Game of Thrones filming began yesterday at the gorgeous Muriola Beach, in Basque Country’s Barrika with major cast members on the scene and season 7 spoilers surfacing already. Season 7 filming continues today with the show’s stars, with new details coming to us courtesy of Los Siete Reinos. We also have a fantastic new batch of photos of the set over in Zumaia on Itzurun Beach, thanks to WotW’s Luka Nieto.
As you can see, the Game of Thrones crew is working on a wooden wall that may be covered with the flysch props pictured below.

A sort of metal beacon has been added to the set now as well:

The flysch-like prop pieces: Flych is the unique rock formation that Itzurun Beach is renowned for, that you see in so many of the photos of the beach.

The walls and floors have been painted and dirtied up substantially, making them look aged, grayer and considerably more Westerosi compared to their earlier versions. In their current state, I can easily see this site as Dragonstone.

Thanks to Luka for his traveling and reporting from the location!
Now that the sets are taking shape and almost ready for filming, we just need more actors. Luckily, they’re turning up too. Kit Harington has finally arrived in Bilbao, after days of rumors that he was due/had already arrived. It’s not the best photo of him we’ve ever seen, but that’s definitely Bilbao, and his locks are unmistakable, so we’re comfortable confirming: Jon Snow has landed.
Kit harington (Jon snow) a su llegada a Bilbao #JuegodeTronos #gameofthrones pic.twitter.com/lGBbuZXoST
— Alex RufoCaricaturas (@RufoArt) October 20, 2016
Nathalie Emmanuel has also apparently been spotted:
@yeahclarke we have seen missandei ??
— Judith. (@juspursuit) October 20, 2016
Conleth Hill and Jacob Anderson have also been seen, so the gang’s all here!
Now I can die in peace #got7 #conletthill #jacobanderson @Los7Reinos @WatchersOTWall #Bilbao pic.twitter.com/UBsXv8PnaY
— Adrián Alonso (@AdriBilbao1) October 20, 2016
Another photo posted yesterday offers more of a puzzle. A local photographer shared a picture of someone spotted on set who looks to be an actor, but so far, no one has identified the individual. Any thoughts?
Alguien sabe quien es este actor en #juegodetronos #gamesofthrones? pic.twitter.com/pn4NjMY3Qk
— BORJA AGUDO (@BORJAAGUDO) October 19, 2016
As for the current filming, this information coming up next contains spoilers, so Unsullied beware! The post beyond this point contains spoilers:
Los Siete Reinos has a report on the filming that took place yesterday on Muriola Beach in Barrika. As they explain, the morning scene consisted of Davos, Gendry and Tyrion landing on shore, but later on they shot a completely separate scene that actually takes place possibly in a different location altogether.
The later scene involved gold cloaks approaching Davos and interrogating him. Tyrion is also present. What follows is a short struggle with the gold cloaks, during which Davos is taken into custody. However, a character dressed in red enters the scene and frees Davos- this turns out to be Gendry! After that moment, the three of them flee from the gold cloaks in a boat.
Given that the gold cloaks are involved, at this point, it’s virtually a given that Muriola Beach is not only Dragonstone- it’s also playing the role of another of Westeros’ shores, likely a beach along the Blackwater.
Update: raw footage of filming of the scene has turned up, taken by an onlooker. Thanks to Gravemaster for linking us to it! With the video, we can now understand the scene. It appears that Davos and Gendry are together preparing the boat to leave when two gold cloaks approach. Davos demonstrates that the boat is innocently empty by pulling back the tarp. He appears to then bribe the gold cloaks, who turn to leave, but just then Tyrion appears. The gold cloaks see Tyrion and come back- perhaps they recognize him or suspect he’s Tyrion Lannister, the most famous dwarf in the world? Davos tries to talk to them again but but the guards are grabbing at their swords. That’s when Gendry intervenes, picks up his warhammer (!) from the boat and striking them down from behind. Then Davos, Tyrion, and Gendry push the boat offshore and get the hell out of dodge.
Gendry. Warhammer, the instrument of his father. I’m having a lot of feelings. Just watch the video!
More than likely, one or both of the gold cloaks were the “City Guard” mentioned in this casting call.
L7R also says that filming in Zumaia will actually begin next Monday, ahead of schedule, and that in addition to the Itzurun Beach scenes previously mentioned, they also plan to shoot a nighttime scene involving an arrival onto the beach.
Back in Northern Ireland, well-protected filming continues in Moneyglass. The location is primarily the home of the Winterfell set, so it’s intriguing to see this particular actress on site. New photos taken outside the set yesterday show Ellie Kendrick, in her Meera Reed costume, being escorted into a vehicle. A small detail- Ellie was spotted with snow on her boots before being taken to the set in a 4×4.
Unless Game of Thrones has pulled a fast one and started using the same site for other scenes, after using it for only Winterfell for quite a while, this indicates Meera is arriving at Winterfell. And where Meera goes, usually Bran goes too. If we’re correct in making that connection, that means Bran is going home.

@IrishThrones @WatchersOTWall Anyone ID the wildling? Or other people? Moneyglass 19th October pic.twitter.com/xHZYDb0Yrs
— pap4u (@PAP4U) October 20, 2016
Rest In Peace Jon Snow, Tyrion and Jaime Lannister. You used to be so interesting.
Where’s the photo with the lion heads?
Are you talking about the heads that are permanently part of Itzurun Beach and not filming?
edit: I think you are. Those are horses. It’s not a set piece, it’s an old part of the beach. And someone has photoshopped some photo going around to make it look like it’s part of the set, but it’s actually located a little further down, I believe.
Ffs people stop complaining. Jon and Daenerys together will be amazing.
Nothing, i just read the spoilers for three main male characters and got excited for the great storyline they will get this season also.
I am just joking.
Gendry is dressed in red? It’s such a great symmetry that he can now save Davos!
Nice to get confirmation that Jon Snow has finally left Winterfell to see some more of the world!
It looks like Meera Reed is at Winterfell when Jon Snow is not there. Does she arrive after he leaves?
It’s not funny.
Although at least half the fandom will have a stroke… i agree it will be amazing to see them together.
Thanx Luka! You´re on fire! 🙂
My girl, Meera <3. I love her character so much lol.
"they also plan to shoot a nighttime scene involving an arrival onto the beach."
RIP Jon. It was nice knowing you.
*confused* so far I’m hearing the opposite. Jamie and Tyrion reunion, battle and politics. And jon sitting in the north sending out letter was not gonna be interesting. Or was he suppose spend the season just training northern men.
It just occurred to me that Brienne and Jamie will be in the same place. Even better.
the Dany/Jon bitching has already started? this will be a loooong season
Although,for a moment,I got so hyped and thought we we seeing a Harrenhal Tourney flashback 🙁
New filming video with
Stop saying “RIP Jon” …
You tell stupidities. You tire me.
That’s because Tyrion story finished the second he killed Tywin and left Westeros. Even for books and I’m just like what’s next for Tyrion?
Rhaenys Stark,
As you know, I don’t mind seeing them together. I endorse it.
But I don’t want character development to go down the drain and all signs point to that happening.
So much negative vibe going on…
Also bothered with some of the new information that came out. Would rather see Jon reuniting with Arya and Bran than him going south:/
I hope this season will be good.
Yes Jon Snow the most important character of season six with the most anticipated and talked about story,at the center of an episode in which they focused their entire promotional and Emmy campaign to the point of not even mentioning that other things were in the episode,the character with the most amount of screentime even though he was alive in only six of them was put on the bench.That makes sense.
Most of us here have not read storyline spoilers, so please…go complain about them on the site where you read them.
FFS people, don’t bring the crap you read some place else to WotW.
It’s actually
You got a point there. He was infinetely most interesting pre-Tywin’s death. In the books he just becomes a insufferable self-pitying prick after he leaves KL, and in the show he has been with pretty much nothing to do the last two seasons.
OMG!! This is so exciting!!! Sooo many spoilers today! AND….. Kit has finally arrived in Spain!!! So Gendry rescuing Davos from the Gold Cloaks is interesting. Maybe he was on Dragonstone already? Can’t wait for more pics from filming! Luka is killing it!
Flayed Potatoes,
What signs would those be?
I’m worried about his character development lol. I don’t think he’s going to die, don’t worry.
That Warhammer is everything.
Remember how I said we might know more about this season than ever before? Yeah, I’m sticking to it.
Got it, thanks. Also, I didnt read the whole article, i should do that before commenting lol.
Flayed Potatoes,
Ahh, I see.
Hahaha Sometimes I do the same lol 🙂
Flayed Potatoes,
I agree, Jon is my favorite character since book 1 and season 4. But I suggest we wait and see. There is no point in complaining so long before the show airs.
I am talking about the spoilers above, and i used this expression as a funny one
great news! it almost felt like watching a teaser 🙂
Also, nice to see Varys is still kicking. I’ve been asking about him in some posts.
I think the fact that we’re beyond the books is getting people more motivated to get footage and information.
Young Dragon,
The Sansa/Jon debacle last season, D&D not addressing his resurrection and sweeping it under the rug as if it didn’t happen…
The winner of the race to have the first comment on any new post involving the filming in Spain should be the first to say Luka! These photographs are great.
I don’t care if we hear that Tycho Nestoris is marrying the Mountain, or who meets whom. Just to have some news during this long hiatus is wonderful.
Wow!! That is a great video! It shows a lot of that scene! Great find Connor! Thanks for sharing!
I agree, the show is taking some of the most important characterization of Tyrion and Jaime so far and seems that it will happen with Jon also. Tyrion is just sneeking to KL to help Gendry and leaves without dealing with Cersei? Jon who “grew” up with wildlings kneel the moment people believed in him. From white wolf to the bastard who knelt? Jaime accepts wildfire and people get burned?
It’s just my opinion, i understand we don’t what will happen yet and maybe the expression i used is too harsh…but i was just joking.
Why is Gendry wearing red? If he becomes a Priest of R’hllor I might be a little pissed. He hated them because they were trying to burn him alive for his kings blood.
Also, gold cloaks and Tyrion. Is this after Dany takes Kingslanding? I wouldn’t trust gold cloaks because they were all being paid by Cersei and Littlefinger.
Ok, but when is Gendry going to find out he lost his virginity to a 400 year old?
I’m obviously asking the most important question.
Future Season 7,
Maybe he just wants to wear red?
Future Season 7,
Melisandre’s impact. Once you go red, you never fled.
– exits
It will be interesting to see when the beach scenes take place in the season. It is looking increasingly like we will have a Team Daenerys/Team Jon alliance (as I have said before, this will make sense given that neither of them are likely to side with Euron and/or Cersei) – but what form will that alliance take, and how will it come about? Who will make the first move? It will be helpful to Daenerys that Jon and Tyrion have met before, and established a good relationship in the first three episodes of season one.
Most of my theories about the season revolved around Jon spending the bulk of it at Winterfell, but thankfully that is looking increasingly unlikely (I’m not sure I could take seven episodes of him battling over petty things with Sansa and LF over and over again). I am pleased for him – he will finally get to be somewhere warm, out of the cold, the snow and the rain!! Hopefully we will see him and Daenerys meet in the middle of the season; I want to see their interactions built up properly to take us into a good alliance in season eight.
Also pleased to see that Meera is back – Bran will need someone he trusts, and who understands something of his powers, around him. There are so many magical elements of his story that it might be hard for those who have not encountered the supernatural to comprehend just how powerful Bran can be.
I figured out why it was taken down the first time. When I reuploaded it, I got a notification that the vid was blocked in some countries because whoever did the video, put the main theme there. They shouldn’t have done that. Shouldn’t have taken it down either. All it takes is the Youtube video-editor that just removes the audio within a few minutes.
Anyone that is disappointed by what the spoilers reveal needs to remember that whatever we hear about or see in pictures is completely out of context in the grand scheme. We have no idea what episodes these shops will be in or whether they are early or late in the season or honestly with the true nature of the scenes really are.
That is the only real problem with spoilers is that it leaves way too much to the imagination to wonder what is going on and it gives people the opportunity to think of the worst possible scenario. Just enjoy getting some sneak peeks during the offseason and then wait till we see the final product to decide if it meets your expectations.
That’s not a prop. That’s part of the beach. They’re not lions, either. They look more like horses. They could be dragons if they want to show them on the show, but I’m not sure they will.
Hey, you. Tone it down. Seriously. Please.
Agree 100%!
“Still had sex!” ?
This seems to be where City Guard fits – City Guard, in his 30’s. The show is casting for a city guard who intercepts a suspicious-looking person on his nightly patrol. They require an RP accent for this one. He’s set to shoot for a week in mid-October.
I honestly don’t know what people are pissed about.First of all we still don’t know shit.We just have glimpses and those we have are really exiting.I love Jon he is my favourite character by a mile and I would stop watching the show if he died not because I’m petty or blame the writers but I wouldn’t really care anymore but people act like this is disastrous for him.Until now there were complaints that he would be stucked in WF with the LF/Sansa bullshit but now that we know that he is on the move,doing things,meeting new people,we still compain.I am so exited for him to meet Theon,Tyrion and Dany and have new storylines.It’s the third act of the story of course he is going to share the spotlight but that’s not a bad thing.And this thing about him kneeling I don’t why Jon fans would be upset with that when Dany fans are the ones that should be.It would show Jon as the better person,rising above titles to save the people.That’s his main motive and it shows Dany as shortsighted and too self-centered if she asks him that in order to help.But I’m sure it won’t happen this way and the characters will stay true to themselves.Honestly Jon and Dany are the two characters more aligned with their book counterparts I wouldn’t worry about their story.I just can’t wait for season seven.I hope we get more pictures this week.
