The beautiful Basque location of Gaztelugatxe has been a treasure trove of spoilers and revelations. Only yesterday we got a blurry glimpse of what is perhaps the most momentous meeting of two characters in the history of Game of Thrones, and today we bring news that a completely unexpected main character was spotted at the islet set. Furthermore, a report by Javi Marcos from Los Siete Reinos reveals that the Almodóvar del Río Castle will likely depict one of the main locations of the season.
Javi’s report in Los Siete Reinos boldly speculates that Almodóvar del Río may be yet another Spanish location used to depict Dragonstone. We are not willing to leap that far, especially considering the clearly southern architecture of the castle —I could see it as King’s Landing before Dragonstone. Now, that written, why cannot it be a smaller location for the show, such as perhaps Sunspear or Highgarden? Well, that is the one thing that this report ascertains: Game of Thrones may only be filming for a week in Almodóvar del Río, but it will be a recurring location all throughout the season.
Marcos could confirm that, along with showrunners D.B. Weiss and David Benioff, no fewer than three of the four directors for this season visited the castle to prepare for filming: Jeremy Podeswa, Mark Mylod and Matt Shakman. Veteran Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor was the only one apparently not present, but this still means that this location will make an appearance in three-to–six episodes of season seven.
So why is Dragonstone being considered as one of the candidates for Almodóvar del Río? The extras required for this area fit the Dothraki and Unsullied profile. If it’s Dragonstone, it only makes sense considering we have already seen Daenerys will take over the stronghold. Still, this castle looks very little like Dragonstone. We’ll have to wait until we get more information before we get a clear picture of what’s happening here. As we previously reported, Almodóvar will be closed from November 4th to the 16th, though filming will only take place for a week. Hopefully, in a few weeks we’ll get a clearer idea of which surprisingly recurring role this location will enjoy next year.
Now, let’s return to Gaztelugatxe for a moment, even though flming ended yesterday. If seeing Gendry back in King’s Landing wasn’t strange enough for you, these new photos from yesterday’s shoot certainly will be. Deia brings us a few photos. One of them shows a continuation of a scene that had already been glimpsed —Jon and Davos on the floor, while the Targaryen loyalists remain unperturbed. Previously we had seen Tyrion looking up at the sky, and now he is helping Jon up. If it wasn’t clear before that this is the scene in which Jon and Davos see a dragon for the first time, it pretty much is now:

The other photograph may seem innocuous at first, as it went unremarked upon by the local newspaper, but it actually shows us a woman in red. A Red Woman, one could say:

The picture is not of a perfect quality, but our sources can confirm that season six’s Kinvara, the High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, will NOT appear this season. What is the alternative for a Red Priestess, then? If that’s not Melisandre, I’ll eat my hat (Thankfully, I don’t own a hat, so this bet is free of choking hazards.) Now, how could Melisandre end up in Dragonstone, after being exiled from Winterfell at the end of last season? Is she back with Jon’s crew or has she hopped on the Dragon Queen bandwagon? Good questions all around. Speculate away in the comment section!
UPDATE: Los Siete Reinos has published several exclusive news images and a video from this weekend’s filming, taken by Inuntza Photography! In them, you can a new shot of Jon, Tyrion and others ascending the stairs, and more shots of the woman in red, wearing the heavy red gown we’ve seen Melisandre wear before in colder scenes. Whether it is Melisandre herself, we can’t say with 100% certainty, this far away. But there are not many other candidates of who it could be! – Sue the Fury

In the new video, we get to see the film version of what we saw a sneak preview of yesterday- the meeting of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen!
Yes! I saw that person in the photo yesterday but couldn’t decide who it was ?
Isnt that emilia covering her outfit though? We saw a video of her arriving and she had something red over her and that blue thing on her head to protect her wig.
OMG What is Melisandre doing there?! What about Davos, dont think he will be happy about her? Can`t wait for Season 7!!
I think Melisandre is going to go to Dragonstone after she has heard about Danys arrival there. Then, she is intended, to make a new alliance with them.
Seeing Jon and Davos, looking at a Dragon may be a hint, that Jon will get a Dragon to fly at the end of the season.. This is going to be huge and epic.
Can you confirm that Gendry will meet up with Daenerys Crew at Dragonstone at some time this season?
I saw this person in red while looking at the pics yesterday… Honestly I don’t think its Melisandre (as much as I would love it to be, being myself a big fan of her)
There’s another pic where the ‘red woman’ appears and you can see her back while standing (I think) it looks like she’s more or less just draped in a red cloth instead of wearing red like Mel would.
Carice van Houten is in comic-con Paris…
No. There are some other photos that will be coming out today that will make it clear it’s not Emilia.
There are better pictures incoming and they will show what is clearly Melisandre’s heavy red gown, the one she’s been wearing up North 😉
Lol Mel is so predictable ..
Mel learning and possibly meeting dany is one of the things I look forward to
Hard to tell, but that doesn’t look like Carice to me.
Yeah, I don’t think it is her. Looks like just a crew member taking a break.
Yeah and she’s at Comic Con.
Im still hoping for a Mel / Arya reunion … but I’ve been known to hold a grudge 😉
I thought I saw a pic on Twitter yesterday from someone who was at the Paris Comic Con and Carice was there! She was talking about burning Shireen and filming the resurrection scene! Don’t know if that was from a while ago or actually from yesterday?!
Jack Bauer 24,
Paris is not that far from the set.
And that is definitely not Emilia. We’ve seen other photos. It’s a red priestess’s gown- so if it’s not Mel, it’s another red priestess. But the pics are not ours to publish, so sit tight.
Sue the Fury,
Luka Nieto,
Thank you both.
Imagine her face when she sees the dragons breathing fire?!
Yep, Carice was in Paris yesterday. I was reading her interview a few hours ago. That’s Emilia in a red blanket.
Well, if there are better photos that clearly show that it is Mel (or at least that it’s a Red Woman) then perhaps this post should have been held until those could be added. Lately it seems like this site is just trying to scoop Twitter by being the first to ‘report’ these sightings. Others may feel differently, but I would prefer you wait until you have more complete info than have the post rushed up and have to be updated several times later.
No one in the story seems to take more interest in the Others-White-Walkers than the religion of R’hllor , seems they would be ones to press the issue with Dany.
Disappointed that Ania Bukstein wont be back, she made a very impressive Red Priestess.
Except for Mel all the clergy of R’hllor get short shrift in the show.
I wouldn’t want it to be Mel because that would be kind of awkward with Davos and Jon there too. Like, will they all get along? I mean the same could be said for Davos and Tyrion…..but really, the reason why Stannis/Davos’ son was in Blackwater and fighting was because of Mel in the first place. lol I feel like he might dislike Mel more than Tyrion.
Exciting stuff! Very much looking forward to new photos that are supposed to come out (I’m assuming this is what Javi was referring to when he said we’d be getting more pictures and a video)
Yeah, I’m also disappointed she won’t be back as Kinvara. I was looking forward to her clashing with Mel and thought it would be interesting to see how Mel reacts to another Red Woman who seemingly has even more power. Plus, it might have led to Mel having to answer for some of the things she did for Stannis.
Mel or not I’m not a big fan of the red women. But I do hope we still can have a scene of Mel and Arya, since Mel said they’d meet again.
I just can’t see that not happening. Arya and Melisandre have to meet up at some point. I’m thinking it will be after she’s reunited with Gendry though because I imagine that way it will amp up Arya being torn over what to do to her. On one hand, she brought Jon back, on the other, what Melisandre did to Gendry (not to mention the horrible thing she did to Shireen… that she was going to do to Gendry).
It’s clearly Emilia Clarke..she always wears that thingy over her wig when not filming
Well, my guess was on Daenerys too. But if you have access to more pix clearly identifying that robe, it might be another red priestess from Dany’s team. But I’m 100% sure it is not Melisandre…
Lord of Coffee,
This. Dear WOTW, please hold off on speculating until you have really good evidence to show us – I have always come to this site for WELL-SUPPORTED speculation and spoilers (I can get the other kind everywhere, or think it up myself).
In this case, Dany could have picked up a random Red Priestess in Volantis, given how they are essentially HER priesthood now.
I’m curious about the castle, though. Could it be simply this season’s location of the Red Keep gardens? This would explain the recurring location.
I m fairly confident that is Emilia Clarke. This person is wearing the exact same clothing as Emilia was in the video someone took of her walking up the stairs to the set. Also the blue thing on her head she always wears in between takes with the wig. And if I am wrong and it is not Emilia I certainly don’t think it looks anything like Carice van Houten either.
Well if Carice was in Paris yesterday I don’t think they would have scheduled an appearance at the same time as filming and in two different countries.I don’t think it works like that.Maybe it’s another red priestess.
I am not that excited at the prospect of Melissandre at Dragonstone, the place where she burned people. Ugh…. I would much rather she was somewhere else and interacting with other people, doing other things, and finally seeing dragons at KL. But I wouldn’t mind some RED representatives arriving from Essos and talking further about Fire and Evil Ice Men, etc.
Very disappointed that there will be no Kinvara in Season 7. Also this can’t be Melanie Liburd’s priestess – who’s at Meereen anyway, or Rila Fukushima’s, whose base is Volantis.
Oh! I must correct myself. This can’t be Red Keep because of the extras casting, correct? In that case, I would assume that maybe a castle for the Dorne/Reach forces? Book people, is there such a place where they can gather on the map?
That said, as always, Spanish press probably won’t disappoint us and film the actors who are there as soon as they appear ?
Considering Dany’s feelings about hurting children I wouldn’t want to be with Dany when Jon and Davos show up. I don’t think Dany would be as lenient as Jon was about child burning.
@Sue: You’re sure the cape is not the one Emilia is wearing in this picture:
Just an idea…
yeah, that’s Emilia
Well if forthcoming pics confirm it’s a red priestess then it’s a red priestess. And Clarice also wears a wig remember.
As for Almodovar del Rio… I agree that this probably isn’t Dragonstone. I know that L7R seem convinced of this, but the castle style just doesn’t fit at all- and especially with such little time to dresss the set (if I’m reading the article properly).
And the Castillo itself and courtyards are really small inside with varied architectural styles so I’m really mystified as to what they will be shooting here. I guess they’re gonna need some CGI.
As L7R reports, there may be some shooting outside the castle too- that and the battlements for me are the most TV worthy aspects..
I told you Kinvara wasn’t coming back lol.
I remember in another post I thought the woman in red was Mel instead of Dany. So what’s the truth? I’m all confused now.
It doesn’t look like they’re filming – Kit has sunglasses on and there’s no mic. So I wouldn’t read too much into what they’re wearing.
I’m not even convinced that’s a woman, and whatever is on the top of that figure’s head looks light-colored. I don’t remember any of Mel’s outfits looking like that. Unless she’s going gray on top.
If I had to guess a character based on appearance alone I would go with Jaqen H’hgar due to the gray streak in the hair. Obviously I’m not saying it’s Jaqen, just that that’s who it looks most like.
L7R posted the photos. Definitely a red woman.
We are so close to having the seven faces of the faith together on Dragonstone.
Mother (of dragons): Dany
Father: Davos
Warrior: Jon
Crone: Melisandre
Smith: Gendry
Maiden: Brienne (if she appears)
Stranger: Hmmm possibly Arya but we do not know where she is/going. Maybe the NK i don’t know but i am Hype.
Sounds like it was definitely Carice…
Hmm I missed the other picture of Jon and Davos on the floor. Can anyone tell me where I can find that one?
It’s not Emilia. I’ve seen closer shots of the woman in red’s face that cannot be published for privacy reasons, and it’s definitely not Clarke.
Jack Bauer 24,
That could have happened anywhere, in fact it’s much more likely to happen in Paris than near a filming location.
That would seem to indicate it’s not Carice either….
So it IS Melisandre. I should trust my first instinct next time.
Boy, will things get awkward with her and Davos there….
Look at people telling WotW how to run their own site. LOL. I enjoy all the speculation and pictures. Keep them coming! You guys are doing great work!
True, but it lines up with this perfectly. Of course she’s going to have her photo taken at Comic Con, so I don’t think it’s related to that.
Yes, L7R’s pictures make it clear that it’s Red Mel at DS. Hope she’s not bad luck as she usually is.
