Ian McShane cast in Game of Thrones season 6


Game of Thrones fans, rejoice! The first major casting for the upcoming season is in.

Beloved English actor Ian McShane has been cast in a mystery role for season 6. According to Entertainment Weekly, “he has a relatively small amount of screen-time during the season, yet his character is of key importance.”

McShane is no stranger to HBO, having become known worldwide due to his role as Al Swearengen in Deadwood – arguably one of the finest roles on television. Between that and the British show Lovejoy (as well as starring as Blackbeard in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides), he is a very familiar face, and a sturdy addition to the Game of Thrones cast.

McShane has long been a fan favourite for many dream castings, two of which just happen to be Randyll Tarly and Euron Greyjoy. As far as we can guess, both of these characters look set to appear in the upcoming season.

Cian: I’ve always fancied McShane as Tarly, myself, and going by EW’s comments, that role would seem like the stronger fit. As if getting Siddig as Doran wasn’t enough last year, now we also have McShane. I literally jumped for joy. What do you think?


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  1. Wow!
    What a week of incredible news!

    I’m thinking he will play Tarly as well, but maybe he will be playing one of the” Northern Lord” roles?. McShane can act like a bear of a man! XD

  2. I do not think he is randyll tarly for one simple reason. He looks way too spanish (atleast for me) to be samwell’s father.

    And then I am not even sure if he is a spaniard.

  3. Tarly seems like a good shout. Not who I would have cast for the role but I can see it for sure.

    The whole “he has a relatively small amount of screen-time during the season” thing is throwing me a bit, though. Gerold Hightower, maybe? Damphair? Marginal roles but I think he’d bring a bit of gravitas to them.

    Don’t think he’s our Euron.

  4. Wow! I think we’ve all been desperate for some casting news, and I think this makes up for the lack of it. I know some people think that it is a waste that such big names often have small roles (e.g. AAA from last season), but I think it is great that these high calibre actors are prepared to play smaller roles. It really shows what a massive show GoT is.

    Welcome back to HBO Ian McShane!!! I don’t care what role you’re playing, but it is great to have you aboard this ship.

  5. Damn, this is exciting news! Considering how starved we’ve been casting news, this is a pretty damn tasty morsel to chew on!

    The leaked casting calls offer certain possibilities as to McShane will be playing, but speculation needn’t be confined exclusively to those roles. McShane is a very high-profile actor. There’s a chance that the producers had a specific role in mind that they hoped he might play. If so, they may have approached him specifically and afforded him the right of first refusal. If he agreed to take the part, then there would be no need for a casting call. This news is breaking today, but who knows how long it’s been kept under wraps.

    I don’t think he’s Euron. The casting call for the “pirate” specified that the character was in his “40’s to late 50’s.” McShane is 72. That’s not to say he couldn’t play significantly younger, but it seems like a strange discrepancy, particularly if McShane was hired directly rather than going through the audition process.

    Of the roles that are listed on the casting call, Randyll Tarly (specified to be in his 50’s or 60’s) is another possibility. That character fits McShane’s age a bit better, and he could certainly play “severe and intimidating” (also humorless, though if you’ve seen McShane on Deadwood, that seems like a bit of a waste). Then again, the initial report specified that Tarly is “centrally involved in a protagonist’s storyline” which could suggest that he’ll have a decent amount of screentime. McShane’s part is specified to be small. Randyll wouldn’t need much screentime to make a big impact, but it’s worth keeping in mind.

    In the other thread, davy suggested he could be playing Archmaester Marwyn. If McShane is playing a character we know from the published books, I think that’s a very good guess. We know Sam is supposedly going to Oldtown, but so far the only known role that appears to fit that location is the “submissive maester” from the first leaked casting call. We don’t know how big of a role Marwyn will ultimately play in the story, but if it’s significant enough to be included in the show, then McShane could certainly help infuse that character with the necessary gravitas in a limited amount of screentime.

    Of course, if he’s an original character or a new character drawn from a future novels, then we have no idea who he might be … save that with Ian McShane playing him, he’s likely to be a force to be reckoned with.

  6. I’m hoping for Gerold Hightower since I want Euron and Randyl Tarly to have more than just “small screen time”

  7. Amazing news! but please let it not be Euron, he looks too spanish to be Euron, maybe he could be Arthur Dayne??? “he has a relatively small amount of screen-time during the season, yet his character is of key importance.”… Now That would be something

  8. Well fuck me!

    This is so awesome on so many levels.

    If he’s a mystery role could he playing Howland Reed or The Mad King ?

  9. Let’s hope he’s not tragically underused, as was Siddig.

    A fanboy can dream!


  10. Hightower fella from Oldtown sounds likely. Even heard someone say the mad king but I think it’ll be Hightower or maybe Damphair or that priest who spoiler alert may or may not be helping to save the hound. Anyway more casting please. Oh and bring back Stannis

  11. I would bet on Tarly. At this point, I suspect that all of the new supporting roles will be relatively small.

    davy: He looks way too spanish (atleast for me) to be samwell’s father.

    He only looks “Spanish” because of the hairstyle and goatee. At any rate, there seem to be plenty of dark-featured Westerosi.

    Jared: We don’t know how big of a role Marwyn will ultimately play in the story, but if it’s significant enough to be included in the show, then McShane could certainly help infuse that character with the necessary gravitas in a small amount of screentime.

    At this point, I would bet that Marwyn (who I had completely forgotten!) will just be a small plot-element in Daeny’s story.

  12. Hmmm, he could definitely pull off the attitude of Tarly, especially if they somehow contrive to have Sam bump into his father on the way to the Citadel. I can just imagine poor Sam crumpling under McShane’s gaze. However, I can also see him as Euron as well; but that’s probably his role from P of the C that makes me picture him in the part. In any case, he’ll be a kick-ass addition!

  13. He’s perfect for the role. I don’t know which one, but he’s perfect for it all the same.

    Actually, I just realized who I want him to be. Doran and Oberyn’s long lost brother, who in light of Elaria and the SS’s betrayal, comes charging in, slays them all with cryptic words and a scythe, then plots with Doran and Areo.

  14. Awesomesauce. I’m leaning against him being Euron or Tarly though. McShane can play quite a bit younger than he is, but I still think he’s too old for either role. Also, the “relatively small amount of screentime” line makes me think he’s going to be a one-scene wonder, like Mark Gatiss the past two scenes.

    My best guess: He’s the ‘Lord of Noble Northern House’ from the casting call and they decided the 25-50 age range originally listed didn’t matter.

  15. Wow, years of seeing people pumping for his casting and finally it can come to an end. 😛 I’ve never gotten the intense love for Deadwood. I found it too small scale, grew to despise the dialogue, and have never cared that it was cut. I thought it was ‘okay,’ but it was basically a soap opera. However, Al Swearengen was a great character performed fantastically by Ian. If not for him there wouldn’t be all the repeated mentions of the show over all these years since.

  16. I want to be super excited about this, but at the same time my enthusiasm is someone doused by the fact that his screen time will be limited. 🙁 Don’t bring on Ian Mc”Freaking”Shane if you’re not going to give him a lot of meaty material! 🙂

    Hopefully, whatever role he plays, he’ll have much more to do in future seasons.

  17. My first reaction as soon as reading the headline? “This is a prank.” That was my IMMEDIATE reaction. As in, ‘nope, way too good to be true. Obviously not happening.’

    Then as I read further and the fact that this was clearly real, I felt strangely lightheaded.

