Game of Thrones Riverrun filming is expected to be busy today, but until we receive any reports, now is a good time to share some info we’ve learned about locations in Northern Ireland this week.
Filming in Spain also continues this week, with crews working on new locations. Shooting at the Alcazaba of Almería is expected to begin tomorrow, and we have a new photo of the likely filming area at Mesa Roldán.
In Northern Irish news, we’ve heard some interesting rumors from friends there about the filming in the area of Corbet. Apparently there are at least two locations in County Down at the moment- the Riverrun set, and a wooded area being used as well. Our source reports that Nikolaj Coster-Waldau was spotted filming a few miles away from the Corbet location recently.
We’ve heard a rumor that Game of Thrones will be shooting a scene in Ballycastle, County Antrim, sometime this week, in a new location that’s being set up as a graveyard. Filming there is expected to take not very long, possibly only one day. It’s unknown what characters will be involved in the scene.
Additionally, we’ve learned that Game of Thrones returned to shoot at Murlough Bay for season 6, though it’s not known when. Murlough Bay and its coast have been used on the show several times over the years, for scenes such as Yara and Theon’s ride in season 2 and Tyrion and Jorah’s scenes on the shore last year.
Meanwhile, cast members such as Jacob Anderson, Nathalie Emmanuel, and Michiel Huisman are in Spain (with various sighting photos still popping up in addition to these pics) and preparations are under way in Carboneras, at the Mesa Roldan location, where a scaffolding is being set up at the moment.
The photo doesn’t tell us much yet about the scene we’ll see there, but it does confirm shooting will happen at the tower on the mesa.
Speaking of Instagram photos- I know some people were curious about Nell Tiger Free posting this one:
But I think it’s very likely an old photo. She dyed her hair brown two weeks ago, and I can’t imagine why she’d do that, knowing she has filming soon. Nothing is out of the question, including an appearance at a funeral. But I think Myrcella is dead. Her character is considered so in all official HBO guides, and they have always been accurate regarding deaths. (The only way around it would be if someone were dead and then brought brought back to life, but that’s a whole other can of worms.)
Thanks to readers Mike and Richard for their assistance!
Fat Walda.
A graveyard? A GRAVEYARD??????
Oh god, is it April yet?
Does anyone know how much longer filming is. It’s usually wrapped up by December right?
That peaked my interest as well.
A graveyard? The Gravedigger?
Gravedigger get hype
Clearly the graveyard filming will include
Josh L,
Cleganebowl is coming! What is hype may never die!
Hmmm – could the Ballycastle graveyard be the Quiet Isle?
I really hope the Alcazaba is Sunspear/Dorne stuff.
Jaime in the woods near the Riverrun set. There’s actually more evidence of LSH or at least the BWB this season than all other seasons since the Red Wedding combined, but far less hype. Weird.
I actually always kinda hoped Myrcella wasn’t really dead figuring that Tommen would have to die first so she could get a ‘golden crown’ and trigger the flight to the Rock. But I suspect they’re right and she’s gone.
Yeah I like the Gravedigger speculation too since Clegane had unfinished business with both Stark sisters and I’d give up teeth for an Arya/hound reunion in Season 6.
Does anyone know when Sophie starts filming her scenes?
Graveyard… interesting.
Dark Knight’s King,
Not weird. It’s “the boy who cried wolf” scenario playing out. People are tired of being disappointed, I guess. Also, Game of Thrones abounds with scenes in the woods. How does that point to LSH or the BWB?
I never took that part of the prophecy as a literale crown. But a refferance to their hair wich is ”golden”. And seeing as Myrcella died before Tommen, I think I may be right here.
Wow, the graveyard piques my interest to an all-time peak (for today, anyway)!
Luka Nieto,
The location (Riverlands), the character (Jaime), the timeline (Siege of Riverrun) & the casting of an outlaw band (BWB).
Luka Nieto,
Michelle Fairley was spotted in Belfast last week, along with the blackfish actor. Who has since been confirmed to be in S6. This is no evidence of course, but definitely possible I think
Dark Knight’s King,
The outlaws shot already and we have no indication that they’ll shoot again now.
ghost of winterfell,
There is no evidence of anything at all; just a Tweet without photographic proof. Also, it’s not like Michelle Fairley is American or English; she’s Northern Irish. The fact that he was spotted in Belfast shouldn’t be a shocker.