How is just a picture of Kit arriving in Spain drawing such ire? Am I missing something? People are mad he will be filming with Dany’s crew? Why? It only makes sense that the KITN would be looking for a major non-Cersei power alliance to defeat Cersei and the Night King and his band of merry icemen. Why is it always the Jon stans that cause such a kerfluffle in the off-season?
PAP4U seriously needs to get to Spain. He is in the wrong place.
Yes, guys. RIP Jon Snow, his storyline would be so much better if he stayed in the north planning a war with an army he doesn’t have, without resources and fight for power with his sister. Now he has to go south and do the smart thing – alliances, especially with the person who has more power to help him. Poor Jon Snow, now has to share the scene with other main characters. He could defeat that army of dead alone. I mean, who needs dragons to defeat an army that is killed by fire?
So much waste!
Davos, Tyrion and Gendry are clearly infiltrating a KL that is still controlled by Cersei, which you would think would be a middle or late-season event.
From previous reports, Davos and Brienne (among others) will be filming at the Dragonpit, which would pretty much have to come after the above infiltration.
And we see that Kit is filming on the beaches of Bilbao, and that Liam’s also there, but Gwen isn’t. So does Brienne arrive separately and/or later?
Seriously, this is beginning to be just spam. You have already said that. Rewording it and spamming it isn’t enjoyable. It’s also beginning to be pretty irksome and not in the spirit of a friendly community.
Sorry dear winter is here. But we can dream of summer 🙂
Great video, man! That gives us a much better picture of the scene. Granted, they don’t appear to be shooting the scene entirely in order, but this is my hasty interpretation of what might be happening there, as best as I can tell.
A couple of other observations.
Also, Gendry potentially wielding a warhammer? That’s really damn cool.
I don’t know how you found this video clip, but keep up the good work. I wonder how many takes it took to satisfy the director (and finally
Sometimes we forget how difficult, involved, and time-consuming filming these scenes can be.
Good question. There is no reasonable answer.
I’m willing to at least NOT assume the worst here. Besides, I think most of those spoilers are either bullshit, or a horrific reduction of the truth. If Jon were to do what everyone’s assuming he’s going to do, what would be the point of Tormund saying he’ll never be a kneeler again? Was that just wind?
Locations can serve more than one purpose, I wish some would remember that.
You know nothing sweet summer child
Thank you for this. I’ve been pretty vocal about my issues with how Jon and his story were handled last season, but I honestly see no signs indicating a repeat of that this year. Not from the filming reports, and not from anything else that may or may not be fully accurate that we’re not discussing here. I honestly don’t know what people want at this point. A month ago we were dreading a Stark sibling feud, which now appears to have been a misdirection, so now Jon’s character is going down the toilet because he might finally cross paths with his aunt? Look, Jon’s one of my top-3 characters (along with Arya and Tyrion), but even with that bias I can see that the writers have done far more to develop him as a character than they have to develop Dany post-season 1. I’m actually hoping that their meeting will go a long way towards humanizing Dany and broadening Jon’s horizons, the way character meetings are supposed to enrich both parties.
Seriously, we’ve known Jon was heading south since last week and Javi’s been adamant that Kit would be filming in Spain for days. Why blow a gasket now? The Jon/Dany meeting was inevitable, and I have yet to observe the show displaying any sort of favortism towards her character. People forget that GRRM back-burnered Tyrion long before The Gift aired.
This was inevitable, you’re right. I just don’t get why we’re all assuming Jon is gonna kneel to Dany without a fight or argument. If he’s got the North, the Vale, and the Riverlands when they meet, it would be political suicide for her to antagonize him.
He’d have about half the kingdom, and neither of them on their own could stand against Cersei and Euron, especially if Dany’s crew gets their asses kicked at sea. They need each other as equals or this is never gonna work.
LOL It does seem like male castration is GOT’s version of Star War’s all too frequent hand dismemberment, doesn’t it?
agree on that, that would be just bad writing if he kneels down again.
what is the point to post those kind of repeating comments bascially everywhere?
Lady_Crow of House Stark,
Well i know that all people focus much on Kit and possibly Jon-Dany, nobody wonders how Kingslayer and Kinslayer,the most famous dwarf in the world, the one Cersei made a dwarf genocide to catch is casually walking in KL with Davos( who is a traitor for the crown) and Gendry(Robert’s bastard).
Then i am the one who knows nothing.
Thanks you are always more eloquent than me so I love your posts.And yeah I don’t get why people are even surprised.I mean I am a bit because I thought they would meet in season eight but it was a done deal that they would meet.It’s been set up since book one and as a Jon fan I am so exited for him to go to new places and do things lol.
One question to people saying that D&D were lazy with Jon’s resurrection. I have to ask you, why nobody talked about Dany’s resucrrection afterwards? It was big barbeque show and not a word.
What were they were supposed to do? Gather one big meeting and do press conference with Jon how was his resurrection?
You see, nobody can understand what Jon went through. Mel went all PtwP, Davos was barely able to comprehense these things and Jon was literally just dead. Sansa can’t understand him and neither discussing it with her would moved the plot. Neither can Jon understand her. He had talk with Mel and obviously Jon doesn’t want to talk about it.
Piece on Jon’s resurrection, arc.
Rhaenys Stark,
Let’s hope it will be good.
Leaks are already proved to be mix of educated guesses, bs and sense of truth. But let’s not talk about this here and respect Sue.
It’s not the meeting and possible alliance, it’s the
No it wouldn’t it would be perfectly in character.Did we forget the speech he gave to Mance ?When has pride been something Jon is known for?Every position of power he has been in he has never ask for it.Jon would do anything to save his people and he knows Dany is crucial in that regard.This would reflect poorly on Dany though.But then again we don’t shit yet and we have no context so who knows how it will play out.
I see it totally otherwise. He learned from the wildlings not to kneel. And btw why is it even assumed now that this information or spoilers or whatever are true lol
I was wondering how Gendry can wield such a heavy hammer and then I remember he was rowing that boat for 3 seasons. His arms, shoulder must be massive.
He can truly become next Robert Baratheon and I agree they brought him not just because of that, VS swords but also because he’s son of Robert.
Thank you guys for this wonderful posts …
Interesting discussions about Gendry’s choice of clothing. I just thought Gendry got enlisted to red cloaks, the Lannister guards (at least in the books, they are different from the gold cloaks). Since no one in KL knows him by face (in the show), it won’t be hard for him to get a job as guard.
So if got this right, this secret meeting between Tyrion, Jaime, and Davos in King’s Landing really does happen, Davos runs into Gendry while there, and he and Tyrion then take him to Jon and Daenerys in Dragonstone in hopes of using him to gain the support of the Stormlands in the War for the Dawn I assume. It’s gonna be a Targaryen union in the Westerosi home of Old Valyria! since Gendry has dragon blood himself.
Geralt of Rivia,
And the funny thing is dotharki were reduced to extras and all the named characrers killed or forgotten…
I dont think we will be getting to see any dothraki women or dosh khaleen next season either
What’s interesting about the video is how far from the water that canoe is. Will they CG the water to make it closer?
poor Kit.. he DID not want to be seen…we are gonna get more grumpiness from D&D now lol
and I am ready for Jon to get in the thick of things…not quite buying 100% that he is on Dragonstone YET (and for sure not in KL unless this is at the VERY end of the season) ..as someone said above..beaches and rock cliffs can be made to pretty much be anywhere..
I still can’t see one logical reason why tyrion will go to KL before dany wins it ..
Jon is not a wildling, he never claim to be one or be part of them like literally. He’s Northerner after all and these people can kneel. In fact he kneeled out of courtesy to Stannis after Tormund talked to him. He respects authority, sees bigger picture as Stannis helped them. He had no obligation to kneel as member of neutral Night’s Watch but he did,
Jon is probably one of the most self sacrificing characters and he’ll do anything to protect his people, save them or give some chance. You think he’s rating his title KitN above survival of him and his people? I don’t think so.
If Jon kneels literally or figuratively I can see people criticizing him or D&D when it only made a sense. Just like when he raced to save Rickon. It’s in line with his character.
I don’t believe the leaks I was just talking in hypotheticals.That would be so stupid of him.He has been spending the season trying to unite people and save the world and now he would be like no thanks I want to be King??
I`m really tired with all these leaks and supposed spoilers maybe some of them are true ,others not i only want a good arc for my fave characters and i don`t see to get it and i don`t speak for love and romances, the really danger is out there is like the death as D&D said . Of course they will need armies and alliances but the only thing i really want is all the characters are equals in this game!!!!!
Thank you!
Probably trying to get in contact with Jaime and make an attempt to flip him?
I think Jon kneeling to Dany is very likely, but unlike some I don’t see why it has to be this awful thing. He’s going south for two reasons, 1)Dragonglass and 2) to rally support for the war against the dead. You think he won’t give up being KITN, if it means they have a chance at defeating the white walkers and saving all of humanity? What good is being KITN if everyone is dead?
That being said Jon will probably kneel only on his terms because he does have SOME leverage (the loyalty of the North, the Vale etc.) and it would make it easier for Dany to rule with their support. Dany isn’t unreasonable, so she’ll likely meet him half way. But Jon Snow will kneel, might as well accept it. lol.
Jeez it’s taken me sooo long to scroll past the trolls and the same old bullshit before anything positive appears! Get banning, mods ?
Great pics Luka Nieto, and congrats on the new post!
I’m honestly getting spoiler overload here- these past few days have been crazy, in a good way!
And that video… WOW! This is gonna cause chaos at HBO!! Does anyone else feel like they’re 10 yrs old and just saw their friends parents having sex!?? ??
On the other hand, can he afford to piss off quite possibly 3 kingdoms to do this? This would torpedo Dany’s reign before it even started, and probably get him killed: Robb was shanked for pissing off only 2 kingdoms.
Dany’s already had to deal with ruling a city that believes she is nothing but a foreign invader. You think she’ll just repeat herself with half a continent? There’s a reason I said it was political suicide. The fans would loathe her for this. She’s already coming in with an army full of pirates, marauders, slaves, kinslayers, and kingslayers. Jon’s her only hope at ANY sort of positive PR in Westeros for the common people. This isn’t Essos. The Red Temple has next to no influence here. They won’t see the Mother of Dragons. They’ll see the Mother of Monsters, especially if she forces kingdoms to kneel to her by pain of dragon fire.
And that’s not even getting into the fact that if her fleet gets hammered by Euron on the way, she may not have the strength to throw her weight around.
Looking forward to the shirtless scenes.
That’s what I’m struggling with too. Every theory I think of or read has me asking why HE would put himself in such a dangerous situation as entering KL. Any kind of meeting with someone could be done at a neutral site. I can’t think of anything he’d need to get that others couldn’t be instructed to do.
People can have their own very different opinions about filming and plotlines. The rule here is no personal attacking or insulting. As annoying as constantly negative people can be, they have the right to their opinion so long as they’re not insulting other comments or breaking another straightforward rule.
As for the new stuff we’ve posted today:
Gendry and his warhammer isn’t fanservice, it’s fuckin awesome. I can’t wait to see that thing up close.
And Jon interacting with other characters is a good thing. It keeps the story fresh. If he does wind up bending the knee to Dany as some people worry, that would actually make sense since she does have the nuclear firepower to take out White Walkers en masse. There is no shame in submitting to a leader with more ability to keep your people alive. I suspect some people’s disgust for the idea is rooted in them wanting Jon to be the #1 hero, and not Daenerys.
The only thing I can think of is a failed covert attempt to off Cersei, by smuggling into the Red Keep through Maegors secret tunnels. A clean kill to save the citizens of KL from the Mad Queen and a fiery death.
But surely they’d have more men as you say, and this would spoil any shock of her actual death (as this looks like a failed attempt at whatever).
Like this one… Get him a message to meet someplace safe or just a simple letter. I doubt that Jaime is going to be sitting in the Red Keep and unreachable for very long. If he’s out and about with the army it would be easy enough to get him a message.
I know time to get up our skills of ignoring the negative comments. Funny how if it doesn’t fit with the way they “think” it should go then they say it sucks, bad character development etc. so predictable. Lol
As Tyrion said in S5, I’d clap. No one would hear me though xD
Seriously, so many negative comments, people just jumping into assumptions and conclusions when we don’t know what’s really happening nor how they’ll make it. And in some comments it looks like this is becoming a discussion about gender or am I wrong? So much drama.
Can someone explain to me why people consider Dany, Tyrion, Cersei, Sansa, Yara and some others having ambitions, not always righteous intentions (in Cersei’s case never having that) and selfish streaks to be good and valuable to their characterization but think the possibility of Jon expressing such predilections would be demeaning to his character, as if he has to stay completely self-sacrificing, virtuous and ambition-free (boring)? What’s this fandom’s fascination with Jon being the purest of stereotypical heroes with the most straightforward monomyth? That’s not a layered characterization.
I don’t know if you’re a book reader, but I’m looking forward to more in depth interactions between dany and the dosh khaleen in winds of winter.