    So…Euron Greyjoy or Randyll Tarly? [or someone else?] Euron is supposed to be Balon’s *younger* brother (and the books say he doesn’t really age naturally) but there’s no reason the TV series has to stick to that if they think McShane is the best actor for the role–see Mance Rayder. And maybe Euron doesn’t have a big role this year, like Prince Doran in Season 5. Still, my odds are on Randyll Tarly. In either role, he would be terrifying.

    On a related note, if he’s Tarly, and Euron is yet to be cast…I just saw the movie Ravenous not too long ago, and it occurred to me that if Robert Carlyle gave the exact same performance as Euron Greyjoy as he did in that movie, he would be the perfect Euron. He’s very Euron-like in that film–check it out. He doesn’t necessarily look related to Patrick Malahide, Allen or Whelan, but neither does Mads Mikkleson…who I love, but I just see him really uncomfortably trying to fit in that role (and hide his accent) wheras Carlyle would be right at home. My two cents.

  18. Nina Gold has really been spoiling us the past couple of years. 🙂 First Siddig and now McShane, both fan-favorites…it’s like they’ve gone back when they were casting the pilot, when D&D actually posted on Westeros.org telling fans what roles they were casting and asking fans for suggestions.

  19. I would love it if he was involved in Arya’s storyline (he wont be though). Maisie Williams has amazing chemistry with ‘older’ actors (Charles Dance, Sean Bean etc) so I would love to see her interact with Ian McShane

  20. Wimsey,

    Yeah, I’d wager you’re right. AFFC certainly didn’t convince me that Marwyn and the maesters would be wind up being critically important players going forward (if it was supposed to, the message didn’t stick). I have my doubts that the show is going to explore the so-called “maester conspiracy” in-depth, even with an extra season to play with. Still, if Sam does reach Oldtown (assuming he doesn’t get waylaid at Horn Hill for most of the season), he’ll need to interact with someone at the Citadel. I’m just trying to think of roles McShane might be able to play that aren’t Randyll or Euron.

  21. If Euron and Victarion have been merged, I don’t see that character having only a little screentime. Randyll Tarly seems more likely to me, but I actually thought of Marwyn for him first. Unless D & D change Marwyn’s role radically, I think that he is going to turn out to be one of the most important manipulators of the Game, though from behind the scenes up until now.

  22. Very doubtful that he’s playing Euron. I could see him as Randyll though (though I’m still pulling for Graham McTavish).

    Who knows, maybe Nina Gold is negotiating with Mads Mikkelsen for a “mystery role” since so many fan favorites are being cast now.

  23. Can we stop with the whole Kit Harrington watch nonsense. He’s coming back we all know it. They were never going to kill off him in the books or the series. I’m more concerned with them idiots killing off Stannis

  24. Marc N. Kleinhenz,

    Well, Siddig will be back next season, so don’t give up hope. I thought Ciaran Hinds was tragically underused in S3, but he more than made up for it in his knockout scenes in 4×10 and 5×1.

  25. I think how Ciaran Hinds was used is a good template for “small but crucial”, where he only interacts via a lead character. I’m guessing this might be a character that first appears in WINDS.

  26. Clob: I thought it was ‘okay,’ but it was basically a soap opera.

    All of the best stories are. Deadwood was telling a story very similar to that of Game of Thrones: it was a lot of people caught between who they thought they were on one hand, and who they thought they were on another hand. Soap operas exaggerated that: but ultimately the reason why soap operas “won” and why all popular and acclaimed TV shows are “soap operas” now is that nothing grabs people more than watching other people sort out who they are.

  27. Rygar,

    OMG, Ry! You beautiful bastard! you called this!!! Now to the more important things: How’s that pussy-lotion? Should I try some on my ass?

  28. Boudica,

    Yes, for filming Brimstone. (But I think he will return to Belfast for filming the final episodes of the season, I HOPE!!!) 😉

    Ian McShane!!!?? Amazing news!!!

  29. Darkstar,

    He’s English. Was born in Blackburn and grew up in Lancashire. His dad was Scottish though and his mum a mix of English and Irish.

    Shall just write what I did in the last thread because I’m being lazy!

    Lovejoy plaing a Greyjoy?!

    Ian McShane is an interesting one! Initially though Euron but surely he’d be too old? He looks younger than 72 but not in the 40-50 bracket they aimed for for the character. He’s older than Patrick Malahide who plays Balon! Unless they’re aging the character up which I can’t say I’d be a massive fan of.
    Could potentially be an Iron Islander, maybe Rodrik Harlaw? Or he has a certain Braavosi look about him?

    Not sure I see him as Randyll without a lot of an image change but it could work. Both him and John Bradley-West (Sam!) are from Lancashire (Blackburn and Mancester respectively) so they’d share similar natural accents.

    I’m prob in agreement with Wimsey though that he will most likely play a new character who is either in or not in the forthcoming books.

  30. Firannion: If Euron and Victarion have been merged, I don’t see that character having only a little screentime.

    I do not see how you can merge them. Both serve very different purposes in the plot, it would seem. Victarion’s plot purpose will be to be primarily to provide Daeny with more naval support and power, and possibly a magic horn. The show will almost certainly forego the magic horn, and they already grabbed a fleet for Daeny.

    Euron seemingly will be attacking Westeros. It’s hard to guess of who’s story he will be part at this point. However, I am betting that it will be primarily Cersei’s: she will see Euron as a possible tool against the Tarly’s and Tyrells, and because this tactic has worked out so well for her in the past (/sarcasm), she will of course try to use it again. This could play a big part of her downfall.

    That is, of course, speculation: but I cannot easily see which other protagonist Euron could really affect. Daeny and Tyrion probably won’t be in Westeros until late in the season at the earliest, so it won’t be her or him. Arya is in Essos, so it won’t be her. Sansa and Theon are in the north, so it won’t be her or her (or Brienne). Jaime will be somewhere outside of Kings Landing, so it probably will not be him. Jon will be riding Ice Dragons while warged at Ghost, so it won’t be him. Bran’s a tree, so it won’t be him. And we now are out of of lead characters!

  31. Tormund’s Woman:

    OMG, Ry! You beautiful bastard! you called this!!! Now to the more important things: How’s that pussy-lotion? Should I try some on my ass?

    I have my moments. And no. Ass is out.

  32. Ian McShane is almost 73?! I would have thought he was about 10 years younger than that. Either way, I don’t see him as Euron, and he strikes me as a bit small for Randyll. He definitely has the right kind of presence for that part, though. As others have said, you don’t cast a name actor like that for a meaningless part, so he’s definitely going to be someone of some importance. I can’t wait to see the result.

  33. I think mcshane will have a flashback role. I always pictured the guy who plays mad eye moody as Sams dad

  34. I think he’ll play Howland Reed. There has been a lot of speculation that the Tower of Joy will be seen this coming season. The only person still alive that was at the Tower of Joy with Ned Stark during Robert’s Rebellion is Howland Reed who will be a key figure surrounding Jon Snow’s parentage.

  35. Balon01,

    Patrick Malahide is 70, if they wanted to go down that road and make Euron a little bit older than his brother, they absolutly could, but I hope they don’t. Eurion is a better fit for a younger actor imo and IIRC the casting call looked for that as well.

  36. On the Euron front, with James Purefoy ,sadly, pretty much out of the running (In Philly doing ‘Equity’ stuff) and not being a fan of Mads in the role. My hopes are now with James Callis and Gary Stretch…both of which are massive longshots!

