Filming in Spain will be wrapping up soon enough but for now, the Game of Thrones news is still flowing in.
We have more confirmation that Enzo Cilenti is returning as Yezzan in season 6, and with it, more hints at the story taking shape in Meereen next year.
The actor was in Belfast in August, but there was no further confirmation that his character of the fighter-owning slaver being back since then. Two days ago, Cilenti shared this photo of Almería Cathedral with its distinct bell tower on Instagram.
Game of Thrones has been filming in Almería for the last couple weeks, with many cast sightings in the area. In addition to the photo placing Cilenti in Spain, there’s also evidence of him working with other actors from the show very recently. Eddie Jackson, an actor confirmed for Game of Thrones back in July, tweeted this message to Cilenti and George Georgiou:
@georgiou1978 and @EnzoCilenti its been a pleasure
— Eddie Jackson (@eddiejackson88) October 20, 2015
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Georgiou tweeted Cilenti a couple weeks back:
@EnzoCilenti loved you in THE MARTIAN!! See you next week for a bit of acting!
— GEORGE GEORGIOU (@georgiou1978) October 6, 2015
It’s interesting to see the slavers of Yunkai and Meereen coming together for season 6. It seems likely Jackson has a part in their story now too.

Shooting is shifting to the Alcazaba of Almería this week. Game of Thrones will be using the fountain, canals and gardens located in the first enclosure area of the Alcazaba, according to La Voz de Almería, who also reports that filming will start today and run through tomorrow. Perhaps the Dornish will be filming there, since they’re newly in town?
There are indications of more filming in Almería province in Sorbas and the Tabernas desert.
Melty.es has photos of production vehicles and GOT signage out at the old gypsum quarry in Sorbas.

GoT has also been busy over in Carboneras, filming at Mesa Roldán with several major cast members and a group of extras. La Voz reports that Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke and Nathalie Emmanuel and about forty extras including Unsullied filmed at the site. (See our post from yesterday for more photos and info!)
Melty also reports that Clarke, Dinklage, and several other cast members were shooting in Carboneras, with “a few dozen slaves.” They say a scene was shot where she attended to one of her dragons- the usual ball-on-a-stick they use on set was present, it seems. Melty has guesses about the Mesa Roldan filming being connected to Dany’s return to Meereen, due to the location, but there is no confirmation yet.
We’ll check in with Northern Ireland filming later today, as updates and confirmations roll in.
When is the Smalljon Umber casting going to be announced?
If Dany is going back to Meereen than I expect some type of resolution. Perhaps a CGI battle reminiscent of the Field of Fire.
Nice to see Dany reunite with the Meereen crew!
I’m quite curious about the Alcazaba, too. I’m sure it’ll be Dorne, but I wonder whether it will depict Sunspear or the Water Gardens. I guess that’s the kind of thing we are unlikely to find out until we actually watch the show.
If they’re actually
Luka Nieto,
Hopefully Sunspear. Enough of the Water Gardens.
I am hoping, with the help of Varys’ little spies, Tyrion and Dany will know who is behind the SotH and can make a quick and fiery end of it.
Man… this is going to be a BIIGG season for Dany
I’m very curious to know wich directors are working at these scenes. It’s been a while since we saw one of them.
Eddie Jackson reminds me a little bit of Locke, but I doubt he’s playing a Bolton soldier.
That 1st Instagram has to be photoshopped right? As for the slave keeper, the episode he appeared in was one of my lesser favorite episodes of se5 due to (imo) lazy writing. His acting received a passing grade I suppose
Of course, Dany will have one of the largest storylines of the season, as always, but there is a little location bias going on here. Her storyline lends itself to outdoors, highly visible locations more than any other, so it’s no wonder we’ve seen so much of her. However, when all is said and done, when we actually watch the show, most scenes (though not most of Dany’s, probably) will take place in Belfasts’s interior sets as always; the ones we never hear anything about.
The Yunkish unveil their leader, a long lost Gardener lord. Immediately, Daenerys burns him and 4,000 of his followers.
When the dust settles and the dragons go to sleep, Tyrion reaffirms his Lannister support of this latest Targaryen conqueror… you know, just for good measure.
