Editor’s Note: This guest post and survey was created by WotW reader James Rivers. After asking for fans’ input on potential episode titles for Game of Thrones season 6, over 1300 readers responded enthusiastically. The results are compiled a little differently this year, owing to the new path we’re forging, less guided by the books but we hope poring over the outcome and ideas of the fans is as much fun as ever. Thank you for reading! -Sue the Fury
The Oscars have an accounting firm to help tabulate and analyze their annual balloting. Us, not so much, but here we go.
We had well over three times the response to this year’s survey compared to the season 5 survey— each episode title had in the range of 800-950 submissions. On the one hand, this is exciting and reflects the growth of WatchersOnTheWall. On the other, it made it harder to tabulate, given wild variations on very similar names, typos and the like.
A more obvious challenge for survey respondents: We have “no idea what’s going to happen.” Sure, we have some spoilers, and we have a handful of major book events yet unseen on screen, but the season ahead remains a largely blank canvas. As a result, we have very repetitive top choices episode-to-episode. So we’re going to present the results differently than we did last year.
This post is meant to be largely safe for the Unsullied- though some episode titles are potential spoilers in themselves. For those who either haven’t read the books or haven’t read many of the filming leaks from this season, spoiler coding is used where appropriate below the fold. Click to uncover spoilers. Overall, proceed with caution!
Overall Top Titles
Here are the episode names that got at least 100 overall guesses (only very similar guesses were combined).
- Kingsmoot 390
- The Winds of Winter 342
- Family, Duty, Honor 237
- Tower of Joy 226
- Queen of Nothing 219
- Crow’s Eye 196
- The Long Night 147
- Mummer’s Farce 140
- Winter/Winter Has Come 126
- Valonqar 117
- A Thousand Eyes and One 116
- Mercy 112
- Promise Me 112
- The Prince That Was Promised/The One That Was Promised 105
In this Top 14 list, we have several references to events from the books (or sample chapters) not yet in the show, a forthcoming book title, family words, and even something directly from the Season 6 teaser involving Dany.
Next, here’s titles with 50 to 99 guesses.
- Trial by the Seven/Faith 98
- We Do Not Sow 93
- Cat of the Canals 90
- Seven-Pointed Star 86
- Mother of Mountains 84
- A Time for Wolves 82
- The Citadel 81
- Battle of the Bastards81
- Oldtown 78
- Riverlands/(Siege of)Riverrun 67
- A Feast for Crows 64
- Night Gathers 59
- Hodor 59
- (Amid/st) Salt and Smoke 56
- A Golden Shroud (and very similar) 53
- Cleganebowl52
- Greenseer/The Last Greenseer 50
We’ve got references to Cersei’s presumed plotline; a book title; a maybe-if-there-winds-up-being-an-eighth-book title; a castle; a city; a major spoiler from Season 6 leaks; and even a fan-given name for a possible eventual event.
Lastly, titles with 25 to 49 guesses.
- Azor Ahai 49
- (Song of) Ice and Fire 47
- The North Remembers 47
- The Lord Of Winterfell 44
- Horn Of Winter/Joramun 43
- Broken Men 41
- Ghost 39
- The Battle of Winterfell36
- Hear Me Roar 35
- Snow 35
- Warrior of Light 34
- Winterfell 33
- Battle of Ice 33
- The Stallion Who Mounts World 33
- A Ghost In Winterfell 31
- What Is Dead May Never Die 30
- Growing Strong 29
- Lord Stark 29
- Battle of Six Armies 28
- Bastards 28
- Blackfish 27
- The Ink Is Dry 27
- No One 27
- Lightbringer 26
- Lord of Light 26
- Bloodraven 25
- Dosh Khaleen 25
- Silence 25
- The Bloody Hand 25
Apparently a number of fans think the show should reuse titles like “The North Remembers” and “What Is Dead May Never Die.” Can’t blame them, given speculated events coming up in Season 6. Various battle names here as well, all referring to the same possible event.
You’ll notice that among the 60 or so titles above, many overlap one another in terms of the character, plot or event they reference. I took the liberty of lumping popular related titles together into groups and used them for the next section.
