As always, Game of Thrones has been busy in Moneyglass, Northern Ireland of late! And based on the newest pics, after months of preparations, it looks like cameras are finally rolling at the set that serves as Winterfell each year.
In addition to the filming news, we have a few small casting updates for you all this weekend, so keep on scrolling and get stoked because the final filming season of Game of Thrones is still getting revved up.
Shooting in moneyglass today @WatchersOTWall @WiCnet
— Alina (@alinaastark) November 24, 2017
If you take a closer look at this image, you can see the lights in action and the white trucks indicating that the whole cavalry’s in town now.

As for who and what they’re filming, it’s unconfirmed. However, we have had reports about filming in nearby Toome, and this may be connected to the Moneyglass set. Visit our Toome report for more details!
Along with the above photos, @alinaastark also scored pics of the mammoth set in progress in the Titanic Quarter. It doesn’t look like the set has changed too much in the past few days, so speculation is still wide open when it comes to these sets. The huge and sprawling creation may serve for multiple Westerosi sites, or ultimately one castle. It’s unclear, though multiple seems more likely, given the show’s knack for using and re-using the heck out of locations for maximum effect.
The new set at Titanic Studios getting bigger and bigger. Maybe King‘s Landing? @WatchersOTWall @WiCnet
— Alina (@alinaastark) November 24, 2017
In other news, we have a few casting notes this weekend!
According to her resume, Danielle Galligan will be playing a character named “Sarra” in a season 8 episode directed by David Nutter. The only instance of the name Sarra appearing in A Song of Ice and Fire is Sarra Frey, one of Walder Frey’s countless granddaughters. Will the Frey girls be making an appearance in season 8, after Arya annihilated the male line of the clan? That’s up for debate. It’s entirely possible that Game of Thrones is simply once again borrowing a name from the books to use for another minor and unrelated character.
Another new addition this season is Emer McDaid. Her Spotlight CV notes that she just wrapped for season 8, but it doesn’t specify a role name or any other details.
Galligan and McDaid posed together for a photo at the Crown Bar in Belfast on November 12th and shared it on Instagram. It’s captioned, “Aaaaaand that’s a wrap,” leaving no doubt that the actresses were filming. The third actress in the photo is Alice Nokes.
So far there’s no confirmation of Nokes appearing on Thrones, but it seems very likely.
As far as other potential roles, we did see a casting notice for a sassy and attractive girl, a “Northern girl playing a good, memorable one-scene part in one episode, playing opposite leading cast.” That part was set to shoot the week starting November 6th. Timewise it works out, but that’s just one role.
Another thing worth mentioning: Independent Agency, based in Northern Ireland, states on their website, “Thomas Finnegan, Conor Maguire, Emer McDaid, Eileen McCloskey and Katie Tumelty join the cast of a major TV series.” Agency sites often avoid mentioning GoT by name, to avoid HBO’s wrath, so it’s possible that the other names on this list might have bagged roles on the show too.
HODOR!!! Spoilers are inbound
Do you think that will be see photos of the actors in action now who filming will be begins for real?Also will be there any real confirmed ”leaks”in December?An idea anyone here?
Good to see that filming has now started 🙂
There’s seldom much in the way of notable on-set photos from Northern Ireland filming. Location shooting on the continent tends to supply the bulk of that.
I wouldn’t bet against there being leaks, but it’ll probably be some time before anything leaked can be verified against later filming information and/or promotional materials.
Maybe Jaime goes to The Twins to Investigate Walder Frey’s Murder
The Heroes Daugthers ?
The three look like Arya, Sansa and Daenerys/Jon.
Arya will enjoy wearing Alice Nokes’ face
I guess those actors and actresses are playing the parts we saw in the casting news. 🙂
You right..but still i think that i dont like there to be any ”leaks”….i like more when fans had their own fantasy on the GOT theories and predictions…Is that that make the show more interesting to everyone..and somehow i like it..The fan-theories and the fan-fantasy is the salt and the pepper of the story..
Alternatively, this could be a minor character that turns up for the first time in Winter or that GRRM plans to introduce in Spring.
Er, not they aren’t! They have nothing to do with the story, often in both senses of the phrase! The story exists without them. Nor are they the salt & pepper of the fandom: there, they really are the meat and vegetables.
