing from July 30, and there are performances listed on every Friday going forward, so it’s almost certainly an incorrect report.
If you go on a cached page, it shows there is a sold out performance tonight.
Well, that settles it, then. Here’s to readily-verifiable information!
Love the LSH character -nothing would make me happier than Michelle Fairley driving around the Game of Thrones set in her van waving at people,but I guess we will have to wait until after her play ends for the rumours to start again!
Oh no!
This will stimulate the Lady Stoneheart fanbase again!
I can tolerate the Jon Snow fanbase that is confident TV Jon Snow will be coming back but if TV LS was coming back they would have done it already!
Please don’t start this LS stuff again!
Hey, she has Sundays off!
If they are filming an immediate followup to the jump sequence (which, if they’re doing that, that pretty much has to be the opening scene of Season 6), I guess they’re going to go with the “what army of hundreds of mounted soldiers?” option as far as explaining their escape goes, instead of my predicted “cut to some time later and they’re running through the woods” option.
Never mind, see the edited post above. Technically she could’ve been there (there was no Splendour show during the day, only the night and the UK just ain’t that big), it was just a stretch, time-wise. But someone confirmed for me 100% that it wasn’t her.
Back to the real news of Sansa filming.
Sean C.,
A bit of make-up and some good camera-angles can go a long way, if they really wanted to do something like that I don’t think there would be too much hindering them.
But I also do not really believe in that, that statement was more of a stream of consciousness to illustrate that there are way more options for a Catelyn-visit on set than just the LS-elephant in the room, which proved right in the end.
It’s clarified by now anyways, which is nice, to be honest, I’m with you on that. All that LS-debating for so many seasons now is getting tedious.
Very disappointed that a quick glimpse by some rando through the window of a passing vehicle of someone who might, maybe, possibly be Fairley didn’t generate more buzz.
Am I the only one that not a big fan of LS? After reading the first book I just couldn’t like her, she is constantly saying or thinking something negative about Jon Snow, just letting her personality shine threw. She just came across as the evil stepmom type to me!?
Jacqu Snow,
You’re not describing Lady Stoneheart, you’re describing Catelyn. Also, Catelyn isn’t Jon’s stepmom, let alone his evil stepmom, and you are far from the first person to not like her.
Sue the Fury,
I’ll re-ask my above question then. That is, if the source is still taking questions after the Michelle Fairley bit.
LSH after 3 years spent in the river?
She’d be a skeleton, not a zombie.
Wait maybe she’s the one who killed Jojen, thinking he was putting Bran in danger.
I’m not a fan of LS either. She wants revenge for the Red Wedding, but really she’s the one who should hang for making terrible decisions that helped get her family killed.
Thank god, I don’t think I could handle the LS insanity.
I wonder if Alfie will be spotted soon, as well?
With respect, do you not think WOTW, (particularly in view of how many times the fanbase has historically been given false hope re: Lady Stoneheart) you should have maybe – just maybe – double checked that Fairley story BEFORE you posted it as a tease?
Another tease. Another LSH red herring tease after THREE effing years of them – instagrams, fake tweets, bogus sightings – deliberately misleading or otherwise.
Because a lot of us loved the character, thought she was a huge missed opportunity for the tv show, and this is getting beyond tiresome into painful now, and not remotely funny.
Jeeze. Thanks a lot guys. Seriously.
What do those people gain from reporting false tales ? Its shame that they’re the once living neat the location and not me
No. You’re not the only one. I never did like her. Heck, in my view she holds a hell of a lot of responsibility for the war of the five kings and all the stuff that happened. Though to be honest, I don’t care for any of the Tullys with the exception of the Blackfish.
I do think Michelle Fairley did an awesome job portraying her. She captured a lady with the Tully imperfections operating as a Stark wife wonderfully – her love for Eddard and her kids and her maltreatment of Jon and her emotions as a mother as her children suffered such (in some cases real and in some cases not) horrible fates.
So, while I am not exactly glad it was a false alarm, I’m not really upset that it was.
Lady Nym,
I think it’s more likely that the guy was just mistaken. The rest of his reporting seems to have checked out, so it’s likely he just thought a lady he saw was MF.
So I prayed to all Seven Gods “Let the boy live. Let him live and I’ll love him. I’ll be a mother to him. I’ll beg my husband to give him a true name, to call him Stark and be done with it, to make him one of us”.
