Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 2 “Home” Video Roundup

Hello all, and welcome to another episode’s collection of fan and critic videos for your viewing pleasure. Your comments were read, so from this week on videos you asked for will get cycled in and out. Who lost their minds over the return of Jon Snow? Was anyone other than me distraught over the tragic death of dear Walda Frey? Watch on!

Some commentary from Ozzy Man who never disappoints – heeere comes Jonno!

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Game of Thrones stamps and “Doors of Thrones” unveiled in Northern Ireland

Door 1

One of the benefits of Game of Thrones, besides enjoying the story, has been discovering and exploring the beautiful locations featured throughout the show. Countries such as Northern Ireland, Croatia, Morocco, Spain, and more have been featured in the show, and seen tourism boost as a result of the Game of Thrones influence.

Northern Ireland has been the primary home of the show for all six seasons, with Titanic Studios in Belfast, Linen Mill Studios in Banbridge and countless on-site locations across the country hosting filming over the years. The Dark Hedges, a historic row of distinctive trees in County Antrim, appeared in the season 2 premiere of GoT and made the news in January when several of the trees fell in a storm.

Now, Tourism Ireland is unrolling two campaigns throughout Northern Ireland, unveiling Game of Thrones stamps and a very cool use of those fallen trees.

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Give us your thoughts on questions from “Home” through “Oathbreaker”

Before the season began we asked you three questions to better prepare for the oncoming storm. Tomorrow, a podcast records part two of thoughts and feelings on this week’s titan of a Game of Thrones episode, “Home”. Leading into next week, there are things that must be discussed.

After the cut you’ll find three questions we’ve asked ourselves, and will be disputing as the show records on Wednesday.

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Home Tweet Home Too

photo-2Yes, it’s the MOST obvious pun. I know!

(Your mom is obvious.)

Twitter time, twitter time! As per the usual, we gathered Tweets from the #GameOfThrones, #GoTs6, and #Home hashtag…

(…though let me tell you, I quit on the #Home tag pretty quickly. How DARE people use Twitter to talk about things NOT Throne-y?!)

Anywayz. The Storify post is beneath the cut. If you want to go straight to the slideshow version, CLICK HERE.
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Game of Thrones episode 602 viewership slightly down compared to the premiere

These numbers are biiig
These numbers are biiig

We had to wait a bit for the number today, but they are in: the initial airing of Game of Thrones: The Resurrection was seen by 7.29 million viewers on Sunday (compared to 7.94 million last week). With that, it was easily the most viewed cable programme of the night. Despite the expected post-premiere drop, 602 was the fourth most watched episode so far.

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The Ironborn speak in new interviews; Melisandre’s High Valyrian translated


IGN brings us a pair of Ironborn interviews, after a huge episode for the islanders this week on Game of Thrones. Portrayer of the late king Balon, Patrick Malahide, and Gemma Whelan (Yara Greyjoy) both chat with IGN‘s Terri Schwartz about their characters and the twists we saw play out in “Home.”

In the interview, Malahide describes the creation of his stormy death scene with new cast member Pilou Asbæk (Euron). The actor explains how the two of them stood underneath “great big revolving rain machines” in a quarry (presumably Magheramorne Quarry, where we saw the likely set being built) last November.

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Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2: Home


Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers as well as viewers who have NOT been spoiled by leaks (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you! 

Welcome “Home” to the Wall, all thee of Unsulliedness. If you are one of the few that got any sleep last night, then congratulations are in order. Because… damn.

As a whole, it felt as if the entire Game changed last night and not just because of you know what.

Come along with a man, for before last night, we were all stricken with some level of blindness. But the picture has become somewhat clearer even as the water may be muddier than ever.

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Game of Thrones once again on the cover of Entertainment Weekly!


Last night was an eventful episode of Game of Thrones, to say the least. If you haven’t watched the episode yet, steer clear of this article because there will be spoilers!

Game of Thrones will be gracing the cover of the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly, just a month after the last time. For a sneak peek at the cover and choice soundbites from EW’s interview, click on through.

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