My dream sequence would be the White Walkers storming the supposedly impregnable Eyrie in a long single shot ala the Castle Black battle in season four.
Have there been any cast sightings in Belfast, which may give an idea as to who is filming the Winterfell scenes? There hasn’t been any cast sighting news for a long time now.
ghost of winterfell,
Kit has been seen in Belfast since about Wednesday and Maisie was seen on Friday but could have been there earlier.
OT but just found out London GOT music sold out so more dates added. So now I am going all the way to London from Manchester and guess what…Manchester has been added as an extra date aghhh!!!
Have a good time either way, Carole H. Btw, spending some time in Manchester, the birthplace of my third favorite author, Anthony Burgess (the other two being Joyce and Nabokov), is high on my bucket list. I hear there are some great curry restaurants. 😉
You right..but some theories are fun to know because they are more complicated..and i like complicated things and food for though ..Knowledge is power…
Catspaw Assassin,
Manchester is a wonderful city. I live about a forty minute bus ride away but we come under the Manchester area, however our son lives and works in Manchester. I can’t wait to see the concert and if I am lucky there is a possibility of seeing it in Manchester as my colleague is also a fan but was unable to go to London so I would go with him if he wants to go.
Carole H,
By all means, go to both if you can afford it and post a review!
And now I can’t stop thinking of curry! (^∇^)
Carole H,
Another btw: “Mancunian” always sounds to me like it could be a breed of cats, not that I hear the word all that often here in the states, but like I said I’m a big Burgess fan.
“What kind of cat do you have?”
“A Mancunian. Why do you ask?”
Catspaw Assassin,
LOL. Two excellent football teams , shopping, history (indusrial revolution amongst many other things) and of course our famous rain.💦
Carole H,
Carole H,
I love that you say ‘all the way to London’ when you live in Manchester! People in Australia do those distances daily for work! 🤣
Enjoy the concert! I hope we get included on the tour at some point.
Interesting tidbit:
– Emer McDaid follows Daniel Portman (Pod) and Kristofer Hivju (Tormund) on Instagram, so I suspect she has a scene with them.
In fairness Raven filing has been going on for almost two months now I believe. This is just the start of filming at Winterfell that we know of.
As an aside I believe it’s great that we have got so far into filming with virtually no spoilers so far, only another 6-7 months to go then!
In my head I think this could be plausible as I suspect he will not reach Winterfell until episode 2 – purely because I believe we’ll need to see stuff happen there like a frosty reception for bringing a Targ, Jon reuniting with Arya and ultimately Bran/Sam who I suspect will tell him of his parentage at the end of the episode.
Having Jamie arrive in episode 2 and cause some issues, Bran will surely remember what happened, Jamie will reveal he is the entire Lannister force sent North, Dany will likely find out she is not the rightful heir makes more sense. So stopping off at the twins to ensure he’s in the premiere is a good solution.
I was struck by the same idea when I looked at the photo! Dare I say we might have a clue as to how it could end.
Jon Snowed,
I wonder who will reach Winterfell first: Jaime or the Night King? If it’s going to be Jaime, I don’t see much purpose for him. But if it’s going to be the Night King, Jaime may become the savior of the day arriving with reinforcements at the last moment. I bet on the later and, therefore, I think that he will show up at Winterfell in episode 3 or 4.
As for the filming spoilers, I would like to get a bit more of them: our specullations need some fuel, otherwise they are becomming repetitive.
Yes, I also noticed that one of the actresses looks very similar to Emilia Clarke in this photo but maybe it’s just the makeup.
Kellie is Coming,
Ha ha it’s a North South thing. It’s like going abroad. I was telling someone I was going to London and he said ‘going to Kings Landing then? ‘ we need a King in the North 👑
I thought the young lady on the right looked like a ‘sand snake ‘.
Fine on that and thanks for the info. I also hope S8 remains free of spoilers (certainly regarding script leaks), but as you say, its 6/7 months more of filming and anything can happen over that length of time.
I expect when filming starts in Spain there will be plenty of leaked photos or video clips, but spoilers of that nature don’t bother me so much. One can only speculate to what is going on… Let’s hope it stays that way!
Carole H,
Hi Carole, didn’t realise you lived near Manchester? You mentioning London and that GoT marathon (which starts tomorrow) I presumed you lived in the south.
