We now know the role of actress Souad Faress, first confirmed as a Game of Thrones cast member in late August. Her agency’s news page stated she would be filming in October for the show, but her part was not announced at the time.
According to her newly updated Spotlight CV, the actress “is currently filming in HBO’s Game of Thrones as the High Priestess.”
High Priestess of what, exactly? We’re not sure. Game of Thrones is still filming in Spain at the moment, with a Dothraki-heavy storyline, so it’s possible the priestess is part of this plot, or she could appear somewhere in the Meereen story. Priestesses are more likely in the Meereen plot but then, you never know. If the actress is spotted on set, or in costume, that would certainly help narrow it down!
There is more news today from Spain, courtesy of Melty.es, with photos of one of this season’s new locations in Almería- the Tabernas desert. According to Melty, cameras will roll in this area tomorrow.

It’s believed that the scenes filmed will involve Vaes Dothrak or more traveling to the city of Dothraki widows.
Thanks to WotW reader Kargaryen for the tip on the Melty piece!
For more casting news and Daenerys-season 6 spoilers, stop by our previous post.
Ho ho hodor
Hodor! 😉
Edit: damn
Edit 2: Looks like we got our Green Grace!
Edit: Damn!!!
Galazza Galare?
I have to wonder, if she were as important as the Green Grace, would she have a name? A title more distinct than High priestess?
Hauehauehyaye br br br
Brasil > all
Wouldn’t they use that name (or “the Green Grace”) in that case, though?
When her casting was initially announced I guessed that she was one of the Dosh Khaleen. I guess “High Priestess” could be a title for the leader of that group, but I’d nevertheless say that this names my original speculation less likely.
Sue the Fury,
Maybe she is Kinvara and Melanie Liburd’s character is just a priestess. One of the many, that Kinvara had promised to summon to Meereen in the casting video.
I really hope victarion is cast and dany is heading to westeros finally on this season, this merren arc is just boring
They were casting for a young woman for the role of Kinvara, I thought.
Yeah, I considered it, but then I was wondering why the young priestess was in the first casting call and seemed like a bigger deal- http://watchersonthewall.com/game-of-thrones-season-6-casting-has-begun-and-heres-the-list/ Also there was the audition by Tehmina Sunny for Kinvara and Sunny is only 35, and very beautiful, seems to match the description of the first priestess.
Sean C.,
I thought so too, based on the casting call. For now I guess the leader of the Dosh Khaleen. Until our great spies will prove me wrong.
Sean C.,
I still think you are right, that she is leader of Dosh Khaleen and maybe they are just using the “title” to show she is someone of importance
I’m pretty sure she will just be the head dosh khaleen, just like the nameless high priestess in season one, who chanted while Dany ate the horse heart. There’s also the fact that she looks like a Dothraki, and they’re filming that storyline currently. Also, considering the age range casting for Kinvara, it seems a no-brainer that Liburd is Kinvara, and that Faress has nothing to do with that. There are high priests in all religions! It’s just a generic title (unlike, say, High Septon, or Green Grace, or in the real world Cardinal or Pope).
Now I feel downright youthful. <3
I so thought she was one of the dosh khaleen who would prophesy something about Dany lol
Makes sense if she’s a high priestess though.
Queen of the Harpies!
I would have thought she a Benerro substitute, with the other actress a substitute of Moqorro
Perhaps a High Priestess of the Dothraki which I would have thought based on her ethnicity. Perhaps she is the character talking to the “young widow” in the audition tape dialogue
But all said I reckon the leadership caste of the Harpies is female, a good counter to the patriarchal Masters merchant class as they are to Dany
Dany will certainly have her counter-point in media
Well they say things like Northern Lord, Salt of the earth Priest and so on, so it’s understandable that they call her High Priestess.
Also the show is been known to change names or merge characters together so if she is called to play a “Green Grace” role but not identical to the one in the book they could change her name so it would be useless to reveal it.
She could also be another shadowbinder like Mirri who is with the Dosh Khaleen
“Northern Lord” is not the name of the character. That was a code name for casting purposes. The characters were actually Smalljon Umber and Lord Karstark.
In this case, her character name actually is the High priestess.
At last we know more about filming in that Sorbas municipality. The article at Melty reveals they will be filming at the Gypsiferous Karst of Sorbas, where there are a bunch of canyons and caves. Also, they exclusively reveal Dany will reunite with Daario and Jorah!
Sue the Fury,
I didn’t understood that, my bad. Even so they could choose to not use the name Green Grace if it’s not an exact copy of the book character,and to avoid the introduction of all the Graces Hyerarchy i think.
I’m not too sure why they would use an “english sounding” name if she is a Dothraki because they always use Dothraki names when talking about them: Khal, Khaleesi, Dosh Khaleen, …
High Priestess of what? I still say she is the head the Dosh Khaleen.
The name “High Priestess” seems a bit too formal for a dosh khaleen. I’m thinking she’s playing the Green Grace instead.
Luka Nieto,
Huh? “High Priestess” si not her birth name or anything. It’s just a title; probably nobody will even say it in dialogue, neither in English or Dothraki. She’s the High Priestess, just like the Drowned Priest who baptized Theon in the show was… the Drowned Priest, because that’s what he was, even though nobody said who he was. It just makes more sense to credit her in English.
They also reveal that the filming at Mesa Roldán will be at the Lighthouse, not on the old tower, as we had all previously assumed. If it looks a bit too modern, well, it does; the article also confirms there will be CGI involved.
I’m going to say take this stuff with a grain of salt- they’re not even linking to which La Voz de Almeria article they’re referring to, and they seem to be editing in stuff after publishing so I’m not sure what’s up.
They must have chosen that for the location, right next to the water. I see Dany looking at the Narrow Sea.
Sue the Fury,
Unless they’re just making stuff up, they’re making many claims of exclusive reveals, not just of going by other reports.
Could be anything, really. Doesn’t have to be Dany’s story line, necessarily. It could be Dorne, Oldtown… even King’s Landing if they wanted to.
Part of Dosh Khalen. She looks similiar to actress that portrayed Mirri Maz Duur. I can see some cryptic messages/prophecies to Dany about what her future holds. I would like to see show hinting more direct connection between Jon and Dany. Since we’re approaching the final stages of the story. Parallels between them, they’re going to meet and it’s going to be arguable the most important meeting in the series and plenty of connections in the books.
Dany’s time with Dothraki sounds better with each news.
You have permission to *preen*
The pics are as boring as Dany’s story. I’m not looking forward to watching her ride around the desert for five episodes. The Dothraki are boring as heck as well. They almost ruined GOT for me in season one. I didn’t like the show in the beginning because of Dany’s arc. No action at all, and a whole lotta poor acting.
Hush now, I want her to finally look at the Narrow Sea, ready for the voyage. 🙂
That’s what strikes me too, from that pic. Maybe she’s Mari Maz Duur, Mirri Maz Duur’s long lost sister, with a score to settle, and a destiny of getting burnt.