ZOMG! The video of Jon and Daenerys’ scene! 😀
It is definitely a red woman and it looks a lot like Melisandre.
If it was her, how could she have been in Paris yest though.
I get the feeling that Arya won’t ever be joining in on the fun with everyone else. It seems like she’s destined for a “removed” storyline away from the main attractions. Sad.
ghost of winterfell,
It’s an hour and a half-long flight. It’s very doable.
jon is looking very imposing in his billowing coat
Jesus this video…
I’m going to cry so much lol
As Freud would say, sometimes somebody wearing a red jacket is just somebody wearing a red jacket.
Sue the Fury,
Thanks for the update ? but, a question: so the pictures you saw are clear enough to rule out Emilia but not clear enough to rule out Carice?
No, that’s not correct. The photo was a touch blurry, so I don’t want to swear it was Carice, for caution’s sake. But it did look like her, her general features, the flatness of her face. Whereas it looked absolutely nothing like Emilia.
All I can say is that’s probably not Dany, given height next to Jon. From a distance, it looks like Mel, but the piccy is so fuzzy I can’t tell.
If Mel is south, along with Jon, Brienne, Davos…wow. That would mean Sansa (and Littlefinger?) are in charge up north. That’s going to be interesting, unless Sansa and Littlefinger went south, too.
Sue the Fury,
OK I guess this was from the later part of the day.
Jon, Davos and Mel all in one place. Throw in Dany, Tyrion, Varys and dragons. This is going to be one fun place to be. Imagine Gendry joining the gang. Mel is going to be having a hard time lol.
I wonder how Varys will react to this red woman.
She could be heading to Winterfell to get a storyline with Sansa and possibly Bran. That’s actually a pretty interesting combination of Starks. All of Cat and Ned’s surviving kids.
She seemed fine when she met theon and we can’t even say she didn’t know about those 2 innocent kids he torched back in Winterfell, because Tyrion made sure to show his disgust.
ghost of winterfell,
Carice could catch a 1h flight to Bilbao very easily.
Jack Bauer 24,
She seems to be referring to people taking pictures while she’s going about her personal life… that’s what paparazzi are hated for. That’s much more likely to happen in a big city where she’s publicly known to be present.
But why would they schedule filming on such a tight schedule?
Yes that’s a good way of putting it.
Look at you telling other people not to have opinions that you don’t agree with. LOL
How hilarious is it that it took Kit almost a full minute to get down those stairs?!
Yep, that does definitely look like a Red Woman and it could very well be Mel. Time will tell!
They are filming Jon walking all that way down to meet her? Probably some of that will get edited out but it took him a long time to get down, lol!
The last thing I want Arya to be is an attack dog that does her siblings’ bidding. I want her storyline to remain HER storyline, without it being swallowed up by another’s. I know Sansa is the darling of D&D and I’m afraid of what a shared storyline between Sansa and Arya would imply.
Kit will probably add all this as part of his workout regimen, considering the number of times he has gone up and down those steps in these 2 days…
ghost of winterfell,
Gendry seemed to just love Melisandre, from what I remember. Maybe they’ll become a thing. Runs in the family.
Well, Jon did technically only banish Mel from the North…Ironically, by doing so he basically ensured that their paths would end up rejoining. Ah well. Rhollor works in mysterious ways, and poor Davos really can’t catch a break.
Jon looks very majestic walking down the path to Dany. But, man, that was a long walk. It looked pretty windy and cold while they filmed this scene, and it’s strange Jon was covered up in his cloak and wearing gloves while Dany is not. Poor Emilia.
Other than the red hair, I don’t see much of a resemblance to Melisandre. *shrugs* But if it is her, interesting that she chose to return to Dragonstone after being banished from the North. It will be quite a surprise for her when Davos shows up. Jon and Dany will have plenty of drama on their hands.
I guess it’ll be edited… but more to the point where was the camera crew? Is that them sitting down underneath the wall?
Gendry and Melisandre reunion….. bow chicka wow wow 😉
I can’t wait to hear the music for this scene.
I need to see that moment when Dany turns around to see Jon because her hair looks flawless Lol
I am sure this was a rehearsal.
It’s very windy, with his cloak billowing and her hair flying. I wonder if the white screen they had in the pictures is to cut down a bit on the wind during the close-up angles.
oh I didn’t see this new post I was lost in the last one.
Wow too many spoilers. I love it!! Good job WoTW!! 😀
I just keep thinking about that recent photo of Liam giving the finger to that person taking his picture.
Flayed Potatoes,
Arya who? Show-Gendry seemed to take to Mel very quickly. D&D shut down the shippers so fast lmao.
They are most likely shooting from behind so the crew was ducking to not be seen.
Rarely comment, but has nobody else noticed the crew sitting around the wall and the movement of Jon / Dany?
There’s definitely going to be a dragon in this scene.
That’s Kinvara if it’s a Red Woman.
Carice van Houten is NOT in Spain, let alone where GOT’s filming. Check out her twitter account.
Kit Harington is going to have very good cardio when he’s done filming these scenes this week. Though he’s wrapped up like he just arrived, I kind of doubt this is the initial meeting. Even if Tyrion spoke that he’s not a threat to her upon the initial arrival, I still think it makes sense to have some guard presence for the queen. Don’t see any. Perhaps more than just that though, the closeness of the characters don’t seem like an initial meeting either. They seem comfortable with the other.
So it’s not Mel, Kinvara confirmed not to return. It’s either another Red Woman, or just Emilia covering her costume.
I am getting nervous about whether Jon knows his parentage or not in these scenes! Bran still seemed awfully far from the wall and no way to carry him.
Some of the crew are where he starts walking from and some where he ends up – Maybe they are filming from both ends. They should do some filming from where the paparazzi are taking photos. Long distance views of the place are amazing.
It seems clear to me it’s Melisandre. Even those who dress in red have distinct styles. I don’t get the bickering about it?
These are awesome pics if you want to see what’s going on. If you don’t want to see, then why are you here looking?
Flayed Potatoes,
Poor Gendry lol xD
The white screen is for lighting.
Looking at photos 5 and 6, that sure looks like a red priestess to me. Maybe Mel found some information that Jon needs, or maybe she just missed the big lug.
♪ Anticipation ♫
She could stay in the south, as many of the people on her list are there. Here are the people still alive, still on her list.
Cersei, Ilyn Payne, Mountain–south.
Thoros, Beric, Hound–heading north.
Mel–R’hllor knows where she is.
Where did I say anything about an ‘attack dog’? I just think that Sansa and Arya can bond pretty well over having done some quite horrible things to those who had slighted their family. Stark sisterhood and a newly acquired sisterly sense of mutual respect ftw.
Especially with her having given birth like a couple of months ago. Would she be dragging her baby along for such hectic shedule? We know she’s with her baby today (as per her tweet).
Could be Carice’s body double.
I´m pretty sure that was Emilia… and about the Red Women i belive it could be both Mel or Kinvara.
Jack Bauer 24,
She just tweeted to have been molested by a paparazzo when being on a walk with her baby, unfortunately not where that was.
To remind you all: Carice van Houten was at Comic Con Paris and was signing autographs and offering photo ops in several slots on
Friday between 13 and 19 and Saturday between 10 and 19.
So absolutely NO chance she might have been on set in Gaztelugatxe those days…
Scenes are filled from multiple angles, multiple times. Just because you can’t see a camera, doesn’t mean they are not filming. They could have a camera set up off to the far right to capture the scope of the castle exterior, and the walk The King is making to speak to the Queen. They will likely film that shot 20 times.
Case closed.
If not Clarke, then a new Red Woman.
Green Chili,
Thank you for the concrete information.
It’s not impossible for her to have flown there in between those times, the cities are not that far apart.
However, the more simple explanation is that they used a double for the far away shots. Because I’ve done more checking this morning, and found that Mel is supposed to be there for the scene, watching when the others are walking up the stairs.
Ah, that makes sense – the screen for lighting for the close-up shots.
What was Mel doing there beforehand? Did she take refuge at Dragonstone BEFORE Daenerys lands there?
Could be Melanie Liburd. Any news on her returning?
That, I don’t know.
Jack Bauer 24,
Melanie Liburd is still black, so no I don’t think it’s her.
Here’s a tweet from Carice to a fan where he says she left early from one of her signings. So she had to leave early to get back to filming?
The scene with Jon walking down the stairs?
Will be really interesting to see the dynamics between these characters considering Mels banishment from the North and Davos’ hatred of her.
I’m also keen to know what Mel is making of Dany and the dragons, and whether her beliefs have changed yet again (TBH I’d always wondered why she’d never seen them before in her flames)..
So you’re saying it’s Mel without saying it’s Mel….alright then. I wouldn’t have pegged it as her, but since it is, why wouldn’t she return to a familiar place? Makes sense to me, all those good memories. ?
By the tweet, she was there until almost 5pm. There’s no way she’d get to the airport, hop on a plane, fly to Spain and get on the set, in costume and so on before sunset.
Sad to hear about Kinvara (I was hoping). Sorry, Flayed Potatoes: you were right and I was wrong. On the other hand, as Kinvara is not a character but rather a plot device existing solely for the purpose of providing useful insight and information, that role may be taken by any red priestess or priest.
Mel kind of makes sense: she lived on Dragonstone for year, and if there are some texts or hints revealing the prophesy of the PTWP, who should know better? Moreover, Mel could go to check them once more, after she realized how many mistakes she had made.
The most interesting thing that the women in red looked to have white hair and the shawl protecting the wig was definitely of the same color as the one Emillia Clark was seen wearing in several videos about making GoT. When I saw that first I was sure that the lady was simply Dany dressed in another costume for another scene just like many other people (that’s why rumors about Dany wearing Targarian red spread, IMO), but if moderators say that the woman in red was not Emillia Clark, they know better.
One way or another, there were quite many scenes filmed on that pathway. I counted Jon & Davos; Jon & Tyrion + Davos & Missandei + 2 Dothraki + dragon to be inserted; Jon & Dany; and that’s not all, cause the scene with the woman in red is definitely missing, whoever she is.
The most intriguing thing was that the women in red looked to have white hair in the earlier video, and if that’s not Dany, than the woman in red should be simply old. We saw that Mel was old in The Red Woman but her hair looked very thin. This lady definitely has a much thicker white wig. Of cause, I assume the magical ruby could fix such things and give Mel whatever outlook she desires: if she can appear as a woman in her later thirties/early forties, she definitely can appear as a much older one too and recasting Mel would be probably easier than putting Carice van Houten into prosthetic every time they need her especially taking into account her personal situation. So, the women in red may still be Mel played by another (probably much older actress). However, the same applies to Kinvara and practically any other red priestess we saw on the show: they can take the look of young beauties when they intend to impress men, but if one of them is sent to join Dany’s train the look of an old crone may be a more fair choice.
That said, I would like to ask Sue for clarification: does your sources deny return of Kinvara or the actress who plays her?
As for Almodóvar del Río Castle, I think it should be Dorne (Sunspear or some other castle to which the Sand Snakes will move awaiting for Dany), rather than Hygarden, cause it’s Dorne which should be attacked by Euron/Lannisters for him to capture Ellaria and Tyenne. It may also be reoccurring later on multiply occasions, if some character is placed there and/or if one of two other Sand Snakes survives and manages to organize some anti-Lanister skirmish late in the season, etc. However, I can imagine Highgarden scenes being filmed there as well.
Two different people on twitter are claiming Alfie is there in the same hotel of the other actors. These two have reported things correctly before. We need photos to be sure, but he could very well be there for the filming in Zumaia.
Sue the Fury,
Thank you for the confirmation!
So, Mel and Jon, Davos and Gendry… awkward reunions all around. ?
If Melisandre does find her way to Dragonstone. I bet she changes ships and now declares Dany the prophecized saviour. The showrunners do like to give Daenerys everything on a silver platter.
Maybe that woman is not Carice but we have only seen Melisandre wearing that red cape.
Oh my god! Spoilers this year have reached another level.We have got a video of the freakin meeting for Christ sake! Awesome
Arya and Sansa bonding over what’s happened to them since they last saw one another is worth about 1 scene max. Since the audience already knows what happened, who would want to sit through scenes of them constantly rehashing past plot? Littlefinger isn’t even on Arya’s HitList. I agree with restoresoff — I hope there is some important reason for Arya to be up north that is dedicated to HER storyline. If Sansa ends up wanting LF dead, let her do it herself — she who passes the sentence should swing the sword.
