Curtain Call: Patrick Malahide


Farewell, Patrick Malahide. With remarkably little screen time you breathed life and humanity into grizzly Balon Greyjoy, who was, in many ways, the introduction to the ironborn worldview for Unsullied fans.

After only a handful of scenes scattered across several seasons, Balon has departed this worldly plane to join the Drowned God in his watery hall. Though I can’t honestly say that I’ll miss Balon, I will miss Malahide’s sullen yet nuanced performance as the ironborn patriarch.

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HBO confirms titles of Game of Thrones 604 & 605, reveals descriptions


Today, HBO officially confirmed the titles for the fourth and fifth episodes of Game of Thrones season six, and provided episode synopses along with them. As previously revealed somewhat less officially by an overseas network, the titles of the episodes are:

Season 6, Episode 4: “Book of the Stranger”

Season 6, Episode 5: “The Door”

Synopses and other info below the cut!

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Curtain Call: Michael McElhatton & Elizabeth Webster


“The high road’s very pretty, but you’ll have a hard time marching your army down it.”

Michael McElhatton has featured in Game of Thrones since early in season 2. Over the seasons, we’ve seen Roose Bolton’s growth from discontented bannerman, to traitor, to Warden of the North. While the show tends to shy away from the stereotypical “villain” role, Michael’s Roose was perhaps the only character capable of filling the shoes left vacant by the death of Tywin Lannister. As such, it is a pity to see him killed just as it seemed things were getting most interesting in his arc. However, Michael left plenty of memorable scenes in his wake, not the least of which is his deliverance of the coup de grâce to the betrayed Robb Stark.

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[Updated!] New photos from Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 3 “Oathbreaker”

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark. Photo: Helen Sloan/HBO
HBO has just released photos from the third episode of Game of Thrones season 6. The episode, which will be called “Oathbreaker,” will feature more visions with Bran Stark and the first appearance this season for Samwell Tarly and Gilly.

Official episode synopsis:  Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) meets her future. Bran meets the past. Tommen confronts the High Sparrow (Jonathan Pryce). Arya (Maisie Williams) trains to be No One. Varys (Conleth Hill) finds an answer. Ramsay gets a gift.

Photos below the cut!

Update 5/5: We’ve added even more new images from episode 3 to the post.

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Anatomy of a Throne: “Home”

Balon meets Euron in "Home"

Episode: “Home” (602)
Scene: The kingsmoot is ordered

The death of King Balon Greyjoy happens mostly in the same fashion in A Song of Ice and Fire as in Game of Thrones – though Euron Greyjoy’s involvement is only hinted at and the death is ruled as an accident, thanks to the presence of a bad storm – but its placement is quite different: if showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss had adapted the scene in its original chronology, it would’ve occurred in the fourth season, with its after-effects playing out in season five, alongside Tyrion Lannister’s misadventures in Essos and Brienne of Tarth’s search for the wayward Stark daughters. Attempting to concentrate on only a handful of storylines any given year has, understandably, proven to be one of their biggest priorities (why, for example, the introduction of Prince Oberyn Martell was delayed from the third to the fourth season, to more closely align with the climax of his death).

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A deeper look inside Game of Thrones with The Game Revealed and episode storyboards


HBO is rolling out a new behind the scenes series for Game of Thrones, offering viewers an exclusive look inside the show. “The Game Revealed,” a 5-part docuseries, focuses on the creation of the first two episodes of season 6 for this initial outing. The docuseries is available on HBOGo and HBONow at the moment, but luckily a fan has shared the first episode on YouTube.

In addition to The Game Revealed, MakingGameofThrones has shared two sets of storyboards from this week’s episode “Home.”

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Kit Harington, Carice van Houten & Jeremy Podeswa on the making of Jon Snow’s resurrection


The resurrection of Jon Snow is the focus of Entertainment Weekly‘s cover story this week, and the magazine is doling out tidbits from the story every day on the website. Here are some of the highlights, focusing on Kit Harington’s luscious locks (#Never4GetHairWatch), Melisandre’s careful cleansing of Jon’s corpse, and Harington’s attempts to say goodbye to his cast members after season 5.

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