Game of Thrones photos with the potential for spoilers and speculation are popping up this afternoon, in Belfast and Dubrovnik, giving fans more to chew on.
First up, a fan on Reddit shared the above image of a set from the studios in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The fan who posted the photo claimed that the set was for season 6, episode 8 but that info is unverified at the moment.
SPOILERS beyond this point, and photos from another filming sighting in Dubrovnik!

The set structure in Titanic Studios resembles the Dothraki temple Game of Thrones built in the Almería province of Spain, and where they filmed some major scenes in during the month of October. This new set may be the one used for interior shots only which explains why the shape is the same but not the overall look on the outside.
Over the last couple days, Emilia Clarke and several of the actors known to be playing Dothraki roles have been flying to Belfast in preparation for a major scene. This set is likely part of that.
We have more photos with the potential for spoilage today. There’s something of a question mark surrounding these ones. It appears that once again Game of Thrones has returned to Dubrovnik, Croatia, despite the show stating they would not be filming in the country at all this year.
UPDATE 11/4: False Alarm! The Dubrovnik shooting is for NBC’s new show Emerald City, nothing to do with Game of Thrones. Sorry, folks!
Adventure Dubrovnik, who spotted GoT filming with Cersei and the Mountain a while back, saw a film crew today and snapped these images of a boat containing typically Thrones-ish props.
According to the people at Adventure Dubrovnik on Facebook, “The Game of Thrones film crew spent this morning filming scenes for the upcoming 6th season in Dubrovnik on November 3rd, 2015.”
If for GoT, what scene is this? Of course when people see a tiny boat, they instantly will think of Gendry. (‘Cause he’s still rowin’.) But he left Dragonstone in a very different-looking boat than this one. This boat could really belong to anyone, and no actors were spotted at the filming area.

What do you make of today’s photos, readers?
Don’t kill the Gendry hype!
the hound
The dothhraki set during the film tonight
Andrei and Joe
I thought The Silence would be bigger
There is a big green screen in one of the pictures and the big white screen above the structure it makes me thinking of a certain dragon. But the boat in Dubrovnik is a real puzzle. I mean a scene with a simple boat could easily be filmed in Spain. Why would they spend money in order to have it being filmed in Croatia?
That first photo from Dubrovnik is the same bay used for Myrcella leaving King’s Landing for Dorne… I’m thinking Cersei will welcome back her daughter’s corpse in the same place.
That is fantastic.
I gotta board the
train, albeit cautiously. Even MY arms are sore.
Ser Florian,
That’s exactly where Cersei filmed a while back, actually. If you click the link in the post, you’ll see the photos.
Oh my R’hllor, Gendry’s row-a-ton is over!!
I thought you were more of a boat girl, winkwink 😉 Gendry has been in sea for so long, he’s practically a Greyjoy now.. Just look at the words of his house:
#WeDoNotRow and #OarsAreTheFury
That is a great pic! Can’t believe U r that close and security isn’t on top of U! Good job!! Keep everyone posted of any new pics!! U r awesome!!
Hi, it is a great pic indeed! But it wasn’t taken by me, I found it on Instagram, that other user who posted it 😉
OK, I would actually pay someone on crew to affix a tiny scrap of cloth to his boat, with those very words written out….. 😛 The fun they could have in the background in this show…
lol isn’t that boat where that deleted scene of Tywin gutting them fish before the RW (hehe, Tully’s) while outing Pycelle for his performance took place?
If I think boats I tend to think of Gendry (hehe) or rather Davos
dothrakian raven,
Yes, the greenscreen does suggest Drogon’s arrival.
Ser Florian,
Good guess. Cersei seeing her daughter’s corpse. But why such a teeny tiny boat?
Seems like the right proper time for this week’s edition of #GendryWatch.
dothrakian raven,
I don’t think they will film outside scenes here, they already filmed those scenes earlier in Spain. The big white screen is for the lightning I think. The green screens are for the view when they look outside.
Dean/Tommen is there too:
With Lena/Cersei:
Lol!… Gendry´s Row- a- ton! Some posts are really witty… Hollywood writers got nothing on you guys 😉
Gendry come back – worst keept secret ever D&D, GendryWatch hype.
Tehanu, Especially if he’s just brought Arya back from Braavos. Ship(pers) ahoy!
Hold on, this can be a plausible situation! Arya and Gendry could very well meet in Braavos, where they team up and Gendry takes Arya to Westeros in a small boat. It’d explain the Dubrovnik filming; showing a distinct, recognizable part of KL to make it clear for the viewers that Arya is in Westeros.