All the people I’d want to see Arya interact with at this point appear to be filming in Spain. The last few days have been so disappointing to me, honestly. If they’re not going to spend any time on a meaningful reunion between Arya, Jon, and Bran, I hope they just forego it altogether and let Arya complete her list in KL.
It looks like Dany and Jon are looking out at the dragons in the video.
Set images from Zumaia:
Video of a filming boat arriving at the port of Zumaia after rehearsal:
Jon has so much swagger walking down the stairs with his cloak blowing in the wind lol
I agree with everything you’ve said. I’ve been disappointed with the spoilers for the same reason. It seems like Arya’s plotline won’t hit its great potential since many characters of interest are so removed from her. It’s so depressing.
And I don’t know why people want Arya to kill LF for Sansa either. Sansa could watch Ramsay die so why can’t she handle LF on her own? I don’t want Arya’s motivations to change into someone else’s. No offense to anyone, but I hope Arya and Sansa stay far away from one another. Same goes for Arya and Bran.
Is it just me or in that first and second leaked photos Dany and Jon were near the water? They could have filmed in 2 different places then during production will combine the takes.
Hasn’t Kit left already? I don’t think it was a rehearsal.
I don’t understand, the security in NI is much more tighter so we never have that many spoilers from there. Majority of filming is taking place in Spain at the moment and we are blessed having resources there to sniff things out. They are filming into the beginning of next year, so there is still plenty to be discovered.
Is Mel stalking Davos lol
I think we just have different visions of what Arya’s future plot entails? For me, coming to an understanding between Sansa and her that neither of their visions of femininity is better than the other – the essence of their childhood quarrel – would be the perfect coda to both of their stories. Celebrating by sharing Littlefinger’s death would be just the cherry on top ?.
That said, this has nothing to do with the current spoilers, so this will be my last comment on this thread of thought. I came here for accurate spoilers, and I got them ?.
It took forever for him reach Emilia..
He looks kingly and I have to say iam really digging dany’s new hair style..
And I believe that this video is just rehearsal
Mel might be the one to tell Dany about Jon then.
Maybe it was Mel but using a different face like arya ..then there is no need for carrice to be there
Jack Bauer 24,
no Kit is still there.
I just don’t want to be bored stiff by Arya’s storyline, since her story is basically the main reason I stick around. Two seasons of Braavos was enough punishment.
Alfie it seems
I could see this, Jon’s not the type to brag and if Dany is skeptical about Jon or whatnot – Mel could let her know about his ressurection (I seem to recall someone on the comments mentioning Jon tells Davos not to tell anyone about his ressurection). If Dany learns about it from another person, could be points for Jon in her book as most men or Kings would probably use their revival as a source of bringing people to their side.
Yeah. It looks like him.
🙂 Glad we have found each other to commiserate with on here! I’m happy for everyone that they are seeing something they have wanted for a long time. But the constant “When Jon Met Daenerys” spoilers are starting to kill my love for this show a little bit… oh, well!
Crossing my fingers we get some good Arya or Jaime – Cersei – KL spoilers sometime soon to distract me!
Is that them leaving though?
Yeah, Jon and Dany meeting is really predictable so I’m not very thrilled either. Good for everyone else though.
The may be moving to Donostia/San Sebastian in order to be closer to Zumaia
Jack Bauer 24,
Yeah, they’re leaving the hotel. But I don’t know where they’re going.
Jon Ander,
Don’t think so. Kit, Liam and Jacob are all dressed up, maybe they’re going to a party or some fancy place. Don’t forget today is Emilia’s birthday
Jack Bauer 24,
They are probably going out for dinner or changing hotels
Oh dear! We certainly wouldn’t want things being awkward on GoT.
What kind of a story would it be if the good guys didn’t conveniently team up to take down the bad guys?
I mean, what’s next – morally gray characters forming complex relatonships that make the viewer think and feel conflicted?
Totally understandable — we all want what we want and have our own reasons for that! To me, I don’t care if Arya and Sansa ever interact again other than to maybe forgive each other for stuff that happened when they were kids. I don’t care about their conflicting versions of femininity because I don’t think either one of them is thinking along those lines at all, that is more Cersei’s issue. I’d rather see that type of storyline be told through Cersei / Brienne, but I definitely don’t think they are going there!
Anyway, yes, sorry to sidetrack the convo, and glad you are getting spoilers that excite you for the upcoming season!
Who is the brunette in the fourth photo? Emilia or Carice?
And, yeah, that’s Alfie exiting the same hotel as everyone else. He’s probably going to film on the beach tomorrow.
Agree! “We will meet again” that didn’t happen in the books .They gave Gendry Edric Storm’s storyline , that’s why we saw Mel there but her conversation with Arya wasn’t necessary for Arya to hate Mel or Thoros and Beric and add them to her list, taking away Gendry was enough.That part was added for a reason .
It’s not Emilia. Emilia has short hair.
I’m starting to think D&D forgot about that scene between Mel and Arya. Or that they’ve dropped it.
Melisandre appearence looks weird to me ! Especially when in Dragonstone is Davos and King Jon but if Sue said that saw closer photos i don’t have problem to believe her.
About the castle of Almodovar i doubt that actually is Dragonstone , looks more like Highgarden as George RR Martin imagine it !!!
Does anyone have any news on Jaime? When does NCW start filming?
Wow so Melisandre is back to help Jon Snow and Daenerys….
Yep, that’s Carice…Mel is confirmed
Ellaria-Tyrion, Ollena-Tyrion (and Sansa), Jon- Theon, Davos-Tyrion(blackwater) ,Mel-Davos, Varys -Any red priest, if Gendry comes along Mel-Gendry, that team is the definition of awkward!
Where is Baelish? Seriously its annoying that awesome character like LF has scenes ONLY with Sansa ffs
I’ve often said fans read too much into this scene and that statement in particular. Mel is not always right. Ask Stannis.
Are you saying you’re not thrilled because it was predictable or because you wanted to be surprised and have two of the most important characters in the story never meet?
At the beginning of the story while reading/watching, a person doesn’t know where these two character storylines are heading. The further along we go it begins to take shape and we see that it’s destined to happen. Now that we’re nearing the end and it actually happens we shouldn’t necessarily call it predictable. It’s simply reaching the point that the story has been leading us to.
What part of “we’ll meet again” could be misinterpreted?
Because a blind man could have seen it coming.
Well Gendry stop rowing ,so miracles can happen.
When does any KL start to film?
The people who were taking photos and videos at the hotel they didn’t mention Carice being in there. They only mentioned Kit, Nathalie, Jacob, Liam and Alfie. So I don’t think so it’s her. Besides that she has a little baby to nurse.
Maybe Mel left some of her magic axe body spray there for an excuse to go back.
It’s almost too windy to film there! Dany needs braids.
That’s what tends to happen with some of the characters that join plots with Sansa. They get lost in her story.
That didn’t stop her being in Paris for Comic con.
I guess Carice can teleport herself or better yet be at two different countries at the same time. Maybe it’s her clone or twin sister.
She was at Comic Con in France until almost 7PM yesterday, physically impossible to have been on set in Spain
I didn’t say it was misinterpreted. I’m saying maybe Mel was just plain wrong.
So many times fans have argued against plot developments because of this one line (this is just another example).
Mel could meet Nymeria as many have proposed or simply see Arya in her flames.
Or they could indeed meet. Many possibilities- and two seasons in which any of it can happen.
Yeah not sure how they are filming there with the wind.
Actually there are reports that she left much earlier, and Paris is quite close to Bilbao.
Either way, Sue independently confirmed Melisandre is in this scene, whether it was actually Carice or just a body double.
Haha! I hate how vanilla and bland some people want the story to be these days. A sign of D&Ds dumbed down storytelling the past couple of seasons.
Once again, no Emilia? What are they doing, packing her in a trunk to move her around? 🙂 .
Besides having closed sets, just seems more easy to do security in NI.
They have had problems in Croatia too, by now it’s gotten to be a ‘fan’ industry to sneaky peek.
You know it has gotten to be that this spoilery stuff drives more interest in the show which for HBO is money in the bank.
After so many theories , so many threads ,5 books and 6 seasons ( we know the characters now ,their loves, their hates, their dreams and secrets) ,almost everything is predictable .
Was the foreshadowing of her becoming a faceless man not enough?
ghost of winterfell,
Lol xD
Peter and Conleth weren’t there too.
But they were seen today
A fan saw Emilia today but she didn’t want photos.
There are people who were there, saying she was there until almost 5PM.
Babies do not make a person handicapped. New mothers do all sorts of things these days, including going back to work and traveling.
Flayed Potatoes,
The actor who plays Bron said that will fly in Spain next week . Probably Nikolaj will be here too.
Exactly. Not 7PM. Which makes it possible, even if it would be in a rush. Either way, as I said, whether it is Carice or a body double, it was Melisandre 🙂
Thank you. It’s like the 1950s in this comment section.
I didn’t want to offend Carice or any woman.
I’m a woman myself and I know how hard my mom worked to give me, my brother and my sister an education and put food on the table. I’m just saying it’s night and she must be tired from flying in and out of the country so I think she just stayed with her baby in the hotel.
From the casual way they’re acting around each other, I don’t think this is their first meeting. That would probably take place inside Dragonstone.
Everyone presumably knew that Jon and Dany would meet this season. What’s spoilery is location and circumstance:
– What’s going on in the North? When in the season does Jon leave? I assume that the Walkers aren’t attacking, or Jon would stay with his people.
– Bran either hasn’t crossed the Wall, or he has, and the Walkers were about to attack and Jon didn’t know it. If Bran hasn’t crossed, Jon doesn’t know about Rhaegar and can’t use it in his meeting with Dany. The obvious timeline would be: Bran crosses at the end of the season, the Wall falls, the Walkers move in, all while Jon and Dany are on their way North.
– It’s a given Dany will help Jon and smite Cersei and Euron. Is she done with the smiting when Jon shows up?
– Arya: Does she go after Hound, Thoros, Beric (heading north) or after Cersei, Gregor, Payne (in the south) or after Mel in Dragonstone? If it’s Mel, Arya meets Jon.
– Can Gendry the Weaponsmith turn the obsidian into weapons against the Walkers?
Arya’s story is going to be chained to Winterfell, where plots go to die.
Has Arya killed anyone with green eyes yet? The order of Mel’s predictions (different color eyes you’ll shut forever and we will meet again) weren’t necessarily linked by the grammar used, but I’ve kind of wondered if they might be anyway. The Waif had blue eyes, so she’s knocked that one out, and with 50% of humanity having dominant expressed brown eyes, I’m pretty sure she’s covered that also.
The Lannisters have green eyes right? What color are Baelish’s eyes? Trying to think of all the known green-eyed characters.
Jon Ander,
Sorry, I think you might be right about them leaving Bilbao but I’m not sure.
How is it possible for her to travel from France to Spain, after 5PM and be on set in costume during daytime? She’d have arrived when it was already dark outside. Those photos look like they were taken early in the day. She was in Paris then.
They’ve seen the pictures of Carice on set but they can’t post them.
I trust them.
Maybe with Mel’s magic spells.
Arya already told us she’s going home.
Jack Bauer 24,
After watched the video several times, I started to think that the strong wind was staged: in other words, I think they used some air-blowing devices to get the desired effect. It looks much less windy while Jon is up the stairs, and in general that the wind blows mostly within the pathway surrounded by the walls (which would be against the laws of nature). Anyway, the result is just glorious.
You’re right about that. It’s a body double then 🙂
Carice wasn’t spotted specifically. We just know it was Melisandre.
I thought Mel was describing the eye colors of the different faces she will wear as she kills people.
Okay, is that sarcasm or is that for real?
It’s been obvious for a while that Mel will be essential to pulling together all the prophetic and magical implications of the storyline once she knows about Dany. For all that Mel gets things wrong, she has an overview that is probably going to be important to helping the characters (and the audience) understand the stakes. Especially with Jon’s parentage in play as a big part of the plot.
The fact that there are pre-existing tensions with Davos and Jon adds to the conflict, which is good for the story.