  37. Josh,

    Brendon Gleesson? Could certainly work and he’s one hell of an actor.


    From the visions in the books, I always got the feeling he’d be the major problem for Dany but that may come later. I think that Oldtown will be his most likely destination although if they want to take the reader/viewer to Casterly Rock then that’s a possibility too.

  38. TheTouchOfFrost: On the Euron front, with James Purefoy ,sadly, pretty much out of the running

    Ugh…I don’t get the fandom love for Purefoy. I think he’s pretty much a Thomas Jane lookalike who smirked his way through ROME. And he completely shit on Game of Thrones in an interview once, so I’m sure that wouldn’t endear him to anyone on set.

  39. Ravyn,

    Well, the fact he’s a very good actor and would fit the part well is most people’s reason. He can’t really help whom he looks like and Marc Antony was meant to be massively cocky and overly self-confident!
    Also, the interview where he apparently “shit on GoT” is always referenced yet anyone who reads it properly realises that he was just joking about. Shame folks take everything so literally these days.

  40. Josh:
    I think mcshane will have a flashback role. I always pictured the guy who plays mad eye moody as Sams dad

    Brendan Gleeson? Just watched AI last night, first time since it was released. Forgot he was in it.

  41. Randyll Tarly. I’m rarely certain enough about GoT’s crazy casting to make flat statements, but I will be shocked if that’s not the role he got.

  42. Why is no one considering an ESSOS role for his character. Perhaps in one of the cities that Danaerys will sack on her way Westwards.

  43. By the flames of the Lord of Light, this *is* good news!

    Yes, I wonder if he’s Randyll.

  44. Marko,

    Exactly! And the fact that they now seem to be thinking 8 seasons makes Stannis’ death even more of a crime. One of the better characters on the show is dead for reasons that no longer seem to apply.

    But on topic, I seem to recall a casting call for some outlaws that would play a small role in the coming season. This seems most likely to me. Great news and a damn good actor!

  45. I abandoned the notion of age meaning much when they cast Hapthor Bjornson (26) to play Rory McCann’s (46) older brother. 😉

  46. Abyss,

    Of course, if show Euron is older than show Balon, they will have to explain why Balon rules the Iron Islands and not Euron. Which I suppose they could.

  47. Marwyn the Mage, methinks. I feel like the Oldtown cast won’t be around until towards the end of S6. Initially I was thinking Meribald but McShane seems too sinister for that character. I’ve had him pegged as Rodrik Harlaw ever since I read the books, but that character is probably cut.

  48. Pigeon:
    I abandoned the notion of age meaning much when they cast Hapthor

    Who? the? fuck?

    Oh, you meant Hafthor? Well, if you are going to translate his name, then just go all the way and call him “Thor of the Sea, Son of Bear” because that’s what his name means in Icelandic.

  49. apologies if I double posted…

    Patrick Malahide, who plays Balon, is 70 years old and looks his age. McShane is 72 and looks younger, so could easily play the Crow’s Eye, Euron Greyjoy. Plus, he recently played Blackbeard in one of the forgettable Pirates of the Caribbean sequels.

  50. I would have said Lord Tarly, except the casting notice for him described the role as “centrally involved” in a protagonist’s story, which doesn’t really seem like it fits with the report that McShane’s role is small.

    The Marwyn speculation is a good guess. I’ve seen some people questioning how prominent the master stuff will be, but to that I would say: they sent Sam to Oldtown, when many of us thought it was cut (myself included). Clearly there is something important there.

  51. NewJeffCT:
    apologies if I double posted…

    Patrick Malahide, who plays Balon, is 70 years old and looks his age.McShane is 72 and looks younger, so could easily play the Crow’s Eye, Euron Greyjoy.Plus, he recently played Blackbeard in one of the forgettable Pirates of the Caribbean sequels.

    Age doesn’t really matter when it comes to actors (hence the joke “I can play anywhere between 18-45”). I mean, you don’t want to cast Kerry Ingram as Lena Headey’s mom, but the actor who plays Jojen Reed is, like, 25, and isn’t that character roughly Bran’s age (mid teens)?

  52. Ravyn,

    I’m not sure where you’re from Ravyn. I’m from the UK and some of James Purefroy’s earlier stuff before he became a household name was quite good. He was in a TV version of Thomas Hardy’s “The Mayor of Casterbridge” playing the young lead (a character called Farfrae). The tragic eponymous Mayor was played by Ciaran Hinds and David Bradley (wicked Walder) was in it as well. I actually saw JP on TV today in a re-run of an episode of the “Sharpe” series with Sean Bean playing Sharpe. Mind you, if JP can make big bucks in the States playing baddies (America does seem to like an English baddy) I guess he is not to be entirely blamed.

  53. Awesome. That said, I’m prepare for the disappointment, when he’s in 2 episodes like Triple A.

  54. Nice to finally have some big casting news! Too bad there’s no indication of who he’s playing though. Why all the secrecy this season? Is it just because we’re pretty much out of published book material?

    I’m hoping all this secrecy means they’re trying not to spoil TWOW before an early 2016 publishing date.

    A girl can dream, right?

  55. For those who never saw the short lived and highly underrated show Kings you should find a way to watch it…McShane was electric in it

  56. OT:
    Mods: Pretty sure there is something wrong with the ad loading on the site. It doesn’t happen all the time, which makes me think one or more servers that load the ads have some kind of connectivity proplem. I tested that with Chrome and FF (portable), both up to date. The site keeps loading the ads in “waiting for XYZ” and then starts again, regardless of the facts that the are ads already loaded. In Chrome that results in a process for the site that takes 18-21% of my 6 core cpu(can’t say it that precise for FF, because FF doesn’t split processes). Never got to that point in FF but in Chrome the site seems to crash after a while almost all the time.
    If I block the ads, everything is fine.

  57. I think Ian McShane might be cast as Howland Reed. He does have a key role in the story and hasn’t really been shown yet in the books. But we have been teased with the possibility that he will show up sooner or later. Howland Reed should be around the same age as the actor.

  58. outdoorcats,

    Yes. And of course I wasn’t very consequential there. The fact that McShane is the oldest of the two doesn’t mean that he has to play the older brother.

  59. weirwoodtreehugger: Why all the secrecy this season? Is it just because we’re pretty much out of published book material?

    I’m guessing any mention of a character name would be a huge spoiler for WINDS and there seems to be some bts agreement that GRRM would have a chance to release the book first. Some of the media people I follow on Twitter are speculating that they’ll wait until close to the end of the production to announce any character names.

  60. I could see him being the ruthless and calculating “Lord of a Northern Stronghold” from the casting call.

  61. Given that there are casting notices for both Lord Tarly and Euron (unnamed, but still), I’m not sure it would make sense for either to be a “mystery role”. Would be not be more likely to be playing a role that hasn’t been advertised?

  62. My first thought was Euron, but on reflection Tarly may make more sense.

    Though he’d be suitable for an important Northern Lord as well.

    In any event, he’s welcome aboard!

  63. Pigeon,

    Very different case. They needed someone who could play character so ridiculously strong that it blows your mind. Not many options there. You really have to look the part for that. 😉

  64. Sean C.,

    The casting calls weren’t advertised though, they were sent to casting agencies and Sue the Fury through her sources has access to them. They’re not supposed to get out actually but they always do. So it’s definitely one of those parts. Last year for example there were no new parts that weren’t from the casting calls.

