Premiere Day Interview Round-up: Maisie Williams, Kristian Nairn, Daniel Portman and John Bradley on the season ahead

From the season 4 finale. Photo: HBO
From the season 4 finale. Photo: HBO

Bran Stark is making his big return this season on Game of Thrones, and everyone knows you can’t have Bran without Hodor. Kristian Nairn teases the season ahead in these brand new interviews.

Talking to the Wall Street Journal about Hodor’s season 6 storyline, Nairn says, “I’m happy. Obviously, I can’t say too much. I’m very happy how season 6 has played out for us. It’s a very cool turn of events. It’s worth the wait.”

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Kill time until Game of Thrones season 6 tonight with a brand-new retrospective ebook

Editor’s note: for all those unaware, I have a side job of editing and publishing (and, occasionally, writing) a series of ebooks, most of which cover A Song of Ice and Fire, generally, and Game of Thrones, specifically.

It Is Known: Seasons 1 - 5 Deconstructed ebook

The newest book I’ve had the privilege of releasing is It Is Known: Seasons 1 – 5 Deconstructed. Written by GOT “scholars” extraordinaire Stefan Sasse and Miles Schneiderman (both of whom have written for Tower of the Hand for many years and are continuously featured on various podcasts to discuss the show), it takes a no-nonsense, amazingly in-depth look at HBO’s premiere series, extolling its many virtues and exploring its missteps. It reads like the nerdiest and most comprehensive commentary across all five seasons thus far, and even I – who have written about Game of Thrones for five sites now myself – ended up learning a thing or two, at the least, or reevaluating my assumptions of and stances on the show, at the most.

Even if I had nothing to do with either It Is Known or its wonderful creators, I’d still whole-heartedly recommend it to you.

But don’t take my word for it! I’ve collected below the first five “roundtables” that Stefan and Miles engaged in, covering – appropriately enough – the first five episodes (the ebook also includes all of the duo’s reviews published over the years at various sites, to boot). Take a quick gander and see if it isn’t you might be interesting in picking up to help while away the time in between brand-new episodes. (At $5.99 for over 600 pages, it’s a steal!)
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Game of Thrones Memory Lane 510: Mother’s Mercy


This is it: we’ve reached the end of our long and winding Game of Thrones Memory Lane. What started with the long-ago first episode “Winter is Coming” comes to a resolute finish with the season 5 finale “Mother’s Mercy.”  The journey has been filled with laughs, twists, love and death, and every step of it a reminder that there is still more to come, as we head into the sixth season of Game of Thrones.

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50 Tweets of Shade

Simon-vs-Twitty-BirdHelleeeeeooooooo, nerds! And welcome to season 6!

No, you haven’t accidentally forgotten to watch the season 6 premiere. (Well, unless you are reading this on the 25th, in which case you might have!)

In honor of the #GoT50 hashtag–meant for a diehards-only fifty-day re-watch of Game of Thrones‘ first 5 seasons–we are unfurling the first Twitter post of 2016 two days early, and summarizing (as only Twitter can) the experience.

Now… this didn’t go precisely as I had hoped. Honestly, there were not as many actual diehards as one might expect–certainly not the sort of who tackle this re-watch one day at a time, for fifty days. So the gathering was scattered, to say the least, and …

Well, if you’re the sort who hates Twitter posts that that feature only a handful of people… this may not be the Twitter post for you. I grabbed what I could.
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Game Weekend Giveaway: Watchers on the Wall Prize Package

Tee Banner

To celebrate the start of Season 6 of Game of Thrones and to thank all of our loyal supporters, your favorite GoT site is giving you a chance to win a Watchers on the Wall Prize Package! Show your support of the Wall anywhere you go!

The prize package includes THREE Watchers t-shirts of your choice and a new, soon-to-be-added-to-our-store item, the WotW drawstring bag! How do you enter? It’s easy!

Leave a comment in the comments section to enter to win! And read on for additional entry methods below the cut!

*Even better, the contest is open to readers worldwide!*

In addition, we’ve put all items in the Official WotW Store on sale to celebrate the new season. Read on for more ways to enter!

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Looking Forward, Game of Thrones Ep. 601: We’re All Not Unsullied Now


The time has come. In-season Looking Forward is here.

Fear not, Unsullied army. For if you are one of those strong-willed souls who have fought the good fight over urge and avoided casting news and filming leaks and other spoilerific posts that this fair site has brought you, then you do not stand alone.

Join me as we venture into the true unknown. Your virgin eyes and ears shall remain unmolested in the posts of Oz.

Strap on your feathered helmets. Your all-inclusive, in-season, unofficial Watchers schedule awaits you below the cut, and the Unsullied Board of Trustees meeting convenes now.

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Benioff and Weiss estimate 10-15 hours remain for Game of Thrones after this season


The potential endgame for Game of Thrones is the subject of much discussion these days, with everyone wondering just how long we have left in the run of the show.

“We are writing the final act now,” David Benioff and D.B. Weiss tell the Hollywood Reporter in a new interview today. The showrunners address the recent talk about the show’s future, and estimate that the series will run for “10-15 more hours beyond season six.”

Benioff and Weiss explain, “We’re approaching the finish line. From the outset, our hope was to tell a complete story — beginning, middle and end. We are writing the final act now, and the last thing we want to do is stay on stage after the play is over.”

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