The top 11 groups are:
- Dany and the Dothraki
- Jon Snow’s fate
- Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven
- Cersei’s trial and fate
- Riverrun
- Arya
- The typical Episode 9 extravaganza
- Winter is really coming now
- Sam’s destination
- All things Greyjoy
- Tower of Joy events
This would appear to cover most major storylines, with the exception of events in Meereen.
Top Titles by Episode, Three Ways
For each of the 10 episodes, we’ll list:
- The top picks from the survey for that episode. I was more liberal in combining similar titles here. Anything with 15 guesses or more for that episode is listed. If multiple episodes had the same winning title (“Kingsmoot,” for instance), then I “assigned” it to the episode where it got the most votes. Overly specific/spoilery titles (example: “Sansa Marries Ramsay” if this were Season 5) are hidden.
- The most likely titles for the episode from the 11 groups listed above (“Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven” etc.). This is based, when possible, on the spoilers reported by WatchersOnTheWall. These typically involve which directors were spotting filming what and where — and when not, on speculation. A spoiler compendium by Yaga and Jared is linked here. These titles are hidden below spoiler tags.
- An “honorable mention” title — one that received no more than five votes in the entire survey, but that I personally liked and that generally fits with the theme/group of part “B.”
Shall we, then?
Episode One
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Night Gathers 51
- A Thousand Eyes and One 51
- The Winds of Winter/Winter/Winter Has Come 41
- Kingsmoot 39
- Queen of Nothing 31
- A Feast for Crows 28
- (Amid/st) Salt and Smoke 27
- A Golden Shroud (or similar) 27
- Ghost 24
- Greenseer/The Last Greenseer/The Sight 24
- Tower of Joy 16
- What Is Dead May Never Die 15
- The Ink Is Dry 15
And we start off with a tie between the opening words of the Night’s Watch oath and a quote from the tail end of Season 4 from the Three-Eyed Raven. Both seem appropriately foreboding. We’ve also a couple of quotes from preseason teasers, as well as a reference to Myrcella’s death. Oh, and a title from Season 2.
From overall picks, with speculation:
- A Thousand Eyes and One 116
- Greenseer/The Last Greenseer/The Sight 50
- The Ink Is Dry 27
- Bloodraven 25
“Bran and the Three-Eyed Raven” Group total: 218
You’d think that Bran and company would be re-introduced in Episode 1 given their absence last season…perhaps in the very first scene. If so, this might be the episode with a title most likely to refer to them. Four such titles had at least 25 guesses, with the Three-Eyed Raven’s description of how he has watched Bran receiving by far the most. This choice also assumes that Jon’s likely resurrection doesn’t happen immediately.
Honorable Mention:
- You Will Fly
Episode Two
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Queen of Nothing/Khaleesi Vosi 101
- Kingsmoot 77
- Crow’s Eye 56
- Cat of the Canals 45
- A Thousand Eyes and One 29
- We Do Not Sow 22
- Mother of Mountains 19
- Tower of Joy 18
- A Golden Shroud (or similar) 18
- White Harbor 15
- Last Greenseer/The Sight/etc 15
Kingsmoot rises to No.2 here. You’ll be seeing a lot of it. A large amount of repetition, with about half of these title also popular for Episode 1. But overall the winner is a quote from a preseason teaser, available in two languages.
From overall picks, with speculation:
- Queen of Nothing/Khaleesi Vosi 219
- Mother of Mountains 84
- Dosh Khaleen 25
“Dany and Dothraki” Group total: 328
We’ll go ahead and concur by sticking the Dany-related titles here. Perhaps this episode also strongly features Margaery and Cersei. At the least, it establishes the predicament all three presumably find themselves in as the season opens.
Honorable Mention:
- Womb of the World
Episode Three
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Kingsmoot 90
- Queen of Nothing/Khaleesi Vosi 55
- Crow’s Eye 48
- Mother of Mountains 34
- Mercy 25
- Cat of the Canals 20
- The Citadel 20
- We Do Not Sow 19
- Tower of Joy 16
- The Mummer’s Dragon 16
- A Thousand Eyes and One 15
This is the first of three episodes with “Kingsmoot” as the top choice. Yes, three. But its most votes came for Episode 3, so it gets the bolded treatment above. With “Crow’s Eye” and “We Do Not Sow” also getting votes, it’s a Greyjoy fest all up in here. Two of Arya’s alternate identities also make an appearance, as does “Mummer’s Dragon.” Book readers have a theory as to what character that represents, but it’s not someone we’ve seen on the show yet and there’s no sign of him coming in Season 6, though you never know.
