It’s an exciting week in casting news- we have yet another return of a season 3 Game of Thrones character confirmed!
We’ll tuck the character confirmation below a cut just to be careful but personally, I don’t think the return is that much of a shock.
Welcome back….
Edmure! Thanks to Los Siete Reinos for uncovering this latest scoop.
Edmure Tully is returning to Game of Thrones in season 6! Tobias Menzies was seen filming at the Riverrun set.
Catelyn’s little brother was last seen at his ill-fated Red Wedding to Roslin Frey. He’s been a hostage of the Freys since then.
With the return of Edmure and the Blackfish, and a huge, beautiful Riverrun set, season 6 is shaping up to be a very Tully season!
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Is he gonna be naked with a noose around his neck? Floppy fish haha.
That’s as rational as I’m capable of being right now.
Ohhhhh thaaaaaaaank the gooooooddddds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah… Now I only need a returning
Oh Season 6, I love you already.
Not exactly the greatest surprise, but it’s so nice for this idea to be confirmed! 🙂
Why, it’s just a song… He cannot have that bad a voice.
edit: snip nevermind
Also yes Edmureeeeee!
Edmure’s absence was my only concern about Riverrun, so his presence is excellent news. Now I’m curious about the Frey side of the Riverrun scenes. Maybe we’ll see Lame Lothar or Black Walder, or a new Frey? Perhaps Jaime will travel to the Twins first to acquire Edmure from Walder Frey, so he can use Edmure as a bargaining chip for Riverrun?
Now give us the BWB! : )
Great news, I hope his beautiful wife is okay 😛
Question is if we will see Freys.
Whoo! So pretty much everyone is confirmed back between the Tully sightings, the Martell sightings, and the Greyjoy sightings earlier in the year. Only Gendry and the Brotherhood characters are still unaccounted for. Someone better be keeping an intense internet watch on Paul Kaye and Richard Dormer for me.
Season 6 may just be the best one yet.
Looks like LS is now the only one kept from returning.
I wonder when we’ll hear word of Maisie in the Riverlands.
Paul Kaye and no Richard Dormer would be much more interesting, if you get my meaning.
…curse you all for getting the LSH train rolling again. I was so over that. >_<
Great news! S6 is going to be incredible.
Hopefully, a flashback where after his bedding ceremony, he walks back into the Frey chamber and says, “Um…did I miss something?”
I sincerly dont care about Thoros or Beric returning (and I’m one of those glad LSH was cut and wish it will remain so)… but Edmure’s one is amazing news ! He’s one of my favourite minor characters and I cant wait to see what’s in store for him… the Riverrun arc is really intriguing !
We all just need to will her appearance/inclusion into existence.
I hope we got to see Roslin Frey again, she’s the most beautiful girl in all the Seven Kingdoms!
Right now, I’m as excited about season 6 of GOT as I am about THE FORCE AWAKENS. I’m happy with the direction both seem to be going in… now it’s just about execution.
Arya is going to the riverlands to kill some Freys.
Edmure! Awesome news.
This doesn’t point to LSH any more or any less, as far as I can tell. After all, Edmure has nothing to do with LSH, as of yet. Until the Brotherhood actors are announced to come back, nothing at all will point to LSH. Unless, you know, the actress is actually spotted on set.
At a guess, there’re gonna be more executions in Game of Thrones 😛
Seven Hells. It just keeps getting better, better and better.
I would like to see BWB (Thoros most of all), Gendry at some point.
Jesus…Here we go again with the LSH thing. Sigh.
I don’t care for Edmure, but I like tying the loose ends.
I need someone to stalk Joe Dempsie and see what he’s doing at the moment. And the moment after that. And…..
Gendry will return. This season, or in S7. I think it makes more sense to have him in S7.
That new trailer was just downright gorgeous. To think how pessimistic I was when they announced Episode 7 a while back… but I’ll be damned if Disney hasn’t made me a believer. :O
What a click bait title. When I see a title like that I’m expecting a big name to be returning. When I saw the title I thought you were going to confirm Cheese boy’s return, but no. Instead we get Edmure. Tobias Menzies hasn’t been in anything since GoT, so he was probably begging to come back.
Very disappointed.
Mine too. People usually give him crap because he attacked the Mountain, but Robb didn’t tell him anything about his plan, dammit. He can’t expect Edmure not to attack the Lannisters when they’re only a stone throw away from his castle.
Tobias Menzies is such an incredibly underrated actor, I was completely blown away by his performance in Outlander.
There’s not much to his character, but he and the Blackfish had a nice chemistry together. The arrow shooting scene that introduced them is still one of the show’s most amusing. We’ll see if he has more to do than play comic relief this time.
Poor, dear, hapless Edmure. What a situation. The absolute prettiest of the Frey girls as wife, yet she’s a Frey, and he’s been a prisoner. Glad to see him back, tho.
There’s no hype in you Morgoth!!! lol
I think that siege of Riverrun was looking like a no-go and here it is. So was the Queensmoot. And here it is. It’s not unreasonable people would start thinking again LS might actually happen. It’s quite possible.
Except for that role of his in Outlander on Starz, you mean? The one in which he played a double role? Yeah. He must have been super bored.
? 😀
Could it be that Season 6 will be closer to the books than Season 5 🙂 ?
Now give us Victarion!
The Tattered Prince,
Robb was one of the biggest boneheads in the series, and Edmure should’ve been the one criticizing him to be perfectly honest. No blunder of Edmure’s can match the blunders of sending Theon back to his father, breaking his marriage vows, and executing the commander of a large chunk of his army (and those are just the “big” ones).
What? Did they cancel it?! I thought some version of it was confirmed.