Now will all the “Faress is Stoneheart” people stop?
Sue the Fury,
First the rumor was she is LSH, then the real aged Melisandre now a Dothraki high priestess. Cant wait to hear who she is.
Even if this isn’t a “code name” I can see why the most senior/influential woman of the dosh khaleen would be referred to as “high priestess” for the purposes of credits and scripting. For one thing, if such a person even gets a title in Dothraki culture, we don’t know the word(s), and even if DJP was tasked with making it they had to call her something in the script. And then, just because credits are so political, the actor and her agent are going to want a descriptive credit for all those future casting directors who aren’t going to know what the hell “avillenaz khaleesi” means.
could they have intentionally given it a vague name on the casting sheet to throw us off track?
The Dragon Demands,
The fact that this came out now whilst they’re shooting Dothraki stuff is telling enough. She’s almost certainly the other older Dosh Khaleen that’s showing Dany around in Young Widow’s audition scene.
Huh, Roldán not being used for the old tower? But for that run of the mill lighthouse? Sure, the front door has something that looks like a Dornish arcway, but the rest of the building looks really bland. I can imagine we see Doran rolling out of his castle and than looking past the corner and seeing Dany’s fleet.. LOL. But truthfully, there’s quite a bit of random constructions near that front door, so I do wonder how they’ll make that work. The coastline is a thing of beauty though, so if they’re just using it to film the coast (and please, please let that shot include Dany’s fleet), it does make sense. It just seems wasteful not to include such an impressive feature as the old tower that’s right there waiting to be filmed.
Hadn’t heard that one! That’s actually quite intrepid! But she doesn’t really have much of Carice’s features, so I doubt it, but it would’ve been epic. I thought people were fairly certain on Dosh Khaleen from the start, but I like the idea of the Green Grace as well, as that gives Tyrion two color-coded females to engage with: Red Kinvara, Green Galazze.. xD
Seems like a suitable dosh khaleen high priestess in Vaes Dothrak. I wonder if the dosh khaleen will be harmful or helpful toward Dany?
On a related note, Tyrion dealing with red priestesses, high priestesses and/or green graces will be a hoot!
I agree with those who point out her resemblance to MMD. Since D&D are doing the unpublished (unwritten) books in roughly 2.5 seasons, perhaps her character is an amalgamation of priestesses that are encountered by Dany and her crew going forward. She can impart some useful information or prophecies, perhaps attempt to get rid of Dany, then be fried by Drogon. Sounds like a good part to me!
I’m just glad that it looks like I might enjoy the Dany storyline a little more this year.
Woah. Never heard that second rumor but dammit!!! I was hoping she would be LSH… 🙁
Could Faress be playing a female version of Benerro?
Well, making stuff up is about as exclusive a reveal as you can get! 😀
I am leaning towards toasssty warm…..
If she is actually The Green Grace, that would be so great! They’ve appapted the complicated mereen storyline quite faithfully up until now, really taking their time to develop it. But from the new group of mereenese characters that were introduced in Dance, only Hizdahr has been included in the show (the Sons of The Harpy too, but they’re masked so…).
We’ve had no Reznak, no Green Grace, no Skahaz Shavpate, No Krazz. Reznak would have been a fun addition as a slightly comedic example of the ignorant nobility of mereen, but he’s easily cutable. The Shavepate is one of my favorite minor characters from Dance, but Dario does Danys dirty work in the show and I guess the Brazen Beast would have been too much, with The Sons already being in the mix. Krazz I honestly thought they were gonna include in the pit-arc, but oh well.
Hisdahr worked until now as the ‘face’ of mereen nobility. But he’s dead and we’re clearly getting one more season long arc in mereen, so I would be suprised if they did not draw on a few characters already established in the book. The Green Grace might actually be the way they choose.
Beginning with last season they started delving much more into religion. Season 6 is gonna have more of The Faith with cerceis trial coming up, rumors of a bunch of fanatic outlaws and the possible inclusion of Septon Meribald. Its also gonna offer a more extensive examination of the red religion with melisandre probably getting a central role, and that Kinvarra-character. Danys own arc will obviously explore the diety of The Dothraki, with the Dosh Kahleen being introduced. The Faceless Men cult, or whatever it is, will also be further examined, and The worship of The Drowned God also seem to be explored, at least a little bit since Aeron Greyjoy has been cast.
So putting some emphasis on Mereens religion would make a lot of sence, since we’re spending now the third season there. The Temple of The Graces has been mentioned at least twice by Hisdahr (both in s4 and s5), Dany herself has mentioned it I think, and also the announcer at the pit fight. That religion is well established within the show, so with this announment of another High Priestess, the rising emphasis of religion (and the fact that no one still knows who actually controls the SOTH) I tend to believe this actress is playing The Green Grace. And I’m very happy about that. She’s an interesting, minor character.
Looking forward to Dany’s storyline this year with the Dothraki. Seems like they’ve infused a lot of new and exciting characters. The Dothraki culture is fascinating to me, definitely way more interesting than these slavemasters and pretentious noble types Dany’s been dealing with since season 2. Doesn’t hurt that most of the actors and actresses cast so far aren’t the worst to look at either.
Since the first news about the dosh khaleen being in season 6 leaked I thought they’d have an important part in the next season. As I’ve said in past comments, I believe they will prophesy something about Dany, because in season one the dosh khaleen only showed up to tell about TSWMTW prophecy, when they were in VD. And basically they are wise women and even the khals respect their opinions. I don’t think they’d try to harm Dany or make people think something about her other than the truth.
I also believe they’ll prophesy something about Dany because of that part in ACOK when Dany had this vision in THOTU:
lucas br?????
I’m wondering the same thing, like how Ramsay was originally credited as “boy.”
I’m leaning towards something similar to the Dothraki high priestess in S1, though. It’d be amazing to get the Green Grace, though.
Are you serious? How could anyone think she looks anything like Michelle Fairley? Her features are nothing like Fairley’s. And she’s a completely different nationality. Definitely not LSH. Probably a Dothraki high priestess.
Well, they are adapting a book that none of us have yet read! A few new characters are to be expected: we get them every book and we get them every season. This is just the first time that we’ll see them on screen before we read them on page.
K Noelle,
Well, she has hair on top of her head. And she has a nose in the middle of her face that is sort of nose-shaped. And she has two eyes above that nose. Intriguingly, both women have mouths directly under their noses, and more tellingly still: chins right below those mouths.
I mean, it’s like they were separated at birth or something….
High Septon – Faith of the Seven
Green Grace – gods of Ghis
Cardinal – Catholicism
Pope – Catholicism
high priestess – gods of Ghis
high priest/High Priest – R’hllor
priestess – gods of Ghis; R’hllor; Catholicism
priest – Drowned God; R’hllor; Catholicism
godswife/Godswife – the Great Shepherd
Interesting that a few folks are quoting that HotU prophesy (referenced in your comment).