I’m not at all surprised that she’s there, and I am so excited to see all of this play out.
He’s busy transporting Carice over hill and dale on his bullet train?
Luka Nieto,
Hell yeah!!!!
Can Gendry the Weaponsmith turn the obsidian into weapons against the Walkers?
I think it just needs to be sharpened? No smithing knowledge required.
Tension and conflict between Mel and Davos is old news ,Tyrion and Dorne on the other hand….
Dany and Tyrion don’t know what’s happening across the narrow sea , their source of information is Varys .Varys does what he does “for the good of the realm ” , i wouldn’t ne suprised if he didn’t tell Tyrion about Myrcella.But Tyrion finds out , perhaps through Jaime ( “you killed our father , you are with the enemy and you break bread with the woman who killed my daughter , your niece”), that would make things interesting not only for Tyrions chacacter but Dany’s too. Is she going to allow a child murderer to her side? Robb had tha problem once and it cost him a big part of his army.Also what are Danys plans for Jaime ? Can the North accept the Ironborn as their allies? (remember lord Glover speech).Yes the Others are coming but old hates die hard ( “for the watch”).
He has grey-green eyes in the books
Luka Nieto,
Thanks for confirmation: Mel on Dragonstone makes a lot of sense, even if we have only a body double in these scenes. I feel like we are getting the full version of the PTWP prophesy.
I meant the ” we will meet again part”
I have that very same problem. It’s one I’ve had in the past. It’s annoying, but I just go to the Twitter page and see if there are any updates that way. (For instance the last crazy bunch of spoilers, I had the Arianne post at the top for 3 days no matter how many times I refreshed or how many different devices I used.)
So is Melisandre supposed to be back on Dragonstone before Dany arrives or after? hmm I hope they turn her into a comic relief by having her change her mind about TPTWP for the third time.
Shit I mean I hope they don’t turn her into a comic relief.
she is not going to do that. She thinks that the LOL has chosen Jon anyway.
Now, if only Jorah would show up….
Actually, I think Davos and Jorah meeting would be really interesting. They’re both such solid personalities, I wonder if they’d clash or get along?
Also wondering what Jorah will think of Tyrion being Hand of the Queen (“do you ever shut up?!”)
Mind you, Jorah may be hiding in plain site in a lot of these photos, as there are quite a few large rocks and boulders. Haven’t seen any of them blink yet though.
Luka Nieto,
Well, afaik there’s one tweet of a guy who said he arrived too late because she left five minutes earlier from her autographing session that should have finished at 5PM. But she had another “Photo Ops” date on Comic Con that evening, from 6 to 7 PM. No reports that event did not happen…
Either way, even 5PM would obviously too late to make it in time to the set in G…
EDIT: Just saw your latest post about it 😉 . Ofc it could be a body double. So probably in that scene she’s just being seen in the background? Or they’ll shoot scenes with her at a later time? I’m curious when we will see the real Carice on set for the first time.. 😉
If flint (or real obsidian) can be any parallel, a smith would be of no use. You need an experienced stonecutter to shape this kind of stone into a spearhead or a dagger (an arrowhead would be even more complicated). Basically you need someone with the the Stone Age skills. Some of the Wildlings may still have them, though even wildlings were shown to use Iron Age weaponry. But one way or another, Gendrys smitting skills would be of no use here, unless it comes to adding obsidian to iron in the smiting process (or the showrunners/GRRM decide to neglect technical differences, but usually they are rather careful).
Maybe Melisandre tells Dany about Jon which prompts Dany to summon Jon to Dragonstone. Because why would Tyrion advise her to send for him in the first place? It’s doubtful he’d know about KITN stuff at that point. And even if, why would he presume the North’s potential involvement in the Southern war would be necessary or greatly beneficial?
Or pehaps Jon and Davos decide to go to Dragonstone by themselves. To retrieve dragonglass, but in such case they’d bring men to help them. Why go alone?
But it begs the question, why would Dany, Tyrion and Varys listen to anything Melisandre says?
I think Mel will be on Dragonstone before anyone else: she could have boarder a ship at the White Harbor and sailed straight to the island to check some source material once more, after she realized how many mistakes she had made.
And how would she deal with Cersei’s garrison you’ve been saying will still be at Dragonstone? ?
If she’s going as a “private citizen” nobody would be looking for her. I don’t think any of them would know what she looks like and knowing that Stannis army was defeated would not be looking for her.
I think it makes perfect sense for her to return to Dragonstone and be as surprised as anyone by Dany’s arrival. She might not have yet introduced herself to Dany.
sitting here making up scene and dialogue in my head lol
If Melisandre is at Dragonstone prior to the arrival of Jon and Davos, then perhaps she is the one that tells Daenerys of the threat posed by the White Walkers? I recently re-watched season two, and in one of the early episodes (I think 203) there is a small council scene in which Tyrion reads out a letter from Castle Black asking for more men. The letter also mentions the wight attack from season one, and although the rest of the small council is dismissive of the threat posed beyond the Wall Tyrion insists that Mormont doesn’t lie.
Melisandre’s presence also opens up the question of what else she tells Daenerys – that R’hllor has plans for Jon? That Jon came back from the dead? Varys does not trust the priests and priestesses of R’hllor, though Tyrion is happy to use them for propaganda – how will the group react to Melisandre?
Whatever, it is amazing to see such a substantial gathering of characters, and a good mixture of those meeting for the first time and those with history reuniting.
Good question. Personally, I don’t think there are any Lannister forces there. No reason for that. I expect that Stannis would not leave DG completely abandoned and left a small amount of soldiers there. Heck, even Ramsey left some at WF.
Dany has Varys as her master of whispers and we know Varys is good at his job. She needs allies (Jon).She may have dragons but she will choose to try her luck with armies first or alliances before she unleash dragons upon thousends of men burning them , when there is a chance that some of them could surrender . Jon is th KITN that means he rules half of Westeros ,she chose to speak with him first instead of “burned them all” proving tha she is not her fathers daughter .Also if she has the majority of the noble houses behind her the Lannister forces might abandon Cersie and less people will die .Aegon did the same thing .
Jack Bauer 24,
No info on KL as of yet, but that is harder to get considering most KL scenes are inside so they film in a studio, we may not see barely any of Lena since she mostly films inside maybe only her traveling but we may soon see Nikolaj filming as his part of the army but I imagine he’ll be doing a fair share of filming with Cersei in the studio as well. We won’t be as blessed as we have in Spain, we’ve been spoiled here.
actually it makes sense that Melisandre goes back to Dragonstone after being expelled by Jon. Maybe she gets there right after the moment Dany lands, etc. I think it could happen in episode 2, she gives the news about the North and maybe then Tyrion can convince Daenerys to summon Jon for diplomatic reasons. Now, Varys will be there too, some interesting interactions can happen. Anyway, I hope that’s what happens.
Dragonstone has a great history but it’s not very important (stategically) .The Lannisters never cared about it not even Tywin and it was Stannis base during the war.Of course now that people hear whispers about the dragonqueen a smart person(like Tyrion) would have guessed there is a chance she will land there first and do something about it.Sadly for Cersei she is not as smart as she things she is!
This makes a whole lot of sense. Mel could be “hiding” out in Dragonstone, and witness Daenerys and her dragons arriving and start finally, finally putting two and two together. After all, she was drawn to DS in the first place because she thought it was important!
I still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that Melisandre will be hanging out on Dragonstone again. The only way I can see her being allowed to stay is if she’s already on DS when Dany lands and pretends to be part of the staff left to tend the castle after Stannis’s departure. Although, I guess if there is other staff they’d sell her out pretty quick. Either way, I think that when Jon and Davos arrive the shit will really hit the fan.
I’m also still wondering what brings Jon and Davos to Dragonstone. If Dany summons the lords of Westeros, why aren’t there other lords visible during filming? I find it hard to believe Jon would be the only one to answer the summons. If he is summoned specifically, who comes up with the idea: Tyrion? Varys? Mel? I’m leaning more towards the notion that Jon and Davos go to Dragonstone on their own to mine dragonglass and are surprised to find it occupied by the Dragon Queen.
I hold out hope that if Arya is chained to the Winterfell storyline, they will do some kind of ‘Ned’s little girl’ story but with the real Arya.
The show went to a lot of trouble last year to show that Sansa was dismissed by the Northern Lords for multiple reasons.
What if they feel the opposite about Arya? She’s the most Stark looking of the siblings and in the picture we saw of Maisie, Arya was dressed very much like Ned.
If they go that way, it gives Arya her own storyline and an interesting one at that.
That’s of course only is she is stuck in Winterfell. I’d much prefer her to travel, maybe with Brienne.
Totally agree ?
OT- Has anyone seen these pics of a wintry set in NI?
Yes why aren’t there any Lords from other locations? I believe Mel and Tyrion will prompt Dany to summon Jon specifically. But something has to convince Jon to answer the summon. He needs allies and dragonglass but he knows nothing about Daenerys, who knows if he knows she has dragons unless it’s randomly mentioned in the ravengram he receives (but why would he believe it?), he can’t be sure about Dany’s intentions (surely he wouldn’t take Davos only and get there by a small boat. He’d take men if his intentions are to get dragonglass. The two of them couldn’t’ carry it by themselves all the way back. And even if alliance was his priority, not dragonglass, he’d still take his retinue with him).
Will he simply be like ‘I have to take this risk, I’m desperate’?
Maybe he went there only for the dragonglass or he tried to speak with Tyrion first.If they know about Dany the know about Tyrion ,Jon goes with Davos who knows the place and they can go unnoticed .They speak with him and he assures them Dany is an okay person. They might not be alone ,they have a few men with them but since Dany isn’t a threat to them they don’t follow him around . I agree with those who believe that their first meeting will be indoors.
Arya hasn’t been in the North for years. Why should the Northern Lords even care? They’ll believe she’s untrustworthy – they don’t know where she’s been and won’t believe her story. And no, they won’t care or thank her for knocking off Walder Frey.
She’s a girl. That automatically disqualifies her from being taken seriously, Lyanna Mormont notwithstanding.
Dressing like Ned doesn’t mean anything.
Also he is kind of desperate .Especially if Bran send an ominous message telling him that the Nights King is closer than they thing and they don’t have much time.
And who was paying wages to those soldiers after Stannis died? It has been a bit of time since: 4 to 6 months I suppose.
mel wouldnt even have to be “hiding”..there is more then the castle on dragonstone..she can just say she is there as Preistess of R’hollor spreading the word to the people living there..its logical place for her to go instead of wandering through Riverlands for no purpose .
It makes very good sense,story wise, for Mel to be the one to tell Dany about Jon being KiTN (and maybe even the fact she brought him back) so we dont have to rely on spies or ravens off screen.
The women on the stairs in the black dress, doesn’t look like Melisandre. It looks like Ellaria Sand, the leader of the Sand Snakes.
this is quite a reasonable explanation
Exactly: Mel can come to Dragonstone in her true appearance of an old crone or take any other appearance (I assume the ruby can adjust her age as required); she can use all kinds of tricks to predispose a weary garrison (from bribing to seduction, if she needs to); she can use her potions or other magic, so infiltration wouldn’t be a big deal. And who is looking for her? No-one (except of the FM maybe).
Probably longer… but you’ve not answered my question..
The woman in black is Missandei. Mel (Carice’s double or another actress, who would be playing Mel’s other version) is standing on the left.
“But something has to convince Jon to answer the summon. He needs allies and dragonglass but he knows nothing about Daenerys, who knows if he knows she has dragons unless it’s randomly mentioned in the ravengram he receives (but why would he believe it?)”
You’re forgetting Bran. He knows everything now (or at least a lot of shit).
And it’s also possible they’ve gone to forage for obsidian and happened to come across the new residents.
Are we sure Gendry is there? I thought we knew that Gendry was in Ep 5?
So this would be Ep 6 or so?
What was the question exactly? Sorry, I have missed with so many comments.
Could it be Rose Leslie there to see Kit & to help celebrate Emilia’s birthday?
People keep on mentioning that Dany will summons Jon.
Dany cant just summons Jon to Dragonstone, or to do anything for that matter, she hasn’t conquered the North, so she cant make demands from Jon.
