“Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things,” written by Bryan Cogman and directed by Brian Kirk, is very much about what it says on the tin. Jon Snow takes the lead at the Wall, Ned’s hunt for the truth brings him to another young bastard, and Bran has woken up to a world that’s now regarding him as ‘crippled’ without his legs.
The title refers to a quote from Tyrion, who has a tender spot in his heart for the lot. He’s been treated as something of a cripple and a broken thing himself, due to his stature. His bitter experience in hardening himself and his skills at adapting his physical environment lead Tyrion to offer advice and design plans so that Bran can hope to ride again.
The episode is an important beginning for the boy. Not only does he begin to shed his hopelessness, his mystical journey starts here with the Three-Eyed Raven’s first appearance in his dreams. Coming into season 6, with the return of Isaac Hempstead-Wright and the new casting of Max von Sydow as the Three-Eyed Raven, this arc is hugely important for the future of Game of Thrones.