Regarding the dosh khaleen support of Dany, what exactly would be the “truth” in your opinion? Regardless of the prophesy, I think they would be fairly skeptical of Dany’s claim after being brought forth (in restrainst?) by the khalasar.
[Please note that I am still struggling with the scenario of Dany becoming a prisoner without Drogon around when they should be a Fire & Blood team at this point]
Regardless of my concerns, I wonder if the dosh khaleen want her to prove who she is with some “tests”, which end in the burning of the structure, which Dany walks out of. After reading the previous thread (and comment battles), would Drogon actually burn a structure with Dany in it? That bothers me. Or is this a test by the skeptics (within dosh khaleen or another group)?) who get more than they bargained for when Dany walks out AND Drogon arrives? Could be impressive. I fear that the dosh khaleen could be violently caught up in the fiery destruction and aftermath, before the khal “bends the knee.”
If she was the Green Grace she’d have filmed in Meereen, not the Dothraki locations. And Meereen filming is over as far as we know.
Should’ve used her as Maggy in last season. They wouldn’t even needed to use any makeup
Oh! SWEET! 😀 Finally some Jorah news again. Thanks.
Do we know that all indoor Meereen filming is also over? I would like Faress to be leader of the Harpies. I need that mystery solved as to who was behind them.
Hodor’s Bastard,
We shouldn’t get too hung up on this as yet: there are so many specific scenarios that could play out here that it’s really tough to guess exactly what the sequence of events are.
It was never really presented as much of a mystery on the show, it seems.
Of course. Girls get tons of new Dothraki pumped up male candy, and we get an old hag.
Sue the Fury,
Not necessarily, if they want to keep the fans guessing. I’m hoping its her, but she doesn’t look green enough!
Off topic:
Maisie Williams has just been on BBC Radio and mentioned that her shooting schedule for GOT was messed up because of a problem with one of the sets which has meant that she unexpectedly has lots of time off at the moment. Could this be linked to Riverrun I wonder?
I’m really annoyed they are going for “Dany walks out of fire unharmed” thing again. She isn’t immune to fire, it was one off blood magic thing why re-use it? Season 6’s Dany’s story is shaping up to be the exact same fucking thing as her season 1 arc. Taken captive by Dothraki, try to win them over, eventually walk out of a fire unburned and win them over (Although she had limited success with the latter in s1)
No. This was something she mentioned much earlier in the shoot too. Something back in July or August. And she meant that another set was delayed which then made more room for her to shoot. The set that was screwed up wasn’t the one she was working on.
In the show, Dany didn’t get burned by the dragon eggs or the hot bath. It was more than a one time thing. And with Kinvara, I think they want to put forward that she is Azor Ahai and finally start using that prophecy. Which works nicely alongside Jon’s resurrection.
God of tits and wine,
You’re being harsh. You can’t expect an older lady to look like a twentysomething. But really, could you see a young actress WANTING to be cast as an older character. I’ve looked on Wikipedia and although she’s not a household name she’s been in some works that have received critical acclaim over the years. She had two (albeit small) parts in “I, Claudius” back in the day and in the eighties was in “My Beautiful Launderette” which starred a (then) young and up-and-coming actor, Daniel Day-Lewis. The High Priestess role sounds like one which will need somebody who can bring a certain amount of gravitas to it. And as for nice-looking young ladies being cast in the show, well Melanie Liburd is uncommon handsome. I’ve missed whether the “young widow” has been cast but the lady who did the audition was attractive.
Wow, our Kahleesi is looking super hot!!!
Hey this is GoT news, kinda…
Dany may not take the Iron Throne but she won the Sexy Throne!
Exactly, changing this now would be even worse, cousing needless confusion.
When the overwhelming majority of the audiance knows she is fireproof/resistant to fire,..etc.
Hell I say even the majority of book-readers think that. Not all people read everything Martin says.
Saw this on Martins blog. Really glad for Emilia and well desarved in my opinion.
How will it work nicely alongside Jon’s resurrection? They won’t actually make the resurrection Jon’s feat in any similar way to Daenerys’ pyre event in s1. They’ll have Melisandre take the credit for Jon’s comeback, much like it wasn’t due to Beric but Thoros that Beric came back from the dead. Jon won’t be back thanks to any special powers or abilities he might have. It will be a pretty straightforward resurrection of a corpse (it’ll be a more complex matter in canon). It won’t make Jon appear ‘special’, more like something that shouldn’t be. Apart from Daenerys, Bran, Melisandre, WWs, Giants, CotF and Bloodraven, the show made sure to emphasise how every other character is just a simple human without any magical/mystical imagery surrounding them. They’ll keep the prophecy themes to a minimum, just AAR/One who was Promised/Stallion (as one and the same), which they will only link Daenerys to. In the books, quite a few characters will play a significant role in the upcoming war and there will be ‘3 heads’, in the show they will single out Daenerys because reasons, despite the fact she may be involved in the main plot for 2 seasons tops, out of 8.
Kristian Nairn in some costume. Anyone know if this is GOT-related?
Why the hell would she be fireproof? No Targ ever has been fireproof, no on even Aegon himself. It’s silly. She does have higher tolerance against fire in terms of handling pain but that’s it. As usual D&D are catering to the lowest common denominator again, the guys that still call her Khaleesi. “We don’t have a new book to follow so we are gonna regurgitate season 1 plot line again down to the climax”
It does sound like a bit of a repetition of her s1 arc with a few similarities to her following ones. Is sold to a khalasar/taken by a khalasar, travels with them until a neat fire trick compels them to bend the knee to her in awe of her greatness. There will be some mistreated slaves/former khaleesis for her to take care of, they will make Daenerys’ motherly/saviour instincts kick in, perpetuating the Mhysa narrative. She’s supposed to be embracing ‘Fire and Blood’.
The tags claim it’s from Game of Thrones, and his tatoo is disguised. The guy who uploaded it works at a London-based VFX company, though I don’t know if they have done any work in Game of Thrones before. All in all, I’d say it is him playing Hodor… who is wearing a coat of mail! And a sword! And he’s on a VFX shoot. Wow. Wow. Crazy theory, but what if Bran sends Meera and Hodor south of the Wall (maybe to deliver some… Jon-related information?), and they are (or at least Hodor is) present during the Battle of the Six Armies? That’d be pretty amazing.
Yes. Having Drogon burn the Dothraki leaders, leaving Dany alive and in charge of the rest of Dothraki, who bow before her, just screams that they will ignore the “Fire and Blood” turn. You’re just determined to hate this story line, no matter what.
I don’t know which one is the truth exactly, I just don’t think they’d create a story. I’m assuming they’ll see something big around her, her future. They are supposed to see the future so even if she’s not in a comfortable position when she arrives in VD, I’d still think they’ll see her as someone who’s supposed to be very important.
