Editor’s note: As promised last week, here is the second part in a multi-site project undertaken by BryndenBFish. Enjoy, and welcome our guest writer to the Wall! – Sue the Fury
Hello, again Watchers on the Wall! Thank you all so much for your responses for part 1 of ASOIAF Theory Poll! As of this writing, you all have provided 2,941 responses. Thank you! If you didn’t get a chance to vote for part 1, the poll is still open!
As stated previously, this year, I am doing a 5-site cross survey of the A Song of Ice and Fire fandom surveying the following fandoms:
- ASOIAF Subreddit
- Westeros.org
- Tower of the Hand
- The fine folks from WoTW!
My intent in polling these various fandoms is to find congruence and disparity among the many A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones fandoms. The data will then be analyzed to look at trends, variance and congruence on the various fan-theories on A Song of Ice and Fire.