Simple as that, righty?
Sam the Slayer,
My 2 second theory is that Gendry during his rowing joined Salladhor Saan pirate crew who secretly works for Faceless Man (you remember this bathtub in Bravoos right?), then they pick up Arya and send them both in Gendrys original boat directly to KL. Hype is real. Waiting for S6 is hard.
White screens are used to bounce off light. It allows them to create light artificially while making it look almost natural. As for the big greenscreen, it’s far enough that it may have nothing to do with this shoot. If it does, it’s to create an exterior when the gates of the temple are opened. A greenscreen does not help in the inclusion of a completely CG creature into the scene —if anything, it would be a hindrance.
The recognizable location. They want to mantain some consistency with what King’s Landing’s looked like for the past four years.
No, it doesn’t, I’m afraid. I do think Drogon will make an appearance, but I will not stop until everybody learns that’s not what greenscreens are for. If you want to include a dragon into the scene, a greenscreen is useless.
In fact, greenscreens exist to provide the VFX artists with a better, clearer distinction between the parts they want to keep (the actors, props and set) and the parts they want to paint out (the background). So, in order to have a consistent background they can paint out and one that can never be confused with the actors, the set or the props, they choose a stark, unnatural shade of green (or blue) that is unlikely to exist in the scene. Then, they are able to paint out the green in one stroke and replace it with the background they like.
So, as you can see, that process would be useless for a dragon, a completely CG creature. Unless the dragon is directly interacting with a live actor or prop, these animated creatures are simply added into the real life set, with no greenscreen needed or wanted. Most likely, the greenscreen has nothing to do with this particular set. If it does, it’s there to provide an Almería-looking background when the gates of the temple open.
Do people genuinely believe that when we see Gendry again he will be anywhere near a boat? I just think Varys will produce him somehow to have someone claim the Stormlands, and Varys will produce Edric Storm in the books.
New interview with Diana Rigg:
Apparently she forgot her scene with Tyrion in season 3 xD
Or his show plot could circle back to his book plot, and we find him back in the Riverlands, probably working as a blacksmith in some place off the beaten track where Arya will find him. I think his destiny is to eventually have a role in forging dragonglass weapons, or even a certain special sword. He will be important to the plot – not because of who he is, but because of what he can do – and so the show has to circle back to that point in the story (which isn’t too hard – he’s just been hiding out in a different place with different people, until Arya finds him again. If he’s not in the Riverlands, he could be where Edric Storm is in the books – hiding out in Essos).
Luka Nieto,
Thank you LN for the info. It makes sense now. But the majority of the comments about green screens involve VFX so it is easy to get confused. And I just saw the post about Cersei having been earlier this year in the same place for filming. So it all fits although the recognisability argument is a bit of a weak one especially if it is only about one scene and not a major one. But I am sure the production team knows better than I do…
Dutch Maester,
I think she wants to say that she hasn’t had a scene with Tyrion for this coming season…
I had the impression that the “handsome young man” Littlefinger was referring to when talking to QoT was Gendry, eg he is useful in proving the illegitimacy of Tommen and Myrcella so they can annull the marriage (and alliance) and pursue an alliance with someone else
Guess we’ll see…
Ghost’s Lunch,
No, the handsome young man is definitely Lancel.
Dutch Maester,
But why would Lancel be LF’s gift to Olenna. He has been with the Sparrows long before that. Are you saying LF had some influence in Lancel’s decision to confess?
What’s all this news on social media about this actor Neil Nitin Mukesh being offered a role on GoT? Never heard of him but seems like a big deal back in his native India.
ghost of winterfell,
When Lancel first fell in with the Faith, the High Sparrow was not the High Septon. Lancel likely confessed (if he did confess at this time) to the High Septon, not the Sparrow. The High Septon, not wanting to rock the boat, kept it to himself. After the High Septon is deposed and the High Sparrow takes over, Olenna finds out about him through Littlefinger, and takes that to the High Sparrow. High Sparrow has Lancel brought to him, and asks him to confess, which he does.
This is similar to the books, where Lancel (likely) confesses on his sickbed to the High Septon appointed by Tyrion, which Cersei later has knocked off (because she thought he was Tyrion’s man, and because he had heard Lancel’s confession).
Hodor!… technically
Ser Florian,
Exactly. To make it even more obvious, they included the scene between Baelish and Lancel when he returned to the capital.
Apparently yes, I also think that it doesn’t make sense that he hasn’t confess by then on his own. I guess it was a tiny plot hole.