Regarding about how she’s gonna get the huge khalasar, just stepping out of the fire, unhurt and alive wouldn’t make the dothraki follow her because we know they follow only the strong. In the season finale of season 1 they bowed to her because she was unhurt AND had 3 dragons. So it was a combination of both. At this point she will have to have some control over Drogon to make them respect and follow her. So if it’s Drogon or not who burn the tent, we’ll have to wait and see. But she certainly will show she’s at least connected to him in order to gain their respect.
Just please don’t be Jorah and Daario to burn the tent. Please.
Oh, so you have read TWOW. Please tell me, time traveler, what happens in the book, and how is it any different from what we know from Season 6?
Dany being a Targ doesn’t make her fireproof, Dany being AAR makes her fireproof.
But you are clearly just an angry purist. Please go to Westeros.org, there they will agree with you on everything.
Did Martin give you a copy of TWOW? I would be carefull of speaking with the certainty you do, it may come and bite you in the ass later on.
Grey Worm is in Almeria
And someone spotted Missandei
Nice, can’t wait to see him!
So, the Alcazaba of Almería is definitely Meereen then.
Nice to see Grey Worm, by the way. If I’m not mistaken, he hadn’t been spotted as of yet.
How does being AAR make one fireproof? How does being fireproof (she wasn’t in s1 outside of the pyre scene) make one AAR? What’s the logic? Where’s the connection? Original Azor wasn’t fireproof so there’s no precedence. He also didn’t have a dragon, but a sword and a dog…
You might be down with the show turning Daenerys into an anime character, but others would like to see better storytelling.
Yeah it will be interesting to see if Dany Dragon Egg Pyre is a twin event to a Jon Snow resurrection (via his own funeral pyre)
That said to be fair people seemed to have gotten the impression she is fireproof from that whereas from what I’ve been able to gather going by GRRM quotes it was a “one-off” magical event which has probably involved sacrifice and bloodmagic etc
I’m a little cynical that if Drogon does end up torching main Hut with Khals present Dany would be in it.
You using Hyperbolic statements clearly shows that you have no regard to other peoples likes/opinion.
Some people may simply enjoy other kind of storrytelling then you do. Nothing more.
You not liking it doesn’t make it ”bad”.
Again, that is the definition of unique something that no character ever had before, so your ”arguments” that no one had it before is too me, null and void.
Ghost’s Lunch,
I suspect they will try too combine Jon’s ressurection with Dany bowing the Dothraki.
They where quite keen to show similarities beatween the 2 in the previous season, and I fully expect them to do more this season.
Still haven’t answered my question. How does being fireproof make one AAR and vice versa?
There’s been many characters and subplots, one in particular has been all about the endgame since the beginning, it’s not going to be all about one person, especially one who has yet to have anything to do with the main plot, in spite of what you want. If you want that, this is not the story for you.
BTW it’s dickish to accuse a person of being a purist just because they might enjoy other characters more than your Daenerys or might want a more complex story than ‘the chosen one comes and saves the day and everyone lives happily ever after’, might want to see a joint effort in the end, instead of having a superhero do all the work and his sidekicks do the less important stuff, might want ‘the hero/es to face hardships and struggle instead of having an easy ride because of a magical beast. This is not why Martin has built such an intricate world with many characters and storylines intertwined with each other. You want the show to simplify things to a bare minimum, and be another generic superhero story, then fine, whatever…
Luka Nieto,
Okay, I tried to be subtle by mentioning in the other posts that I unsubscribed from them due to the bickering. But some people apparently don’t get it unless you hit them with a brick over their heads.
Here you are, the all knowing Mihnea and Luka, at it again. Stating your opinions are actual facts. Belittling everyone else who does not agree with you and starting pointless arguments.
I have not read the books, but watched each season numerous times.
That does not make me a know-it-all.
A post with no drama from you two would be oh so nice. And I am pretty sure there are quite a few regulars here that feel the same.
So, SHUT UP!!!
There, I said it. I feel so much better now. And I don’t feel bad about it because that is pretty much what you tell everyone that does not agree with you.
Ready to exhale……AHHHHHHHH
Or they may combine the wildlings willing to follow Jon with the dothraki bowing to Dany, because my guess is Jon gets resurrected before Ep4
For the love of R’hllor, the Seven and the Old Gods, not this fireproof / fire-resistant fight again.
ghost of winterfell,
Yes, I expect the resurrection to appear fairly early in the season. He needs to be well and assemble the troops for the big battle.
You see I never said that you liking a different kind of story is bad, or that if I don’t like it is bad.
Dany not being fireproof is fine. Unlike you I did not say it is bad writting. Nor did I say if you like a character portraied in a different way is bad writing.
Nor did I say that Martin is a bad writer if he writes the story you want, like you did.
What botheres me is that you say it is bad writing/”dumbing down”, or like someone else said ” they are apealing to the lowest common denominator”. This is clearly a insult to those who like what they do, milions of people you and others dissmiss because they didn’t read the books, I did not said that what you like is bad.
Neither did I called it bad writting. You throw hyperbolic statements, that this is a ”anime” or that I like a cliche story, or that I like the story to be bare minimun.
While only you know what the ”right” story, ”good” story is. This is simply insulting.
Not going to disscuss anything story related anymore with you, so don’t bother.
ghost of winterfell,
That is very possible actoully! Never tought of it.
It really depands tough.. how long will Jon stay dead? 1-2 EP?
Really looking foward to it tough
Dolorous Edd,
I know. Can you believe it? Stirring the same shit up again.
You quoted me in a post in which I was saying exactly the same thing as you are; we haven’t read TWOW, so how are these people so sure of these differences between the books and the show? I’m not stating anything as fact but the fact of our own ignorance regarding what is going to happen in the future. There is a trend I’m noticing here, in a few people in particular —when they see something they like, it must be from TWOW; when they don’t like it, it must be a show invention. My point is precisely that we can’t know!
Personally, I’m surprised by the reports that Dany will come out of the temple while it is burning down. If the reports are correct, I’ll accept it and move on, but I am surprised. Still, I doubt they would invent something like that if GRRM hadn’t told them. But… I don’t know! I’m not the one stating speculation as fact here. I try to be very careful and say that all of this is just me speculating. Others… aren’t so careful, and then go on to insult D&D for stuff they don’t even know will happen. That’s where you’ll see me being sarcastic and bitchy, as in the post in which you quoted me. Basically, they’re making themselves angry: they speculate on something they wouldn’t like to happen, assume it will happen, and then get angry about it. What’s the point?
I think Dany’s waterproof. I have no evidence to base that assumption off, but it may come in useful if she falls off Drogon/a boat into the Narrow Sea as she is making her way to Westeros.