I need to read this site more often.
Robb Snow,
I’m of the opinion that introducing LSH any later than season 4 would be a really bad idea. As much as I would’ve liked to see her back then, introducing her now wouldn’t work, and I hope it doesn’t happen. That ship has sailed.
Think you need to check your facts about where tobias menzies has been since he was last in GOT!…have a quick look on IMDB….that’ll sort you out…lol
It is Kingsmoot, not Queensmoot.
Robb Snow,
It’s curious to see you of all people criticising him.
Considering that Star Wars is and will be always my first love and I’ve watched the new trailer for The Force Awakens maybe fifty times since it debuted last night, I’d say I’m slightly more excited for that movie than I am for anything else. 😉 But that Season 6 is even in the conversation is a testament to how much great news we’ve been getting about Game of Thrones lately. The new installments of both franchises look like they’re shaping up to be fantastic.
And The Force Awakens is now less than two months away. Game of Thrones won’t premiere for another six months. That’s plenty of time to let the hype build and build. 🙂
That being said, if some magical being offered me the choice between being able to watch Episode VII tomorrow or see all ten episodes of Game of Thrones Season 6 instead (or even just read the scripts) … I think I would choose the latter. At this point, I have a strong idea of what the story of The Force Awakens will be, and the long wait is almost over. With Season 6, there’s still so much we don’t know, and it’s much further away. The annual dark stretch between when filming ends and we starting seeing trailers and other promotional material is going to be rougher than ever this year.
I love GoT, but Star Wars is just on a whole different planet (pun intended). That’s part of the world’s cultural DNA. And it’s clearly become a generational thing, passed down from one to the next, and we’re here to witness it happening. Just don’t screw it up, Abrams!
Good. I was angry we missed Siege of Riverrun for so long.
Did someone spotted Olly anywhere? I wanna know what that little git is gonna do in season 6! 😉
The Tattered Prince,
Oh, now I get it.
I am so happy for the return of one my favourite minor characters! I’m with you @RobbSnow with regards to Edmure.
It makes me wonder Roslin is not pregnant in the show, is she? I recall that in the morning after the Red Wedding that Walder Frey gloated over the fact that Edmure had spent his wedding night in the dungeon? I’m confused?
Another nice addition to season 6 would be to have Genna or Daven Lannister included. (Though this may be asking too much?)
Yay, Tobias! Edmure & Blackfish meet Brienne & Jaime? 😀 😀
At this point I just wish D&D or GRRM would just come out and say LSH is a no go, like Strong Belwas. Really.
Lol, I was bring sarcastic. I’m delighted Edmure/Tobias is back. It might have been expected given the Blackfish’s return, but it’s good to have some confirmation.
This season seems like there’s so much going on, which is a good thing really. There’ll be less KL of course, and I expect a lot of stories will interact/join (e.g. more than we already know about), but there will be less filler (although I rarely consider many scenes to be filler anyway).
Seriously can’t wait. It sounds epic.
Im glad to hear hes coming back. This irrelevant but theres a photo going around with margery cersei and daenerys. I thought it was an old behind the scenes, but lenas hair is cut.
The Tattered Prince,
It’s just a name. 😛
Don’t get me wrong though: I don’t hate Robb and I certainly don’t think he deserved what happened to him by any stretch. But the true root of his demise was not treachery by Walder Frey or Roose Bolton… it was his own stubborn pride and rash decision-making. He got a lot of sage counsel from his mother, Roose Bolton (who even admitted he wouldn’t have changed sides had Robb been less arrogant), and even Talisa on a few occasions… but he ignored them all and just basically did whatever he felt was right without considering all of the consequences.
And sadly, he paid the price for it… along with his mother, wife, and many of the people who followed him.
Yeah, it’s a photoshoot for Season 6 they’re filming at the Alcazaba of Almería.
My god, if we see him as an hostage, especially beaten up, in the hand of the Freys, I’d be happy!
Al Swearengen,
I agree! He has been incredible as Black Jack Randall. Black Jack makes Joffrey look like a sweetheart.
Robb Snow,
Then again, that’s what the entire Stark storyline has been about: the fatal idealism of its leaders (Ned, Robb) replaced by the cold pragmatism of its younger members (Sansa, Arya, Jon, and Bran).
I don’t care much about individual Tullys, but good to see loose ends tied up. Now if only there was some news of Gendry…….
Star Wars will always be my first and truest love too! 🙂 And if I were offered the chance of watching it tomorrow vs. all the rest of GoT till the last episode tomorrow, I would have to choose the former! Not even any kind of comparison! Lol!
yeeees! the Floppy Fish! I’m loving all the news about the Tullys 😀
Like gendry still rowing lol
I’m actually pretty hopefully for his return. Especially with a certain someone returning to the Riverlands. But you’re right that it makes more sense for season 7.
It seems the Riverlands is the hopeful land of shippers in Season 6.
October 20, 2015 at 5:40 pm
Season 6 may just be the best one yet.
Looks like LS is now the only one kept from returning.
Pun intended? 🙂
Luka Nieto,
Ohh ok thanks.
Hmmm. I wonder if this means we will finally get Lady Stoneheart. And I haven’t had a chance to read it yet but I just got “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” – since this season seems to be a lot of flashbacks I wonder if any of the stories in that book will be in this season?
I seeeeeeriously doubt they would be. But you’re in for a treat. I’ve read the first two. My favorite thing about the Dunk & Egg stories is how GRRM was able to make them feel like they belonged in the ASOIAF universe, but gave them a more feel-good vibe ala traditional fantasy tales.
