Game of Thrones Set Photos Leak Online!


Filming for the seventh season of Game of Thrones may have wrapped up by now, but that doesn’t mean news have stopped coming our way: New photographs have surfaced from the sets at Corbet-Banbridge, Wolf Hill Quarry and perhaps Moneyglass as well.

If you are completely unaware of any narrative developments in season seven, much of what follows will constitute a spoiler. If you are up to date, however, this will only give you a proper look at certain locations and events we have only read about up to now.

A faithful Watchers on the Wall reader going by “Davos’ Luck” tipped us about a recent thread in the Free Folk subreddit, in which user KaySen762 shared the following pictures:

#GoT #Season7 #GameOfThrones #SetPhotos

What we see first is a stark bedroom, probably from their Winterfell set at Moneyglass. Then there is an atrium that almost looks like Riverrun, but not quite — Notice the lions! As the room is Lannister-themed, it will probably be part of the Casterly Rock set piece. If this is indeed a redressed version of the Riverrun set from season six (which would be a conventional time, space and money saving measure in any set designer’s department), that could explain why the castle at Corbet’s Linen Mill still stood tall during filming, despite the apparent lack of a plotline set in the Tully stronghold. In the same location, we can also see Unsullied and Lannister soldiers next to Euron’s ship, The Silence. Finally, the last two photos show wights and wildlings at Wolf Hill Quarry.
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  1. I’m not exactly sure why the Unsullied would need cold weather gear. They don’t react to pain, and they don’t even have to worry about shrinkage.

  2. Is that Kit Harington in the last photo (on the left, standing in the line of wildlings)? It would make sense given what we know about filming at Wolf Hill Quarry.

  3. I’m not seeing Lannister soldiers next to a ship, but I do see an “L” on the Rock wall between the lions. I’ve never seen so many gingers with 80s hair. I think Tormund has been fucking more than just Bears.

  4. Rygritte:
    I’m not seeing Lannister soldiers next to a ship, but I do see an “L” on the Rock wall between the lions. I’ve never seen so many gingers with 80s hair. I think Tormund has been fucking more than just Bears.

    The Lannister soldiers appear to be in the same location as the Unsullied. It’s Corbet-Banbridge, where Game of Thrones has a lot of sets, including their single ship prop they redress for every occasion (well, except for Euron’s Silence ship, which has its own prop.) It’s also where they have filmed Harrenhal, Volantis, Riverrun, and now apparently Casterly Rock.

  5. I know it’s a stretch but that bed looks awfully familiar, exactly like the bedrooms at Castle Black, same stone wall, same candle post, same type of furniture.
    Could that be from Eastwatch ?


    From the presumed 6 leaked dialogue photos we know that when Jon swears fealty to Dany, he is wounded and in bed, unable to bend the knee .. Maybe it’s all true !

    Or maybe I’m just overthinking things. I’m so excited

  6. Why would the Unsullied and Lannisters be on the Silence? Also the Silence looks unfinished in those photos, how do they film on that? It’s basically just a shell.
    The big set piece the Unsullied are standing outside, maybe that’s the Casterly Rock set piece seen in the next photo? Or Riverrun or whatever it is. Would make sense why the Lannisters are there as well then.

  7. Irina Stark,

    That could be true. Personally, I found the furniture a bit too fancy (by Northern standards only) for a Night’s Watch outpost. But it could be, yes.

    Micko: Why would the Unsullied and Lannisters be on the Silence?

    They wouldn’t. They’re just standing next to it. There are lots of sets at Corbet. Two ship props (including the Silence), Volantis (previously Harrenhal), and what seems to be Casterly Rock (and may have been Riverrun before.)

    And yes, they may have been filming at the Casterly Rock set. I didn’t want to make many assumptions, but I do believe that’s the most likely explanation.

  8. Wow…These pics are really making me salivate for S7!

    Have they been taken by the same person though? They seem like an odd combo- I guess they’re from someone on the crew?

  9. The wildling/wights pictures excite me most, surely we are due a teaser any week now? Come on HBO!!

  10. this guys sais that thw Winterfell room will have an important scene


    he sais that Arya and Sansa will plot against LF in that same room, OMG, tark sisters power! yassss
  11. Alvaricomg,

    That would be even better !

    Tiny Direwolf,

    Keep an eye out next week, they’re sure to show some stuff at South By Southwest on March 12 seeing as, usually, at this time of the year we’d have plenty of trailers in previous years. I know David and Dan won’t dish out on anything at SXSW but I’m counting on Sophie and the others to give us some scoop in between the lines, hehe !