When D&D mentioned Jon needs to overcome selfish individuals and dishonest people. I thought he meant Sansa and LF but now not so sure how to put it together. Like he needs to hope that it will be contest of groups and not individuals. It makes it interesting. Anyone any guessed who it could be? Sansa could be selfish for anting more power and LF is dishonest.
Sue the Fury,
Well said! Gendry having that warhammer is epic and great fan service even if not his Father’s personal warhammer.
I was hoping we could avoid the conversation devolving back into another never-ending circular argument about whether or not Jon would kneel to Daenerys or not as yesterday that went on for hours. I enjoy reading the speculation but sometimes it gets tedious when the same thing no one has any idea how it will turn out is the constant point of contention over and over.
People love Jon as the hero. Other people love Daenerys as the hero. They are probably BOTH going to be heroes … that’s the balance of the two sides of their parallels that has been ongoing throughout the series.
Jon is my favorite character and I think it is awesome that the two top characters look to be joining forces. Don’t understand the negative take on this at all. I don’t know how I am going to wait for season 7. Awesome video.
Rhaenys Stark,
Oh please, no, no NO to the Twi Hard romance. Jon snogging his aunt is disgusting . I have faith that Martin wouldn’t do this to us – he’s not going to have a sappy LOTR ending.
Right, that would be a decent idea if there was anybody a little more ‘fight worthy’ with him than Davos. If it’s impossible to tell someone or make a map of the tunnels and he has to go I’d think he’d bring someone else. Tyrion killed Tywin and Shae in a very emotional and furious state. I can’t see him being so cold-blooded as to plan an entire covert assassination with he himself holding the knife.
Whoop, whoop! Go Gendry!! I’m loving this! Thank you so much Sue and Luka!! ?
I love all the latest news. This season looks to be awesome.
I’m not even arguing that he should or shouldn’t want the throne. I’m just looking at the practical concerns. A straightforward plot line of Jon being oh so honorable and kneeling to the Mother of Nukes would be disastrous for both Dany’s and Jon’s causes. He would look like a spineless weakling who sold his people’s autonomy to some foreigner, and she looks like an entitled warmonger who held the possible survival of humanity hostage to ensure she gets to be the one to sit in that ugly chair.
Would that really establish a solid alliance for the War for the Dawn? I can’t even imagine how these groups would cooperate.
Sue the Fury,
More like people want balance to be preserved. Not to have one major character needlessly shoved aside and undermined for the sake of another. Last season was marked by female empowerment at the expense of male characters. Excuse some fans for not wanting that to continue in such way.
Geralt of Rivia,
Since Jon is going south…
The only ones I can think of who might be selfish from Dany’s storyline are Olenna, Ellaria, and the Sand Snakes. They might want to get their revenge on Cersei first and foremost and not care about the bigger picture or believe in WW.
Varys is all about the realm and Tyrion seems to have developed into a character who cares about the same things, so I wouldn’t say it’s them. Greyworm and Missandei aren’t dishonest and selfish.
Or D&D could be bullshitting us.
Ser Broccoli McBroccoliface,
Agree, and people are freaking out too much whether or not those leaked spoilers on reddit are true. I’m just ignoring all that and concentrating on all these cool character meet ups and theories proved on this site.
People also have to remember Winterfell scenes have been filmed but no actual winter ones have and are not going to be until next year in Iceland’s heavy winter and I think we are gonna have winter scenes in the beginning of the season not just the end. So everything is out of order and this meeting for all we know could be the end of the season or the middle of the season.
Flayed Potatoes,
It seems Jon vs Sansa feud is not going to be such a deal as they hyped audience about it. Jon got to move and Davos is also going. They might be bullshitting us about them.
No I can’t see this one also….he would have at least send a word to Jamie or bronn before deciding to go straight to KL..
The only thing I can come up with is that him wanting to rescue somebody possibly dany..
But that sounds ridiculous .
Iam thinking he is there to meet with pyromencers and the guild to learn about how much wildfire exists in KL and where exactly they are placed and try to give the message about dany and order them to take those wildfire and protect them before cersei can do more damage..
Davis is there because wildfire may also help with wights..
The pyromencers will gladly help dany because she is a taragryen.
Thats what I can come up with ..
That’s not true. Jon was crowned by the northern lords, not Sansa.
So now the Jon – Sansa arguments have calmed down the Jon – Dany debate comes forward to takes it place. Personally I’m on team White Walker. I also think that people should just stop reading spoilers if you are getting that wound up by them – its a work of fiction.
Particularly the bit at the end about equals – while it seems Jon may agree to Daenerys ascending the Iron Throne (he has never wanted it, and I doubt he will care who has it as long as they support him and his war against the Night King), I think he will come to her as an equal. He may bend the knee, but so did Torrhen Stark and Jon himself advised Mance to do the same. Jon’s priority is the safety of his people and that is more important to him than any title he may personally hold.
Jon will go to Daenerys as King in the North, having allied the free folk, the North and the Vale. Daenerys needs Jon as much as Jon needs Daenerys; he is the only feasible ally for her to have.
A Jon/Daenerys meeting is one we have all looked forward to for years. I can’t wait to see it, and I hope it happens sooner rather than later.
Succinctly put. That would put BOTH in a bad light, majorly. Can only add that Dany using the threat of WW to the entirety of the Realm she calls her home in order to get the throne would prove she should be kept far away from that throne room. Not to mention the hypocrisy and selectiveness a suitable ruler should not express (the situation with Yara and Jon’s claims, Iron Islands’ independency vs the North’s independency).
The only way is that of equality
Geralt of Rivia,
They mentioned groups vs. individuals, so if Jon is headed South then he’ll encounter these groups and try to convince them to fight the WW. So it’s not 100% a lie. Sansa and LF aren’t the only ones who could be selfish and dishonest. We also don’t know what they’ll be doing in WF in Jon’s absence, for example. Will they try to undermine him? What is LF planning? So a feud of sorts is technically still possible, but it would be one-sided because Jon doesn’t have any beef with Sansa.
Really, Jon could meet pretty much every character south of the Neck and in each group he’ll meet selfish and/or dishonest individuals who won’t care about saving the realm. Even fan favorite characters can have a dose of selfishness in them and we’ll have to see if Jon can convince them to see the bigger picture.
“…someone spotted on set who looks to be an actor, but so far, no one has identified the individual. Any thoughts?”
People just like to get angry at the smallest of things with no real evidence except some fake leaks (which I am almost certain the guy said that they were fake) and the fact that there favourite character may be doing something they don’t agree with.
Now all we need is the return of Salladhor Saan and Timmet or Shagga
You guys worry to much when Dany gets Nissa Nissad you’ll realize you wasted so much energy complaining.
Sue the Fury,
Well said as always..
Yes iam a book reader ..iam
looking forward to reading that..
Flayed Potatoes,
Olenna ellaria and sandsnakes all want their revenge on cersei and can go on their own accord..
But if jon is to overcome selfish individuals then they better not write dany as one.
If jon goes around telling people to stop fighting selfishly and unite …then its the most ridiculous thing he will be doing in the show because he and sansa did kill their enemies and retook winter fell and named as King..
And in one corner we have bastard son of Rhaegar Targaryen Jon Snow and his Valyrian steel sword Longclaw… you can call him The White Wolf, King Crow or Knower of Nothing.
And in this corner with his warhammer stands Gendry bastard son of Robert Baratheon… former skilled blacksmith, also well known to be good at rowing boats.
Isn’t it curious Jon and Gendry both bastards of two guys who fought war against one another are now raising. It would be sort of funny if Dany decide to marry them both. Still would like to see duel between them and who would won. Robert smashed Rhaegar with one move. We dont know how much of rtraining Gendry’s got since we left his story.
Sue the Fury,
yes! This! 100%
A very well edited video about Jon and Dany, showing their similarities, differences and parallel stories since the beginning.
Can’t wait for their scenes together.
She wants power for her and only her. That’s how they write her in the show. Iron throne mine mine mine and not a word on being it duty to her family. Not a word on her connection to Rhaegar. We get like numerous references to Aerys. Man, I would love to see a bit of this. There’s a hope Rhaegar will show up but most likely with Lyanna in some flashbacks for Jon’s parentage and Bran to get full picture of this.
Can I ask you a question. Do you like any other character besides Dany? Just curious.
Geralt of Rivia,
Will they have threesomes?
The difference is the Dany pyre scene was in the books so a lot of people who’ve read the books expected it. But the Jon resc scene is uncharted territory. And a lot of people have opinions about it. I’m just going to enjoy the TV show for what it is and stop worrying about the books too much.
Why are people freaking out that Kit is in Spain? He could be there for an entirely different reason? Maybe LF succeeded in ousting him as KITN and he has no choice but to go South? And if Bran is there, maybe he found out about his parentage? We don’t know yet! So dial down the rage. We don’t know the whole context yet.
Dany would hardly be Nissa Nissa.
1. It would be shame to end such a character like this. To just serve to other one. Same with Jon.
2. We already had Nissa Nissa.
3. Dany is not the person Jon loves the most Ghost, Arya, Ygritte might qualify. But then Ygritte wasn’t really killed by Jon. Either way I think Nissa Nissa was Drogo, Lightbringer dragons and Dany AAR.
Rhaenys Stark,
God I love that video.
Yeah I know right…I simply can’t make a sensible connection on how this scene is supposed to happen
Geralt of Rivia,
I like jon arya cat Sam branbran and Ned
Jon has always been allowed to be ambitious in the show, it’s just that his bastard status has always limited him. When he first joined the Watch he definitely was looking to climb up the ranks fast, and thought he was better than the others, until Benjen set him straight. He seemed pretty pleased last season to be crowned KITN and felt an immense amount of pride. HOWEVER, Jon would never let pride/ambition get in the way of saving his people. He just wouldn’t. If the show were to have him refuse to submit to Dany because of pride that is basically character assassination to me.
If they can manage to come up with other logical reasons why he would refuse what seems to be his only chance to actually defeat the dead and save all of humankind, then I’d have no problems with him refusing to bend the knee.
As far as him always having righteous intentions, well that’s kind of a defining trait of his character, what makes him the Hero or whatever. He’s very similar to Ned in that way, and that’s definitely on purpose. Anyway, even if the show wanted to toy around with the idea of Jon not always having righteous intentions, it certainly wouldn’t have him do that NOW when the fate of all of Westeros depends on him doing the right thing. That would put him with the likes of Cersei and other villains.
Shadow Shifter,
Iam pretty sure Khals bbq wasn’t in the books. ADWD ended with her being captured by dothraki and then we’ll see. Besides, George and D&D seems to taken a bit different road. In the show she’s fireproof but in the books not so sure.
As far as I know George was not happy with Jon’s resurrection but more likely with the way, as in the books it seems it might involve Ghost a bit more. Even ritual might be a bit different, Shireen might be sacrificed and thus making Jon’s resurrection pretty dark.
Jon must be KitN to at least enter negotiations with her. Coming just like that. He must have something she needs, which is the North. Not counting his shampoo. It’s possible he might not meet Bran or Arya this season, Next season might be Rhaegar after last season Lyanna and then reveal.
Flayed Potatoes,
Even Aegon and his sisterwifes Rhaenys and Visenya never had threesomes. He married one for love and other for duty. But in all honesty just joking. Jon makes more sense but even if Dany married two guys, which seems a bit impractical and illogical but still she would love one, prophecy hinting at Jon. Iam not a fan of this but if they’ll go this route. It’s their choice.
At least one person willing to discuss a real leak instead of a fake one, phrase the old gods and the new!
As for the scenes, IMO they filmed at least two of them: the first one was LANDING, the second one was DEPARTURE.
In the first one, we saw Davos and Tyrion arriving on there own; Davos was preparing to anchor the boat in the sand with a peg. Then he was going upstairs, while Tyrion appeared to be remaining on the beach.
The departure scene began with Davos and Gendy by the boat; they had a chat with the Gold Cloaks and then Tyrion appeared RETURNING from somewhere.
So, there is a lot of things missing between these two scenes: Davos has to go somewhere to meet Gendry or maybe he will be staying on the beach and Gendry will see him there and come to talk. Meanwhile, Tyrion looks to be going in his individual mission, etc. By the way, in the beginning of the first video there could have been other potential cast members around including one dwarf. I don’t know where and how they could fit in and whether these people were indeed cast members, but it’s worth to keep that in mind, cause it may imply more scenes on the beach, etc.
But one way or another IMO it’s a stealth mission, not an official business, and that stealth mission should be the result of absolute despair: Davos looks really unhappy and even angry in the landing scene, apparently thinking that they will run into trouble. And they will, because Cersei has been hunting every dwarf in Westeros since early S5. And yes, she should be still in control of KL, which implies that Dany will fail severely during her first landing attempt somewhere south (Stormlands based on the In Production Teaser) and will be forced to seek refuge on Dragonstone. Moreover, the fact that two Hands will be forced to go on a stealth mission to KL imply that Dany’s dragons will be incapacitated or unavailable (at least temporary) and that the time will be pushing.
Told all that yesterday, nobody wanted to believe, but well – no complains. People just are unable see the signs screaming about how dreadful Dany’s situation will be and prefer to make a skirmish around Jon bending a knee, though it looks like its more likely that Dany will have to beg his help on her knees. Of cause, he won’t let her: he is a gentleman after all. But that’s not the point. Just wanted to stress that everything will go really dark before the dawn breaks out.
