The Basque wonder of Gaztelugatxe has been home to Game of Thrones filming only for a day, but it was quite a fruitful day —Not only for the production but also for the local press, who were there to give us our first look at what many of our main characters will be doing this coming season. The day’s work did not end there, however: Later in the day, Emilia Clarke made her fist public appearance on set this year. At long last, we get to see the Dragon Queen, Daenerys Targaryen, in her new conquering regalia.
According to Basque newspaper Deia, Kit Harington and Liam Cunningham spent the whole morning filming what appears to be the single scene we already reported on: King Jon and Ser Davos going down the stairway of Gaztelugatxe, perhaps being escorted by Missandei. Later on, however, another scene was being filmed, and this one involved the whole Targaryen Crew: Queen Daenerys Targaryen, bearer of many titles (Emilia Clarke); Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the Queen (Peter Dinklage); Missandei, adviser and interpreter (Nathalie Emmanuel); Grey Worm, commander of the Unsullied (Jacob Anderson), and Varys, Master of Whisperers (Conleth Hill). Take a look:

This is the first time we get to see Varys and Grey Worm this year, and you may notice the Unsullied Commander, as well as all of his troops, have adapted to the colder weather of Westeros. Just as the Dothraki are wearing furs for the first time, the Unsullied now cover their previously unprotected arms. Let us be honest, however: Except for those who —for some reason— watch the show for realistic military logistics, most of us are probably more interested in what the Dragon Queen is wearing. Apparently, Daenerys has opted for a more martial-looking outfit than usual, very much like Missandei, though this one seems to be brown. Sadly, those of us who are hoping she embraces her Targaryenness fully and dresses all in black and red will have to wait.
Now, why are we discussing the dress and not the contents of what was actually filmed? Because, as of yet, we have no idea. This may be their arrival to Dragonstone, or another scene entirely. What is now undeniable is that Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen will be in the same location in season seven, even though we have not seen them sharing a scene yet. Please share your thoughts on the scene in the comments!
UPDATED: Filming in Gaztelugatxe continued this morning and, yet again, EL CORREO is our lifeline to the otherwise well-guarded production. In this scene, the Targaryen and Northern teams walk together up the stairs, though Daenerys is absent.
EITB also filmed some of the shooting/Emilia’s arrival from a distance:
In context, it seems likely the two monarchs would meet inside Dragonstone, which would be filmed in Northern Ireland’s Titanic Studios. That said, it is still exciting to witness characters as disparate as Davos and Missandei sharing a scene and perhaps a conversation. Even better is the reunion of Jon and Tyrion, who have not seen each other since the latter pissed off the edge of the Wall and left Castle Black only to be soon captured by Catelyn. Good times! They must have so much to catch up on… If they have any time for chit-chat, that is. Season seven promises to be a packed one!
my lord
Hodor! First!
She looks amazing as always. And her wig seems more white than the usual blonde- that’s great.
The brown may be nod to her Dothraki title .
I wonder whether the brown she is wearing will look red on screen perhaps? Like how Davos’ drab dark robes came up quite green in better quality close up.
Finally a photo..was she really hidden..
Its very much similar to missandei’s but the color is matching with jon’s
Good to see greyworm and varys also..
If this is her landing scene and first steps towards the castle iam happy its happening at evening like i wished .
I hope the set photos from today and yesterday are not of the same scene leading to the first meeting. Jon as King only taking Davos, no Longclaw and no entourage while Daenerys brings everyone? wtf?
Casual reminder that Dany is going to war and will be flying on a dragon, so she cannot wear the fancy red and black dresses you want her to wear yet.
Varys looks amazing btw.
OT Who’s excited for VIKING?
Hope it comes out in my country.
Dany confiscated Longsclaw, She is going to give it to Jorah.
Brown is not my color but Dany looks amazing
OK let’s say its the same scene who would you have jon brought with him..
As I was typing the list it just strike me that sending jon gives us the reason to lock up ghost all season at winterfell..in other words he will be absent ..
Flayed Potatoes,
Iam wondering whether this season they are gonna give armor and saddle for both dany and drogon..
Flayed Potatoes,
Maybe she will wear fancy a queen dress inside castle and council meeting
Flayed Potatoes,
I love that outfit ,she is not the Queen of the Iron throne yet, she is a conqueror . I also like Missandeis gown ,it’s different this season because the climate is different and the character isn’t used to it.I love these little details.
I guess scaly reptiles are fancier to the showrunners than direwolves, the warging and the deep bond between them and Starks (it doesn’t exist in the show). I wonder why they bothered to introduce them at all seeing as they cut out many things, they could as well have cut them out altogether. They’ve been useless and barely there most of the time, so unlike their book counterparts.
If it’s supposed to be peace talks, then one side shouldn’t be armed while the other defenseless. It’s either both have soldiers and weapons or neither. I hope they don’t continue their policy of dumbing Jon down, and the Northern Lords by extension.
Longclaw is not hers to confiscate.
It belongs to Jon. He probably left the sword in the boat.
When he met Lyanna Mormont and Lord Glover he didn’t take the sword with him too.
Haha! I love how the Unsullied look like they’ve just put on jumpers under their usual leather gear! 😀
As much fun as these spoilers are, they’re just reinforcing my belief that 13 episodes is NOT ENOUGH to finish this properly.
Yes I want things to pick up the pace (we meandered through season 5 especially), but I don’t want a mad dash to the end. There are tons of complex story lines and relationships that have been either obviously or subtly introduced over six seasons (or not yet introduced at all but we know are coming!), and I want them to all come together thoughtfully for an epic conclusion.
I’m worried that, especially without the books to guide the showrunners, we’ll lose some of the underlying context and attention to detail that has made GoT the best entertainment series ever (TV, film, stage etc.). That we’ll have too many quick resolutions and overnight relationships to wrap up loose ends for the sake of wrapping up loose ends, not giving enough time to let the major stories/relationships breathe and grow organically. That it’ll feel forced.
Don’t get me wrong, I love GoT. I can’t wait to see how this season unfolds and the spoilers have me pretty pumped. But I think I’d feel much better if we had two full seasons left.
That’s inevitable. The last seasons will be simplified to the max.
Dany is the queen of the westeros, everything in westeros belongs to her including longsclaw. She promised to give Jorah badass sword so she will take longsclaw from Jon Snow
Dany has ponytail,wtf
I think this might be her landing in Dragonstone. So exciting!
I really like the costume although I wish we had a better/clearer picture. I’ll have to look at Jon’s costume again to see the resemblance.
It looks like she’s tying her hair back, which I’m not crazy about because she looks better with her hair loose. But if she’s going into battle she needs her hair pulled back.
Even if he takes entire north with him.. He will still be out numbered
I’m not going to even try to discuss with you.
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.
LOL dial your Dany fanboyism/fangirlsm back. She is not Queen of anything in Westeros. Not yet and it’s looking like she won’t ever be. Nothing in Westeros belongs to her.
That’s not how you enter peace talks and forge alliances. And LC is Jon’s. It was given to him. She has absolutely no right to demand it and why would she? Tone down your BS tinfoil.
Hopefully we will be getting more pictures and videos as the day progresses
My first hope is a Sansa-Arya reunion my second hoped is proper , meaningful conversation between them .They both changed so much since they last saw each other .I want to see them bonding as they never bond before !Maybe team up against littlefinger !
The colours of her dress has no real importance in respect to the overall story so I’d not be surprised if we don’t see her in red and black.
Besides which – that colour combination is pretty garish (although I’ve no doubt Michelle Clapton can work wonders there).
Just don’t go getting your hopes up is all I’m sayin…
Daenerys can have her small dragons (see Balerion for contrast) and half naked Chippendales. Jon has a God on his side. Bran. Bran is well on his way to become more powerful than anyone.
She looks f*cking STUNNING. So powerful and strong, the outfit does her justice. She is not just a queen anymore, she is a conqueror, a warrior !
I’m literally drooling over her massive shoulderpads and arm gauntlets, someone needs to take better photos because I’m dying over here. The whole Dany squad looks effin badass but Missandei and Dany take the cake.
I’m still pissed over the fact that Kit is not there, they’re avoiding showing them in the same frame. But yesterday when I saw the photos of Kit and Liam I was 100% certain Dany was nearby, in the building maybe.
Mommy’s excited. Gimme more, WotW !
I put their pictures side by side, they do look alike. The picture quality sucks, but that’s all I had.
This is beyond exciting. I am so looking forward to S7. I hope that an alliance will be made and Jon can convince her that Winter IS Coming and along with it night terrors. I can’t believe we have to wait until next summer.
I love the new costumes. They seem fitting for a conquering army including Dany. She isn’t holding court in these pictures so what she is wearing is suitable for traveling. Looking good so far!
I think jon has more blue in his.. The quality really is bad..
Where is the guy who took that video of peter and liam ..
These are not peace talks. This is Daenerys summoning all lords of Westeros to meet her and bend their knee.
And this is Jon, who doesn’t give a fuck about being KitN except for one reason – it gives him the chance to unite the north for the fight against the REAL enemy.
If he needs to swear loyalty to the Targaryen queen to get her support in the fight against the WW, he will not think twice.
Besides, remember what Dany told Daario about using marriages to build political alliances… 😉
She reminds me a lot of season 2 in the house of undying ; and with that brown armor with scales and her hair tyed up she’s like a new visenya , now I just hope for dragon saddle .
Thanks, moiaf!
I don’t see a similarity, except that the colour is similar.
The key feature of Dany’s costume is the collar/shoulders, and she also seems to have hanging false sleeves. Jon seems to be wearing ordinary Stark leather armour plus gorget (the neck thing).
Can’t really blame Jon for being a bit wanting in the fashion stakes, where would he have learned? For the past nearly six years he’s been living in a place where everybody wears black, poor guy! 😀
Hell yeah, the Targaryen squad united once again.
I can’t wait to see all of their interactions together especially that of Jon and Dany, it will be amazing.
That was one of my favorite looks of her… It suited very well with the snow
Speaking of armor and saddle and dragonstone and conquering .
Look how much similar these two are
Jon’s undercoat or whatever he wears under the armor is brown. You can see the color better here:
Yes! I like the Warrior Queen look on her.
Well, there are not identical, obviously. But they are both brown and she’s wearing a more masculine outfit with the breaches much more exposed. I think the fron of Jon’s costume also opens up like hers.
I think the story will be simplified as there are only 13 remaining episodes. I know it’s impossible to know exactly what is in GRRM’s mind but I read somewhere that Tyrion and Dany are not expected to meet in the sixth book and, you know, – though I never thought I’d find myself typing this – I’m not even sure if I want to read it when it does come out (I suppose there’s always library loan though). I for one am pleased that we didn’t get endless repetitions “Where do whores go” and I haven’t shed any tears about the cutting of the Griffs from the TV show. The continuity people on the show do need to do a better job sometimes though – in season 2 when Tyrion was revealing three marriage plans for Myrcella to find out who as the spy (Pycelle) Tristane was said to be the younger son of the Martells (consistent with the books) and then in season 5 Tristane had become the only son with no explanation of anything happening to his older brother (or sister).
Are you kidding? He has a real fashionista in Winterfell. She should be able to dress him nicely.
Robb Stark looked more Kingly than him.
Just now I’m seeing the new post duh I’m gonna post almost the same thing here then
Emilia not with the rest of the cast. Again. I think she won’t hang with them while Kit is still there Lol
Poor Emilia, she lost the custody battle. Kit got to keep the kids. 😆
Rhaenys Stark,
I know! I wasn’t sure of that because Emilia usually uses tons of filters in her IG photos but the new photos does make it look like her wig is lighter. What a relief. I want her season 1 wig back.
So whatever they’re filming in Spain right now is from episode 5 and if Matt Shakman helms more than one, either 4 or 6.
