The filming of Game of Thrones season 5 has officially commenced in Croatia today.
The biggest news is that one of our sources has confirmed that the Vila Dalmacija set is indeed representing Dorne.
Filming today involved (click for spoilers) Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Jerome Flynn and Alexander Siddig. Tomorrow, filming will continue with the inclusion of extras.
Maisie Williams has tweeted that she is en route to Braavos. Given that filming at the Kaštel Gomilica location is first up on the schedule, and the set is looking more like Braavos with every new picture, it’s likely that this is her final destination.
Btw, tweeting this from the airport cos I’m on my way to Braavos. Peace.
— Maisie Williams (@Maisie_Williams) August 28, 2014
According to a new report from Š, extras that applied to be a part of Game of Thrones in the city and meet their criteria can expect a call back from Embassy Films any day now. Of the 500 who applied, around 200 have been chosen, with costume fittings starting on September 8th.
Š states that filming in the city will take place on four days between September 15th and 21st, with locations including the fortresses of St. John and St. Nicholas, as well as locations in old town. The addition of St. Nicholas’s fortress is particularly interesting, as it lies on a small island off the coast of Šibenik, and is surrounded almost entirely by water. Š also says that it is a possibility that the scene that was initially intended for the St. James Cathedral, but prohibited by the Šibenik Diocese, could still be filmed in Republic Square in front of the Cathedral.

Finally, the new set in Split is looking even nearer to completion in new pictures from The pillars have finally taken on a uniform colour, and it appears that the structure will be completely surrounded by green screens.
And Keisha Castle-Hughes has revealed she’s taking in the beautiful scenery in Split, likely with her Dornish counterparts. This could mean that the set at Vila Dalmacija is intended to represent Dorne after all.
Split = BEEEYOOTEEEFULLLL — Keisha (@kecahumo) August 28, 2014
Damn. I was certain the Dalmacija stuff was gonna be Pentos. Maybe just wishful thinking. If it IS Dorne, and if it is close to the beach, then we know exactly what the place is now.
I’m still convinced that pillar entrance is somewhere in Meereen, though. Either the entrance to the Great Pyramid or the Temple of the Graces.
Everything’s coming together! Great stuff!
It’s funny that they’ve been denied St. Nicholas’s Church but they can use his fortress as they please.
Pro: This is so exciting, everything looks great!
Con: Season 5 is seven months away.
Maybe it’s the entrance to the Daznsk Pit? That would explain all the green screens.
That seems very plausible to me, especially now that we know what the finished pillars look like.
Interesting video interview with one of the special FX artists behind GoT. The channel is in German, but they speak English. They talk a lot about spacial effects in general, but GoT also comes up.
That island got to be Hightower.
Where else to cgi a 800 feet tower?
Im really looking forward to Arya’s storyline next season (and im expectign Maisie to be brilliant as usual)
I really can’t see any relation whatsoever with the spanish locations (wich will probably be dorne) and Dalmacija, but I don’t know where else they might be shooting Dorne in Split so, who knows. Now they they are shooting outdoors(ish) we got to get some glimpses at the dornish costumes and sets! God, season 5 cannot come soon enough.
Maisie!!! SPOILERS!!!
I see from the last picture they’ve got the obligatory boobs in early too! First of series 5? :O(
My friend who has not read the books follows Maise and was spoiled by her tweet. Apparently he thought she was going to the Wall lol. He texted me today both mad about being spoiled and excited about her Braavos storyline. I thought it would be obvious, even to non readers, that she was going to Braavos based on the Faceless Man coin she showed the Captain before he accepted her on board.
Sweet! Those locations look soo beautiful and enticing!!! And good looking out for Maysie Williams…safe trip, and be careful, those Braavosi can be quite the preening peacocks…hmmm how much Braavos reminds me of Venice…LOL!
And, question…why is that poster with that lady in red lingerie sitting there…it says KIK or something. I hope she is part of the cast…LOL…I’ll most definitely looking out for her!
