Second and third episode titles of Game of Thrones season 6 now official


Here’s a morsel of news this Sunday afternoon: the Game of Thrones episode titles rumored for season 6 last week were confirmed today when they appeared on the official HBO schedule.

The title of April 24th’s season premiere was revealed by HBO itself in advance of the red carpet event, but the second and third episode titles were first posted by GeeklyInc last week.

With the updating of the network’s schedule, it’s now official that season 6, episode 2 will be titled “Home.” The episode, directed by Jeremy Podeswa, will air on May 1st and be 54 minutes long, according to the schedule.

The third episode of Game of Thrones‘ sixth season will be titled “Oathbreaker.” The episode is directed by Daniel Sackheim, and will air on May 8th, with a listed time of 53 minutes.

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Game of Thrones Memory Lane 504: Sons of the Harpy

Dany Header

We’re in the final week of #GOT50! We’ve done it, folks- waited all these months, and there are only seven more days until we’re watching the season premiere of Game of Thrones. Almost hard to believe! And our lengthy Memory Lane is nearing its end. Walking us through “Sons of the Harpy” is a WotW regular, who you can also find on Twitter at @JKozal. Please give a warm Watchers welcome to Jared Kozal! – Sue the Fury

“Go, Ser Barristan. Sing a song for me.”

So passes a bold warrior into legend. The main song of Game of Thrones, as we all know, is the Song of Ice and Fire. But there are other songs as well, for those who don’t make it to the final verse of the main one. The myriad legends and stories – not only of ice and fire, but of love and loss – that populate this world represent a true legacy, for those fortunate enough to earn them.

The weight of the past and the shadow of legends are ever-present in “Sons of the Harpy.” It’s an episode packed with both action and mythology, deftly directed by Mark Mylod and written by Dave Hill (David Benioff & Dan Weiss’s former assistant, writing his first script for the show).

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Game of Thrones Memory Lane 503: High Sparrow


Only 8 days remaining until season 6, and in our #GoT50 countdown rewatch, we’ve reached an episode with an introduction pivotal to Cersei’s future. Walking us through “High Sparrow,” please welcome back Paige, aka GameOverRos!  – Sue the Fury

We’re approaching the end of our walk down Memory Lane! Today, we revisit the third episode of Game of Thrones season 5, “High Sparrow.” It was written by our fearless leaders, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, and directed by Mark Mylod, making his Thrones directing debut. Margaery and Tommen marry, Varys and Tyrion arrive in Volantis, and the new Lord Commander deals with a traitor. “High Sparrow” is all about the pieces moving into place, with plenty of exposition and foreshadowing.

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Game of Thrones Memory Lane 502: The House of Black and White


“The House of Black and White”, written by David Benioff and Dan Weiss, is Michael Slovis’ second foray into the behemoth that is Game of Thrones. The episode is more of a “Premiere: Part Two” than it is its own hour, but this can be excused due to the increasing number of storylines the writers have to juggle.

While an initial reading will suggest that the episode title refers to the physical building in Braavos, it also applies to the familial houses on display in the hour, and the differing blossomings of the values of good and evil in each. This has always been one of the core themes underpinning the show, and while I personally think the nuance slips up occasionally when manifested in extremes (such as in the characters of Brienne and Ramsay), in this particular context it bears fruit worthy of discussion.

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Going inside the Game of Thrones fandom with the Wall Street Journal


The Game of Thrones fandom itself, and the show’s viral effect on social media is the focus this week in the Wall Street Journal. The pieces dive deep into the history of Game of Thrones‘ interaction with the internet, profiles a few of Twitter’s #FakeWesteros stars, and talks to the fan communities that have sprung up around the series, including our own.

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Don’t get your hopes up for a Game of Thrones spin-off just yet!


It’s a commonly bandied-about idea in fandom- the notion of another series based on the A Song of Ice and Fire world after Game of Thrones has run its course. The most popular suggestions include a Robert’s Rebellion-era prequel and a series centered around George R.R. Martin’s Dunk & Egg novellas, which are also set in the Seven Kingdoms. Given how much HBO counts on Game of Thrones as its biggest show, it seems likely the network would want to find ways to prolong that magic (and money).

Unfortunately for fans’ hopes, today Entertainment Weekly is reporting that no spin-offs are in the works for Game of Thrones – yet.

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Emilia Clarke on Conan


It was Emilia Clarke’s turn on the couch last night, becoming the most recent Game of Thrones cast member to appear on TBS’ Conan.

The actress was charming as usual, joking with the host and handling a variety of topics including Dany’s titles, speaking new languages on the show and faking her way through ADR, demanding more male nudity on occasion, not being recognized by fans and more fun subjects.

The videos from her appearance:

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