Maybe Jon sees her?
I had a heart attack when I read Fairley was there. Please don’t do that again.
Interesting that Sansa winds up back at Winterfell, at least for a time. I suppose if Littlefinger arrives with the Vale forces and they flush out the Boltons, there won’t be any danger for her in returning. Worst case scenario is she gets recaptured by Ramsay and stuck there for a good chunk of the coming season.
There was a fair amount of spec about Sansa meeting up with the Umbers and Rickon or going to the Wall. Not to say that these things are impossible, but it looks like she won’t be spending the whole season away from Winterfell as some have speculated.
The article mentioned the possibility Michelle Fairley has been seen around the Winterfell set. There was no mention of LS. Now, maybe those who still haven’t let go of the LS thing concluded if it was, indeed, Fairley on the Winterfell set, that would mean LS, but, at least in my opinion, that’s quite the leap.
Nymeria Warrior Queen:
It’s quite the leap, imo, for the editorial team of this website to post a story about a reported MF sighting near the set and not be aware, from past experience, of how it would interpreted. I.E: the same as the gazillion other red herrings of the past few years (last year alone, at least two reported MF hauntings of sets in Nothern Ire. and the Black Walder actor’s twitter feed.)
I.E: Stoneheart.
In fairness, they make a point of talking up the possibility of flashback scenes at Winterfell to offset the inevitable, but still must know that won’t end up the inference.
She’s 99.9% cut, so why dangle that carrot any longer? A headline, bit of drama & flurry of msgboard activity before the “false alarm!!”? I’ve honestly no idea, don’t know them as individuals, and can’t ascribe specific motivation other than they were innocently reporting what had been mistakenly relayed.
What I can say with greater certainty, is that the wiser course of action, imo, in light of the tortuous false reportage surrounding this particular character, would’ve been to hang fire with this new rumour until after they’d checked their sources. Not before.
As a fan of GRRM’s LSH and Riverlands subplot, I’m beyond sick of these kind of stories jerking me off. Sorry to put it bluntly but there it is.
Utterly trivial in the scheme of things, of course, and not the fault of the guy who thought he saw her, or anybody’s really. Just an honest expression of how I feel after three long bloody years of it! 🙂
I don’t care what kind of shaming* I get but I almost cried at the end of “The Children” when there was no LSH. To me, it was such a missed opportunity and would have been the mindf*ck to end all mindf*cks for the unsullied. I still do not understand why they passed that up. As a book reader, I was super surprised to read people didn’t like the character. It was such a great way to end ASOS. But, I am also a grown person who understands that “to each their own.” It just seems like ever since that stupid Hibberd article on ew about why no LSH is a good thing, that it’s trendy to hate on the character and people who enjoy her (small) part in the books. To that I say “Pbbbbttt.”
* I was just in the app store, searching game of thrones and found a “Shame” app that shouts Shame! when you tap it and rings a bell when you swing your phone. For those, like me, who enjoy goofy stuff 😛
What I don’t understand is why film this now, wait till November when it’s actually cold and you can see their breath, bad filming schedule.
I am one of the people who are happy there’s no LS, I don’t like this character and I mightly hated it in the books.
I hope we don’t see it, never.
She may indeed return to Winterfell later, but this is just as likely (if not more) to be them escaping Winterfell, for the premiere.
I’m sorry, but if someone takes the possibility of Michelle Fairley being sighted around the Winterfell set and concludes it must mean LS, I don’t really know what to say.
I could see your point if they were filming somewhere believed to be the Riverlands, or if actors whose characters were involved with LS were around, or if they’d actually mentioned LS, but otherwise, as I said, it’s quite the leap. It’s like you’re expecting them to think, “well, even though there’s no reason to conclude this would have anything to do with LS, but instead something from the past Bran sees through the weirnet, a few people still may, so we shouldn’t say anything.” I don’t think it is right to expect them to cater to the conclusions a few people may possibly draw. It seems you do. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
Lady Nym,
He wasn’t reporting a false tale. He thought he saw MF, but made it clear that he wasn’t sure with the “maybe” and “not sure though”.
Sorry then
Me too.
I don’t know if you were around last year or previous years at WiC but you’re not going to like WotW very much if you’re bothered when we report sightings that aren’t always hardcore confirmed. GoT doesn’t run an open set so the reports you see every year are mostly secondhand sightings.