Maybe she will hang out with them after they are photographed on set lol even though this is ridiculous we know they are going to meet.What is Dany going to do stay in her room and refuse to come and meet him haha.
Lol yeah..
Iam thinking this is done deliberately to not to have them photographed together.
I just notice their colors are inverted. Jon is wearing black over brown and Dany brown over black.
I think it’s gonna be like this
Episode 1 and 2 – Jeremy Podeswa (confirmed by the director)
Episode 3 and 4 – Mark Mylod
Episode 5 and 6 – Matt Shakman
Episode 7 – Alan Taylor
Episode 3 – Mark Mylod, Episode 4 and 5 – Matt Shakman, Episode 6 and 7 – Alan Taylor
Episode 3 and 4 – Mark Mylod, Episode 5 – Matt Shakman, Episode 6 and 7 – Alan Taylor
Who is that second from left in that picture?
Edit: And third from right?
Have faith in Spanish people they will get it done I’m sure of it.They are better than the CIA.
A Big Fucking Sword,
Second from left is Staz Nair.
The third from right is Matt Shakman
A Big Fucking Sword,
Matt Shakman, director. He’s the one directing what they’ve been filming lately.
Thanks guys!
Did Podeswa do another interview confirming he is doing Eps. 1 & 2? If you are talking about the interview a few months ago, I think that was the magazines interpretation.
True that .
Is that what I thought blue. I must be getting old..
I know I was waiting for somethjng black/red as many others but we know its coming, on a fancy dress or warrior/conqueror outfit like that one she’s wearing.
She looks very badass regardless of the color though. But regal and classy at the same time. I love her hair hair w/o being tyed up but that hair is fit for a dragon rider, everything is good.
Dame of Mercia,
No. Tyrion said that Myrcella will be wed to youngest son of Dorne. Not Doran Martell.
no its just stupid. I am sick of some people wanting him to bend the knee, I dont think it will happen and he should not, it would be bad writing. Jon is not like inferior to dany. Dany fans can be really tiresome, oh everyone needs to bow down to the dragon queen! lol
It still makes no sense to me that they would be hiding Emilia and letting Kit get photographed with all her crew lol.
I think Alan Taylor will do e6 and e7.
Maybe because it used to be blue greenish last season.This season it’s brown.
People on twitter are reportinf Kit and Liam are filming again. Someone saw Emilia but I’m still not sure where.
It’s meeting between vassal and ruler. Since when Jon Snow become equal to Daenerys the Queen of the all 7 kingdom and the empress of the Dotraiki and Ghiscari empire ? Dany is summoning her vassals all over Westeros
Haha, poor thing. She’s probably playing sudoku alone in her hotel room.
Oh sweet Emilia, your time will come don’t worry. And it will be glorious and we’re all gonna be sobbing watching you and Kit-Kat on screen, with his pretty hair and Jimmy Choo war boots.
I knew Qhono would return.
Well, Podeswa could be doing 703 and 704. Remember that more than one scene was shooting that day and the sheet could very well have been for the scene with Bran (Big Tree). If the 704 scene was for Bran then potentially the scene with everyone else could have been 703. Jon could leave at the end of the episode and be in Dragonston by 704.
I think its given that he will be directing first two episodes since he had been doing that in the past.
And only Alan Taylor can do the last two episodes 6 and 7
Matt could have directed 3rd episode but since we know he is doing 5th so mark mylod must be doing 3 and 4
What do you mean?
ghost of winterfell,
I know it’s so funny.
I bet Podeswa is doing the first two same as last year.
Oh, don’t be too exited by “VIKING”: the visuals are more or less, but all in all it’s a simple piece of Russian propaganda made in the context of the present Russian-Ukrainian war, and it’s very much more about wars over history and a certain idea that a perfect king (prince in this particular case) must be just like Mr. Putin (or Stallin at best). All in all, the second world problems you will hardly understand.
PS. Sorry for the off-topic.
Must be
Of all the dothraki that were cast last season only staz gets to return…shame i really liked Joe naufaue ( iam not sure that i spelled correct ) wish he had stayed long..
I think he will be the face of Dothraki.
I hope that High Priestess of the Dosh Khaleen and Kinvara will return as well.
Where are they filming?Same place as yesterday?
Podeswa is directing 701 and 702. On the sheet it’s written “episodes” next to his name. Plural. And there’s “701/” which confirms it. Given the experience of Alan Taylor and especially teh fact that he filmed such iconic episodes as 109 and 110, I’m 99% positive he’s doing 706 and 707. Now, the real question is Mylod and Shakman. Either Mylod is doing 703/704 or Shakman’s doing 704/705. I’m thinking it’s the former. They are comfortable with Mylod and Shakman is the new guy.
So my prediction is this:
701: Podeswa
702: Podeswa
703: Mylod
704: Mylod/Shakman
705: Shakman
706: Taylor
707: Taylor
I agree.
Oh okay, thanks.
Maybe she brought some men company with her. Kit was with Rose and not with cast in Belfast or simply they’re hiding her.
Yeah very good point , theyr following george design
I totally agree with you, my friend. Dany’s fans are always saying that everyone, everywhere should bend the knee to her.. But Jon is just as important as her or even more in my opinion.. He was the only one with enough balls to tell everyone that the WW are coming!. And even more.. He’s has been brought back from death! Holly Sh**! Dany , on the other hand, re-borns from the fire although. But I’m still sure that, both of them are equally important.
Ok, the LM set photos are from the same timeframe (apart from Bran’s as Isaac was leaving the set when Maisie was heading towards it and we learned he was filming with the Night’s Watch crew). There’s Jon, Brienne, Davos, Tormund, Sansa, Lord Glover, Lyanna, the redhead (prolly Alys Karstark), the little boy, and Arya present for the scene/s being filmed by Podeswa.
You think Jon and co filmed scene/s seperate from the one/s with Arya, Lyanna and some others (again)?
Unless Podeswa used an assistant director he couldn’t have been filming separate scenes at the same time. And we have no sightings of any other director (Mylod or Shakman or Taylor) at that time.
Unless of course, Maisie didn’t film separate scene/s and she will be in Winterfell when Jon’s still there. So if Podeswa has 701 and 702, Arya reaches Winterfell early in the season, or if he has 703 and 704, Arya gets there in one of those episodes and Jon is still present (whether it’s 703 or 704).
Crap qualities but they are there again
I dont think their comment about davos is true tho.
They are still covering half the entrances apparently
I don’t get it. What’s going on? It’s not like she didn’t tell the whole world several times about her nights out with Kit, lol. Everybody already knows he’s there anyway, so what’s the issue?
http://www.elcorreo.com/fotos/bizkaia/201610/21/juego-tronos-rueda-juan-203712237175-mm.html?edition=bizkaia new photos of missandei, jon, tyrion, davos and dotraki
edit: they added more three photos to the gallery of yesterday filming. I guess they were all filming together. at least kit, peter, nathalie and liam
Geralt of Rivia,
I don’t think it has anything to do with their personal lives though.
Why in the world would they say that 🙁 . That better not be true.
Ah Tyrion and Jon that’s going to be so great.He did in fact give Jon the most important advice in his llife.Maybe this is a continuation of yesterday’s scene.Jon and Davos take a stroll and meet up with Tyrion and Missandei.This is so exting.
Rumour has it five but who knows other directors might be there.
Than why to hide herself? Because Kit is there and not give up this?
Anyway Jon and Tyrion together. Yay.
Let’s just bunk all the theories if dany getting caught,,,it’s not going to happen…I m really exited seeing all my favorite characters at one place,,,dany,jon, tyrion…who else I want in this comb,,, Jaime is missing there for me… bring him along and I will be more happy…
Regarding the directors, it may depend on which episode the big battle is. I thought Ep4, but now I feel like it may be happening earlier, say Ep3 or even Ep2, though the required setup from Cersei’s side demands quite a bit of screen time.
One way or another, it looks like the battle is going to be massive both on the shore and in the sea. And that may imply that the director who will be doing the battle will be doing only one episode, cause it’s a lot of work.
another new pic https://www.instagram.com/p/BL3bvuQBI1T/ the bottom one (right)
Davos and Tyrion go on a mission together (so both parties form alliance), so no he’s not dying. It wouldn’t make sense and it wouldn be in the scene the person photographed.
Jon Snow, With Tyrion, Ser Davos, Missandei all clearly walking to mean Daenarys. [new] https://www.instagram.com/p/BL3a4fUD34E/
Sooooo happy about all the meetings we’ll have next season.
Jon/Dany, Jon/Tyrion, Davos/Gendry, Arya/Sansa, Sansa/Bran, Bran/Arya.
I hope Jon goes back to Winterfell to see his siblings, there’s nothing I want more than a Arya/Jon reunion but I see what D&D are doing… they want to delay the reveal of Jon’s parentage until after he meets her. I really don’t want them to be a couple, but this delay is suspicious, I feel like I need to prepare myself lol
Wow, Jon and Tyrion together again after all these years. They are in such vastly different stations in life now from when they last saw each other; the catching up should be interesting.
It looks like these latest photos are of Davos and Jon arriving on Dragonstone, since they’re climbing up towards the building and the Dothraki are clearly guarding them while Tyrion and Missandei escort them. Yesterday’s pics had Jon and Davis going down the stairs while the Dothraki were not following them. So, we’re missing the most important scene of all: the Dany and Jon meeting. Which, unfortunately, will probably be filmed in studio.
After all the talk yesterday about Dany finally wearing red and black, I’m a little disappointed seeing her in drab brown. The style of her new outfit is fabulous and befitting a warrior queen, but it would’ve been nice to see her wearing Targaryen red, kinda like Viserys did. I hope that comes later.
Loving all the new costumes – very much in keeping with the fact that winter has finally arrived and the climate is much colder than these characters experienced in Essos.
Can’t wait to see these scenes on screen – particularly looking forward to Jon and Tyrion’s reunion. I am currently re-watching season one, and it has got me even more excited about these two characters crossing paths again.
ghost of winterfell,
These “new” pictures with Tyrion and Jon were taken yesterday .
We need better photos to be sure but it seems like Dany has some accessory on head? I hope its some piece Michele designed.
Dany fans can be really tiresome
True, but Jon fans/Dany haters can be even more so.
It can be a different scene: they can film multiply scenes in the same location. And it’s not impossible that more Gold Cloaks will go after Davos, Tyrion, and Gendry, which could lead to
. Moreover, such pursuit scene may require professional rowers the showrunners were rumored to cast for Zumaia… Still hope, that
It’s confusing what was filmed yesterday and what is of today. So the pic of Jon and Tyrion with Davos and Missendei behind them (most likely Jon and Davos going up those stairs to meet Many) is of yesterday?
All of them are apparently filming today too, according to the Instagram pic that Kargaryen linked.
I don’t really think that’s what they are filming. I think the guy who instagrammed was just trying to gain attention.
ghost of winterfell,
yes, it is.
Maybe he left it in Winterfell? It could be needed more in the north.
What I am wondering about is why neither Jon or Sansa ever asked Brienne about Oathkeeper. Especially Jon should be interested in making a record of all Valyrian swords around. Well, maybe they just decided she can keep it. But it’s a pity we haven’t seen their reaction to that news.
oh my goodness! I’m so hyped now!
Ahhhh so many new posts how is a girl supposed to get anything done?! Lol!!
Arya would be like: Hi Sansa, why is Littlefinger still alive? Then she’ll immediately stab him a few times.
That person just wants attention. Why would anything happen to Davos if Tyrion is with them and he knows Jon? He’s safe.
I wonder what are Davos and Missandei talking about?How good they are at diplomacy?Dealing with Jon and Dany’s saviour complex lol?Come to think of it they do have some things in common.Is Jon telling Tyrion he wished he would have been his first and only brother in law?So many possibilities!
