Kit’s on it! Harington teases S7 in Brimstone interviews


“The same thing is coming for all of us. There is only one war that matters: The Great War. And it is here.”

Tell me you haven’t re-watched the new Season 7 teaser just to hear that single, brand-new, dulcet line a few (or twenty) more times… because if you haven’t, I don’t know what that says about you.

(I’m not even sure what that says about me, since I clearly did. My “replay” number is at 22 and counting.)

Jon Snow speaks little, but when he does the meaning speaks volumes of truth. And he’s speaking more these days!

In two exclusive interviews, Kit get us even more hyped for the new season! (July 16th, in case you just came out from under your rock like I just did – feel free to check our new COUNTDOWN CLOCK at the top of the page!) Whilst promoting his new film BRIMSTONE (co-starring Dakota Fanning and Guy Pierce, as well as our very own Carice van Houten), he talks Thrones to the masses!

In a Huffington Post interview with Bill Bradley, Kit says, regarding whether or not season 7 deserves the hype it’s been getting:

Yes, I’m gonna say ‘yes’. I mean I hope it is. I certainly did more this season than I’ve ever done. I think every actor on it did more action, had more action, had more scenes.

Everyone gets more action, eh? That could be taken a number of ways. I like it!

In a separate interview with ABC News’s Michael Rothman and Jason Nathanson, talking about what he ultimately hopes for the series as a whole, Kit says he wants it to go out with a ‘bang’:

“That has to happen at the end of ‘Thrones,’ this season and next season,” he said. “It has to go into places TV hasn’t been.”

They always say that, obviously, but I think he may have some insight with regard to this! Which of course has me stoked. Four months until the beginning of the end, people!

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So what do you think? Are you as hyped as they want you to be? As hype as honor? Are these Cleganebowl levels of hype? Let us know!

Bonus: What’s your favorite Jon Snow line? Points will be awarded to your favorite GoT house (or, in lieu of a fallen house or House Frey, awarded to Gryffindor) for the most popular and the most obscure!



  1. “My watch is ended.” is one of my favorite things he ever said.


    I love JON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And Kit. That picture is my desktop background hahaha

  2. Welcome back, Axey, it’s a pleasure to read your lines!
    And about my favourite Jon Snow line: “Father’s always promised!” – referring to the Stark words.

  3. “The true enemy won’t wait out the storm; he brings the storm.”

    I told my class of 11-year-olds that was my favourite line from a TV show (without saying where it came from – they all know about GOT and don’t need any incentive to watch it) during an extended writing session about mythical monsters. It went down a treat and I had a chuckle every time I marked their writing when I came across it reproduced time and time again in their work. I like to think that one day, when they’re adults and have watched Thrones, they’ll be rereading their old school books and they’ll come across the line.

  4. “Edd, fetch me a block.”

    “And now you’re here. You must not have been very good at your job.”

    “I want to fight for the side that fights for the living.”

  5. “I’m not asking you to forget your dead! I’ll never forget mine!”

    I get chills every time I watch that scene

  6. My favorite Jon quote from the show is:

    “I’m tired of fighting! It’s all I’ve done since I’ve left home! I’ve killed brothers of the Night’s Watch, I’ve killed wildlings, I’ve killed men I admire, I hung a boy younger than Bran! I fought…and I lost.”

    It pretty much sums up his state of mind after dying. Plus, Kit’s acting is very good in this scene.

  7. “Wear it, Burn it, do whatever you like
    My Watch is Ended”
    Sorry if I remembered that wrong XD
    I went nuts after that scene, My Watch is ended is all I could think about that week.

  8. Hi, everyone! I’m late to the party but superhyped nonetheless. The teaser trailer is great nd we have the premiere date and, if Kit says that he has done for this season more than ever – more than in S6???!!! – S7 should be incredible!

    As for Jon’s quotes, my choice would probably be “If I fall, don’t bring me back”.

  9. All are great

    “My watch has ended.” —Mic Drop—

    “The same thing is coming for all of us. There is only one war that matters: The Great War. And it is here.”

    “The true enemy won’t wait out the storm; he brings the storm.”

  10. Charlie Snow,

    “I’m not asking you to forget your dead! I’ll never forget mine!”

    That was damn good acting as well. Another one of my favorite Jon scenes.

  11. (To Sam): “I’m glad the end of the world’s working out well for someone.”

    (To Arya and Nymeria): “Impressive.”