It is much more likely that she tries diplomatic negotiations with the North or with Jon. So she can invite Jon to Dragonstone for negotiations. And Jon will likely decide to go because there is dragonglass on Dragonstone and Dany has dragons and a big army.
But it will be interesting if Melisandre will be involved.
Flora Linden,
They will care about Walder Frey’s death ! They all lost kin and friends at the Red wedding not just the Starks ,they hate him as much as the Starks do. Why would they believe she isn’t trustworthy ? Lyanna Mormont was rude towards Sansa because she was “a Bolton or a Lannister” .The Northmen value streingth not political skills ( the ones Sansa has).In the Sounth the want people like Tywin or Margaery or Petyr, in the north they want Ned Stark.Ned was terrible in the South but was the perfect warden of the North for years,even Roose Bolton respected him.Arya is a figther , who killed all by herself the most hated man in the North and escaped the Lannisters. Sansa is a fighter too , but fights with her mind ( very impessive for us and the majority of Westeros but not the North). And also she is Ned’s girl no one will call her a liar, no one did call Sansa a liar either for tje same reason, but they thought that the Starks were doomed and they were afraid of the Boltons.Now the Starks rule again and they believe at them again , the North remembered at last.They will respect both Sansa and Arya for surviving and for their name ,they are their princesses. I don’t say that they see Arya as godess but maybe they will see something of Ned in her ( “grey” cold eyes full of streingth ,Arya has Neds eyes). They don’t hate killers in the North as long as they don’t prey at the innocent like the Mountain(Arya didn’t want to kill lady Crane for that reason and never talks about the stable boy because she feels guilty ,at least in the books) , they are hard people.But they dislike those who play the game (like Ned did) .And that’s really unfair for Sansa .
Nobody has to convince Jon of anything. He knows about Dany and her dragons from Maester Aemon. If Dany send a message announcing her return and intentions to take the IT, Jon can decide on his own to see her. He’s a smart guy, he can use his friendship with Maester Aemon to gain an in with her and explain to her the situation. And of course his visit will serve as a means to form an alliance.
Was that in the show? or the books?
One way or another, Jon and Davos simply can’t go to Dragonstone on their own: they need at least one ship with the crew for that matter. But there is no surprise, that we don’t see any northerners or wildlings in the scenes filmed: if they come for dragonglass as we reasonably expect, they would be busy mining it off screen.
Sorry, not a native english speaker, I said ‘summon’ but meant ‘invite’, not like she’s demanding anything from Jon.
This is how I think they end up going there, not by some accidental bumping into after Jon and Davos go there for dragonglass.
I think Daenerys will state her claim and intentions to all the lords via ravens upon her arrival. Tyrion is likely to advise her on which will be more amicable due to having no love and support for Cersei. He’ll probably hear the situation in The North very quickly and suggest an invitation be sent to Jon. Needing to gain assistance and the dragonglass he decides they need to go.
I’m not going for any big theories yet that suggest Dany doesn’t get to Dragonstone until 4-5 episodes in. At the moment I think she’ll get there early and before Jon would already be there.
Roz’s Ghost,
Last time I checked Rose was in NYC for her new show and Rose has short hair too :/
I think, possibly, Varys will know everything about the situation in Westeros , say Ep 1 of S 7 and tell Dany and Tyrion about it, hence Ravens .
I wonder whether NCW will turn out in Spain for the big battle sequence? I am almost sure that Cersei won’t miss her first and probably the only chance to show that though she has “a weak body of a woman, she has a hearth of a king” (quoting Elisabeth I), but I have my own crazy predictions concerning Jaime’s fate at that point. If NCW shows up in Spain, they will prove to be wrong but if not… Well, it’s to be seen.
The only person I remember Jon talking to dragons about is Tyrion…and I am not 100 percent sure it’s not just from book
In the show. Sam is reading to Maester Aemon the latest report about Dany and then Jon walks in. It wouldn’t be out of sorts for Jon to know that information, it’s not like it’s a secret.
Agree with your scenario.
News about Mel is interesting. I guess, meeting will be fun.
D&D I beg you, don’t do it. Regarding that video and what could come next.
I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the first scenes in the premiere shows them sailing up to Dragonstone. The absence of Yara and Theon in any of these recent pictures could be explained by having left again with a contingent by ship to go overthrow Euron…. which leads to the news of the ship battle and a Greyjoy being captured. Or of course, it could be said that they split off before arriving.
The North lost many in the Red Wedding – which might have been avoided, if Robb hadn’t broken his oath and married someone else. There were already some in the North who no longer felt loyalty to the Starks before the RW, because of Robb’s actions. But who knows, Frey might have betrayed the Starks and the North anyway.
The issue isn’t being a liar, it’s perception. Robb broke his oath, so he caused the RW. Sansa is clearly tainted from her marriages to a Lannister and a Bolton, her time in KL and her questionable association with Littlefinger. Nothing she says is believed. Arya, with her long absence, is someone who abandoned her family and the North in their time of need. So how would the North react to her fanciful stories about people who can peel off faces and she – a petite young woman – did it to kill Walder Frey and his sons?
I love both Stark sisters, and it is unfair how they’re treated, but unlike the audience, the Northern leaders don’t know what they’ve been through and it’s not something that can be explained away. They only go by what they can see, and it doesn’t make them look good at all.
In the case of Arya, if she does go back to Winterfell, maybe she’ll find an ally in Lyanna Mormont. She might find Arya admirable.
But then they would talk or make sure Jon is part of it. What happened off screen is only headcanon, but what happens on the screen is important. We could speculare as our headcanon that Jon heard about Dany and slavers. Not about dragon, becuse Sam read it to Maester Aemon and never mentioned. Either way he’ll learn about her. No reason to bring up Aemon, since she never met him. This not some meeting to tell life stories, they got bussiness to sort out.
I’d say Tyrion will advise her to summon only certain Lords, mainly Jon as the most powerful one. Not Mel. She might get there and see dragons, realizing she was wrong all along.
Yes. Probably like this. Although, Jon might bring up dragonglass or Ser Davos as he was at Dragonstone and knows about it.
It might not be the colour of the eyes of people she’s killed. It could be the colour of eyes of faces she wears, Which could open endless possibilities
“And it’s also possible they’ve gone to forage for obsidian and happened to come across the new residents.”
The major problem with this Jon going for obsidian and running into Dany scenario is that, Dany’s massive fleet should be seen from afar, and if Jon sees a massive fleet hanging around Dragonstone, he would think of Cersei’s fleet first of all and turn back ASAP.
I still think it will play out otherwise, but who knows…
You have to chip obsidian into blades, using a striking stone or an antler to flake the obsidian off a core and then to give the blades an edge. It’s not that difficult to learn – some anthropology classmates and I once taught ourselves to make obsidian blades and successfully skinned a deer with them in a couple of hours. It’s much easier to work than a material like flint.
Is Kit supposed to be filming at Zumaia? Which is this week. If so, it’ll be mostly landing, right? Theon is there, so might be Dragonstgone their meeting, Jon won’t be making pit stop at Riverlands or elsewhere.
Yeah, I can’t imagine Jon goes with Davos just to look for obsidian. He’ll leave the north only for something that he alone can do – negotiating with a powerful conquering queen is not something he would trust to anyone else; finding obsidian, on the other hand, doesn’t require a king. So he must know that she’s there before he heads to Dragonstone. Or at least that’s how it looks to me.
Flora Linden,
Arya abandoned her family? lmao ok last time I checked, she’s a kid. Fleeing imprisonment. But okay sure.
fierce as a wolverine,
Oh! Congratulations. I have tried to make a flint blade and I succeeded but it took me a lot more time and I made a lot of waist (well I have to admit I have never been agile with anything but a needle (more a Sansa-type lady LOL). So, if working with obsidian is easier that with flint, it’s good news.
Flora Linden,
They were angry with Robb not the Starks .They still love Ned (i cried for your father).Arya was 11 and Sansa 13 they children they don’t blame them for anything ,only Robb. They mistrusted Sansa because she married Ramsay willingly.That didn’t look good . And yes they consider Robb responsible for the Red wedding but they really hate the Freys.They killed Lyanna’s mother , lord Glover brother and he was ashamed in last episode ( they stood behind house Stark) .What you said is true but that change at the end.
If i was Sansa , when Glover said “where was king Robb when blah blah blah” my answer would be ” where were you, all of you when i was a captive .Everytime you and your men celebrated your victories with wine and whores , a was beaten like dog by Joffrey’s men ,so don’t talk to me about war or pain , say that you scared of Ramsey and cur the crap”.
*cut the crap
Dany banished Jorah, he somehow returned or met her. It looks this will happen to Jon and Mel. again banished and meeting. Makes sense for body double for that and Carice for quieter scenes shooted in Belfast.
As or this Emilia thing with her not wanting photos. Kit did the same thing when he was at Belfast with Rose, means she might have some company and don’t want to people to invade her privacy.
I don’t see why Dany won’t land early. As early as the first episode. Her mission was to get her army to Westeros, once they make it to Dragonstone, they can unload and start strategizing. Part of that would include sending out ravens to high lords who Tyrion thinks would be useful to have on her side.
If there is a battle to be had at sea, it will be with Theon and Yara against Euron. Dany promised to help them, she’s going to give them men to help take back the Iron Islands, she won’t be fighting in that battle though, not when the one she’s after is in Kings Landing. Therefore, I don’t see her encountering any crippling battles early in the season.
If Jon just wanted obsidian, he would have sent someone for it. There would be no reason for him to leave the north. If he leaves, it’s to meet Dany. He would want to seek her help and she also has the obsidian he will need. He’s killing two birds with one stone.
i went on a trip for 10 days to Dubrovnik’s filming locations without THE internet, and all this EPIC news pops at my face. WOW. Just WOW….
fierce as a wolverine,
The problem with this scenario, is that Jon has no way to learn about Dany’s landing on Dragonstone unless she sends him a message: neither Jon, nor Littlefinger can guess her landing spot by themselves – she has several options, and her landing spot will be top secret.
But to send Jon a personal invitation, Dany has to learn about him first: in 609 it was established that their last information was about Stannis’ defeat and death, and Varys’ little birds won’t reach her on the sail.
Of cause she may stop somewhere (Volantis) or meet a merchants’ ship and learn the latest news, but hardly she will be able to sent a raven across the sea with the most vital and secret information. So, she has to land on Dragonstone first, and send Jon a message afterwards.
But in such case, she would have to wait for him giving Cersei a chance to prepare for defense, which would be simply stupid. Dragonstone is a tiny island, absolutely not fit to host her massive army for long, and if she stops there, she will have to sail to KL within days. So, what would be the point of inviting Jon to Dragonstone, if she will be able to invite him to KL shortly afterwards?
All in all, the easiest solution for showrunners is to send Jon to Dragonstone for dragonglass and make Dany arrive later on. But well see tomorrow: if the rowers will be dressed like wildlings/northerners, it will be Jon arriving, if they are dressed as the Ironborn, Unsulled, or Dothraki (though I can’t imaging that the later two could make good rowers out of the blue) it will be Dany (though again, in such case I can’t imagine why rowers would be required at all: if she arrives with three dragons, any garrison manning the castle will have to surrender immediately).
BTW, I noticed that Jon and Dany quarrel in that scene: Jon approaches with the best intentions, IMO; but Dany turns to him rather abruptly, and after exchanging some phrases they end up looking in opposite directions almost exactly like Sansa and Littlefinger in 605. Poor Jon seems to be having a hard time, but still hope they’ll get along.
I think so too, I imagine Dany will give them a part of her fleet though, perhaps some of her own and the Martells but I’m guessing Yara doesn’t fare too well.
A little island would have no chance against dany’s fleet, plus dragons, Martelle and Tyrells (one of the biggest armies in Westeros) too unrealistic but if the army splits up it helps Euron’s chances.
I think so too, I imagine Dany will give them a part of her fleet though, perhaps some of her own and the Martells but I’m guessing Yara doesn’t fare too well.
A little island would have no chance against dany’s fleet, plus dragons, Martelle and Tyrells (one of the biggest armies in Westeros) too unrealistic but if the army splits up it helps Euron’s chances.
