Gemma Whelan talks to the British Comedy Guide in a new interview released today, with the actress discussing her stand-up work and touching on her role in Game of Thrones.
We last saw her character Yara Greyjoy in season 4, retreating from the Dreadfort after the botched rescue of her brother Theon. In the interview, Whelan acknowledges her return to the show in season 6, mentioning in their chat that she’s soon filming for Game Of Thrones.
There is a lot of tight-lipped secrecy around the show, and some of us pay attention to every detail. The actress says, “Even when I said I’m going to Northern Ireland on Wednesday to you just now, I thought ‘oh god, maybe I shouldn’t say that.’ You really watch your back on everything – ‘don’t say too much’. But at least it’s been leaked that I’m going to be in it, so I can talk freely about that.”