Game of Thrones fans can get a little antsy waiting for the new season. April 24th starts to seem like a long way off and sometimes fans get…creative in how we direct that energy, manufacturing fake images of the season to come.
Well, this year we decided to channel that enthusiasm in a more fun direction with our very first Photoshop challenge! We challenged our readers to show us their hopes, wishes, and suspicions about the new season, creating new images for everyone’s enjoyment. Skill was not necessarily required, only cleverness, humor, or an idea. We asked you all to show us what you’ve got, and Game of Thrones fans delivered.
Based on the submissions, it seems fans want to see in season 6 a whole lot of payback, the return of bastards and kings, ships coming true, dragons, hype and violence. Lots of violence, but then this is Game of Thrones.
As promised, we’ve chosen a grand winner of the contest, and a runner-up, based on deliberations among the Watchers on the Wall staff. We had a great selection to choose from and it wasn’t easy. Thank you to everyone for your submissions, and we hope you all enjoy their offerings!
{Warning: Image-heavy post!}
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