  12. Who’s the guy in the last pic, second from right, in the Stark (?) armor? Looks way too tall to be Kit or his stand-in.

  13. Laura,

    It’s just a man of the Night’s Watch, my guess is that bunch is made up of the people who died at Hardhome, the ones who were ressurected by the Night King. A friend of mine pointed out that they don’t look really like zombies but remember that when the NK ressurected Karsi she was exactly the same as before, only with blue WW type eyes.

  14. I remember the twitter user “yeahclarke” said she had a photo from Littlefinger’s bedroom at Winterfell. Maybe that’s what the first picture is.

  15. New pictures – yes! – though not official.

    Casterly Rock set looks interesting. Remember pictures by PAP4YOU? The gate of the castle looked burnt. I thought these were supposed to be the gates of Riverrun and made a lot of predictions based on that (sorry), but now things become clear: the former Riverrun set will be used for Castery Rock, but its gates will be burned out during the siege nonetheless.

  16. Inga,

    I remember your theory! It was great, but now the mystery of the reused Riverrun set has been solved. It kind of makes more sense. We haven’t really heard anything about Riverrun for this season. I’d love to be wrong. I imagine they would wrap that up if this season had ten episodes, but in only seven… At most I hope for Arya to free Edmure, and I’m not even sure that’ll happen.

  17. Rygritte:
    I’ve never seen so many gingers with 80s hair. I think Tormund has been fucking more than just Bears.

    LOL. It’s a little strange that there are so many red-haired Wildlings. Not just in the above photo but going back to when they were first introduced in S2.

    Ryan Neuner:
    Is that Kit Harington in the last photo (on the left, standing in the line of wildlings)? It would make sense given what we know about filming at Wolf Hill Quarry.

    It does look like him (short, black hair, dark clothing) but SPOILERS

    based on previous filming photos, Jon goes Beyond the Wall dressed in Wildling furs not his Stark or NW leathers.

    I think that man in black and everyone else in that picture are wights. I think they still look human because they’re probably from the freshly turned wights the Night King acquired at Hardhome.

    As for the picture of the Northern room, I think it’s Winterfell not Castle Black. The furniture and sheets look too well kept for them to be in a room at CB. Plus, I doubt they have maid service at the Wall to turn down the bed and leave clean folded sheets at the foot of the bed.

  18. Inga: I thought these were supposed to be the gates of Riverrun and made a lot of predictions based on that (sorry), but now things become clear: the former Riverrun set will be used for Castery Rock, but its gates will be burned out during the siege nonetheless.

    Oh heck, no need to apologize for your predictions – those are half the fun of off-season. It’s fun to see what everyone is thinking or what they make of the photos or tiny offerings we get during the off-season.

    Here, I will offer up something, based on my having recently rewatched S6. I had forgotten that when Dany told Daario that he wouldn’t be going with her to Westeros, the first thing he came up with was him sailing around to Casterly Rock and sacking it in order to keep it from being a refuge for the Lannisters. I like thinking there may be something more for him to do. At any rate, maybe Dany remembered that he made that suggestion, and sends someone to take care of Casterly Rock.
    These pics were ok, but to me, not much. They have to give us more soon.

  19. Thronetender,

    Yes, now it really looks like that what Daario said about sacking Casterly Rock was a foreshadowing and that Dany will remember this idea after her allies will be defeated in the South and send the Unsullied to the Casterly Rock instead of the Second sons.

    I am slightly disappointed that my theories regarding Riverrun proved to be wrong mainly because I really route for Edmure and his poor wife and their son, but let’s hope they will play some role anyway. And all this game of guesses was a pretty useful experience anyway. One way or another I still guessed some things right (for instance, Jon’s arrival to Dragonstone). And my mistakes will serve me as a reminder that I have to check everything twice an try to get as much information as possible before guessing about anything, not just GoT.

  20. Flayed Potatoes:
    I remember the twitter user “yeahclarke” said she had a photo from Littlefinger’s bedroom at Winterfell. Maybe that’s what the first picture is.

    She is the source of those photos actually (she said she’d release them after filming’s done), she sent them via pm to a few reddit posters.

  21. sodorrias,

    Influenza is caused by the Influenza virus not the cold. Exposure to cold can make one somewhat more susceptible to illness but what actually causes more people to get sick during the winter is the holidays and the fact that people spend more time indoors. Those family gatherings and visits are perfect times for viruses and bacteria to spread.