  65. Abyss,

    Conan Stevens and Ian Whyte did just fine, and were close in age. But my point was that it really doesn’t matter, as long as the character is believable. Most of the actors play characters significantly younger, but it works.

  66. We should be getting deep into TWOW-material this season, so he might very well play a future book character we haven’t even heard of yet.

    Regardless – awesome addition.

  67. Sean C.,

    I wondered about that as well….
    Of course just because D&D don’t want to tell us the role right now does not necessarily mean it is a new role… If I recall they have not revealed the roles for some cast actors in the past as well… Who knows.

    If he is cast in a role from the first 5 books Ian McShane feels more like Marwyn or a Northern Lord to me, but he could make for an interesting Tarly or Euron even if very different from how I pictured the role!

  68. Marwyn. You just look at him and all Marwyn’s mysterious back story comes alive. You’d believe he’s done anything. You need an actor who can transmit that just with a look.

  69. I don’t really understand the reluctance by the production to keep the character names under wraps. Book readers can pretty much guess the characters based on the casting descriptions, and the names won’t mean anything to non-book readers anyway.

    If there are new characters that are exclusively from TWOW, again, the name won’t mean anything to book readers or non-readers.

  70. TheTouchOfFrost,

    I have thought that Daeny’s visions and warnings pertain to Victarion. He is the Greyjoy in her vicinity. The show has obviated any need for him already, so I expect that the only substantial contribution he will make will be ships.

  71. Ren Snow:
    Let’s hope they don’t waste him like they did with Siddigh

    I don’t think Siddig is wasted. Yes, he did not have much to do in S5, but rejoice! There’s Season 6, 7 and 8 left for Siddig to get more screentime. We have to conclude that S5-Dorne, for all of its shallow story, is just the set-up for what’s too come. There’s no point introducing the region if it isn’t going to become important. #Whywewon’tseetheCrownlands(much).

  72. I’d rather have McShane as Randyll Tarly than Euron, given his age, and I think it sounds like a better fit based on the EW description but you can’t tell much, so that’s just a guess.

    Either way, FUCK YEAHHHHHH

  73. I am hoping he’s at the Citadel and interacts with Sam, maybe a Sand Snake, and later Euron when he attacks. Good to get casting info!

  74. TheTouchOfFrost,

    He actually said he’d be up for a part in a different interview.

    With your previous history with HBO, and a lot of your fans really hoping for it, would you ever consider doing a role on Game of Thrones?

    PUREFOY: If it was the right role on Game of Thrones, definitely. Of course! It’s a terrific series. It’s a great series of books. I love HBO. I’m on record saying that HBO is the best television company in the world, and I believe they are. I think they absolutely understand how to make television that is really, really vital and interesting and visceral, and all the things that television really should be. I’m a big fan of HBO.


    Like you said though, his plate seems full so it’s unlikely he’s gonna be the Crow’s Eye. 🙁

  75. Pigeon,

    While I in general agree with what you said, I wouldn’t say that Ian Whyte did just fine. Not his fault, he was big and had a great voice and I’m sure he his fairly strong, but he just couldn’t display the kind of strength Gregor has. I’m sure Ian Whyte is a great guy, but the truth is they never would have picked him for the role if things hadn’t gone the way with Conan Stevens the way they did.

  76. The Dear Hunter,

    He’s dead because he was useless,he doesn’t serve anythig more to the plot,enough with the dumb Stannis fanboyism and the childish name calling because you motons can’t get over the fact that one of your characters didn’t make it out,get over it,it’s not your story .

  77. Ravyn:
    Maisie will have some competition now for who in Westeros is best at screaming “cunt”.

    I was a huge fan of Deadwood, aghast that its run was so short. Which makes the news of an extra season of GoT that much sweeter. McShane was so amazing in Deadwood and he had a line that seems to relate to everything here:

    Someone commented to Al Swearengen (McShane’s character) that they had heard he was somehow related to English royalty. His reply “Yeah, I’m related to all those cunts.” or maybe it was cocksuckers. The phrases seemed to be interchangeable on that show. The profanity aside, it was well worth watching, I will probably rewatch it now. Maybe he will be related to some royalty on this show. Whatever part he plays, he will be an asset to the cast and story. Yay!

  78. Well now that there might be 8 or even 9 seasons instead of 7 his role might be expanded in the latter seasons. And according to the photo in Variety magazine he looks pretty damn old. I let’s not get our knickers in a twist until filming is done. I all for MsShane as Tarley.

  79. Oh sweet mother’s mercy, if he is Manderly I will forgive everything from last season. Yes, everything.

  80. Also, Manderly would fit with the small amount of time. Spoilers (if they still exist?) aside, his storyline could be condensed into “fat Northern poof turns fat Northern badass” pretty easily.

  81. Has anyone mentioned possibly The Mad King? Yeah, he’s a little dark to play a Targaryan, but “small but crucial” would work in the context of a flashback to Robert’s Rebellion. And he certainly has the commanding presence to make an impression in a short amount of time.

  82. This is AMAZING!!! The caliber of actors they are getting now is just crazy good. I hope this means all the other new castings are going to start trickling in with regularity now…

    Also, no way is he the northern lord. That casting call was for someone aged 25-40.

  83. I agree with Jared that they might have just offered a role to an actor like McShane, so he may not be playing anyone from the casting calls. But I think I read somewhere that they also had an audition for Ned Stark, just in case Sean Bean rejected the role.
    McShane is too old to play Euron, although he looks a lot like how I pictured Victarion (who is younger than Euron but looks older).
    If he is playing anyone from the casting calls, I would say Randyll Tarly or the intimidating Northern lord. The casting news only says ‘relatively small’ role. It does not mean his role is a guest role like Mance Rayder. Since McShane is a high-profile actor, his role in GoT could be small relative to the roles he normally plays. That way, he could play Randyll Tarly. For Tarly is going to be important in season 6 or possible more. Especially after HBO cutting Garlan and Willas Tyrell, someone has to take care of the Reach, and show!Mace is incredibly ill-suited for the job.
    If he is a book character not from the casting calls, Marywn is a good bet. Or the Elder Brother.

  84. when i read aeron’s lines in books i always heard ian mcshanes voice sooo tht would be a dreamcasting for me

    So if he is aeron then i already see a theme that is trending for the next season. Its basically religion as a tool for personal transformation. We will have the quiet isle and aeron and god knows what with the faith militant. Then who knows what melisandre may do or who she may transform. I could see Aeron and Victarion becoming one character.

  85. Darkstar,

    Ian self identifies as English, and has a fine Lanky accent.

    Not sure why people think he looks Spanish.
    He also looks everybit an Englishman, or a Welshman, with his thick dark hair and pale eyes.

  86. Great casting.

    Don’t understand what people understand as “Spanish” looking. Do they even know what a Spaniard is? To me it sounds absurd, he could play a great Randyll Tarly, he doesn’t have to be exactly like his son, Sam could look more like his mother which could also be one of the reasons of why his father preferred his brother over him.

  87. Wimsey,

    I think the warning Quaithe gives her certainly means Victarion.

    “”No. Hear me, Daenerys Targaryen. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun’s son and the mummer’s dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal”.

    But when Moqorro is talking to Tyrion about people who are seeking Daenerys I think he identifies Euron specifically ahead of others.

    “Have you seen these others in your fires?” he [Tyrion] asked, warily.

    “Only their shadows,” Moqorro said. “One most of all. A tall and twisted thing with one black eye and ten long arms, sailing on a sea of blood.”