From overall picks, with speculation: ]
- The Citadel 81
- Oldtown 78
“Sam” group total: 159
The Sam-related title grouping actually placed 11th overall. It’s here only because the episode titles from three of the 11 above groups would, based on spoilers,
Honorable Mention:
- The Glass Candle
Episode Four
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Kingsmoot 77
- The Mummer’s Farce 43
- Tower Of Joy 21
- We Do Not Sow 21
- Crow’s Eye 20
- The Citadel 19
- Queen Of Nothing/Khaleesi Vosi 17
- Mother Of Mountains 15
There’s “Kingsmoot” at the top again. But it had more votes for Episode 3, so we’ll tag “The Mummer’s Farce,” which could also refer to something Braavosi in nature, as the Episode 4 pick. Pretty much everything else on this list is a retread.
From overall picks, with speculation:
- The Prince That Was Promised/The One That Was Promised 105
- (Amid/st) Salt and Smoke 56
- Azor Ahai 49
- Warrior Of Light 34
- The Stallion That Mounts the World 33
- Lightbringer 26
“Prophecies from the books” group total: 303
We lack clear spoilers on when the “Is Jon dead?” mystery will be resolved, but it would likely need to be the same episode as
Honorable Mention:
- The Old Words
Episode Five
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Kingsmoot 68
- Tower of Joy 35
- Crow’s Eye 28
- The Mummer’s Farce 22
- Promise Me/The Promise 19
- Mercy 17
- The Citadel 16
- Broken Men 15
- Family, Duty, Honor 17
“Kingsmoot” was already number one for Episode 3. “Tower of Joy” is No.1 for another episode. That bumps us down to “Crow’s Eye,” which I suppose could be used as a double entendre early in the season to refer to both the Three-Eyed Raven and a new season 6 character, even if said new character lacks the physical characteristic on the show that yielded that nickname in the books.
From overall picks, with speculation:
- Kingsmoot 390
- Crow’s Eye 196
- Silence 25
- We Do Not Sow 93
- What Is Dead May Never Die 30
“All things Greyjoy” group total: 734
The huge number of Euron-related guesses guaranteed placement somewhere on the “informed speculation” list. Fans think, based on spoilers,
Honorable Mention:
- King of Salt Rock
Episode Six
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Tower of Joy 56
- Family, Duty, Honor 50
- Promise Me/The Promise 45
- Kingsmoot 27
- The Mummer’s Farce 24
- Mercy 21
- The Winds of Winter 19
- The Seven-Pointed Star 19
- (Siege of)Riverrun/Riverlands 16
The Tower of Joy sequence has mythical import among A Song of Ice and Fire readers, and wouldn’t it make sense that whatever episode features it will also have it for its title?
From overall picks, with speculation:
- Tower of Joy 226
- Promise Me 112
“Tower of Joy” group total: 338
- The Mummer’s Farce 140
- Mercy 112
- The Bloody Hand 25
“Arya and the players” group total: 277
The Tower of Joy sequence is in
Honorable Mention:
- Blood and Roses
Episode Seven
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Family, Duty, Honor 92
- Tower Of Joy 24
- (Siege of)Riverrun/Riverlands 22
- Mummer’s Farce 21
- Trial (of the Seven, of the Faith, by Combat…) 21
- Crow’s Eye 17
- Seven-Pointed Star 15
The Tully family words are by far the top choice here. It will be most interesting to see how the events on their (former?) home turf shake out.
From overall picks, with speculation
- Valonqar 117
- Trial Of Seven/Faith 98
- Cleganebowl 52
- Seven-Pointed Star 86
- A Golden Shroud 53
“Cersei’s trial and fate” group total: 366
Well, the “informed speculation” guess here depends on whether you decide to combine “Seven-Pointed Star” with “Trial of Seven” and/or “Cleganebowl.” We’ll just go ahead and use “Valonqar” instead, although that’s only directly related if you interpret
Honorable Mention:
- All That You Hold Dear
Episode Eight
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Family, Duty, Honor 51
- Trial (of the Seven, of the Faith, by Combat…) 37
- Tower of Joy 32
- Valonqar 26
- (Siege of)Riverrun/Riverlands 17
- Warrior of Light 15
Those fishy words make a return appearance at the top here, so we go with the second item on the list, the combined “Trial…” answers.
