Season 8 Filming Begins in Dubrovnik & King’s Landing Set Nears Completion

The first appearance of Dubrovnik's iconic Bokar and Lovrijenac Fortresses,  in season two
The first appearance of Dubrovnik’s iconic Bokar and Lovrijenac Fortresses, in season two

Despite early reports suggesting the final season would only need a single filming unit, evidently that’s not the case, as Game of Thrones has been everywhere at once lately: cast members were sighted in Iceland; the production’s focus for the last two months, the Winterfell set, only interrupted filming during the holiday season, only to return with a bang; and, as of a few days ago, Dubrovnik was getting ready for the spotlight. In fact, the spotlight is now there: Game of Thrones began filming in Dubrovnik today!

Like every overseas shoot this year, this will be short (but sweet), so most of the crew will have to move somewhere when they are finished with Croatia and the Winterfell set. What’s our bet for the next setpiece? The King’s Landing set, as it’s nearly ready at last! This is the biggest set ever built for Game of Thrones, so it’s not surprising it’s taking so long, but now it’s nearly there. You can see the crew is nearly done with construction and moving on to painting the facades of these buildings and adding details:

As for the big news today, The Dubrovnik Times reports that filming in Dubrovnik began earlier this morning “under a veil of secrecy,” so much so that we have no idea which actors are involved. Though rumors of Kit Harington persist, there hasn’t actually been any photographic evidence placing him in the city. There may be other opportunities for us to discover more, however, as filming will reportedly continue for a few more days.

Because of the high levels of security (including closed streets and speedboats closing access to the bay), photos are scarce, but the few that exist give us a few ideas:

The crew HW, between the Bokar and Lovrijenac Fortresses, near the harbor. / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
The crew HQ, between the Bokar and Lovrijenac Fortresses. / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
As well as down in the harbor, a set has been built on the Bokar Fortress. / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
Just as in the harbor, a set has been built in the Bokar Fortress. / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
Director David Nutter (middle) with the crew. / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
Director David Nutter (middle) with the crew. / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
A Lannister banner flies from the city walls; Cersei still rules! / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times
A Lannister banner flies from the city walls; Cersei still rules! / Photo: The Dubrovnik Times

Just from these photos, we know today’s shoot involved one or more scenes from episodes one, two and/or four, as those are the ones David Nutter is directing, and that Cersei is still in charge of the capital. The locations turned into sets are Dubrovnik’s West Harbor, a familiar site between the Bokar and Lovrijenac fortresses, and the Bokar fortress itself, which has also been used often in the show, most recently when Cersei and Jaime awaited Euron’s fleet in the premiere of season seven. According to The Dubrovnik Times, other locations are rumored to be involved in the following days.

Now, let’s hope in the next few days we get to see which actors are filming in Dubrovnik!

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  1. Kind of makes me think that – from a dramatic standpoint – a banner that big and audacious is made just to be shown falling lol

  2. How long is the Croatia shoot gonna last? I may be in Croatia next month.

    And while we are at it: Does anyone know how long the NI set is going to be up? I’m thinking about spending part of my summer holidays in Ireland.

  3. KG:
    Kind of makes me think that – from a dramatic standpoint – a banner that big and audacious is made just to be shown falling lol

    Me too..remember the Flayed Man banners who fell in S6 after the battle of the bastards ..when Jon beaten to death Ramsay and his soldiers finished the last Bolton soldiers ..3 possibilities… [1]Maybe Jon/Danny will win a great victory against Cercei so the Targaryen sigil replaces the Lannister sigil[2] the NK will sack KL next season Cercei will killed by him and the sigil fall during the sacking and [3]Cerceis marries Euron but there be a Red Wedding know Euron kills her,takes the Throne and the Lannister sigil replaced by the kraken sigil or the crow with the red eye sigil…its David Nutter at all ..the man who likes to massacre weddings in a blink of an

  4. I just went to the site and the picture of the SUV has what looks like a latex left hand. and it looks like NK.

  5. Grail King,

    That just looks like a normal hand. Could be anyone (including him, yeah.)

    deedee: How long is the Croatia shoot gonna last? I may be in Croatia next month.

    It says so in the article. They’re supposed to be film there for three days, including today.

  6. Adam,

    No cast member has been photographed. Granted, as Cersei was the only main character in the capital as of the end of season seven, Headey is as close to a safe bet as there is. But I won’t believe or report anything until I see a photo 😉

  7. Will there be weather effects added after the fact? Doesn’t seem they either got permission or wanted to go with the fake snow spray. I’m wondering what the weather is supposed to be in the scenes, because it looks kind of nice for a desolate winter that’s supposed to be the worst in a thousand years.