    But yeah as Tyrion said “Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head!”

  88. Wowza – if we can get more Sidig next season, in addition to Ian M, should be some extraordinary acting!

  89. Robb Snow,

    There you go! 🙂 It is a shame but I guess it was always a long shot that they’d narrow it down to that one person!

  90. I hope that he has been cast as Euron Greyjoy. He is perfect for that role and he has already some experience in playing a pirate (Pirates of the Caribbean, Blackbeard) ;-).

    And he is in the current season of Ray Donovan. Have not watched it yet but am really looking forward to that.

    Hope they cast Graham McTavish as Tarly.

    Edit: After reading some comments I guess that he might be Arthur Dayne in a flashback scene. Would explain little screen time and key character.

  91. I was thinking of him for Euron but thought he was too old. But I love this guy in everything I’ve seen him in! Hope it’s for something that will showcase his greatness and not a lame slaver like Mr ecko last season

  92. SmallJon,

    Bronn’s Bro

    A lot of Spaniards are actually light-skinned as the country is a composite of Mediterranean and Nordic types!
    I think the point is… he could quite easily play either Westerosi or Essosi (?!) as his look lends itself to being adaptable.

  93. Ian’s forte is as the loveable rogue. Who fits that bill with the casting calls we’ve seen?

    Somehow, I don’t see Ian as Howland Reed, or Euron Greyjoy. HR is a willowy kind of figure, if you recall what Jojen and Meera were like. EG sounds like he’s a bigger role than what’s stated here for Ian.

    Randyll Tarly? Possible, mostly due to his Lancastrian background. I’m drawn to Randyll being around for several episodes, maybe playing more of a role later on.

    If we’re to get something from ToJ, I don’t see Ian as Arthur Dayne. He’s more like Gerold Hightower or Oswald Whent. From those 2 I’d go with Gerold Hightower.

    That seems to fit the bill for this casting call – “relatively small amount of screen-time during the season, yet his character is of key importance” = Gerold Hightower (I think).

  94. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Yes I agree. He is adaptable, but the point was that he couldn’t be Euron since he looked Spanish, he looks more English/Welsh than anything else. Accepting your point on Mediterranean people as well though.


    First, we get more than 7 seasons, now this. Is it Christmas in July (August) or what? What next? Winds of Winter out by March 2016?

    I am off to do a little dance now!

  96. I just recently watched all of Deadwood and I recommend it to everyone here. The plot is too intricate, half the scenes are in a brothel, it’s heavily based on obscure history, there is sexposition, there are surprise deaths, and everyone’s covered in mud. The acting and writing are spot on. McShane is terrifying and hilarious, it’s just a treasure, a filthy offensive treasure.

  97. ZappaCreed,

    Doubt it’s Hightower. He was nowhere near the age of Ian when he died at the ToJ and was also a huge bloke which Mr McShane isn’t.
    Still hoping beyond Lyanna and Ned’s conversation the ToJ isn’t shown. Really no need to show a fight between characters who have no bearing on the story the show is telling. Do it properly when the fight means something and people know and care about the characters involved or don’t do it at all, I say!

  98. NewJeffCT,

    Well he is older than what the description for “Pirate” is calling for, for one (40s-50s).

    Euron is also gonna have more than just a small but important role. He will probably be one of the main antagonists this season, and his role was described as being “a very good part this season.” McShane just doesn’t fit.

  99. Robb Snow,

    well, everybody was sure they’d have Victarion and the Damphair in the show for years, and we never got them. All we need for Euron to do is show up and threaten the Tyrells in a couple of episodes. He’s not going to show up in Meereen at the head of an Ironborn fleet after show Daario already found 93 ships for Dany- the exact same number Victarion had in the Iron Fleet.

  100. NewJeffCT,

    He’s gonna raid Oldtown. They’ve been hinting at it strongly in the books. I fully expect it to happen in Winds, and if it’s happening in Winds it’s probably happening in the show.

    Also, since they’re probably not gonna bother with the sailing to Meereen stuff, it means Euron will have the full might of the Iron Fleet at his back right away. So Oldtown is in for some big trouble.

  101. Of course he is not euron, or Reed. And i dont think he is Randil as he has small screen time.

    he is really good, but I am disappointed that we do not know who he will be.

  102. Outdoorcats wrote:
    Nina Gold has really been spoiling us the past couple of years. 🙂 First Siddig and now McShane, both fan-favorites…it’s like they’ve gone back when they were casting the pilot, when D&D actually posted on Westeros.org telling fans what roles they were casting and asking fans for suggestions.

    D&D did THAT?!!? I’d been an ASOIF fan for donkey’s years but didn’t start looking for websites until GoT started. Now I wish I had. Frankly, in large part thanks to Nina Gold and HBO stints, IMO most of the actors cast have been terrific (even those unlike the book descriptions). The two actors I visualised when reading the first book, Sean Bean and Peter Dinklage, did get the call. And a good job, too! Aren’t we all lucky that practically every GoT alumnus has been worth their weight in Gold?

    I first saw McShane play a mesmerising Judas in the 1970s Jesus of Nazareth, and have an eye on him since. He’s a GREAT villain, but can do so much if cast differently (the wily antiques scoundrel, Lovejoy, for example). I can’t see him as Howland though; he’s too forceful, and physically not a fey, small, Crannogman type. Or if they want a real Northern war leader (unlike book-Manderly) to lead the Great Northern Conspiracy, creating a nobleman role for McShane would work.

    I’d wager my pay packet he’ll be Randall Tarly. But one can dream. Since they’re committed to three more seasons now, they’ll probably spend much of Season 6 with Varys and Tyrion cleaning up Meereen. Someone had to be leading the Sons of the Harpy; it doesn’t seem the late Hizdahr was it. Wouldn’t it be great if McShane turned out to be THE Son of the Harpy? What a formidable foe!

  103. Wow.
    Cool to have him as ANY character, i think.

    Of course, exept for Euron, that must be Richard Armitage, for the Drowned God’s sake!

  104. Leaf:
    I really like McShane, but why no American actors on an American show?

    Part of the production’s tax incentive deal with Ireland is that they cast a majority of British actors. But there’s Dinklage, Pascal, and uh… Bart the Bear.

  105. Jared: I have my doubts that the show is going to explore the so-called “maester conspiracy” in-depth, even with an extra season to play with.

    I doubt that the “maester conspiracy” is going to be much of an issue in the books, either. It does not involve any of the main characters and thus cannot present any of them with a set of “damned if I do, damned if I don’t” dilemmas that drive GRRM’s stories. At this point it would just be gratuitous plot for the sake of plot. Now, GRRM (like most writers) will have that sort of lapse: but B&W have been very sharp about cutting stuff that does not feed the story.

    Robb Snow: He’s gonna raid Oldtown. They’ve been hinting at it strongly in the books. I fully expect it to happen in Winds, and if it’s happening in Winds it’s probably happening in the show.

    But the question becomes: who’s story (or contribution to the story) does this affect? As I noted above, I can see obvious possible effects on Cersei’s contribution to the story, particularly if this becomes a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” about taking sides. (Of course, Winter might be a completely different dividing line for damnations.) The fact that B&W have seen fit to include it means that it’s not going to be for one of the faux-protagonists that become PoV characters in Crows/Dragons.

