New Game of Thrones Season 7 filming photos from Los Barruecos

We’ve had a very exciting weekend with set photos of castlesthrone rooms, and an icy new set, and today, we have even more season 7 news! In Spain, we have set preparations, horseback actors, and a beautiful ray of light on what is shaping up to be a truly spectacular season of Game of Thrones.

First up, we have some landscaping preparations on set in Los Barruecos, Malpartida de Cáceres courtesy of Rick

 SPOILERS WARNING!!!! Speculation and filming photos after the gif below, do not proceed if you don’t want to be spoiled!!!!!!!


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We have previously reported of conflict between the Tyrells and Lannisters followed by an ambush by Daenerys and now we have even more set photos!

Thanks again, Rick!

Lastly, we have some final set photos featuring a seemingly out of place actor that will definitely lead to a lot of speculation concerning his allegiance.

Actor James Faulkner (Randyll Tarly) was also seen on set practicing his riding skills. Where his allegiance lies now that he’s been seen so far from home, we’ll leave to the comments to speculate.

Where do you think his loyalties lie now? Will the dragon or lion prevail from the ambush? Let us know below! 


  1. Lord Vader,

    Yeah, but he must survive, I’m curious to see how. Otherwise the Lannister bloodline will be pretty much f*cked. Plus, he’s too handsome, with his ‘square jaw and golden armor’. Edmure had a little crush, didn’t he ?

  2. Irina Stark,

    Not every House will survive. Tyrells are basically gone, Martells too and they rule their regions for a long time. Stark or other might follow. New era of Westeros.

  3. The first man that Robert Baratheon killed was a Tarly at the battle of Summerhall. Which sounds to me that the Tarly’s were supporting King Aerys. They are also sworn to House Tyrell.
    I would think that the Tarly’s allegiance would lie more with the Targaryens than the Lannisters.

  4. tiny direwolf:
    Wasn’t Tarly a Targ loyalist during Roberts Rebellion?

    Yeah, Sam and Stannis had a scene in season five that mentioned Randyll was the only man who defeated Robert in battle during the Rebellion; Stannis also makes a point of mentioning that although Randyll’s vanguard was responsible for the victory, Mace Tyrell claimed the plaudits.

  5. Yes, House Tarly was a bannerhouse of the Tyrells during Robert’s Rebellion so they fought for the Targaryens. I don’t think that means much now though. Randyll has been put into a position of power by Lannisters where the published books are at. While on the show he may be po’d about what Cersei did to his Lord, to me he seems like one that would vow allegiance to strength, which would be the Lannisters at the start of season 7 prior to Daenerys arriving and shit hits the fan. I can definitely see Cersei awarding him a great title for his allegiance, perhaps even Highgarden itself.

  6. Randall should be on the same side as the Tyrells, which would be team Targ, but the Lannisters need someone on their side besides Euron. So who knows? Maybe Randyll refuses to follow a house led by an old woman? Maybe with the Tyrells so decimated, he makes a power play with the Lannisters to be given control of the Reach?

  7. I’ve been predicting Randyll’s betrayal since the season ended, and it would make sense. One because of his hatred for wildlings, if he hates them he wouldn’t be fond of the Dothraki who are just as or more savage like. Two because House Tyrell is dead, Olenna is a Redwyne, and his wife’s family, the Florents, have always believed that they by rights should possess Highgarden. And three because he must possess some resentment towards the Tyrells, he’s been their loyal Rottweiler for all his life and has received little to no recognition. He was being loyal to them not the Targs during Robert’s Rebellion.

  8. Flayed Potatoes:
    Irina Stark,

    Tyrion could save him.

    Also, the Lannister line can continue through Tyrion. He’s perfectly capable of fathering children.

    There are tons of lannisters in lannisport and casterly rock. House Lannister will survive. Out of all the great houses, house lannister is the one mostly secured to survive. Even after Tywins bloodline ends, the winner will appint a new Lord Lannister to keep the peace in the Westerlands or else there would be civil war among new contenders to rule the west.

  9. If lord Tarly is ment to betray its because the Lannister will threaten to sack Horn Hill. With House Tyrell(in the show) pretty much extinct(unless a cousin male heir shwos up), he will not attack the lannister army. I think Jamie will try to give Highgarden to him if he bends the knee to the crown and he will likely accept once Olenna dies.

    This is why the show made a terrible mistake by leaving Garland and Wyllas out…..