God of tits and wine,
Have you never used Instagram? Filters…are a thing.
Cilenti was in “The Gift” and “Hardhome” so if those are your least favorites, season 5 must have been a tough year for you.
Sue the Fury,
Yeah, they were like two of the best episodes of the season!
Thanks for the updates, Sue. Looking forward to the NI information.
Sue the Fury,
Oh ok. Yeah I have an IG account never but never use it. And your right, I should say I wasn’t fond of the slave keeper scenes rather than the entire ep
Been away for a day or two and can’t even catch up with all this! Thanks, Sue.
Jackson has a great face, looks like some kind of trouble.
Bored at the bus stop. Season 5 episode rankings, because why the hell not. The talk of best S5 eps has me reminiscing.
5×08 > 5×10 > 5×07 = 5×09 > 5×03 = 5×06 (yep) > 5×05 > 5×01 = 5×04 > 5×02. All told, a season that got better as it went on, which is how I like it. But it wasn’t as strong as 1/3/4, although I never expected it to be. I’m mostly satisfied.
The preceding dry and arbitrary inequality is brought to you by PSTA. Serving Pinellas County, Florida entirely too slowly since 1975.
The Alcazaba location is beautiful, just perfect for Dorne.
Enzo Cilenti looks like the kind of character actor who would have appeared in Cecil B. DeMille/Old Hollywood epics about the Roman Empire.
Gods, that’s sweet.
With so many returning characters confirmed, we may be able to start the death pool for this season soon!
Jeff O’Connor,
I think you’re my new favorite person.
This season could be an even bigger season for Dany than Season 3 was.
The Dragon they mention it’s probably Drogon. Though I so want to hear more about R&V.
I guess that could be either her return to Meereen or her heading to Westeros. If not yet, they’ll probably still film the scene when she leaves.
Jeff O’Connor,
08 > 10 > 05 > 01 > 07 > 02 = 03 > 09 > 06 = 04
BTW, Sue, when are we getting the WOTW Awards results?
Well damn. Alright, I’ll take it. 😀
God of tits and wine,
Well there is judgment and judgment. Gift + Hardhome that is! How can one take you as a serious commentator? Clienti was excellent in his roll, a low profile, mean and almost decadent sense of a slavers soul… One of the best rollistas in the past season…
Jeff O’Connor,
LOL! I ride PSTA also.Usually 38, or Beach Trolley.. Its a small world.
And I agree on your ep rankings for S.5. Although I would say that Hardhome was probably the best best ep of the whole series, if not the best hour in all US television history.
Eddie Jackson’s spotlight credits Dan Sackheim, so episodes 6×03-6×04. 🙂
I’m confused. Dany arrives to the new khalasar, then
It will have enough time to develop all of this properly?
So he’ll provably have scenes with Razdal and Yezzan in episodes 3 and/or 4. Then we know for a fact Razdal will reappear for Dany’s climax, in episodes 9 and/or 10.
That’ll be the whole season, so I’d say there’s plenty of time.
Maybe is a vision/dream : O
Interesting to see Cersei in all black. Must be in mourning.
It’s obviously not for the show itself, unless it’s the weirdest vision ever, which I doubt. I sure hope the Alcazaba won’t just be used for that photoshoot! That can’t possibly be the case, right?
Cersei’s maybe? lol “queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger…”
Ha! Small world, indeed. If we find another few WotWers in the area I’ll have to expand my viewing parties to accommodate all you awesome people. Funny user name, btw… we don’t see much “Christmas Snow” down here!
“Hardhome” is probably my favorite GoT episode, at least, yeah. I can watch it over and over and never stop grinning.
The location doesn’t make much sense, though. Also, considering how they’re all lined up, it just has to be a photoshoot.
Luka Nieto,
I think they used it both to shoot Dorne and the photoshoot (I don’t think it’s a vision).
What little peace and order the five kings left us will not long survive the three queens, I fear. – LF
Cool, a promo photo of the three Queens.
The Tattered Prince,
There will be no Victarion. Only Euron. There will be no ”Battle of Meereen” neither. That’s why Barristan died sooner. He will die in the books too, because when Dany returns to Meereen, then we’ll don’t need Selmy’s POV anymore.