  12. Yessss, these are all great lines!

    Kit is so criminally underrated as an actor. (And even if you don’t agree with that, I think we can all agree he was born to play Jon.)

    I’m loving the Kit love!

  13. “The Long Night is coming and the dead come with it. No clan can stop them. The free folk can’t stop them. The Night’s Watch can’t stop them. And all the southern kings can’t stop them. Only together, all of us. And even then it may not be enough, but at least we’ll give the fuckers a fight. “

  14. ramses: That was damn good acting as well. Another one of my favorite Jon scenes

    to go along with that scene, at the beginning of it, where he and Tormund first land at Hardhome:
    Tormund: Do you trust me, Jon Snow?
    Jon: Does that make me a fool?

  15. Well that’s all I ever wanted when I heard we were getting only 7 episodes – for the main-mains to get equal if not more airtime and story. So, I’m happy.

  16. I know it’s not a direct Jon Snow quote, but one of my favorite scenes with him is when Maester Aemon tells Jon to “Kill the Boy” and “Let the man be born”.

    Another nod to that scene is when Aemon says that “a Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing” and then cut to Jon Snow entering the room. Very cool scene.

  17. My husband and I still say “I know how to do it” to each other all the time about random stuff. Bonus points if it’s done in Iwan Rheon’s accent when he’s making fun of Jon Snow/Kit in that one interview.

  18. So many great lines and scenes! I will add his comment about Sansa’s new garments “I like the wolf bit.”

  19. Speaking of Jon scenes….. My favorite are: 1. the entirety of Janos Slynt’s beheading. I’m not sure where I read this bit of info but apparently this scene was difficult for Kit. 2. ALL of the BoTB. Particularly after he makes it out of the mayhem and stares down Ramsay, his matted hair covered in blood and mud (looking like a complete wolf).

  20. Che: “The true enemy won’t wait out the storm; he brings the storm.”

    What I liked about that line is that Jon never says exactly what the enemy is. So, when exactly are we going to see the Northerners come to grips with the notion that the Walkers are back? (Indeed, for many it’s going to be “They really did exist!”)

    Ten Bears: (To Sam): “I’m glad the end of the world’s working out well for someone.”

    heh, that line was awesome. One thing that Kit & writers & directors have communicated well is that when the Valyrian steel rod projecting Jon’s bowels loosens up, Jon has a sardonic and understated wit about him.

  21. I’m laying here waiting to be released from this dang hospital bed, and lo and behold a Kit interview! Season 7 is gonna rock.

  22. Oh Kit, how we’ve missed you. The hype is really getting to me now. Can. Not. Wait!!!


    Kit is so criminally underrated as an actor. (And even if you don’t agree with that, I think we can all agree he was born to play Jon.)

    No disagreement here — saw him in Dr. Faustus and he was mesmerising. That was the takeaway of both people I went with and they weren’t really familiar with him. Can’t wait to see what he does with “John Donovan” and “Gunpowder” — am hoping he’ll get a lot of positive attention for them.

  23. Axechucker:
    Pigeon, don’t die!

    ? Why thank you! I’m doing my best (not to!)

    Shy Lady Dragon:

    I hope your illness will melt much faster than the damned block of ice! Happy healing!

    Awww dear Lady Dragon. I was in for a lumbar puncture and fun stuff like that, but hey I got toast!!!!


    Have a clip from “Brimstone” to make you feel better —

    That helped! It really did! ?

  24. Jon: (after stabbing Orell) “You were right the whole time.”

    Ohhhhh no you di-in’t! 😉 hehehe

    (you guys already beat me to the punch posting my other favorite Jon lines- didn’t see this one though… honorable mention- it’s all in the delivery- he’s pretty much taunting him)

  25. He has so many great lines when you stop to think of it.

    “You’re right. Thousands of men don’t need to die. Only one of us.”

    “I do know some things. I know I love you. I know you love me.”

  26. Definitely “I’m tired of fighting! It’s all I’ve done since I’ve left home! I’ve killed brothers of the Night’s Watch, I’ve killed wildlings, I’ve killed men I admire, I hung a boy younger than Bran! I fought…and I lost.” It felt like the truest thing his ever said.

  27. Jon’s line to Ygritte in S2E7 was particularly poignant for me, because I felt her response marked an important stage in his evolution from self-important whiney bastard to compassionate humanist:

    Jon: “My father was Ned Stark. I have the blood of the First Men. My ancestors lived here, same as yours!”