See now, you’re looking at this as if Daenerys is making a surprise invasion. The moment all of those ships and men sailed out of High Garden, Iron Islands, Sunspear, possibly Oldtown as well, the news of where they were going has certainly spread. There is no surprise other than where she’ll beach. Daenerys is confident, not sneaky. AND, we’re all thinking these pictures are from around episode 4 or so. Once she’s at Dragonstone everyone will find out about it even if she doesn’t send out messages to state her claim. I really don’t know why she wouldn’t do that to be honest, and it would be after she’s already hold up behind the security of Dragonstone. It doesn’t make any sense to just storm across the land laying waste to everyone before finding out who will support her. That would be a pretty unwise move in my opinion if she wants the people to follow her. If this IS a mid-season episode then that is plenty of time for Jon to get word she’s there (or invitation) and go to her.
Boy,I need to stop coming here or otherwise I will have known the complete plot of GOT even before it airs! 😉
Geralt of Rivia,
A fan saw her today at the hotel that the cast is staying in but she didn’t want to take photos. She was with her best friend Lola and another girl.
Oh COME ON! You’re imagining things as there is no way to prove that. I can look at it and say she’s looking at something, he approaches and remarks on whatever it is and then they both look back. Besides, the shots following where they set up the screen they look rather chummy.
We know she was trying to escape imprisonment. But do the Northerners know? No, they have no idea. So to them it looks like Arya abandoned them. This is about perception, not about them finding out what actually happened. Arya’s account about her absence will sound crazy to some.
Sadly, I don’t think that response would have moved the Glovers or made them feel guilt or sympathy or anything. A wife automatically is on the side of the husband’s family whether she wants to or not. They had their minds made up about her already.
That would be the reason. Kit, Emilia and all the cast do have their lifes and it’s good thing to took friends, family or boyfriend/girlfriend.
It looks like frosty meeting from the little we saw but hopefully they’ll be friends. Like reluctant allies at first, growing into bond. Jon usually impresses people around him, Dany too.
I give up. There’s tinfoil and then there’s wearing a spaghetti strainer on your head.
The only reason I think jon and Davos to be there for dragonglass and surprised by dany and not jon coming to dany after the summon is because that will delay their meeting by an episode or two..
Dany will send ravens upon her arrival like aegon did..that’s for sure ..
Why should we be surprised to see Melissandre there at this point? We are getting to the Grand Finale: and a major supporting character like Mel should be in the thick of things to present issues for Daeny, Jon, etc., (In particular, if Mel is now in Daeny’s camp, then one could see the issues it creates for Jon in trying to maintain the alliances he’s putting together. Moreover, Mel could be big in trying to persuade Daeny that White Walkers are not just creatures from the fairy tales of semi-barbarians.)
There are a lot of things that could be done in this setup that are very Martinesque (or Faulkneresque!). This is not to say that we should have expected it: but we should not necessarily be surprised by it, either.
Name one positive thing you have said about dany in your theories
Looks like they are both looking up and out at something in that scene, probably dragons flying around.
I am fan geeking! How cool would it be if Dany introduces her dragons to Jon. He immediately takes to Rhaegal, talking to him the way he talks to Ghost. Just when Dany goes to explain his name, Jon says “after your brother”. Then, Rhaegal lowers his wing, and offers Jon a ride. KiTN hops on, and yadda yadda yadda, off to fight the war for the living…….or something to that effect.
Flora Linden,
This doesn’t make any sense, why would they think that at all? Her father’s head was lopped from his body and she went missing. Why would their assumption be that a little 10 year old girl abandoned them and not that something bad had happened to her?
I see the whole situation as more Jon and Davos tell them about the WW, and Dany realizes how dire the situation is and how worse off Westeros is than she originally thought, Dany thinking things through on her own like she tends to do often overlooking the view and Jon wanting to speak to her more about it and yes she wouldn’t be as comfortable as she always was with Jorah but If she was quarelling with Jon he wouldn’t be standing so close to her, the closeness says there is a respect there for one another.
The one and only reason Mel went to dragonstone and believed stannis is chosen one is because he was lord of Dragonstone( a place amidst salt and smoke ) ..she misinterprets viserys death as stannis’s and don’t really understand what are winged Shadows in her flames..
As jon notes Mel is wrong with stannis but unlike jon or Mel we know who was born there …a birth so significant she got a name out of it.
Now when Mel learns about dany about her being born there ,about her being hatching dragons under the red comet( bleeding star) and about her being unburnt ..
Think about how Mel will feel…she will realize all her mistakes and misinterpreted events from the Start..
I don’t know that she’ll necessarily invite him, but I bet that most of Westeros will be aware of her arrival pretty quickly – for plot acceleration purposes if for no other reason (I love the show, but D&D frequently sacrifice a certain amount of logic in order to get things done – see: LF being unaware of Ramsay’s proclivities when arranging the Sansa marriage; Arya wandering around like she had nothing to fear from the Waif; everything about Dorne; etc.)
I mean, maybe Jon would leave his newly reunited and tenuously loyal vassals in the face of an impending zombie invasion in order to go dig up volcanic glass thousands of miles away, but it seems like kind of poor reasoning (but see above, about lack of logic – could apply here just as easily, I guess.)
Right now I’m thinking that there’s a big discussion in the north about who they can ally with to defeat the Walkers. They know that Cersei is a negative, then they hear of this dragon queen arriving, and Jon goes in person to ask for her aid and convince her that the threat is real. OR, alternatively, Mel brings word to Dany of Jon and the North, and/or Tyrion tells Dany that Jon is an honorable and good person, and she seeks his aid for her conquest, and he goes south to convince her of the real threat, and we’re just not supposed to worry about how fast the ravens (or the people) can travel.
Anyway, it’s fun to speculate, regardless of what actually happens – we’re probably all wrong about many particulars at this point.
And we’re even on the flint-knapping, I’ve never been very successful with anything but obsidian. You probably have me beat on Sansa-style needlework, too. 🙂
LOL, yup.
As for Dany and Jon looking in opposite directions as if they’re quarreling, I interpreted it as the scene having ended and Kit and Emilia breaking character and looking around, not Dany and Jon refusing to look at each other. To me, it looked like that 1 minute video was mostly an establishing shot of Jon walking majestically down the stairs to Dany, and once he reached the bottom the cameras stopped rolling. There’s another pic of both of them in the same spot but this time with the cameras and crew surrounding them, like they re-positioned the equipment after the long shot to then film the close up shots and dialogue.
Thats not Mel in the “red woman” picture. Its Emilia and Kit. On desktop it looks pretty obvious to me.
*Attaches spaghetti strainer to head with handy chinstrap*
One of these sites being named as Dragstone is really Storm’s End. And the other will be CGIed into Casterly Rock. Jon is at Dragonstone before Dany arrives and he is the one who welcomes her to Westeros.
the red outfit in these new pictures is clearly supposed to be mel… is the exact same outfit
I’m still hoping that Gendry (via an escort with Brienne maybe?) will be sent to North for his safety since if Dany and/or Jon are planning on using him as the last Baratheon/Robert’s son to rally the Stormland Lords to their cause(s), they’d need to keep him out of Cersei’s reach until they’re more established, he’s legitimized, has support behind him, etc. If that is the case, then I could see him being on his way to the North in episode 6, possibly even showing up there (as the show may not waste much time on travel with fewer episodes this season).
I agree with restoresoff and I don’t understand what you mean by perception from the Northerners. They know that her father was killed by the Lannisters. They know that her sister was held captive in King’s Landing by the Lannisters. They know that her mother/brother was killed by the Freys/Lannisters. They know that her other brothers were presumed killed by her family’s ward and her family home destroyed. They know one Northern family that was supposedly loyal to the Starks betrayed her family.
She’s a young girl who’s been all alone thousands of leagues from home, trying to survive on her own and if she were to give a neutered, yet truthful account it doesn’t read as abandoning her family at all. You take into account all of the above–her journey with the Night’s Watch (trying to get home), capture by the Goldcloaks, imprisonment at Harrenhaal, escape and trying to get home, then capture by the Brotherhood Without Banners with a promise to ransom her to her family, when that kept falling through from them she ran away TO go to her family, was captured by the Hound who was ransoming her to her family, she went along with that to two different family members.
Finally when she was free of the Hound, she TRIED to go to Jon but the only coin she had on her was the coin from Jaqen and that would only take her to Bravos. At that point… a girl was done. She believed all of her family was dead (except for Jon, who as a man of the Night’s Watch couldn’t do anything for her per his vows anyway, and Sansa most likely dead), her family home destroyed.
Explain again how ANYONE with a working brain cell in the North knowing that (other than the assassin bit, thus my neutered statement above) anyone would say… yup, this kid abandoned her family. Screw her!
I mean, really? Believes all of her family is dead, her family home destroyed, her family’s ward betrayed and killed members of her family, some houses loyal to the Starks betraying, killing and destroying them. How could she trust anyone? Turn to anyone? Really? She abandoned her family? No one would think that. No one.
Mel is extremely old, she’s using a glamor to conceal her true age, but the show runners said that she was hundreds of years old. A woman of her age, would already know about Dany being born on Dragonstone. Maybe she doesn’t know about how far Dany has raised herself since then, but she’d know of Dany’s existence already.
I don’t think that’s Kit. It looks like Nathalie Emmanuel; the hair is loose like Missandei’s, not tied back like Jon’s.
100% agree!
I’m considering going into the metal colander business, from the looks of things supplies will be running short quickly 😛
No GRRM very carefully made her not aware of dany ..not only her but whole dragonstone team.. Now stannis was aware of her but not about her hatching dragons.
GRRm was hiding the real one with with false one…who gets dragonstone immediately after dany leaves the place . it is stannis who gets hoof of the castle..
Covering the true chosen with a red herring ..
Slayer of lies indeed
Anyways like I said its not just her being born there but the all other aspects as well.
Daenerys has been completely invisible to Mel (even if she might have known that the last Targ Queen died there giving birth to a daughter). And that’s because it’s the PRINCE that was promised, and everyone, being quite medieval, including Mel, naturally assumed it had to be a MAN. Their Valyrian wasn’t up to par. 😉
I need a colander too, since I’m hanging out here quite a bit for spoilers, and the normal tinfoil hat is just not cutting it any longer! 😀
In the first picture, the hood of the cloak appears to grey, not red. Looks like she could be wearing a grey outfit underneath the cloak.
Is it a possible that someone is posing as a red woman to make us believe that Carice is back ? Maybe D&D is sick of all the spoilers that are being leaked and they’re playing a trick on us!
If you look carefully in the last pic there’s a lady in grey hoodie with red hair just like in the first pic . Coincidence?
I bet we could get a deal if we bought the strainers/colanders in bulk…or maybe we’d just get a visit from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I’m in!
Gonna be a loooong wait ahead and a big demand for them. Best get in while they’re hot 😛
Sansa has green eyes. Or are they blue? Maybe I’m just thinking green cause of the red hair 🙂
Littlefinger’s eyes in the show are blue (in the books, green). Mel’s prediction just indicates Arya will kill a lot of people; she ran through the three most common eye types.
Sansa’s eyes in the show are grey (in the books, blue).
Geralt of Rivia,
nope, kit didn’t do the same thing. Since he started filming last month, everytime a fan asks for a picture he says he isn’t allowed because production put fan photos on lockdown to not give away storylines through the filming location. Sophie Turner has refused fan pictures on few occasions as well using the same reasoning. I don’t know why D&D think that this is working, because clearly is not, but they do it anyway. Kit does takes pictures when he is in london, though.
At this point, the only other spoilers that I really need are about the fate of the Hound. I need to know if McCann is filming at Moneyglass (or will be filming on Iceland), or if he goes South for the glorious final C-bowl.
I really hope the Hound dies (permanently) this season!
If Mel’s faith in herself is still shaken, it could be that her magical ‘batteries’ are running low and the cost of maintaining her glamour too high – especially if she knows that she is persona non grata in the North and wants to travel incognito. So we might very well see a different actress portraying an ‘older’ Mel (though perhaps not quite the ancient crone whom we in the audience – and nobody in the show universe – saw briefly at Winterfell). Maybe Carice will only be needed to do a private indoor scene or two in which she reveals herself as ‘young Mel.’
I wonder what the dynamic would be like if Davos met her in an older form, not realizing who it really was…but probably mistrustful of any red priestess. If he does find out that it’s her, he might just chuck her over one of those cliffs!