Sam/Citadel/Oldtown/Euron/Kingsmoot/The Reach/Jaime/Riverlands/Riverrun siege/Blackfish/Edmure/Brienne
Add Doran/”Fire & Blood” and that STONEHEART news that I personally believe is imminent 🙂
Wow, seriously. I gave up hope for these FEAST story threads last season. But we should have listened and believed Benioff and Weiss last season. They smartly “delayed” these threads until they could be perfectly pared with their “Winds” payoffs.
Kudos to them.
Definitely awesome news….but I’m not going to get too excited…knowing D&D…this whole thing could be an elaborate setup to have Brienne break down the walls of Riverrun or something.
He’s actually a lead in Outlander so I doubt that.
Well, all she needs is 20 good men. 😉
Poor Edmure. I see him on the gallows if they don’t surrender the castle.
He’s now the Captain of his own ship, he has great upper body strength.
Not the LSH train!
Is Walder Frey confirmed yet? I read somewhere he was but it seemed sketch.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet or not but per Keisha Castle-Hughes’ instagram page she is in Almeria right now! This isn’t a surprise or a spoiler for us as we saw, courtesy of WotW, a bunch of dorne characters the other day enjoying a meal together. I thought it was note worthy though.
I like this angle a lot. Would love to see Walder, Jaime and Bronn in a scene together
I will never understand why those who obviously dislike D&D so much would bother continue to watch, much less come to a site which is a fan site for the show just to whine. There are certainly not above criticism, but the hyperbolic bullshit is, well…hyperbolic bullshit.
(And yes, Jeb, I know your post was a joke. The Cheese-boy comment made that pretty clear…hahaha).
Sorry for the li’l rant. Moving on…
I wonder if I’ll want to smack Edmure as much this season as I did in season 3.
I’m in cahoots with you. It is a great time to be a fan of either series at the moment and we have the joy of being a part both of them.
House Ray,
I think the actor himself said that he was returning but there are no sightings I think. His all scenes should be in studio however, not here since I doubt Walder Frey would be traveling anywhere.
The only retuning character I am waiting for now is Thoros. And maybe some other old brotherhood characters. There was a namedrop for Thoros last season and some new members of brotherhood seem to be retuning so I think Thoros could be quite likely to come back but maybe for only one scene or two so maybe they will shoot them later.
Aye, and I’ve seen you say as much both here and on MakingStarWars for many months! And I think I’ve seen you on TVByTheNumbers as well.
In fact I sometimes wonder if you’re everywhere I am when it comes to the net. 😛
Great to hear confirmation
He may not have the red hair but Tobias transfer of Romes clutzy Brutus to Edmure Tully was a perfect translation of book Edmure
Will be great to see these actors/characters interacting with (presumably) NCW/Jaimie and Bronn etc
Always fascinating when one set of seemingly isolated characters meet up with another group, eg team Dragonstone and Night’s Watch last season
There he is! I just wrapped up watching Rome not too long ago, he was good in that. HBO does that a lot with reusing actors huh
Weekly reminder to always be on #GendryWatch. Never. Be. Game. Over.
EDIT: Just realized, Gayle and mau have already covered #GendryWatch discussion for the week. Good work, you two. Good work. 😛
it’s a sad day we have to celebrate D&D not fucking up
imagine ending the show and never even mentioning the tullies again… because the other characters of the show haven’t since the red wedding… that’s not farfetched at all given how the showrunners are unable to commit to the most basics sometimes
fine I’m done ranting now
I really would like to see Thoros again. With or without
in the show, he is a fascinating character. One of my favorite minor characters, actually.
It’s funny how purists criticize the showrunners… even when they do EXACTLY what the purists want. That’s class. Maybe try saying “well done guys” and move on to the next thing to get needlessly pissed about.
Poor Edmure. This will be the first time we see his reaction to the massacre. Bfish, too. I hope Bronn sings him a song to lift his spirits.
awww yissss. i love edmure and i’m so happy to see him back.
JP Dayne,
The show isn’t the book. You never know if actor would find time to return. You never know if they want to return.
No one, except the book purists, thought they will forget them. Or Iron Islands. Or Rickon. Or Bran. Or….
I really would like to see Thoros again. With or without
in the show, he is a fascinating character. One of my favorite minor characters, actually.
Robb did make some mistakes along the way there is no denying that, but he was a great military strategist. Robb was in charge as the main commander of the army, and he ordered Edmure not to attack or engage the Lannister’s.
Edmure disobeyed direct orders from his military commander. Robb as the commander is under no obligation to discuss his plans and military strategy with those under his command. In the army you follow orders, you don’t question or disobey your commanding officer. Jonos Slynt’s head was chopped off for disobeying direct orders. This is somewhat of similar situation.
Ehh. Edmure’s OK, but who I hoped I it would be is Kovarro. I miss that representative of the ‘faithful’ Dothraki.
Great news! Edmure is one of my favorite minor characters from season 3, probably because of Tobias Menzies’s performance (I didn’t really care about book Edmure).
It seems that everyone now expects the return of LS, but she is definitely the character that I will not miss.
It also makes sense to delay the siege of Riverrun. Season 5 was already crammed with storylines and I would rather see full scene, that happens later than a rushed one that happens at “right” time. But of course, book purists will always complain.
Yes! Now all I need is Gendry and I’m a satisfied girl!
Not sure if I’m just paranoid, but with all these exciting inclusions, which are only what I wished for, I just wonder how they are going to manage to fit it all in ten 1 hour episodes.
If I’m not forgetting anything, these are the different plotlines that we will be following for season 6:
North + Jon (probably should have a lot of time spent on this due to set up and importance)
Dany + Tyrion (relatively decent amount because of the characters involved)
Arya (same as last season I would assume)
Kings Landing/Jaime/Riverrun/Brienne/Sansa+Theon (not sure about how they will interact but I’m assuming Kings Landing would not be featured as much as it used to and Riverrun would be mainly toward the end)
Sam (???)
