[Updated!] New photos from Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 4 “Book of the Stranger”

Aidan Gillen as Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO
Aidan Gillen as Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish
Credit: Helen Sloan/HBO

HBO has released a new batch of photos from the fourth episode of Game of Thrones season 6. This episode, titled “Book of the Stranger,” features the first season 6 sighting of Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish.

Official episode synopsis: Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) strikes a deal. Jorah (Iain Glen) and Daario (Michiel Huisman) undertake a difficult task. Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and Cersei (Lena Headey) try to improve their situation.

Photos under the cut!

5/12: Updated with many more images from episode 4!

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It Is Known: “Oathbreaker”


When Jon Snow hands his command over, both figuratively and literally, to Dolorous Edd Tollett, he’s taking his own life, identity, and destiny into his own hands for perhaps the first time since the very first episode, when he first chose to join the Night’s Watch. Yes, there have been times when his autonomy has flared up – like when he attempted to sneak off from Castle Black in order to avenge his lord father’s death (“Fire and Blood,” episode 110) – but it’s always been forced back down into submission, thanks to the worry of his comrades and the inertia of his career path, so to speak, with the crows. And, yes, Jon has attempted to channel his desire to forge his own path into a stronger leadership role for himself, like when he takes the initiative against the Night’s Watch deserters who slew Lord Commander Jeor Mormont (“Oathkeeper,” 404) – but it is nothing even remotely close to what he does here in “Oathbreaker.”

Such a development is a rarity in Game of Thrones; much like the medieval history that it is based off of, much of the narrative is wholly dependent upon individuals meeting the expectations or demands of their families, houses, and geographical regions, which oftentimes necessitates the almost near-subjugation (if not annihilation) of the self. In this way, Queen Regent Cersei Lannister is expected to marry Ser Loras Tyrell; King Robb Stark is expected to make marriage arrangements based upon political calculations as opposed to personal fulfillment; Sansa Stark is talked into trading her newfound freedom in for marriage to Ramsay Bolton; and even Arya Stark is asked to negate any sense of personal identity, and therefore agency, in her training to become a master assassin. (Man – that’s a lot of storylines devoted to or otherwise revolving around marriage. Talk about a thematic landmine!)

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Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 3 “Oathbreaker” Video Recap Roundup

Another week, another flashback, another poor, damned direwolf. What did our reviewers think of the Tower of Joy and its frakking awesome fight? Jon peacing out from the Nights Watch? The fate of poor sweet Rickon? Let’s watch:

TYT and WTF?! read our comments and tweets because Cenk is back and doing solo reviews, striding forward boldly with incorrect information. Will his revolutionary theories about Jon’s parentage be bolstered by the events in the Tower of Joy flashback? His liberal usage of ‘Wa siktir!’ gets me every time.

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Curtain Call: Brenock O’Connor


Well, the #FuckOlly movement has finally paid off.

In the last scene of “Oathbreaker,” the newly resurrected Jon Snow executed his traitorous Brothers, including Olly, the teenage boy who’d become one of the most hated characters on the show.

To be perfectly honest, I never understood the fandom’s bile towards Olly and I probably owe much of my sympathy for him to Brenock O’Connor’s performance.

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George R.R. Martin Releases a New Chapter of The Winds of Winter


Spoilers Warning: This post contains spoilers for The Winds of Winter

All along the south coast of Cape Wrath rose crumbling stone watchtowers, raised in ancient days to give warning of Dornish raiders stealing in across the sea…

With that, George R.R. Martin ominously opens his latest Winds of Winter sample chapter from the perspective of Arianne Martell. Who’s Arianne? Why, she’s Princess-Not-Appearing-In-Game-of-Thrones. In all seriousness, she’s the daughter of Doran Martell and heir to Sunspear (in A Song of Ice and Fire), and she’s in the Stormlands. Why is she in the Stormlands and not Dorne? She’s there to evaluate Jon Connington and Aegon to determine whether they’re authentic and whether Dorne should throw its meagre lot in with these outnumbered invaders. Arianne has specific instructions to send ravens back to her father Doran to tell him of all she knows.

The stakes couldn’t be higher.

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Robert Aramayo on taking on Ned Stark and the Tower of Joy

Photo: Macall B. Polay/HBO

One of the major highlights of the latest episode of Game of Thrones was the long-awaited Tower of Joy scene. The epic fight sequence features a youthful version of Ned Stark and his friends taking on Targaryen-era Kingsguard knights in an effort to reach his sister Lyanna in the tower.  This week, Robert Aramayo, the 23-year-old English actor who brought young Ned to life speaks with Access Hollywood and The Hollywood Reporter about taking on the iconic role originated by Sean Bean.

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Give us your thoughts on questions from “Oathbreaker” through “Book of the Stranger”

Last week, we asked three questions following the events of “Home”. Some of you were right, some of you were wrong, and some of our shared theories have yet to be determined. Tomorrow, a podcast records part two of thoughts and feelings set in motion following “Oathbreaker”. Leading into next week, there are things that must be discussed.

After the cut you’ll find three questions we’ve asked ourselves, and will be disputing as the show records on Wednesday.

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090731_Angry_Twitter_BirdBecause once again, as has been its habit of late, Game of Thrones broke Twitter, which in turn broke the internet.

(No, not really. Come on.)

Axey back, haulin’ the usual Tuesday bag of GoTwitter Goodness. As you know, we grab the funniest, fiercest, angriest, happiest, weirdest (and yes, stupidest) Tweets, checking the #GameOfThrones, #Oathbreaker, #DemThrones, and #GoTs6 hashtags.

(PRO TIP: I check the #GoTs6 tag first. That’s where a lot of my regulars go.)

On with the mayhem!
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