From overall picks, with speculation:
- Family, Duty, Honor 237
- Riverlands/ (Siege of) Riverrun67
- Blackfish 27
“Tully/Riverrun” group total: 331
This could be the episode with the
Honorable Mention:
- River’s End
Episode Nine
Okay, these are all spoiler-y. Look away if you don’t want to know anything about the big episode 9!
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- Battle of the Bastards 69
- The Winds Of Winter 64
- A Time For Wolves 37
- Winterfell 31
- Battle Of Ice 29
- Battle Of/for Winterfell 28
- The Long Night 28
- The Battle Of Six Armies 27
- Lord Of Winterfell 25
- Snow 23
- Valonqar 20
- Bastards 18
- Battle Of/for the North 17
Whew. That’s a lot of battles, Winterfells and bastards, with some ice and north thrown in. A wintry mix, if you will. In case you’re wondering (and I know you are), we had 192 guesses involving “Battle ___________,” 140 with “________ Winterfell,” and 114 that incorporated the word “Bastard.” This includes guesses that fit more than one of those categories, though I don’t think anyone put “The Battle of the Winterfell Bastards.”
From overall picks, with speculation:
- Battle of the Bastards 81
- The Lord Of Winterfell 44
- The Battle of Winterfell 36
- Winterfell 33
- Battle of Ice 33
- A Ghost In Winterfell 31
- Battle of Six Armies 28
- Bastards 28
“Episode 9 extravaganza and related geographical places” group total: 314
We know there’s an insane battle in the north (sorry Stannis, bigger than “great”) in Episode 9. In the entire survey, the totals were 211 guesses for “Battle ____________,” 209 for “________ Winterfell,” and 144 involving Bastard. Now watch, the episode title will involve Dorne instead.
Honorable Mention:
- The Hell We Live In
Episode Ten
Top picks specifically for this episode:
- The Winds Of Winter 231
- The Long Night 84
- Winter 69
- Valonqar 41
- Winter Has Come (or similar) 40
- A Time For Wolves 25
- Horn Of Winter/Joramun 21
Well, these are largely nice and vague. Would it be cruel of D&D to title an episode “The Winds of Winter” before the book by that name is released? Or just cruelly appropriate. Well, we’ll see.
From overall picks, with speculation:
- The Winds Of Winter 342
- The Long Night 147
- Winter/Winter Has Come 126
- Horn Of Winter/Joramun 43
“Winter is really coming now” group total: 658
Anyway, there’s no real speculation here, other than by the end of the season we should at least have a White Raven sighting.
Honorable Mention:
- Stormborn
Finally, here are some amusing, or possibly confusing, entries:
- 2 Girls, 1 Glass Candle
- Olly vs. Longclaw
- The Last Piebender
- Weekend at Balon’s
- Brienne Beats a Great Fighter Who Is Injured
- Dany Finally F***ing Starts Coming to Westeros
- Dark Wings, Darkwing Duck
- Davos Seaworth: Undercover Administrative Assistant
- Greyworm and the Angry Inches
- Guess Who’s Coming to the Iron Islands?
- Hype Gathers
- Just Trolling, He’s Fine
- Least Surprising Reveal of All Time
- Let’s Ruin Jaime Now That We’re Done With Stannis
- Make America Great Again
- Melisandre Burns Davos for No Reason At All
- Rickon and a Unicorn Attack
- The North Kinda Remembers
- The One About the Martells That No One Cares About
- The One That Makes National Headlines and You End Up Having to Explain to Your Grandma Why You Watch That Show
- The One Where Cersei’s Hair Grows Back Extremely Quickly
- The One Where They Try to Top Hardhome but Don’t
- Sand Snakes on a Plane
- Tom Bombadil
- Trystane’s Very Awkward Boat Trip
- Tyrion Actually Makes Us Care About Meereen
- You Say You Want a Resurrection…
A few more with spoilers:
- Mysterious Woman in a Cloak (You Actually Thought It Was Her, Didn’t You?)