Yes, its funny this north/south ‘divide’ in England. Although a Londoner myself, I’ve always found the ‘northerners’ are much more friendly and are good company and great people to socialize with. I never really knew many when I lived in the UK being from the SE and always lived and worked in that area.
All that changed after I came out here (Canary Islands) to work. Many of the guys I worked with were northerners… Brummies, Scousers, Geordies, a few from Warrington (that’s near Manchester!) not forgetting to mention Ireland (both north and south) and one from Scotland… A great bunch of guys 🙂
I have a feeling that Jamie pushing Bran out the window at the start of the story will come back to haunt him, if that turns out to be true then he must arrive before the army of the dead.
Assuming there is no retreat from Winterfell then Jamie arriving episode 2-3 makes sense, if there is then he must surely arrive in the premiere or second episode.
I suspect what we will actually see it the White Walkers crushing the North in the first two episodes whilst the humans tear themselves apart regarding Jon being the rightful heir, bringing a foriegn invador north, Jamie pushing Bran out the window. Then they will pull together at the darkest moment.
Jon Snowed,
If Jaime arrives to Winterfell before the Night King, who will arrive to save the day and/or lift the siege? I don’t see any alternative option.
And afterwards the Starks and Targaryans can deal with the same situation Stannis had with Davos.
I’m guessing that there won’t be any humans to lift the siege as such, I suspect it will be more that Winterfell is under attack and is the last hope and during that somehow they kill off the Nights King. More likely in my opinion that the White Walkers take a few Northern Castles first and potentially defeat the Dothraki out in the field before they come unstuck at Winterfell.
Jamie left alone, he may stop in the twins hoping to rally some Freys but if not there isn’t anyone he can bring with him other than Bronn.
Black Raven,
Hey Black Raven. Yes northerners tend to pride themselves on their friendliness as opposed to southerners who have the reputation (fairly or not) of being unfriendly. I expect the same thing happens the world over; I know some very unfriendly northerners who you wouldn’t want to meet down a dark alley. Anyway everyone has had a laugh at my expense after all the faffing I went to, to order tickets and hotel rooms not to mention expense and I haven’t made travel arrangements yet when I could have caught the bus and been home the same night!!!
Well if you think about it, that one horrific act might actually be the catalyst for saving mankind.
It’ll be interesting to see the exchange, but my guess is Bran won’t be holding much of a grudge and will see the act for what it was (and let’s face it he’s too weird to even give a shit anymore)
Jon Snowed,
“I have a feeling that Jamie pushing Bran out the window at the start of the story will come back to haunt him, if that turns out to be true then he must arrive before the army of the dead.”
I think you’re right–political discord might reign at Winterfell until the NK et al descend on them. Hopefully, the Bran Early Warning System will stop that and allow frenzied preparation before the Others strike. I don’t know if their attack would technically be a siege. They won’t be digging in and waiting out the enemy. I expect a simply savage, overwhelming sustained assault. Two possibilities for a 7th cavalry-style rescue I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere: the Fiery Hand (from the Red Temple in Volantis) brought by Melisandre or the Golden Company, led by (Daario?, Euron, Harry Strickland, ??) . It’s possible the GC will turn against Cersei. If enough time passes, perhaps Arya and Sandor (plus team?) will have gone to KL, killed the Queen and used her Face to send the GC and Lannister army North. Dany could even give them a Drogon Lyft to KL to speed things up.
Carole H,
Ah, the North. When I moved to York I was young and people called me ‘luv’ and occasionally ‘pet’. Their warmth was delightful. I stayed in a B&B at first, and when I found a flat, the owners gave me assorted bits and bobs to help me get started. It’s been yonks since I first read GoT, but I automatically identified with the North…and still do.
I’m curious why you think Jaime would go to the Riverlands to investigate Walder Frey’s murder.
First of all, Jaime no longer represents the Crown’s interests; he’s essentially resigned his commission and gone rogue. I’m not sure what authority he’d have to investigate.
Second, he made it clear that he accepts that the Army of the Dead poses an overriding, immediate threat. I believe he is headed directly to WF to join up with Team Stark-Targaryen, honoring the commitment made at the Dragonpit. Unraveling what happened to the Freys pales in comparison to Zombiepalooza – I mean, the WW invasion.
