Editor’s note: for all those unaware, I have a side job of editing and publishing (and, occasionally, writing) a series of ebooks, most of which cover A Song of Ice and Fire, generally, and Game of Thrones, specifically.

The newest book I’ve had the privilege of releasing is It Is Known: Seasons 1 – 5 Deconstructed. Written by GOT “scholars” extraordinaire Stefan Sasse and Miles Schneiderman (both of whom have written for Tower of the Hand for many years and are continuously featured on various podcasts to discuss the show), it takes a no-nonsense, amazingly in-depth look at HBO’s premiere series, extolling its many virtues and exploring its missteps. It reads like the nerdiest and most comprehensive commentary across all five seasons thus far, and even I – who have written about Game of Thrones for five sites now myself – ended up learning a thing or two, at the least, or reevaluating my assumptions of and stances on the show, at the most.
Even if I had nothing to do with either It Is Known or its wonderful creators, I’d still whole-heartedly recommend it to you.
But don’t take my word for it! I’ve collected below the first five “roundtables” that Stefan and Miles engaged in, covering – appropriately enough – the first five episodes (the ebook also includes all of the duo’s reviews published over the years at various sites, to boot). Take a quick gander and see if it isn’t you might be interesting in picking up to help while away the time in between brand-new episodes. (At $5.99 for over 600 pages, it’s a steal!)
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