  10. Stark Loyalist,

    It is not necessarily a mistake, could simply be streamlining of the plot. Book Randyl would probably not betray his liege lords and not only because there are still some alive. However, Show Randyl has not been defined that much yet, except for harbouring the same ill will against his oldest son. He might simply want the power and might have been waiting for this opportunity much like Roose did.

  11. Ironically, I think that in the end, Sam will rule in the Reach.

    Tyrells are gone, Olenna is too old. And if Randyll dies during the war, Sam will become the heir to Horn Hill.

    When they defeat the WW, the Night’s watch will no longer exist, so Sam will be free to inherit his father.

  12. Does House Tyrell have any heirs now-even distant ones? I have a hard time believing that the entire family is comprised only of Olenna, Mace, Loras, and Margaery.
    We want Willas, the real heir to Highgarden!

  13. Irina Stark:
    Lord Vader,

    Yeah, but he must survive, I’m curious to see how. Otherwise the Lannister bloodline will be pretty much f*cked. Plus, he’s too handsome, with his ‘square jaw and golden armor’. Edmure had a little crush, didn’t he ?

    Nay, he’s crushing on that other Jamie. You know, the red headed one from STARZ.

  14. Irina Stark,

    I read that as Edmure being disgusted by Jamie. Edmure with his many flaws is a way better human being. I love their scene, at least Edmure was allowed to tell the jock what crappy person he really is.

  15. Where his allegiance lies now that he’s been seen so far from home, we’ll leave to the comments to speculate.

    Randyll Tarly’s allegiance lies where it has always been, to Randyll Tarly. Last season I speculated that if something happened to Mace it might cause Randyll to make a play for the crown himself. This was before any of us had any idea what was going to happen, and that Cersei would seize the crown in such a spectacular way. Actually, she has made it easier for someone to come and seize the crown from her. Now that all the Tyrells are out of the way, at least on the show, it seems to me that old Randyll might not be satisfied with just running the Reach, he might want the whole thing. But that’s a lot to happen in just a few episodes.

    I think he will go with whichever house is in a position to offer him the most lucrative deal for House Tarly. I can’t really tell, even with all the clues that have dropped so far, which house that might be. But if he was a former Targaryen loyalist, I think he might tip that way. After seeing him last season and getting confirmation of his absolute disdain for Sam, I can’t imagine he would have been too eager to back Loras, either. There is no political correctness or age of enlightenment in Westeros. I think he would just as soon make Darling Dickon a prince, if he can, than back old lady Tyrell any longer.

  16. I don’t know why, but when I first saw the wagon with the pots, the first thing that came to mind was wildfire

  17. Tyrion Pimpslap,

    Tarly will defect now that Tyrells were wiped out, Lady Olenna is old, so Randyll might see it as an opp for House Tarly to secure more power.

    Who knows, maybe Lady Olenna just open the gates of Highgarden to Tarly and get sacked…

    Of course, Dany has no patience for traitors and Tarly will pay with his life…

  18. Kelly: We want Willas, the real heir to Highgarden!

    Hear, hear! I’m still holding out for the possibility of Sansa surviving the war and finding a reasonable degree of contentment as Willas’ lady, as previously betrothed. He sounds like a nice guy.

  19. Thronetender: old Randyll might not be satisfied with just running the Reach, he might want the whole thing. But that’s a lot to happen in just a few episodes.

    If House Tarly did succeed in seizing the Iron Throne, even briefly, that opens the remote and amusing possibility of the story ending with King Samwell, first of his name. Not a bad outcome, if you ask me!

  20. Chuck,

    Speculation: Dolorous Edd get the 999th and then Jaime Lannister gets to be the 1000…perhaps after him, there will be no need for Night´s Watch and Iron Throne .

  21. Firannion,

    Of all the books, the bit that has touched me most is Sansa’s hope that even if Willas just wants her claim to Winterfell, perhaps he will come to love her for herself.

  22. Firannion: Hear, hear! I’m still holding out for the possibility of Sansa surviving the war and finding a reasonable degree of contentment as Willas’ lady, as previously betrothed. He sounds like a nice guy.

    If Sansa survives, I can’t see her wanting to be anything but a Stark. That’s pretty much what her entire storyline has led up to. She was the one that tried to denounce her northern heritage, to rid herself of her Stark name. She’s potentially been a Baratheon, or a Tyrell, she became a Lannister and a Bolton , and Littlefinger has designs on her being a Baelish. Now she wants to regain her heritage and her Stark name and to reside at Winterfell.