If something’s not totally confirmed, it’s labeled as such, the way this article is. Right in the title- rumored. And I was very cautious in my post, not mentioning Stoneheart once because I think that’s a lost cause. Once I heard from a reliable source, I updated the post immediately with a correction.
Frankly, it seems like you’re angry that the rumor turned out to be false and just lashing out. But we’re not going to stop reporting sightings as usual, simply because it annoyed you.
It’s weird for me: I like LSH in the books (not the biggest fan though) but I think it wouldn’t make any sense having her in the show… I’m quite glad it was just an unfounded rumor and hopefully Season 6 will bring Sansa some relief… I just hope that they won’t overdo the flashbacks though.
LSH-fan crowd, keep calm and carry on…
Sue the Fury,
Sue, do you have any idea when Bowen, Flynn and Japeth characters are filming? This should give us a clue as to when the Riverlands story will be shot.
Don’t know if this is still accurate but on the casting breakdowns, the filming info was:
Bower– 1 episode –
1 day of filming, the week commencing 17th August
Flynn– 2 episodes
2 days filming, 25th August, 18th November
Japeth- 2 episodes
2 days filming, 25th Aug, 18th Nov
Lachlan (the leader) -2 episodes
2 days filming over 2 weeks – currently the weeks commencing 24th August & 16th November
I suppose they could fiddle with the dates here and there, as needed.
Sue the Fury,
Thank you!
Hopefully some Riverlands sightings next month then.
My heroine. The off-season is so hard, especially now. I’m still not over hair-watch, yet. (hangs head) It’s still summer, still time for fun. Imagine how grumpy these guys are going to get during December and January when it’s cold and dark out and nobody is seeing anything. Report what you will.
Should be more than just Riverlands come mid-August. If I’m not mistaken, Rupert Vansittart is already done, or did he have a later date as well? I remember him having a July shooting date. I’m expecting some major progression on setbuilding in Spain as well, come mid-August. Can we compile like a calendar based on what we know? I know it may be strenuous to do, but something like:
– July 27th: Daenerys filming at Magilligan and unknown character filming at Binevenagh Forest
– July 31st: Sansa filming at Winterfell
– August 1st: Character x and character y are filming at County Antrim (i.e.)
– August 2nd: …
– August 3rd: …
– etc..
– August 25th: Based on casting call: Bower, Flynn, Japeth, Lachlan are filming.
Also, Bower only has one date, where the others have two? First death of S6 confirmed? xD
July and December.
That would be epic indeed, no matter what shape or purpose the appearance has. It would just be lovely to see her onscreen again. Fantastic actress.
I’m very interested to see where Sansa and Theon’s story goes this season, although I hope they don’t end up back with Littlefinger.
On a side note, does anyone know where they film the Iron Islands scenes?
Thank God there’s still no LS. This is GoT, not Pet Semetary. D&D were smart to not keep bringing characters back from the dead, especially if they plan to fire that bullet with Jon.
So they saw Sansa, but no Theon, in the set of Winterfell walls, is tt?
Some one with a wolf,
I think it could be a scene later in the season. Maybe even a finale shot or something with Sansa on the walls of WF now as its Lady or something like that. Which would nicely mirror her having to jump off those walls in the previous finale.
I downloaded that app about two weeks ago. I use it at work every time someone makes a mistake. Needless to say, we all die of laughter. It’s good to work in a place where about 80 percent of your coworkers watch the show. It ensures that everyone gets the jokes. 😉
On topic: I’m SO glad Michelle wasn’t anywhere near ‘Winterfell’. I sighed…HARD…when I initially read the post. Smh. She’s not going to be on the show. Let it go, people.
…Now, where’s that “House Ray” guy to come and offer another $400 bet that LS won’t be on the show? 😉 I’d take him up on that bet (since gambling is my ‘vice’), but I agree with him…she won’t be on the show. Pointless to bet against what I believe.
Back on topic: Are they planning on CGI-ing some snow into Winterfell, or are we to take this to mean that a lot of time has passed from the time they jumped off the walls, to her now walking on the walls? Also…glad to know she’s WALKING. After that jump I was thinking she would have broken a leg or two. Glad to know she didn’t. *Spoiler Alert!* 😉 :p
It’s hard to know what scene Sophie could be filming since filming isn’t in sequence. But the fact that Mel stated that she saw herself at Winterfell and the Bolton banners coming down suggests that there’s going to be some back and forth between Winterfell and the Wall. The fact that Sansa was told that Jon is Lord Commander there suggests she will head that way. She will more than likely return at some stage.