  8. Grail King,
    I have to say that I don’t see what you’re seeing either. The guy’s finger bones/joints might appear a little knobby, but otherwise it’s a normal flesh colored hand…

  9. deedee:

    Edit: Why on Earth would a simple “Hodor” need moderation? Weird.

    Because the Moderation algorithm was designed by the Lord of Light. Some comments are brought back from the dead…and others are burned alive at the stake.

    You just need to stare into the flames long enough to find out which one…

  10. I can see Euron making a marriage proposal to Cercei with font this spectacular landscape and pulls on to her middle-finger an expensive but very beautiful golden ring with beautiful rubies upon it.,….that from a hopeless romantic

  11. Adam,

    Lena Headey absolutely has to be in Dubrovnik. Cersei overlooking the bay from her favourite spot waiting for someone’s arrival – be it Euron or Tycho Nestoris or even Jon – can be legitly expected.
    But I really wonder about Jon. We had official reports about him comming to Dubrovnink and recently we had a eyewitness confirmation (althought without a photo). So, unless it’s a well-planned diversion to mislead the fandom, Jon will come to KL and probably in Ep4, which lines up with the fact that the KL scenes seem to be helmed by D. Nutter (Ep3 should be a big battle in the north). But then I wonder what Cersei will do. No way she’ll allow Jon to defend KL and end up as a victor. She tried to kill Tyrion on the battlefield, although she knew that withought him both she and her children were doomed. IMO the histroy will repeat and Jon will find himself in a grave danger. We can only hope that the Red God won’t allow to kill his champion before the NK is undone and that in the worst case Melisandre will be there to resurrect the PTWP.

  12. Luka Nieto,

    What “latex” hand are we talking about ? I clicked on the link and saw two guys talking to the driver of a SUV. No Night King* or funny-looking hand in sight.

    * Or is someone theorizing that His Grace is in the back seat???? Which would kind of make sense. He would be entitled to a chauffeur…

  13. Ten Bears,
    talking about the hand next to the driver’s headrest… that looks like a normal hand to me. Some people have some wonky knuckles and such from arthritis or other reasons.

  14. Ten Bears:
    Luka Nieto,

    What “latex” hand are we talking about ? I clicked on the link and saw two guys talking to the driver of a SUV. No Night King* or funny-looking hand in sight.

    * Or is someone theorizing that His Grace is in the back seat???? Which would kind of make sense. He would be entitled to a chauffeur…

    go to
    they have the window open of the SUV, you’ll see the hand.

  15. mau:

    Joffrey tried to kill Tyrion. Not Cersei.

    Really? I thought Cersei arranged for that Kingsguard shnook to attack Tyrion during the Battle of the Blackwater, but Poderick saved Tyrion by driving a spear through the shnook’s head.

    But it’s been so long…Maybe my recollection is messed up.

  16. Just thinking about this. Jamie rode north in civilian clothes to travel under the radar. No armor packed on that horse. What kind of armor do you think he will wear in the big battle?

  17. Ten Bears:
    Luka Nieto,

    What “latex” hand are we talking about ? I clicked on the link and saw two guys talking to the driver of a SUV. No Night King* or funny-looking hand in sight.

    * Or is someone theorizing that His Grace is in the back seat???? Which would kind of make sense. He would be entitled to a chauffeur…

    i agree..NK and Cercei next season …clinch bitch has to be his NQ .. i see happened ..Cercei has to face her unpredictable nemesis in the NKs dead-icy face

  18. Grail King: go to
    they have the window open of the SUV, you’ll see the hand.

    So…. That’s the hand of the king?

    (I’ll see myself out…🤢)

  19. Greywind:
    Just thinking about this. Jamie rode north in civilian clothes to travel under the radar. No armor packed on that horse. What kind of armor do you think he will wear in the big battle?

    Too bad Qyburn’s not around. Jaime could use a Valyrian steel hand equipped with retractable razor sharp talons a la Wolverine. He’s admitted numerous times that he’s a pretty lame swordsman with his left hand.

  20. Artemisia,

    A Red Wedding #2 is possible I suppose, but I personally don’t believe it will happen simply because everyone EXPECTS something to go wrong at a GoT wedding now. There would be no sense of surprise. I would be more surprised if a GoT wedding went off without a hitch at this point.