    Ygritte: “So why’re you fighting us?”

  28. Jon speaking to Mance Rayder: “Thousands of years ago, the First Men battled the White Walkers and defeated them. I want to fight for the side that fights for the living. Did I come to the right place?”

  29. Kit Harington is the most underrated actor on the show. I also think he has improved with each season and has a very bright future. And I know some say he will always be seen as Jon Snow. Maybe, but you never know what may happen. Everyone told Bryan Cranston he’ll never be seen as anything except Hal. So you just never know.

  30. “Keep your shield up or I’ll ring your head like a bell”

    The whole Ned parallel with that line hurt!!

  31. Pigeon: I’m laying here waiting to be released from this dang hospital bed, and lo and behold a Kit interview! Season 7 is gonna rock.

    Pigeon, wtf? poor baby, was your migraine a symptom of what eventually got you to the hospital? Damn, get better, and best wishes.

  32. Forget about the bloody gods
    Cerise understands the consequences of not being here and she is not her anyway which means she does not intend on facing those consequences . We all need to get out of here

    That bit hurts me more than anything else … Sansa will always be Bae but I loved Margaery and it’s just so sad to think she figured it out and could have survived , all of them could have survived if only they had listened

    Every time I watch that scene I’m like cummon please just get out of there not sure why even though I know what comes next I’m always hoping she’s gonna break through the sparrows and make it to safety … and she could have survived had she not gone to get loras first because the high sparrow would have let her leave she wasn’t on trial but lords couldn’t leave till cersie’s trial was done

    Always wanted Margaery to meet Daenerys

  33. So many of my favorites, like his Hardhome speech and his interactions with Sam and Arya, have already been mentioned, but will add in:

    “Is my mother alive? Does she know about me? Where I am? Where i’m going? does she care?” – After season six, this line is even more heart-wrenching than it originally was in season one. When I re-watch it, I just want to yell at the TV how much she did care.

    ” We’ve guarded the Kingdoms for eight thousand years” – Sweet, sweet, naive Jon Snow.

    “Father always said I’m of the North” – Emphasizing how much of a Stark Jon is to Ned.

    “I’d gladly give my life” – Season 2 Jon Snow vs Season 6 Jon Snow.

    “Aye. You should’ve” – His pain at the loss of Ygritte and the numbness he felt after her death 🙁

    “You’re right this isn’t your fight; you shouldn’t have to come to Winterfell with me. I shouldn’t be asking you. Its not the deal we made. But I need you with me if we’re going to beat them, and we need to beat them if you’re going to survive” – Jon, although he doesn’t know it, moves towards becoming de-facto leader of the Free Folk.

    “When we had feasts, our family would sit up here; and I’d sit down there” – Jon as Bastard of Winterfell.

    “The Free Folk, the Northerners and the Knights of the Vale fought bravely, fought together and we won. My father used to say we find our true friends on the battlefield.” – Jon bringing people together and doing so as Ned Stark’s son.

    Also pretty much everything Jon says in Battle of the Bastards and the scene in which Ygritte mistakes a windmill for a castle; for me, that scene completely sums up who she is and why Jon has fallen in love with her.

  34. Alba Stark,

    I hope that when Jon finds out his parentage he’ll find out that his mom loved him until the end and that her last thoughts were how she wanted him to be safe. :'(

  35. orange,

    Robert Downey Junior is Iron Man, Daniel Craig Bond, Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth his comic characters… I don’t see the problem with this. I think he will do interesting things, his new projects looks promising.

  36. Mel:
    Flayed Potatoes,

    I don’t think he will though, the only person who knew that was Ned and his dead. The only other people in the room were nursemaids

    Bran knows. Even if he couldn’t figure out who Jon’s bio father was, there’s no way he missed how desperate Lyanna was to ensure Jon’s safety. She used her last breaths to extract the promise from Ned. Hopefully when/if Bran conveys Jon’s parentage to him he will mention that Lyanna did love her son.

  37. Pigeon,

    Have you been released from the hospital yet? Can I send you some lemon cakes? Sweetgrass and strawberries? (No pigeon pie, of course).

  38. Robb: “Next time I see you, you’ll be all in black.”
    Jon: “It was always my color.”

    Jon’s response is poignant as it reflects his past as the “Bastard of Winterfell,” and as a harbinger of what is to come.