Third, it’s not as if he’s going to be heartbroken that Walder Frey and his damn moron sons have been whacked. As Jaime’s conversation with Walder in S6e10 illustrated*, Jaime is not the biggest fan of House Frey, and he despised Walder. Militarily, the Freys were next to worthless anyway.
*Jaime to Walder Frey, S6e10
“They don’t fear the Freys, though. They fear the Lannisters. We gave you the Riverlands to hold the Riverlands. If we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them, why do we need you?”
Fourth: What is there to “investigate” anyway? In S7e1, Arya made sure there was a witness who’d know who did it and why:
Arya (to Frey wife):
“When people ask you what happened here, tell them: The North remembers. Tell them: Winter came for House Frey.”
She may as well have left a business card:
Stark Extermination & Renovation Services
”For All Your House-Cleaning and Eradication Needs”
Tel. 1-800-SHE-WOLF
In addition, before Arya peeled off her Walder mask, the survivor heard the assassin-as-Walder remind the assembled Freys that they were:
”the men who helped me slaughter the Starks at the Red Wedding….Butchered a woman pregnant with her babe. Cut the throat of a mother of five. Slaughtered your guests after inviting them into your home. But you didn’t slaughter every one of the Starks. No, that was your mistake…Leave one wolf alive and the sheep are never safe.”
Who else could it be? It was either a Stark, or a Faceless Man assassin retained by the Starks.
FifthJaime knew back in S7e1 that Walder and his family were dead. He told Cersei that Walder was untrustworthy – ”a useless old coward”, and they needed stronger, better allies. Ed Sheeran’s squad had already been dispatched to the Twins in e1 to keep the peace. So I’m not sure what Jaime could accomplish by checking up on the Freys, or why he would even give a sh*t at this point.
I don’t doubt that the showrunners may “park” certain characters elsewhere for an episode or two, or take them on a side roads until it’s tine for them to meet up. After the 2-3 episode PsychoArya vs. FranticSansa detour last season, anything is possible. I am just not sure why Jaime would waste his time with the Freys.
I really hope there is no cavalary to the rescue coming to save WF. We already got that three times already in the show.
I hope either they save Winterfell through battle or if they lose it then there is an interesting retreat and the loss serves some point in the story other than we had no other idea how to keep the Nk around until episode 5.
Carole H,
Yes, I bet you were none too happy when you found out the GoT music show was coming to Manchester and after you had booked to see it in London.
There’s only one answer to that … SOD’S LAW !!! – or the American equivalent – SHIT HAPPENS !!! Its a fact of life which none of us can avoid 🙁
From Wikipedia – Comparison with Murphy’s law… While Murphy’s law says that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong (eventually), Sod’s law requires that it always goes wrong with the worst possible outcome.
So true 😛
Ten Bears,
As I wrote in another post a couple of weeks ago, I don’t think Jaime would give a rat’s ass about the Freys, but he might about Edmure. Their last exchange wasn’t Jaime’s highest moment, and I think that, on his way north, he might wish to make amends with the man whose infant he threatened to catapult over a moat. He might thus a) soothe his conscience, b) obtain an escort for the long ride north, and c) gain carte blanche into Winterfell, where I’d really, really like to see him ask for an audience with Bran for the express purpose of begging forgiveness.
A woman can dream, right? Given the mad clusterfuck of S7, these might be insane dreams… but still.
I do think that NK will be in Winterfel battling ..but i think he will fly away to KL to have an interesting meeting with Cercei ….leaving the others WW to continue the fight for to misdirect Danny/Jon..Maybe Cercei sacrifices her babe/herself to him becoming his NQ and with this way making an alliance with him…she wants him to defeat their common enemies [Jon/Danny] why not?Will be a chance for her…As for the Dothraki ..i dont think will be defeated before going in Winterfell..The photos set in Moneyglass[?] proving that they will camp there first before the battle takes place…The NK will defeated for sure ….Jon will give his life to defeat him and there will be a Maximus/Commodus situation in the end [you know the Gladiator movie ending]leaving behind a prego Danny and their child to continue the Targaryen lineage [as Jon will avoid his claim to the Throne and will not interested]and to leading the living into a new golden era of peace,freedom and development..This is actually the bittersweet ending that George had promised ..As for Jaime i think..he will help Jon to fight the NK and be Night Kingslayer[Azor Ahai after killing Cercei/NQ with Widows Veil] and after this he marries Breanne and dies in old age in the hands of the womans[Breanne]he really loves ..he deserves that end..