Dorne (??? but i feel like not much time would be spent on this storyline)
Bran (??? but if hes having all these awesome visions I hope the suitable amount of time would be spent on them to give the best story)
Greyjoys (??????????)
Would someone like to reassure me that I’m just paranoid and season 6 will not be too rushed and be awesome as predicted?
Pointy End,
Sure. The key point here is your assumption that Jon will have a lot of time devoted to him. Unlike Dany, Jon already has an army. All he really needs is a. to get resurrected and b. to show up in E9 for the battle – maybe with some small scenes showing his no-longer-humanity. Any flashbacks relating to him could equally be classified as a part of Bran’s story.
Huh? What army? Do you mean the wildlings?
Wheeee! SO ready for S06
sooo, if Arya goes to the Riverlands, then maybe she will bump into her uncles????
You can see his floppy fish on Outlander 😀
me to so very much! How about some Joe Dempsie too?
Luka Nieto,
Yeah, the wildings (plus whatever Watch converts remain after the wildings slaughter them for their new undead king). I’m assuming that Sansa will be gathering the Northern Lords, and Jon will just drop in for the final battle. (And hopefully won’t stay afterwards long enough to chat, either: this would put Sansa/Rickon squarely on the “concerned with human matters” and Jon on the “not really, no” sides, which is how I like them!)
And Rome. 😀
He didn’t order him to not attack Lannisters. He only told him to keep Riverrun. Then was suprised that Edmure didn’t guess that he shouldn’t fight Lannisters who were attacking his land.
Edmure didn’t disobey any orders. His only sin was that he wasn’t a mind reader.
I know I’m late, but hell yeah! Was waiting for this confirmation.
It’s Dany who has an army. Most of the wildlings who managed to escape with Jon are women and children. And there aren’t even many of them. So unless more wildling men magically appear south of the Wall ready to rally behind Jon for whatever reason (would need to be explained), I can’t see how they can be considered ‘an army’. The Night’s Watch has like 50-100 men and they will obviously stay at The Wall, maybe Edd will go with Jon. There’s a lot of ground to cover in Jon’s arc before we see him in the big battle.
Interesting news: Diana Rigg is in Almeria, where (as far as we know) they’re only shooting Dorne and Meereen at the moment…
According to this article:
– Both her and Conleth Hill are AT the Alcazaba
– Which will be used for Dorne
– Shooting in Spain will end on Friday
EDIT: It might be for similar reasons as Headey and Dormer, for the photoshoot, though.
Tywin of the Hill,
I was gonna say, I don’t think to much from Winds will be given away. With the addition of the Iron Islanders and Riverrun it feels like they are adding all the stuff they didn’t hit on in AFFC and ADWD. We will still get quite a bit from Winds. Hope the book comes out before then!
IF LSH comes back now it will totally diminish Jon Snow’s possible return. Wouldn’t be good for the show.
Mel is a one man army.
Awesome news! THIS is why I’m spending every morning on this site…it’s the best. Now, I can just hear Gendry singing, “row, row, row your boat….”….lol
Maybe Highgarden?
I would expect Jon/Kit Harrington to feature more than Dany this season. We know episode 9 will revolve heavily with him and that Dany will be a prisoner for the first 3-4 episodes. We also know that Dany returns to Mereen towards the end of the season so I expect her story arc to be brief and of escape and possibly in the end her setting sail for Westeros.
Jon on the other hand needs to survive/be resurrected, have the tower of joy explained (rumoured episode 5), unite the North and do battle with the Boltons/possibly white walkers in episode 9.
That’s a Bran vision, and there’s nothing that would suggest Jon is in any way involved, or that he learns about any of it this season. In fact, Bran’s actor, as well as Max von Sydow (the three-eyed raven), were on the ToJ scene (as sort of ghostly witnesses during the vision), but not Kit Harington.
Tower of Joy will have nothing to do with Jon. That is for Bran. yes the storyline potentially involves Jon but not really required to push his storyline forward.
It’s fantastic that the north and the Riverlands are going to feature so heavily this season – I know some had their doubts!
Delayed continuation like this (characters popping up again after 2/3 seasons) is one reason that will make GoT such a satisfying “single watch” (not literally!) experience once it is finished. I can’t wait to watch the whole thing with my son when he “comes of age”
Edited to say: It is also great to have Edmure back just because he is one of the few genuinely “nice” characters in the series. Useless yes, but nice all the same.
Here let me change what you said abt dany ..
Dany on the other hand needs to survive/free from the capture..have the prophecy about stallion explained with the hut burning scene…unite the dothraki and do battle with yunkai and possibly set sail to westeros ..
I do hope that LSH comes back for the same reason why you mention it mainly because it will drive the point that …jon’s resurrection is nothing unique or special. ..and many characters came back the same way in the story ..
Robb Snow,
If you mean killing Karstark, I don’t consider that a rash decision (though the show might have made it look that way). If the Lannisters had found out that Kevan’s sons were killed and that his murderer wasn’t punished (and they would have find out, sooner or later), they might have responded by killing Sansa or another Northerner captive. And then Robb would have had to deal with the killed Northerner’s family.
It was a no-win situation, basically.
Edmure was ordered to stay put and hold Riverrun, instead he decided to attack Lannister force nearby -> he disobeyed orders. It doesn’t get much clearer than that.