I did. Many times in other sites.. I know that’s not the case here, but that’s my opinion. Yara doesn’t bend the knee because Dany is not the Queen of Westeros.. So there’s no need to do that. When she becomes Queen, it won’t matter if the want to bend the knee or not.. they will have to do it anyway. Otherwise.. Those who doesn’t , will be an “enemy of the crown”. It’s my opinion.. So I’m moving on from topics too. 🙂
¿Where is Alfie Allen?
I’m just going to remind all, Sansa never bent the knees in book, but what did they have her do for Saint Tyrion in the show- they will do what they want it’s theirs.
This seems to be kind of a misunderstanding… I find the Daenerys storyline (and character) rather boring and would prefer if the season concentrated more on Jon’s character development and story.
Jon is the one who sees the bigger story, the real war coming. Daenerys does not (not yet). Thus of course her aim after landing in Westeros will be that all bow the knee to their new Targaryen queen, it’s what she’s fighting for for years – or do you doubt that?
Aside from the real war coming against the WW, I also doubt Jon is interested in gaining the iron throne himself; even as KitN (a title he never fought for) his main interest would be to secure the freedom and wellbeing of the people in the North.
But in the given situation, I’m sure Jon couldn’t give a greater shit on who claims him/herself Queen/King of the seven kingdoms – he knows that this will be an empty title in the very near future. So if Daenerys wants him to swear loyalty now, why should he not do it – because in exchange he will be able to show her what the real enemy is and gain her support for that war.
Meaning: in the end all including the famous dragonqueen will follow Jon’s insight and lead into the big confrontation between the living and the dead.
If you want to call this “Dany-fanboy thinking”, so be it.
Apparently CGI’d dragons are cheaper than CGI’d direwolves (scales vs hair). One would need crowdfunding to have more scenes with the wolves. I think they said that they prefer to keep a wolf out of a scene rather than having it look unreal. The dogs aren’t an option anymore. I think they used scaled-up real wolves as well, maybe it’s hard to record scenes with them, however, it would have been nice to have a resting white wolf under the table in S6E10. But I think it’s mainly a matter of costs and practicality. As long as one or two wolves survives the show/books, I am fine if they don’t appear everywhere. (I guess Summer will die in the books as well, and Shaggydog gets lost on Skagos. As long as Ghost still lives after Jon discovers he’s a Targaryen.)
And so, so, sooooooooo many people will cheer!
And Arya reunites with Nymeria!!!
Nothing wrong with a little bending of knees…
And let’s stop the Saint Tyrion nonsense shall we? Keep that to the Rant and Rave thread at Westeros.org. If it’s Saint Tyrion it’s also Saint Sansa considering they also whitewashed her by removing the scene on the show where she betrays her family by telling Ned’s plans to Cersei.
Yes, Vikings just looks like another slash and burn extravaganza to me- meh. Much more excited for ‘The Last Kingdom’ S2.
Actually, after Davos brings Gendry back into the story, he might become kind of expendable. Gendry will take the role of the chief expert of KL, whereas Tyrion – the role of the chief councellor to Jon as much as to Dany (they are the big trinity after all), and the role of Davos looks to be played. One way or another he is among the potential goners of the upcoming season. Needless to say, that it breaks my heart.
Cersei’s Brain,
Imo, you mean “Vikings” (TV series), but the talk was about “Viking” or “The Viking” – the “historical” Russian movie of 2016 about Duke (Prince) Vladimir of Kiev (or St. Vadimir of Kiev). That’s a totally different thing.
He is in London.
Excuse me? Do you realize that all that “bending the knee” talk comes from Jon fans who assume she’s gonna ask him to do that with no real evidence, and have been crapping on her for quite some days now? No one would be talking about that if each 30 minutes a new Jon fan didn’t start whining about that again.
My comment was about a photo someone posted on IG saying
Correction: He is actually in Liverpool. He is in the Anfield Stadium.
No on both. : )
Tyrion rapes and kills has a singer put in a bowl of brown, kills prostitutes for not having or enjoying sex, gropes a 12 year old .
Sansa disobeys her dad to say good bye gets captured and Cersei got info out of an 11 year old girl that she used. One is not very nice and the other is naive and foolish
And it was Ned who told Cersei Ned’s plans.
but yeah it’s another thread.
Davos is Jon’s adviser. He’s not expendable. Jon still needs his own people he can trust and rely on. Also, Gendry isn’t an expert in KL.
No offense, but I’ve seen some Dany fans doing the same thing in other posts (even one in this post who relaunched the whole debate about how everything belongs to Dany, including a sword that isn’t hers to give away). It’s coming from both sides.
Davos and Missandei, can’t wait for that convo!
ghost of winterfell, Jenny,
Sorry guys. I was wrong the photos of Jon and Tyrion are indeed from today. I made confusion because El correo posted the photos in the gallery of photos from yesterday filming.
The article says these pictures with Jon and Tyrion are from this Saturday. So, today 🙂
Yep doesn’t he still have a scene with
Alfie’s a Liverpool fan??? Ugh! Suddenly not feeling so bad about all that torture Theon went through.
Sorry about my “deliberate” mistake – should be ‘who was the spy’.
Flayed Potatoes,
yeah 🙂
“sábado” is the same in portuguese so I understand that part lol
Jay Targ,
Yup. Thats why I’m saying the person just invented so they could gain attention.
Lord of Coffee,
No, Arsenal. I think his team is going to play with Liverpool today.
And Kit is a M.United fan.
Yeah, it’s definitely both sides. But I really hope this sort of talk doesn’t carry us all through the offseason; it’s quite tiring.
There’s not that much difference between the two – it still meant Tristane (at least in season 2) wasn’t the heir.
Well, I’m a Spurs fan so Arsenal is even worse! And Arsenal is playing at home in London today against Middlesbrough. Liverpool is playing West Brom. So maybe Alfie was just in Liverpool for other reasons and decided to take in the match.
Lord of Coffee,
Oh okay. He is filming some documentary and I think it’s about football.
edit: The other day he was filming something in Everton’s stadium.
Jay Targ,
You right. I forgot the Dragonpit.
If the choice is between bending the knee to obtain dragon power to fight the wights and walkers and by extension saving the population of Westeros and not bending and watching his people be exterminated by the Walkers, guess what? Jon will bend the knee because Jon is truly the ‘duty’ and ‘for the people’ type of leader than Stannis and Daenerys have always claimed to be. Bending the knee to avoid destruction for his people does not make him inferior, in fact it reaffirms the fact that he is the better person, the better leader. Jon doesn’t need titles to be who he is.
What a mean.. is that it’s not absollutly necesary if they don’t need to do it.. Unless.. that she’s already the Queen of Westeros. Then it will be absolutely necesary.
Footage from todays set http://www.eitb.eus/es/noticias/sociedad/videos/detalle/4456808/video-graban-juegos-tronos-san-juan-gaztelugatxe-bermeo/
No, Sansa betrays her family to the Lannisters telling Cersei Ned’s plans on getting the girls out of KL and to WF. Because of this, Arya had to escape and Jeyne poole was send to a brothel and she herself became a hostage. Her being a hostage led to Ned losing his head. GRRM himself holds Sansa partially accountable for what happened to Ned in KL. Sansa’s betrayal of her family is an important part of her story and the TV series conveniently never shows that. So, Saint Sansa was also whitewashed on the show like almost all the characters.
But I get that Sansa fans love to especially target Tyrion and call him Saint Tyrion on the show. Please do that on the Rant and Rave thread at Westeros because that sort of obnoxious commentary ruins the discussion on here.
I love Daenerys’ costume. It’s outdoors and extremely fitting for a modern Queen coming from somewhere that is not Westeros. I think the pictures of the Targ crew only, could be her arrival, though I thought before that scene would be a night scene. Then Jon and Davos arrive and are escorted to meet Daenerys. They are obviously accepted as friends and afterwards, Jon and Davos are walking the ramparts (yesterday’s pictures) as guests of Dragonstone. Season 7 WILL BE THE BEST YET!! 😀
On another note: can we please, please keep the same old tired “bend the knee”, “Saint Tyrion”, “who has the bigger balls, Jon or Daenerys”, type arguments to other boards that specialize in that kind of talk? A very few posters here are turning out to be a horrendous bore amongst all the excitement of the coming season for the rest of us.
Nathalie is disappointed…
Looks like most of the people responding to her tweets aren’t happy with the leaks either.
So if this is her landing scene, where does she get the outfit? When they leave Merreen she’s not wearing that.
Yeah that’s Emilia.I think people in Spain are convinced that her name is Khaleesi lol.
So it is a fact that the Unsullied and Dothraki are with their Queen. I am happy about that.
Thanks WotW.
That looks nothing like Dragonstone?
Jack Bauer 24,
Well if it is ep 5 then it’s not her landing scene.But even if it was she changed on the ship.You don’t think she spent the whole journey in the same clothes lol
I’m tired of Jon and Dany fans ruining all of the comment sections on this board with their constant back and forth. There are tons of people who like them both and the show and would rather not have to read the divisive comments over and over again.
I am one of those people. I’m looking forward to them meeting and seeing what happens but you all make it hard to stand coming to the board anymore.
Well said. I was criticized for this but it makes Jon who he is. Just like when he raced after Rickon and not watching him die. It might seem to people as a mistake but in fact is in line with Jon’s character.
We are so unlucky lol I was hoping we’d get better photos of Emilia today and then she arrives all covered. -.-
So now this argument is valid because its jon..
And not valid to dany or stannis..
Especially when we have dany’s POV and her view about her people and duty to them..
This notion in the fandom that jon is the only character who is about serving people and sees the bigger picture and just not care about power or rule because he knows about WW and cares only about them is really frustrating..
A character can claim and occupy throne and still can care about people serve them and see the bigger picture.
For all the talk about jon doesn’t care about who is ruling and things…he still needed to remove Ramsey and reclaim winterfell for himself ..the power of kingships is needed..
But I guess its all because of WW is a valid reason that takes away all the blame..
While other characters who didn’t have the luxary of being in the wall storyline has to have a reason such as reconquering westeros..
Is it that hard to understand or differentiate
It all comes from the supposed leaks. That’s where they get it from.
These are the two things you see the most in their points in these comments. So there’s no doubt the people complaining about these things read those supposed leaks. Not that it means any of it is true, but I’m just pointing out where I think it’s coming from.
I don’t think all the scenes being filmed here are from ep 5. There might be other directors around too.
With a heavy heart I agree. It seems in the books that there was an equal-ness to Targaryen bonds with their dragons and Stark bonds to their wolves, and I loved the way each wolf was portrayed as an extension of the child they belonged to. Since Dany has her Drogon, than Ghost should be just as important to Jon, and may I add, a hell of a lot bigger, lol. If its a CGI budget thing then I would have preferred they cut down on showing the other two dragons so Ghost could be as prominent as he should be. You would think the design of a giant wolf would be a tad easier than a dragon, but, what do I know of such things.
I wonder if we’ll see Emilia go out with her castmates this weekend, as it appears her birthday would be tomorrow (though there is conflicting reports of when it actually is lol)
Oh yeah I completely forget about that argument that all of them will drown on the way..
Anyways iam sure people will come up with we can’t be sure about the fact all of them made safe landing ..
And that argument will be as same only to be silenced as not all dothraki will follow her or dothraki and unsullied will remain shirtless
Geralt of Rivia,
But what about dany’s characterization..
I guess people dont care about it.
Both dany fans and jon fans have trolls and we can see who they are and that i would like to just ignore them..
But this bending knee subject if it spoils any character then its dany’s ..and very few jon fans i have seen to say ” that its not it dany’s character “
There’s a picture of her in a new outfit.
Yeah I know they started because of the “leaks” I just don’t know why people stress so much over something they have no proof is going to happen.
Jay Targ,
Her birthday is tomorrow yeah. Maybe if they give her a fancy cake again she’ll post something on IG.