I think we will see this picture in Entertainment Weekly next year.
Phil Necro,
Barristan didn’t die because there will be no Battle of Meereen. He died to make room for Tyrion.
Hopefully we get to see what else they do at the Alcazaba. I mean, they’re just shooting for a few days, so I doubt we’ll get to see much of a Dornish story this season; not on location, at least.
“I give you leave to ask my crew.”
“A crew of mutes?Aye,that will serve me well.”
Euron!Euron king!
#whatishypemayneverdie #iamthehype
Phil Necro,
I thought they’re mixing elements of Victarion with Euron. Hence “Victeuron”.
I don’t necessarily agree with how you put that, but it happened. Such a tease for us! I was hoping that Tyrion and Selmy could have an interaction before Selmy snuffed it. To have two prominent KL characters conversing in another loaded context is fascinating. There’s still hope that they will run into each other on the page but GRRM may also tease us.
Oh man, I’ve been gone over a week! I need a short short version recap of all the latest info! XD All I’ve been able to catch is
Well, great to know that Daenerys and Tyrion are sharing a scene And some dragon sighting – ZOMG! Finally. And we have confirmation that Daenerys goes back to Meereen. Nice!
Must be! The three queens. Past, present and future? Hmmm….
Hodor’s Bastard,
There is no way Dany would accept Tyrion if Selmy was alive. She was desperate for an advisor, after Selmy’s death.
D&D created that context in which it is believable for Tyrion to convince Dany to accept him.
I don’t know how GRRM will do that, but I find it hard to believe that Tyrion can become part of Dany’s council if Selmy is alive.
A word of caution:-
More characters means more heartbreaking deaths.Don’t say we didn’t warn ya. Haha 😉
Maybe you mean that Euron could take over some part of Victarion’s story(or not) but mixing the characters?God no.You would want them to make Euron dumber?Why would they do that?And no one from the show ever said they are gonna mix Euron with someone else.Actually,we don’t know at all how they written him,we have to wait for the show and see.
Yeah, exactly.
Luka Nieto,
Yes true,
But I feel like this will finally be the season (and also book) that Dany embraces the “Dragon Queen” persona that has been teased since the end of season 1.
Irish Thrones is reporting that Sophie Turner was spotted on set with NCW and Gwendoline Christie. Have you heard anything about that, Sue?
Good to have confirmation that Dany makes it back to Tyrion and company before the end of the season. I was beginning to worry.
Don your tinfoil hats, cuz this is my crazy theory: Dany is taking her Khallesar over land to crush Volantis then on to Myr to stage the crossing of her army. The tower scene is Tyrion meeting her on the Demon road with the Unsullied.
Sometimes its irritating ….add something or just read and leave..please
I actually wasn’t thinking that far ahead. I simply was wondering how a Selmy-Tyrion conversation would go in the context of Meereen. I would assume that Selmy would be initially skeptical, especially with Jorah nearby, but he would listen to Tyrion the kinslayer (of Joff and Tywin).
Varys in Almeria 🙂
Definitely a photoshoot. Curious where they got the photo from though. Wish they’d cited a source.
I see.It could be a possibility but somehow I doubt it.Euron has stuff to handle in Westeros for now,he can’t just go at this point.Who’s gonna lead the ironborn?Who’s gonna lead his campaigns?I believe there are better chances he would send someone to search for Dany than going himself.
Sophie was in London just this morning, and during one of the Emmy interviews she said she’d have a two-month break from shooting.
Conflicting information so I’m looking into it.
I’d rather see Dany wearing Black and Red for a photoshoot though. Hopefully she’ll be wearing the targaryen fiercy colors when heading back to Westeros.
Agreed.I’m not a fan of Dany but I don’t like in the show that I never get a bad ass Targaryen vibe from her.I mean she crucifies people and burns people with dragons!Wear some black and red,show people who you are.
I am kinda hyped for Dany’s arc this season. She is finally looking like she is on a path that should lead her to Westeros.