I don’t know why Robb didn’t share his plan with Edmure, maybe he was afraid of possible Lannister spies in Riverrun and decided to share the information with only few selected ones. Could be that Robb just didn’t trust Edmure, the fact that he was ordered just to stay put and hold shows that he didn’t trust Edmure with more complex missions.
GOT offseason is killing it!!! It’s like watching your favorite sports team go out and sign the best free agents and give contract extensions to your star players. I’m loving the direction we’really headed, including more book material we thought might be left out, and tying up loose ends. On a side note
That’s why I’m leaning towards LSH being included. If they knew she was cut, they would say it publically like they did with other characters. Of course it’s not a sure thing by any means, but look at the hints. In season 4 ep 1 (right after RW timewise) sansa mentioned that Catelyns body had been thrown in the river. If they knew back then that they wouldn’t include her, they would have left no doubt, like maybe saying she was burned or got a treatment ala robb. D&D specifying that cat was thrown in the river is a clear evidence, that (at least at that time) they left a spot open for LSH. So by season 4, they still hadn’t discarded the character, and that’s only one season ago. Furhermore there was a lot of talk about catelyn in that season, in both sansa, Jamie and Briennes storylines, as supposed to Robb who also died but was only mentioned ones by Jon in the very first episode. Then season five arrives, both Jamie and Briennes arcs moved away from the Riverlands, so I asumed that was proof that she was now cut. But now they are both confirmed to come back to that place (from Dorne and Winterfell no less!) the showrunners were stalling those two characters story in season 5, and now they’re going out of their way to bring them back. Additionally the news about the Riverlands plot seams to suggest that arc is being played out to the full with outlaws, freys, Riverrun siege, Blackfish and Edmure. The Riverlands plot at this point is very much Jamie and Briennes plot, and LSH is essential to that plot, their oaths to her is what brings them back together. Jamie is also confirmed to film somewhere else in the riverlands. Michelle Fairly was spotted in Belfast with Clive Owen who we know is coming back. There was that unknown special effects thing that they were gonna do in S4, pushed to S5 and that we’re now just getting in s6. They could very well have been waiting for Jon to be returned for that to have more impact. After all, Jon is a bigger, more important character. We have hints that he’s coming back in the middle og the season, and Riverlands plot is confirmed to be in the end. I know it’s been talked over and over many believe that ship to be sailed. But there is definately hints that she’ll be introduced by the end of this coming season.
Et tu, Edmure?
Martin had a interview some time ago where he said she’s cut.
He was asked wich characters he was sad to not see in the show.
He said: Willas, Belwas, Garlan, LSH, and coldhands I belive(not sure)
I doubt he would just say things like that without confirmation.
It’s getting better and better.
Family, Duty, Hype.
yaaaaaaay! I am so glad to see that this huge subset of the story isn’t going to be ignored; that leaves a lot of hope for all of the untied ends dangling out there, like Gendry. If they aren’t ignoring huge chunks of the story we are more likely to see a lot of loose ends wrapped up.
While I don’t care much for the inclusion of Belwas, Coldhands, and (at this point) LSH, it is a shama about Willas and Garlan. While I underdstannd the choice based on production reasons (similar to how there’s no Arianne, Quentyn and Victarion), looking back at (especially) seasons 3 and season 4, there was more than enough room and reason to include them as minor characters then.
I’m shipping for euron and aeron! (J/k, creaking hinges reference)
And I have my fingers crossed that Mel has to die to make something happen. She has yet to face the consequences of her actions and manipulations. Davos ain’t having that and she doesn’t have Stannis and the dragonstone garrison to protect her this time
With the reintegration of House Frey, House Tully, House Greyjoy, Yunkai, Bran&Co and Osha&Rickon into the story next season, at this point Gendry and the BWB are only loose ends left. Which is very impressive.
JP Dayne,
Really? Is this actually an opinion that some fans have? That D and D are not being faithfull to the books, that they are making up their own story? I dont get it. It’s the most faithfull adaptation ever made in the history of film and tv, telling a long saga with such precission. Young Griff appears to be the only storyline they’re not adapting. And do you really blame them? I don’t think many showrunners would have included Dorne, Kingsmoot, the siege of Riverrun and most surprisingly The Mereneese Knot, that they are actually taking three whole seasons to tell. Opinion is opinion and your entitled to yours. But facts are facts, and claiming that the showrunners are not being faithfull in telling this story is just plain wrong. To me it’s clear how much they love it, and as mentioned, I think they are going out of their way to please fellow booklovers.
Dutch Maester,
Garlan I don’t really care about. But agree on Willas, I always hoped he would be a interesting character, of course we never saw him, and I can be totally wrong.
I’m sure tough they took the choice they tought was best, after all they know what will happen and just how important a character is, while we have only speculation.
I think if more wildling men do appear south of the Wall, it would be fair to assume that they are men that Stannis’ men captured and the Night’s Watch were holding prisoner. When Jon asks Stannis when he is planning on leaving, Jon says that they cannot continue feeding Stannis’ men and the wildlings indefinitely. If the only wildling prisoners were Tormund and the half a dozen or so wildlings at Mance’s execution, I don’t see the problem in feeding them considering they just lost fifty brothers.
Queen of the Keys,
Screw the Tully, and the riverlands.
What is Hype may never die!
Really? Is this actually an opinion that some fans have? That D and D are not being faithfull to the books, that they are making up their own story? I dont get it. It’s the most faithfull adaptation ever made in the history of film and tv, telling a long saga with such precission. Young Griff appears to be the only storyline they’re not adapting. And do you really blame them? I don’t think many showrunners would have included Dorne, Kingsmoot, the siege of Riverrun and most surprisingly The Mereneese Knot, that they are actually taking three whole seasons to tell. Opinion is opinion and your entitled to yours. But facts are facts, and claiming that the showrunners are not being faithfull in telling this story is just plain wrong. To me it’s clear how much they love it, and as mentioned, I think they are going out of their way to please fellow booklovers.