Maybe Mel was mistaken and saw a girl with red hair. Mel interprets incorrectly always.
She thinks Stannis, its actually Jon
She thinks it is herself, it is actually Sansa.
So Sansa will be recaptured and brought back to Winterfell?
Good point if it’s the same costume and considering that she’s around winterfell set i think we can safely assume that they picked up where they left off and also soon enough we should hear of Alfie being spotted too.
I don’t think she sees wrong. She has issues with interpretation. She sees Jon but sticks which what she’s convinced herself to be correct. She says she’s seen herself – she wrongly interprets that means Stannis will clear out the Boltons. I’m more inclined to think the vision was correct.
Edit: And Sansa has mostly been hooded when wandering around Winterfell anyway
Thanks Sue The fury for taking the time to respond. 🙂
Ultimately though, there’s no real need to make my post out to be an unreasonable tirade worthy of the Stoneheart-truther asylum, as that really wasn’t the intent. I know full well you run rumoured stories and that this one was labelled as such. I also understand the dictionary definition of ‘rumoured’, but thanks for that.
What I DID have the temerity to do was suggest a singular exception in this case based on the long rumoured appearance of this character, year-in-year-out, becoming beyond tiresome re: alleged sightings of Miss Fairley that turn out to be false.
You really don’t have to mention her by name, simply the appearance of the actress.
I also didn’t at any point ask or suggest you stop running other reported sightings so please do continue running them. Most of them, I adore. It’s fun playing detective and what sites like this should be about.
But the fact I’ve reached the point that I can no longer stand the rumour mill I used to enjoy when it comes to the fictitious hauntings of MF and all those sightings entail (unless based on solid fact or photographic evidence, obviously) is probably testament to how many times it’s happened these past few years.
If a splash of anger found its way into my post, it’s real, and earned, and I frankly saw no attempt to hide it.
Certainly no more than you did with your pointed sarcasm, educating me with the Oxford English Dictionary. 🙂
And also Mel dresses distinctivly, with red in her clothes and her red ruby at her throat.
I want to believe, but if they are going to resurrect Jon Snow (almost certain) then they cannot do the same for LS. They missed their opportunity for that in the season 4 finale and I really think it will take away most of the impact from what happened to Jon if they decided to go ahead with it.
Is it just me or are they being a lot tighter with casting news and filming this year? We’ve had scraps with Kit’s hair length being jumped on as evidence of this!
Yawn. Thanks for the lullaby and for tucking me in.
Wait…we can ask for special exceptions in the message board articles based on our own personal preferences, weariness and needs? Sweet! I always wanted to be that much of a special snowflake!
Okay, where do I start? I’d like no postings whatsoever about Kit Harington’s hair. Or Kit Harington. Or Kit Harington’s skinny jeans. And no postings about Bran. Yep. Done with Bran. No postings about Emilia Clarke either, unless it’s about her bad wigs.
Seriously though. Sorry you’re burnt out on LSH stuff. It’s unfortunate when something like that ruins your enjoyment of the show. However, this site is run responsibly, but they also want to get the information out quickly. So they posted, indicated it was just rumored and then updated as soon as it was debunked. That’s no small amount of work on the part of the moderators. Good on them.
In other news, no spotting of Lena Headey, Natalie Dormer or Finn Jones? There are trials to be had! Trials by combat. That requires large sets and plenty of extras.
Can you quit insulting people randomly?
Thanks in advance for your future civility.
London to Northern Ireland isn’t exactly like London to Hong Kong or London to Sydney, though. So, while it’s not an easy trip, it’s certainly do-able in a day – it’s an 80 to 90 minute flight from London to Belfast and then less than 30 minutes to Moneyglass.
While your source is probably correct, being in London doesn’t rule out a visit to Northern Ireland.
Good to see Sansa around Winterfell
Okay, enough of the snarky bullsh*t directed at my posts thanks. I voiced an opinion that was not especially popular; c’est la vie.