Any thoughts on the quarry shoot? Doesn’t it look like it could be the Wall? So how would that fit with what we know about who’s in Spain?
Note: I changed my screen name from “ABee”. There is an ” Aabe” who posts here and I’ve noticed several names lately that are either exactly the same or very similar. So…fwiw and in the interest of differentiation, this is me now.
Hey, that tinfoil would be OK with me – her crushing Volantis. But I also want her to raze Slaver’s Bay to the ground before that. I wanna see some fire and blood, dammit! 😀 When she sets sail for Westeros, I want the slave trade in Essos to be crushed for good. Everywhere.
Varys? Who is the director going to be, I wonder? I thought he was going to set sail Ep. 5 or 6 with a scene on the docks with Tyrion. I am starting to wonder now if Mesa Roldan is still Meereen or somewhere more west in Essos. Hmmm…..
Luka Nieto,
“The gift” was a superb episode. Sadly it was sandwiched between the most controversial (Unbend,Unbowed,Unbroken) and the best episode (Hardhome) of the season so it often gets overlooked.
To be honest, I’ll be surprised if Selmy survives the battle. He basically was a placeholder PoV character, and now that Tyrion is there, he no longer serves any narrative purpose.
But if Daeny does that, then she destroys the home of the people that she tried to save. I’d prefer to see her eradicate the Harpies without harming the former slaves excessively. (But, then, I’m quite the Bolshevik at heart!)
I might misunderstand what you mean by that, but I doubt that Daeny will ever do that. Daeny will always be torn between principle and expediency: and she will always err on the side of principle. She and Jon are two peas in a pod: what they really want to do is be the 12th Doctor and go around saying “I’m Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen: and I save people!”
Speaking of which, what did anybody think of Wiliams turn on Doctor Who? Capaldi professes to be a huge Thrones fan who was excited to have her join!
Keep in mind that both Euron and Victarion are background characters. They exist to create issues for the protagonists. Just as long as the important issues they create either are there or have some analog on the show, then the particulars of who does them do not matter.
It has one of my favorite scenes in the entire show in fact: the conversation between the High Sparrow and Cersei just before her arrest. The HS’s epic “pillars and statues” speech especially stands out to me, due in part to Jon Pryce’s flawless delivery (especially his sinister change in facial expression at the end when he reveals he knows about Cersei and Lancel) of it.
Damn near as good is the conversation between Olenna and the HS at the Sept of Baelor. Diana Rigg and Jon Pryce played well off of each other in that, and it of course has more great lines by the HS like the “many and the few” bit.
In fact… Jon Pryce is just awesome. I hope he ends up winning the best supporting actor poll here at WotW, he really deserves it!
IrishThrones has been wrong before, but they have gotten stuff right too. Personally, even though Sansa returning to the Riverlands with Brienne would basically mean that all she was in season 5 was a Jeyne Poole replacement, I have always seen her future as existing in the South, not the North. Problem is, what would this mean for Littlefinger? I am leaning towards this report being false.
Robb Snow,
Yeah, that speech is a pure gold… One of the best in history of GoT.
The Tyrells’ finery will be stripped away… Their lies knocked down, their true hearts laid bare for all to see. And, so it will be for all of us- high and low alike.
What will we find… when we strip away your finery?
Yes…I am not on some “Save Selmy!” mission here. The only reason I am interested in this scenario is that, since Dany had her Fire & Blood moment with Big D, Selmy serves as the PoV from “inside” Meereen and Tyrion serves as the PoV from “outside” Meereen. And Selmy is headed outside…so I was wondering if there would be a chance meeting with some insightful comments and curses shared. 🙂 But, in all likelihood, Tyrion comes across Selmy’s body (maybe dying, not dead?) as he and Jorah make their way to the inner sanctum of Meereen, with ??? in charge.
Luka Nieto,
I haven’t found any evidence to suggest a major scale battle so I think we will get a short version. A Field of Fire type battle seems like it could be wrapped up pretty quickly as opposed to The Battle of Fire
Exactly 😉
Perhaps they haven’t filmed it..?
Anyway I agree with you, a shorter version seams more likely. But we will know for certain in the coming weaks, if it is a huge battle, then we will definatly hear of it.