<a href=""></a>,
yeah I know, it’s a valid point. But that could mean many things, from Martin not knowing to him knowing but not telling.
I really doubt that they wouldn’t tell him, of course they could have told him but after the interview was taken. This is what I belive is true if LSH does end up in the show.
Also Martin lying is something I don’t really belive, not on this subject. If he knew she was in he would simply not mention her and say some other character.
But we will live and see, one thing tough is that this ”hype” will likely never die and there will be speculation this season and most likely the next one.
During/after Season 5 I would’ve understood people’s reasoning that D&D were going to tell their own version of the story, with Jaime in Dorne, Brienne in the North, Varys in Meereen, Sansa in Winterfell, Stannis/Selyse/Shireen deaths, etc. If these people have been following production news for this season, however, they simply can’t stick to that. Basically all of the characters/storylines are going to be roughly in line with the books, and the only subplot excluded is, as you mentioned, Young Griff/Arianne.
As you will have realized by now my S6-hype train is unstoppable at this point.
Dutch Maester,
I put my money on the BwB returning, in some capacity, this season. About Gendry… I think his return will be in Season 7, when Arya will be back in the Riverlands.
Actually, I like your point.
Just hopeful thinking? 🙂
Davos’ Luck,
Agree, while Arya will arrive in the Riverlands this season, I simply don’t think there is much for her to do in 1-2 episodes. That is why I’m going with Gendry coming back only in S7.
Dutch Maester,
And when TWOW comes out, I do belive we will get this book, it’s the last one I have little too no hope for, everything will be clear. And we will understand why they did the changes.
And agree, the hype train is going at full speed! Dothraki, Snowboll, Arya in the Riverlands, Cersei’s trial, the possibility of the hound coming back,…etc.
Just amazing.
Dutch Maester,
Me too. Euron and the Kingsmoot, The Hound probably returning, the Blackfish and the Siege of Riverrun, Brienne and Jaime probably reuniting, the Dothrakis, Jon’s resurrection, Cersei’s trial, the big battle in the North, Tower of Joy, Max von Sydow as the Three Eyed Raven, Ian McShane, Randyll Tarly… Hell, even LSH can happen for all we know! Seems more likely now than last season, anyway. I can’t understand why some people say that D&D don’t love this story. Or why some people say that they don’t respect book readers. Excluding Young Griff, they are bringing everything hardcore book readers wanted!
Davos’ Luck,
Forgot about Euron and Tarly!! Can’t wait too see them.
Now Gimme Gendry back! Gimme gimme gimme!
Davos’ Luck,
I can agree with that. If the BWB (with or without You Know Who) aren’t the ‘instrument’ that will bring Jaime and Brienne back together for an impactful finale, who/what will?
I’m really struggling to find a reason for Gendry to return, however. What purpose would he serve?
Don’t know why some people would expect Mel to die soon.Geting over the fact that she clearly has a part to play in the war to come in the show she told Arya about people she would kill and how the two of them will meet again.Beside that she saw herself on the walls of Winterfell.So if you put your money on Mel dying anytime soon those are lost money.She will stick around for a while.
Ser Gerold Dayne,
Agree, can’t see Mell die this season. Her visions where not wrong, it was her who understood their meaning wrong. So until she meats Arya and walks on the walls of WF she isn’t going too die.
I’d like to see Gendry again, not because I care about him, but because I just don’t want any loose ends. I would be really happy to see Beric and Thoros, though. They are very interesting characters with little screen time.
LSH, not so much. I don’t know, she is in my list of characters I’m glad didn’t make it to the show (along with YG, Quentyn and Arianne). No particular reason. Too many resurrections, maybe?
On the opposite side are Victarion and (yes) Belwas. I think he’s funny, ok? It would be cool to have them on the show.
Dutch Maester,
Oh, that’s a good question. I really don’t know, but I have a feeling that Gendry and Arya will be together again at some point. Of course, I can be wrong about this. Or maybe we’ll only see him in a brief cameo Hot Pie-style.
Dolorous Edd,
Victarion is my guilty pleasure in AFFC, among the few things I liked in that book.
Also in ADWD it got even better when Moqorro joined him.
Belwas no tough, I just can’t like him. He is too big of a stereotype in my opinion.
The only way I could see her dead and yet her visions come true is that she gives her life (kiss of life-ish) to Jon, and he meets Arya again and walks the walls of Winterfell, and Mel’s soul in some way is inside Jon and that’s why she saw it in the first place…
But this is of course just another way, even though I don’t think it’s very likely…
Not that I can even begin to speculate the circumstances under which it’s happening, but if the filming reports are correct (which I believe they are) then both Jaime and Brienne are at Riverrun, meaning their characters are already together. This is already different from the books, since they most decidedly were NOT together at the siege. So it’s definitely possible that the show has bypassed the LSH aspect and has forced them together in the same location by some other “instrument” (Blackfish maybe?)
Yeah…I don’t belive that is a possibility.
I’m one of those people who belive that many times the right answer is the simplest one or even the obvious one.
Yep, not very likely as i just wrote……
Only putting it out there since you stated that; “Her visions where not wrong, it was her who understood their meaning wrong. So until she meats Arya and walks on the walls of WF she isn’t going too die.” as a fact………….
Are you kidding me?? Tullys forever!
And Starks too, for Hype is coming!
Thats why I said ” I can’t see her die”.