Incidentally, Fairley was born in Ballycastle, County Antrim 🙂
Luka Nieto,
Yeah it could be a multitude of different scenes.
Jaime on his way to RR. Jaime leaving from RR…..etc.
I am still very skeptical we will actoully see the BWB from S3, the characters description just doesn’t fit, in my opinion. Also no news or sight of Beric’s actor or Thoros.
In my opinion a new bandit group/band is the most likely possibility. I’m not sure, but this is what I’m leaning towards.
We only know that Turner isn’t filming in October or November. Any remaining filming she does will be in December, though there’s no word on that either way (though I have a hard time seeing how she wouldn’t be, and I think some of the other filming information we have supports that supposition).
All I’m saying is that there is actual evidence pointing to this scene potentially occurring, whereas there really was not before, but no one seems to think it will actually happen now which I find strange. It is pretty clear Jaime is going to be involved in a lot of his Riverlands plot this season or some variation thereof. I have no idea if we will get LSH or not, but it would at least fit with Jamie’s story this season.
I think the primary reason we have not seen her is that it would take away the shock value of Jon given the way they set up Melisandre coming back to The Wall at the last minute. Not everyone follows along on blogs, Reddit and forums to track every single rumor so what is likely going to happen there would be a surprise to a large segment of the audience. There’s no reason to hold LSH back after you resurrect Jon though if she is actually important to the plot of TWOW.
I cannot believe how much I do not want LSH to show up at this late date. It just feels like we are too far along in the narrative to resurrect the corpse of Catelyn Stark.
That being said, I’m not going to be shocked if we get Quiet Isle and the Gravedigger. So…any reports on McShane filming? The NI stuff seems to fit in with his character.
Go, Gravedigger, go.
Dark Knight’s King,
There is no indication whatsoever that LSH is out of the show. On The centrar I believe she is part of what is to Come and not just a means of frey vengeance. We will have to wait about this. I also doubt that Myrcella is dead until next seasons ep 1.
Dark Knight’s King,
You’re certainly right that there is more concrete information on that score than there has been before. I guess the comparative lack of speculation just shows that most people have given up on that angle (correctly, most likely).
The resurrection has already happened. We will not see it happening. LSH is out there ready for action if they decide to use her.
Luka Nieto,
Yeah, its just the timing of her visit is weird, if it really was her! I too am not very keen for her to come back though..
Mega LOL. Comic genius, that one. Lunchtime hilarity. Thx.
Probably so. I think her importance is setting up Brienne to choose between two vows and the show has already done that when Brienne abandoned watching the tower for Sansa to go kill Stannis last season.
A graveyard!? Please let it be Quiet Isle. Even if its not Quiet Isle specifically, still let it be for a Gravedigger reveal!
ummm, Graveyard? WHAT??? I know there are many reasons to show a graveyard in any show, but I really, really want to believe that a very large, hooded gravedigger will be tasked with a certain mission.
West of Moon,
Just a thought… from an unashamed fan of the Jaime-Brienne relationship, whether it has a romantic endpoint or not 🙂
The Bowl of Cleganes?
Earlier today, Carice said on Twitter that shes flying to GoT filming.
Luka Nieto,
Oh, I like that idea.
Now if only Gendry would show back up for a reunion with Arya this season would be perfect.
crosses fingers that Gwendoline’s destination was Belfast
Luka Nieto,
If LSH finally shows up, I’m going to be in much trouble. I’ve told all my Unsullied friends about her ?
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think we’re imminent of this very site confirming STONEHEART.
Quote me if it comes true!
The Tattered Prince,
Wow. You are the Spoiler Prince
Cersei’s Brain,
The Spoiler Prince that Was Promised 🙂
What is hype may never die but rises again, harder and stronger.
My best guess right now is that Mesa Roldan is at the top of the Mother of Mountains.
Yay! A Graveyard!
I always had the feeling, that TWOW and everything from S06 is about Northern Revenge, so in my Mind LSH would fit.
But I gotta admit: I just liked her and would be very happy to see her on Screen.
Just like I´d love to finally see Nymeria again.
Ooohhh! The plot thickens. I hope it means that a certain gravedigger is back. I remembered GRRM’s blog post after their win at the Emmy and it was very telling especially when he started thanking those who were part of the show in the past.
DeObia Oparei, Alexander Siddig, Rosabell Laurenti-Sellers, and Indira Varma are in Almeria, presumably for the shoot at the Alcazaba that starts tomorrow.
Ellaria is screwed right? No way Doran is letting her live. He’ll have to placate the Lannisters somehow. Beheading in 6×01/02?
In Valyria, they said “Bowlus Clegannus.”
They’d say that because hype is coming and what is dead may never die, but rises, unbowed, unbroken, and roaring, the fury and the fire and the blood, all prepped for a showdown to end all showdowns.
But the Doom took Valyria, and Bowlus Clegannus may be a dead dream. We shall see, in 2016.
Well, that is what we expect. I don’t think she is foolish enough to hang around after the kiss if death. I see her and the SS on the run.
Nice!! Really looking foward too seeing them again! Especially Doran and I’m quite excited for the sand snakes aswell! 🙂
P.S. Again if anyone wants to reply to me with a witty comment on how bad Dorne is, or with the sole purpose of insulting me for liking it, then don’t bother. I’m not looking foward to RR just like you aren’t looking foward too Dorne.
Good, i am glad Alcazaba of Almería seems to be Dornish location and not yet another Essos location.
Hype Man Baelish,
I doubt it, it seems silly to expect he will execute his family members for murder of Lannister. Also since Rosabell have a noticeably longer haircut, i think those Dornish scenes will happen long time after Myrcella assasination. I can imagine it could be the scene in which Doran finally reveal his plans to his beloved female relatives after releasing them from prison.
Good!!! Alcazaba is Dorne, no doubt about it now.
EDIT: It has to be Sunspear, right? It’s perfect for it and it really doesn’t look like the Water Gardens.
I do think she will die this season, or maybe exile, while Doran lies to the crown saying he did execute her.
It’s not that they can know for sure, if they really demand evidance then just send them a skull. Like it happend with Davos in ADWD.
First news about Dorne! :O
Another pic from instagram
PS: Who is the other guy?
At last someone who shares my opinion on the question of the executions.
Alltough I am very confident most people just want them to die because they didn’t like them.
Well we don’t get everything we want in life, and just because some people didn’t like it, doesn’t mean those who did enjoy it, shouldn’t be able to see more of it.
Just like I didn’t want to see RR, for example.
“You can swear your allegiance to me now, or you can die. I believe in second chances. I don’t believe in third chances.”
= R.I.P. Ellaria
I guess most people want to see more of Doran, so they can be happy about that at least.
Dutch Maester,
I do think she will die this season, I still have some hope but not too much.
I just hope it’s not a boring execution..
Cleganebowl + Snowbowl = far too much hype to handle.
So Alacazaba is Dorne. 😀 Great, so now let’s hope that is stands for Sunspear or Starfall.
Finally some news about Mel. It will surely involve our favourite bastard. Interesting to see what exactly.
I like Indira Varma, and Ellaria is very wicked stepmothery–so I don’t want her to go anytime soon. I wasn’t too fond of Cinder-Myrcella anyway.
Dutch Maester,
I want to see more sand snakes aswell. As do my friends, and curiously my father took quite a liking of Tyene, said she is the only one who reminds him of Oberyn.
But let’s not open this can of worms. Nothing good can come out of it.
Mister Stoneheart,
Yup my thoughts. Indira is a great actress, will be sad too see her go. 🙁
Alltough Myrcella didn’t bother me, I was more indifferent to her story, but I’m very excited to see how her death will influance Jaime and Cersei’s relashionship
Geralt of Rivia,
I think Sunspear is a much more likely posibility.
After all Doran can’t reallly stay long in a UNESCO World heritage site. 😛
Geralt of Rivia,
With Doran present, I don’t think any location but Sunspear or Water Gardens (though it probably won’t be) are possible.
Sean C.,
Few sightings of Sophie. Do we know if she was on set this summer ? Few screentime for season 6 or does Sansa die ?
GY! YES! Cleganebowl…Get Hype!
Could this graveyard possibly be Oldstones (or an alternative version)?
As much as I hate to board the LSH bus, it does seem more and more likely that this could actually happen, given the casting announcements and the shifting of storylines across seasons…
There’s another guy with them at the table,next to Siddig.Could it be possible?Is there still a chance?Someone of the night?
I would take a guess that most of Sansa’s scenes would take place in interiors once she gets to where she needs to be to continue the story after her book diversion.
Ser Gerold Dayne,
You know who that is actually? It’s George Georgiou who played the Yunkish ambassador in ep. 307. And I just looked him up and, yes, he’s back in s6.
Hariette Tuttle,
There was some filming early with Littlefinger, I believe on the WF set.
If Ellaria intended to die, then she would not have taken the antidote. The best bet is that she intends to flee somewhere. The second best bet is that she somehow plans to stage a coup. The former is more consistent with the plots of the book.
(From a simple storytelling perspective, they would not have wasted time having her save herself if she did not intend to save herself; if she is captured and executed, then that will be relevant to the plot and story next year, whatever those are.)
? I thought that Roose was the vampire in the series.
She was just a piece of Jaime’s story. It was not so much about her that we were supposed to care as it was Jaime’s feelings towards his daughter becoming those of a father rather than an uncle, and as a father who was definitely not from the Tywin school of fathering.
Another pic from instagram
Interesting that some time has passed in the Dorne story, Ms Seller’s hair is shoulder length now, that’s what, a 4-6 month passage of time, and talk about de-aging, Indira looks great, like 10 years younger in that pic, she really didn’t need a make-over, she was perfect already.
This guy seems to be another Dothraki casting. He was also just in a movie with Emilia this summer.
Just a follow-up on this, you have to download his CV to access it but it says he’s in both Dan Sackheim and Miguel Sapochnik-directed episodes. Also he’s tweeted back and forth with Enzo Cilenti about filming together, so him and Yezzan will likely share a scene or two. 😉
He’s definitely something in GOT. There are websites confirming it, but no role. I’ve been trying to find out if he has a specific part, no luck so far.
Hariette Tuttle,
She was in Belfast for three different time periods from mid-July to mid-August. The only actual filming information we have was that she was at the Winterfell set in early August (Aidan Gillen was reported on that set a day or so later; no indication whether they were filming together).
Most of whatever she’s filming would be interiors, in all likelihood, like last year.
Oh wow. And it specifically lists the directors for ep 3-4 and 9-10.
Wow. Good catch! Interesting tidbit.
I’m remembering a scene from season 3, (not sure which episode) where Cat is recalling how long ago “one of the boys” got very sick. When Talisa asks Cat which boy, Cat replies “Jon.” Cat goes on to tell Talisa about how she prayed to all the gods that if Jon’s life was spared, Cat would raise Jon as her own, with the Stark name. IMHO D&D created that scene for a purpose as it was not in the books. Because ANYTHING is possible in this series, L S H may keep the promise Cat made to the gods way back then, and be the one to bring Jon back. (That is my wish for the L S H character should she make an appearance.) Now pardon me while I duck, bob and weave in hopes of avoiding the inevitable curses, poxes and condemnations of all on this site who vociferously disagree.
Jeff O’Connor,
Clear, concise, and to the point.
Yezzan and Razdal talking 😛
Thanks, I thought he looked familiar 🙂
Yes he is,good actor.Didn’t even looked at him at first.
From a storytelling purpose, this might have been to serve the same purpose as Catelyn begging Robb not to name Jon his heir in the books, but to also keep Cat a less shrewish character than she is in the books. Ultimately, what both scenes bring back to the readers’/viewers’ minds is the million galleon question: who is Jon’s mother? The TV series tried (successfully, I think) from the start to make Cat more sympathetic than she is in the books. Here we see Show!Catelyn do something that Book!Catelyn never did: demonstrate that she tried (but failed) to accept Jon. And, of course, it is shown in the context of the daughter-in-law she is having difficulties accepting: but it implies that she is trying.
Moreover, given that the story that season was one of unraveling conflicted relationships, this fueled the immediate story, too.
Thus, it need not mean anything for the future: this was a gun hung and fired in Season 3 for Season 3.
Do all of you Cleganebowl! shippers really think the Hound would be in any shape to take on FrankenMountain now? As much as I would love to see Rory in the story again, in any form, I can’t believe it would be more than to provide some sort of ending to the Hound’s arc, showing him finally finding some sort of peace and safe place, especially since he was so adamant that there were no safe places.