In season 2, Tristane WASN’T the heir… Oberyn was the heir as Doran’s younger brother. Then Oberyn died which THEN made Tristane the heir so there was no inconsistency. The change between the seasons in Tristane’s status was Oberyn’s death.
Jack Bauer 24,
Two photos but the quality is very bad compared to the ones posted yesterday.
ghost of winterfell,
I think so too tbh.It’s a different episodes but it still doesn’t look like her arrival to me.If I had to guess I would say this is later.
Jay Targ,
Oh yeah i completely forget about that…tomorrow only her birthday ..
She last celebrated her birthday with the cast and crew members when they were filming daznak pit … The cake had nice three headed targeryan sigil on top of it
The only reason I think this is her landing scene is that because we have everyone from her team there so unless its the first time they go up the stairs i dont think they will do a later scene with all members.
The real question for Jon’s meeting wirh Dany is will he know his true parentage by then and that she is actually his Aunt?
“Oh, you came to take the Irone Throne? Sorry Aunt Dany but it’s actually mine.”
But in all seriousness, when will that piece of pertinent information come out? This is probably what I’m looking forward to most, along with their reactions and the reactions of those around them. I know Jon claiming the throne hinges on his legitimacy so there will be that issue to contend with, but Jon being Jon, will he want to be King of Westeros, or would he concede it to Dany with the promise of the North being independent… So much to think about!
Jon & Tyrion. Bestill my heart. I would be so brill if this is actually a family reunion for the three.
She had it in her suitcase. She didn’t spend the entire trip in the same outfit standing still on the ship.
PREACH IT! It was Jon and Sansa last season, Cersei’s rape before that, all the way back to Pedro Pascal cast as Oberyn Martell and the legendary meltdowns because Pedro was not who fans had cast in their minds as Oberyn (when I first started coming to the site). The series is ending and one great thing about that fact is that I will not have to read more of this beyond another season.
But these “leaks” were not posted HERE. SO why not discuss these “leaks” where they came from?
Merely because the paparazzi didn’t catch them doesn’t mean other directors weren’t there.
Than search more. Don’t think people means it as Jon being the only one to be able to do it, but certainly more willing to sacrifice things or even bending the knee than others. But he’s also in different position, as he never grew up with being a Lord or having powerful name. For him at least as far show goes, it is just title KitN. Title he can use for WW invasion because as Davos said, he ain’t gonna help them sitting at Winterfell and doing nothing. Same as he’s doing now and travelling to Dany. Using his title and power to achieve what he needs to do.
He tried to defeat Boltons mainly because Rickon, Boltons would go after them and Ramsay threatening to rape Sansa, also WW. He didn’t even expected to be nothing more than Jon Snow. He said that Sansa is Lady of Winterfell and Northern Lords pushed him to be KitN, not Jon himself. Careful with that. Not fighting because it was his right or because he wants titles, lands. He did it out of pure and simple thought emotional side being his family and practical being WW. Sansa wanted revenge for everything.
I know you hate when someone or something portrays Jon in better light than Dany but it is what it is.
Negotiations are often poker game. Dany is in right to demand for him to kneel it because has holds triumphs and Jon needs her a bit more. Not that she dosn’t need him and what he knows against WW is valuable.
Besides the fact that WW are stories for children and even some Northern Lords might not believe it. So basically it’s like I would come to you as absolute stranger and say ” I saw Bigfoot” help me track him down, you would have hard time believing it.
So Jon is coming to tell her he saw monsters not been seen in thousands of years. Dragons at least lived in relatively current time. Jon is in defense and he has to do something to convince others and it is not as easy.
Anyway, this debate Jon vs Dany is tiresome.
The leatherers weren’t expecting her, so they didn’t think to place an order for the Red leather- and the Red Witch cleared out their stock for her shoes the last time she was in town.
So, Dany indeed has a massive red mantle decorated with black furs (seen at 0.12-0.14), and it don’t think she’s gonna wear it on top of her brown leather costume. So, looks like there will be multiply scenes, filmed for multiply episodes (4-5-6 I suppose).
Tbh Rhaegar and his kids were disinherited by Aerys and Viserys named King in exile, wasn’t he? Aerys was paranoid and thought Rhaegar was conspiring with rebels against him? Maybe I got it wrong.
Even if Jon is legtimate and I have my doubts, he’s still no “rightful King of Seven Kingdoms” I hate this terms rightful King or Queen. Basically his blood is all that’s needed.
In terms of succesion Dany comes before Jon legitimate or not but don’t think they’re really gonna go this way “who’s got better claim.” That’s for childish fans debate because Jon is not interested in Iron Throne, Dany is coming to conquer it which is the only way she can earn it or anyone else.
Geralt of Rivia,
That’s what iam saying you need power and title if you want people to listen to what you have to say..
And all iam saying is just because someone has or wants power doesn’t mean they are power hungry and entitled….one can actually go for power to do good and serve and protect the people..
Anyways I agree its tiresome
IMO, arrivals (both Jon’s and Dany’s) will be filmed on Zumaia beach: with all that prop it now it looks like a mini-port/regular landing site.
I assume that was protecting/hiding her outfit. Same about that thing covering the wig.
Green Chili,
Something important that people LOVE to overlook is that Dany KNOWS about the long night, she may not be consciouse of it but she knows through her dragon dreams and the house of the undying. In the show she has seen the wall and king´s landing in winter and in the books she has seen the wall, the blue rose and herself on drogon fighting the white walkers, she calls them the usurpers in ice armor.
This whole idea of Dany giving people a hard time just because is bullshit, Dany has been wirtten for this, all of the 6 seasons have been Dany preparing for the long night.
Honestly. I’m tired of hearing the crowing and the whining from both fandoms. I just have to point out that Jon bending the knee, if he does it, doesn’t make him inferior to Dany. If you’re expecting Jon to be the winningest, then maybe, but as a character it doesn’t hurt him. Jon’s goals are not the same as the ones some of his fans have for him.
Jon v Dany is already really really annoying during the hiatus.
I don’t care about crowns or lands or rulership or even animal avatars because I don’t think that’s what makes a character interesting.
I think this is a good argument. Jon, I think, would accept her as his queen, as she holds every card. An immensely powerful big bad with no motive but to kill humans is coming for them. Jon knows it’s time for games to stop.
…and every ruler in Dany’s position would demand that he bend the knee in return for help.
Dany, however, is the show’s Mary Sue. Rules that create suspense for most other characters (will they win? Will they do the right thing?) usually break down for her. The show has been trying so hard to turn her into an ideal that it’s destroyed all suspense in her arc, harming the character (imo). So she might do the one thing that the writers believe will most appeal to the viewers while keeping her an idealized character, and accept Jon as an equal.
Of course, having her choose this path is so off kilter for the show’s universe, that the writers might balk at going that far. I can see a situation where Dany demands he become her subject, then, later, accepts him as an equal.
Amen. I’m excited to see them meet too and I think I’m just going to have to stay out of fandom alltogether because harshing my vibe rn.
Geralt of Rivia,
I don’t think the show has ever mentioned that Rhaegar was disinherited. The issue may be addressed this season though.
So here’s the deal. We encourage high-spirited discussion and debate, it’s what discussion boards are for. But some of you are bordering on trolling with your aggression in several posts, and mods are noticing. No one is interested in a year of screaming matches over Jon vs Dany. This is a community- we want friendly discussion, not antagonism. Take it down a notch or action will be taken.
And yes, we can tell when one person is using multiple screennames even when they try to disguise it. Behave.
It is not against Dany’s character to not require people to be subservient to her at all. Dany will do what she has to do to keep the peace, we’ve seen this time and time again in her story. She will even go so far as to marry someone who she doesn’t want to maintain a good rule.
More than any other character, Dany has shown that she will put her true desires aside to please other people. Chaining up her dragons is proof of that.
Jon is no more alturistic than Dany. He is no better or worse than her. They’ve both made decisions that didn’t work out for them and they’ve made decisions that worked in their favor. They are of a similar age and they are of a similar position. I think, if you look at them on paper, you will find that they are a lot alike. Which is why it baffles me that their fans LOVE to fight with each other on message boards.
Please pick one screen name and stick with it. Thanks!
They never mentioned it but I believe Viserys was named King in exile. But then of couse why Kingsguard at TOJ? It might’ve been just because they were Rhaegar’s friends following his commands or because they were guarding royal family or perhaps even bastard because Rhaegar was obsessed with prophecy.
I feel so bad for Nathalie, she seems genuinely upset. She wants to film in peace and deliver a memorable Season 7 for the fans. I enjoy that filming spoilers, but when genuine cast members like Nathalie are bummed out it really puts a damper on it.
So I am the last person who should post on this, since I haven’t read ANY of the books. But from what I’ve gathered on the Internet, Aerys didn’t disinherit Rhaegar. But AFTER Rhaegar was killed by Robert Baratheon, Aerys disinherited Rhaegar’s half Dornish children, and made Viserys (who had a higher percentage of Targ blood! haha!) King. To protect Viserys, he then shipped Queen Rhaella and Viserys to Dragonstone (because of which they survived, of course, otherwise they would have been most definitely killed).
I am sure someone who has read the books in depth will be able to say more.
Sue the Fury,
Thank you, Sue, for laying down the law. Now, we’ll see if others heed your warning.
This is day 3 and the 5th or 6th thread to get derailed by the same posters arguing over the same crap (“bend the knee”, a term I don’t think I ever want to hear again). Believe it or not, there are those of us who are fans of both Jon and Dany and are excited and looking forward to their meeting, and this endless pissing contest between fans (and the need to have the last word) is annoying as hell. Gods, I wish this site had an “ignore poster” feature.
I don’t think it has anything to do with him being a “better” leader than Dany who has always cared about her people and freed many from slavery. I feel like there’s this false dichotomy of Jon being “for the people” and Dany “just wanting power.” Everything shown so far has contradicted that. Dany wants power no doubt, but she has never been shown to be callous/cold or uncaring about people under her rule. She’s never been that kind of ruler, not sure why some are so determined to portray her that way. She’s always been shown to care about people under her rule despite her political ambitions. Duality and all that.
If she manages to take KL and become the Queen of Westeros, she’ll care just as much as Jon about protecting the people. That’s just who Dany is. However, Jon has the burden of proof when it comes to the WW, he has to convince her of the threat. Dany (assuming she still has her army/dragons mostly intact.) has more bargaining power than Jon, so she’s in the position to demand more from him. . If it turns out Dany loses some of her army or a dragon, and doesn’t have as much power as she did when she left Meereen, she may have to make some compromises too. That’s really all it comes down to.
I’m over this whole Jon v. Dany, kneeling convo too. It’s just a bunch of fans who are afraid that their favorite character won’t be the most powerful/important person in the room.
Pretty excited about Jon and Tyrion’s reunion. I can imagine Tyrion will have a hard time believing what he is seeing. To say Jon Snow is different than the young immature boy he shared the road with so long ago is an understatement.
Sue the Fury,
Sorry, I forget which color hair I have on any given day.
Will do. 🙂
Geralt of Rivia,
ASOIAF discussions have turned unbarable since many Jon Snow fans decided that Jon Snow is the main protaginist and ASOIAF his story instead of being a crucial character to a greater purpose.
They go into every possible forum and dumb down the story for mere fan service and the only way Jon could be the main protagonist is if the other crucial characters (his equals) are lessen in importance: Dany, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Tyrion specially.
To force this idea they take these characters out of contect like Dany suddenly not caring about the well being of the common people just because she is young and hot headed however she spent 3 seasons working on a social revolution to abolsih slavery in Essos.