I’m wondering if that lovely green courtyard of the castle in Almodóvar del Río might possibly be standing in for the gardens of the Citadel. But maybe that’s just me wishing very hard for an Oldtown plot that goes on over the course of multiple episodes, with Sam falling in with Marwyn and Alleras and ‘Pate’ and that whole crew while he’s searching for magical knowledge.
What?! He is most generally liked character in show. Even more than Tyrion who got horribly boring after season 4.
I actually enjoyed him most during Season 5. Season 6… not so much.
These reports are fun but there’s frustratingly little we don’t already know….yet.
Even tho S6 got ‘sightings’ of McCann and Paul Kaye (no on-the-town pics) …
Richard Dormer went totally under the radar for season 6.
Aidan Gillen been spotted yet? I may have missed that. Even tho LF has been around S5 and S6 he seems invisible as a character.
Seems it will be much harder to get paparazzi pics from Zumaia today… 😉
Yeah I agree it’s really hard to predict what’s going. To me, Dany looks to be reflecting here, possibly in re-evaluation of her next steps, and Jon is approaching to give her further counsel. It’s an intimate scene that’s for sure (and I don’t mean in a romantic way before we get allsorts of debates in that).
What we all need to considser though is the mix of characters at dragonstone and the dynamics between them:
Jon/Dany: Targ/Stark opposition
Jon/Theon: Betryal of house Stark
Jon/Davos/Mel: Shireen
Varys/Mel: Hatred of magic
Mel/Dany: Burning Shireen et al
Varys/Jon: Jons alliance with LF
Davos/Tyrion: Blackwater battle
Tyrion/Jon: Stark/Lannister war (after they parted ways in S1.. bit of a stretch tho)
Likely there’s many more I’ve not considered, but there’s clearly a WHOLE lotta beef going on at Dragonstone in S7 that may take some time to resolve itself, so we can look forward to some fantastic scenes there.
The Hound never dies, he lives on forever in all of us, in our hearts. He and Arya will get married and go on a murderous honeymoon, drinking wine, eating chicken, and fulfilling Sandor’s long-standing face-changing fantasies.
Filming in Zumaia. Video:
Agreed. Just wanted to make a point that the exchange between Jon and Dany may have a rather bitter beginning, before it moves to a sweeter part. And I still feel like the scene should end with Jon wrapping Dany into his mantle, cause she is obviously not dressed for the season, and the day is windy, and if Jon fails to do what a man should under such circumstances, both of his fathers should rise from the grave and give him a decent punch on his face… But on the other hand who knows given that it’s GoT: tensions between them may continue till the very end of the series resolving as the ultimate climax of S8, even if they are joining forces around 705. Basically, a complicated development of their relations would be even more interesting to watch than a smooth one, despite the fact that I want them to reach the point of happy ending ASAP.
Brown costumes from a distance. Could be Dothraki or Northern. Hell they all wear brown could be anyone! ?
Can’t believe we’re getting footage of Zumaia especially after the amazing shots and clips that have been leaked lately. Who the hell is in charge of security? ?
And another one:
And they promised to post more over the day – seems even the local agroturismo owners have become paparazzi by now… 😉
Green Chili,
Dothraki and it looks like it’s jon arriving on the beach.
Wow. Kinda wishing they’d waited a few hours before posting these so we could get some top dollar close ups before security finds those guys.
He’s got another one up:
It looks like it might be a ring of Dothraki. That could be Jon walking towards the boat.
Edit: Green Chili beat me.
Dothraki and northeners with main cast
I said repeatedly that she had a tender heart (as Jorah put it) and right instincts to answer injustice with justice and to leave the world better that she found it (which she might succeed with a proper council).
But that’s exactly why I want her story to break out of the arch, which can be described as “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” And she is in that arch: just look like she threw out Daario – the man who loved her and risk his life for her many times, not to mention poor Hishahr whom she intended to force into marriage humiliating in every possible way.
She hasn’t went too far yet, she’s still in the stage of “power corrupts”, but if she fails to be humbled in the nearest future, she will turn into a tyrant just like any other socialist with good intentions fixed on the bigger picture but neglecting people around him/her.
my god, it looks like dragontone is gonna become the new Big Brother hahaha
so cool!! Stark’s soldiers in Dragonstone 🙂
Actually I’ve just realised that it’s the local hotel that’s posted these! So I’m guessing HBO have no right to stop them as it’s filmed on their own property.
Keep em coming! ?
Yeah, they can’t do nothing about that LOL
But someone just took a sneaky picture of Kit, Liam and Nathalie on set. :/
that’s quite the zoom in the hotel videos. nothing hbo can do about this, this seems rather far away from the filming
So many leaks. I’m happy and sad at the same time.
Ah so it’s Jons arrival. Makes sense I guess.
Can’t wait to see what comes out today!
Ah good he has some sort of retinue.
At one point the site mentioned the show was casting Mormont soldiers. Are they for this scene or something else?
So it means Jon did not go alone with Davos as people were suspecting. What I would like to now know is the reason for his visit, whether it was just dragon glass and he was surprised to find Dany already there or whether he goes there to meet Dany.
Lmao I hope some people come down now that they are seeing Jon isnt alone with Davos. He’s not stupid as some people seem like they want him to be.
That you think she must be humbled is in itself a poor understanding of the character..
Iam not going to get into the whole hizdar thing because show really did terrible job of this..
If dany is really corrupted by the power she would have taken daario with her .,would not have cared about what others have to say and she will keep having him on her side..
OK. I have to apologize: indeed it looks like Jon arriving to Dragonstone already controlled by team-Dany. Sing… Things will be really dark in the upcoming season.
So Jon does take a small party with him,that makes sense.I think Missandei and Tyrion are receiving them.Who knew Dragonstone would become the new hotspot lol.I hope Dany gives Jon the room where Mel leeched Gendry that had an amazing view haha.
I hope they film Dany scenes there too. I’m tired of seeing her sitting on a chair.
Agreed. There was waaaaaay too many rants on why he’s there and who he’s with.
He’s there. That’s all that matters ?
Flayed Potatoes,
Those soldiers were being cast at the very beginning of filming, I assume it would be for a scene they wanted to film at that time.
Besides now that Jon is king of all the north, I assume his retinue will consist of people from a majority of the big houses.
I wonder what are Tormund and co doing while Jon is away.
I wonder what Dany’s party will think of Selyse’s fetus room.
Missandei is also in the scene. She’s gonna be bff with Jon and Davos by the time they leave Dragonstone.
Is tyrion with there ..
Is tyrion there I think he was blocked by the post
So jon comes with men ..
No need- my theories and opinions have been disproven about 5 times in the last week with these diamonds! I guess we’re all re-evaluating ?
They will have to film her arrival. There is no way they won’t.
Ugh lol I totally forgot that existed
ghost of winterfell,
Maybe Jon sends him and the remaining Wildling fighters to man some of the castles on the Wall.
Like I said yesterday they must be filming dany’s landing at evening..
Iam happy that dragonstons is featured most of the fandom didn’t believe or think that they will not be there or its not important
LOL I hope she doesn’t tie him to the bed though xD
Flayed Potatoes,
Yeah, that would be in line with what Jon did in Adwd. That would mean a reduced screentime for Tormund I guess. At least we will get Tormienne part 2!
excellent new footage!!!
so I am guessing this scene leads into the scenes on the steps from the last couple days ..only question I have is if Drogon just flies buy or is Dany riding him?
Flayed Potatoes,
You literally made me spit out my water lol.Yeah that would be quite a sight.I hope Davos doesn’t go to Shireen’s room cause I’m going to cry.
Flayed Potatoes,
Something tells me we will not be seeing those things …it will be like it never happened..
You know what else had an amazing view ..on top of westeros painted table …too bad it was already spoiled by stannis and Mel.
I would be very surprised if he doesn’t. That scene is going to happen imo.
Yeah Tyrion is there.Apparently him and Jon greet each other with a handshake.I knew that we would see Dragonstone.I kinda guessed she would land there it makes sense from a literary and emotional perspective but I didn’t think it would be this prominent or that so many people less off all Jon would there.I’m happy it’s this way though.The scenes promise to be amazing.
Oh jon going there I never thought of something like that ..
If they shake hands that means they must be expecting him so he must really go there after an Invitation.
Lmao I’m laughing at the dothraki on the poisoned water.
They are expecting him in a new video the dothraki even carry his boat.
God please no than we will have weeks long discussion on who is entitled to tie who lol.
ghost of winterfell,
Well I’m starting to prepare my tissues then
Yeah screw Mel and Stannis a power couple like Jon and Dany deserve to have their first time on that table lol
Another vid… although I’ve no clue what’s going on here. The Dothraki extras seem to be moving the boat then the crew help them put it back in its original place..
OMG that hotel better watch out for HBO snipers! ?
Yeah I think we can rule out a surprise visit. Jon is going there on invitation.
So it looks like the first meeting between Jon and Daenerys will take place indoors. The fact that Missandei is part of the welcoming party suggests that their arrival may have been anticipated.
Although we have been completely spoiled (in many senses) there is still so much of these interactions about which we know absolutely nothing!
Oh good to know..I can’t watch the videos right now ..
So iam relying on what you guys posting
ghost of winterfell,
If he is going on after the invitation then I guess this will be an episode 4 or end of episode 3..
I’ve been thinking about this. And that’s possibly the case.
Alternatively- it looks like the shots where Jon and Davos are ducking potentially from a swooping dragon are from this same scene, as they approach the castle.
From a dramatic perspective, it’d be the perfect intro between Jon and Dany if she is riding Drogon in this scene and steps off at the top of the cliffs.
Whether budget allows for this who can tell. But this is without doubt a crucial scene so perhaps cash will be thrown at it..
I think they are filming the scene where the Dothraki carry away the boat Jon arrived in, basically making him a prisoner.
It may go either way ..
Dany may waiting for the meeting and send a recieving party to the beach ..and it will just be a dragon that flies
Or dany is not there so the others go to welcome and walking the stairs while dany comes out flying and land ahead of them to greet them on the mid way in the stairs .
ghost of winterfell,
They are probably doing him a favor. Missandei wouldn’t be there if he was a threat.
True. But I know which one I prefer ?
Today filming videos
ghost of winterfell,
If they are taking him prisoner the first thing they will be doing is taking away their weapons and swords right.
I guess I have an idea which one that will be ..
And I think it will be the first one too
I bet it’s episode 3.In 4 they talk it out .And in five Tyrion and Davos go to KL and Jon and Dany go sightseeing in Dragonstone,pet the dragons lol.
I doubt there will be any dragon in that scene otherwise jon and davos wouldn’t be shocked in that scene they filmed on saturday, which will orobably happen right after they arrival.
It seems clear thought that these two days of shooting are from the same scene: today is team Jon disembarking on Itzurun beach and Saturdays shots were them climbing the steps up to the castle (as well as a separate scene with Dany).
Missandei, Tyrion and a Dothraki escort are present on both locations, but Jons guards are absent on the approach to the castle (for obvious reasons).
I don’t think Drogon is there when they disembark but he could swoop in from around the dragonmont, through the clouds or from some other location (as he has a tendency to do in other eps).
I edited my comment, one is right after the other possibly. Just saying that In today’s takes they wont see a dragon.
He is not a prisoner in the sense that they will put him into a dungeon or disrespect him in any way. They will probably give him all the respect due to a king or a lord. However, they will be taking away his means of departure, it looks like, so he won’t be able to leave without their approval.
Yeah that’s how I also think will happen .
Maybe they can top those table and room by going full dragon mode on drogon’s back
After seeing that video I don’t think that part were dothraki carry the boat is even part of a scene…it could very well be after the scene was shot and them removing the boat from waves
The season 7 leak predicted this scene would happen in episode 3. It said:
ghost of winterfell,
Well If I was Dany I wouldn’t want Jon to leave either lol
Yeah, it does look like this is Jon arriving at Dragonstone and the walk they shot a couple of days ago was Jon then heading up to the castle with Davos, Missandei and Tyrion.
I do agree that there would be an added dramatic effect if Jon and Davos were to see not only a dragon, but Daenerys riding a dragon (if, as I suspect, their arrival was anticipated then it would be a powerful image to greet them with). If that is going to happen, however, it will be shot against a green screen and we won’t see any of it until season seven is aired – which is far too far away!!