Something tells me the chances of Jon dying in the fighting AND Jaime living to old age are really low here.
Jaime seems to have tragic ending stamped all over his forehead.
Stark Raven’ Rad,
Love York and Yorkshire even though I am a dedicated Lancastrian, York and the moors are some of my most favourite places to go. Funnily enough when we’re in York they all sounded a bit posh so I asked the chap behind the bar and he said that was because York wasn’t really Yorkshire. 🤔
Black Raven,
I am happy to go to London, I couldn’t have taken the chance of missing it, I just like a moan. Sometimes I sound like Dolorous Edd 🙄
Jon Snowed,
The showrunners my show us the NK overrunning the Last Heart and/or Karhold but that would take no more than one or two minutes of the screen time. In fact, such scenes would be a pure filler adding absolutely nothing to the story. There are no important characters in these castles. Alys Karstark and Ned Umber are just named extras, no-one cares about them, and we have already seen that the Army of the Dead is devastating. At best, such scenes can serve as a reminder of the Night King’s location in Ep1, but they can hardly continue through Ep2. In Ep2 the NK must reach to Winterfell, otherwise it’s going to feel dragged. And the last season proved that the showrunners are not willing to drag things anymore.
As for the course of the attack on Winterfell, at first the dead should storm the castle. But Winterfell is well prepared. They already have almost ten thousand men (plus women and children who have also acquired some fighting skills). Moreover, Jon & Dany should arrive with the Unsullied. In other words, Winterfell will have nearly 20 thousand of active defenders plus auxiliary force. That almost equals the odds against the NK army. Usually, 1 man in defense equals 3 men in offense but in this case the ratio can be increased 1:5, because the Unsullied, the northern soldiers and the Knight of the Vale are armed and trained professionals, whereas the wights are just a mindless mob. In other words, Winterfell should be pretty capable of repelling a straightforward attack and that leaves the siege as the only option for the Night King. He has time to wait while the defenders run out of food.
A siege is also a better option storywise. The protagonists will have plenty of time to sort out everything they have to. As for lifting the siege, the showrunners have already set the Dothraki and Jaime to come to Winterfell with a certain delay. Sure, it’s hard to imagine Jaime joining forces with the Dothraki but that would be in line with the general idea of forgetting yesterdays wars and fighting together against the common enemy.
Haha… Well, I’m sure it will be a great show and experience no matter where you see it. Look forward to reading your report of how it went 😉
One of the few things I miss living where I do is attending events like this – Ah, not forgetting to mention the good ol’ English pubs and the curry houses 🙁
Ah York! Love the place and been there many times. I have a mate who lives there. I recall on my first visit asking him where the nearest fish and chip shop was. He told me and said to just ask for – “One of each!” – Never said that before, but I got what I was after – i.e. fish n’ chips 😀
Maybe…Jon is doomed and sometimes foreshadowed to die again
Since they did make a point of showing us that Arya spared the women of House Frey, it seems reasonable that at least one of them will show up in S8. But to what purpose? That’s where we should be speculating.
Too bad there are hardly any Stark men left, as it would be a nice irony to have one of them fall for a Frey scion (perhaps unknowingly) and voluntarily make up for Robb’s dereliction of duty in the marriage department.
Or perhaps Bronn’s throwaway line about Tyrion giving him two castles, since Jaime had already promised him one, foreshadows him being made lord of the Twins in the end. In that case, a sassy Frey heir might make a suitable lady for him.
Could “sarra” be Serra Mopatis?
Ten Bears,
Thank you for the laugh of the day. But leaving that calling card was a gamble on Arya’s part. If there’s an identity parade, she could be fingered for the massacre. Her Starkish mercy for the innocent was spot on, but I’d prefer she had walked out as Walder, leaving nothing behind but utterly bewildered women. I do agree with you, Wolfish and and others–there’s not likely to be an investigation. But I hope ‘Sarra’ is not a Frey. If nothing else, it could be awkward.
House Monty,
Agreed. Crikey, the last thing I want is yet another deus ex machina rescue. IMO an expected (by viewers) rescue is more acceptable, still giving us suspense as to whether the 7th cavalry arrives in time.
