As reported last month, Game of Thrones will be filming at the Castillo de Zafra in Campillo de Dueñas, Spain, on September 28, 29 and 30th.
The stone-bedded castle, located in the Sierra de Caldereros in Guadalajara province, was unofficially confirmed as the Tower of Joy a while back, and we also received more details at that time of the Legendary Swordfighter character presumed to be Ser Arthur Dayne.
LaVanguardia reports that it’s “estimated to be around 200 people” arriving with trucks and trailers to film September 28th-30th. They say that the castle’s owner, Daniel Sanz, informs them that Game of Thrones has permission to shoot both inside and outside the castle, but that he doesn’t know the planned details of the shooting, only the dates.