- Bastard Bowl 2016 #noregrets
- The Resurrection of Jon Snow
- Sam’s Journey, but Without Aemon, Braavos or the Fat Pink Mast
And that’s all for this year! It won’t be too much longer before we learn how accurate we were with our guesses.
Winds of Winter for Episode 10…I like that.
”The Lord’s Chosen” would be great title as well.
Those outtakes tho. My god, you people are hilarious!
Awesome, and very interesting! Thanks for including the Outtakes!!!
“Davos: Undercover Administrative Assistant” I CAN’T.
I’m SO looking forward to season 6 of Game of Thrones to completely re-flood my life in a month or so and help me forget this freak show of an American election season.
I screamed at the “fat pink mast”. Glad it didn’t make it into the show. Yet….
Lol at Cleganebowl as an episode title guess.
Wow, that’s a lot of data! Thank you for processing that; it is very interesting, and I can’t wait until we find out what the real titles are so we can compare them. I’m sure we have a fair few titles correct, but equally there are always titles that no one could predict (even more that the books are mostly behind us).
It is also surprising how many people used titles that almost certainly won’t be used, such as Cat of the Canals. Erm, guys this happened last year, albeit it was “Lanna” rather than “Cat” (I believe that Luka Nieto brought this up in the comments, but it still turned out to be popular choice anyway).
The out-takes are brilliant mind, although I couldn’t think of any decent ones myself. “Sand Snakes on a Plane” is pure genius, but they’re all pretty fantastic.
Having said that, who was behind “2 Girls, 1 Glass Candle”? You bad, bad person 😉
You know, it actually sounds like a good set of titles, even though a lot of the actual ones will probably come from new lines that we’re not aware of (like ‘Mother’s Mercy’). Here’s to crowdsourcing!
Aw man, my “Words Are Wind” for episode 1 didn’t even rank.
Everyone keeps saying Jon is gone. Words are wind!
Olly vs Longclaw? If it does what it says on the tin, that’s the episode I want to see.
Fabulous fun! It seem I’m very with the crowd at least in the general subject matter…
I’m watching the Live feed of “Super Tuesday” and losing hope with each post whether it’s Republican or Democrat. It’s like watching Cersei Lannister, Walder Frey, Mace Tyrell, and Trystan Martell all trying to convince the commoners they are worthy to sit the Iron Throne and all I can do is toil away in Flea Bottom while I enjoy a hearty bowl o’ brown
So many interesting titles. Crow’s Eye and Mummer’s Farce are my favorites. Kingsmoot seems inevitable, although I wouldn’t be so sure. I wonder if it will be “Tower of Joy” or “The Promise” for that highly-anticipated episode?
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
I’m hoping that Ghost takes care of that little ****. Or Wun Wun.
Making the 8,
There is always hope.
Does anyone know if the storyline posted on IMDb for season 6, episode 1, is legit? I’m guessing no or I would have read about it here first…
Here’s the link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3658014/?ref_=ttep_ep1
Wow!!!! Sooooo much work!! But very much appreciated by all your followers!!! How did you decider all that information and guesses is beyond me, but a great job well done!! Loved all the guesses and some very interesting new thoughts!!! I enjoyed reading it sooooo much!! Thank you WOTW and crew!! The titles seem like very likely choices!!!
Danielle Stark,
Wow!!!! That definitely sounds legit!!! Great catch!!! Thanks soooo much for sharing!!!!!
Bob Warren,
How about a combo of Longclaw through the heart (or neck), Ghost ripping him limb from limb, and Wun Wun drop-kicking whatever’s left of him over the Wall?
I think that anyone can add a plot, if I remember correctly. So it may not actually be legit
Yeah and there are several typos. Meereen is misspelled, it’s vs. its and more
Danielle Stark,
I’m asking around whether it’s legit or not. So far no confirmations, not from HBO or anyone else in the know. It’s a little sketchy- I mean anyone can update IMDB. Plus they spelled Meereen wrong. And Americans (who would be the ones writing this synopsis for HBO) would spell it “traveler” not “traveller.” But I’ll keep checking.
James Rivers,
Its vs It’s
Thank you for the results.