I really hope Sophie isn’t filming in the Riverlands. It will be another shoehorning and I really won’t understand why they keep taking away Arya’s emotional hits and giving them to her.
First they take away any chance of Jon racing to Winterfell to save his ‘little sister’ and now it will be about the sister he has had absolutely no emotional connection to in the show and then they’ll put Sansa in the Riverlands to what? Avenge the Red Wedding? Chat with the BWB? All things her sister has the strongest connection to.
Fun scenario: Dany and Tyrion met. She’s riding Drogon and Drogon pull a Quentyn. That would be unexpected XD
… And not more unimaginative blue/white dresses… It’s me or the quality of costumes have fallen?
Agreed. 😀 I’m waiting for her to wear Red and Black colours of her family. Fire&Blood.
Probably, they can’t marry her again to an *sshole until Ramsay died. She has to do something in between and they can’t do the Vale plot because that mean happy/agency Sansa so… Next suitor in line could be…?
I was just thinking that if there are no dothraki extras in the filming at Mesa Roldán, what happened with Dany’s khalasar?! There might be a reason why she’ll spend almost all the season among the dothraki.
That Melty site published more informations about the shooting at Mesa Roldán. They said the actor who plays Razdal was in the scene. There was some kind of fighting between Dany, Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm and some unsullied against Razdal and 3 other Meereen/Yunkai characters.
That’s when Drogon shows up. Full article at:
Frankly if that’s how they are going to do it …
Then iam sick of this when ever shit is about go happen drogon shows up ..
Trust me iam a big dany fan u can get to see …but If I get sick about this think what will the dislikers and haters will think …
She is the main character here not drogon …
Its one thing to come riding drogon to fight and its totally another thing to have drogon appear whenever dany is in trouble ..
So i just hope its not the case and not only here …i hope the burning of hut in vaes dothrak also by some other and if its drogon then I hops dany gets go do something and not just be a damsel in distress
I do think they got the details wrong and that dany and drogon arrived there amidst the fight or already thrre for thr fighg while dothraki is marching towards the spot
First of all we should be glad that their bond is strong unlike other characters and their magical creatures.
If that’s not cool. What you want her to do? As for Mesa Roldán. I agree there and she should be on Drogon and not that he’ll shows up out of nowhere. I would like to see what the heck are they going to do with Victarion and Rhaegal. Poor boys.
Geralt of Rivia,
Am not talking about their bond though of course its going to be strong considering she is his mother and iam sure both R&V are itching to help their mother too …but poor guys indeed they were secondary in the books andand never stood a chance against their big brother and so does in the show they are treated the same way where having CGi limits their scenes …hence they keep them chained until dany frees them …
Often times I feel like there is only three dragons because Grrm wanted dany to have that three heads and an embodiment to her sigil and another triplet that dany has
What iam talking about is in a visual medium if a character is in the middle of a danger and saved by the dragon thrice in twelve episodes ..then it will be a major turn off for the audience towards this character..
I never take these articles seriously and i do not like to talk like these reports are exactly how will be done in the episode …I would like to see what they do in the episodes
So I will wait for episode to air ..
But I would like dany to show some strength and make a stand against dothraki before the burning tales place …reveal about who she is and what she intends to do will be a start …like what had happened before the funeral pyre ..
I’m not sure it’s Daeny who frees them. Tyrion is another option. Since he’s supposed to be another key figure in the story and I can imagine endgame too. He might be able to ride one of them. Why I’m saying it. I just can’t see any other worthy contribution from Tyrion against White Walkers. He’s not really a fighter and while he’s good at strategy. For such a big character that seems weird. With all the talk about him being a secret Targaryen. We’ll see.
As for three headed dragon. They never touch on this subject, but might do it in next seasons. Since it will become more relevant for War of the Dawn. They will introduce new term “One The Was Promised” since it’s becoming more relevant on the show.