Bravo for estimating the forces’ ability to handle the wights. And you’re probably right that a siege would be good. If nothing else, it would allow for sustained drama. The NK and WWs are apparently sentient, but how strategic-minded is a question. I still envisage Winterfell falling fairly quickly as it becomes inundated with Others.
Oddball notion here: If Jon and Beric are ‘fire wights,’ might they be able to pass as dead and infiltrate the siege army? Perhaps even find a way to ‘turn’ some of them from ice to fire?
Stark Raven’ Rad,
The problem with Winterfell falling is that good guys should start winning at some point. Last season, the NK had two major victories: he lured the dragons into a trap and he broke the Wall. Moreover, both victories were rather easy ones. Beyond the Wall, the NK lost one of his leutenanst and a bunch of wights but there was the feeling that he was ready to pay this price for a dragon (and it was worth it). So, for the moment, the NK is higly overpowered and in GOT that means that something has to go wrong.
As for the strategy, strategy is learned in action. If a straightforward attack on Winterfell fails (an it sould, bcause all the planning and uncomfortable alliances must have at least a minor payoff), the NK will have to change strategy and look for another solution.
In S1e9, one of Walder Frey’s conditions to allowing Robb to cross the bridge at the Twins included Arya’s marrying one of Frey’s sons:
Robb: “And?”
Catelyn: “And Arya will marry his son Waldron when they both come of age.”
Robb: “She won’t be happy about that.”
When Arya exterminated all of Walder’s sons in S7e1 (presumably including Waldron), and concluded with her marvelous speech that “Winter came for House Frey” before walking out, I almost wanted her to turn around and add:
”Oh, and needless to say, the engagement’s off.”
NK is quite a tactician. (He’s ahead 4-0 on my scorecard; 3-0-1 if you count attack on the 3ER cave a draw). That’s why I still believe KL is his primary target.
I suspect Jon was prescient (and Cersei terribly shortsighted) when Jon announced at the Dragonpit in S7e7:
“…The same thing is coming for all of us.
A general you can’t negotiate with. An army that doesn’t leave corpses behind on the battlefield.
Lord Tyrion tells me a million people live in this city. They’re about to become a million more soldiers in the Army of the Dead.”
Query: What would Team Targ/Stark do if they arrive in KL and discover it is infested with 1,000,000 zombies?
Yes, I recall this. And in the books (which you haven’t read, IIRC?), Arya actually meets the boy, though his name is different and he’s a grandson or great-grand. It happens at Harrenhal: They work together cleaning chainmail shirts by rolling them around a courtyard inside barrels of sand. The Frey boy quickly tires of the work and complains, bragging that he’s engaged to marry a princess and should not have to do such menial tasks. Arya has no clue that she’s the ‘princess’ in question.
I think things are going to get a lot worse for the humans before things get better. That means several northern strongholds falling, Dothraki getting beaten, Kings Landing could also fall but that would then require wild/dragon fire to resolve and I don’t see the dragons surviving the story either.
So Arya was the princess who was promised ?
Ten Bears,
Burn them all!
I never thought of it quite that way before, but… just so!
The Names in that link from the Independent Agency show also Sara Dylan who played Cerseis loyal handmaiden “Bernadette” since Season 2 until Season 7. Maybe she will be comeback in Season 8 for a small role ^^.
“Nigel O’Neill, Dale Leadon-Bolger, Chris Grant and Sara Dylan join the cast of a major TV series.”
I guess the names in the list are also for GOT.
Ding, ding, ding!🛎🛎🛎 Correct answer! 🎯
Seriously though, wouldn’t that be spooky if Jon & Co. arrive in KL, only to find that it’s populated by a million zombies? My mind flashes to two possible responses:
a. (As you correctly surmised), channeling Mad King Aerys: “Burn them all!”🔥🔥🔥; or
b. Channeling King Arthur from Monty Python & The Holy Grail: “Run away!!!”🏃
Ten Bears,
Yes, I think that it could be the greatest irony in the end that the infamous words “Burn them all!” spoken by Aerys II will, in fact, be the command that Jon and Daenerys, his grandson and his daughter, will give to Drogon and Rhaegal when confronted by the horrific situation – burn the city with all the wights and the living still in it in order to stop the dead and destroy them once and for all. Of course, in this scenario, it will happen under completely different circumstances, but in a way they would carry out the plan that their mad ancestor once had and will have to live with guilt for the rest of their days.