No REAL news this fine August day, but we do have a trio of interesting something-somethings. Peruse!
First off, Finn Jones and Kristian Nairn were at London Film & Comic Con this past July, and GeekPrideTV caught up with them for a lovely (19 minute!) chat.
Live from GeekyCon 2015 in Orlando, your brave hosts dive headlong into end game conversation, guided by listeners in the audience. Enjoy this intimate sit-down with fabled Game of Thrones language creator David J. Peterson, learn what it takes to ride with Drogo.
The richness of the Game of Thrones character landscape doesn’t only come from the show’s stars. In today’s edition of the Watchers on the Wall Awards, we’ll be taking a look at the actors who were in season 5 for a short while but left their mark on the Thrones world.
Best Guest Actor is a category full of variety; some characters appear in more than one season but for briefer periods, while others live and die in the span of an episode or two. Kings and warriors, slavers and septons, moneyhandlers and giants. (And the occasional flasher.) Who was your favorite this year?
While promoting the new season of his HBO series The Leftovers, a new interview with Damon Lindelof (Lost showrunner) has a few words to say defending the latest season of Game of Thrones. Lindelof also discusses why he quit Twitter, clickbait journalism, and more with Entertainment Weekly’s James Hibberd! Note: Full spoilers for Season 5 under the cut.
We started with the ladies, now we’re continuing with the gentlemen for the next category in the Watchers on the Wall Awards! Today we’ll be voting on the Best Supporting Actor for season 5 of Game of Thrones.
But first up, we’d like to announce the Best Actor nominees! In a situation similar to the one with the Best Actress category, the field for lead actors is quite narrow. So we’re going to skip the prelims for this category, and go ahead with presenting your Best Actor finalists as:
In a new interview with GoldDerby, Game of Thrones director Jeremy Podeswa discusses his Emmy nomination for “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken,”as well as teasing a little of season six, and the fate of Jon Snow.
The set at El Chorillo north of Almería that we previously reported on is growing, says La Voz de Almería. The round-base structure mentioned in the earlier post has now been joined by makeshift office buildings, and – most interestingly – a tent-frame structure and what is reported to be a ship of sorts, covered by white canvas. Shooting there is not supposed to start before October, though. [Editor’s note: A translating error on our parts- the original La Voz article was referring to the white-covered structure as a nave, not a ship. Apologies for the confusion! -Sue]
Before that, Game of Thrones is going to shoot at Castell de Santa Florentina for almost two weeks between 9-22 September (not coinciding completely with the nearby Girona dates), and at Zafra (a location we are looking forward to very much) on 28-30 September, Los Siete Reinos tells us.
The popularity of Game of Thrones-themed baby names continues. According to the UK’s Office of National Statistics, in 2014 parents in England and Wales named 244 babies Arya, 53 babies Khaleesi, 18 babies Theon and 17 babies Tyrion. The trend has been similar in the United States, though the numbers have generally been higher.
Carnlough Harbor, Northern Ireland. Photo: Ben Malloy
Northern Ireland continues to bustle with activity for filming of Game of Thrones season 6. There have been several more actor sightings in Belfast and today, Maisie Williams was seen filming in Carnlough! The photos will be tucked below the cut for spoiler reasons.
We learned this morning that production was headed for the picturesque harbor in the County Antrim village of Carnlough. One fan, Mark Kennedy spotted crews setting up today and snapped a photo: