Watchers on the Wall Awards Season 8: Best Fight – Preliminary Round


We’ve reached the last category in our preliminary voting stage today, for the Watchers on the Wall Awards: Best Fight of Season 8! That means we’ll be quickly jumping into finals voting, revealing the top 5 winners in every category so you can choose your favorites of the year. The ultimate winners will be revealed all in one night, at a live streaming ceremony here at Watchers. For those of you who miss the ceremony, don’t worry- the video will be saved, and the results posted in print as well! But the ceremony is always fun, with giveaways for those watching live. The Watchers on the Wall Awards date will be posted this week, so stay tuned- that info is coming soon. If you haven’t seen a category up for preliminary voting, that means it’s going right to finals voting!

Onto today’s voting! Best Battle, the award for the complete large-scale battles (Battle of Winterfell, Battle of King’s Landing, etc), is one of those categories going right to finals voting. Best Fight is the award to recognize smaller-scale fights or individual moments: one on one skirmishes, small-group dust-ups, and the like.

Please choose your five favorites from the preliminary poll. The ground rules: Select up to FIVE nominees from the poll. You can choose fewer if you like, but you can’t choose more than 5. (Visit the initial WotW Awards post for a complete explanation of the rules and process.)

At the end of one week (Thursday 10/31/19 at 12PM Eastern Time), whichever five fights that have the most votes will continue on to the finals. The results of the polls will be revealed when it’s time to choose the winners in the finals.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the nominating and voting for the prelims, and we can’t wait to get started on the finals!

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Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Ten Bears:

    Yes! ASNAWP for sure!!!

    I could have used ten more minutes of her kickin’ ass! I’ll just keep dreaming of an Arya spinoff series where we could see a lot of that. 🙂

  2. Definitely ASNAWP 👸🏻 for the win with Baby Bear 🐻, Lyanna Mormont. My decision was easy this time.
    My only regret with the fight scenes of Season 8 was that there wasn’t Jon/Arya combination fighting together. That would have been a dream come true for me ❤️

  3. Arya all the way here – but another reminder that they did nothing with Jon Snow this season for all the build up of him as a swordfighter and, well, Longclaw.

  4. TheFourEyedRaven:
    Arya all the way here – but another reminder that they did nothing with Jon Snow this season for all the build up of him as a swordfighter and, well, Longclaw.

    He shouted fiercely and ducked deftly.

  5. 1. Cleganebowl
    2. Arya fighting wights on the ramparts
    3. Jon and Danerys fight the Night King on dragonback.
    4. Jon cuts through wights to get to the Night King.
    5. Greyworm breaks the truce and attacks King Landing’s soldiers.

  6. -The Clegane brothers fight to the death (Virtually no way this doesn’t win, and at the same time…it really should.)
    -Jon and Daenerys fight the Night King on dragonback
    -Grey Worm breaks the truce and attacks King’s Landing soldiers
    -Jorah Mormont and Daenerys fight off wights together
    -Jaime and Euron fight one last time in King’s Landing

    I narrowed this down fast after ruling out everything that I didn’t consider to be an actual fight–like Theon’s death scene, which might be one of the single-best scenes of the season, but was hardly a “fight” in any conventional sense. Of course, I do understand the word is being used loosely here, though, because otherwise this category wouldn’t have a lot of nominees to choose from.

  7. In no particular order:

    Arya fighting the wights–awesome
    Jorah’s last stand
    Jaime and Euron, former king of the Iron Isles.
    Jon fighting his way through wights to try and save Bran

  8. * Theon defends Bran from wights in the godswood
    * Arya takes on wights with her customized spear on the ramparts
    * Jon and Daenerys fight the Night King on dragonback
    * Jorah Mormont and Daenerys fight off wights together
    * Melisandre is brought out to light the pyre while the Unsullied hold off the dead

  9. I chose most of arya’s moments.
    I was scrolling down hoping to see a spectacular Jon moment,but I didn’t, not in any category really.
    Really wish there was more for this main character.
    Gawwd I’m gonna cry now I’m sensitive af

  10. Clob: Yes!ASNAWP for sure!!!

    I could have used ten more minutes of her kickin’ ass! I’ll just keep dreaming of an Arya spinoff series where we could see a lot of that. 🙂

    I know, right?
    This scene from S8e3 lasted for less than a minute. I too could’ve used ten more minutes of it.