Sansa suddenly being power hungry and wating to screw Jon over when basically she cares about home and family, Jon had his warrior training and an army, Sansa only had Brianne and a wildcard -littlefinger-, Brianne was away and Jon didn´t treat her as an equal despite she was treating him as her equal, as a Stark not a Snow, Sansa did the right thing by hidding that information, we need other people and he disregarded the most important person in his life as someone not worth to listen, he didn´t want to help her until Ramsay threaten them. Davos and the Red Woman brought him back it was Sansa that gave him a sense of purpose and a reason to live. Jon Snow as Dany and Sansa, has a lot of fuck the grow up to do.
Politicall talking Dany and Sansa are threats to Jon´s legitimacy as ruler because he is a bastard and regardless of his virtues what he has in his favor is that he is a man and they are not, because of this suddenly Sansa and Dany are seen as villians from the jon is the protagonist point of view. There are already theories going around that Arya must kill Sansa to ensure Jon´s rise to power….like WTF?
(important to notice is that Dany creates her own policies while she goes, her conquest style is creating new world orders and demolishing the old ones, for her that means reducing the social gap by fucking up the people that by means of terrible social violence withhold all the resources and power, if they resist on stopping their bullshit Dany attacks, the only way Dany could be a threat to Jon is if he suddenly turns into a slaver, a Lord that abuses his people, starves them and monopolizes resources, however if Dany decides to be queen of the 7 kingdoms she will be by conquest no matter who the rightfull heir could be and the irony is that IT IS FAIR under the logic behind the 7 kigdoms because that is what the iron throne stands for, it is a cycle because whomever has a claim they have it because Aegon´s conquest, so suddenly the claim to the throne is irrelevant given it iss made of Aegon´s enemies swords, that is the irnoy, the realm was built on conquest, everybodies claim is based on someone else conquest and Dany is closer to Aegon than anybody else.
Dany won´t strip Jon from the North for the same reason she gave Jarah Greyjoy the salt throne, it is about order and service, not kneeling, and Dany hates the old order-her wheel speach-, Dany, Jon and Sansa are natural allies and equals)
The thing is that for many people ASOIAF has no purpose but to place their fave, Jon, in the highest positions of power and heroism. ASOIAF is an educating tale and study on human nature, human consciousness, the human heart, culture, social order, it is an anti war, elitism and anti misoginy statement. It discusses paradigm shifts, evolution and symbolism and to achieve all of that many characters, points of view and dimentions need to be explored. There is no main protagonist and hero in the story, but many people contributing and playing different roles to achive a greater understaidng. This whole Jon needs to be Lord of Winterfell, King in the North, King of the seven Kingdoms, The prince that was promissed, Azor Ahai, The last hero, dragon rider, direwolf warger, the best warrior, leader, politician and even wake an ice dragon… it´s dumb people who can´t grasp what they are seeing and reading.
In real life progress is achieved by the effort of many not one Gary Stu playing every important role. Dany, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Bran, Theon, Davos, Cercei, Jaime, it is their story by their own right and their stories are not there to pay fan service to one character in specific.
“I can see a situation where Dany demands he become her subject, then, later, accepts him as an equal.”
Yes, I can see that too, and do agree with your point about Dany’s empowerment and success doing a bad service to her character. It’s not her decisions or personality that annoys: it’s just the fact that she looks doomed to end on top of the things as long as she is fireproof and has three dragons. We would feel the same about Jon, if he had too many victories (in fact, Jon hasn’t won a single major victory yet: he did amazing things, but was always saved by other much less admirable characters, and that’s why we keep routing for him to win his ultimate victory which will be against the WW).
But IMO there is more to that skirmish around knee-bending issue. People instinctively feel that when someone is forced to enter unequal alliance because of some external threat, and the stronger ally does not fully understand or recognize that threat, the alliance may turn into disaster. The stronger partner keeps insisting that the threat is not that big and is always compelled to choose “shame over war”, until it gets both along with major losses or even an ultimate defeat. I could provide a numerous examples from real history. So, as we route for Westeros, we route for Jon to become the ultimate leader in the war to come not because we are sexists or Dany-haters or whatever, but because to our “knowledge” Jon appears like a more credible commander. Dany has potential, but her true capacities are yet to be seen. So, that’s why I think that a major “midpoint” defeat could do Dany’s character a good service, but we’ll see.
Geralt of Rivia,
The Kingsguard were at the ToJ because they were protecting the heir to the throne (the Lord Commander of the KG was also there protecting him, which is pretty big). That’s why you have that long dialogue in the books (simplified for the show) where Ned asks the Kingsguard why they weren’t at the Trident and then asks them why they didn’t go with Viserys to Dragonstone (since Viserys should have been the heir with all of Rhaegar’s trueborn children being dead and all).
From what I remember, Aerys named Viserys heir after Rhaegar died and skipped Elia’s children with Rhaegar. So he did not disinherit Rhaegar himself. He also didn’t like Rhaegar’s children with Elia because they “smelled Dornish” (aka they didn’t have enough Targ blood in them). You also have to take into account that he was….well….mad. So idk how serious anyone would have taken that decision. Robert certainly wanted Elia’s kids out of the equation even if Aerys “skipped” them from the line of succession.
Rhaegar was never disinherited.
Why would Rhaegar go and fight against the rebels at the Trident if he was disinherited? He would have been far more likely to join the rebels.
Why was Aerys upset when Rhaegar was killed? If he was against Rhaegar and if he had disinherited him then it would not have been upsetting.
Aerys couldn’t afford to disinherit Rhaegar, he held both of his children. It was only due to this fact that the Martell’s raised an army and was willing to fight against the rebels.
If Rhaegar was disinherited then the Martells would not have fought for Aerys.
But really there is no prove that Rhaegar was ever disinherited. And according to the laws of succession if Jon was legitimate then he would have been next in line to the throne.
But the throne isn’t just about the line of inheritance you obviously need the power to hold the throne as well. Dany’s whole mission in life has been about gaining enough power in order to hold the throne, and Jon isn’t interested in the iron throne. So Dany can obviously win her throne as a conqueror.
There are two sides to this, I can see both sides. On the one hand yes I would expect Jon to try and save his brother , it is not out of character for him. But would he have done it himself or could he just have send out another soldier? That is a bit more unclear, I cant say with 100% certainty that he would have done it himself.
But in the books it is more clear, Jon never tried to save any of his siblings, even if he really wanted to. He was only willing to do something for Arya. So from that perspective perhaps it was out of character for Jon.
Jon has made some sacrifices before for the greater good, he loved Ygritte yet he was willing to sacrifice her.
Jon bending the knee brings about the same type of problems and questions. Yes, I could see it being in character for him to bend the knee for the greater good and in order to save the North from the White Walkers.
But it would have to be done correctly, it could easily become problematic.
It could easily result in a similar situation as what happened when Jon was stabbed for the watch. So the show has to be really careful here.
It doesn’t help that Jon bends the knee but the rest of the North doesn’t agree with that decision. Then it is only going to result in more unnecessary fighting within the North.
Jon cant submit the North if they dont want to submit. Then it would be similar to “for the watch”, were Jon went against the will of the people he was leading. Will they show Jon making the same mistake?
Will they show him making no progress as a character?
They also have to be careful about the reaction of the Northern Lords. For the past two seasons the Northern Lords have been quite happy to submit themselves to the Boltons and the Lannisters, even though they lost a lot of family members against the Boltons and the Lannisters.
Ramsay didn’t even have to marry Sansa, the North wasn’t planning anything against the Boltons. Lord Glover, the Umbers, Karstarks and the Manderly’s who are some of the biggest houses within the North, were more then happy with the Boltons. They were not willing to fight for the Starks against the Boltons.
Therefore show will not be able to use the Northern Lords against Jon (as some kind of an internal conflict against Sansa and Littlefinger), if they were more then happy to follow and serve the Boltons and the Lannisters, then a Targaryen shouldn’t be a problem. They are going to have to be careful against writing inconsistency if they are planning on using the kneeling of Jon in some way against him.
Jon did kneel for Stannis, but Stannis just saved the Nights Watch, Dany hasn’t done anything for him or the North as yet.
Jon was just a normal Nights Watch member at the time he wasn’t a leader, and yet when Tormund asked him if Stannis was his King now, he said no.
So basically he kneeled, but he still didn’t see Stannis as his King, he just did what he had to do at the time.
So it would be unnatural and out of character if Jon suddenly kneels and displays great devotion towards Dany like Tyrion did last season.
That being said Dany hasn’t exactly gone around demanding people to kneel towards her. There is no reason to think that she will start demanding it now.
It isn’t just a simple matter of having Jon kneeling towards Dany, there are a lot of other factors involved that has to be considered.
It will be fun to come back here and read this discussions, when Jon and Dany get married. It will be hilarious.
http://www.deia.com/2016/10/22/ocio-y-cultura/khaleesi-y-jon-snow-coronan-gaztelugatxe new picture of Jon and Davos laying on the ground *Dragon Alert* while Tyrion is looking to the sky
You are correct but I really don’t think it matters..
Who is fighting for reclaiming the throne for house targ ..who is last dragon and true targaryen..there lies the answer who is the heir..
Jon claiming he is rightful ruler will have as much effect as Dany claiming she is the heir but not doing anything towards retaking it ..
Dragon? Where? 😀
Are they falling down?
wtf is going on there
Flayed Potatoes,
They are just laying on the ground and Tyrion is looking to sky. That’s why I think it’s a dragon flying over them. It’s the first they see a dragon so they must be afraid lol
They added new photos, you can see emilia and nathalie next to the church and the crew arriving http://m.deia.com/2016/10/22/ocio-y-cultura/khaleesi-y-jon-snow-coronan-gaztelugatxe
I think it’s a dragon flying over them.
It looks like Kit is in the middle of them.
Lmao if Davos and Jon are on the ground because they are afraid of the dragons im going to laugh so hard. Like who wouldn’t but that would still be funny.
I had seen that picture earlier but didn’t know what to make of it. I now definitely think your interpretation is the correct one. Missandei, Tyrion and the Dothraki are now accustomed to dragons flying overhead. So it makes sense for them to be acting casually while Jon and Davos are shocked.
That would make sense. I guess they’re on their way to see Dany and see one of the dragons flying above (who knows how close to them). They’ll make it into a humorous scene.
When I first saw her with that red cape I thought she was Melisandre and I got scared for a moment lol.
Geralt of Rivia,
I had an impression that Viserys was named (or rather named himself) King in exile, because both Rhaegar and his only son were dead (Jon Snow was posthumous and his existence was the best kept secret in Westeros). But if Jon is found to be a legitimate son, he will become the legitimate heir too. The primogeniture can’t be undone by a royal decree of the Mad King or any king for that matter, because as soon as a country abandons primogeniture, it immediately introduces rex electus and every nobleman becomes entitled to run for the throne (and if a formal election procedure (like kingsmoot in GoT) is non-existent or long forgotten, it ends up on a battlefield). So, I don’t know how to access Rhaegar’s disinheritance: under the Salic Law it’s null and void IMO, but there may be other interpretations under the same Salic Law (a good lawyer could think of something I suppose).
Jay Targ,
It’s going to be a funny moment lol 😀
Hear, hear. From Dany’s point of view, Jon won’t be the co-lead of a TV series. He will be a lordling, Ned Stark’s bastard, whom other, lesser lords have named their king. Not much different from Theon/Yara, really.
To keep peace and order in the kingdom, there must be a single seat of power. Jon’s “monarch” title feels like much more of an obstacle than help here – if the North gets a king, what’s to say that the Reach won’t want one for themselves next? Or the Westerlands? Or the Vale? That’s why Jon should kneel if requested. And I think that Jon would understand this.
Alternatively, Dany and Tyrion being who they are, and so essentially benevolent, I can imagine them working our a solution to explain why the North could get a “king”, and those other places not. I think they might give the North the same deal as the Iron Islands – essentially letting it go as a separate country. The North is pretty poor and sparsely populated, after all, and the Neck is a good border. And they have a different culture, too. So here, I would expect Dany not to insist on keeping the North within the 7 kingdoms, but letting it go. After all, that’s what she has already done to another place.