    To hear many of the quotes discussed above, set to amazing music, check out Zurik 23’s video “The White Wolf” at

  39. Flayed Potatoes: I hope that when Jon finds out his parentage he’ll find out that his mom loved him until the end and that her last thoughts were how she wanted him to be safe. :'(

    He probably will in the books. In the show, all we’ll get is,
    “Oi! Lanky! Ye mum was me aunt. Have some kidney pie, will ya?”

  40. Am I the only one confused about Kits math?
    More scenes from everyone!!!! How with 3 less episodes its mathematically impossible.
    Yes I know they slayed a lot, but still…. too many left for ALL to have MORE…

    But hey in the end LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN!!

  41. Thronetender: Pigeon, wtf? poor baby, was your migraine a symptom of what eventually got you to the hospital?Damn, get better, and best wishes.

    I was recently diagnosed with a TL rather rare neurological disorder (and have been having those darn chronic migraines), so I had to go in for a lumbar puncture today and they keep you in for awhile afterwards. So not anything too terrible. Thank you! ?


    Have you been released from the hospital yet? Can I send you some lemon cakes? Sweetgrass and strawberries? (No pigeon pie, of course).

    Yes, I tied the bedsheets together and escaped! (good thing I was on the ground floor, only had 2 sheets). ? Mmmm strawberries….

  42. are we going to do the event where we watch an episode a day until the new season comes ?
    I loved when we did that last year XD

  43. Fleabottoms home,

    To put it simply… Isaac’s use of the word “connections” is one reason. Many scenes with multiple main characters together when previously they were separate and had to fit them all in. Some of this is spoilers from filming photos and news so…

    Example: It very much appears like a great number of scenes, perhaps even a majority of scenes for Jon and Daenerys could be together. Throw in Tyrion, Davos and others that could be with them and suddenly they’re in a majority of scenes per episodes. A few seasons ago we could go an episode with just one Jon scene, and occasionally none. The same applies for all of them. By the looks of filming spoilers they’ve cut down to just a few main locations; Dragonstone, Winterfell, King’s Landing, and some Citadel. We’ll have a some scenes here and there from other locations but those four and the characters within are primary. Even then though some of the mains are likely to travel there and be in those as well. No more Meereen, Braavos, Dothraki Sea… most likely limited or none at Riverrun, Eyrie, Iron Islands, Castle Black, Sunspear… Connections.
  44. Mel:
    Flayed Potatoes,

    I don’t think he will though, the only person who knew that was Ned and his dead. The only other people in the room were nursemaids ?

    How fitting that Ramin titled the Stark theme “Goodbye, brother,” when the most heartbreaking goodbye was Lyanna’s farewell to Ned at the Tower of Joy.

  45. I am a bit late to the party.

    “Wear it, burn it, do whatever you want. My watch is ended”

    The one time Jon slayed with his words instead of sword on the show:

    “And now you are here. You couldn’t have been very good at your job”.

    “I know where to put it”. 🙂

    The whole speech at Hardhome.

  46. ” I thought I was doing what is right, and I got murdered for it.”

    That line is very deep in meaning.

  47. Iam surprised no one has not mentioned this Or forgive me if I didn’t notice the mention..

    For me the best will always be his scenes with Sam and Aemon and slynt and thorne in season 4 episode 1 ” Two Swords ” ..
    I cant exactly tell this in words but I felt a change there with Jon from previous season and somehow he became a new one.the writers have been focused on him from that point as a lead one and kit as delivered

  48. dragonbringer: For me the best will always be his scenes with Sam and Aemon and slynt and thorne in season 4 episode 1 ” Two Swords ” ..

    Season 4 produced so many best moments.
    I want this quote on the front of a t-shirt:
    Those are giants
    riding mammoths
    down there!

  49. “Father always promised, didn’t he?”


    I think Kit has improved immensely since his S1 days and he is the reason why Jon became my favorite character from S4 onwards. Can’t wait for S7!

  50. Fleabottoms home:
    Am I the only one confused about Kits math?
    More scenes from everyone!!!! How with 3 less episodes its mathematically impossible.
    Yes I know they slayed a lot, but still…. too many left for ALL to have MORE…

    But hey in the end LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN!!

    Well, we actually don’t know how long those episodes will be, but some have said they will be longer than the last seasons.
    Though the most important thing is that there are way less characters left after last season’s “clean up” in Kingslanding etc.

    So because of that, everyone else should have more scenes than they had before etc.