  23. Chuck,

    No. Willas is the eldest. In the book, Garlan Tyrell was given House Florent’s holdings, including their castle after they’ve broken Stannis’ siege of KL.

  24. The show has muddied the water surrounding Sansa. The Willas and Sansa ship is a nonexistent possibility on the show since they cut him and had the betrothal plans for Loras instead. Personally I think the books have moved beyond that pairing as well. At least she’s still of the mindset that she wants to meet a young lord and marry as she hasn’t been completely abused and broken by “becoming Jeyne” in the books. It’s difficult to even see her wanting to be courted and being with anyone for quite some time after what she went through on the show.

  25. I’m sad now, House Tyrell deserved so much more than this. And Willas & Sansa would be an sweet endgame for Show-Sansa!

  26. Clob,

    As a woman I wouldn’t say that. Everything is possible, if Sansa finds a right man, or rather a right man finds her. I don’t know whether the show will be going in this direction, but potentially there should have be quite a lot of potential suitors around her: for instance, Lord Cerwin (not very attractive from the first look, but who knows, if the showrunners give Sansa (and us) an opportunity to know him better) and there is an entire army of the Wale full or young and handsome lords (as far as I recall there was a call for some young, tall, and attractive lord), and finally there will be Podric (and even Tyrion for S8). So, there is still hope for Sansa and maybe that will even help her to deal with Littlefinger.

  27. mau,

    Perhaps…..but when Sam signed on to the watch he had to renounce his title and any inheritance but I’m sure the book or the show can do whatever they want……I see same being a grand maester at the citadel.

  28. Sansa was stalwart in S-6. I don’t know if the show has much time to delve into if she ends up happily coupled though. If it does, despite her horrific abuse, she is capable of going on to live a romantically, sexually, intellectually, emotionally..etc (I could go on) fulfilled life.


  29. Firannion,


    Here’s hoping that cartload of jugs is wine for a Tyrion and Bronn reunion, though if so the quartermaster (quartermaester?) might want to order more. A lot more.

  30. Priscila,

    Yeah, I think the Nights Watch is going to be obsolete very very soon. Are there even any Wildings left in the north that havent been wighted?

  31. Ser Broccoli McBroccoliface,

    They’ll all know the real reason again for the existence of The Wall and Night’s Watch in the first place; that the stories and legends were all true. The only way either are rebuilt/fixed/strengthened again at the end of this story is if the Others are not completely eliminated. If they’re gone, which assumes the magic animating the wights is as well, there will be no need for either.

    I’d say if they are gone the northern climate may become a bit better as well and some of the land beyond The Wall might be touched by Summer and fertile. 😉

  32. Firannion: If House Tarly did succeed in seizing the Iron Throne, even briefly, that opens the remote and amusing possibility of the story ending with King Samwell, first of his name. Not a bad outcome, if you ask me!

    What a lovely, happy thought. I’d like that, but that’s too happy an outcome for GoT. I wouldn’t mind if it happened though, even if Gilly because Queen. Wouldn’t that be a kick in the shins for all the wilding-hating families in Westeros?

    As far as everyone shipping Sansa, how old is Dickon Tarly? I don’t know if he will make it out of all this, but if he does, would he not be acceptable for Sansa? I don’t see how Randyll could object, but maybe I’m not thinking closely enough about it. Would RT have some grudge against the Starks that I’ve forgotten to take into account?

  33. Thronetender,

    Yes. Jon who is seen as kind of a Stark allowed the Wildlings through the wall. I cant imagine RT will like that much. Also, to those who don’t understand/believe his resurrection he will quite probably be seen as an oathbreaker. Along with Ned who committed treason. Cant see RT wanting to marry his heir into that family.

  34. Ambush: Everything is easy to predict, so long as Dany is involved. If she is leading the charge personally, her side wins. It’s just the way it is.

    Which means Tarlys might be wiped out, making Sam heir. The Tyrells in the show are already wiped out except for Olenna, who is too old to make babies, so what’s going to happen to their lands or the Reach after her demise, I do not know.

  35. tiny direwolf,

    I wouldn’t call Tarly a Targ loyalist. I would call him a Crown Loyalist. He also knows that he can advance his family to controlling the Reach should the Lannisters prevail over Dany. He won’t control the Reach if he sides with dany and wins, the Tyrell’s even with no off spring would still control.