But agree should have been clearer thats my opinion. 🙂
Queen of the Keys,
Nver liked the Tullys, not a bit, neither Edmure nor BF. So for me this entire story rests on Jaime who is among my favourite characters.
But agree with you on the Starks, can’t wait to see a reunion and see Rickon again. Hope he and Sansa meat.
Dutch Maester,
Assuming Gendry and Arya both survive the series, I could see Gendry being used as a way to give Arya a “normal” life in the end. Ned once told Arya she’d marry some lord, so it’d be just like Arya to contradict that and marry for love instead. This could be Gendry’s ultimate purpose.
Must be because I’ve always liked Cat, BF is my hero (couldn’t care less about Edmure, honestly, but whatever) and I’ve always loved red hair, this is enough to make me a Tully supporter, somehow //pffffft
I’m waiting for Rickon to come back from the second he left! This season has so many possibilities to be incredible, a Stark reunion would make it even better…
Queen of the Keys,
I like Cat, but I always put her togheter with the Starks and their story rather then with the Tullys. BF I’m preaty ”meh” with him.
Alltough I have to say I liked him quite a bit more in the show, mostly because of the good work his actor did.
So while I go in this story being interesed mostly in Jaime, I do keep an open mind and hope to be pleasently suprized. 🙂
Do you dislike them or just not like them?
EDIT: nevermind! you just answered it above
My speculation is based on the spoiler that we know Jaime’s season won’t END at Riverrun and he’ll be in “some more places”. It’s safe to assume Brienne is there to either pick him up, or to go with him when he decides to leave for some reason.
I don’t ouright hate them, but I never found their story/characters interesting.
I belive ”indifferance” would have been a better word.
(tried to avoid that word, because I’m not sure if I wrote it right. 😛 )
I’m happy show!BF is growing on you! I bet he will be even better, in the future (:
Per WiC:
Don’t trust WiC.
Richard Dormer was spotted near one of the filming locations, but it was maybe a month and a half ago now. A girl tweeted a photo with him and he was even wearing a baseball cap with a lightning bolt on it. Of course, he lives there and it was before filming began, so it might not mean anything.
I mean, the actors have been seen in the city. The question is whether they are there for something else or for Dorne, which is of course possible (Varys and Olenna in Dorne would be a great twist, if it means a Targaryen—Martell—Tyrell alliance), but WiC has no way to know that. Their article basically assumes that’s the case, even though there are other possibilities.
And this is why I said him never to trust them.
Unless Brienne will take Pia’s part..(which is kind of sad for Brienne ) i don’t see how she can be there waiting for Jaime to deal with his siege. Bronn fill Payne’s place.
They film out of order so it’s possible Brienne just arives at the end of Riverrun’s siege (episode 8) and take Jaime to were he is supposed to be at episode 10, they have a gap at episode 9 they can make the travel in that time..
Dutch Maester,
Isn’t Gendry basically the last surviving true Baratheon at this point? Not sure exactly what it would be, but that could drive a purpose for him.
Lord Snow,
Baratheon blood, but not a Baratheon.
First of all, WiC is just speculating why those two characters would be in Dorne – there’s nothing wrong with that. Second of all, I never said I believe that speculation. Lastly, you can’t refute that those actors are where they are, you’re just being biased against a fellow fan site.
Luka Nieto,
Fair point. He would have to be legitimized to gain the name. Perhaps a future Northern King could make that happen…
They are two of the top 3 characters, both will have a lot of screen time in season 6. They both have a lot to do this season. Obviously Tyrion or Peter Dinklage will also always have a lot of screen time.
Jon isn’t just going to be resurrected and pitch up for the battle in the episode 9. There are a lot that needs to happen, just like Dany has a lot of things that needs to happen. The show has been really good about creating parallel events between Jon and Dany. I suspect we will once again see them in similar situations.
Going by filming schedules so far, I suspect that Jon will again have the most screen time this season. I think Kit Harington has by far been doing the most filming, so far. It isn’t just the big battle scene, he is currently in Belfast again.
But ultimately it does not matter we will always see a combination of Tyrion, Jon, Dany and Cercei getting the most screen time they are the lead characters in the show.
Am I the only one who finds it very funny/amuzing, that the guy who is supposed to be ”dead” is filming the most?
Well, when you revive a main character it’s probably not a good idea to sideline him for a whole season… or sideline her for two whole books… *ehem, ehem*
Luka Nieto,
Luka Nieto,
Luka Nieto,
I luaghed..
I’ve finally accepted that Jon is truly dead. But the show must go on and I can’t wait until we get the adventures of Dolorous Edd and Wun Wun for S6. It was totally foreshadowed at Hardhome.
Hodor’s Bastard,
Now add Tormund to that duo and make this the most awesome trio in TV history.
Sing it!
Meets no meats… I mean… meat is food, a piece of beef, pork, chicken. ?
This is for Minhea as well.
The only way I could be any happier is if there’s confirmation of returning BwB characters filming.
Thanks. 🙂
Yeah, I predict that Tormund will hook up with them at some point after he gets back from Mole’s Town, where he needs to “right some wrongs” that occurred during S4. But my sources say that all of Jon’s various scenes being filmed are actually fond flashbacks from Edd and Wun Wun’s point of view, which they share around the campfire at night.
Hodor’s Bastard,
That deserves a spin-off!
A thousand times yes.
Thanks but i was quoting Mihnea, including spelling…..
It isn’t always easy with the spelling when english is your second or even third language ?
Does anyone know how many different locations are being used in the Almeria area, and how many different places those locations represent? I think we know of Dorne and Meereen, for sure, but do we know or suspect any others?