Some might be willing to listen if she stands up, but large part of them won’t. The reports indicates that they will be fight between them. I don’t understand why to spill blood in Vaes Dothrak, but whatever. So not everyone will dismiss her, if she stands to them. Show will do it with the help of Drogon and I’m not against it. That Daeny will be basically “God” in their eyes. Khal of Khals. You couldn’t get any better than that, but that would be the last time to do it. I understand Daznak’s and Vaes Dothrak. Just no to use it any further, but we shall see more details on the Mesa Roldán scenes.
Geralt of Rivia,
Tyrion I think will bring political knowledge on the table where Jon brings the north and dany brings her dragons and dothraki ..
Tyrion can still lead the army of freed men and south whole Jon lead north and dany in her dragons lead the dothraki …
For me Tyron will be more plus after the war to build the realm ..than at the war ..
I don’t think he will be riding any dragons or a targ bastard …this will become clear and sure come this season ..
I dont think he will realese them because he is not stupid like quentyn and he is trying to control the city and freeing dragons that could not be controlled will only make his work hard ..
I don’t think all dothraki will agree too…that’s why I mentioned the pyre scene …some slaves and dothraki left her and those who stayed had doubts but when she came out of it ..they believed her ….
I think that exactly what they are going for in Vaes dothrak …
But doing that again mesa roldan will be a mistake and iam sure they dont do that
Lady Olenna and Varis are in Almeria too!!!
La Alcazaba would be Kings landing??
I get what you said and when the first informations about VD leaked I was kinda disappointed too because I don’t want it to be just Drogon showing up to save her everytime.
And since the dothraki only follow the strong, they’d only be willing to follow her if she can command Drogon. Idk how they’re gonna do it, but they might find a way.
It’s one thing if he shows up and saves her, as it happened at Daznak’s pit. It’s another one (much more badass too) if he shows up and can actually follow her orders, as he used to do when he was younger. Then he would be a weapon, not just something that would take her aways from danger.
New picture of Emilia on the set at Alcazaba. They said it was taken during the filming but I don’t think so… still looks like it’s from that photoshoot.
Wonder if we’ll be seeing a Cleon the Great/Cleon the Second type character uniting the former slave cities? Personally , I would have brought back Xaro Xhoan Daxos, they could have saved him from the vault (he eats Doreah to show how far he’d go to survive) and he’d be a great face for the old Slaver’s Bay/Qarth with added motivation as he wants revenge on Dany and her ideals. Not going to happen but I thought he a menacing yet intelligent character who made a good villain. Plus Nonso Anozie did a great job with what could have been a throwaway role.
Must admit, MEreen has turned into last pre-seasons Dorne for me. Worried about what they’re going to do there. They’ve got Tyrion to hang stuff on now but he can’t save a poor story all by himself.
You’re absolutely right. Alcazaba stands for Dorne and it’s unlikely that Daeny will made it there in next season.
Luis Martell,
Tyrion might release them in awake of siege or battle like last option. Then Daeny will march with Dothraki and saves the day. Just imagine Viserion and Rhaegal. catching corpses mid air.
While I agree that he’ll bring political acknowledge, but him riding a dragon is in the realm of possiblities and hints are there for him being a secret Targayren. While too many secret Targaryens it’s not a good thing, but it might be a possiblity and door are open for this. I know that that you don’t like the idea of anyone riding or commanding dragons beside Daeny. I would prefer this too, but it’s possibility that there might be some. Bran is the wildcard, because he’s going to fly. Right now is the question will it be some of Daeny’s dragons or perhaps Ice Dragon?
It’s jsut easier with her commanding Drogon.
I’d rather see any character riding Rhaegal or Viserion than Bran warging them. I just don’t like that idea. In any case he could still “fly” by warging any animal that flies, like crows etc.
Geralt of Rivia,
No I liked the idea once that Jon will get rhaegal and tyrion viserion. Its perfectly normal to believe that ..
But I don’t believe in that anymore due yo mh many rereads …
I do want that scene theg catch corpses mid air .. But i can tell with100℅ certainity ghat it will not happen at least not this season …
And bran will not warg a dragon …he cab fly by wargin crows and tress ….