  51. BattledBastard: Well, we actually don’t know how long those episodes will be, but some have said they will be longer than the last seasons.
    Though the most important thing is that there are way less characters left after last season’s “clean up” in Kingslanding etc.

    So because of that, everyone else should have more scenes than they had before etc.

    Isn’t the premiere the same day as the John Oliver finale, which starts at 10:30? Is anything slated for 10pm, or maybe we’ll have an extended premiere?

  52. ash,

    First we read about Pigeon’s ailing, and now this from you. WotW definitely needs its own maester. Hope all goes well.

  53. Jack Bauer 24,

    Last December, Ian Glen mentioned there being “fifteen more hours” left in GoT. If there are only 13 episodes remaining, perhaps we will get some extended episodes.

  54. Wimsey,

    That is one of the things I miss about the book character Val. Speaking to her or thinking about what she’s saying, you can sense he has this sense of humor he very seldom shows to anyone else (probably if we would have had more Arya and Jon scenes he would have shown us… like the Impressive! bit).

  55. Mel: I don’t think he will though, the only person who knew that was Ned and his dead.

    It will be horrible story-telling if Jon does not learn! After all, how Jon (& Daeny & Tyrion & Arya & Bran) evolve over the course of 7 books/seasons is what makes the story.

    Moreover, look for it to be important in the end. Jon is going to learn that Ned sacrificed his own public honor in order to maintain private honor. Daeny might well learn the same concerning her brother Rhaegar. Look for the final “big” choices that these two make to be strongly influenced by the notion that even if everyone will revile you as dishonorable for doing the “right” thing, private honor demands that you do the “right” thing. We’ve already seen it in both of them to some extent: but stories always need some “oomph” to them!

  56. I like all the quotes posted here. The only one I did not see was one from episode 9, season 4, when Jon is going to try to kill Mance and Sam tells him that the wildlings wil torture him for days, and Jon responds

    “You’re right, it’s a bad plan. What’s your plan?”

    He’s so tired, and yet, he has given consideration to the NW options…

  57. GhostCR: (probably if we would have had more Arya and Jon scenes he would have shown us… like the Impressive! bit).

    That really would not have done much, as it all would have been 6+ years ago! The problem with Jon is that his character presents a Catch-22: yes, he has a sardonic sense of humor, but he rarely voices it. Moreover, Val would wind up being a huge unfired gun: the attraction between Jon & Val is pretty strong (even if Jon does not understand Val’s subtle invitations!), but it does not seem to go anywhere. Moreover, on TV it would have detracted from Jon’s post-Ygritte maudlin state. (Um, extra-maudlin state….)

    As for Val, it is the same Catch-22. Yes, she would have been good for developing that one aspect of Jon. However, I would be surprised if she’s going to be useful for that much more. What she contributes to the plot was covered easily enough: Jon goes to Hardhome to get some of the Wildlings, and whatever she contributes to Winter obviously was done by someone else (Tormund, most probably) on TV.

    It is kind of too bad because Val is a character that I would have found enjoyable to watch. However, the story & plot are crowded enough as it is: including her probably would have muddled an already complex story without any huge payoff. And muddling stories does not please the general audience!

    Now, what I really would have liked to see is “Cylon Ygritte.” In the books, Jon imagines Ygritte chiding him on occasions and he sometimes even points out that, yes, I know nothing, or ha! I know something! However…. that would have just confused people into thinking that Ygritte was really there somehow, or that Jon was going insane. So although I would have enjoyed it, I suspect I would have been in the minority.

  58. Any guesses as to what (if anything) Benioff and Weiss reveal/share about Season 7 at tomorrow’s SxSW panel?

  59. Sooo many good lines and most have been mentioned already. I’ll just highlight my fav.

    “Where will we go?”

    “I like the wolf bit.” said after inappropriately checking out his “half-sister” not sister.

    “You’re right. Thousands of men don’t need to die. Only one of us.”

    “I’m glad the end of the world’s working out well for someone.”

    And not a line but that time he beat Ramsey’s face in. Amazing!

  60. Just want to highly recommend the Criterion Collection’s blue ray release of Orson Welles’ 1965 masterpiece, “Chimes at Midnight.” The influence of this beautiful movie on Game of Thrones, from how walls must’ve looked in the Middle Ages to simple shots of banners waving in the wind to how to build a scene from low to high, is unmistakable, and I’m pretty sure the showrunners would nod in agreement.