  21. Jon snow walk of shame as prisoner of cersei…that’s what my best guess would be…episode 4 for sure…

    Episode 3 big battle , jon captured….episode 4 bring him to kl…episode 5 rescue and battle of kl…

  22. Roshan: Jon snow walk of shame as prisoner of cersei…that’s what my best guess would be…episode 4 for sure…

    I’m really torn about this one. I’d hate for that to happen to Jon, and yet memories of how he looked during boatsex, …
    okay, I saw myself out to join Ten Bears in the alley.

  23. Tinfoil tony:
    Grail King,

    Ah come on man, that’s just someone sitting in the back, so you really think they’d have that kind of thing just hanging around?

    The pic I saw from their site did not look flesh, looked rubbery.

  24. Roshan,

    That’s kind of how Jon’s storylines been for several seasons already, I’d hope they could bring something new to the table instead of just same old thing. IMO it’s so boring and poor writing to have the same character in the same situation over and over again.

  25. Grail King: The pic I saw from their site did not look flesh, looked rubbery.

    I think it’s just a pale hand, looking slightly weird from the foreshortened angle. It would be hilarious to see the NK toodling around though. Remember when they put a Walker prop in a window? 😂

  26. Pigeon: I think it’s just a pale hand, looking slightly weird from the foreshortened angle. It would be hilarious to see the NK toodling around though. Remember when they put a Walker prop in a window?

    Could be, I’ll take solace, I at least spotted it and mentioned it .
    I’m sure that’s not Kit’s or IHW hands.

  27. Why would the actor who plays the Night King be all in costume just sitting in the back of that SUV? Didn’t look like they were even filming yet in any of these shots. And if they were filming, don’t you think we’d catch a glimpse in any of these photos? I feel like the camera man here would certainly snap off a pic as soon as the Night King strolled out of that car to go shoot.

    Maybe I’m just ignorant of how this whole filming process works.

  28. mau,

    Also yeah it was definitely Joffrey. Tyrion thinks it was his sister but when he mentions it to her after the battle she won’t admit it was her, and then Tyrion realizes it’s the only other person who could give an order to a King’s Guard.

  29. MeeraReed,
    What that looks like to me is some very good opportunities/possibilities for casting of some of our GoT actors in the future. I’d certainly want to watch Maisie play a badass jedi. Picturing that is about as easy as simply turning Needle into a light saber. 😛

  30. For me, GoT is the sequel to Star Wars.

    Congrats to D&D, I think they’ll do great. And Han Solo sends his regards: “Good luck – you’re gonna need it.”

  31. My opinion regarding modern Star Wars will remain the same throughout it’s run, if it’s good bring it on.

    I thought TFA was “okay” (Love Kylo though). R1 was dumb fun but again nothing to write home about and I actually really liked TLJ. Solo is looking like it’ll either be R1 quality or a stinker, I’m hoping for the former.

    I’m looking forward to see what D&D bring, hopefully something sith oriented because I miss those guys.

  32. congratulations to D&D, I’m happy for them.
    Game of thrones, Star wars, and Lord of the rings are some of my favorite franchises.
    really happy to see them work on the star wars universe next ^^

  33. mau,

    You are right – my mistake. But anyway, I don’t see Cersei allowing Jon to boost his authority by defending KL.

  34. Roshan:
    “Jon snow walk of shame as prisoner of cersei…that’s what my best guess would be…episode 4 for sure…”

    More like Walk of Envy. Have you seen the abs on that guy?

  35. mau:

    The Dragon Demands will kil himself now LOL. He worked so “hard” to destroy D&D and they will now get even bigger franchise.

    Ha ha! I forgot about that guy. Now he’ll have a new crusade: “Fire D&D from Star Wars!”

  36. Jaehaerys,

    “Why would the actor who plays the Night King be all in costume just sitting in the back of that SUV?”

    A: It’s in his contract.

  37. BeardedOnion,

    Except for Daisy Ridley, I though The Force Awakens blew. It was a note-for-note retread of the first Star Wars. And not a very good one.

    PS In all the gin joints on all the planets in all of the universe, how did Daisy’s spaceship just happen to land next to the one with Luke’s stuff in a trunk in the basement ?

  38. Ten Bears,

    You know… I saw The Force Awakens twice in the theatre and loved it… It brought the nostalgic feeling enough to pull me in. Even a time or two at home I liked it fine but now I’m kind of sick of it. Perhaps it’s a matter of “it doesn’t hold up” or something. I liked Rogue a couple times too… The Last Jedi was actually my least favorite of the three so far on first watch. I’m not sure yet if it’s just over-saturation or if the film just wasn’t good enough for me. It left me really wanting a lot more.