On this one subject/actress/character, I do happen to think enough crap, trolling and red herrings have gone down for the last three years to warrant tighter measures and avoiding getting hopes up where possible, unless there’s more substantiated info to report.
Others don’t. That’s fine.
I feel you. Enough with the LS teases.
As to the snark, haters gotta hate. Don’t let it keep you from posting.
I just downloaded the shame app as soon as I read your comment. Wow that’s funny! XD
I can suspend belief for Whitewalkers, Shadowbabies, and Dragons, but I see no way that Sansa and Theon could survive that jump unscathed.
Snow bank or no snow bank.
Where is Sean Bean these days? I would love it if he was seen driving around NI waving at people.
If wishes were dreams…….
I figure we’re going to be hard-pressed to either suspend our rational thought entirely, or Alfie’s script read something like this:
Season 6, Episode 1, ‘Theon’:
Theon (falling): “Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!”
*Sansa lands on Theon, killing him*
David & Dan: “Thanks for coming out!”
Alfie: “Well f*ck.”
How long did Tyrion’s path to Trial By Combat take? Wasn’t that a good part of a season before Viper vs Mountain? It’d only be for Cersei.
Tyrells won’t face that same fate. HS wins because he disgraces, or discredits, House Tyrell, which will please Olenna no end. I tip Loras to go to The Wall. Margaery will leave KL, marriage dissolved (possibly).
Considering what would be involved with LSH, why would it require Michelle? (You’d need to read the books to discover what state LSH is in.) Who really see LSH happening in the way so many desire? It’s a stupid task to expect anyone to jump on a plane out of London, to catch one back (after shooting whatever scenes) and be ready to perform on stage like nothing’s happened. Michelle as LSH is OUT.
The role will go to someone else. I’d suggest Sansa has more justification for personal vengeance now. Maybe Brienne becomes the ‘sword’ that Sansa wields?
Ian McShane cast in Season 6: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/01/game-thrones-ian-mcshane
“relatively small but crucial role”
In other news IAN MCSHANE IS IN SEASON SIX! ooh arr?
I love Ian, but I WANT MADS!!!! Damn It!
Ian’s about 70 or so, that’s too old for Euron, right? Right?
Holy fuck. Ian McShane.
If Ian McShane’s part is “relatively small but crucial” then I doubt he’s Euron. The leaked casting call suggested that Euron is a “very good part” in Season 6, which I take to mean multiple episodes. Plus, McShane is too old at 72.
Maybe he’s Howland Reed?
Archmaester Marwyn is my beter
haha, that seems too old for Westeros, unless you’re a Maester or the Queen of Thorns.
I wouldn’t say that. Patrick Malahide is 70, Ian McShane is 72, they could play brothers. We will find out soon! The train is rolling again!
He would be perfect for the role imo.
Lovejoy plaing a Greyjoy?!
Ian McShane is an interesting one! Initially though Euron but surely he’d be too old? He looks younger than 72 but not in the 40-50 bracket they aimed for for the character. He’s older than Patrick Malahide who plays Balon! Unless they’re aging the character up which I can’t say I’d be a massive fan of.
Could potentially be an Iron Islander, maybe Damphair, maybe Rodrik Harlaw? Or he has a certain Braavosi look about him?
Well, what do people desire? LSH is in all of 2 pages in the books! I suspect that most of what people “desire” is filling in of blanks not in the books: and that always gets dangers because 100 different fans will have 75 different ideas between the lot of them: and the majority will consider 70+ of those ideas to be awful.
At any rate, I have no idea what GRRM is going to do with LSH in the books, but it probably is going to be more plot than story: and that sort of stuff rarely makes it onto screen in adaptations of any work. (Of course, not knowing the story of Winter makes it really tough to guess what the plot mechanations will be, doesn’t it!)
That actually is a good point. In this sort of story, it actually is important that what the characters do have a personal motivation. Sansa had that before: but now she has it amplified. I confess that I had not thought of it from that perspective before.
Good catch.
There is such a high chance that he is playing some tertiary character who has not yet appeared in the books that it’s almost pointless to guess who he’s playing. For example, he could be playing some important Volantene that Daeny encounters on her way back to Westeros, or something like that. After all, we do know that Winter will involve a lot of Daeny’s journey back to Westeros (or at least GRRM stated that at one point), and there has to be some stuff of this general sort. So, there should be a few such characters that we encounter for the first time in Winter, after all.
