The season premiere of Game of Thrones finally arrived last night, bringing with it prophecies, darkness, and a painful end for one notable character. The morning after, we have several interviews and videos examining “The Wars to Come,” its new tricks (that flashback!) and the choices that led to one character’s death.
In Entertainment Weekly, George R.R. Martin talks about the Maggy the Frog-Young Cersei scene (which David Benioff says is “not technically a ‘flashback’ because it opens the episode rather than breaking from a previously established setting to flash back to an earlier time.” Thanks, Benioff. I’m calling it a flashback).
“Prophecy is a staple element in fantasy, but it’s tricky,” Martin says to EW. “You want to play with the notion of prophecies coming true but in an unexpected way. You want to be unpredictable about it. Shakespeare is the ultimate example of that—when the forest of Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane Castle, MacBeth will fall. Everybody laughs—how can the forest come to the castle. [Malcolm] came camouflaged with branches and so on. Also, during the War of the Roses, one of the lords was prophesized that he would die at a certain castle. So he always took pains to avoid that castle. But then in the first The Battle of St Albans, he was wounded and died outside a pub that had that castle on its pub sign. You have to look at prophecies carefully and look at the weasel-wording. Maggy the Frog tells Cersei a prophecy, but could Cersei make it happen through her efforts to avoid it?”
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