We have some very specific new information about the Game of Thrones filming sites in Girona, Spain, thanks to Aragirona.cat. The city is expected to serve as multiple locations for Westeros and beyond in season 6. We had gotten an overview of the Girona sites a few days ago when a pamphlet was released by the city of Girona, but the city has now shared a great deal more info, in an effort to make the process painless for their resident and merchants.
The mayor of Girona, Carles Puigdemont, met with Girona City Council representatives and Old Town merchants this week. The local government and representatives from Game of Thrones are keeping business owners aware of which streets in the area will be affected by Game of Thrones shooting. More meetings are planned, in order to keep the merchants aware of the filming activity and how it may interrupt the flow of traffic.
In the meeting, people were informed which public areas, streets and plazas would be affected on which dates. These days may include preparation time, testing, shooting and breaking down of the sets.
The areas and when Game of Thrones production will be visiting them:
-Bisbe Cartañà: From August 30th to September 7th.
– Pujada de Sant Martí: From August 28th to September 1st will be partly affected; For September 2nd and September 6th, completely affected.
– Carrer de la Claveria: From August 30th to September 7th
– Carrer de l’Escola Pia: From September 3rd to Sept 7th.
– Carrer de Sant Llorenç: From September 1 through Sept. 7th
– Carrer de Ferran el Catòlic: From August 24th to September 16th
– Plaça dels Jurats: From August 27th to September 14th
– The stairs of the Girona Cathedral: From September 11th to the 16th
– Carrer dels Manaies: September 7th to 16th
– Pujada de Sant Feliu: From September 2nd to 4th and then from Sept. 13th to the 16th
– Plaça de l’Oli: September 4th and 5th (reserved for production, unclear if it’s for filming)
Aragirona noted some parking restrictions as well, since Game of Thrones would affect the availability and require some space. Up-to-date filming information will be posted on the Girona municipal website and posted on the town’s social networks for citizens who are concerned about the filming activity, in addition to the mailers sent to locals’ addresses.
The list is more specific than the pamphlet map, and it has the dates, which are very useful for anyone in the area who wants to know when it’s a good idea to take a peek. But Girona will be quite closed off, so it may be tough for any lookie-loos!
i doubt this much shooting would be for Oldtown … meaning this is new KL
Off topic, but once again PJ Harvey blows my mind.
Picking up from the last thread, the pic I posted of NCW in Belfast comes from this guy, Chris Creaners.
He seems to wander around Belfast, getting his picture taken with GoT cast members.
I imagine Nikolaj and Lena are going to have one huge fight/break up scene somewhere in Spain before she goes full rage-aholic, but she is still a prisoner. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get Jaime out of KL prior to her trial.
Could the Cathedral be the Starry Sept?
He doesn’t wander, he just hits them up at their hotel. 🙂 A sensible plan.
Admittedly I’m kind of *shrug* over Nikolaj sightings. We know he’s in season 6 already, it’s not a huge deal. Now, a Clive Russell sighting, lord jesus help me then.
Tywin of the Hill,
I think it’s most likely just stairs in King’s Landing. They can pass for KL background. And we don’t really need the Starry Sept, do we?
My issue on Nikolaj sightings is twofold.
1. He’s hot as fuck and I enjoy looking at him.
2. Is he going back to Dorne, will he be in KL or is he taking off to somewhere else? (Riverlands) His plot (not story, I get you Wimsey, I get you) was so off book last season that I want to know what comes next.
I should make a GoT bingo card and see if I can get Chris Creaners bingo.
Yeah but his nose is far too large.
New Nathalie Emmanuel interview on characters meeting each other in Season 6.
When you say “nose” you mean…?
Sue the Fury,
A CR sighting would be incredible. Better start praying to the Old Gods and the New.
That is interesting! Since it’s Nathalie’s interview, I assume she means more unexpected meet-ups in the Daenerys-Meereen storyline. I have been wondering about that boat ferrying Trystane, dead Myrcella, Jaime, Bronn, supposedly to King’s Landing. The Dornish boat provided by the Prince of Dorne, with his heir onboard. 😀 I wonder if that boat will take off for Meereen…. In which case, we will have Trystane, Jaime, Bronn all coming face-to-face with all the folk gathering in Meereen, (Varys, Tyrion). It would be most interesting indeed. 😀
I don’t think the fact that it’s Nathalie’s interview means anything like that. They all get the full scripts (though some choose not to read all of them), and she was asked about the show in general.
Otherwise, all of the key story points of Sam’s AFFC journey were dealt with in Season 5 while he was at the Wall, and the Dareon episode was combined with the “Mercy” chapter in Arya’s story. Unless the stories are genuinely being combined, it makes far more sense to just open the season with Sam and Gilly having arrived in Oldtown.