Ep2 maybe, if I had to guess. Still, there will most likely be parallels between the two events.
ghost of winterfell,
Can’t wait. ☺
ghost of winterfell,
EP 2-3 is a good guess in my opinion, doing it any later and it might feel a bit like they are dragging this storyline, when everyone knows he is not staying dead.
Doing it in EP1 tough, would be a bigger mistake in my opinion.
If they plan on screening one or more episodes early as they have in the past, I’m hoping Jon’s resurrection actually takes place later rather than sooner, as I’d prefer to see how it happens unspoiled… and you know someone who saw it early will undoubtedly spoil the whole thing.
Yeah, agreed.S6 sounds better and better with every leak 🙂
I don’t think the resurrection will happen in ep1 either. Plus, don’t they hold the premiere well before the airing date? There is no way they would be able to control the leaks in that case. But it has to be in the next 2 eps, the people around him would not just leave his body lying around. They would want to cremate him asap! The only other way is Mel smuggling his body away from CB, even then he has to be resurrected early if he is going to fight that battle as a Stark in Ep9!
Just like ghost of winterfell said. Widlings willing to follow Jon or maybe even bowing down to him (don’t know) and Dothraki bowing down to Dany, to maybe showcase two saviours/two leaders(not talking about AAR). It’s not something new, because they’ve been doing it since S01. Someone mentioned here Dany and Jon being victorious in there respective battles.
Based on those similarities and parallels between them…they might want to set them up as enemies or lovers. In fact I don’t prefer or like either of those options, but it will be interesting where this all leads them.
As for Jon and his resurrection. Ep.1 it’s too early and it will be impossible to keep it secret. I think HBO learned their lesson with showing first 4 episodes to people. Last seasons leaks affected ratings in a way and there might be only premiere or maybe ep.2 well before it airs. Nothing more that that. Since big things are happening from the very beginning of the season, they would want to keep as many of these secrets truly secret.
ghost of winterfell,
Actually, it may even make more sense, timeline-wise, for the show to catch up with the Wall in episode two. The season’s last two scenes with Melisandre’s arrival and then Jon’s death happened probably a few weeks later than the rest, so they could easily catch up with the Wall in episode two or so without missing anything at all; they could even have Melisandre’s immediate reaction to the assassination, for example. It’s not that they follow timelines religiously in the show, but last we saw Theon and Sansa was just after the battle —if we catch up with them immediately after in episode one, and also with the Wall, the timelines will be desynchronized by quite a bit —Davos left for the Wall on the eve of battle, and when we caught up with him he was already talking with Jon; and then Melisandre arrived, who had left Stannis on the morning of the Battle. It’s not that timelines not matching is a big problem, at all (discrepancies always self-correct in the vague time skips between episodes); my point is that they could catch up with the Wall in episode two or even three right after Jon’s death and it would still be technically right.
I really hope they dont screen in advance any episodes beyond the premiere this year ! I dont want any leaks for this season !
Geralt of Rivia,
Yeah I agree here, only don’t think that the wildling will bow, for obvious reasons! 😛
Also just want to say my 2 cents on Jon/Dany realashionship. I don’t think they will be lovers or anything romantical. But neither enemies, the only reason for them to be enemies in my opinion is who is the rightfull heir of the IT, and I simply can’t see Jon press his claim, even if he knows his true heritage.
A friendship based on mutuall respect and admiration is in my opinion the most likely.
Sure we do: we saw her take a bath in episode 1 and she survived just fine. I don’t think that she even got wrinkled or shrunk a size. That’s pretty waterproof!
Just don’t ask her to breathe underwater: she doesn’t have gills…..
You joke, but she did hold a schorching hot dragon egg without leaving a single mark on her hands, while her handmaiden burnt severely when she tried. The bath is just foreshadowing the scene in “Fire and Blood”, it doesn’t even need to be an “ability” (though it is in the books, as Valyrians are said to be more resistent to heat.) The searing dragon eggs, though… that was way more direct. I’m not saying Dany always was and always will be fireproof; as far as we know, she only was so during the eventful funeral of Drogo, with Mirri’s sacrifice and the hatching of the dragons. But, in storytelling terms, the bath scene and especially the hot eggs scene was foreshadowing her magical fireproof moment. And that moment may repeat in Season 6, if the reports aren’t mistaken. Doesn’t mean she always was or will be fireproof.
Luka Nieto,
Or you know, the fact she survived the pyre, and there has been absolutly nothing in the show to prove or even hint it being only a 1 time thing.
In the books? Sure. I never argued she is fireproof in the books, here I just said that Martin could have left some hints at least. Not every one reads his interviews.
Luka Nieto,
Okay…but even if they skip the Wall in ep 1, he would still have to be resurrected pretty soon. Because after that event, he will have to deal with the NW men who stabbed him, decide to go to winterfell, get the wildlings to follow him, ensure that the other northern lords are willing to fight with/for him, potentially meet Rickon all before Ep 9
Of course! And she was also having a bath before Daario came to ogle her for the first time. I’m glad to see that evidence is piling up for my theory. Thanks Wimsey!
Name *,
😀 This is so funny 😀
ghost of winterfell,
Agreed 🙂
Actually, I expect (or maybe just want, I admit) to see Jon and what happens in episode one. I was just saying they could easily delay it without creating any timeline problems. Either way, I’m excited!
Well, who knows. I was going to write “we’ll see”, but I doubt we’ll ever deeply get into the specifics of how these things work, neither in the books nor especially on the show. So maybe we’ll never know for sure. If the event at the Dothraki temple meets certain characteristics familiar to us, and it seems likely that it will (unwilling sacrifices, dragons), it may be that the magical event repeats, and that Dany isn’t meant to always be fireproof. I doubt that she has that ability… it’s basically a comic-book superpower.
It would be cool if she was immune to dragonfire, though, or at least the fire from her dragons specifically (which is one and the same, in terms of this story, unless there are other dragons hiding somewhere.)
I don’t remember —was she burnt by Drogon at Daznak’s Pit, in the books? She did throw fire at her, that much I remember. Did she burn? If it was only hair, it doesn’t really count, because she went bald when it first happened in aGoT.
Yes, made me LOL!
Luka Nieto,
I think ”fireproof” is the wrong word for it. It does make one think of superpowers.
I doubt she will literelly be on fire and just walk it off.
But until I’m proven wrong on screen, I still belive Dany is ”fire-resistant” or whatever words people want to use.
But like you said, it is highly unlikly this things will ever be explained, after all how can you explain magic.
I’m really eager to see how they’re going to handle this, because they can go three diferent routes with that pyre, simply praying over his body like Thoros did with Beric or something new combination of R’hllor and Old Gods.
As for their relationship. I really your way of thinking about this (well not only this). They share similair experiences in their lives and friendship based on mutual respect and admiration for one another over the period of time,that sounds good. But if I really had to choose between enemies or romantic pairing. I would say romance is likely option.