When Arya left him, he was one sputtering cough away from death. If he somehow survived, wouldn’t he be so demoralized, mentally and physically, that he would do anything NOT to go into that world again? It would take a hell of an inspiration to get him to head to KL. That being said, if a Cleganebowl! is in the works, and they find a way to make it plausible, then I’m all for it. Yay Rory. Get Hype!
So with George Georgio back I think we can assume Yunkai will attack. Thank God. Only famine in Meereen would be quiet boring.
Hoping that Dany returns with the khalasar and Drogon and burn stuff to the ground.
Hmmm, I don’t think so. LOL.
Probably no. LSH purpose was revenge on those who wrong her and her family. They might bring her with more human to her, but if she’s in next season, it’s going to be something different than Jon.
I like Cat and Jon. I know strange combo, but I can understand both of them. Jon was to Cat walking and talking reminder of Ned’s infidelity and Jon was really innocent. It’s not like it was his decision being a bastard. Mel is in Castle Black for a reason and it’s not like she will go to diferent place. Her little world was just destroyed and one would say even her faith in Lord of Light was shaken a bit. In her eyes she trusted Lord of Light and it resulted in a distaster. She doesn’t know that her interpretation of these visions were wrong. I would prefer R’hllor and Old Gods cooporation over every other option.
Oh, great to see the Yunkish ambassador back on board ! He made a very strong impression in his only scene, and the actors with whom he’s posing is interesting… very interesting…
They’re filming in the same location (Almeria). Nothing more.
Well, we cannot actually assume that: there are many other things that his character might be doing.
What this does mean is that we cannot assume that Ellaria will not be filming in the same general sets as Georgia! They probably are doing Dorne and Essos stuff in the same region.
I doubt that her faith in R’hllor is shaken. I think it more probable that she is realizing that she does not understand R’hllor’s messages as well as she thought that she did. It’s not a loss of faith, but a loss of trust.
It’s an assumption. With Dany out of the picture I guess her enemies could attack, mainly because I believe Dany and Daario’s conversations in the last season were foreshadowing that.
There’s just Almeria and its different locations left to be used in Spain now. So yeah we can assume Dorne/Essos will be filmed in the same region.
Hey, sounds good to me. It would be an interesting turn of events, and you stated it quite logically. Don’t know if there would be time for it, but no one but that little Triangle of Trickery, D & D & GRRM, knows for sure. No curses from my corner.
Holy shit, everything we jumped to conclusions about being excised, was for naught.
Give me
, D & D!
I’m getting a strong LSH vibe this season.
Luka Nieto,
I like that idea, Luka! Would merge book and show stories nicely, and timing could work well. Fingers crossed! 🙂
I am so excited! Please let this be the Gravedigger we all want to see.
I seriously need more Rhaegal and Viserion this season. Hopefully, they’ll be free this time.
Luka Nieto,
I like that. I also want to see more Brienne and Jaime.
Sean C.,
Briene would probably stay at Sansa’s side until she’s sure to be safe (say, at Last Hearth). Won’t bother with the spoilers, because this is 100% speculation.
Yesss! The Alcazaba is just PERFECT for Sunspear. I’d assumed the Alcazaba was Meereen, due to the Meereen-related actors going to Almería —but it seems they were heading to Mesa Roldán.
Wait wait wait. The other guy is whoever played the only Yunkish person we ever met, the envoy, right??? What the hell?
And he will appear in Sackheim and Sapochnik episodes, so early in the season, episodes 3 and/or 4, and then in the end, episodes 9 and/or 10. Interesting. It confirms we’ll still be dealing with Slaver’s Bay by episodes 9 and/or 10.
Still, it means Yunkai comes back! That’s great. Hopefully it means we’ll get a Battle of Fire, or at least an equivalent; it may just be a civil war in Meereen, with the Yunkish financially supporting the Sons of the Harpy.
Battle for Meereen confirmed!
Luka Nieto,
Get hype! Battle of fire!
Luka Nieto,
Yes, I suggested that a few months ago…
It will be really hard for S6 not to be the best season yet. I mean, it sounds great, almost everything we heard is a pure gold.
I think that the question is “how,” now “if.” And if they cannot think of a dozen possible ways for dragons to get free in less than 5 seconds, then either they have the IQs of turnip of they are not trying very hard at all!