    My thought is that we are going to witness four-way strafing between the Church vs. the Tyrells vs. Euron vs. the Lannisters. The Church, in it’s religious “purity” and populist aspects, would oppose all three (Euron in particular because, like Stannis, Euron worships a demon). Cersei will probably get the great idea to try to play the sides against each other: which could feed an “choosing sides” story if they do something like have her attempt to make it look like she’s siding with all three. (We might even add the Dornish to the mix.)

    Here is a thought. It looks like Aegon VI is not going to be on the show. He struck me as the most obvious candidate for where Ellaria and the Sandsnakes would go. Might she instead be in collusion with Euron?

  106. Marko:
    Can we stop with the whole Kit Harrington watch nonsense. He’s coming back we all know it. They were never going to kill off him in the books or the series. I’m more concerned with them idiots killing off Stannis


    I’m so excited about this casting news and that GOT is going to go for 8 seasons!! Yay!!!! What a great week. There was no way they could tell the whole story without rushing it in only 7 seasons so I’m ecstatic!

    I think Ian McShane will be amazing as a northern lord! So excited!

  107. Ravyn,

    I did, on the other post – I think he’d be fantastic, but I don’t know that they’ll bring Aerys into it. Showing him vs Jaime in a flashback would sure be something.

    Plus if they don’t actually do the ToJ, the Dayne appearance may really be a Jaime flashback, so that would work. Maybe it’ll end up being a huge season for Jaime’s back story instead of what everyone assumes.

  108. Bronn’s Bro.: Don’t understand what people understand as “Spanish” looking. Do they even know what a Spaniard is?

    Why, they are people that look like Conquistodors in movies, of course: dark longish hair with mustaches and chin-hair.

    I mean, geez, next thing you’ll tell me is that Norse people don’t all wear half-helms with horns…..

  109. Pigeon:

    I did, on the other post – I think he’d be fantastic, but I don’t know that they’ll bring Aerys into it. Showing him vs Jaime in a flashback would sure be something.

    I’d be all in on seeing the moment Jamie transform into the Kingslayer, but since nobody’s really figure out how the Lannisters even fit into the larger picture (unless Tyrion does turn out to be Targ), that might be gratuitous at this point. Also, the Mad King stories been retold over and over again on the show (esp. in Jamie’s confession to Brienne) I guess its narratively old news. Still, would be nice, esp. if there’s more to the Mad King story in WINDS.

  110. Ravyn: Yeah, he’s a little dark to play a Targaryan, but “small but crucial” would work in the context of a flashback to Robert’s Rebellion.

    His hair is dark, but his complexion isn’t. With long white hair and a long beard, he could do the part quite well. However, I don’t know that they’ll be doing that flashback.

  111. Short shout out to a few that actually posted about Ian McShane in the adequate threads, aka, the casting speculation threads:

    In the Tarly-thread:
    – Walter Harrow: “Ian McShane as anybody”
    – Dieseldda: “Ian McShane”
    In the Euron-thread:
    – Heh: “Euron”
    – King in the North Carolina, quoting Heh: “You’ll probably get your wish”

    So, why is he being coined as “a fanfavorite [for the role of Tarly or Euron] for many dreamcastings” when there were only TWO people suggesting him in the thread totally dedicated to casting of that character, three if you add Euron? Onehundredandthirtynine posts, of which two indicated this actor = 1.4% of the replying commenters. That’s not really a major fan favorite anymore. He’s a liked actor, so nice try to cover that up with blanket talk. Heck, even Al Swearengen himself didn’t even suggest Ian McShane in the appropriate thread(s).

    And yes, I tried to be positive these past couple of days, yet got called out for trolling (which I wasn’t), so I’m back to being my usual belligirent arse. Thank you for pushing my mood back from positive into sulk.

    The Dear Hunter,
    He’s dead because he was useless, he doesn’t serve anythig more to the plot,enough with the dumb Stannis fanboyism and the childish name calling because you motons can’t get over the fact that one of your characters didn’t make it out,get over it,it’s not your story .

    Excuse me, but I think you’re response is fairly childish in and by itself. In the books, Stannis is a completely different character. In the books, Stannis has Asha and Theon, has caught onto a conspiracy in his midst (probably the first ever to foil one in the story other than Littlefinger/Varys-counterplaying each other) and has several cards in play that would make him the one that beats at least one of the Boltons. Saying random stuff that he did having nothing left for the plot is ignorant of the source material. Yes, we don’t exactly know what’s going to happen at the Battle of Ice, but there’s PLENTY of material that would indicate that Stannis was still important for the plot, but D&D chose not to in order to converge storylines easier.

  112. The Dear Hunter:

    Exactly! And the fact that they now seem to be thinking 8 seasons makes Stannis’ death even more of a crime. One of the better characters on the show is dead for reasons that no longer seem to apply.

    I know. I just pray that he’s not really dead. Somehow. 🙁 It’s such a waste, he should have stuck around at least til middle of season 6. I’m gonna miss seeing that magnificent man grit his teeth and correct everyone’s grammar. At least we’ll get more Stannis in TWOW. Sigh. I miss Stannis more than words can convey. Stephen Dillane is the sexiest man alive.

  113. K Noelle: It’s such a waste, he should have stuck around at least til middle of season 6.

    At this point, none of the lead characters are with Stannis anymore. So that made it almost necessary to write him out slightly sooner than the books probably will.

  114. Wimsey,

    I doubt it will be that intricate. I think Euron will serve mainly as Dany’s ticket into Westerosi politics. The initial raids on the Reach will be bad enough that the Tyrells will be forced to leave King’s Landing to protect their lands (much to Cersei’s delight). When the Ironborn finally do hit Oldtown, it will be nasty and the Tyrells and other noble houses won’t be able to successfully repel the assault on their own. Luckily for them, Dany will have probably already arrived in Westeros in time to deal with the Ironborn, which will buy her the support of most of the southern noble houses including the Tyrells (which Tyrion foreshadowed somewhat in S5).

    Sam will probably be our PoV character for most of the assault, so we’ll be seeing the battle through his eyes in the books and he’ll be in the show version quite prominently as well. I imagine this might be the “Hardhome” of Season 6 (I don’t think much time will be spent wrecking the Harpies and Yunkish army and I think they might be delaying the fall of the Wall until Season 7).

    As for Ellaria and the Sand Snakes… I hope they just get in a boat and row. I wouldn’t care to ever see them again in the show (or books really).

  115. Leaf,

    Peter Dinklage and Jason Momoa say hi!

    It’s filmed in Europe so that makes it easier to cast actors based there. Plus , in my opinion, only the really top American actors can do convincing English/British accents and even then they’re limited to one or two types. When you have actors with an in built accent then that’s that problem erased! Also, the accents suit the world that they have created ( kind of the Middle Ages which ran from the 5th to the 15th Centuries: Columbus only discovered America right at the end of them in 1492!). Plus, forgive me for blowing my regions own horn, but there is a wealth of acting talent around Britain and Europe that has remained untapped and remains a lot less money that hiring established American actors. Basically, it all fits the show perfectly.

  116. Robb Snow,

    My hope is Euron kills them all! 😛 I think him getting rid of Loras via him would be a good idea though. Makes him into a legitimate threat and get’s rid of Loras who has , to be honest, been a bit of a joke in the show. Him rushing to save the Shield Islands/ Reach/ Highgarden/Oldtown/Wherever Euron is going to hit kind of mirrors the book where he tries to end the siege of Dragonstone quickly and may well be dead because of it (although it could be a ruse!)