It was not supposed to be a secret. If someone thought she was going to the Wall after all the foreshadowing (“I know a real killer”, looking once or twice at Jaqen’s coin accompanied by his eerie theme, etc) and the explicit conversation with the Bravoosi captain, I don’t know what to say… he wasn’t paying much attention.
Hopefully we’ll have pictures of the sand snakes in full costumes soon. They are what I’m most excited for next season.
Just to draw everyone’s attention: there has since been another update. A third actor was also on set at Vila Dalmacija.
This new info is exciting! I really hope we can get some good pictures of what the new characters in their costumes.
Shouldn’t that update be on top? It’s pretty big news, compared to the rest of the article. Some people may miss it. I hope we get some pictures in costume!
Luka Nieto,
Yes I agree…but my friend has a few young children including a 3 month old, and also a very demanding job so he only has time to watch each episode once….but I will let him know you think he is an idiot.
Luka Nieto,
It’s up top now. Very intriguing stuff…I hope we get a set pic of Doran sometime soon.
Unfortunately I do not think it is plausible we see anything from Vila Dalmacija – it is pretty much inaccsesible..But, Kastela is another story, and I have high hopes about that.
Luka Nieto,
I was so tempted to make a bad joke about supporting the bottom, but I’ll refrain.
It shall be done.
I’m not so curious about Doran. I imagine he will dress similarly to Oberyn, although maybe not so sexily. I can’t picture the Sand Snakes, though. I’m really curious about them.
I said he must not have been paying attention, not that he was an idiot. You basically confirmed he doesn’t have time to pay that much attention to the show, which is obviously fine. Didn’t meant to offend.
omg Alexander Siddig on the set !!!! I cant wait to see some pictures !!
my heart cannot take all these news its too much T_T
I know we probably won’t get anything there but since they are starting to film we’re bound to get something soon.
So with filming actually starting for Dorne now, we must really give up hoping for Arianne, right?
Dutch maester,
Did you have any hope? It’d be a big, big surprise by now.
Luka Nieto,
No of course it was 99 % sure, but still, that one percent…
Wow, looks like my speculation was on the money. Weird that Areo wasn’t filming as well, though.
He may well have been. We just haven’t heard about it.
Sue the Fury,
He probably was, since he flew to Croatia too. I imagine he’ll push Doran’s chair in quite a few scenes.
Any word on Bloodraven/3EC and if he will look less…..disappointing. You know, more roots, less eyes…
We really need a visually striking Bloodraven. I felt SO deceived when I saw that … poor attempt of Brynden. Cmon. It’s the fucking Bloodraven. Hand, Lord Commander, One-eyed sorcerer, awesome archer. What else? Loyalist.
Luka Nieto,
Actually all but one of my unsullied friends think she’s going to the Wall. They’ve even rewatched it and argued with the one who was right. The logic used was that the coin wad powerful en get the owner anything they want when given to a Braavosi and that she clearly stated that
That she wanted to go to the wall. It’s actually much more ambiguous than you’d think to the unsullied.
The music and “real killer” line was just meant to be reminders of how she got the coin according to them.
Sue the Fury,
Your friends obviously didn’t watch the finale with the ‘previously on’ recap at the start. It showed Jaqen give her the coin and specifically say if there comes a time that you need to find me again just give the coin to any man from Braavos and say Valar Morghulis. If they rewatched that whole scene from episode 2×10, it’d be a lot less ambiguous. Jaqen does mention that the coin wasn’t something that you could buy horses with, so it can’t be something that gets the owner anything they wanted.
But…but….BR has a “thousand and one” eyes…. 🙂
Damn straight, ser.
It’s so hard to tell what they will do with Doran, now that Arianne and Quentyn seem to be cut. I think it goes one of two ways,
Hodor’s Bastard,
He even mentions the ‘thousand eyes, and one’ saying on the show. Would it have been that hard to cover up an eye with prosthetics?