Most likely. He’s a good actor so I’m sure he’ll nail whatever he does do. I think 20 years ago he could have been a very good Euron!
And yet they did in the book,well Theon and Jeyne that is . Also thank God for no Mads Mikkelsen,maybe in the minority but not a big fan,also some of you people were acting like he was already cast in the role,reminds me of the days when people were claiming Oded Fehr was certainly going to be Oberyn and then threw their panties in a bunch when he wasn’t .
Ah, but they should have died in the book, too! Even if the snow bank cushioned their fall, then the snow freezing onto their faces would have formed ice masks that would have suffocated them.
Still, one thing that most great “prison escapes” have in common is that people did things that were incredibly risky. After all, the first thing that guards do when prisoners escape is check the “obvious” safer routes. And, of course, frequently they found the bodies of people who attempted the proverbial or real “jumps” and didn’t live.
So, I am torn. Part of me thinks that they should have fled through the crypts. However, another part of me realizes that places like the crypts are the first place that the Boltons would look (assuming that they might simply be hiding rather than escaped), and thus they would have been able to pick up a trail.
So, look at it as a posterior plot armor: the story wouldn’t be being told if they met a simple end!
Ian McShane would make a fantastic Aerys.
Fans are the worst at casting. If fans did the casting, Heath Ledger would never have been the Joker, and Pedro would never have been The Red Viper.
Ian McShane cast! Small screen time but key role. Gerold Hightower?
Man, I remember how ridiculous the proposed casting lists for Lord of the Rings were! In a lot of ways, it’s like sports fans discussing possible trades between their favorite team and other teams: of course the other team will take our bad players for their good ones! Fanbases feel that of course the biggest names will take bit roles…..
Isn’t Euron supposed to be like Ozzy Ozborne from the Black Sabbath days? McShane always seems to play “rough” rather than “crazy” characters. Now, it’s quite possible that McShane could do deranged quite well: but it is not the first type of role with which I would associate him.
I could see him playing a very imperious lord or magistrate very well. (In fact, I think that I have more than once!) His one turn as a pirate that I can remember was more in that vein, too.
You are absolutely right but you’ll find the bunch over here to be rude about that subject. Don’t waste your time.
Lol, how about Khal Jhago?
I dunno. Euron seems a lot more cunning and with it than Ozzy. There’s a method to his madness!
He was a lot more playful as Lovejoy but I think his intimidation would give him license to do the mad stuff without coming off as being silly which I must admit Ramsay sailed a little close to early in his GoT life. Either way. I don’t think it’s going to be relevant and there are better people suited but I think in his younger days he could have nailed it!
There is a chance he could play Wyman Manderly. I know we all expect him to be fat, but they could decide to skip that feature on the show, and just go with old.
Actually, I could see McShane doing a damn good Dothraki if they could make us believe that such old timers would exist among the Dothraki! Of course, they would have to make up a ton of Dothraki curses for him to rattle off at all times…..
I tend to lean towards Tarly. My bet is that this will be a small role with a big impact which would be well-suited to an actor of McShane’s stature, and McShane does at least three types of imperious very well.
Hmm: can we say that based on 2 pages of presence?
He played a crazy guy pretty well in season two of American Horror Story.
I think so. He’s already manipulated most of the Iron Islands, got his brother to be his bitch and is talked about as being so by other characters. Ozzy didn’t think much beyond his next score or gig. Euron seems to have a long term plan.
None of the fat characters (except Sam & Walda) seem to have been played by fat actors so far. Does he need to be fat? It would be more authentic. Part of his character is that they all think he’s dim-witted because of it. Could help with the ‘fat acceptance’ cause; the last socially acceptable excuse for discrimination and hatred.
Sam Bradley is not fat! His onscreen girth is largely costume.
I should caveat that: he’s not fat by normal standards, just as being 1.75m is not tall by normal standards. In the acting world, he’s practically obese and relatively tall…..
I was referring to onstage appearance! But who knows what Euron is doing: we have, what, 3 pages of material (most of which has equally bad “lyrics”) with which to deal?
OR, she’s going to be recaptured by Ramsay on his way back for more rape and torture
If I was in Michele Fairley’s position, and it didn’t violate some contract, I would totally, be trolling people. Showing up a filming locations, wearing super pale make-up outside sets…etc., it would be too much fun!