  22. Yeah all these pics are from @yeahclarke on twitter she said she had pics before that although not really spoilery, seemed interesting but didn’t want to share them before filming finished. Yesterday if people wanted to see them she said she would private DM them the photo’s so I saw them yesterday, I guess other people shared them publicly they got out really quick spreading like wildfire lol
    Also she said before the bedroom pic is definitely from Winterfell possibly Sansa’s bedroom.

  23. I spy a Jon Snow!!!!! (wilding pic.. left hand side..sorta in front of lady in blue pants holding the orange thing)

  24. selena,

    Yes, that person looks a bit like Jon Snow, but it’s hard to say, cause he has no man’s bun. I remember haw we saw Jon Snow in every picture before S6. At least now it’s not the matter of life and death.

  25. Mel: possibly Sansa’s bedroom

    Maybe. We can’t see much of it but it’s kind of cold and blah for Sansa’s bedroom, even if she doesn’t take the “master suite” as Jon said she should. This picture looks more like a guest room. Personally I’d think that any and all of the returning Stark children would want to return to the comfort of the bedroom in which they grew up, even if it takes some reorganizing. Sansa in particular might have acquired some decorating sense after spending so much time in the Red Keep. When we saw Arya’s room in episode 1 it was rather large, with a curtained bed and covered with several furs.

  26. I’m so very late to the game on this one, but congratulations on becoming an official Watcher, Luka!

  27. Im really really confused.

    Why are there tons of wildings at the Quarry? I thought it was a group of five capturing a wight. Will there a be a massive battle with more than the small group getting fucked by wights? It looks to me that its gonna be big on both sides…

    Am I wrong? I haven’t viewed leaks and such for a month or two…

  28. Jonah,

    The leaks only talked about the known characters not about extra wildlings, it does make the wight hunt seem more smarter taking a large amount of people than 5 or so. Perhaps the leaker didn’t know about them or didn’t think it was important enough to mention.

  29. Irina Stark, It looks like Bran’s bedroom at Winterfell which was also Maester Aemon’s chamber and Jon’s chamber. No doubt it will be used for Eastwatch, too.

  30. Rygritte,

    What does that have to do with Edmure? You mean Arya could free Edmure like she freed the Northern soldiers at Harrenhal?

  31. Jonah:
    Im really really confused.

    Why are there tons of wildings at the Quarry? I thought it was a group of five capturing a wight. Will there a be a massive battle with more than the small group getting fucked by wights? It looks to me that its gonna be big on both sides…

    Am I wrong? I haven’t viewed leaks and such for a month or two…

    This is probably Eastwatch by the sea- the Wolf Hill quarry set seemed to be set up to portray a number of locations, including EBTS: the pics from a few months ago showed an icy cliff like structure with a channel cut through it.

  32. Rygritte:
    Irina Stark, It looks like Bran’s bedroom at Winterfell which was also Maester Aemon’s chamber and Jon’s chamber. No doubt it will be used for Eastwatch, too.

    No, it doesn’t match what we previously saw as Bran’s bedroom at all. Youtube “old nan tells of the long night” and you can see most of his room. There were windows on each side of his bed and it also had a very large headboard. This picture isn’t a room of a (little) lord or lady of a prominent House.

  33. Clob,

    That’s why I said it gave me a Castle Black/Possible Eastwatch vibe, it looks a little too grim to be a WF bedroom. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
    If we are going to see anything from the inside of Eastwatch, it’s 99% a bedroom, other than that I expect exterior beach and Wall scenes as the WH crew arrives/departs.

  34. Apollo,

    They’re probably wight wildlings who got killed at Hardhome, that’s my guess anyway. Most of the wildlings are in the South already and those who didn’t make it died. They normally wouldn’t have any business left North of the Wall and I doubt Jon would risk their lives again after the BotB.

  35. The last pic looks so much like Jon in the middle of a bunch of fire kissed wildlings.. Come on Jon, we know you have a thing for red heads but this is a bit too much xD

  36. Irina Stark:

    They’re probably wight wildlings who got killed at Hardhome, that’s my guess anyway. Most of the wildlings are in the South already and those who didn’t make it died. They normally wouldn’t have any business left North of the Wall and I doubt Jon would risk their lives again after the BotB.

    Agreed- I wasn’t implying they were north of the wall though, but at Eastwatch. ? Perhaps a greeting party or other scene, following the scenes of Jon landing that apparently were filmed in Iceland. Could also be fresh wights though, for sure.

  37. Irina Stark,

    I am guessing that Wight walkers start to decay or get frost bit as the travel around the land beyond the wall. So maybe once they turn Wight they look normal but weather and time start to decay the body changing them more zombie-ish.

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