    Arya vs. wights

  11. Once I finally read the part where the battle scenes are going straight to finals, this one wasn’t as hard as I thought. Picked the ones that had me worried, and then cheering at the last

    Arya takes on the wights

    Sandor, Beric and Arya take on the wights

    Jon and Dany fight the night king on dragons

    Arya escapes from the library

    Lyanna fights the giant

  12. -The Clegane brothers fight to the death (The lock of all locks. If you asked me to define “Epic Fantasy” in a single image, that one indescribably awesome shot of Drogon flying by as the two brothers face off against one another on the destroyed stairway to nowhere might be the one I picked)

    -Jon and Daenerys fight the Night King on dragonback (savage, thrilling, and one of the most breathtakingly beautiful sequences this great show has ever produced)

    -Arya takes on the wights with her customized spear on the ramparts (amazing choreography, and just pure badassery from our soon-to-be Night King slayer)

    -Jaime and Euron fight one last time in King’s Landing (I thought it was really well done, especially as the two men became more wounded and vicious. And watching Jaime drive a sword into Euron’s stomach was deeply satisfying).

    -Lyanna faces off against a giant (RIP, Little Bear)

    Honorable Mention:

    -Arya attacks the Night King without warning (I voted for this in Best Dramatic Scene – it’s one of my top three favorite scenes in the entire show – but it’s not as much of a ‘fight scene’ as the others, which is the only reason I’m not voting for it in this category. It’s well represented elsewhere. Still indescribably awesome, though)

    -Grey Worm breaks the truce and attacks King’s Landing soldiers (seeing Grey Worm become an ‘Angel of Death’ as he descending into fire and blood alongside his queen was terrifying to witness)

    -The Unsullied protect the retreat at Winterfell with a series of orchestrated moves (the real MVPs)

    -Jorah Mormont and Daenerys fight off wights together (seeing Dany pick up a sword to defend herself was really cool)

    -Theon defends Bran from the wights in the Godswood (it was gratifying to see Theon’s archery skills come back into play during his final stand)

  13. 1) Melisandre is brought out to light the pyre while the Unsullied hold off the dead
    2) Jorah Mormont and Daenerys fight off wights together
    3) The Dothraki’s ill-fated charge, beginning the battle of Winterfell
    4) Jon and Daenerys fight the Night King on dragonback (wish it were more visible though)
    5) Daenerys and Drogon fire on the Night King

    Honorable Mentions:

    -The Clegane brothers fight to the death
    -Jon cuts through the wights standing between him and the Night King
    -The Unsullied protect the retreat at Winterfell with a series of orchestrated moves

  14. Best:
    – Cleganebowl (GET HYPE)

    Honorable Mention:
    – Jorah heckin’ Mormont’s last stand, one of three character endings I was 100% onboard with

    – Jaime/Euron entirely because of how unwarranted I thought it was and robbing Yara of the kill that should’ve been hers

  15. Definitely Arya/Ramparts wins for me. I wish it was longer!

    The Cleganebowl was well done, but it got stupid (for me) when the mountain survived the blade through the eye/skull. Just die already! (paraphrasing Sandor). Sandor shouldn’t have had to sacrifice himself in the flames. He won that battle. I never thought Qyburn created a magical zombie. That’s more the Night King’s style. I just thought Qyburn figured out how to heal the mountain and he had brain damage from lack of oxygen or something. He would obey Cersei’s every command. He was plenty strong already and perhaps he lost the brain connection to feel pain. They didn’t have to make him a zombie though. Qyburn didn’t have any magic spells at his disposal as far as I know. A blade through the brain should have killed him. Usually D&D stayed away from the magical, so I’m not sure why it made sense for the Mountain to be a Mountain Walker or whatever he was. Qyburn was unorthodox in his methods, but he wasn’t a wizard or a sorcerer.

  16. Clegane bowl
    Theon defends Bran
    Arya Sandor and dondareon
    Jorah defending Danny
    Mel lighting the trenches

  17. In all seriousness,

    * The Clegane Brothers fight to the death
    * Jon and Daenerys fight the Night King on dragonback
    * The Dothraki’s ill-fated charge, beginning the battle of Winterfell
    * Arya silently escapes the library full of wights during the Battle of Winterfell
    * Melisandre is brought out to light the pyre while the Unsullied hold off the dead

  18. My five choices:

    – Arya fights wights on the ramparts
    – Unsullied orchestrated retreat
    – Jon and Daenerys dragon fight against Night King
    – Jorah and Daenerys
    – Arya, Hound and Beric Dondarrion fight the wights in the halls

    Cleganebowl and Theon defending Bran also could be in the list.

  19. 1: grey worm attacks the surrendered kings landing soldiers

    2: Jon and Danerys – dragons fight the knight king.

    3: team daenerys- attacks everyone in kings landing

    4: breric arya sandor wight fight (the scenes where beric helps arya )

    5: Arya fighting the wights

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