My bad. I was thinking of the season 1 pyre and not the latest one. I sorta shoved that out of my memory because it was pretty bad, IMO. But lots of people loved it.
As for Jon being in the South. Maybe he’s there for something that can only be accomplished with him being there. I do feel like there might be an offer of marriage but I doubt that it will happen. Something could derail it. Maybe. We don’t really know.
Nicely done. Thanks for the link.
Do they do a double take? I see Gendry attack the gold cloaks twice? I don’t see them push the boat into the water either?
And is there no green screen?
Are the people complaining about the potential of Jon Snow kneeling forgetting about the show version of the House of the Undying? Dany never sits or touches the throne, and goes beyond the Wall and is reunited with her dead son and dead Khal Drogo.
You see where I’m going with this. Maybe he does kneel to her. But that’s not the last you’ve seen of King Jon Snow….
can’t wait to see that finished scene next season. Looks like we’ll be in for some surprises, if you all keep calm.
There is one possible reason why it will be Tyrion and not someone else going to KL: dragons. He was the only person they recognize except Dany, so there is a rather big possibility that at least one of the dragons will be captured by Cersey (more dead, than alive, of cause) and Tyrion will be going to see what can be done about it.
I had this idea for quite some time already, only thought that Dany will be going for hr children in person. But apparently Tyrion wouldn’t let her risk her life that much. We’ll see, how it plays.
So basically Starks and Sam. Rickon is sort of character in the shadows and was barely featured in the show and Sansa is not for everyone. Tyrion? At least show version? Davos or Jorah show version of his character.
What’s funny is that some people didn’t expect them to meet.
Tyrion goes there to convince Jamie to open the city gates. He thinks he can get him to do that because he saved the people of KL before by killing the Mad King. Tyrion doesn’t want the bloodshed of a seize, or big battle or the crazy reactions by Cersei once she realizes she is being attacked. He cares about the people and knows Jamie cares about them too, that’s why he thinks he has a chance of talking him into opening the gates or surrender or something like that.
Oh wow. This is f*ing awesome.
Oh and congrats to Luka for joining the already fine WOTW writing staff, and it must be so great to actually be there!
Geralt of Rivia,
For someone who claims to be a bigger Jon fan than Dany fan you don’t seem to think much of him, intent on donwplaying him at every chance but going on and on about how special and perfect Dany is and how she will be the ultimate hero. Give up your pretenses, admit you’re just a Dany stan who enjoys thinly veiled jabs at Jon.
Now you also pit him against a third tier character like Gendry. Don’t insult him. Are you seriously considering a fight between them would be anywhere close to even? LOL
..because he’s drunk and fragile?
#408, Tyrion tells Oberyn not to drink before the trial by combat. Lets see if he takes his own advice during Dany’s invasion.
Geralt of Rivia,
While Jon is away, Sansa and Littlefinger will agitate against him.
If that’s your impression. you can have it but it’s far from it. You can search articles during season 6 and around that time. Always here defending Jon or praising him. But just trying to see where it could go. Iam not fan of Jon and Dany union, so any excuse to not get them together is good but you know George might have a different thing on his mind.
You probably mean kneeling bit. It’s a not a bad thing, in fact it might even get him further. I hope they’ll handle it with dignity and Jon won’t have to kneel literally. If he has to, then I don’t mind as Jon already demonstrated that he looks beyond pride, which is one of the reasons I like him so much.
Dany got upper hand by having what he wants. Three dragons, dragonglass and army. She can dictate it even if I would like it to be more on equal terms but it seems, it won’t be going this way. Unless she screws up her war with Cersei but how to do it.
As for being equals bit. It was more with her power and what she achieved. She has more power than Jon and achieved more. Not saying that Jon did nothing. He did quite a bit and people should notice. As for them as characters, their traits and goals for both of them. They’re quite similiar.
I think we will be in for some surprises actually, even though we are getting these amazing pictures and spoilers.
I for one am super excited about Jon & Dany’s story possibly merging in season 7! I think that after the criticism about Jon & Sansa in season 6 – building one character up at the cost of the the other – D&D won’t repeat the same mistake.
About Jon-Dany argument I have just to ask one thing. Who do you think is better to lead army of mankind against WW, Dany who has never seen winter nor she is aware of WW existence or Jon who is hole time involved in WW story and it`s pretty much thing that his arc evolve around?
As for fight. Just curious how it would went down because Gendry must’ve learned some moves and train a bit. I just asked people but if you want to know my opinion, I would bet on Jon due to experience and skill. But sometimes some people think brute power is all that is needed for win.
for what we’ve seen of Jon as a leader last season, I would say Dany, aaaall the way.
Doing too much. And you are posting just like someone else on another board. Same words and all. It would be nice if you kept it there and didn’t infiltrate this site with it.
You are so objective, I`m amazed.
jumping off of what Sue said about Jon bending the knee…
The north is declaring independence by choosing a king; however, the Kitn must petition the crown for help with the white walkers. You can’t declare independence from an entity while petitioning it for help, can you? That’s kind of two opposing positions.
So, that creates conflict between northerners and their new Kitn. Jon must align with Dany in some way… I don’t know if that will be ‘bending the knee’, exactly, but it will be a meeting of minds and alignment.
The northerners may not fully understand what they face, even though they are on the front lines of the war with the dead. None of the northern lords have seen a walker…only Jon has, and some of the Watch, and Tormund, and some of the Freefolk survivors.
Jon knows what’s at stake. He’ll do whatever it takes..make Dany a sandwich, rub her feet …whatever it takes!
Clearly not the Season 6 you watched with that massive chip on your shoulder. In the Season 6 I watched, Jon started out dead and ended up a king, so I really don’t know what on earth you’re talking about
Yara and Theon struck a deal with Dany. They didn’t have to kneel. All the Northern Lords have just kneeled to Jon, coronating him as KITN. Please, please, Jon, don’t kneel to her! Dany, unaware of WW only wants to “break the wheel”. She included the Starks in that speech. I think, she will have an antagonistic relationship with Jon. At least at the start. I hope Jon goes to her with some magical beings of his own
I know! But, I’d love to see that! All through the books, Jon is given authority/power but never accepts the trappings that go with it. i.e. Jon wouldn’t take Lord Commander Mormont’s quarters, same with his father’s room at Winterfell. Melissandra said that was his mistake. Leaders need to own the part. What a disappointment for the Northern Lords if he just hands it all over to her.
As for today’s video leak. Awesome! Very excited to see the full scene in context when season 7 starts.
How about both? Jon knows more about white walkers, she has army and both can lead. They demonstrated it. Just because Jon made emotional decision, which is reletable by trying to save his little brother (yeah he shouldn’t race against Boltons afterwards) doesn’t make him an absolute terrible leader. He made a mistake. If Dany saw one of her family being hunt down like an animal, she would’ve done the same thing.
I agree with things you wrote, but it would be stupid story wise, if Jon is put in second place when it come to War for Dawn.
Well, I base my opinion on facts I’ve seen, not on my fangirl feelings … so, yeah I’m objective. Jon as a fighter, absolutely… as a leader, Dany all the way.
Geralt of Rivia,
Then golly, you must have watched a different show than me, because it was clear that they were destined to meet from the very start.
Aemon to Sam while discussing Dany’s fight in Mereen: A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing! …. (cue Jon appearing in the doorway)
Can they be any more obvious? And that’s only one small thing.
Anyway, your objection has to do with being butthurt over criticism of Sansa…yes, I am accusing you. Every rational criticism of Sansa will be recycled and applied to Dany and Jon. For god’s sakes, just let it go.
Just had another thought. Tyrion could be meeting with Bronn and Davos with Gendry. He’d know exactly where to look I guess.
Still stumped at the lack of men with them though, as Tyrion would be crayzeeeee to risk his ass by showing his face in KL. Especially with Cersei reigning supreme.
Or maybe the two together is the best option? I really fail to see why people keep bringing this Dany x Jon talk. The two will most likely fight together people like it or not.
Geralt of Rivia,
I just can`t understand how people don`t see what Jon bring to the table when it come to WfD. I don`t know how will rule Westeros, but I`m sure that Jon will lead army against WW, because otherwise would be stupid story wise.
Well…she included Targaryens too. So, if I follow your logic, she’ll have an antagonistic relationship with herself?
So much bitchin’ and moaning because Jon and Danny are likely to meet.
I mean, do people really think that’s not happening in the books? (If George ever finishes, that is?)
Too many were expecting some big Messiah moment during Jon’s resurrection, where he’s reborn with a new bad-ass personality which would have actually been extremely cheesy. It’s ironic because fans seem to always want the show to subvert every trope and have such an aversion to ‘cliche’ and yet……
The changes to Jon were subtle but definitely there, but I digress.
Yes, it absolutely make sens that Dany lead army against WW, when she don`t know thing about them or winter. You think making big deal about Starks and winter is for nothing and that will suddenly Targaryen be one that will go North and beat WW?
Dude. She included her own family in her speech. People seem like they want to forget it so they can have a better argument against her. She just wants the high lords to stop crushing the common people.
And of course she doesn’t know about the WW. She was on the other side of the world for most the story. There are plenty of people who are IN Westeros and don’t know about them or don’t believe them. Do you think GRRM gave her dragons so she could use them as pets? Ofc Dany and her dragons will fight against the WW as well.
It would be weird if Jon is completely put away in storyline since he’s part of from the beginning. White Walkers were always tied to him, Then Dany and Bran.
He made bad decision as a leader. Called him a bad leader which was probably harsh just based on this one mistake. I am a bit liek that on my favourites even in football. Other than that Hardhome, Battle of The Wall he displayed courage and leadership. Even Tyrion got something to say. He’s smart , knows warfare tactics. But as leaders like leading it will be Jon and Dany. Ice and Fire if you like.
I never said they’re not going to meet, just not a fan of romance. While, I was like no, kinda in back of my mind was always this hint of yeah, this is where it might be going. Sort of denial. There are people who are far more aggressive in their distaste for them.
The bit about about “A targaryen alone in the world” might’ve been a nod to Jon’s parentage.
Sorry, I am not following you on the last bit.
Geralt of Rivia,
Jon doesn’t burn/kill people and smirk while doing it. In the books he’s digsuted by Axell Florent watching his brother burn and doing nothing. How disgusted would he be by Dany tricking her brother and then impassively watching him get killed? How about burning many innocent people in Essos? Daenerys is entitled and power hungry. They’re the opposites.
This will not be Jon season.
This will be Dany and Cersei season.
Believe it or not, there are other characters in this story besides Jon Snow.
Giving others characters the spot light and the oportunity to shine is NOT character assassination.
haha based on her leadership ‘successes’ in Meereen, Yunkai and Astapor? She is more of a boss, giving out orders while sitting on a silk pillow. Jons is a true leader, a doer. He inspires loyalty with the strength of his character, skillset, outlook and deeds, he doesn’t need big reptiles to achieve that. Daenerys submits people to her through her dragons. On her own she would have achieved nothing, she’d be nothing.
Except it’s Daenerys who got to have big moments every two episodes and smooth sailing when it comes to conquering cities since season 3. She has had plenty of times to shine. She needs to struggle with her endeavors for a change.
Jon bending the knee to Daenerys makes no sense.
It’d render Jon’s story arc pretty much worthless. What was the point in him being declared King in the North? What would be the point in revealing his Targaryen parentage?
If they have him bend the knee it’d be appalling writing. Especially since the Greyjoys managed to get away without doing so.
No, Jon and Daenerys will marry, ally or agree to work together as two separate kingdoms: Daenerys ruling the south, and Jon the North (plus, possibly, the Vale and Riverlands).
Things might change following the War for the Dawn, depending on who’s left alive etc.
But as part of their initial negotiations it’d just be a crock to have Jon bend the knee.
I don’t think it’ll happen.
hmm…You’re aware that George has compared his Song of Ice and Fire ending to the ending of the Return of the King, right?
Besides, I think you’re misrepresenting the ending of LOTR? The hobbit’s way of life is kinda destroyed (The Scouring of the Shire) and Frodo dies (that’s what “going to the Undying Lands” means)
What exactly is sappy about that?
Viserys was threatening Dany and her child in Vaes Dothrak. Once your family wants to kill you, abuse you before. I mean, would you love them or compassionate for them? Burning those nobles in Meereen was a bad decision, nobody is perfect which is why she’s ain’t Mary Stu. She acted in the heat of the moment after Ser Barristan’s death, so yeah agreed on this.
A lot of characters are entitled. Jon was entitled, rude and arrogant to Pype and Grenn. Then he learned was friends with them.
She’s power hungry in the show, true. She wants iron throne because it’s her right, but not because it’s her duty to her House like in the books, as she dreams of simple life, a house with the red door. I’d like to see this part of Dany but they’re just showing as cold Queen sometimes, but she’s just a child and alone. Jon in the books for example is more excited for power. Even has dream of shouting Iam lord of Winterfell and death of Robb. He never hide the fact he would like to be Lord, in the show he’s more humble.
As for smirking. Khals abusing her and threaten to kill her. So her smirking was appropriate, nobles of Meereen well that wasn’t so cool.
Jon and Dany are quite similiar in general. They both try to protect people smallfolk, not always with best effect, both good people, also both compassionate. Also you have to understand both are young, younger in the books. They used different ways to achieve it, which is shown in parallels. For example. Jon doing execution himself and looking at Janos Slynt, Dany not even looking at Mossandor. Both betrayed them.