  36. Stargaryen,

    If Tyrells are physically wiped out and no longer exist, they wouldn’t control anything, whoever is sitting the throne. That leaves Tarlys as the next most powerful family of the Reach, the wealthiest region of Westeros, now that the Lannister mines are running out. Tarly has every incentive to side with whichever side looks like it’ll be the winner, as doing so could make him lord paramount of the Reach and allow him to incorporate a good bit of Tyrell lands.

  37. Tyrion Pimpslap,

    Nah, Tarly will be for the Lannisters. For simple political reasons. If the Lannisters win Tarly will most likely become Lord of the Reach and given Highgarden to give to his son. If Tarly is with Dany and they win well someone from the Tyrell clan will get Highgarden, Tarly will not. Tarly will be with the Lannisters so he can advance his family.

    There was a spoiler that

    qyburn created an anti dragon weapon
  38. maria,

    I agree, I just don’t think it will be Tarly in a situation choosing a side. I think he will simply go with the Lannisters. No choosing.

    Also, wasn’t there a spoiler about Randyll and Dickon being burned alive by Dany
  39. Season 7 is clearly going to feel even more rushed and poorly plotted than season 6. So obviously the general public will ADORE IT!

  40. Stargaryen,

    True. Cersei might be a mass murderer and a woman, but she’s also a Lannister, a Westerosi, wife and mother of kings. Dany, with the Dothraki, the Unsullied, the dragons, the kin-killing dwarf as adviser, is alien. Tarly struck me as a traditionalist. He might side with Cersei not because he wants more power, but because he wants to protect Westeros from a foreigner.

    …which would make the spoiler more moving than it would be if Tarly, an already unsympathetic figure, were siding with the mass murdering, psycho queen out of a desire for more power. Dany is overly sympathetic and overpowered as it is. She needs a bit of complexity. This kind of thing could do it. Maybe.
  41. Inga: As a woman I wouldn’t say that. Everything is possible, if Sansa finds a right man, or rather a right man finds her.

    My guess is Sandor. Sansa is pretending they kissed in the books, he’s been a main character since the beginning, and they said they always planned to bring him back. And she had many scenes with him, most of which were from the books, and there were moments after, too. He told Arya to ask Sansa who came back for her (him), if she ever saw her again.

  42. Firannion: Sansa

    Well, he’s not in the show. And she never met him in the books, only had what Marg told her and that’s not the greatest to go on.

    Sansa has developed over time into a “hardened woman” as the show calls her. I’m hoping that she meets Sandor Clegane again. She’s his “pretty sister.” He kept saying there are “worse men” than me.

    The Hound isn’t the worst by a mile, as we’ve all come to see. It’s only his face. So what? I think Sansa would be over that now. The showrunners wanted us to love him, and I think most do. Why does he have some purpose that the gods are saving him for? Certainly not to do a wight demo for Cersei. That’s not worthy of the gods saving him twice.

  43. Inga,
    Sandor and Sansa would be a disaster. They’ve both been through hell. Both can be selfish and unpredictable. She has trust issues and takes secretiveness to new heights. He has anger management issues, is prone to unpredictable bursts of violence. At present, neither is well enough to be able to care for a seriously needy partner, and neither was emotionally savvy to begin with. All that might make for great hurt-comfort fanfic, but this show has been sparing with its romances. I don’t see it.

  44. D&D said this about Sandor when he returned: “He’s a more thoughtful person… He’s really thinking about his past in a way he never had before… He’s starting to see that there’s perhaps a different way of living your life.”

    And this was on the show, too: “Get her a dog, she’ll be happier for it.” He’s the one she said would not hurt her, too. Crossing my fingers for Sansa and Sandor to find a little happiness together.

  45. maria:
    Sandor and Sansa would be a disaster. They’ve both been through hell. Both can be selfish and unpredictable. She has trust issues and takes secretiveness to new heights. He has anger management issues, is prone to unpredictable bursts of violence. At present, neither is well enough to be able to care for a seriously needy partner, and neither was emotionally savvy to begin with. All that might make for great hurt-comfort fanfic, but this show has been sparing with its romances. I don’t see it.

