This is a rebuttal to a recent opinion piece, Why Game of Thrones passing the books shouldn’t be a bad thing. As with all our opinion pieces, the following views express do not necessarily reflect those of WatchersontheWall or its staff. NOTE: the following alludes to material from the fourth and fifth books in ASOIAF, as well as events in season 5.
By Phyllis Ashley
Before you all throw me under the Book Purist bus, allow me to offer a perspective from a Sullied who otherwise considers herself a reasonable person with an open mind.
While most days I have to invest an exorbitant amount of energy into pacifying the Book Purist/Nerd Rage Hulkess version of myself, I have to budge ever so slightly to the fact that Game of Thrones will never be what A Song of Ice and Fire is, be it breadth or comprehensiveness, or a thorough compilation of character development/events, nor will it fulfill the grand imagery my mind created while immersing myself in the textual world GRRM has created.