  61. Catspaw Assassin,

    Besides, that movie has one of the best battle scenes ever, The Battle of Shrewsbury. It’s crazy to think that the whole scene was shoot with only about 50 extras and minimal budget. The editing and directing is so brilliant there (in the whole movie, really), and a reminder that you don’t need a huge amount of money to make an epic scene.

  62. Wimsey:

    Ouch, literally and figuratively.Good luck with that: it must be pretty hellish for you.

    Thanks, Wimsey! It’s been a crappy few months, for sure. Kind of puts everything on hold. Hopefully closer to finding an answer now – just crossing my fingers that I don’t get a post-lumbar puncture headache! They seem to frown on self-trepanation around here. ?

  63. This is my all-time favorite Jon Snow scene: it’s one of the few times he allows himself to be happy (or, as I think Wimsey described it, when Jon takes that Valyrian steel rod out of his a– and lets himself laugh). Rose Leslie was great in this scene too…


    Ygritte: ” Is that a palace?”

    Jon: “It’s a windmill.”

    Ygritte: “Windmill… Who built it? Some king?”

    Jon: “Just the men who used to live here.”

    Ygritte: “They must have been great builders, stacking stones so high.”

    Jon: “Winterfell has towers three times that size. ”

    Ygritte [mimicing]: ” ‘I’m Jon Snow and I’m from Winterfell. My daddy was a fancy lord and I lived in a tower that touched the clouds.’ ”

    Jon: “If you’re impressed by a windmill, you’d be swooning if you saw the Great Keep at Winterfell.”

    Ygritte: “What’s ‘swooning’?”

    Jon: “Fainting.”

    Ygritte: “What’s ‘fainting’?”

    Jon: “When a girl sees blood and collapses.”

    Ygritte: “Why would a girl see blood and collapse?”

    Jon: “Well, not all girls are like you.”

    Ygritte: “Girls see more blood than boys. Or do you like girls who swoon, Jon Snow? [in mock terror]: ‘Oh, a spider! Save me, Jon Snow! My dress is made of the purest silk from Tralalalaleeday.'” [playfully falls into his arms]

    Jon: “I’d like to see you in a silk dress.”

    Ygritte: “Would you…”

    Jon: “So I could tear it off you.”

    Ygritte: “You rip my pretty silk dress, I’ll blacken your eye.”

  64. keltia,

    Thanks. Having hip replacement surgery next week. Am told I’ll be up and dancing the week after – not. But thats my goal, anyway 🙂

  65. “My father told me big men fall just as quick as little ones, if you put a sword through their hearts.”

  66. Pigeon,

    Oh dear. I hope the worst of it is behind you, and they were able to figure out and fix whatever was causing the problem.

    I had to look up “self-trepanation.” I hope it doesn’t come to that. ? But then again, it doesn’t sound a whole lot worse than a lumbar puncture.

    If you have any favorite distractions, let us know.

  67. Axechucker,

    How will “votes” be tabulated for “most popular” and “most obscure.” Not that I’m looking to win anything. I’m just curious. (If I knew how do do it, I’d set up a poll with the top 5 entries – just like you do with the annual WoW Awards.)

  68. ash,

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! May the operation pass as fast as possible and successfully! I hope you’ll be walking in no time!

  69. Ten Bears:
    This is my all-time favorite Jon Snow scene: it’s one of the few times he allows himself to be happy (or, as I think Wimsey described it, when Jon takes that Valyrian steel rod out of his a– and lets himself laugh).Rose Leslie was great in this scene too…


    Ygritte:” Is that a palace?”

    Jon:“It’s a windmill.”

    Ygritte:“Windmill… Who built it? Some king?”

    Jon:“Just the men who used to live here.”

    Ygritte:“They must have been great builders, stacking stones so high.”

    Jon: “Winterfell has towers three times that size. ”

    Ygritte [mimicing]: ” ‘I’m Jon Snow and I’m from Winterfell. My daddy was a fancy lord and I lived in a tower that touched the clouds.’ ”

    Jon:“If you’re impressed by a windmill, you’d be swooning if you saw the Great Keep at Winterfell.”

    Ygritte:“What’s ‘swooning’?”


    Ygritte:“What’s ‘fainting’?”

    Jon:“When a girl sees blood and collapses.”

    Ygritte:“Why would a girl see blood and collapse?”

    Jon:“Well, not all girls are like you.”