If a warg can warg dragons we would have know by now …
And like kargaryen said I would rather have tyrion riding it than bran warging it
When Bloodraven said to him that he’s going to fly. I don’t believe that such a thing would be crow or that. It will be something much bigger than that. It might not be one of the Daeny’s dragons. Ice Dragon is another big possibility and I do believe that we’re going to see him. Bran will be fully well almost fully trained by Bloodraven. He could be bigger, stronger and deadlier than Drogon.
I always prefered Jon to lead armies from the ground unlike many other people believeing that he’ll ride a dragon possibly Rhaegal. I think show will strip all the potential magical things about him. While he’ll be brought to life, but his warging abilities are not in the show and other things that might George planned for him too. I think show is simply going with him as normal kind of guy, underdog, without that magical element unlike Daeny.
I never wanted Daeny, Jon, Tyrion to ride dragons and being Targaryens, but it’s not up to me. D&D can do it if they want to and they might be doing it. It’s another possibility. But then again while Jon perfectly able to fight, Tyrion not really. He might be key as you said more for what’s going to happen after the war against WW and helping Daeny with politics.
Geralt of Rivia,
First I apologize for all those spelling mistakes …god I hate using phone while posting …
Bran is powerfull ajd important but when compared with dany or with Jon he is less important …
A dragon bond is more power full than a warg …you share the bond .. Its mutual between a rider and a dragon ….whereas you take control forcefully if you are a warg …look at hodor and see how he feels …so I prefer bonding than warging ..
Bran is powrrfull aye but no he will not warg a dragon …and i do not want him to
D&D will do that only if George told them that tyrion will get one ….they are not going to do that if its not in the books …why because ut already tough to have scenes where dany riding drogon..they will never introduce plots that has them working more …
The two dragons were always secondary and side lined both in show and books …I think that scenes in the pyre and hotu and dracarys and mhysa all show exactly one thing. …
That one person gives command to three dragons and control them ..
No one ever controlled more than one dragon but no one ever was presented with more than one dragon egg ..no one ever stepped into fire and came out unburnt …no one ever was called Mother if dragons ..
If you look into the GRRm original letter he has dany finding an egg and hatching it …no mention of other dragon riders …so he added this three mainly because to make dany a three headed dragon not just the last dragon
I disagree about Bran’s importance. George will surely reveals some tricks upon his sleeve. For me Bran is up there with Daeny and Jon.
Listen to what George said out of 13 main characters some of them will have same ending in the show and in the books. Show and books will be different in many ways and even endings for some characters. If D&D wants do it and George is not against it (he’s only advisor), they will do it. It’s their adaptation and George sold them rights to do it. CGI and in general doing scenes for direwolves is more costly (money or time) than dragons and show is bigger in every aspect and they would handle that.
George changed a lot of things from the original outline. As for Three Headed Dragon. Many possibilities. I love Daeny, but I just can’t see her being all of those titles (some of those yes) STMTW, AAR , PtwP, Younger More Beautiful Queen, Three Headed Dragon and sitting on the throne in the end. That would be too easy for George.
Geralt of Rivia,
Iam not saying bran is not important …just he is not on the same level as Jon and dany …bran comes next with tyrion and arya ..
If they don’t have problem in showing lots of dragon scenes then I hope they use it on someone who actually have those scenes …and this is not a small set piece like having jorah get greyscale or barristan dying early …
Dragons and thier riders will be the most important in the story …so I don’t think they will put someone who doesn’t ride a dragon in the books ride them …especially when they are trying hard to have one doing the ride ..
But he has kept all the key points of major characters …dany’s story not changed that much …
Its not about likimg or disliking a character ..
I believed jon and tyriom will ride dragons in first too …now am not …
Its actually the books that gives this not me …three headed dragon is not a prophecy its just means that dragon with three head will fulfill the same prophecy with three differnt versions AAR TPTWp TSWMw..
Just because she fulfills them means it will not be easy …nothing in her life was easy even getting dragons ..she didn’t just happens to find them on the roadside …and not been easy to control them …
YMBQ has nothing to do with her either she will just be coming to take KL which cersei is going to burn ..cersei is the one that keeps self fulfilling it
And George set up their arcs in a parallel way too …he specifically put WoS in dance so it can parallel with dany …and he wanted to show how differnt they rule ..
I think she will die and not sit the throne at the end. .