In general, I expect Jon and Dany to behave like (gasp) reasonable people, and come up with a satisfactory solution.
Without marriage.
Guys, if we look at the second photo from this post, there’s someone holding a gray/silver ball on a stick. We know they usually use green balls for dragons but who knows… that new jon/davos photo is suspicious.
The discussions will be even crazier if one of them kills the other with the real Lightbringer and we find out one of them is Azor Ahai and the other is Nissa Nissa.
Viserys was crowned by his mother on Dragonstone AFTER Aerys,Rheagar and Aegon were killed.
if Jon is legitimate then he takes precedence over Dany (males before females) as the succession would have been Aerys Rheagar Aegon Jon Viserys and Dany ..if Jon is not legitimate then the succession would be Aerys Rheagar Aegon Viserys Dany..which is what we have seen so far
loove the new pics…seeing Kit and Peter filming together has me super excited for that scene!! and love Dany’s DragonWarriorQueen outfit!
I can already imagine Liam’s and kit’s facial expressions..
Think how it will be that the dragon is drogon and dany is on top of it returning after a short flight..
Jon’s very first sight on dany is above a dragon ..that will be worth watching
Can you chill!You don’t even know what take they will use.Maybe it’s because it’s landing close.I would fall to the ground too.
I hope and pray to R’hllor, and the Seven, and the Old Gods, and the Drowned God, and Moon Boy for all I know, that the episode where Jon and Dany finally meet face to face gets to be called “The Dragon and the Wolf”. It’s just perfect.
You can ignore them. I banned them, since they seemed to think the “Stop using multiple screennames to be a troll” message didn’t include them.
Yes they are white washed, but they also left out how Sansa did tell the truth backing Arya; and how hard is it for a 35 YO to get info from a 11? not hard even today grown men and women are tricked easily by bad people.
The difference between Tyrion and Sansa, one did it with malice intent the other being naive and foolish.
Nice try, Sue.
To the rest of you, the message is: Saying ‘Oh yes, I’m tired of this Jon vs. Dany debate too’ and then going on to prolong it ad nauseam…just doesn’t cut it.
So here’s my desperate attempt to change the subject (let’s see how long it stays changed):
Am I the only one who is delighted to see Conleth Hill turning up in this scene? No one has even mentioned him! Surely a more interesting development than what color Dany is wearing.
We have not yet seen a Varys/Dany interaction beyond standing on the deck of the same boat. And Varys and Jon have never met before, ever. I adore Conleth and find any scene where Varys gets to talk utterly delicious, not matter whom he’s sparring with. Really looking forward to seeing what role he plays in forging this ice/fire alliance, and whether he lets slip any personal agendas beyond ‘the good of the realm.’
It is extremely hard to hide filming in a wide open area, I won’t be surprised if some of the big stuff was actually done last year.
You’re not alone! I’ve been asking about Varys in other posts as well. He should have a lot of insight on Westeros pre-Robert Rebellion, so I’m looking forward to see what he mentions and if he makes any references to Rhaegar and maybe Lyanna. I think his agenda is strictly “for the realm” since they’ve simplified his storyline for the show. I don’t think they’d have time for much else.
I wonder if he (Varys) lets Dany know that Ned was the only person on Robert’s small counsel to oppose the plan of having her and her son killed.
I was sad that the first scene of Dany and Varys that we saw was them on a boat because I wanted to see their first conversation considering their past. So their interaction is definetly something I’m looking forward to watching in the next season.
I’ll be laughing if they’ll go Jon and Sansa route. At this point Jon is going to be involvd with his family one way or the other.
We can debate them as characters. Just without insults.
“The thing is that for many people ASOIAF has no purpose but to place their fave, Jon, in the highest positions of power and heroism.”
No, it’s not that. You made a very good point: Westeros is the realm build on conquest, and that’s the source of most of its problems. And therefore, people want it to be reestablished on a more reliable foundation – unification against the common threat, and that’s why Jon looks to be the most appropriate person to become the ultimate king. “The king must be an adult man capable of defending his realm with a sword” that was the law of my country in the Middle Ages and I tend to honor that tradition, though I do agree that an adult women with three dragons could also do the job.
I don’t mean to suggest that any Griffs might be introduced at this late date, but I wouldn’t mind some sort of minor ‘October surprise’ in Varys’ character development. We know that he is uncomfortable with magic; perhaps some other run-in with red priests is yet in store for us.
But if Viserys was named King, then it follows to Dany from him as his sister, didn’t it? I got mess in this, so probbaly wrongly interpetated Either way, claim is one thing and reality the other. Jon doesn’t want it and nor he’s got army or will to take it like Dany.
Maybe I got it wrong and Jon if proven legitimate is heir. But then of course he doesn’t seems to be interested as ice zombies are approaching nor he has strength to take it in terms of military power. But there’s goochane he’ll end up there based on his actions and maybe partially who he is as Targ heir for example.
Maybe if he meets Mel. We haven’t seen her filming yet though, so idk how big her role will be. But I don’t think it will amount to much.
Last season everyone though he’d clash seriously with Tyrion because of Kinvara and that she’d appear again, and it didn’t happen.
Whether you like it or not, there are indeed Jon fans who think he is the absolute protagonist and there are Dany fans who aren’t pleased with that because they think the same about their favorite character being the main protagonist heroine.
I don’t get why those people find it hard to see them as equal. They have both strength and weakness.
In the books I think dany will learn varys’s betrayal and his actions through illyrio..
And alongside with barristan’s warning I never thought the meeting will go nicely for varys ..
But in the show he will be used to give us great insights of past ..
Maybe he can tell the truth about what exactly made aerys that paranoid …is he became mad on his own or it something to do with maesters or something like that because aerys may have asked varys to listen to certain subjects..
He may also be one of the few people who are alive to say what happened at the back stages of tourney at harrenhall ..
You are not the only one delighted to see Varys – I love the scenes Conleth and Peter have together; they are both fantastic actors and their chemistry is amazing. Also looking forward to seeing Varys and Daenerys have an actual conversation! Tyrion paved the way for him to be part of Team Daenerys when he spoke up for him in 508, and Varys has already proved himself useful to Daenerys by setting up alliances with the Sand Snakes and Olenna.
The first meeting between Varys and Jon will also be interesting – Varys proved in season one that he had a spy network that reached beyond KL (he knew of Catelyn’s trip south and the Valyrian steel dagger she brought with her) and so I cannot wait to see how much of Jon’s story Varys is aware of (in terms of what has happened to him since season one, I mean).
If Varys’s chief concern is the Realm, as he has always claimed, then surely fighting the greatest threat to it is something he would advise Daenerys to do?
I hope, hope, hope that this is really Drogon (my favorite character) or one of his two siblings! If there is a scene like this, it would be a bit funny, with the Dothraki, Unsullied, Tyrion, Missandie completely unconcerned, but Davos and Jon totally surprised to see the dragon part of the Dragon Queen! I am ESPECIALLY looking forward to Davos’ reaction! He’s such a great, pragmatic guy!
“The Dragon and the Wolf” would be nice, but I kinda hope it’s called “Ice and Fire”. Though, they may hold off on that title for when the battle with the Night King is in full swing.
Goodness the negativity in the comment sections of the last 3-4 posts is ridiculous!
To those who are complaining that this is all happening too soon, Jon and Dany are the two central character of the show and books and yet they have NOT shared a single scene together throughout the 6 seasons of the show and the 5 books..Heck they haven’t even mentioned each other’s names or existance! Them meeting now is LOOONG OVERDO! Their meet up is one of the most highly anticipated moment for the story whether its in the books or the show. U cant possibly expect them to meet up in season 8 and interact for 2-3 episodes only! If it was up to me, i would have them meet up in episode 1 of season 7 LOL!
Why is Jon going South? Oh..I’m sorry, did u want him to stay North listening to Sansa whining about him not paying her attention or become a puppet to LF? Only last week people here were complaining about Jon spending the whole of next season up North doing nothing and getting manipulated by LF. Now I’m beginning to see that certain fans of Jon on this website would rather that he is stuck at the Wall doing nothing but waiting for WW to show up just so that he would have all the spotlight on him since there are no other major or main character there for him to interact with. Anyhow, I am ecstatic at Jon going South because we will finally see him do something productive in terms of bridging the North and South together. He needs to start working with Dany to unit Westeros and prepare for the WW which is clearly going be a major plot in this season.
Dany vs Jon? goodness this never-ending argument that keeps giving! If u could all stop listening to trolls (yes this comment section has trolls pretending to be fans of Dany or Jon in case u haven’t noticed), u would realize that Jon NEEDS Dany just as much as Dany NEEDS Jon. Dany has the dragons and the elite army that can actually give humans a chance against WW. She also has southern kingdoms that can provide food and goods to the North.. Jon has the experience, knowledge and resources that Dany and her armies need to survive winter. He also has Wildings, Northern army and the Vale army that can only strengthen the human’s army against WW. Those 2 need to work together to be able to stand up to the Night’s King. Jon and his Northern army cannot stand a chance against WW alone. Dany and her armies also can’t stand a chance against the WW alone either because she lacks an understanding of what Winter is and her army needs the knowledge Jon can provide them with.
Jon kneeling? I highly doubt it! D&D adore Jon’s character (yes they do as evident with Jon’s character being pure white in nature with not a single gray unlike in the books where has some evident darkness in him). They made him KITN on the final episode of last season. There is no way they will take that from him so soon after hes named king. From Dany’s perspective, a united kingdom is better than smaller separated kingdoms, and if she were to allow Jon to keep his title, that would cause chaos in other kingdoms like Dorne and Westerlands which will demand their own independence. GOT cannot end with a divided continent since we have been shown over and over again that a divided continent only leads to war and chaos (read history of Westeros before Aegon’s conquest to understand this in case the War of the 5 kings is not enough to convince u all). However, I can see that the Northern lords might not be so easily convinced.. My prediction is that Davos will try to please all sides by offering a contract of marriage between Dany and Jon. That way the North will still be part of Dany’s kingdoms but now Jon is her king without having to kneel.
JonxDany “Yucky” Romance? I dont think romance will happen so soon this season. They will probably respect and honor each other. An attraction might start and it wont be the first time a handsome man was attracted to a beautiful woman or vice versa, HOWEVER, their marriage is going to be for DUTY rather than love..much like the marriage between Ned and Cat was. Love might appear in season 8 but for now it will be partnership and mutual respect that will accompany their marriage.
Again these are all theories so who knows what will actually happen but for goodness sake pple take a chill pill and relax! Stop being so pessimistic! This is great news! We should be celebrating and being excited over this..not drown in worry over who will look cooler on screen
Geralt of Rivia,
I wasn’t alluding to a childish debate. I’m not in the whole Jon vs Dany thing. I love the story and have no preconceptions on how it will turn out nor have an opinion on how it should. What I find intriguing, particularly with GRRM’s characters, is the conflict within. Jon has grown up thinking he was nothing, has essentially been pushed or voted into leadership roles simply because so many people feel his passion for doing the right thing and his show of strength and bravery. This is fascinating to me and the fact that we are entering such an enormous and new leadership role for him, going beyond borders to spread the word of dead things that were only known to be myths and fables, along with an eventual realization of his parentage and what it could mean or not mean…. It all just happens to be what I’m looking forward to most, particularly in the books where the real version will be shared.
I should preface this by saying that I take Jon and Dany as literary characters, not as real people. I enjoy Jon’s arc more as work of fiction, as his habit of making costly mistakes makes him arc exciting: His refusal to engage his men politically leads to his death. His response to being resurrected is despair and silence as he knows death is it. The slew of bad decisions that are the battle of the bastards kills too many of his men and leaves his sister disgusted. Even Lyanna Mormont’s stirring speech to make him king has a twist, as it could drive Sansa and Littlefinger to plot against him.