  39. Clob:
    Ten Bears,
    talking about the hand next to the driver’s headrest… that looks like a normal hand to me.Some people have some wonky knuckles and such from arthritis or other reasons.

    Yep – More wishful thinking! I don’t see anything strange with that hand. Looks pretty normal to me with the finger tips folded and all one is seeing is a fist resting on the driver’s seat?

  40. Grail King: Looks latex, zoomed in, maybe the person has bumps on his second joints , but I’ve never seen fist like that.
    Those are real sausage fingers.

  41. Ten Bears,

    Yeah I feel the same. With TFA, I felt like I was watching a remake of ANH. The only fresh factor in the movie was that it had a female lead, as the Jedi. In that sense, I liked TLJ more, it at least felt like a different Star Wars movie, the scenes with the force sensitive part of the storyline, with Luke, Rey and Kylo, were especially good (Kylo has been the standout character for me so far). I actually liked Rogue One the best so far among the new movies.
    Hopefully Solo can stand out on its own, but I see people are shitting on that movie already, all over the internet. I think they really need to space out the movies a bit, if they want to maintain the value of the SW brand.
    Congrats, and all the best to D&D for their new gig lol. They have landed a franchise whose fans are even more demanding and judgemental, than the GOT ones.

  42. Pigeon: Wow they are really squeezing everything they can out of that franchise, aren’t they??

    It is Disney so… Yes. They shall squeeze and squeeze until they can squeeze no more : the Obi Wan movie, the Yoda movie, the Bobba Fett movie, the admiral Ackbar movie, the Mos Eisley cantina miniseries (it is going to be like Cheers but with guns and in space !), the Greedo origin story, the pre-Republic saga, the post-Republic saga, the Ewoks romantic comedy, the Porgs winterval adventure… It seems we are going to be bombarded with 1.7 Star Wars movie per year for the next 15 years.
    My sole question is : will we at long last get the “Star Wars Holiday Special” film we deserve ? They brought back Peter Cushing and young Carrie Fisher through the magic of CGI; surely they can do the same with Bea Arthur !

    ghost of winterfell: They have landed a franchise whose fans are even more demanding and judgemental, than the GOT ones.

    Second only to Trekkies 😉

  43. I think that an important question at this point is, is/are the unit(s) in NI and Iceland also filming? Also, E6 is to be directed by DnD, where are they (beyond getting into that one franchise with a fandom even more hateful than GoTs?)?

  44. Mr Derp:

    A Red Wedding #2 is possible I suppose, but I personally don’t believe it will happen simply because everyone EXPECTS something to go wrong at a GoT wedding now.There would be no sense of surprise.I would be more surprised if a GoT wedding went off without a hitch at this point.

    agree..but if Cercei marries Euron he will kill her in their wedding night for sure ..for to take the Throne for himself ..Remember what Yara said to Danny in S6..when Euron wanted to marry her…”he will marry you and then will kill you because wants the Iron Throne”..That will happen to Cercei in S8


    Arya with a purple Lightsaber ..thats pretty cool

  45. Thronetender: you were looking at his abs?

    I was thinking of how I’d feel looking at him paraded naked, ie, his “Walk of Envy.” Kit must do ~ 1,000 sit-ups a day. And eat no bread. Hmmm. Maybe it’s the cigarettes…

    But I guess he does lots of squats and deep knee bends too – as was evident from his “Hello, Aunt Daeny” stateroom scene

  46. Haven’t read the other comments yet but as I stated on a previous article my instinct would say this is most likely Cersei welcoming either Tycho or Euron to the capital. The spanner in the works is really Kit supposedly being there, if that is the case (Security measures only add to this) then I’m guessing this is episode 4 and potentially it’s Jamie and Jon requesting help from Cersei having suffered badly in the North, although some people were speculating that Jon could be captured which still strikes me as odd.

  47. Maybe I missed sequence of events but I haven’t yet come across reports saying Sophie Turner is at X place shooting for season 8.Or I have I missed that completely??
    I guess almost all big names have been spotted somewhere

  48. Dhruv,

    “I guess almost all big names have been spotted somewhere.”

    Not yet. I think we’re still waiting on sightings of:
    • The Many-Faced Goddess
    • Sandor Ahai
    • The Lightning Lord (or Wightened Lord?)
    • The Onion Knight
    • Lady of Winterfell
    • Ghost*

    * Probably lounging in air-conditioned trailer with stylists and mini-bar.

  49. ….And I’m dying to see two great guest actresses again: Rila Fukushima and Ania Bukstein as Red Priestesses.

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