    I don’t see Sansa as having trust issues with Sandor though. He was the one she said wouldn’t hurt her. I’m not sure what Sansa is selfish about? Keeping her request from LF a secret from Jon?
    I also can’t recall random violence from the Hound. Sure, violence, but random? He didn’t even want to go into the Inn with Arya when they did. That was her. He’s fought in a battle, he’s protected Sansa, he fought Beric because of Arya, he killed the other Frey men when Arya attacked one and they fought back, he killed the guy who bit him (Biter), he fought Brienne because she wanted Arya to go with her and Arya didn’t want to go. He’s also given the gift of mercy. 🙂

    Also, I don’t get any sense of hurt-comfort. That doesn’t come through for me. I do think Sandor is a protective guy (like his name and nickname).

    I can’t really address Sansa so much. I’m not sure what she wants on the show. Home, revenge is what they’ve emphasized.

    Also, I don’t apply any ‘modern’ psychological concepts to GoT. It’s way more about ruling, killing, averting disaster, finding safety, and probably food, for all we know, when winter comes!
    And it’s too bad the show has been sparing of romances. There is a big lack of love on this show.

  46. Dark Lark,

    I see her as having trust issues with anyone at this point. As far as “selfish,” Sansa when we first see her is a spoiled teen. Her response to Arya-Micah-Joff is selfish, as is her running off to Cersei when Ned is planning on leaving King’s Landing. Her decision to hide the Vale from Jon is a sign that she doesn’t trust him, but also fits the earlier pattern. She hasn’t had the time to grow up. Her “growth” consists of suffering. Sandor is a great character but a disastrous human being, a child killer, a killer, period, with a crazy temper and a need for revenge. Season 2, the guy rushed into her room, seemingly intent on raping her, and changed his mind after she sang the right song. Sansa deserves better, imo.

    Also, at this point, Sansa and Arya are so messed up that there can’t be a quick “they fell in love and lived happily ever after” ending for them. If the show wants something like that, it’ll have to develop it, but with two short seasons and lots of other ground to cover they won’t have time. imo.

  47. D&D like Sandor, after he came back, they said he is a more thoughtful person, but they also said he kills the ones who need to be killed. He’s a protector.

    They had Sansa say to him, you won’t hurt me. He’s the only one that she said that to. He was never going to hurt her, and she knows that. That’s the subtext.

    They are ready for each other, time for a little happiness. That’s what D&D have set up while they are apart, making her a little more like him, and him a little more like her.

  48. maria:
    Dark Lark,

    I see her as having trust issues with anyone at this point. As far as “selfish,” Sansa when we first see her is a spoiled teen. Her response to Arya-Micah-Joff is selfish, as is her running off to Cersei when Ned is planning on leaving King’s Landing. Her decision to hide the Vale from Jon is a sign that she doesn’t trust him, but also fits the earlier pattern. She hasn’t had the time to grow up. Her “growth” consists of suffering. Sandor is a great character but a disastrous human being, a child killer, a killer, period, with a crazy temper and a need for revenge. Season 2, the guy rushed into her room, seemingly intent on raping her, and changed his mind after she sang the right song. Sansa deserves better, imo.

    Also, at this point, Sansa and Arya are so messed up that there can’t be a quick “they fell in love and lived happily ever after” ending for them. If the show wants something like that, it’ll have to develop it, but with two short seasons and lots of other ground to cover they won’t have time. imo.

    I see Sansa’s growth as learning life isn’t a song. Her youthful views of people and the world were way off the mark.

    Sandor, that’s not how I see him on the show. He’s got a good heart on the inside. That’s why he protects others, he can’t help but do it. Especially if they’re vulnerable. They never have shown a crazy temper and he’s more than just a killer. He got a whole opening episode that surrounded him and it wasn’t about him killing. Also, Sansa did not sing him a song in season 2. They cut that. The rushing to her room, that was to build suspense. What would he do? All the previous scenes were Cersei talking about rape, giving it that vibe. But he didn’t. He came to save her. She was too much the “stupid girl” still to go. I think the question is, would she be again? And I’m the opposite, I’m not sure she deserves him. 🙂

    The show is jumping major blocks if time and development. So I doubt it ends on a downer note, it does need to convey the dream of spring; not happy ever after, that doesn’t fit. But a dream of a decent future would. That’s what I’m hoping for, overall, for the remaining characters, whoever they are. It would be terrible to end on a tragic note, after so much suffering, bloodshed and tears.

    And the characters need other characters who can pick them up and get them set in the right direction.

    I definitely see the Hound as that person for the Stark sisters. There really isn’t anyone else who could.

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