Also – regarding the boat – if Team Daenerys knows Jon is coming (he is, after all, her only real option as an ally) then would it not make sense for her welcoming party to deal with tying the boat up for him? For them to help her new potential ally as much as possible?
Cannot argue with that 🙂 .
Flayed Potatoes,
I don’t know about the casting (heard only about the Mormont shields being painted), but Mormont men would indeed make sense in this operation: they live on an island and often have encounters with the Ironborn, so they should have certain skills and experience in marine operations.
Likely they could be doing that. It’s clear there’s no conflict at all in this latest scene, and Tyrion and Missandei’s presence backs this up. So we can rule out the fact both teams are enemies.
It’s not clear to any of us however (no matter how much we debate) whether they are allies at this early stage or whether this is a diplomatic mission to secure an alliance. Regardless of which is the case, Dany will no doubt want to show just how powerful and effective she is, in any “negotiations”.
Uniting Dothraki, Unsullied and half of the houses of Westeros is pretty impressive in itself but riding a dragon would blow Jon away- which seems apparent from Saturday shots.
Also, Lyanna Mormont is – as of the end of season six – Jon’s biggest supporter. It would make sense for her to offer her men as his guard. And for him to trust those men.
ghost of winterfell,
Yeah I get what you are saying ..
But like I said in my previous comment it may not even be a part of the scene..
It was very obvious from the start that Jon would go there because of an invitation. In episode 10 Dany spoke about making alliances. (That doesn’t just necessarily imply marriage).
It would be the most logical thing for her to seek alliances first, she isn’t going to Westeros to just start a war and conquer everything. They would obviously try to avoid fighting and war as far as possible. War is bad for everyone, even if you have a big army.
Dany has Varys with her, he can easily inform her on the state of Westeros, and Tyrion knew Jon personally, it would make sense that he would advise Dany to invite Jon for friendly negotiations, instead of invading or trying to start a war against the North in winter time.
And Jon obviously wants help to fight against the White Walkers, and he needs dragonglass. He has some very good reasons to accept Dany’s invitation. Ultimately they actually have good reasons to work together.
It is clear from this new footage that Jon is arriving as a noble guest with his retinue in tow, and he is being greeted by Tyrion upon landing, who is obviously Dany’s second in command. This is clearly an important diplomatic mission from both sides.
One thing that bothers me (I don’t want to give in easily, I now – sorry), but one thing that bothers me, that the photos featuring Jon and Davos falling on the ground after they presumably see a dragon with Dany on top imply that their first encounter with the Dragon Queen will happen some time after their landing on Dragonstone: at first, there will be only Tyrion and Missandei (+ Grey Worm, Varys, and Theon, though we didn’t see them in actual scenes). So, it may still happen that my predictions may be at least partially true, and the Draginstone landing sequence will be as follows: 1) Tyrion (with the remains of Dany’s fleet after the disastrous encounter with Cersei and Euron); 2) Jon (coming for obsidian and other things); 3) Dany on Drogon.
Yeah, there has obviously been some sort of contact between the two before this meeting (some sort of letter sent by raven is the most likely scenario, I feel). The welcoming party and the walk up to the castle filmed the other day suggests their arrival has been anticipated. And like I have said before, I think that a formal alliance between Jon and Daenerys is really the only viable option either of them have. I don’t see either of them placing any trust in Cersei or Euron, and they are the only other power blocks we saw as of season six.
Jon has a decent powerblock himself – North, free folk, Vale – though nothing compared to the alliances Daenerys has formed. The two of them teaming up is, I think, almost inevitable. I don’t think Jon cares, at this stage, who sits on the Iron Throne as long as they are prepared to help him in his war; Daenerys is the only one I think he will see as being both willing and able to do that.
why do I get this feeling that LF may persuaded of played a part in sending jon south in the hopes of he will die and wanting to seperate sansa from jon and take control of Winterfell
Flayed Potatoes,
Hi! Flayed Potatoes…hilarious!!! That will be an interesting scene lmao!!!!
Jenny, OMG mine just started tearing up jut thinking of it ?. Poor Shireen!!
Do you think Dany will look at Davos and Melissandre like THESE were the people you served? They keep their dead babies in jars and locked their only living child in a room? Sheesh!!
Just seeing the dragons is properly enough to show Dany’s power.
This is Westeros this isn’t Slavers Bay. Her mission wouldn’t be to destroy all nobility like the slave masters and great families of Mereen.
Jon isn’t a slave master, he is a King who was chosen by his own people.
It wouldn’t really make sense for her to try and destroy or completely over power him, when he is a chosen representative of his own people. He is bastard, so he doesn’t even fall under normal nobility.
I am pretty sure Dany doesn’t want to act against the people or antagonise them unnecessarily. It would be much more in line with her goals to rather try and work with someone like Jon.
By the way I just have to say that this site is addicting!! ☺️It’s like Christmas when I was a kid…I had to search out all of my gifts because I just had to know lol!! But then Christmas came and I knew all of my gifts! So I continually cheat myself out of a surprise…but I just can’t help myself! ?
But I love this site please keep up the good work! So much fun!!! And so fun to see everyone’s take on everything I really like looking at it from different angles.
I never said she would try (or even want) to destroy or overpower Jon.
And I agree, just the dragons will do this trick in itself… but Dany swooping in on dragonback would be far more dramatic (on a TV show known and applauded for the drama), and definitely show anyone in doubt just who she really is.
As I said before though, they may not go down this route (and budget could be an issue for one thing), it’s just my preference.
Would the extras playing those dothraki themselves move the boat just to get it out of the way, I doubt it. I do think it was part of the scene, you can see the northern soldiers looking at them as their boat was taken away. The scene ended when the crew members came in to help. If it was not part of the scene, I think the extras playing the northern soldiers would have gone in to help rather than just look at them.
My opinion, I could be wrong.
I wouldn’t put it past him but tbh it’s not like Jon needs much incentive.He knows the place has dragonglass which is essential to him and easier to obtain than going around looking for the 5 remaining Valyrian steel swords and he knows she has dragons which are essential in this fight.Now while he is gone I’m LF will play his games.
Arya Serious,
Well Mel has done crazier things than that so she can’t say much but Davos can say it was better than smuggling and living in Flea Bottom lol
If Dany is on drogons back then she could step off in this same scene and meet Jon on the steps to the castle, or alternatively inside the castle. But these events don’t need to be some time apart.
ghost of winterfell,
I think I read that they are casting those who are professional rowers.
So I assume that they helped with taking care of the boat..
I could be wrong also.
Agree with what you are ssyjng
I want to see his reactions also ..his whole plan is now going to thrashbin because north crowned a bastard and now a dragon queen comes to take south..
I don’t know how he think he can overcome these two
You can now move to the news article about the filming in Zumaia 🙂
And please remember: No free talk about the leaks. We know many of us saw it. But most only want SOME spoilers. They read a spoiler article and expect the comments to discuss that, not other things. If you’re going to discuss information from anywhere else, including the leaks, put it in spoiler tags, please! And no links to the leaks, obviously.
I can totally see LF thinking this way! I can see Jon saying he will go himself I don’t think he will even consider sending someone in his place. But while he is gone LF is definitely going to try causing problems at WF!!! All his scheming will hopefully come full circle and come back to bite him!’ That’s my hope anyway. I hope he gets taken out before he causes any more Starks to die! We have precious few left and really only one that can pass on the name. I know what you’re thinking…Bran can’t have kids…but paraplegics aren’t necessarily unable to have kids. My cousin is one and he had 2 so it’s possible. Hmmm…maybe Bran and Meera (unless she ends up related too somehow lol!!)
So Jon and Davos arriving and Tyrion and Missandei greeting them. Extremely high-level Targ people greeting the Northerners, suggest the following scenario to me.
Daenerys arrives on Dragonstone early next season. She already has support from Martells, Tyrells and part of Ironborn. So she may immediately send ravens to Winterfell, and the Vale for negotiations (not Lannisters and Riverlands, which it will be assumed is under Lannister control). At Winterfell, it will be decided that Jon and Davos should go – perhaps prompted by LF, who’ll want some alone time with Sansa. 😉
Jon and Davos arrive, are greeted by Tyrion and Missandei, and are walking up the stairs, when Daenerys arrives back from an invigorating ride atop Drogon. She gets down at the top of the cliff, walks inside and greets the Northerners there. I am speculating Ep. 3.
Luka Nieto,
Thank you Luka! I know it didn’t get posted on the site but I got one in my email with the whole thing I’ve been avoiding…total bummer! Thankfully it seemed to get pulled from site before it posted. Sigh…dang email lol!!
Yes, I also have a feeling that Jon’s meeting with Dany may be arranged by Littlefinger, as well as the Queen of Thorns. Think of it: Ollena Tyrell is a capable politician, she already made an alliance with Dany, but she should be looking for more allies before the Dragon Queen arrives. And here rises a new KITN backed up by her old partner Littlefinger. And Ollena Tyrell is exactly that type of a player who will immediately see a possibility of a marriage alliance (all her policy, all her climb was based on marriages – first of her own, then on the marriages of her children and grandchildren). So, IMO Ollena-Littlefinger makes a more reliable and believable communication channel. And knowing that Jon and Cersei are mortal enemies because of Sansa and other things, Ollena might even inform him about the exact place of Dany’s landing offering to join the fray (though sharing this information with Littlefinger may prove to be a fatal mistake). One way or another Jon may receive a message from the Queen of Thorns while Dany is still on the sail and go to meet her planning to get obsidian as well.
I could see Littlefinger wanting Jon to go South, he properly thinks Jon would fall just like Ned did in the South, with the Southern poltics.
But he would be making a mistake, Dany doesn’t really do Southern Politics. Well she doesn’t really have to since she has dragons, and she wasn’t raised in the South.
I do agree, I could easily see them going for a scene like this for dramatic purposes. They did it last season when Dany suddenly came upon Drogon while she riding with the Dothraki.
I am just speculating about the poltical situation and everyone’s goals within the situation. Jon is the one who is going to tell the people of the North about her since he will meet her, they will always trust him much more then they will trust Dany.
Dany has said to Yara that she wants to leave the world a better place then her father did.
So Jon can go back North and tell the people that Dany is just another power hungry Targaryen who wants to burn people with her dragons, or he could go back North and tell them that she is a strong but just ruler.
It depends on Dany’s goals, and the message she wants to send to the people.
Jon, Davos, Brienne all down south, who has Jon tasked with protecting Sansa?
She’s the Lady of WF she would be tasked in prepping WF for invasion, getting food and protecting her people while Jon is trying to get the rest of the realm behind them.
How loyal is the Bolton Maester?
Pod may be left by Brienne’s orders but he’s not very skilled, Tormond may be sent by Jon to go North or somewhere else, Lady Bear has people but she doesn’t seem to like or trust Sansa, LF could put people he buys off ( which I think he will try to do) I’m sure Sansa would want people she believes in, outside of Podrick I don’t think she trust anyone else.
Jon and Tyrion in HD
From what we’ve seen with the ice/fire interaction, I’m not hopeful if Daenerys and Jon face the White Walkers together. If they do end up together, I’m expecting he’ll live long enough to maybe sire a child and that’s it. I think dragons and White Walkers meeting could cancel magic out altogether, restore the seasons and knock magic out of existence. That would mean anyone resurrected with magic would probably die off, including Jon. It would give a “bittersweet” ending to the series like Martin has proclaimed.
I really hope that Jon doesn’t die but that ending theory is actually really beautiful and perhaps more realistic as the author did say he doesn’t like it when a big battle wins the day.
I get Davis dropping to the ground because he did the same thing for the shadow baby. Jon has seen allllllll sorts of magical and crazy things though, and many characters that have encountered nothing didn’t literally drop at the sight of a dragon. Seems out of character and hyperbole of a reaction . The rest looks awesome though.
Grail King,
Protecting Sansa from what? She’s in Winterfell, protected by the Stark army.
Its not Melisandre its another red priest. The actress is not in the country. I have not heard anything about her filming.
Are you dumb or something. sue just confirmed Mel is in that scene. They could be using a stand in. You do know they use those in many scenes in movies and tv shows. And why the hell would they use another priestess. Mel will be back it would be clear stupidity to write her out like in season 6 finale