I can’t see them fighting for many reasons (I know some people want them to fight) WW will be the main one, they might be related and that’s the last thing they would want to do. Especially Dany, since she’s trying to come to terms she’s a last Targaryen without a family. If she finds out that she’s not alone. There might be differences of way to achieve victory against Others, because they do things in a bit different way. Agree about potential Jon’s claim. He’s not the kind of guy to press it, unless duty calls and he needs to do it for the greater good/realm. Otherwise no.
This is really becoming ridiculous. Is every single thread going to be WotW domination by Minea and Luka? And with the same ol’ thing repeated over and over again? Because, while I know that no one gives a goats bobo, I don’t need it any longer. It has ruined any level of spontaneity and fun about discussing these new topics.
*tips hat*
I don’t think I’m being confontrational or rude. I certainly don’t mean to “dominate” the thread. Is that really how I appear? I’m just commenting my theories and ideas. Please tell me how to improve and I will. If you just mean that I should just… not post here, well, I don’t think that’s very reasonable. Still, if I’m really spoiling the fun of so many, I’ll take it into consideration.
EDIT. What is the same old thing repeated over and over again? If you mean the fireproof thing, that just came up like yesterday… and I don’t even agree with Mihnea, as I explained. I just don’t see what I said!
Besides my comments to Phantomstrife, I had quite a nice and polite disccussion/debate with other people.
Also isn’t what he does the same thing you blame me and Luka of doing? Coming on every thread to say just how bad the story is, how bad the writers are if they write this, and how if we like it, we like cliche stories, or dumbed-down things?
What’s so bad about Luka’s posts in this thread in particular? I haven’t seen him say anything really inflammatory.
Her hands get burnt as she tries to hold on to Drogon when he flys away.
She wraps strips torn from her dress around them which she also does on the show suggesting she burnt her hands on the show as well.
Geralt of Rivia,
Ah, yes the old gods/Bran theories! Heard quite a lot of them.
I for one don’t think the theory is real. The fact that they sended Mell to CB again, is quite a big sign, pointing to her being involved in Jon coming back. How will she do it? Like Thoros did? Or could we see a new way/ritual? They did made quite a case in having Mell see how Thoros brings Beric back tough.
But everything could go, and I may very well be wrong here and you right with the Old-Gods theory.
Agree, somewhat here, if we really have to choose beatween lovers and enemies, I would go with lovers too. But still a simple friendship seams the most probable option to me.
Robb Snow,
They( Luka and Mihnea) have a certain level of animosity to every poster that post anything that clashes with their perceptions of show characters and theories related to the same characters. It comes as a rude and impolite. I even tested it in a few occasions, and they delivered. And every thread is the same as this one.
House Adder,
If you could point me to an example, I’d appreciate it. I don’t mean it as a challenge, I don’t mean to say I don’t do what you say I do; I just would like to know what it is that I say, or how I say it, that is so confrontational or rude. I reply to people I agree or disagree with when I have something to say, but I don’t think I am impolite, usually. However, sometimes I have been rude in the past, I know that, and obviously if many people think I’m impolite, I am (one can’t really say “I’m not being an arsehole”; it’s about the perception of others.) I’m just not sure why everyone is so fired up in these last few threads about my behavior. But please tell me. I like this community. I don’t want animosity.
House Adder,
There are many criticism/theories I don’t share, but where written in a polite and constructive matter. That I did not argued against.
And no, neither do I ”atack” people who don’t agree with me. But when you start saying that the only valid view on the story, is yours (not directed to you or anyone else in particular), start insulting the writers and say that if I like those things I like ”dumbed-down” sories, or that I wish for a ”bare minimum” story, and yours is the only ”good/complex” one, I do like to jump in and remind people that is simply not true.
Luka Nieto,
I come here, just like everyone else to have fun with sometimes stupid ideas, you take this thread and some people opinions to seriously and take all the fun from tinfoil and other guessing and predictions for the show.
For what it’s worth, I don’t think Luka Nieto or Mihnea are being confontrational or rude. Or have been. 🙂 I quite enjoy their posts. The same cannot be said for quite a few posters here who are hell-bent on every single commenter here having the EXACT same opinion as themselves with respect to some characters (Daenerys, Sansa, Tyrion and others).
Thank you! Finally some Grey Worm. I was getting a teensy bit worried about his fate, given the actor was busy elsewhere.
House Adder,
I’ll try to loosen up, then, if that helps 😉
Why, thank you! Still, obviously I have created some animosity here, so I’ll to improve my behavior. I have reviewed my comment on this last thread, for example, and I can see how my sarcasm wouldn’t be appreciated by some 😉
Thank you. 🙂
Luka Nieto,
Please do, because you know to be pretty funny gay or gal, don’t catch fire without the good reason, enjoy the posts for what they are, funny speculations of GOT fans hungry for more good spoilers on this site. 😉
You and I must be reading different posts.
House Adder,
I have entered quite a few-tinfoil debates, even bringing my own ones.
I have never ”attacked” people for having theories. No matter how much I disagreed with them.
The only comments i’m a bit more direct are those that say their opinions are the only ones who matter, and ours are not valid. Like saying, if you don’t like the story I like, then you don’t like ”complexity” or ”you like dumbed-down” stories.
I’m still wondering what you meant. Again, not a challenge, but an actual question. You quoted me in a post in which (though I could’ve saved the sarcasm for myself, I admit) I agreed with your position! You accused me of stating my opinions as fact… in a post in which I was specifically saying that none of us have read TWOW so we shouldn’t state our opinions as facts.
You were also quite rude about it. I don’t think I have ever been so rude as to “shout” someone else here to “SHUT UP!”.
They might not cremate him: that might be reserved for Men of the Watch, and they have judged him to be a traitor to the Watch. Moreover, the fact that they have judged Jon a traitor basically means that they are rejecting the idea that the Walkers and the Wights are that grave a threat: if they truly accepted that idea, then they would not deem Jon a traitor.
But here is the bigger key: the Nationalists are not all of the Night’s Watch. There are Loyalists. There are some who were at Hardhome and know the truth of what happened there. There might be some who survived the Fist (although seemingly not many) and who also understand the truth of it. And there are the Wildlings.
So, what might happen instead is that Castle Black will be in a state of Civil War: the Nationalists/Wildlings-are-the-enemy side vs. the Loyalist/Walkers-are-the-enemy side. And, of course, you have Mel there: and we know who she thinks the real enemy is. Moreover, you have the Wildlings there: and as they obviously do not think the Wildlings to be enemies AND know the truth about Hardhome.
And, of course, there is one other factor that could play in soon: Ramsay will want his wife and Theon back, and his first idea will be that they fled to Castle Black because he did tell Sansa that Jon was now Lord Commander.
I think perhaps we can get a bit too worked up about “book purists” at times on here. I know there are a couple of regular-ish posters here who seem to have a propensity for insulting the show and its cast and crew (they know who they are), but fortunately they are few in number. Most posters here are pretty civil and open-minded, even some of the more critical ones.