Well this is something they made all the female characters do whenever they kill someone… Arya, Sansa, Dany, Cersei, Ellaria, etc
And I’m sorry but you’re going to have to remind me about how Dany “tricked” her brother.. Dany did what she could to save Viserys. She sent Jorah to deescalate the situation but Viserys, the moron that he is, pulls out his sword and then goes on to threaten Dany and her baby. What was she to do? Her brother betrayed her, and even then this is something that haunts Dany throughout the book all the way to her last chapter in Dance.
True, but she has that Targaryen tendency to want to “burn them all”. She is, in a way, constantly struggling with her nature. It’s just fortunate that she has Tyrion to talk her off the ledge.
She tried to end slavery and thats the main cause of all the problems. She didn’t respect their traditions because she was thinking about a greater cause. Wasn’t that what Jon was doing when he brought the Wildlings to The Wall? Not following rules/traditions because he was thinking about a greater cause as well?
They are different in many aspects but have a lot of similarities. But for many times people blame Dany for the same mistakes Jon has made.
I’m not gonna comment about her being nothing without her Dragons because someone already got schooled here because of that earlier today.
First of all she wasn’t smirking, she was deadpan.
Second of all, she just had lost her best adviser, close friend and paternal figure at the hands of those “innocent people”.
She is always putting her people needs first, she is not entitled or power hungry; if she was she would have sailed to Westeron years ago, but she stayed to learn how to rule and fight slavery, there is not a more noble cause than that.
She is a strong woman with ambitions, learn the difference.
But you are right, they are opposites, one is an interesting character, with a strong personality and many layers and the other one is a one dimensional mopey pothos.
How did Gendry got Warhammer?
Has Warhammer even been mentioned in the show?
She literally had no big moments pretty much from the start of Season 4 all the way to Episode 9 of Season 5. That entire time she was struggling to rule
Oh good lord, is this what’s going on around here these days? It’s like this site has been overtaken by Twilight fans.
Tyrion meeting in stealth with Bronn is the FIRST rational idea I’ve read here about why he’s on this very stealthy mission to the most dangerous place on the planet for himself, with just Davos. This entire sequence in the video is extremely mysterious. I also wonder where Brienne and Pod are, and when in the season this is happening.
Very rarely indeed do I find myself persuaded to skip through a WotW thread just because it gets heated – I even suffered dutifully through the Jon/Sansa wars, reading each and every post – but this one did the trick. It managed to get nasty and make my eyes glaze over with boredom simultaneously! Some people get waaaaayyy too personally invested in characters who are, after all, only fictional.
I’ll just try to keep an open mind and look forward to however these story arcs play out. As usual, I expect that I’ll like some of the writers’ decisions and dislike others. Other viewers will like bits I hated and hate bits I liked. All well and good. But it seems much too premature to get worked up into a lather at this point over what Jon and Dany’s interactions might turn out to be.
Everyone keeps saying that Jon’s fans only care about him being the hero and don’t want other characters to steal the spotlight.
And yet we have some dany fans downgrading Jon Snow and his achievements, pointing out how superior Dany is, how Jon should kneel to her, how SHE should be leading the battle against the WW (a character that doesn’t even know they exist yet), how she’s a better leader than Jon, she’s the princess that was promised, the three headed dragon all on her own .. etc
They want Dany to be the center of everything. What’s even left for Jon Snow to do ? What’s the point of bringing him back ?
LoL yeah sure Jon’s fans are the biased ones. Dany fans? Not at all.
Another thing. People don’t always give Dany the credit she deserves as a great strategist. Remember how she gained her unsullied army and how she was wise in the way she conquered Yunkai (the books have more details when it comes to this, Ofc). How old were her dragons back then?
The war will be won with the work of many heroes not just one.
As stated a wise leader knows when to kneel, to keep their people alive, Jon needs people and war planes AKA dragons, he needs VS, obsidian and lucky for them he has friends and possible allies that can help him with those.
Dany hater obviously.
Don’t waste your time with her/him.
I’m Jon fan, but not the type of those who like to bash another characters simply because the character doesn’t fit their personal taste. Stop being so subjective, because it won’t let you to see anything clearly.
I don’t really like Dany (tbh, I hate her in the beginning) but when I try to put my hatred aside and learn her character more, somehow her actions become understandable to me even though I still don’t like it. But in some cases, people don’t like Dany just because she has more highlights than their fave character, and they’re just jealous because of that.
Oh…and to folks that say KL will be burned… What about the 5 million plus people that live there?
I don’t believe it will be burned. Dany and Co. may not want to venture too deep into the city because of the wildfire. She is unburned, but as far as I know, she’s not unexplodeable. (that’s not a word, but it ought to be)
Tyrion probably trying to save his brother and pull Jaimie on Dany’s side, pretty sure Jon Snow was summoned by Daenerys , The queen of the andals, the rhoynar and the first Men, The queen of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm, The queen of meereen, The great Khaleesi of the great grass sea.The silver queen of essos,The dragon queen of westeros,
Grail King,
“Lucky”, indeed! Can you imagine if he was forced to approach Cersai?
Ah yes! Thank you. And the Unsullied takeover she did over the objections of both Barristan and Jorah.
Geralt of Rivia,
That was said by Aemon about Dany. The implication is that these Two Targaryens WILL not be alone in the world. They will meet and they will know that they’re kin.
But one could put forward Sansa had a hand in it, by not objecting and letting it happened. Hence why LF gave her a disapproving look and her giving us the oh shit look.
I LOVED Jon was reborn happy. No one expected that.
Ser Broccoli McBroccoliface,
Amen, Brotha! I don’t mind the speculation and discussion about how the story will be told, but I cannot stand the whining about “destroying” characters when there’s no context.
WOOOW!!! No words!!! 😀 GREAT,GREAT, GREAT Article, vid, & pics!!!
More on Kit… (He said that Kit is awesome… I can confirm :D)
Meera is back!!!!!!
Yes, clearly. Thank you.
Kit may be filming his arrival on Dragonstone for all we know, before connecting with Tyrion, et al. Until we see them all together, I don’t think that we can draw conclusions that they are in the same W-location, since these rl-locations are serving as different W-locations. And I believe that there are other rl-locations nearby in which Kit could be filming.
Man, I love all the info! Thanks again, WotW Gang!
Yup, when Robert and Selmy and Jamie are talking about their first kill, Robert crushed a Tarley lad.
The reaction to this is pretty stunning. I never expected this type of reaction when it would be confirmed Jon and Dany would meet. And I say this not just singling out this site. I have looked elsewhere and seen it elsewhere on other sites today as well. It is more fighting than excitement. In fact there seems to be little excitement on any of these types of sites. This is pretty shocking to me to be honest.
This tells me they have to be careful here with the fanbase on the way they have written these scenes. Perhaps much more so than they realize.
D&D, Peter, Kit and Joe in a restaurant in Spain (I’m assuming Bilbao) tonight.
I think sites only represent a small portion of what the general audience thinks though. I believe most fans will be pretty excited about their meeting.
I think there are two reasons for people being so negative about that possible alignment between Jon and Dany or him even kneeling and in my view both are based on a misguided understanding of books and show (but of course anybody is free to have their own opinion):
1) They seem to assume that Jon and Dany have to get into conflict and that this would be one big part for winning the iron throne. In my view they have not been paying attention. Jon is one of the few who gets the big picture and is doing everything to get most of Westeros to work together against the Others. Cersei/Euron are a lost cause and Ramsay was also inhibiting that and needed to be removed. Jon has shown that he can compromise with former enemies (wildlings) and in this case potential enemies (team Dany) – it certainly helps that he seemed to be on good terms with Tyrion in Season 1 and that Tyrion seems to be at least somewhat aware of the role of the NightsWatch and a threat from the Others.
2) There is some sentiment among some that Dany is going mad or becoming more cruel which then leads to the conflict in 1). While I have not too much evidence for or against that claim, she certainly showed compassion by freeing slaves and seeing the suffering of other people. In addition she has Tyrion with the connection to Jon and the potential thread from the Others as mentioned above.
So I do not see any problem with them working together at some point before the show ends and that could very well be towards the later part of season 7.
I should mention that my comment is only based on the knowledge obtained from Watchers on the Wall and its related information (los Siete Reinos); I don’t do Reddit because of all the misinformation.
Last, thanks for all the footage from Luka and others – I really can’t wait for the next season to start. It is great to see Gendry back and interaction with Tyrion and Davos who are some of the most interesting characters in my opinion.
Could we get an IMAX screening of 6.09/6.10 to shorten our wait?
What is the actual source of the photo though? Is that an Instagram account or something? They have the habit of swiping photos from other people and not sourcing them, and then we lose the details of the encounter. Would be nice to find the actual source.
Hmm looks like they’re thanking someone for the photo but the other acct didn’t post the pic on their own? Anyway Instagram has a bigger copy of the pic.
I LOVE IT! Dany can add “The Unexplodable” to her list of names! Really, I like Dany and Jon and see their parallels. Whatever happens on GoT, I’ll deal. I really want to read GRRM’s version too.
Um…reconnaissance? He knows secret passages in the Red Keep, as does Varys; and Davos is a smuggler, remember? Perhaps gauging the defenses or the mood in the streets, or as
says, reconnecting with Jaime.
Nah it’s okay most people will love it.They just like to freak out a bit in the beginning lol.
Ha! …and The Mender of Broken Men!
And, that’s a good point. Her first order of business would be to convene the various lord etc.
Sue the Fury,
Yeah I tried to find the original source on twitter and IG, tried like 4 different tags and found nothing so yeah, I assume the person they thanked sent them the photo.
Jon won’t kneel to Dany, he won’t have to, they are family, he is a king and she is a queen. The Stark family reunion probably takes place before Jon goes south. And he can leave Bran at Winterfell to take care of details for the impending war against the Night King while Jon asks Dany to join him in the fight. She likely would say yes if he helps her defeat Cersei which is to his benefit as well. Gendry may have become a red cloak to infiltrate KL with dreams of taking Cersei out for killing his father and half siblings. They seem to be waiting on Tyrion who seems to have had a mission, perhaps paying someone off to switch allegiance? Bronn perhaps? Thank you WOtW for these wonderful tidbits of spoiler info.
I’m going to propose a fun game. It’s called “The Next Person to Say ‘Bend the Knee’ gets Slapped with a Dead Fish.”
Life goes on, right? This isn’t worth stroking out over.
In other news Emilia is the best at hiding and Kit is literally the worst.Like honestly he was spotted in his first two minutes lol.Oh do you think we will have their joint ew cover for season 7 or have to wait until season 8?I think they might pull a Jon’s alive move and have it just after the episode they meet.I also hope we get a rolling stone cover.That would be fun.
I was picturing an EW cover of the two too Lol but I doubt it we’ll get it before the beginning of the season. They had one in a past season but at that point there was no way they’d meet anytime soon.
I think we could get one after the Dany/Jon meeting or at least a new photoshoot being released after they meet. I think thats what EW did when Tyrion and Dany met in S5. This meeting deserves its own cover though.
Dany gets this look in her eye whenever someone threatens childen or babies…god help them.
She doesn’t like it much when you hurt an adult she cares about, either. God help Cersai if Dany finds out she’s starving children.
A truly imperious, confident and slightly mad ruler would require all subjects to walk around on their hands and bend the elbow in his/her royal presence.
I’m picturing the Mountain doing this to the tune of “Walk Like An Egyptian”.
Grail King,
The northern lords didn’t ask for Sansa’s approval. They didn’t need it. They wanted Jon as their king, and didn’t care what Sansa thought of the matter, or else they would have asked for her permission.
It will be THE BEST THING EVER. I can’t wait to see Jon and Dany finally in the same scene. Oh boy!
I think most people are looking forward to Jon and Dany finally meeting, it’s the one of the main things the series has been building up to. I know I am! This place (like most other places on the internet where fans spend a lot of time analyzing every detail of every spoiler) just tends to spiral out of control, whether it’s because of fake (or true) leaked spoilers, or just because there’s nothing else left to discuss. I’m pretty sure whether Jon *kneels or not, won’t mean very much in the long run. It’s honestly a pointless thing to get hung up on imo. But it’s the off season and unfortunately these types of things will be discussed to death.
My recollection of the show so far is that Dany was a horrible ruler. The ONLY reason she came out of Mereen alive are her dragons. Jon was able to unite the free folk and the North and was named KITN. The show has built her up as power hungry while Jon doesn’t seek power and wants to serve the realm. So, yeah, Jon Snow>Dany. To quote our beloved giant Wun-Wun: “Snow”.
Yeah no way EW won’t have a cover ready by Sunday night when they meet.And I bet the headline will something like #IceandFire lol.
Oh, what a drama! Slow down there and enjoy the ride..Jon and Dany are bound to happen since the beginning.
I don’t understand why people are so getting so triggered over the Dany/Jon meeting and interactions. Wake up, folks. They were bound to meet at some point.
Also, I’m sorry, but I just have to disagree with the whole “Jon’s fans are pissed because they want him to always be the only hero”. I don’t blame them (myself included) for wanting their favorite character, who has been consistently going through a shitload of hardships since day 1, to keep this ONE good he’s got going on right now with the KitN proclamation.