    Ygritte:“Girls see more blood than boys. Or do you like girls who swoon, Jon Snow? [in mock terror]: ‘Oh, a spider! Save me, Jon Snow! My dress is made of the purest silk from Tralalalaleeday.’” [playfully falls into his arms]

    Jon:“I’d like to see you in a silk dress.”

    Ygritte:“Would you…”

    Jon:“So I could tear it off you.”

    Ygritte:“You rip my pretty silk dress, I’ll blacken your eye.”

    I love this scene too. As I said above, I think it completely sums up who Ygritte is and why Jon is in love with her. In particular the “Well, not all girls are like you”. We don’t see Jon smile and/or laugh very often, and I think it makes it all the more meaningful when he does.

  70. This thread alone has increased my hype tenfold.

    Someone else mentioned this one and I felt it deserved an upvote. “You were right the whole time”. – to Orell

  71. Pigeon, ash
    Haven’t been on here for a couple of days so a bit late with a comment but hope you’re both ok!! *sends healing vibes and hugs through the computer screen* While you’re in GoT mode try and think of really satisfying bits: someone you root for scoring a victory, someone you hate dying horribly, someone you find rather attractive looking particularly easy on the eye etc.

    I often entertain myself with the idea that for the very last episode they would attempt to do a full cast listing at the end. That would take up a couple of hours by itself! 😉

  72. A few more Jon Snow lines (from S5E5, unchaining Tormund) I liked because they recapitulate Jon’s “courage to make peace” theme; and because this scene signals the start of a beautiful bromance ?‍❤️‍?:

    From S5E5, “Kill the Boy” (Jon Snow and Tormund)

    Jon: “Where are the rest of the free folk now? Where have they gone? Who leads them?”

    Tormund: “They followed Mance. They won’t follow anyone else. ”

    Jon: “What about you? ”

    Tormund: “Hard to lead when you’re in chains.”

    Jon: “What if I unchained you?”

    Tormund: “Why would you do that?”

    Jon: “Because you are not my enemy. And I’m not yours.”

    Tormund: “You sure seemed like my enemy when you were killing my friends.”

    Jon: “For 8,000 years the Night’s Watch has sworn an oath to be the shield that guards the realms of men. And for 8,000 years we’ve fallen short of that oath. You belong to the realms of men. All of you.”

    Tormund: “And now everything is going to change?”

    Jon: “It is.”

    Tormund: “Why now?”

    Jon: “Because now I am Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.”

    Tormund: “What would you have me do, Lord Commander?”
    [Tormund, in a sarcastic, exaggerated tone, pronounces it ‘Load Kammandahh’]

    Jon: “I’d have you go north of the Wall. Gather the remaining Free Folk wherever they are and bring them back here. I’ll open the gates for them and let them through. I’ll find them lands to settle south of the Wall.”

    Tormund: “They won’t kneel for you, and neither will I.”

    Jon: “I don’t want them to kneel for me. I want them to fight with me when the time comes.”

    Tormund: “The day I ask my people to fight with the crows is the day my people cut my guts from my belly and make me eat them.”

    Jon: “And how many of your people can’t fight? The women, the children, the old, the sick; what happens to them? You’re condemning them to death. Worse than death because you’re too proud to make peace.Or maybe you’re not proud: Maybe you’re just a coward.”

    Tormund: “Easy thing to say to a man in chains.”

    [Though Tormund towers over him, Jon unlocks Tormund’s handcuffs; chains fall to the ground.]

    Jon: “Your people need a leader. And they need to get south of the Wall before it’s too late. We don’t have much time and they have less. The Walkers are coming, and they’ll hit your people first. I’m not asking you to make peace to save your skin. Make peace to save your people.”

    Tormund: “Most of them are at Hardhome. You know where that is?
    Up on [??] Point.”

    Jon: “I can give you 10 horses and nine other men. You can get there in a week.”

    Tormund: “We’ll need ships.”

    Jon: “I’ll talk to King Stannis about lending you his fleet.”

    Tormund: “All right, then you’re coming with me. You’re the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. They need to hear it from you. They need to know the ships they’re boarding won’t be torched in the middle of the sea. You come with me, or I don’t go.”

  73. “Well, you can’t get any worse” – the beginning of one of the greatest GoT friendships!

  74. Aye, you have the numbers, but Will your men want to fight for you when they hear you wouldn’t fight for them?


  75. Alba Stark,

    This is one of my favorite scenes, too. When I rewatched last year, I thought, “Kit is a fantastic actor, or he was really falling in love with Rose.” Since then, I have seen that he really is a great actor! But the romantic in me wants to believe the love was/is there, too.