Dany, imo, is not like that. Marrying Hizdahr, caging the dragons look like mistakes, but instead they are, as you note, proofs of her selflessness as a ruler, to which there is no twist; she is simply a self-sacrificing yet glorious ruler. She suffers no consequences and becomes overpowered to the extent that it wrecks the Meereen arc: There is no reason to engage emotionally with a character who will win. Certainty reduces her final battles in Meereen to exercises in cgi.
…and that’s what I mean by saying that most rulers in her position would demand that Jon give up his kingship and join the rest of Westeros in return for help, but Dany might not. She is a trope more than a full-dimensional character. There is suspense, but for me it’s in how the writers keep Dany in-trope now that she’s reached the trope-killing Westeros.
But iam guessing varys role will be very limited like last season..
Take what happened with Sansa and how she never said anything about vale to jon just because she won’t in the books..
Same will happen with varys he may not say many things to jon because he will not do that in the books.
The funny thing is if anyone in dany’s team that will not laugh ( tyrion) or fear ( varys) when they hear about WW threat may be is dany herselfherself
I said it many times Iam so looking forward to Mel learning about Dany ..
I now desperately want this to be the case. Jon’s defended the Wall from giants riding on mammoths and personally witnessed the Night King raising thousands from the dead. Davos watched Mel give birth to a shadow demon and personally witnessed Jon himself rising from the dead. The visual of these two guys freaking out when they see a live dragon for the first time while everyone else maintains their chill is just too priceless to pass up.
Flayed Potatoes,
The thing with Kingsguard is.
Wouldn’t they simply follow orders from Rhaegar as their prince and don’t question what happens? On top of being good frinds but of course his comands coms first. If he said to them protect Lyanna and her baby at all cost. I think he valued prophecy that much, he was gonna basically start a war or anger some powerful lords over this.
Of course then Kingsguard as their oath was to keep royal family safe, means Jon would have to be legitimate and heir. But if Rhaegar married her, would Jon be accepted,as Targaryens didn’t practiced polygamy for a very long time. Would Faith or someone else be opposed to it at that time or simply fine with it, as they practicd polygamy in thir history?
If you think Dany hasn’t made mistakes nor suffered the consequences of them, then we can leave it at that.
I am curious if we will see Kinvara again too or at least a fresh face from the LoL faith in Westeros soon. Thoros of Myr seems to have a more distinguished history than his current status but the LoL clergy there as of season 6 were both total fuck ups afaic. If I were Rhollor I’d be sending my pope some flame a grams to go straighten my rep out there.
Maybe someone else as his hair even from that shitty picture looks different than what Kit would be sporting, he has man bun. But quality of this picture is well not so good.
I’m not entirely sure if your comment was directed at me or not, but my intention was never to incite a Jon vs Dany debate, nor did I present Jon as being the central character to ASOIAF. I was simply stating the things that I was most looking forward to given the leaks that have been coming out, not unlike some of the options presented to us in one of the site polls. The North parts of the story have always been of the most interest to me, likely because my my interest and love for all things medieval, particularly in cooler environments. (Maybe because I’m Canadian, lol)
I just come on here to read about and sometimes share my love for the series and ignore any drama that may ensue. So many of you are very knowledgeable and I always learn a lot here during hiatuses when everyone surmises on what they think will happen for the next season.
So I do apologize if I unintentionally did something to rile people up. I thought simply commenting my thoughts on a character and plot were harmless :/
Let’s try indeed. My main question regarding Varys is why Tyrion is going on a stealthy mission to KL, if Varys is available? Varys has all these skills of disguising himself and even without them he would be much less recognizable than Tyrion, who can be caught simply as a dwarf, as Cersei has been hunting all the dwarfs since S5. Moreover, Varys has much more knowledge about all the secret passages in the Red Keep, than Tyrion, and more knowledge about all and everything. All in all, Varys should be at least accompanying Tyrion. So, why is he not on the boat??? Some twist must be involved here.
Geralt of Rivia,
There are rumours that Aerys planned to disinherit Rhaegar and kids, but he never got around doing so thanks to the Rebellion. Rhaella crowned Viserys after all other Targs were dead (Dany wasn’t born). If Jon is legitimate, he is rightful heir because Rhaella crowned Viserys under a false assumption. But Dany can use Viserys’s crowning to vie for the throne herself – the lords and councils can support either of them per preference. In some ways it is similar to Robb’s will naming Jon as heir – Robb only did that assuming (wrongly) that Bran and Rickon are dead. If Bran or Rickon returns to WF in the books, is he the king, or is it Jon? At least Robb was the king and king can name an heir as he wish, but Rhaella was not the monarch with right to name heir to iron throne, so Jon’s claim to Iron Throne, if legitimate is stronger.
At any rate. I think all these debates would be irrelevant in the facce of an Other invasion. First they should fight for survival, then think about who’s whose heir.
Slightly OT – Does anyone have a thought on how far south snow will fall by the end of the series?
Geralt of Rivia,
From what I remember, Rhaegar’s BFF in the Kingsguard was Arthur Dayne. I don’t think he was BFF with all the kingsguards. After Aerys killed Rickard and Brandon Stark he ordered the LC of the Kingsguard (I think it was Hightower) to find Rhaegar (I assume it was to lead in the Battle of the Trident). Rhaegar returned, but Hightower stayed at the ToJ with the other two KG, which I think is very telling.
The polygamy thing is pretty tricky because it hadn’t been practiced for a while, which I think is an intentional choice by GRRM, otherwise it would have been difficult for Ned to hide Jon’s parentage if Rhaegar could have easily taken a second wife in the eyes of Westeros. However, the precedent does exist so it would not be impossible for it to happen.
I think they’ll need some evidence, such as witnesses to the wedding, a testimony from who officiated the wedding or records and other documents that prove the wedding took place. The show hasn’t insisted on the polygamy aspect as much as the books though, so I wonder if they’ll come up with another simpler alternative to reach the same conclusion.
Dany and Jon indeed meet.
Just hoping I wouldnt get some romance fanfiction jokes this season, really.
I squealed lmao.
Heh, is that Jon or Ned?
Omg Iam shaking ..
And thank the gods that this is happening outdoors like i wished..
I should have known the first pic we would get would be some blurry ass thing.Still I can’t believe this is actually happening .I’ve waited so long I don’t even think I can disappointed they could kill each other on the spot and I would be like omg they are sharing a screen.The view looks great imagine it in HD.Jon is wearing his cloak.Maybe this is when he first arrives.
Flayed Potatoes,
I had the same feeling about Kinvara, but now I think that her inevitable clash with Team Dany is to happen early in the upcoming season. I think that Dany will stop in Volantis to replenish her food and fresh water supplies (it was established that usually ships stop in Volantis on their way from Westeros to the Slavers’ Bay (now Bay of Dragons)), and Kinvara was written to reside in Volantis on purpose: simply to delay Dany’s arrival to Westeros in a meaningful way, while Cersei forges alliance with Euron and other things happen.
So, Dany will decide to thank Kinvara in person (the red priests helped her a lot after all), and Kinvara will tell her something similar to what Osha told Bran in S1: Nort, your grace! All your men should go north. To which neither Dany, nor Tyrion, nor Varys will listen (well, Tyrion might take things a bit more seriously, but Varys won’t be able to overcome his prejudice against the things he doesn’t understand). So, one way or another Dany will decide to proceed with her own agenda, namely to take out Cersei and think of the North afterwards, and then she will evoke the wrath of gods.
Of cause there is a possibility that Dany will listen and that will be the reason of her landing on Dragonstone (maybe Kinvara tells her to find something on Dragonstone and Melisandre may be involved into that too), but somehow I don’t think that Dany will listen to the red priestess(es), even if her instincts will tell her to. And that will be the basic setup for her arch during the season.
Chill Pill,
This is how I was really feeling but I was opted for a more eloquent response lol
That’s so poor quality that it looks Photoshopped
Does your brain ever slow down? 😛
U forget the Classic argument ” dothraki wont survive the winter ” , apparently theyr not human beings like the others able to cover themselves . And the abolition of slavery is just madness and stupidity
I remember Master Aemon’s words about a Targeryan being alone in the world and I want to cry.Not anymore.They have been through so much shit they deserve this.
This is only the first week of filming in Spain and I’m like dying already idk how I’ll cope up with that much excitment.
Dany’s trip from Meereen to Dragonstone should take several months. Add to that the months it took for the Tyrell-Martell ships to travel to even reach her. That’s plenty of time for Cersei and/or Euron to mess with everyone. She doesn’t have time to stop to Volantis to meet with a minor character. The show also confirmed that in the last scene of season 6 Dany was entering the Narrow Sea. The basic setup for her arc has already been established: go to war against Euron and Cersei and get the throne. Jon will ask her to go North and tell her about the WW, which saves up time and gets them to meet. There’s no need to waste time in Volantis with a minor character for that imo.
OMG!! It’s happening!
And he looks like Ned Stark lol
I wish we had a better quality picture
Ahhhhhhhh!!! Squeeeeeeee!!!! Yesssssss!!!! *faints from too much joy*
Jon’s wearing his Stark cloak, so maybe it’s meant to be night when this scene takes place.
i just squeed irl
Holy balls, he looks like Ned. ?
And they meet where everything started and everything ended for their family: Aegon’s and their father’s/brother’s seat… So. Many. Feels.
Wow! Exciting stuff! Can season 7 be here already!
(Please let this pic be real!)
OMG, you just made me teary eyed. The last 2 Targaryens, together on Dragonstone. Even if at this point they don’t know they’re related, they deserve this. WE deserve this.
Wow! I’ve waited a long time for this. Cant wait to see it properly on screen.
I always assumed they would meet in Winterfell after Dany rode North to help Jon in the fight against the Night King. But this, meeting on Dragonstone is so much better. It’s perfect and I’m glad D&D (and GRRM?) chose this location instead.
I love how:
Thread for the past few hours: Jon vs Dany
Thread after photo of the two together: HOLY SHIT, OMG!!!!!!!!!
I think it just shows how we’re excited for the new season, I wish it was always like that.
Looks like they are filming quite a lot of scenes on that pathway. Actors change their appearances like 3 times. Jon wears no mantle in his scenes with Davos or Tyrion, but he wears one in this shot. Dany is in a leather riding costume (just dismounted the dragon I suppose), but there photos with her wearing a red mantle as well.
So, it looks like Jon and Tyrion and co. will be having discussions here both before and after Tyrion’s stealth mission, and at some critical point Dany will ride in. Hope, it won’t look too repetitive.
Hi! Yes Varys!!!! He is a hard one to read so a lot of people don’t trust him. I have only once see him acknowledge possibly wanting the iron throne and I think it was while talking to LF. I like him and Tyrion together so it will be fun to see how he interacts with others he hasn’t met yet. What I want to know in his story line sooooo bad….what did that sorcerer say to him and who’s voice was it?!! And HOW does Kinvara know? She used it as a threat to him it seemed so I really wonder what was said. Did he maybe already translate it and didn’t want the information known? He said he dreams of the voice so I have to know! Lol!! Plus, what the heck is her story and why does she know their exact conversations that she didn’t witness? Are the priestesses rubies kind of like weirwood trees that see all and can be used like a camera?!! I don’t know. And speaking of Red Priests/priestesses what’s up with Thoros and Melissandre? Are they now outcast from their order? I would assume that both of these characters could be of some use very soon. Maybe Mel went and found the BWB since she was sent south.
There are so many pieces and so little time I can’t wait to see how it all fits together.
Last year? What?
There’s no green screen, or ball on a stick or anything though?