I know the “leak” talk is forbidden around here, but…
MOD EDIT: But… you were going to discuss it anyway? Please don’t 😉
Ultimately, I think everyone should just calm down and stop with all the negativity. Things are looking quite pathetic in fandom right now with both Jon’s and Dany’s fans worried about one or the other stealing each other’s spotlight. They’re the central characters of this story and if you’ve been paying attention you’d know that it’d come a time when their stories would merge. So let’s have some damn chill and quit with this childish arguments, ffs.
Me: Pffffft, Gendry saving Davos? Gendry wielding a warhammer? What blatant fanservice is this?
Maybe because there is more mystery/interest in Jon Snow’s plot line and Kit is followed everywhere he goes. Last off season, it was “Is JS really dead?” This year, it’s “Will JS meet/marry Dany and bend the knee?” or “Will JS reunite with Arya/Bran?”
Sleeping with your father’s sister crosses a line – even in the middle ages that would be considered disgusting. Cousins marrying – happens all the time, that’s the reason society exists today. There were less than 100,000 people that left Africa to populate the West – we really are a shallow gene pool and cousins marrying was quite common back then. Bad enough we had to have the Lannisters re-enact the incestuous habits of the ancient Egyptians – which if you read history didn’t end so well for them. I can’t speak for others but that’s what is bothering me. I don’t care if they don’t know they’re related, the writers do and imagine the self loathing Jon would feel when he found out? Bad enough he’s going to be crushed learning he’s half Targ and related to a “Mad King”. I hope at least that part of Reddit’s spoilers are false.
Thi Targaryen,
I never thought that Jon fans could be this obnoxious. I thought the SJW self righteous Sansa fans were bad, but this is even worse. I am embarrassed to call myself a Jon fan right now. I think I am going to shift allegiances to Dany this season if this nonsense continues in the WOTW comments section!
Lets not jump to conclusions here. Jon/Sansa last season was made up fanfiction by the writers to make up for the outcry over Sansa’s rape last season. Hence we got Sansa essentially stealing elements of Stannis and Jon’s story and being all Girl Power Rawr! That resulted in Jon being sidelined in his own plot and having nothing to do. The problem was D and D messing with Jon’s story by dumping Sansa into his plot. Where she has no business being.
Jon meeting with Dany on the other hand is, I am sure, in tandem with his book plot. This is where his book story is headed. They have to ally to defeat the WW and Dany has the weapons necessary to do that. They are Targs. They are fire and ice. These are Dany and Jon’s book plots and I think the writers will do both characters justice as we are heading towards the end and each character needs to fulfill their parts.
I don’t think we can expect exemplary writing from D and D. But it should be decent. The writers were able to do justice to Stannis, Jon, Davos, Sam at the wall in season 5 juggling all these characters rather well. Jon/Sansa was an anomaly because it was not book stuff.
Sue the Fury,
Mina Restaurant / Bilbao. In front of the river and the local market in old part of the city.
Pretty Crow,
Of course people were most interested if Jon was dead or alive. It was the last scene of S5. I don’t think it’/s the same thing this year. Even GEndry being back has gotten a lot of attention.
And from what I’ve seen pretty much all the people who have met him were searching for emilia as well. Just go to their twitter accounts and you’ll see. Or check their tags on IG and Twitter and see which tags moves faster. Point is, they are really trying to hide her, whether by their choice or hers.
I wonder then why Martin decided to add not one but two uncle/niece marriages to the Stark family tree (BTW the original tree only had one uncle/niece marriage). He didn’t have to add these but he did and I would think he had a strong reason to do it. Avunculate marriages were not as common as cousins marrying, however, they were not unheard of especially with nobility in medieval times. In fact till this day they are still common in certain parts of the world.
I’m the opposite. I liked Dany in Season 1. The Dany that had to overcome her circumstances and became Khaleesi. She was empowered. However, after that, her storyline has been so stale. The show is trying to show her as a powerful woman but it’s not connecting with me. So I’m apprehensive with this Dany/Jon meeting because I really need it to be believable. I hope D&D don’t ruin Jon’s character/story for the purpose of a made up romance between the supposed heroes of the story.
Yeah she is flying under the radar.Also Kit looks like Jon in skinny jeans whereas Emilia doesn’t look much like Dany.Fans would recognize her but not many casual viewers.
I hope Kit is down there filming for scenes that take place later in the season.
I definitely wanted S7 to be a Jon and Dany season, but not a Jon/Dany season. I hoped Jon would consolidate his power in the North / Vale, take advantage of the possible power vacuum in the Riverlands, reunite with Bran and Arya, learn of his Stark parentage, reunite with Sam by season’s end with better knowledge of how to defeat the WWs in S8. And possibly also by end of season forge an alliance with Dany toward that end.
For Dany’s S7 I wanted to see her homecoming, her war against Cersei / Euron, see her learn more about the land she is trying to conquer, suffer one or two major losses so that she is not so entirely formidable but still come out victorious. And then by season’s end, learn of the WW threat and possibly meet / ally with Jon as equals who both need each other.
Definitely did not want to see a romance. Definitely do not want to see anyone bending the knee. I think we all already know that Jon is willing to self-sacrifice. Can we see him just once also be in a confident position of power and not have to cede it / be betrayed? I’ve seen plenty of Dany power speeches and been thrilled by them. I still re-watch her defeating the Slavers in S6 Ep9 from time to time because I thought it was so cool and empowering. I’d like to see some powerful moves from Jon, also!
I truly hope the showrunners are not rushing this. I already had my doubts that 13 eps could do this story justice, and now I am really unsure.
I do look forward to seeing Tyrion and Davos interacting, and they have truly made me curious about how Gendry will fit in to the endgame. I was afraid he was being brought back just to be paired off with Arya or keep her from returning straight to Winterfell.
Until we know more, all I can say is — Please, GRRM, publish the next book already!!
oh ok. I’m sure you’re correct. Jon/Dany meeting is one of the biggest scenes of the whole series so I’m sure the powers that be would want to keep it under wraps. I’m not going to lie. Dany is one of my least favorite story lines since Season 2. Just not interesting to me. So I search more about Kit, Maisie, Sophie, Isaac on the internet than any other characters.
Pretty Crow,
I know I’ve come across as bashing Dany, but that wasn’t my intention at all. I was mostly trying to show how she might be seen by the small folk outside of KL or anyone in the North/Vale/RL.
That being said, I’m actually a BIG Jon/Dany shipper, and I actually think they’d be really good for each other, in terms of mutual values, longings, ambitions (for the most part), and of course the blood connection. I actually hope that D&D do their destined meeting justice.
I just don’t think Jon kneeling to Dany will do that.
The new footage showed Davos, Tyrion and Another man ( pod/ gendy). The man killed two member of city watch. Absolutely in KL. and What the hell are they doing there? has Daenerys won? or Tyrion made a secret meeting with Davos? Tyrion,Davos and another man spying in KL?
don’t know.
about Jonaerys. even They’re together it will not be happy ending.
my biggest theories :
1. Jon and Dany will die
2. If Dany die, Jon will be the man of WW armies
3. If Jon die, Dany will lose the dragons too
ASOIAF/GOT will not be a disney’s happy ending things
He (GRRM) also had a little bit of a freudian slip while promoting The World of Ice and Fire when he mentioned Targaryen marriages between aunt and nephew. And I don’t believe there is an example of one… yet
It’s at 27:27 in case the timestamp didn’t work
The first filming looked like them shooting for long shots, and then the second filming looked like it was for close-up shots (mostly it seemed of Tyrion, a few of Gendry, and probably Gendry grabbing the warhammer from the boat). It will be for the editing, cross-cutting of different shot angles. I’m sure there were plenty of other angles shot as well that just weren’t shown in this video from other points of view.
Jay Targ,
Once I read someone saying exactly that, he gave the aunt/nephew example but there’s no example in the targ family tree… yet…
Given Dany Sue, I think Jon will “bend the knee.”
What bothers me are the logistics of this meeting. What could send Jon thousands of miles away from his home base? He’s a new king. North is facing zombie apocalypse plus winter. Its lords were, until recently, divided. Sansa is unreliable. Littlefinger controls the Vale army, which makes him scary. Bran is crippled, more prophet than ruler. Arya is a killer, not a ruler. Jon hasn’t even left Davos in control. What is he doing?
Unless this meeting is happening late in the season. Maybe the North has fallen to the Walkers, and Jon’s leading his people outta there?
Anyhow, imo a meeting between Jon and Dany is inevitable and the odds of his accepting her as his queen are high. I’m having a hard time with where and when.
You ask a question to choose and you are disappointed if people choose what you don’t like..
So she must do what give her dragons dothraki and unsullied …and say they are yours as does iam and kneel to him so he will lead them against WW..
Where is bran in all this..
Why many people are so influenced by the show they forget that they forget that they have no idea of how to defeat WW nor numbers …and they are looking for towards someone who will help them a promised prince….just how many times we have to hear about how dragons will be helpful at the wall in ADWD..
Hardhome and Dance of dragons played the events and telegraphed the situation perfectly…
An episode ends with hopeless defeat and slaughter .
Next episode ending with hopeful and victory..
Why can’t both lead or you have problems like some does in having another special snowflake near jon snow ..
Someone mentioned that there is one. It’s in the comments here or in other article.
Geralt of Rivia,
Thanks for the info.
Even today lots of countries in south Asia and Africa practice this …only difference is it that all were uncle niece marriages…
Even though dany is aunt by relation she is still younger than him and they weren’t brought up as a family or grown up together ..so that’s good enough for me. .
Well here is the thing Jon is good at gaining peoples loyalties, bringing them on his side and uniting them or leading small groups of people, but he just simply sucks at large scale commanding as shown last year in the BoB.
So yeah I would say over all Dany would a better fit to lead the people, Jon in my honest opinion is more of a fighter rather than a leader. In the end thought I think both Dany and Jon together will lead the people through the WW threat, it will be a song of ice and fire all over again.
I thought there is not any marriage such as this. George had been doing Q&A for TWOIAF so maybe he meant that book but I would have to buy and read it. Anyway, incest or in this case not even incest by law or nor emotional was never a thing. It’s part of medieval history and cousin/cousin marriages are happening to this day, uncle/niece too in some parts.
Flayed Potatoes,
I wonder, now that Jon is KITN, and Meera’s appearance at WF, if they will lead to a current day Howland scene?
I was just looking at the Targ family tree on Wiki. There are uncle-niece marriages, but no aunt/nephew marriages. (By the way, uncle-niece marriages are common in the world TODAY).
Maegor the Cruel with his niece, Rhaena. (Her second marriage was to an Aegon).
Rhaenyra Targaryen married her uncle Daemon. They had 4 kids, and the Targ line continued from them.
I am dead certain that had Rhaegar lived, he would have married his son Aegon to his sister and Aegon’s aunt, Daenerys. 😉
I think this is the anxiety a lot of fans are feeling. Seeing a re-do in the WW storyline, only this time with Dany. I mean, if that’s how GRRM wrote it and relayed it to D&D fine, I just hope the show doesn’t feel obligated to have Dany save-the-day (ala Sansa) because of some misguided Girl Power RAwr!
Where was the green screen though? I also don’t see where Gendry and Tyrion push the boat into the water?
Geralt of Rivia,
Jay Targ,
I don’t want to reply to the poster since he/she is been trolling but you guys did the job perfectly well..
Whenever I see someone saying she killed or had killed viserys ..imagine how worse it will be if she is not a POVPOV character and we not having a look at her thoughts …
We often see how dany is wrong in thinking Ned stark is one of the leaders who killed dany’d family and how she must learn this truth and accept it..
So if jon believes that dany killed her brother or Something similar to florent…
Then whose mistake will it be ..
Dany herself thinks about how she would have married aegon her brother’s son and how he could have ruled instead of her..
Isn’t it the Iron Bank guy? Mark Gatiss?
That’s what I thought too.
I wasn’t really paying attention honestly to anything other than the action being filmed, so didn’t look for (or see) green screen. And we don’t see G/T push the boat into the “water.” We just see them push the boat. Perhaps they’ll be CGI’ing the water closer in post-production. That’s what someone else above wondered as well.
Thank you for using logic. ??
Remember that they aren’t filming any winter scenes until next year when it’s a heavy winter in Iceland and I doubt we aren’t gonna see any snow until the end of the season, they seem to be doing it instead all specific scenes that use the same set so it’s all probably way out of order.
I imagine Jon will start will letters and visit kingdoms closer to the North at first, Dany is too far South for him to visit so he sends Davis aka him filming KL/Dragonstone then Davos and Brienne go see Dany at the Dragon Pit, It wouldn’t make sense for him to go when they are already there but if Kit and Emilia are filming scenes together, I would see that as more he sees her and their having a important meeting about WW perhaps with lot’s of other lords after Cersei has been dealt with so near the end of the season and the crew simply is filming all the scenes at once so they don’t have to go back later and redo the set.
Arya IS south right now! So maybe he does run into her in his travels.
Come on, Jack, it was only a 4 minute shot of a scene that may have taken all day long (or more). There’s very likely many many more takes and shots, angles, CGI, and even areas as background. No worries. ☺
I agree. I don’t see why Jon fans should be pissed about him kneeling. If anything, it should be the Dany fans complaining as this would show her in a bad light. It would be in character for Jon to kneel rather than insist on being King of a wasteland and in line with his advice to Mance -kneel to save your people.