  117. Pigeon: OH thanks, you made me snort out my lutefisk all over my new bunad…..

    Hey, snorting in laughter or snorting in rage, just leave ’em snorting I always say!


    Robb Snow: I doubt it will be that intricate. I think Euron will serve mainly as Dany’s ticket into Westerosi politics.

    That will be Tyrion’s job. I’m not sure that we can expect Euron to be very relevant to Westerosi politics! Moreover, if this stuff is happening this year, and if Daeny’s plotline this year focuses on her returning to Westeros, then it will happen before she gets there.

    Moreover, I think that it has to be more than Sam watching it. That would be just stuff happening that we see. It must serve the story in some way. Again, we don’t know what it is specifically, but each book/season has told some story in which people are betwixt & between in some way. I do not really see what personal dilemmas Euron could cause Sam. Moreover, the simple fact is that Sam isn’t important enough of a character to create complicated situations for this.

    That is why I lean towards Cersei. Let’s assume that we are correct that Euron is attacking the Reach. That’s Tyrell territory, and as you note, this makes it a problem for the Tyrells. However, none of the book protagonists are Tyrells, and it has to be important for one of them or B&W would cut it. That is what points to Cersei: one obvious direction that the story could go (and this works for book and show) is that Cersei will try to use Euron to weaken the Tyrells while feigning to be on their side. Add to this volatile mix that Cersei wants to strike back at the Church and will almost certainly want to strike at the Dornish, and we have the possibility for a multi-way fight in which Cersei basically does herself in completely.

    As for the other major characters at large, I cannot easily envision Daeny, Tyrion, Arya, Sansa, Bran or Jaime (or Jon if we are going to not pretend that he’s not coming back!) being presented with any important quandaries where Euron is concerned. Even the lesser ones like Sam or Davos really wouldn’t have any internal plights where he is concerned: he’s just someone dangerous that they would need to avoid/defeat.

    Robb Snow: As for Ellaria and the Sand Snakes… I hope they just get in a boat and row. I wouldn’t care to ever see them again in the show (or books really).

    Heh, that is largely how I feel about everything to do with Dorne! I mean, OK, it was better on TV than in the book (at least there was one important character there on TV): but the term “damning with faint praise” is a total understatement here!

    However, my guess is that they will turn up somewhere again, and trying to cause as much trouble for the Lannisters as possible. Again, some collusion with someone like Euron would make sense here. (Alternatively, they might just go join Daeny.) In a way, the Dornish + the Iron Born is my worst nightmare: lumping the two nadirs of GRRM’s writing career in anything other than the cutting room floor is not my idea of good storytelling!

  118. I hope he’s not playing Tarly who is a rigid, military type. That would seem a waste of McShane. Of course they could be rethinking the character – book and show High Sparrow are different.

  119. The Dear Hunter:

    Exactly! And the fact that they now seem to be thinking 8 seasons makes Stannis’ death even more of a crime. One of the better characters on the show is dead for reasons that no longer seem to apply.

    Yep. It’s such a bummer. I’ll never get over that. I’m so excited about this bit of casting news though! Ian McShane is awesome.

    Not sure why my previous posts were deleted. I wrote that I’m really excited about Ian McShane. He’d be a badass Northern Lord. He’d be AMAZING as Manderly. I can totally see that.

    I guess I can’t talk about the casting news if I mention Stannis on here. Hopefully this post won’t get deleted too.

    Yay 8 seasons yay Ian McShane!! Finally some actual good news.

  120. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Euron has a different agenda. I think he wants something that’s inside the Citadel, and the whole grand speech he gave at the Kingsmoot is just a ruse to get himself an army so he can take it. So even if Dany repels the assault, I think Euron still might get what it was he really wanted… whatever it is.


    I don’t mean Euron himself, but rather the defeat of him at Oldtown. Dany saving Oldtown from the Ironborn would open the door for her to get the Tyrells and other noble houses of the Reach onboard. Of course Tyrion will probably do some smooth talking to the lords and ladies of the Reach… and then Dany would have the Reach at her back for her final march on King’s Landing.

  121. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Also, when the show began, the budget wasn’t anywhere near what it currently is. Just in terms of travel, it’s far less expensive to cast actors from Europe. They set the template early on, so it makes sense to continue with that template, even though they now have the budget to fly actors in from anywhere.

    I do disagree only the top American actors can pull off British accents. If one has the ear, and especially if one has a good dialect coach/learns how to properly learn dialects, anyone can pull off a British accent and, no, not just RP. You’d have no reason to know this, but American theatre is full of actors who are really superb with various dialects.

  122. Wimsey: At this point, none of the lead characters are with Stannis anymore.So that made it almost necessary to write him out slightly sooner than the books probably will.

    That’s very true. It would’ve been fun to see him interact with Theon, as in the sample chapters of TWOW.

    Theon: We flew!
    Stannis: *snort* You fell.

    I’m so ecstatic about 8 seasons and this casting news though. 🙂

    Are the casting calls still out? If so, could that possibly mean McShane is a character not mentioned in the casting calls? Not sure how it works. I’m hoping Manderly makes an appearance and McShane would definitely do him justice.

  123. I can’t picture him as Euron Greyjoy. I would prefer Mads Mikkelsen, or his brother Lars if he’s too expensive.

  124. Robb Snow: I don’t mean Euron himself, but rather the defeat of him at Oldtown. Dany saving Oldtown from the Ironborn would open the door for her to get the Tyrells and other noble houses of the Reach onboard.

    Ah, I see. Hmmm, that could be. However, that would be somehow hollow for me: Daeny (and Tyrion) really has no personal feud with Euron or the Greyjoys. Indeed, ti makes me realize that under this scenario, Cersei would be the one for Daeny to defeat: at this point, nearly all of Westeros would thank Daeny for that!

    K Noelle: That’s very true. It would’ve been fun to see him interact with Theon, as in the sample chapters of TWOW.

    Heh, yeah, I liked that chapter and those parts, too. However, I also suspect that it would not have worked as well on screen as it does on page.

  125. Hooray for McShane!!! I’m just dying to know who he’s gonna play, though. Really excited for season 6.

  126. Wimsey: Cersei wants to strike back at the Church and will almost certainly want to strike at the Dornish

    Didn’t S5 strongly hint that Cersei’s instrument of wrath will be Ser Robert Strong, and not some heretofore unseen character like Euron?

  127. Ser Oromis Locke:
    Excuse me, but I think you’re response is fairly childish in and by itself. In the books, Stannis is a completely different character. In the books, Stannis has Asha and Theon, has caught onto a conspiracy in his midst (probably the first ever to foil one in the story other than Littlefinger/Varys-counterplaying each other) and has several cards in play that would make him the one that beats at least one of the Boltons. Saying random stuff that he did having nothing left for the plot is ignorant of the source material. Yes, we don’t exactly know what’s going to happen at the Battle of Ice, but there’s PLENTY of material that would indicate that Stannis was still important for the plot, but D&D chose not to in order to converge storylines easier.

    Totally agree with you.

  128. Ravyn: Didn’t S5 strongly hint that Cersei’s instrument of wrath will be Ser Robert Strong, and not some heretofore unseen character like Euron?