Was it you who I read it from? Thank you, then. I knew I hadn’t thought it up, but I didn’t remember who it was. Certainly someone in this community 🙂
I’d like if Dany herself would release them. Anything they choose now it’s going to be different than how it was in the books so…
Forgot to include this last time!
R’hllor will not cooperate with Old Gods. The view it promotes (both on show and in books) is very strict: I am the good god, all others are either myths (e.g., the 7) or demons in league with the Other (the Old Gods, the Drowned God, etc.).
Mel would do the same thing: any attempt (that she could perceive) of the Old Gods trying to help will be perceived as the Other getting involved. Of course, there also is no reason to anticipate this: in neither show nor books do we get any hint that the Old Gods have these sorts of powers. Chekov’s Gun works both ways: the Gun fired late must be hung early, and although the R’hllor Gun has been hung like this, the hung Old God Guns are very different.
Daeny won’t be back in time.
For myself, I would like to see Tyrion wind up freeing them, either as a last defense, or simply from insatiable curiousity to see dragons. (I would prefer the latter, to be honest.)
Whoa, nice! Quite a surprise too. George Georgiou made quite an impression in his scene. “Yunkai is ancient and glorious.” And in episodes 3 and/or 4, plus 9 and/or 10 too! I think by the end of the season, not just Meereen, but all of slaver’s bay, together with Vaes Dothrak, will be done, done! A footnote in history. The slave trade destroyed at its root. Since he will be in 9 and/or 10, the final stuff in slaver’s bay will happen late in those episodes.
Alternatively, Daeny will be back to Yunkai by then. Isn’t that between Meereen and Westeros, after all?
Oh, they will be free. They were in the picture in Season 5, but not freed at the end when all hell broke loose in Meereen. But who is there in Meereen? Tyrion, of course. I am sure the reason why D&D decided not to show them at the end is because they will have a reason for them getting freed when the story needs them in Meereen, to make a big impact.
Yes, possible. But if this actor is communicating with the Meereen slavemaster, I tend to think he will not be sitting in Yunkai waiting for Daenerys to go there and meet him in a boring reversal of her path earlier.
That’s all based on the assumption that R’hllor and the Old Gods are separate entities (if indeed they even exist at all)
It should be quite obvious that both exist and that both are separate! We have seen the Old Gods and read about them in the books. We have also seen that R’hllor grants its followers quite supernatural powers (portents of the future, altering weather, raising the dead all have been shown on the series). And, of course, the book
What reason do we have to think that he is communicating with a Meereen slavemaster? (I scrolled through this, and I cannot find anything about that!)
And Melisandre has been right about everything so far?
I can’t see Planetos being some kind of crucible of the Gods somehow.
Hasn’t GRRM himself even eluded to the fact that the existence of these Gods may be questionable?
Luka Nieto,
Los Siete Reinos reported that their sources told them that Gwendoline will be in the RR shooting. Thy don’t say anithyng about at wich point in the season she’ll be there. But I hope she’ll meet Jaime.
They might not be doing it willingly. I don’t expect to copy Jon’s resurrection ala Dany with funeral pyre or just to simply pray over his body. Might be the case but not convinced about this. They will create something new for him and believeable for audience. If he is truly R and L son (balance of the powers of Ice and Fire), it’s not like R’hllor will be enough or that Jon is simply not only Fire type of guy. Or might be that Bloodraven might be involved in a way. In the books he seems to be interested in him.
As for Mel and her faith or trust in Lord of Light. You might be right. It might be the case of that she lost some of her trust and not faith.
GRRM has indicated in the past that he prefers to leave the existence or non-existence of the gods ambiguous.
Found one of the interviews where GRRM sheds some light on this..
Sean C.,
Gods prefer to stay in the shadows and clouds and do their dirty work via proxy.
I am one McCann sighting away from being perfectly happy with the direction of Season 6.
Ok and maybe another Glen sighting as well.
Hi Wimsey, not the person to whom you posed the question, but I think that speculation was based on this tweet:
That sounds like a rectal disorder!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Can’t…stop….giggling……
Haha. Thank you. 😛
Prediction: By tomorrow, someone will be posting on this site with that as a screen name. Too good a coinage to waste.