Well…he is a blacksmith what would you like him to wield? Lol!! It just so happens Robert liked a war hammer so it does fit a little too conveniently, but someone sold Gendry to apprentice for the blacksmith so it’s not as cheesy that he chose that weapon because it’s all he has ever known. I don’t see him being as good at sword fighting as with the hammer.
Untrue. The Spanish Habsburgs made a practice of uncle-niece marriages (which ultimately didn’t do their genome any good, mind you).
Which would be why he’s going to seek the aid of a warrior queen with three great magical beasts that breathe fire, one imagines (as well as an island full of dragonglass).
Hahahaha! I know right?!! Gonna be hilarious! How do you think his reaction would be if he knew that Arya could literally kill him and wear his face around?!!
Don’t the Lannister soldiers wear red armor? Wouldn’t that be funny if he was hiding right under Cersei’s nose in their army like Arya did with Tywin. And that was how he was hanging out in KL unnoticed!
I’m so tempted to watch the video but I shall resist! It’s enough just to know Gendry and Davos will be reunited! So excited for S07!!
Is the bald man howland reed? he looks like the actor from the tower of joy scene!
That was my thought as well. Hiding in plain sight.
I didn’t say they needed approval, what I was getting at is Sansa kept silent as a way to foil LF, after the GodWood scene.
She friendzoned him, he came back with bastard or true born, she called him on his changing allegiance knew what he was getting at and let the North happened, if she wanted QITN she would have spoke up, she got what she wants home.
I don’t think this shows her in a bad light at all. She doesn’t know anything about the white walkers she’s been in Essos the entire time. Why should she just take Jon’s word for it that ice zombies are gonna attack Westeros and give up her dragons and resources to him for nothing in return? Even the people of Westeros don’t believe in the WW because no one besides the NW has ever seen them. It doesn’t make Dany look bad at all, the possibility that she would even consider an alliance is actually quite remarkable when most people would probably laugh in Jon’s face.
Grail King,
Do you think the northerners simply forgot Sansa was there? If they wanted Sansa as queen, they would have crowned her instead of Jon. Speaking up wouldn’t have changed anything. The northerners foiled Littlefinger’s plan, not Sansa.
Thi Targaryen,
Somebody needs to start a #EmiliaWatch trend on Twitter. Has anybody spotted her in Spain ? I swear that woman is like Houdini sometimes, stealth master.
I can’t wait till she and Kit meet on set. They’ve never shot a scene together. I bet you it’s going to be amazeballs.
The assumption was this happens after she knows the truth about the WWs. It’s a hypothetical situation that we don’t know is going to happen anyway.
Indeed, Tyrion going to KL to meet Bronn is a very rational idea: can accept it easily.
Pretty sure Jon Snow will kneel cause eventually he will be one of Dany’s most trusted people like Tyrion, he will be insider not outsider like Yara
D&D, Peter and Kit openly taking photos in Bilbao, where they are supposed to be filming Dragonstone scenes, which in turn suggests that Jon will be headed to Dragonstone?
Hmm, can we be sure that they are not pulling a Shae on us by getting Kit to Bilbao, lol (remember last season when we saw Sibel Kikelli in full costume on set and we thought she would be in s6?) .
I expect this is my imagination working overtime, but I am suspicious of this very open photograph lmao 🙂 .
Ikr it’s terrible ! And I hoped they’re through with fanservice after season 6. Gendry’s return is the worst idea ever.
Agreed. I guess when he was rowing he found his daddys Warhammer right before he ran into davos and tyrion. He saves the day just like podrick did last season. I’m having doubts about this season. Please prove me wrong so we don’t see a same scene with different characters. Please let me be wrong.
The cheesiest thing ever! R.I.P. Game of Thrones.
Flayed Potatoes,
Sorry bit this shit is getting old. You say “were moving past the books.” Can you prove that? How do you know we’re “past the books.” Unless there’s a book 6 out right now then how do you know? Perhaps you could think outside the idea of the show runners not knowing anything after adwd. They know how it ends people. They’ve known from day one. Maybe they didn’t know every characters ending point but they know the true end. Why would hbo pay millions for an unfinished story? Hbo knew how slow grrm was writing. They got the ending and let him know they would go a different route by a certain point if the sixth book wasn’t out. There were two paths the showrunners were going from day 1. As true as possible for Martin’s original world or what would work best for hbo and their bottom line. There was a middle ground.
Kit is doing his best ‘Blue Steel’. ?
Indeed, Tyrion going to KL to meet Bronn is a very rational idea: can accept it easily.
Young Dragon,
There’s enough of glory for them all! The northern lords, especially the young Lady Mormont, played their part, but Sansa’s position was not less important. She did everything to make the lords to see that she was backing her half-brother: she told him to take the Lord’s Chamber, she didn’t spoke a word during the meeting itself – she intentionally pushed Jon under the spotlight; and finally she gave him that approving look. It wasn’t that easy for her to suppress her own ambitions but she knew that winter had come and she did it for the common good. So, yes Sansa deserves as much acknowledgement as Lyanna Mormont or even more. Lyanna spoke out loudly; Sansa was mute, but both of them conveyed the very same message: Jon Snow is their king, and the lords had to bow to their will.
I actually don’t mind the Jon/Dany meeting.
And OF COURSE they have to join forces.
But Jon / Dany romance is so eye roll to me. In general, I’m not a huge fan of Dany on this show. It’s the Jon / Dany MADE FOR EACH OTHER EPIC ROMANCE that I’m dreading.
I like the idea of Tyrion sneaking into the city to meet with Bronn – he made it clear to Tyrion more than once (and particularly in season four) that he was a sellsword and as such would profess loyalty to the highest bidder. He served Tyrion initially, and when Cersei offered him more than Tyrion could he took what was offered. Daenerys has dragons, and would probably look to be a better prospect for Bronn than Cersei. Tyrion may also see Bronn as a good way of trying to figure out where Jaime stands in all this.
I may be alone in this, but it has always seemed to me that there are a lot of karmic moments in GoT. Ramsay being killed by his hounds, the perpetrators of the Red Wedding being killed in ways so similar to their victims, etc. Davos freeing Gendry and then later being rescued by the young man he saved would, for me, fit into that category. Also – if Gendry is interacting with Davos, then we may see him interact with Jon. This would mean that IF Jon doesn’t meet with Arya before going south, then he could at least hear of her from Gendry. That said, I do hope that they will reunite before then (at which point Arya herself could tell Jon about Gendry).
Also – re: Gendry – Arya passed Lommy off as Gendry when they were attacked by the Lannister men in season two. As far as Cersei and the Lannisters know, Gendry is dead. This should have helped him create a fake identity upon his return to KL (which is where I think the scene with Gendry, Tyrion, Davos and the Gold Cloaks takes place).
I wonder if we will have season seven essentially split in two – the first half seeing Jon vs Sansa/LF and (hopefully) some sort of Stark reunion at Winterfell, and Daenerys tackling Euron and Cersei in the south; the second half of the season would then focus on the formation of an alliance between the two factions headed by Jon and Daenerys? That would give time for Daenerys to get some sort of reputation in the North that would lead to Jon seeking her out (as it seems he goes south to her rather than her coming north to him) – and seeking aid from her and her dragons. Also, a reunion with Bran would allow him to confirm to Jon the importance of dragonglass in relation to the White Walkers. Jon only has some basic research that Sam did in season five and their experiences killing Walkers to go off; Bran can confirm the role that dragonglass played in the creation of the Walkers. It would also potentially send Jon south with the knowledge of his parentage. That sort of split in the season would also allow Daenerys to gain intelligence on this new King in the North, and establish as much as she can about him from Tyrion and Theon. They would then both be aware of each other by reputation when they meet.
With so many key characters interacting, although we will have fewer episodes in season seven than in previous years, I think that they will have roughly the same amount of screentime (perhaps more so) as they will now be interacting rather than having separate story arcs in separate locations.
They are trolls with nothing better to do,,and as a wise man said:¨Bad Hombres¨ 😉
Or they have just give up on secrecy at this point and are like to hell with it.
It’s not like they can do anything when we have people crawling up mountains and filming with super zoom lens from far away islands. They have to do outdoor filming. When you can’t fight it, you go with the flow and that’s what they are doing, lol!
Wow…LOTR sappy ending
A much more likely explanation 🙂 .
Geralt of Rivia,
I’ve been by your side because I’m a witcher fan but are you serious? If you are, then maybe you should go re-watch the show. How can you back up what you wrote? Please elaborate.
I didn’t read the majority of the thread. I tried to, but some of the whining was… excruciating.
Spoiler speculation below – including prior spoilers:
– as the season starts, Davos and Jon travel south to Dragonstone for the obsidian. They meet Theon on the way, and he tells them about Dany. So they don’t get the obsidian, but they do get to meet Dany;
– Dany probably tells Jon ‘hey, I’m gonna help ya with them walkers, but first, there’s this insane despot I have to deal with’. So, Jon offers to help to speed up the process, and lends Dany Davos;
– Davos uses his smuggling skills to get Tyrion into King’s Landing. Tyrion wants to meet Jaime, convince him to defect and end the war with minimum bloodshed… which probably doesn’t work out. But they meet Gendry instead, and maybe Davos gets a thought that Gendry could be a way to get the Baratheon loyalists on Dany’s side. Maybe there will even be some sort of a popular movement in KL centred around Gendry, and they will travel there specifically to co-opt him? (Anyhow, does this all mean that Gendry will eventually get to be the third dragonrider? Because Dany flanked by him and Jon would look awesome);
– Arya travels north. Does this mean that she doesn’t meet Jon? If so, yay – I didn’t want this meeting to happen yet, that’s why I hoped that she would travel south when I didn’t know that Jon would ?. But if she meets Sansa and Bran, that’s pretty cool – there is a lot of potential for development between these three, which won’t be there when Jon is with them.
You tell them not to jump to conclusions, and then immediately do exactly that in the next sentence. Kinda undermines your credibility there
Poor Jon has never seen the world. Let the guy go places. He probably thinks he will die fighting the walkers, maybe it is his idea of ” bucket list” too.
Not to mention would be better to find out about his father by bonding with a dragon, and not by hugging a tree.
Arya Serious,
I think that those who complain about this forget that
e: added tags, because I never know what to spoil and what not these days.
Ok, you guys NEED to watch this ! I don’t know who made it but it’s really casting light onto Jon and Dany’s bond and their destinies. Really interesting stuff !
ghost of winterfell,
Well the moment they wrote the script and made the schedule they knew this would happen.No way Kit goes to Spain and is not spotted.I mean they know how it is there this is the third year plus they how it turned out last year.Plus he was already spotted so by the time of the dinner they know it’s a lost cause lol.And dressing up sibel when she is visiting set is one thing but getting kit to Spain is another.He has other shit to do.Like chill in London or film in Belfast.I don’t think doing fan service in Spain is high in his list lol.
Kit and Liam filming filming in San Juan De Gaztelugatxe. I thought it was Emilia who was going to film here http://www.elcorreo.com/bizkaia/culturas/tv/201610/21/nieve-esta-euskadi-20161021105403.html
New photo of Jon Snow at San Juan de Gaztelugatxe
Jon Ander,
Do you think it’s
Please don’t tell me that
What the hell is Jon wearing? Does not look like proper KITN garb!! 🙂
I think it’s the same outfit from season 6 but they add that metal thing around the neck lol. It looks like Robb’s armour.
http://www.elcorreo.com/fotos/bizkaia/201610/21/juego-tronos-rueda-juan-203712237175-mm.html?edition=bizkaia no way dany and jon don’t meet now.
Yeah what exactly is he around his neck?
The place they are filming looks so beautiful.
I don’t think Emilia is there. The photographer would have got some pics of her if she was. Maybe it’s just Missandei who meets them and takes them to meet the Queen. After all they have to give Missandei something to do.
ghost of winterfell,
He using the same metal thing that Lord Manderly was using in the KITN scene
Yeah maybe.
The building is a church, Jon is dressed very fancy, the whole crew is there, I imagine they could actually be getting married. Remember they are not shooting this in cronological order and besides, nobody has actually seen Emilia in Spain but we do have confirmations that she has been switching hotels in order to not be seen. Naturally they would have to hide her like crazy to prevent the huge spoiler from getting out. My guess is she is already in the building.
With all those people in the El Correo photos, hopefully someone can spot the director.
Isn’t that church too modern though to be in the scene, its roof at least? I thought they’d CGI it out or not show it. Could be a possibility though.
Holy fuck I am so exited!!He looks great!I am so happy that Jon is seeing more of the world before he dies he deserves it.Dragonstone was his father’s seat after all.And I know they are busy trying to save the world and such but he should take a couple of days on the beach soak the sun lol.I also hope Dany gives him a room with a view.
I imagine this is after he lands, and is greeted by Missandei to take him to Dany. Emilia would probably film later for an interior shot, or a different exterior shot.
the location looks beautiful
I think we are getting a little carried away here…
It’s possible but the amount of people arround the actual building is ridiculous just for a greeting scene. They’re on the stone path, on the farthest left cliff area and around the church, and in the fourth photo you can see the black canvases at the windows to prevent light from getting inside.
Also look closely at the right side in the fourth photo, two dothrakis, possibly three in full uniform.
Dany is definitely inside the building.
Besides if you google photos of Gatzelugatxe you will see the inside is pretty boring, basically a lame small church so they’ll have to make some major modifications if they shoot inside therefore they’d need a big filming crew, regardless if it’s a wedding scene, an alliance scene or a simple meeting.