We’re finally getting the last episode for TT’s GoT game! Nov 17th though, still a ways off…
No problem. But now you know another thing 🙂
I’m just considering the possibility that what we’re seeing/hearing about is totally adapted material that cuts into Winds, not AFFC. If they are doing it exactly the way it is in the books, then Brienne/Gwendoline has no real reason to be at the Riverrun set. Tent at night is an interior shot. But it seems we’re being led to understand that she’s there with Jaime AND Edmure and Blackfish, which does not happen in the books. I’m just saying it could be AFFC/ADwD, or it could be something totally adapted or fabricated in the same spirit.
God of tits and wine,
Can’t believe it’s taking them soooo long to release the final episode
God of tits and wine,
Have you played Tales from the Borderlands? All 5EP are out now and they are very good in my opinion.
Bitches, Karma’s a bitch. What goes around comes around and LSH WILL return. There’s no way they will cut this MAJOR chance of revenge, A BIG BOOK CLIFFHANGER and a Red Wedding 2.0 without her. ‘First, we’ll get the girls back, and then we will kill them all’. Not even mentioning the many other references made…Jon Snow is just a distraction…
It’s one of the most memorable parts of the book and yes, I know this is the series. But..including ALL characters from this storyline, all of them being in the right place and not including the most intriguing and tragic part of this storyline would be very very lame storytelling and an insult to all fans. Our hopes were up before, but excluding her now would be outright torture. I won’t stop watching, I love the series like I love the book, but I would be very disappointed.
Right, and that’s very possible/probable. But that wouldn’t take very long to shoot, nor would she necessarily have to be on the very elaborate Riverrun set to accomplish it. I’m just interested to know if she’s an integral part of the actual siege itself, which her presence at the same time as Edmure Tully and Blackfish is making me wonder about.
Et tu, Brute?!
Not sure Jon or Bran could qualify as pragmatic. Arya, sure. And Sansa’s working on it.
I understand what you say, i thought of that too…but it doesn’t make sense…
I may be wrong but Brienne wasn’t mentioned in the scene with the Blackfish, which was shot prior to Monday, and i suppose that Jaime can’t have the Edmure scene with Brienne. It would be like Brienne is a Lannister soldier for real, i don’t believe she would just sit and watch this.
I think she has a very important reason to go to Jaime and to take him somewhere.
Of course there are the spoilers of her in Riverrun set, but i am really confused with the shooting schedule, there are many actors in NI now, and they can’t all be in the same one or even two places….maybe they take turns on shooting because of last week’s delay?
Hopefully she’s not. I just don’t see a reason for her to be there before the siege is over. But whatever D&D do, I’m sure it’ll be fine.
Good, that one.
Technically speaking, the brotherhood is not a loose end for the show. I don’t know about the books, but based on their presence in the show we don’t really expect anything of them – unlike Gendry and his boat. On the other hand, I’d love to see them return.
Why so many of you think that the Hound will be returning? Don’t get me wrong, I liked him a lot, but why would he still be alive?
Because McCann is reported to be back this year, by this website.
Book info.
Alltough this is speculation as we don’t have confirmation in the books either.
Sean C.,
I missed that one…
Well, I will be the first to congratulate you, ser Edd, on being the lead in the far northern storyline for S6. Although, I must warn you, your character could get the ax prematurely once Tormund finds out that you and Wun Wun have been with his woman.
You’re forgetting that Wildling women are warriors as well.
Unless D&D change places with the writers/producers of “The Young and the Restless,” I just can’t see the reason for a Gendry return being to tame (or, to paraphrase your words, “normalize”) Arya, followed by a wedding under the weirwoods in Season 8. To me, that would eviscerate five seasons of Arya’s plot line/character arc.
Speaking of the Riverlands, has anyone caught wind of a Pod(rick)cast lately?
that is a beautiful & even possible scenario. i mean some of the characters must survive so that we can see how people live in the realm, after the main ending battle, in ASoS. why not arya & gendry ending up together? i love the idea!
Podrick is most likely held hostage.
That’s what I’ve been hearing. No I haven’t, but it’s going on the to do list. I do like the originals
God of tits and wine,
They are very good, you should give them a try, the action is quite better then the avarage TTG, and of course the typical Borderlands humour, wich is very well done!!
It combines drama and comedy very well in my opinion. 🙂
Disney isn’t making Episode 7. Lucasfilm is. Disney is just the executive producer… the money bags. They are not the creatives.
Disney owns Lucasfilm, so….
You forgot “eleventy.”
Unless the Arya eyes that Mel looks into when they meet again are Nymeria’s, just before she gets her throat torn out. Could conceivably happen before Arya herself sets foot back on Westeros.
I want a whole spinoff series based on their post-ASoIaF/GoT wanderings/bickerings together!
Why is it that, for every “complaining book purist” post, there are ten posts complaining about book purists? Just once I’d like to read through a whole thread without seeing that phrase (or some euphemism for it) used once.
I have a friend whose been an extra on the Riverrrun set in NI the past week and he has said Jamie, Braun and Brienne are all there at the siege of Riverun. Along with Edmure confirmed here it has to mean LSH is making an appearance in episode 9 or 10 in season 6!
I’m fucking elated!!! I’m so glad the Riverrun story is happening this season. I’m thinking S6 is going to be the best yet with all these Tullys and Northerners!
Nice! Welcome back! Are we getting anything with David Bradley? I don’t think that the third season of “The Strain” has started filming yet so he should have time for “Game Of Thrones”…
He’s confirmed already, has been for months.
Dude, he was in his shift (i.e. a nightshirt type thing) in the book! How has that translated to ‘naked’? You perv 😛
And also because it is so heavily implied the Hound still lives in the books, it’s like being hit around the head with a clue-by-four. 😀