Game of Thrones has been tight-fisted with the information this year, unsurprisingly with the show going beyond the books. HBO has even withheld episode titles until the last possible moment- but thankfully they’re trickling out finally and today we have two more titles to add to the list!
Game Of Owns: Oathbreaker
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 “Oathbreaker” Recap Round-Up
Fans and critics alike have more than enough to be joyful for this week with flashbacks, schemes, and justice in a Game of Thrones episode filled to the brim with Starks.
“And now it begins.”
Game of Thrones: Post-Mortem of “Oathbreaker”
Flashbacks, surprise returns and Olly death, what more could you want from an episode? Now that we’ve all had a chance to recover from this week’s joyous Game of Thrones , let’s take a look at some of the videos and interviews surrounding “Oathbreaker.”
Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3: Oathbreaker
Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers as well as viewers who have NOT been spoiled by leaks (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you!
Oh yes. We were dead only to be resurrected in “Home” and somehow made it to “Oathbreaker” to find a hell of a battle in a flashback and an abundance of information to anatomize.
If you feel as if you might not have comprehended it all, don’t feel as if you walk alone. Last night’s ep served up a lot to digest. Join a man at the water cooler as we attempt to make sense of it all.
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3– Oathbreaker – Recap
In tonight’s episode of Game of Thrones, we welcome Jon Snow back to the land of living and watch Bran dip into the past, in the aptly named “Oathbreaker.” The episode catalogs an assortment of broken promises, cast-aside vows, and old lies that will shape the characters’ paths in season 6.
Spoiler Note: This post is for those who have read the A Song of Ice and Fire series. The post and the comments section will contain spoilers from the novels! Because no, we are not all Unsullied now. If you haven’t read the books yet, please check out our non-book-reader recap. Thanks!
Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 3 – Oathbreaker – Open Chat
Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 3 “Oathbreaker”
Writers: David Benioff and D.B. Weiss
Director: Daniel Sackheim
Runtime: 53 minutes
Content Warnings: TV-MA: Adult Content, Adult Language, Brief Nudity, Violence
Video Preview: Full episode 3 preview on YouTube
Synopsis: Daenerys meets her future. Bran meets the past. Tommen confronts the High Sparrow. Arya trains to be No One. Varys finds an answer. Ramsay gets a gift.
*Note: this post is for ALL viewers so please use spoiler coding when discussing ASOIAF or filming spoilers.*
The lighter side of Westeros: Saturday Night Live and Martin vs. Tolkien
We have a highly anticipated new episode of Game of Thrones to look forward to tonight, but until then, here are a couple fun videos to pass the time with!
Last night’s episode of Saturday Night Live on NBC included a funny and pointed sketch centering around Jon’s resurrection on Game of Thrones last week. The sketch features SNL host and Academy Award winner Brie Larson, along with Kate McKinnon as Melisandre, and lampoons the suspenseful pacing of the return of Jon Snow.
Along with SNL’s video, there’s also a hilarious new video from the YouTube channel ERB, which creates Epic Rap Battles of History. The latest creation shows George R.R. Martin and fantasy legend J.R.R. Tolkien going head-to-head in a scathing battle of words.
Brush-Up for Episode 3 with Dame Pasty’s Recap and Review of “Home”
Are you tired of waiting for the next episode? I am too. I entertain myself by making silly videos. So here you go! Your weekly Brush-Up video of last week’s Game of Thrones episode entitled “Home”. This video should be safe enough for the Unsullied with a warning at the end so they know when to stop.
Video after the jump.
Looking Forward, Game of Thrones Ep. 603: BREAKING NEWS… Violence in Game of Thrones may persist until the end of Game of Thrones
Good Lord. Do I have to write about this?
No. No, I don’t. No one threatened an unleashing of hounds or a knife in the general direction of a man’s midsection as I sit with the trusty laptop in the middle of the night.
Sick of hearing about it? Me too. But when a colleague made me aware of some new op-ed pieces thrashing Thrones for its use of violence, well, I couldn’t resist the temptation.
Feel free to skip, or come join the fun. All are given free will here, as are the people who make a conscious decision to turn the dial to HBO on Sunday nights knowing good and damn well that NO ONE is safe…