Nearly five months ago, we asked a simple enough question: what if Game of Thrones’s fifth season sucks? It seems only natural, now that season five has come and gone, to attempt to answer that question – and it seems only right to once again invite along the kindly folks from Tower of the Hand, who helped us kick off the great debate (and bar room brawl) that originally ensued.
It turns out, however, that wrestling with inquiries of quality, controversy, and definitiveness is so huge and so overwhelming, we needed to ask along a few extra voices to help us sort through everything and discern what’s what. That’s where the uber-nerds of Wars and Politics of Ice and Fire come in.
Yes, that’s right – we’re now a three-site inter-roundtable. It’s an epic discussion for the ages.

Except that “discussion” is actually less appropriate than “argument”; yes, it turns out that Game of Thrones viewers and Song of Ice and Fire readers tend to be impassioned, hard-headed, and verbose fans who aren’t afraid to crack a few heads in order to make a point. Who knew? (And who knew there were so many raw nerves to expose along the way?)
Responses in our 17,000-word(!) roundtable ranged from “It was so bad, I stopped watching early in the season” to “The show is still adapting the books, but the training wheels are now off.” That’s quite the gamut, and exploring it from one end to the other took a lot of time – so much, in fact, that we had to divide this up into three parts. Below is the first, with the second appearing tomorrow over at Wars and Politics of Ice and Fire, and the finale showing up at Tower of the Hand on Tuesday (we promise the debate only intensifies with each subsequent chapter).
Have your compasses out? Good – it’s time to navigate the minefield.
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