House Adder,
Pfft, everyone knows Roose Bolton is actually a skin-stealing immortal and that the High Sparrow is really Howland Reed. Some of them just might not like to admit it.
The biggest reason to think that the Old Gods will not play a role in this part is Inverse Chekhovian: nothing in the show (or books, for that matter) indicates that they have these sorts of powers, so we should not expect those powers to be “fired” late. That is basically what Deus ex Machina is: a sudden “miracle” that had no precedent. Amusingly, “gods” actually are involved, and if you hang a god on the wall in the opening acts, then it should perform some sort of miracle by the closing acts: but it should be some sort of miracle that the storyteller establishes early. It does not have to be identical, but similar. So, Mel raising Jon, healing Jon or in some other way saving Jon has been set up; but the Old Gods raising, healing or otherwise saving Jon has not been set up. All they have set up for the Old Gods is that they work through visions and warging. So, expect tree-visions and warging from the Old Gods, and more tangible miracles from R’hllor. Those guns are well-hung.
Agree, we have had our Battle of WF, more like massacre, and if the Bolton’s don’t find Sansa/Theon in the first couple chapters, Ramsey will believe they headed to CB. Isn’t Theon at Pyke by (who was the Pyke Director?) I digress. Anyhow, because of current magic, they like filming big fights in an open green field or with a wooded area in the background because it’s easier for cgi effects. The show wants to avoid redundancy, we have had a siege, battle in woods, battle in field near WF and one at a coastline, therefore because of two notable items from Saintfield filming, fog machines and night time shoot, along with daytime filming, could this battle be near the wall. Might the night filming represent the arrival of another long night during the fighting, then there is the rolling mist, which always foreshadow the approaching WW horde.
Robb Snow,
You forgot that Missandei is a FM! Who has infiltrated Dany’s ranks to assassinate her!
Also not to mention Euron=Daario, is herasy.
House Adder,
With all respect I do not think that stupidity is fun. I come here to read some reasonable discussions on GOT not to take a dive into the abysmal stupidity or mental disturbances of people who behave GOT is their own creation. I can tolerate naive opinions due to ignorance but not self asserted stupidity or stupidity for the sake of it… And why do we have to legitimate stupidity all the time? What kind of logic is this?
Green Grace my ass. she looks just like Mirri Maz Duur!
I thought it was the same actress in fact. I had to google to make sure it wasn’t.
Luka Nieto,
Well, I was just more blunt, no hidden sarcasm.
I agree with you, honest. BUT, I think sometimes one needs to read ‘between the lines’. In this instance, IMO, the poster, by stating that they will regurgitate S1, is voicing his/her fear that this is what will be done. Because we really know nothing.
In case you did not notice, I am pretty sure that person did not post again.
I do not apologize for my post. I guess telling you to shut up was a bit much.
I am sorry Luka.
Minhea, not sure if English is your first language, you read way too much into other people’s opinions and then seem to get sarcastic if you cannot convince them that your view is the right one. And you repeat it over and over..
I am done addressing this. Some posters feel the same. Just chill. This is supposed to be fun.
And I’m probably reading the same posts as Kay, because I share her/his opinion on Luka and Mihnea. I don’t really post here often, but I read it frequently and I really appreciate their posts (even though I don’t necessarily agree with all of them).
Those aren’t really mean in my opinion.
And I agree I didn’t answer his question, because I didn’t want too, when he started ranting and using hyperbolic statements.
Also I should have been clearer, the : ”bite you in the ass” comment was not intended to be mean or rude, bur rather sarcastic and more in a joking tone.
Thank you. 🙂
The funniest thing is, that the Fireproof/Heatresistant-debate actually will provide us with nothing worthwhile as it is simply not important in the long run. And if this debate is going to happen in the next thread as well, well, lets just say that the other site may just be a less hostile place to be..
The narrator is epic.. “Woman of the year! Wow! What a title to wear!” The alliteration is strong with this one! xD
We have already seen Dany as fireproof since season one, but when did the show talked about Azor Ahai? To be an Azor Ahai they have to explain what Azor Ahai is. I don’t remember people talk about Azor Ahai on the show.
Where (Show or books) say that Azor Ahai is fireproof (Dany) or that Azor Ahai gets resurrected ? , (because so far we saw two people get resurrected )
I do believe that they (Jon and Dany ) will have the mayor part of the last battle but i can’t say before i see one of them hold the lightbringer, i am not even sure there will be an Azor Ahai reborn… we can’t even agree if Azor Ahai and TPTWP is the same person.
Only Melisandre has said that and she was sooo wrong on the person. No other vision has mention this.
Nathalie Emmanuel and Jacob Anderson are in Almería.
I don’t mind them posting their opinions or give us news. I mind them getting nto arguments with other posters because those posters don’t share the same opinion.
Why argue? Except for the glimpses we get from S6 we know nothing.
It is all tinfoil.
I am not the only one who feels that way.
They’ve only mentioned Azor Ahai by name in the Histories and Lore stuff from the DVD/Blu-ray releases if I recall correctly, never in the actual show.
Mel has mentioned the actual Azor Ahai prophecy before in the show, in the scene of her burning the idols of the Seven:
I admit that it is kinda curious that they’ve never mentioned Azor Ahai by name, instead just referring to him as the “Warrior of Light” or “Son of Fire”… or rather referring to Stannis as such.
Thank you.
They can always mention Azor Ahai this season and then have back to back Dany’s and Jon’s scenes to confuse people…but if they don’t say something, fireproof Dany is just a badass scene for most of the audience.
While my fav characters are others, i too believe those two are the most important. Jon gets the awesome battle and Dany this awesome scene. I think for the shake of storytelling the show will have the focus on those two and maybe Tyrion as the three leading characters, but we just have to wait and see…
I agree, all those bickering and not just on this thread, they do the same on previous thread is really tiring, especially when they bicker about speculations that can go both ways. It is not a healthy discussion, it is always I am right, and you are stupid, uh, it is just tiring.
House Adder,
I hope you are not meaning me. I never called anyone stupid for not agreeing with me.
I never even said his opinion is wrong.
dothrakian raven,
Some tinfoil theories are smart and fun to read, and they are certainly not product of a stupid mind, and I agree that healthy discussion can be productive, but this thread became sad with childish bickering, because discussing speculation that can go both ways is tinfoil in itself.
Robb Snow,
There really 2 option I see, It is preaty clear Mell refers to AA when she says ”son of fire”, ”warrior of light”. So either they will complitly abandon the name, and stick with these, or mention it this season. The red priestess in Meereen is the moment in my opinion we will know for certain. If she calls Dany AA then they probaly just didn’t wanted to call both Stannis and Dany the same thing. Or some other reason that we will never know. It is a option but not the one I would lean towards.