Ser Florian,
There are more articles from India where he admits he doesn’t have a role (yet?), that it’s still up in the air.
I’m checking around on it but I think people jumped the gun by assuming he was definitely cast.
I’m quite sure that Lancel told the HS of Cersei before that.
You can see it from the way the HS talks with Cersei, that he was planning this for quite some time.
sorry, my response above to Ser Florian turned out like a quote for some reason 😛
He’d already confessed. To the High Septon. Then LF told Olenna about him, Olenna spoke to the High Sparrow (much like Cersei spoke to the High Sparrow about Loras), the High Sparrow spoke to Lancel, Lancel confessed again.
Ser Florian,
I’m certain that we will get more info in S6.
Yeah, Lancel could probaly have tried to lie/not speak about him and Cersei. Perhaps because he was afraid or ashamed,..etc.
Anyway I’m very certain we will get more info in S6, and will get a much clearer picture of what happened.
I think the High Sparrow ‘played’ Cersei perfectly. My opinion is that he knew about it and waited for the right moment to ‘take her down’.
Not sure about Dubrovnik. No actors there as far as we know.
Lovely cranes!
That is so neat! Thank you for sharing!
Never heard of him either but he’s so handsome! If you mixed the DNA of Geithin Anthony (King Renly) with that of Zachary Quinto (Star Trek into Darkness) you might end up with Neil Nitin Mukesh.
More casting news:
Yep, it looks like Bollywood star Neil Nitin Mukesh is about to join Game of Thrones:
I was nervous. I thought no one said “Hodor” for a second.
I have a feeling we might see more when season 5 deleted scenes come out.
There is some high septon dialogue in the trailers that never made it on the show.
I found these, it’s definitely in the same location from the picture in Dubrovnik from yesterday but still can’t be sure if it’s for GOT or not since neither of those two in the boat are recognizable to us.
Let me guess, another Dothraki meathead.
They look Braavosi.
Speaking to him later this month? End of November, to then film scenes in the next two weeks (assuming filming ends around mid-December)? That doesn’t sound right to me… most of the casting gets done in much less time. And I don’t think anyone’s been cast like this… talking about having a role a month before someone comes to talk to him.
I’m not a believer, sorry. Maybe when he’s seen on set, or on screen, but not before then.
Ser Florian,
Yeah, that’s possible. Hope there is some explanation given in S6.
I’m sure Gendry simply changed his boat when he reached the next port. He just got so used to rowing that he wasn’t able to stop until season 6.
It is possible, but judging only from what we’ve seen Cercei’s arrest happened after LF told Olenna, and we must assume she then spoke with the HS or Lancel.
Maybe next season it will be revealed that the HS was playing her all along, but this season it was made to look as if LF was the determinant.
False alarm, actually, it’s some other TV show. Dubrovnik news posted about it. I’m working on a post at the moment.
Ser Florian,
My thoughts exactly. Maybe it is just publicity he aims at.
Ser Florian,
Yes, there does seem to be some contradictory information floating around about the alleged Neil Nitin Mukesh casting. Probably best to wait until there’s official confirmation from HBO etc.
Well I guess it can be for another film or tv show. Why on earth would GOT go back to Dubrovnik just to film two kids in a boat? Having said that, I still hope we’ll get to see Gendry in season 6.
Sue the Fury,
Gotcha. Yeah, after seeing those I was even less sure it was GOT.
This is probably the boat that will be carrying Jaime and Myrcella’s body to shore. They will add them onto the boat in post-production? Can they do that? Were any actors spotted there?
K Noelle,
It’s for another show. It has just been confirmed. Look at the new article 🙂
Sam the Slayer,
Alas, Sue has now confirmed that some other show is using “our” boat. I’m not a a big fan of a “Gendarya” romance, but would like to see them meet again.
i have a theory about myrcella, when the sandsnake kissed bronn goodbye she slipped him an antidote for the poison that killed her. in season 6 bronn will come in and give her the antidote while she’s dying in jaimies arms.
remember she gave it to him in the cells
i have another theory you ppl havent said anything about….the horn that mance had wasnt the horn u think it was…i forget the name of it…the horn …is it jarym?…anyway…jon found a horn buried with the dragonglass…the small horn with the cracks in it… and gave it to sam to take with him to oldtown….i think thats the true horn
What are the odds of (if Gendry returns) being the same actor?
Don’t get me wrong; I’m a huge fan of Joe Dempsie BUT he’s not exactly BIG, TALL and very much BULL LIKE. I’d give him handsome tho…
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