I actually like the honorable mentions more than the official picks. “Womb of the World”, “The Old Words” and “Blood and Roses” are my favorites. Really mysterious sounding and can cover multiple storylines.
The outtakes are gold, although maybe “Make Westeros Great Again” might be more appropriate. 😉
Cleganebowl, The North Kinda Remembers, and Dark Wings, Darkwing Duck just made my day. 🙂
I be surprised and or disappointed if A time for Wolves isn’t one.
So people think Cersei is dying in E8? An episode called Valonqar has to be a dead Cersei episode.
I have her living out the season and dying S7E2 …in my unofficial GoT Aces and Eights.
Fantastic job! Thank you so much for putting together all of our guesses in a way which makes me want to reread this post several times. It must have been very time consuming and a little chaotic!
This site is already the best source for all info – once again you’ve shown why it’s the best and outdone yourselves. Excellent work!
All I know is, thank goodness for the Search and Replace and Pivot Table functions in Excel! But I’m sure I missed a “Kongsmot” somewhere that should have been added to the “Kingsmoot” total.
Meereen? It’s mereen in my book… (english)
lmao those outtakes
instead of the Tower of Joy, why not The Blue Rose?
That did have two guesses throughout the survey. “Blue Winter Rose” also showed up with four guesses overall.
James Rivers,
Thanks so much, James! This gives us something to chew on for the next month…
This is what I took from your info as to what the season should look like (top guesses). Is this accurate?
E1. A Thousand Eyes and One
E2. Khaleesi Vosi/ Queen of Nothing
E3. Kingsmoot
E4. Mummer’s Farce
E5 Crow’s Eye
E6. Tower of Joy
E7. Family, Duty, Honor
E8. Trial
E9. Battle of the Bastards
E10. Winter
This is when Bryan Cogman accepted the final draft award for Game of Thrones.
Matthew The Dragon Knight,
Thanks for keeping us updated on the awards, Matthew! Always enjoy!
I was about to comment how the poll closed on February 25 but “Make Donald Drumpf Again” somehow made it in despite being from February 28, but I’m glad I checked in another browser. Apparently the Drumpfinator plug-in changes that, too!
For whatever reason I can’t be imaginative about episode titles, so thanks to everyone who contributed, and especially to Mr. Rivers!
Might I suggest the list Cersei’s Brain put together be added to the post? I’ll be referencing that one, in particular, as official titles are announced…
Kilgore Tully,
Speaking of that,i can’t wait until that piece of sub human trash finally vanishes from the public,tired of hearing about him and his antics .
Cersei’s Brain,
Close, though it also depends which list you use. I’ll put both right here, that way we have a better chance of being right!
At left is the top pick for that episode, and at right is the most popular seemingly appropriate title based on spoilers/speculation. Half of them are the same anyway!
1. A tie between Night Gathers and A Thousand Eyes and One / A Thousand Eyes and One
2. Queen of Nothing (Khaleesi Vosi) / Queen of Nothing (Khaleesi Vosi)
3. Kingsmoot / The Citadel
4. The Mummer’s Farce / The Prince (or One) That Was Promised
5. Crow’s Eye / Kingsmoot
6. Tower of Joy / Tower of Joy
7. Family, Duty, Honor / Valonqar
8. Trial of the Seven / Family, Duty, Honor
9. Battle of the
/ Battle of the
10. The Winds of Winter / The Winds of Winter
James Rivers,
I bet it was! The guy who invented Excel should be on the one hundred dollar bill!
Excel is one of my best friends. I honestly make spreadsheets for nearly everything. I came to this site in July and am EXTREMELY disappointed in myself for not creating one containing:
Filming locations
Directors of episodes
Tweets/Instagram posts of directors
Description of new roles to be cast
Actors cast in new roles
Number of known extras filmed by a director
Number of known scenes filmed by a director
Type of scenes filmed
– Characters in those scenes
– likely story if known
– scenery / props, etc.
And those are just the ones I thought of now. I’ll give it more thought in a couple of months.
If anyone has any ideas to add, please let me know. Seriously. I’m a girl with a lot of time, loves Excel and a huge tendency to hyper-focus. I’m pumped to do it and would love to have more input!
“A Winter Rose”= This will be the title of one episode.
James Rivers,
Thanks James – will be using this for comparison purposes as the season grows closer-What fun! (You are awesome)
Thanks for the hard work, is is great. The outtakes are hilarious, and make me realize how much I appreciate the sense of humor around here.
Is anyone playing GoT Ascent on social media? The final story quest this week spoke of a vision of a white wolf that was stabbed and bleeding but then rose up. Unfortunately, I pressed my response tab too quickly and didn’t capture the page. Rats -Now I can’t get it back…Wondering if anyone else saw the statement because I would really like to know what it said verbatim.
Great work, James!
I liked a lot also the outtakes… Dark Words, Darkwing Duck is the most brilliant IMHO
Talking about the “real” titles, I think that the speculation based list is credible, at least for the ordering of subjects. Maybe I would have switched E3 (The Citadel) and E5 (Kingsmoot), since I expect the Ironborn re-entering the show earlier.
One last thing to say. So far, D&D have usually chosen ambiguous titles: few words that can refer to more than one storyline in the episode. Thus, titles like Tower of Joy may be too clear compared with, e.g., The Promise.
(I’m saying this even if I myself voted for Tower of Joy…)
How Valonqar is so popular? I thought the show left it out. I doubt that it is mentioned for the first time in season 6.
Maester Luwin,
There have been some unambiguous titles too:
Lord Snow
The Wolf And The Lion
The Rains Of Castamere
The Lion And The Rose
The Mountain And The Viper
The Watchers On The Wall
The House Of Black And White
High Sparrow
Sons Of The Harpy
The last two seasons have seen the number of episode titles referring to a place,person, or group increase.
Titles don’t have to make sense to everyone. How many casual viewers do you think know that/understand why Ned was killed in an episode titled “Baelor”?
aww I am so happy that they mentioned my titles in the out-takes, although I am sure others put them through as well. I did “the one about the Martells that no one cares about”, “he One Where Cersei’s Hair Grows Back Extremely Quickly” & “Dany Finally F***ing Starts Coming to Westeros”. I did think that some of my others entries were better though. Is there a way that I can find that information?
The outtake titles are hilarious.
Plus the two that Sue mentions (traveler and Meereen) and Night’s Watch should be capitalized. I’m thinking not so much, but all of the action is well-informed.
lol who put Tom Bombadil as an episode title?
Really? Which ISBN? I cannot imagine a typo like that in the books.
Eek! I can see how that would be relevant!
Yes, especially since the game makers get everything approved by HBO.
You are too funny!!!
I cant believe there wasn’t an episode called “Where Whores Go”
At last we know where Peter Jackson misplaced the Tom Bombadil chapter! Whew!
I’m surprised that ‘Winterfell Is Mine’ didn’t get picked up from the teaser.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
You’re right, I was just reasoning in terms of odds.
Thank you for the extensive work, Rivers! Appreciated. I enjoyed reading it.
Look at the forums. Anguissette1979 created a Google Doc with the casting, and Jared and I with summaries of all the spoilers so far. That said, there are very few highly confirmed director/episode-number sightings, which is why I didn’t bother to try and split the plotlines by episode in a spreadsheet. (I almost prefer it that way – this leaves some space for uncertainty, otherwise there were so many spoilers that we almost have complete storylines for a lot of characters!)
Exactly. Valonqar makes no sense. Neither do Cat of the Canals and similar titles that people suggested even though they refer to stuff that was already adapted in season five… I mean, how did more than a hundred people miss that?
Luka Nieto,
My dad doesn’t know who Batman is. I was teasing my mom once about her spoons being like Martha Stewart’s, and he was all, “Is that your little friend in Maryland?” How does an American in his seventies miss Batman and Martha Stewart?
And that doesn’t even count the hundreds of thousands of people who yesterday voted to have a demagogue rule our country. How did they all miss that?
Fair enough 😛
I’m so afraid of Trump, and I live an ocean away from you guys.
I keep my fingers crossed for you so that the demagogue you mentioned shouldn’t get any influential position!
Okay, so since Jon was born out of wedlock to Lyanna and Rhaegar, and in Dorne, shouldn’t he be Jon Sand?
Am I really the only one who believes the tower of joy episode will be called blue roses or winter roses?
How can someone believe they will name an episode “Cleganebowl”? It would be like “Rhaeganna” or “The (P)imp” or “Planetos”