  76. Ten Bears:

    How will “votes” be tabulated for “most popular” and “most obscure.” Not that I’m looking to win anything. I’m just curious. (If I knew how do do it, I’d set up a poll with the top 5 entries – just like you do with the annual WoW Awards.)

    Well, that’s easy!

    First off, you’re Ten Bears, so you immediately start with ten points. Then add ten more points for every comment in this thread. Divide that by the number of quotes you offered up, but then multiply THAT number by the number of times you replayed the teaser. For every time you then murmured, mumbled, or muttered any of Jon Snow’s lines aloud (NOTE: quoting Kit Snow the Coldplay Red Nose Day video actually does count), add another 3.5 points.

    The most points wins! The winner gets a hug at Con of Thrones.

    From Sue.

  77. Pigeon,

    awwwwwwwww!!! I damn well love this page and people who post here. All you guys give life with this kind of kindness .. Sobbing hard .. * world is not a bad place after all *

  78. I am unsure of the exact quote but I still laugh at the scene where he has just met Ygritte and she is messing with him by wiggling her body into his suggestively while they are laying in the snow and he says something along the lines of “Stop doing that!”

  79. Axechucker,

    I guess I’ll be consoled with a “Thanks for playing, Ten Bears” before the winner is announced.

    I calculated my point total:
    [( 10 for Ten Bears + 120 # thread comments) / 7 quotes offered] x 0 teaser replays = 0. Add 3.5 x 0 utterances of a Jon Snow line = 0.

    0 + 0 = 0

    Seriously though, this thread was a lot of fun.

  80. Clob,

    Thank you I appreciate your explination, that makes sense an I had not thought of it that way, just as time in general 🙂

  81. Xavierspapa,

    I think this us what you were referring to (from S2E6):

    Ygritte: Your brothers desert you? I can tell you which way to go.

    Jon: We’ll stop here. Too dark to go any farther today.

    Ygritte: Here? There’s no shelter here.

    Jon: There’s no shelter anywhere.

    Ygritte: There is if you know where to look. The cold could kill us both. If you light a fire …

    Jon: No fire.

    Ygritte: But a fire is …

    Jon: No fire.

    Ygritte: Have it your way. We’ll stay warmer if we stay close. Bet you freeze to death before I do. Bet your life….Think they’re out looking for you?

    Jon: Yes.

    Ygritte: Think they’ll find you?

    Jon: Yes.

    Ygritte: You’re brave. Stupid, but brave.

    Jon: We’ll start again at first light. Get some sleep.
    (He wrestles her to the ground and lies down next to her…)

    Jon: Stop moving!

    Ygritte: I’m just trying to get comfortable.

    Jon: Stop it! … You’re still moving!

    Ygritte: Was I? I didn’t notice that time.

  82. Before this topic fades into Older Posts oblivion, allow me to reproduce the full “Turn Back Around” scene from S2E7:


    Ygritte: How long ’til we get back to your crows?

    Jon: We’re close.

    Ygritte: What, a day? A half-day? You don’t know, do you? Do you even know where they are?

    Jon: We’re close.

    Ygritte: What do you think they’ll say when they hear about you and me?

    Jon: Nothing happened between you and me.

    Ygritte (exaggerated, Cockney voice): “I swear it, old master King Crow, sir, we were only close together for warmth. And then I felt it, right up against me backside like a club. I can show you the bruise on me tailbone. And before I knew what was where, his … his … well, it was all out in the open, all angry as you like. And I didn’t want to want it, but, oh, I did!
    The shame of it! Now I can never marry a perfumed lord. What will me poor savage father say?”

    Jon: Turn back around.

    Ygritte (continuing in exaggerated voice): “And I thought that we were done, but he said [changes voice to mimic Jon] ‘Turn back around.'”

    [in normal voice] I’ll tell you what, Jon Snow, since it’s going to be your word against mine, and since you can’t talk about it without blushing, we may as well just….

    Jon: What, right here in the muck?

    Ygritte: I’ll keep you warm enough. Are you that afraid of it?

    Jon: That’s enough.

    Ygritte: Oh, it’s nice and wet and warm.

    Jon: Enough

    Ygritte: It don’t have teeth… All right! All right. Gods, you’re dull.

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