I live only 45mins away from Girona!! I really should go take a look
And to the Castell de Santa Catarina, which is even closer
I mean that his snozz is far too gigantic to play Jaime Lannister and he is horribly miscast.
Why what has she done recently? Massive fan, Let England Shake is a masterpiece. Did you see her recording her new album live at somerset house? Was superb.
Excuse off topic indulgence.
On topic, the level of detail we are getting at an early stage this year feels greater than previous years. Probably just due to higher than ever profile of GoT. But does make me question if I should stop reading to maintain at least a few surprises… Blatantly won’t though. Keep up the good work!
You could be our intrepid reporter from beautiful Catalunya! Can’t wait to see how they will integrate all the wonderful scenery and structures into the finished product.
This is really off-topic but why can’t I figure out how to add an avatar?
There is a post on Reddit with some potential spoilers. It says that Valyrian blades and swords will be important, Iron Islands are huge next season, a major female character is dying in Episode 1, and that they have filmed Jon’s funeral scene. Mods, any way of verifying the female character death?
If this is true, I supect Melissandre.
Can you give a link, please?
Looks like this to me:
It sounds completely fake to me.
I am irrationally worried for Sansa…
Someone reassure me…
Is there the slightest reason to think this person has actual information? Anybody can post online.
Big Mac,
Because her dying at this point would mean her entire character was completely pointless.
Sophie Turner’s been spotted in Belfast at least once.
…As for the parentage of Lena Headey’s baby, I thought Pedro Pascal was gay.
Even assuming these spoilers are fake, I can see the show offing a major character in the premiere to establish that they’re not fucking around.
On reread, these are pretty clearly foilers. For starters, the poster mentions that the tour guide has friends who are still working on GOT in Iceland, Croatia, and Spain, when the show hasn’t filmed in Iceland for a while and we know that the show isn’t going back to Croatia.
Also, Melisandre has yet to meet Arya or walk the battlements of Winterfell. She’s not going anywhere.
Big Mac,
Sansa has lots of story left. I can’t see a story extending much further for Mel, beyond doing her “Lord of Light”‘s duty, something for Jon and passing out of existence.
Sean C.,
Sigh. That is why I asked if the mods can verify the only major detail that seems to be new in that post. I am not sure what the problem is, on a discussion board, to discuss some potentially spoilerific post from elsewhere. It’s not like no one else has ever done this before.
Sean C.,
That guy again?! I said in a previous post that he looks straight outta fatal attraction, only a male version. Dudes a stalker
Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s misinterpreting both of those things.
That said, if they are going to kill off a “major” female character in the first episode, it’s probably Ellaria. It’s possible the Sand Snakes escape to god knows where, but the show highlighted that she’s basically choosing revenge/war over her life (like, highlighted repeatedly). There aren’t really other female characters that could afford to be killed off *that* quickly. *Maybe* Melisandre, but I think she needs longer than one episode.
Olenna, maybe.
By the way, I have the same question as K Noelle – How do I add an avatar?
It’s a nice thought that Mel throws herself onto the pyre to resurrect Jon, burning herself rather than somebody else for a change. Also strengthens the parallel with Dany: a magic woman burns to death on the pyre. But it’s hard to get past the vision of Mel at Winterfell. She’s wrong often enough, but that seems pretty purposeful.
If it were really paralleled then that would gift the viewership with an image of the Jong.
Oooh, yeah maybe (it would suck because everyone loves her, but it makes sense). I think a big thing on this show is how the “next” generation is having to cope with the pressures of legacies and previous generations, and leading their houses, etc. (like Cersei demonstrating last season how exactly she is not “as smart as she thinks she is” just her father predicted, lol) so leaving the Tyrell heirs on their own makes sense.
Still think Ellaria though.
That would be a bold move right out of the gate.
TV Melisandre has been spot on regarding her actual visions. The only time where the show had her actually be wrong was last season, and in that case, unlike all the other times, they had her specifically describe what she saw, allowing the audience to see that she had made a mistaken inference based on the actual content of what she saw. Whereas with Arya she just flatly stated that they would see each other again; no room for confusion there (beside which, who would she have possibly thought was Arya?).
Schrödinger’s Cat,
Off-Topic Otto,
Edit: I should read the entire thread before commenting. Whoops.
Also in S3 they set up a future Arya/Mel encounter, which is bound to happen at some point.
That dude is a stalker. Kinda scary……………….
I do my stalking on the internet. 😀
I have seen a handful of “tour guide” spoiler stories over the last couple of years and this post reads very similar. I’ll err on the side of skepticism.
Lion of Night,
Example: Photo album including alleged “kingsmoot” location for S5
Mel is not wrong about what she sees, just sometimes about what she thinks it means.
This season is likely to be heavy for death. I think Marg is another possibility.
On that interview
Lion of Night,
that photo album is from last year
Why would a Dornish boat with a Dornish crew ferrying the Dornish heir Trystane to a secret meeting in Meereen to supposedly form an alliance against The Iron Throne – keep Jamie and especially Bronn alive? If that was the case, it would be better to kill both and throw them overboard in the middle of the ocean, or at least Bronn, he has no value. I could see them keeping Jamie alive as a ‘gift’ and proof of commitment/alliance to Dany.
If would also imply that this was their plan all along, the engagement to Myrcella was fake as well and the Sand Snakes poisoning was unnecessary as Trystane always meant to either kill her or offer her up as a gift or hostage to Dany.
The vessel they sailed off in didn’t look substantial enough to make a long ocean voyage, but I guess they could always meetup with a large Dornish ship sent by Doran, I guess they didn’t want to tip Jamie off of the change of plans until he was off shore and thus no longer protected by guest rites?
Yeah, I don’t think any of this will happen, but
That’s his point. That photo album from last year was also based off false information like this new tour guide “scoop” is.
I can see Elaria dying just as soon as Prince Doran finds out what she did. That could be in Episode 1, first thing!!!
In a way, I like how that aligns with Jaime’s situation in TWoW.
– If he escapes the Dornish ship and makes it back to KL, he may escape the BwB/LS and make it back to KL.
– If he is a hostage for an upcoming Dornish alliance, then LS/Cat keeps him as hostage for some reason (history repeating itself).
– Also if he is a willing hostage, maybe he is used as bait for some Dornish purpose, like the BwB/LS might use him as bait to attack the Freys at the Twins or Riverrun.
I am quite interested in the first few Jaime scenes for S6. In any case, it still doesn’t look good for Bronn.
There’s no way to verify a bunch of random spoilers from some tour guide. As others have mentioned, we’ve had more than one tour guide making stuff up the last couple years so they are not a reliable source of information, at least in Northern Ireland.
Using Gravatar- it’s in the FAQ.
Here’s a video I’ve made of the shooting locations in Girona. Hope you enjoy!
Sue the Fury,
OK, thanks. Hopefully you will be able to hear from other sources at some point if any regular female characters die in Ep. 1.
I don’t know how can anyone think of Melisandre,I’m pretty sure her importance was made clear by GRRM and D&D plenty of times,she’s not going anywhere.If an important female character actually dies in ep 1,it can only be Ellaria.No other option for this.
Toni Valdivia Dachs,
Thank you very much for the video, Toni. It’s indeed a very beautiful city!!
You’re very welcome!
Toni Valdivia Dachs,
Thanks for taking the time for the video. That really helped with getting a flavour for Girona. If you live near there i hope you’ll be able to get some video of just the set dressing – that would be great!
Cool video. I am watching it right now. It is great we have posters that can share stuff like this with the rest of us. I can’t go to Spain to get a peek at the filming so this is awesome. This should be encouraged for people living near the shooting locations. (Of course, do it according to your life and schedule. Don’t get fired from your job or anything like that.)
Thanks!, it’s been a pleasure to do it and I’m grateful for your feedback.
You’re welcome. Unfortunately, I live about a hundred kilometers from the place and by the time my holidays would have ended.
Girona could be KL, Oldtown, Braavos, or Dorne. Could be many things in GOT and that is probably one of many reasons why they picked the location. It is very flexible for the South in Westeros and Essos. I am leaning towards Oldtown but I could be incorrect. The bath house could be parts of the Citadel. The windy corridors.
We appreciate the city being used for GOT. It looks beautiful and will be great for the show.
I enjoyed it immensely. Thank you so much for making it and posting it!!! The music in the background was an especially nice touch. 🙂
Nymeria Warrior Queen,
Come to fleabottom. I am so lonely. Like Sting.
I live 10 minutes from Girona. Just visited one of the sites the other day, it was at night, nobody was around so we snuck past the fences and blocked areas. Got a couple shots. A friend lives on one of the streets and she has a pass that she has to show to get through. We’ll go during filming and hopefully see something. Although in a tiny town near us Banyoles, we stopped at the market and who did we see – Nikolaj Coster-Waldau…coming out of the market, alone, getting into his car. We said hello and got a shot with him. He was with his family on vacation. Super handsome and really nice.