For the past two months, Game Of Owns and the listeners of the podcast have wrestled with a question: where do we go from here?
With the completion of the A Storm of Swords read-through, it was time to venture forth into new territory. But it wasn’t so simple as just picking up A Feast for Crows, book four in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. For fans of the series, there is also the question of how to read- following the expected method of one book after the other, or to embrace the popular new way, reordering the chapters of Martin’s novels so the story takes on fresh life.
Readers have debated the merits of both styles, and the folks at Game Of Owns came together with a few friends to answer the question.
Game Of Owns will proceed with a combined reading order for the podcasts ahead, with an entirely new chapter arrangement created by a team of fans taking everything into account including chronology, spoiler issues, the weather and overarching themes.