Tyrion Pimpslap,
I think that they are focusing the Dorne only to have the chance to show more nude and sex.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
S5 has so many unknowns and redirections that I hesitate to even speculate anymore. Although I am still pumped for GoT S5, my fingers are secretly crossed behind my back for a few “special” events and encounters to be preserved as I imagined them….
I think I am looking forward to Braavos the most, followed by Jon-Mel-Shireen, followed by Imp-Outcast.
Haha! I just asked my Unsullied husband (who hates fantasy and only watches to humor me) where Arya was going and he said, “Braavos.” I told him the story of ur friends and he said, “Wow. I knew that and I’m REALLY clueless.” Guess he’s not as clueless as he thought. 😉
It really amazes me that they can seamlessly blend shots from all of these different locations (and climates!) into such a rich and believable visual landscape. I love this show!
I think you are stupid
That stuff always fascinates me. Thanks for linking that
Tyrion Pimpslap,
I think Jent has a point above,
On the other hand, if Myrcella does make it back to KL, as some have speculated, perhaps Jaime returns her, following the queenmaker, and this prompts the Trystane move.
I like Doran playin it safe, playing both sides. If he helps Jaime (the lannisters) but also sends Trystane, who eventually gets toasted, viewers will still be guessing where Dorne’s allegiance is.
I’m sorry, but considering all the awful changes that D + D are doing, what else can I think?
Given D&D know the end-game, perhaps they’re spending time focusing on Dorne because it plays a significant role going forward.
If this were the case, and they are only focusing on Dorne for the nudity, then why would they cut arguably the sexiest character from the books(Arianne)? Why would they focus on a romantic relationship of a 14 year old(Myrcella)? Granted, a prolonged teen romance between Myrcella and Trystane sounds awful, but this isn’t a change made for nudity.
I’m confident that Dorne is such a focus on the show because it will play a big part in the end game.
I’m liking this idea of Dorne
Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken!
Hodor’s Bastard,
It’s the Wall and the North for me. I also am looking forward to Cersei’s storyline, Varys’ too, though I’m unsure exactly where they will go with it.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
I think those two paths are by far the most likely!
To your other point..
“And, question…why is that poster with that lady in red lingerie sitting there…it says KIK or something. I hope she is part of the cast…LOL…I’ll most definitely looking out for her!”
Kik is a German textile discounter. It’s just advertising and has nothing to do with the show.
Finn talks about season 5
I’ve got a feeling the whole queen maker plot will get changed.
My guess would be that the end point for the Dornish storyline will be an reinvented version of
but still keeps the awesome reveal scene from the book (even if it’s between different characters).
H. Stark,
Jeez. A lot of info there. A very effusive guy for sure.
Ugh. Stop saying that. Just stop. This opinion is stupid.
Sister Kisser,
That’s what I was thinking. They also get to keep Doran’s epic speech to Arianne (but he says it to Trystane instead).
actually the cathedral is st. james’s, but yeah the church are a funny lot. 😉
H. Stark,
Nice! Loras fight scene? Sounds interesting. I hope it isn’t just sword practice in the yard.
H. Stark,
Loras fight scene eh?
Probably one or the other, unless it’s just a practice fight
Or things get ugly when
Seeing that Finn Jones interview made me think of the Flicks And The City interviews. Those are usually the best imho, so I went to check if there are some new ones out. And there is an interview with Finn Jones and Gethin Anthony out 🙂
EDIT: Finn uses the word minch, so this is a must watch! :p
Let’s hope XD I want to see her head roll!
With the changes in the dorne storylines i start to wonder if:
A whole storyline for
. Don’t think so. There’s too much other material which they have to cover, and
Doesn’t make logical sense. Walder Frey said he was “lord of Riverrun” in Season 3 closer. They’ve already got an allied pact.
Greatjon of Slumber,
but being Lord of Riverrun and actually having Riverrun is different 😀
@Bard – I will trust you with
since I am just past AFFC so I was just spitballing from that situation
H. Stark,
Finn Jones: always way too intense for any interview. I wish that his character got to be that talkative in the show, though it wouldn’t fit.
Felt Pelt,