The simplest answer here, is they simply won’t call anyone AA, but rather ”Warrior of light”, ”Son/Duaghter of fire” This is the option I lean towards most.
The way you phrase that, it’s seeming…inevitability…makes me realize that GoT isn’t a limited run TV series but, rather, a lifestyle choice.?
/* Addressing the forum in general */
Alas, all the “show-writers/GRRM/D&D/you-suck-if-you-don”t-agree!” posts that I see here, and at westeros.org, make me think I should reconsider some of my life choices ?
/* addressing a half dozen individuals who damn well know who they are */
If you hate the show, then don’t watch it. If you hate Gurm’s story, or the way he chooses to tell it, then don’t read it. If you think your stupid fan-fic is better, then go away and write your book/screenplay. But if you are still so arrogant that you feel entitled to critcize FANS on a FAN site, then please feel free to make the world a better place by chewing off your own face. You’ll feel better, trust me, and the world will finally respect you.
Also: Brienne = secret Targ lemon!
Actually, we know the term that will be used by the High Priestess who goes to Meereen, Kinvara, thanks to the leaked audition script. “The One Who Was Promised.” Not Azor Ahai (which would require a lengthy explanation, as it is a proper name), and also not the Prince That Was Promised —which, again, would require an explanation; why “Prince”? Aemon gives an explanation in AFFC, but doing away with the term entirely was wise, IMHO.
It has just occurred to me that all this is not exactly politically correct. I mean a semi-primitive tribe being pictured by mostly middle-easterns.
Luka Nieto,
Ah yes! Forgot about that leak. Well it won’t really bother me, no matter what they call her. Agree with the naming, they may think its to difficult, doesn’t sound well, or requiers to much exposition/backstory,..etc.
I wouldn’t take the leak as confirmation tough, things are always subject to change.
But anyway, that will be the moment we know for certain if they will use AA or something else.
Robb Snow,
Agreed, she’s tight….even tho in that 1st video u put up she’s looking like heath ledger in TDK
Luka Nieto,
Hodor has no purpose without Bran. He only can fight (has he some kind of weapon in the hands?) when Bran wargs him.
Dire Moon Moon,
Well, I chewed my face off and it hurts. Not feeling better.
Was it the tea I had with my face? ?
I would guess worrying about political correctness is not the main concern when it comes to casting. Moreover, our main face of the Dothraki thus far has been someone who is of Hawaiian, German, Irish, and North American (according to IMDb) ancestry (Jason Momoa). Ms. Faress is, yes, of part Syrian descent, but her other parent was Irish. Mr. Nair, who has just been cast, is of Indian and Russian descent. There are others who may be of middle eastern descent, but from what I understand, they’ve been casting locals for extras, meaning Spanish people. Yes, because of the history of Spain, there are those who can count middle eastern cultures in their heritage, but to me that hardly equals a semi-primitive tribe being portrayed mostly by those from the middle east.
Tell that to the Huns.
The casting call specified “dark Mediterraneans or black”.
Tywin of the Hill,
While I do know there are pale, blonde Spaniards (I believe primarily in the northern parts of Spain, although if I’m wrong, I’m sure one of our Spanish posters will correct me), I tend to think of many Spaniards as having dark Mediterranean characteristics. Thanks for the listing what the casting call specified, though. I certainly wouldn’t have thought to look for that.
This could be interesting. With enough training he just might be able to.
It’s not related. It’s for a commercial campaign.
We must be. And that’s OK, in my opinion that you read posts differently from me. I hope it’s OK with you that I have a different opinion from you, even with respect to posters on this board.
Robb Snow,
That made me laugh! Although, technically speaking, the Huns came from the East as well (just not the Middle East). I don’t paricularly mind, although I think I could very well be cast as Dothraki myself (if, let’s say, I could act), but one has to admit that this is about West and East. Not that the East is worse than the West, of course.
I am okay with that. ☺
Thrilled to see we finally have our Mirri Maz Dur.
…I’m a bit late on this joke, I know.
When I posted my theory about Mel sacrificing her life for Jon and seeing herself through his eyes walking on the battlements of Winterfell and meeting Arya again, you made a comment that implied it was stupid, something like “I don’t even know what to say about that.” It kinda hurt my feelings. Maybe I misunderstood.
Without naming names I definitely regularly see a group of other posters who tend to bully other posters for not sharing the same opinion. It’s a bit odd, honestly. Opinions are opinions and arguing isn’t going to change anyone’s opinion.
I love the books and the show both. Why can’t the two exist peacefully?
Will HBO leak the first four episodes to the Yelp reviewers again? Most likely.
Will D&D care about the risk of that particular spoiler getting leaked? Doubtful since
was leaked everywhere.
You would think that they could, but every time we watch Thrones, my TV sneaks over to the book shelf afterwards and tries to shred my SoI&F books. (Fortunately, it only wrecked Crows before I caught onto it, so no harm done.) And after the season finale, I found my copy of Clash of Kings gnawing on the cable chords to the TV.
(And you don’t want to know what happened with the Lord of the Rings DVDs came out….)
I hear that you are born that way, myself.
“Promised one,” “Warrior of Light,” etc., all have one nice thing in common: the titles say what they are. “Azor Ahai” sounds like some sort of ethnic restaurant where it’s not even clear what ethnicity the cuisine is! (Of course, it would be fun to open up such a restaurant and specialize in… pork…..)
Lord of Boobs,
kiss my grits 😉
K Noelle,
I was quite stunned by that theory, a bit suprized, don’t know if I use the right word.
I do not share it, and I think it’s quite unlikly that will happen.
But in no way did I meant that in a rude way, more in a jocking tone.
One thing tough that this made clear, is that I need to be a bit more clear when I want to convey my comments in a jocking/amused tone. 🙂
All right Wimsey, you made me start my day with a nice luagh. Thank you!
Here’s a video of the filming in El Chorrillo, Almería, of the scene when the big dothraki tent gets burned!
Cool! That was a good one. Thank you for posting. 🙂
Goodbye .
Plus the fact that in here Greece “Azor” is the typical name for dogs. I hope the’ll stick with th ptwp or whatever, otherwise this will be somehow awkward!
Nymeria Warrior Queen,
I wonder what “mediterranean looks” mean. To me, is “Arab” feautures, which is not the Spaniard type (unless your parents came from the north of Africa).
Brown/dark hair is the most usual. But with white skin. Dark skin is more usual on summer (tanned people, the difference between tourists and locals is local tanned and tourist become red), so the casting calls are not the “standard”. Yet, is the Penélope Cruz imaginery which exists on movies.
For example, look, the cast of La que se avecina, a sitcom of “normal” people
heh, that makes the “pork” sound more appetizing!
Same here in Romania (kinda)! ”Azorel”, It’s a very common dog name, it comes from a old popular tale.
So yeah, hope they will dich the AA and simply stick with ”the one who was promised” or ”Warrior of light”.