Flayed Potatoes,
I think showrunners confirmed, that in the WoW Dany was still in the Day of Dragons. As for Kinvara: she is not even a minor character, but she may turn into a major plot device as a source of valuable information. The red priests were introduced for a reason, and that introduction should pay off, otherwise the whole Kinvara introduction (and Thoros’ reintroduction) would make a weird filler (and that’s not GoT).
I’m personally hoping for “Ice and Fire” as the title of the series finale. Or the second-to-last episode, at the very least, but it’d be perfect for the finale, IMHO.
Some season 7 stuff could have been already done last year, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
We have Mel already. Thoros is going to fight against the WW with Beric like it was said on the show.
I would suggest this photo is from later in the season. Though some form of guards may be offscreen, it doesn’t look like there is any great fear of Jon Snow being that close to her from either the Dothraki or Unsullied. He’d be a perfect stranger if this was an initial meeting, and I find it hard to believe he’d be allowed to get that close if it was one of their first scenes together. But maybe that’s overthinking it.
Hi! I don’t think Tyrion will laugh he is aware of the reports, has seen the wall, has seen dragons now and he knows Jon – maybe not super well, but enough to have a respect for him. Didn’t they bring the hand Ghost had to KL while Tyrion was still there? I don’t quite remember. I think when he hears he will be concerned and believe him. Poor Tyrion I hope he gets a dragon and a saddle that holds him in place cause he doesn’t do well on a horse and his legs aren’t going to outrun some WW! I think Varys will pass out if he sees a WW lmao!!!
And I would LOVE to see Mel’s reaction to Dany…and wait a minute. How the F*** doesn’t she know about her?!!!! I mean you would think that she would have caught wind of a girl that hatched 3 dragons that are now freaking huge!!! How hasn’t she acknowledged that yet?! Or did the Head Priest/Priestess send her to Stannis as a way to keep her away from Dany? Or maybe she wasn’t shown Dany because she was always meant to revive Jon. So she was misled by the flames on purpose so she would be at the wall when that happened.
Of course it is…by this point, D & D are being very carefully to not let people have photos of Kit and Emilia filming together, because they know everyone is waiting for this moment!
A Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing….they’re not alone anymore..i feel like i waited for this moment my whole life..
Arya Serious,
I think that the voice that spoke to Varys from the flames was R’hlor: the sorcerer who mutilated him was second-rate (and IMO had something to do with warlocks, cause his lips were also blue), but the voice must have been real and it spoke to Varys not to the sorcerer. He might said something like “Bad things happen for a reason” and more to comfort the mutilated boy, and Varys was simply too scared to get it right. As for Kinvara, I didn’t saw her words as threatening, but she definitely confused Varys and you could almost see wheels in his head beginning to turn. But he is still not able to rethink his beliefs and probably won’t be in the nearest future.
Another question I have in this regard, what would be the role of warlocks and will they reappear? Euron’s story in the books kind of hints that they may come into play, but what could be their input? They wanted dragons and presumably had some means to control them, otherwise how did they intend to keep them in the HOTU when they grow? Something worth to think about in the context of the resent photos and filming leaks about Tyrion’s stealth mission.
He looks A LOT like Ned here..WOW, i can’t even talk right now
Flayed Potatoes,
I won’t argue, I just remind you that Kinvara was set as the chief priestess and the beacon of wisdom aware of the mistakes of the other priestesses and priests. I hope that Mel will seek her council.
She is wearing the same colors and layers in colors as Jon in this scene. He has a black wool layer under a brown boiled leather covering as well. Wonder what those conversations are about? In both scenes with Jon and Dany seem extremely intense.
Dany must have laid waste of Euron I would think by this point.
There must be a scene where Jaime explains their likelihood of defeat as she has Tyrion who actually saved the city from Stannis, 2,000 Second Sons, 8,000 Unsullied, 100,000 Dothraki (though how many of those are fighting men I am not sure) the Tyrell army, the Dornish army, the Northern armies (the Vale?) and 3 damn dragons to really put the nail in the coffin.
Hi again! With Varys I think that look on his face was confusion and horror like how does this creepy lady know that?! It probably made him hate magic all the more. Lol! I only said that it was like a threat because of how she said it. After she asked him if he would like her to tell him what they said and who it was she followed it by saying as long as they were truly on Dany’s side he has nothing to worry about. I would’ve told her yes tell me please so I can sleep at night…unless I don’t want to know then keep it to yourself. Oh man he must not have slept since hahahahahaha. I couldn’t let it hang out there like that. I was yelling at my tv…yes say yes dammit!!!
I hadn’t really thought about the Warlocks but you’re right they are still out there and they want Dany and her dragons. They said that she would be with them thru winter and summer and winter again…so on and so on. Hmmmm….
Hey good question. What’s up with the warlocks? They sent that one baby girl w the scorpion and then … what …? Just gave up?
Re: Varys – I wonder if, when meeting Jon, he will reference the scenes from season one in which he visits Ned in the dungeons of KL following his arrest?
What bugs me is why would the author give one of the protagonists , Jon, such an intricate back story if it´s gonna lead nowhere?…the hidden prince,son( bastard or not) of the Crown Prince,potential heir to the main throne,having an unjust life,the people that allegedly know his story gone or missing…what gives with all that info? Is he gonna die and not know? Will he be the king and still won´t know? Why not make his personal story simpler if there is another one already destined for the crown? All that story has to be for something not just fillers to manipulate the reader into thinking otherwise
Tristane was the heir. In the books it’s Dorans daughter Ariane or something. Even in Dorne your brother is only your heir if you are childless.
The link won’t work for me *sigh*
What am I missing?
We have a new post for the D/J pics, it’s at the top of the site. The pics are uploaded directly to Watchers since the original Instagram person deleted/made private their pics. 🙂
Oh ok, thanks Sue! I’ve been on this page just refreshing at times as the day has gone on, lol.
Sue the Fury,
Thanx Sue!!! For a while,I was puzzled and frustrated to see this sudden avalanche of negativity!! I was: where are all the elders?! the sensible posters that have always been so cool to debate with…all gone! 🙁
I was thinking that too. I sort of think most of the ‘Elders’ were book readers and we are pretty much out of source material. And you have to admit, some of the debates lately were not fun, even just reading them.
It’s sad because even with the spoilers we still know nothing, nada, nichts, nichego.
Now back to trying to have a discussion. I always had the impression Jon is a reluctant leader. Maybe reluctant is not the right word. He got elected LC after Sam sort of nominated him, and I don’t think he expected to become KitN either. Heck, Sansa had to talk him into taking WF back. I don’t think he will mind giving up some of the responsibilities. I just don’t see him as power hungry a la LF.
Marriage, nah…they will form an alliance for the good of the realm (sorry Varys, had to steal this).
Yes, Varys is with Dany!!! I was afraid he would have to spent time in Dorne. I am looking forward to some witty conversations, especially with Tyrion.
Tyrion, why is he on a, what appears to be, suicide mission to KL? He is the most famous dwarf in Westeros. I believe Inga posted the same question. I think Gendry is just a happy accident happening. What is so important that the hand of the Queen has to be there?
he is not that reluctant…he has ambitions but feels guilty he has them
Sorry if someone’s already mentioned this. These threads get so long it clogs up my antique computer. The top picture is Emilia. We can’t really see her outfit because she’s not much taller than Peter. The second picture, the woman is WAY taller than Peter. I think that’s Gwendolyn. Her hair is platinum blonde, and the brown would echo Jon’s colored armor from a few posts ago, as well as the traditional color of Stark armor.
It’s just the angles and terrain they’re standing on. Emilia is wearing the same outfit in subsequent photos.
I have always had the same idea with Jon – even when he takes control at the top of the Wall in 409, it is effectively because Grenn nominates him by removing Slynt from the helm. He leads because he has to; because he is chosen to. At the start of 610, he tells Sansa that she is the Lady of Winterfell and as such he is having the appropriate chambers readied for her. I think he sees a role for himself as her adviser/someone to lead her army into battle as he does in 609 – he is visibly shocked when Lyanna Mormont declares him King in the North. Until Lords Manderly and Glover swear allegiance to him as their king, I don’t think Jon ever considers it as a possibility. I love the contrast in 610 between the King in the North scene, in which Jon is effectively chosen to be king, and the following one with Cersei’s coronation, in which she seizes power because she wants it, and because she can.
As for Tyrion’s presence in KL – I think it was speculated in other threads that he could be meeting someone – perhaps Bronn, or even Jaime. Perhaps they think that Davos’s smuggling skills are enough to get Tyrion in and out of the city without being noticed? After all, he was the only one that managed to break through the blockade around Storm’s End during Robert’s war to feed the garrison there. They may use filters to make the scene appear it takes place at night – that could help explain why it is thought to be possible to get Tyrion in and out of the city unseen. I think there was a Bran scene from season six shot in the same way. With Gendry, I think his presence is happenstance.
sorry if this has been mentioned before but…
have you seen the …
i truly cannot wait. i have been living on you tube watching every reaction video and looking for every scrap of information i can get.
if only i could just fall into a deep sleep until the season premier.
Dance with dragons (aka Jon & Daenerys) might have been a good bet but unfortunately, a similar version of that title was used for episode 9 in season 5.
Alba Stark,
There are some tinfoil rumours that show Varys might have had suspicions about Jon Snow’s real identity and if so, his motives would have been to protect him or keep him far away from KL politics (as another potential stowaway Targeryen). Many say Varys wanted Ned to go to the Wall, for one of these purposes. Not sure I buy this myself, but this is the show we are talking about and Varys is a smart guy. It will be interesting to see how he reacts to Jon nevertheless..
I think Cersei will be totally nuts come next season, and power-hungry, ruthless and determined to boot.
I don’t think she will give up without a fierce fight and I don’t expect things to be that easy for her rivals, even as vastly outnumbered as she is likely to be, or see herself as being on the losing side. I fully expect her to go down fighting.
“The Song of ice and fire” would be nice..
I see your point but he is King in the North and may possibly be the one to bring the Kingdom together and defeat the “Others”, so I don’t think this will mean his story goes nowhere even if he doesn’t go on to claim the Iron Throne.
I now think his heritage will act as a catalyst to unify the Starks and Targaryens (and by extension, everyone else).. Dany had many misconceptions regarding the Starks, such as that they were all traitors wjo had willingly supplanted a good king with their friend.
She will realise that the most honest and honourable man in Westeros, Ned Stark, put his life at risk and risked going against his own king and friend, Robert, to protect Jon – a half Targeryen. And I believe this is what will be the outcome of Jon’s secret – a realisation that all the indignities he had suffered was as a result of his Uncle’s decision to protect him, at all costs. I believe this will also encourage him to bond with Dany, politically, militarily, strategically and emotionally – as he will surely realise that she is key to the part of his family’s history that he never knew existed.
I think it ties in with the HotU scene, where she goes to the Wall before she has a chance to touch the Iron Throne.
I agree.
There was a hint in season 6 regarding how Dany felt about independent monarchs.
Tyrion asked her what should she do if other states came forward demanding their independence like the Iron Islands, to which she replied, “they didn’t demand, they asked – and everyone else is free to ask”.
I don’t know whether Jon will kneel – he might just do so out of sheer awe and respect for a fellow monarch – and I don’t care. But given Dany’s newfound respect for democracy (elections in Meereen) and the “will of the people”, I don’t expect her to force him to kneel to her as his ruler. Why do some people insist this will happen, contrary to the current evidence?
Like others have said though, I find the “Jon v Dany” thing annoying and boring. Evidence suggests they will ally, not go head-to-head.
I get that you don’t want him to bend the knee. But that is who Jon is. He bent the knee to Mance Rayder, well Tormund, but just the same. He was always Your Grace this and Your Grace that to Stannis. Jon is a naïve character. Him bending the knee is something he will probably do without her even asking. I wouldn’t be to upset about it, it is just who Jon is.
I know you didn’t ask me, but I wish Jon had brought Tormund as well. It’s so great to see these characters in a new environment!