That was a very well done video. The symbol shows us how Jon and Dany are actually a PART of the spiral at times which signifies their mutual connection with the WW threat. But what is left out of this video is a very crucial part that ties in with the house of the undying visions: Dany walks away from the wall in the north and meets up with her dead husband and their baby. The maker of this video leaves this very crucial piece out. My speculations are mostly based on book and show material. On the show, first she reaches the throne room, where there is a spider in the corner. To me that means someone really spun some web which resulted on chaos and destruction. She almost reaches her goal, then she turns away and heads north. Then she passes the wall and finally, she is reunited with Khol Drogo and their baby. Now in the book, she will know 3 treasons: one for blood, one for gold, and one for love. We know Jorah chooses gold over her and that is his treason. We know Mirri Maz Duur betrays her for blood. The 3rd treason is commited by a yet unknown individual who will choose love instead of her.. That is the 3rd treason she will know. The third betrayer could be an altruistic person who perhaps is in some sort of relationship or alliance with Dany but the person chooses a person or persons he or she loves instead of Dany. Unless Dany commits the 3rd treason and she chooses love and therefore betrays another person. Also there is a blue flower that fills the room with sweetness but we must remember that GRRM associates sweetness with negativity. Poison smells sweet but it kills you. I can go on and on but I will stop here.
“before he dies”
please no lol
New outfit yes!!
edit: Where’s Longclaw?
Flayed Potatoes,
Well you know I would give everything for him to survive but better keep my hopes low.But at least this way he got to be warm for once lol.And regarding the sword who knows where it is.Maybe this is not them arriving but just taking a stroll during an episode.Or it’s just rehearsals and not shooting for real
Where Dany goes Missandei goes, so unless Drogon randomly decided too kidnap her again than I would say Dany is most definitely inside the building. ?
Geralt of Rivia,
Ive read your comments , so now that I’m sure ure not a danys hater and I’m reliefed by that , I disagree with u bout your opinion on danys writing storylines in the show ; if u remember in the third season and in the 5 season Barristan and danys conversations always surfaced memories bout rhaegar , now we have only aerys references coz nobody but barristan knew rhaegar , so yes danys wants the throne in the show for fulfilling a duty to her family but we can’t deny that danys reminds so closely Alexander the Great , charismatic ambitious visionary subject to impulsiveand ruthless reactions , and very young during his achievements . 5 season or 4 danys tells jorah :” they can live in my new world or they can die in their old one ” . Anyway I’ve read the books 7 or 8 times and I love daenerys , for the reasons I’ve told u .
asoiaf fan,
You forget, that when she is in the tent with Drogo and Rhaego she once again hears the cries of her children and walks away from them as well. Also of note, when Dany walks into the room the colors are vibrant and Drogo is lively but as she walks away the colors begin to fade and Drogo becomes zombie like.
I think a saw somebody dress like a dothraki in the 4 pic far on the rigth… I love the way Jon is dressed very fancy 🙂
They were trying to distract the people waiting outside of the restaurant while Kit and Peter get in to the car xD http://www.eitb.eus/es/pueblos-ciudades/bilbao/videos/detalle/4454703/video-tyrion-lannister-sir-davos-juego-tronos-cenan-bilbao/
For some reason I thought about a wedding Garland when I saw the thing around kit’s neck.
It would be nice to have a scene where dany walks along the shore and have a conversation ..
Iam so tired of getting the conversation in throne room..
The thing is not once anyone has said something like how she is like rhaegar and his sister than like her father..
They could have just used a line like ” most times you remind me of him ” or “how proud he will be of her ” when baaristan was having that conversation but they didn’t..
Dany gets compared to Rhaegar by both Ser Jorah and Barristan. She also dreams of herself as Rhaegar twice.
Yes i observed she walks away from them since at this point she is responding to the call of her children. Also drogo looks sad as she leaves them. I didnt forget that at all actually. But that last scene is still part of the visions. No matter how a persson wants to interpret it, the vision still exists along with all her other visions.
Iam talking about the show..
Queen Of All and nothing at all,
What is that you don’t agree with? Can you be more specific.
Flayed Potatoes,
I suppose they took their weapons
It seems to me they’re writing her a bit different to books.
Asoiaf fan,
For me the show HoTU is same like books where the undying are trying to trap dany inside by giving the visions of the things dany wants most ..
But dany doesn’t give in to the visisons but finds a way to her children. .
Geralt of Rivia,
It’s happening…
Asoiaf fan,
Yes, it’s all part of the scene including her walking away. Perhaps I didn’t explain myself. It’s about tempting Dany with the things she wants most in the world, and her finding the strength to walk away from them because they are no longer important to her or her priorities change.
We first see the warlock tempt her with the the Iron Throne. Which signifies her pursuit of the Iron Throne which has been a driving force for most of the story, she comes close, it’s within her grasp but she decides to head the call of her children and walk away. The next temptation is her family, the one she had with Drogo. This also plays a huge part of her story, she thinks about him often and especially throughout ADWD, She hasn’t let him go, the show I think showed this last season when she admitted not loving Daario, she’s closed herself from loving someone else. Anyhow, the warlocks show her this family, the family she almost had and keeps holding on to. She comes close to staying, but once again heads the call of her children and walks away from that dream.
Really ? After what they did to Jaime , Tyrion , shitty Hound return , poor Jon’s resurection and Lyanna Mormont trashing North you still expected them to care about the quality of the story ? I expect huge Gendry hate after his return for ruining the show !
I agree that there is definitely temptation and she has to fight it. There is no doubt about that. The beings in that house want to keep her there forever. But the hotud is showing us events that will happen, or they happened already. For example, she saw stannis holding a flaming sword. She saw the red wedding. The 4 kings fighting over the throne symbolism. She already experienced one treason for blood. She is unaware of jorahs treason for gold at this point but we know that will change. So we have a combination of the lure to stay and actual visions that will or have happened.i could go on and on but this is book material and it was left out of the show. Its great to discuss what alll this means to the future of the show and books.
Where’s Joe? I don’t see him?
Thank you! I have seen numerous posts here about the Show!HotU posts and how they signify that Daenerys will die beyond the Wall by joining Drogo. But for me it was clear the very first time that it was about temptations, and how she rejects both the throne and her dead family and in the very end, she chooses her “children” and destroys all illusions (the warlock/magic) with fire.
I think it’s deeper then that, from everything we’re getting I think Sansa is setting things up.
50% thinks she is screwing Jon, 50% think not; from everything we see or read naive Sansa left after book 1.5 and season 1 ( except for D&D forced change in S 5) if she is screwing anyone it’s LF whether she survives it is another question.
You say the North screwed him, I say it couldn’t happen as smoothly as it did without her letting it by being passive.
Just my opinion.
That is correct, to me the whole vision was about Dany overcoming the most powerful temptations, refusing the things she wants most for the sake of her children, she is able to put their needs above her own.
That scene alone made me understand why she is not her father, she is not her brother, n’or will she ever go mad, evil or any of those things. It assured me of how rational she is and how she is able to discern what she wants from what is right.
“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” she said sadly. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child. Then you will return, my sun-and-stars, and not before.” -Daenerys Targaryen”
That means never, because she and Jon will probably fall in love and give birth to a son, a Targaryen to keep the bloodline alive. She could die in the process but I think that would be a fantastic ending.
Grail King–
You are right–there will be many heroes. Jon and Dany and probably Tyrion most centrally of all, it seems. But as the game of thrones MUST be won before there’s enough unity to conquer the Dead, others are Arya, Bran, Sansa, Brienne, Jaime, Sandor, Davos, Varys, Sam, Gendry, and many more. Very little is straightforward or guaranteed–that is part of what makes this series (books, show) so exciting, thought-provoking, and reasonably unpredictable.
I agree with you: Daenerys’ words to Drogo in the HotU scene very clearly signified “Never”. I really don’t know about any romance, but I believe that at the end of the day, Targaryen, Stark and Lannister blood will remain alive, because they are the three main houses GoT is about. However, for me, a “fantastic” ending would certainly NOT be Daenerys dying in childbirth in a very medieval manner! 😀
Sean C.,
True 🙂 Also, until recently, Jon was lord commander of the Night Watch, whose job is to protect humanity–not just the North, not just the Westerosi. So he could look at the situation and decide that it’s best someone let Dany know what’s going on up North, as if the North falls, Dany’s going to have to meet the Walkers south of the Neck, and lots more people will die.
And then, yes, Dany, as usual, holds the power: Obsidian at Dragonstone and the dragons. She should also have access to Cersei’s wildfire. He has to convince her that something much, much worse than Cersei is heading her way.
…and then there’s the timing. This needn’t happen early in the season. I suspect it’ll take a while for the North to figure out that Dany exists, and a bit longer until it becomes obvious she’s winning. Also I admit it’s silly getting hung up on logistics in a work of fiction. Jon will go when the screenwriters determine he should.
The photo of Jon and Davos – it was good to see The White Wolf King dressed in ‘black as night’ garb just as his father Rhaegar chose and love the white wolf insignia on his king’s collar. It appears he has fully embraced being KiTN and looks the part. I for one hope he is not dressed for a wedding but the show has foreshadowed Dany marrying someone, and why else all those people who are clearly not an army? If so, it doesn’t mean they love each other or even like each other, just doing what is best to get what they want.
davos was born in Flea bottom he knows the place better than anyone ,he is a great smuggler and he saved Stannis during the siege of Storm’s end because of that.Tyrion needs a)to speak with Jaime b) someone to smuggle him into the red keep or a meeting place .Maybe they think it’s easier to smuggle two people than three and Cersei finds out about the secret meeting (Qyburn’s birds) and instead of Jaime the guards come .I don’t know why Gendry is with them.
I don’t think it was, but I assume that we will get the Battle of the Trident flashback this season, so maybe it will be introduced there.
Jaime and Bronn. That’s my surmise. Also think it may have something to do with Wild Fire and trying to figure out if Cersei has the entire of King’s Landing wired up.
I Wonder. From my perspective, I think Sansa got some real push back from the bannermen and especially from Lyanna Mormont when she, Jon, & Ser Davos were trying to recruit them all to fight the Boltons.
I don’t think the North quite trusted Sansa, as Lyanna Mormont said, ” Are you a Lannister or a Bolton?” and her arguments carried no weight:”Fight for us because you promised.”
Maybe Sansa, with Littlefinger’s encouragement, thought that by bringing in the army of the Vale to save the day after they were rebuffed by so many others, would make her more respected & trustworthy. But it obviously didn’t.
That final look she gave as they all proclaimed Jon KITN seemed to me, as Sansa thinking, “after all I’ve done they still don’t want me in charge.”
Does anyone else think that Bran reaches Winterfell with Meera, Arya is there, Sansa is there, and Tormund & Dolorous Edd are at the Wall if they need help, so that’s why he leaves Winterfell with Davos? My guess is they were all at Dragonstone for the Dragon glass & to meet Dany, and discuss the coming threat.
I Also wondered whether it would be possible for Jon to keep his title, KITN, while Bran becomes Lord of Winterfell?
I still hoping Sansa arranges for Royce & the Knights of the Vale to deal with the “Littlefinger problem.”
I’ve also been thinking about the observations by some here, that things are going to get very predictable. I can’t help but wonder. D&D may definitely throw something in to keep us off balance. I mean if it’s just a matter of killing the Night King and the wights, etc. That’s easy. Dragon glass, Valerian steel, and fire.
But is it possible that the Night King has some other powers we don’y know about yet? Like the power to “freeze” a dragon and turn it into a weapon against Dany? In the books we hear about Giant Spiders and Ice Dragons, but since they haven’t introduced them yet, maybe D&D will give some special power to the Night King we don’t know about.
Bran will become very important to the strategy to fight them.
I’m not so sure about Arya being at Winterfell before Jon leaves – she probably has other business to attend to first, like freeing her uncle and running into Sandor – but I do believe that it will be Bran’s arrival, combined with Sansa being there, that will make Jon feel like the Starks are back and he can turn his attention to other concerns. He may even start to feel like it’s not his home again, once a trueborn male heir has returned.
It would be really cool if, before he leaves, Bran points him to the crypts to discover the Mysterious MacGuffin that confirms his parentage.
The thing is; Dany is about compassion. That is a major part of her character. True; she has no problem with laying down the law; but making hard choices is what makes her a good leader.
ghost of winterfell,
It’s called a gorget, apparently. It’s meant to protect the throat and chest.
Robb wore one, as did Lord Manderly and Ser Davos last season. Theon wore one when he returned to Pyke. Jaime also wore one as part of his Lannister armour last season too, as did Tywin.
Exactamondo! What kind of evil trolls are climbing the watchers walls? Did it occur to anyone that jon figured out who he really is? And danny realized he is her nephew?
That finally she is NOT ALONE, she has family to fight for her, and with her? Jon is a direwolf and dragon, wait til he finds out he can ride a dragon along with danny. Oh man that’s gonna be magic.
Martins first draft had Jon and Arya fall in love. I’m sure aunt/nephew is no worse than former sibling/cousins. It’s Westeros, fictional ancient land, not modern day. Familiar marriages weren’t uncommon. I think viewers need to accept this. (Not saying that’s the direction show/book will go but if it does, it’s staying true to the world Martin created).