Gatewatch faithful, your patience has been rewarded! I come to you with tidings, cheer, and a lovely slice of Brienne of Tarth!
The interview was arranged for us by Mara Mikialian, HBO’s wonderful Media Relations guru, and happened at precisely the time she said it would. I kid you not when I tell you Gwendoline Christie called me on my phone.
And let me tell you, she is as advertised – exactly as you’ve seen her on television and heard in interviews – aglow with positivity, edged with a sly wit, and brimming with wicked laughter. And boy, can Gwendoline ever laugh. Laughs don’t so much escape as explode from her, popping the ears and, on at least one early occasion, making the mic cut out. She has the expected English politeness, of course, though her voice can (and does) dip towards a throaty, playful purr that verges on flirty. But most of all she is honest, seemingly guileless, and wholly appreciative of everything Game of Thrones has brought her way.
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