    He certainly will be an instrument of wrath. However, that does not preclude her trying to use other weapons: she cannot just have some Giant lumbering around shouting “STRONG SMASH!” as he kills all of the religious, Tyrells supporters and Dornish! Ultimately, we need to see Cersei trying to play games again like she did last year, although obviously contributing to a different story. (They are not going to tell “Kill the Child, Let the Adult be Born” again.) Again, I working on the bet that the story is going to be about sides: choosing between sides, trying to play sides off against each other, etc. That’s why I would not be at all surprised to see Cersei try to play Euron off against the Tyrells and maybe even the Dornish, and (once again) get badly burned trying to do so.

    Ser Oromis Locke: Saying random stuff that he did having nothing left for the plot is ignorant of the source material.

    Stannis might have had plot material left, but he didn’t have story material left. There is an important difference! My bet is that even in the books, once Theon & Asha leave him, we won’t see Stannis anymore.

  129. Luka Nieto:
    “Swidgin! Cocksucka!”

    Great news, especially if he’s playing Tarly.

    Omg!! I AM ROLLING!!! Deadwood..I forgot about the cocksucker verbiage!!

  130. One will hope that now that Ian McShane is back at HBO, talks may resume for Deadwood season 4…..????

  131. It’s obvious, with that luxurious head of curls like an older JS, he can only be Azor Ahai.
    When JS burns on the pyre, and Mel uses her magic, Ian walks out as AA, pulled from the Shadowlands to save the world, just like in the prophecy.

  132. OMG!!!!! This is fantastic news!!! He’s great!! My first thought was Meribald/Elder Brother because the last thing I saw him in was “Pillars of the Earth,” but I can also see him as Marwyn. Have to disagree with our Wimsey; the maesters conspiracy may not be important, but Marwyn’s knowledge of the world and the magical elements in it will be important in combating the WWs via Sam. I can’t really see him as Euron, and I pictured Tarley as an aging but powerful knight type, which doesn’t fit McShane either. Someone suggested a changed Manderly role: THAT I’d like to see. Frey pie!

  133. Wimsey:

    Heh, yeah, I liked that chapter and those parts, too.However, I also suspect that it would not have worked as well on screen as it does on page.

    Good point! There’s so many things from the books I’ve wanted to see on-screen that probably wouldn’t have worked on the show, due to POV chapters.

    Something I would love to see on the show is the scene with Septon Meribald, Brienne and the Gravedigger(with the Hound as the gravedigger) but how would that scene work if Brienne already knows what the Hound looks like, his height, etc? She only caught a glimpse in the book, so I imagine she might just overlook him, but I’m having trouble conceptualizing the Hound as the gravedigger on screen. The gravedigger thing won’t be as shrouded in mystery as it is in the books.
    I hope they find a way.

    On that note, I’m wondering if Ian McShane could potentially be playing Septon Meribald?

  134. Wimsey,

    Yeah, man. People are so narrow minded, if X doesn’t look like the other Xs they’ve seen before they go mad and call it a Y. Geez, kids aren’t always exactly as their parents, GOT sure has played that card before: just look at Prince Oberyn and the Sand Snakes (Don’t throw rocks at me, please!) 😀

    BTW how I dislike the “word” “conquistadors” just like “desperado” or “tamale” sounds so wrong and idiotic, just as if someone who speaks Spanish would ever write “pilgrimos” or “cowboyos”. Don’t know, I think it makes us English speakers look slower than the rest of the world in that regard.

    Reading other comments, I also like the idea that McShane could play the role of Howland Reed. If he ever appears in the story I don’t see him being a major and constant player other than revealing certain information possibly important to the plot.

  135. Break out the peaches!

    What great news! In my head he’s always been the Damphair – and with his voice and gravitas and that crazy stern look he could convert anyone to Cthulhu worship!

    Euron needs a few scenes to set him up as a bad-ass, so perhaps Aemon is no longer the younger brother but an older one who took religion and disqualified himself from rule. He could have some memorable face-off with Euron and a good scene with Yara before being brutally splashed so we hate Euron proper.

  136. Robb Snow:

    Euron has a different agenda. I think he wants something that’s inside the Citadel, and the whole grand speech he gave at the Kingsmoot is just a ruse to get himself an army so he can take it….

    EXACTLY! I think it is the candles and the book whose pages Marwyn has travelled the world gathering.

  137. Has anybody seen this interview?


    The man is sporting a salty beard.. The guy looks like Liam Cunningham aged up 15 years and then grew his hair out. Future Davos in a weirnet vision? Timeskip??

    That being said, I’m taken by the Meribald-craze. Tarly might not be the biggest role, but I fully assume we’ll see Randyll in perhaps even three storylines: Sam, KL, and whatever the story with Meribald turns out to be.

    As we first see Tarly in Maidenpool and than he directs his forces to KL and becomes part of the Small Council. I can’t think of any reason why Cersei won’t send him away when he asks to deal with the Ironborn in the Reach, which will lead to him meeting Sam at Oldtown. So, I reckon that the description doesn’t fit Tarly, as I see that as a 4, 5-episode role minimum. Which isn’t “not a lot of screentime”. Heck, he would almost be Stannis spiritual successor, Randyll the Mandyll.. as some have turned cloak -.-

  138. Wimsey:
    I doubt that the “maester conspiracy” is going to be much of an issue in the books, either.It does not involve any of the main characters and thus cannot present any of them with a set of “damned if I do, damned if I don’t” dilemmas that drive GRRM’s stories.At this point it would just be gratuitous plot for the sake of plot.Now, GRRM (like most writers) will have that sort of lapse: but B&W have been very sharp about cutting stuff that does not feed the story.

    The last two books have a bunch of setup for the maester-related plot. It’s more or less stated that the maesters (or a faction of them) were responsible for killing off the remaining Targaryen dragons; the clear implication is they may seek to do so again; there are multiple parties, most notably the Faceless Men, seeking to infiltrate the Citadel for some purpose; and, most importantly of all, GRRM moved Sam to Oldtown to send him into the Citadel. All signs point to the maester storyline being important, particularly since it appears D&D have opted to retain Sam’s Oldtown adventure.

  139. Ser Oromis Locke:
    That being said, I’m taken by the Meribald-craze. Tarly might not be the biggest role, but I fully assume we’ll see Randyll in perhaps even three storylines: Sam, KL, and whatever the story with Meribald turns out to be.

    As we first see Tarly in Maidenpool and than he directs his forces to KL and becomes part of the Small Council. I can’t think of any reason why Cersei won’t send him away when he asks to deal with the Ironborn in the Reach, which will lead to him meeting Sam at Oldtown. So, I reckon that the description doesn’t fit Tarly, as I see that as a 4, 5-episode role minimum. Which isn’t “not a lot of screentime”. Heck, he would almost be Stannis spiritual successor, Randyll the Mandyll.. as some have turned cloak -.-

    That’s too much moving around for a minor character. We’ll see Tarly at Horn Hill, with the rest of the Tarly family, when Sam and Gilly go there toward the start of next season.

  140. How can no one have said it yet?

    Ian McShane cast in Game of Thrones! Cleganebowl CONFIRMED! #GetHype

    And…now something speculative. Taking off on the Jon Snow idea, why not a flashforward from Bran with Ian McShane as an older, dying Jon Snow? Sitting on the Iron Throne which is covered in snow or on fire or something?

  141. Bronn’s Bro.: just as if someone who speaks Spanish would ever write “pilgrimos” or “cowboyos”.

    Well, they pretty much do on American TV! (Then a white person speaks loudly at them in broken English using a 4 year old’s vocabulary and the problem is solved!)

    But, yeah, there is a lot of variation among most of the European people’s. What I think that so few people realize (or remember) is just how many dark-haired people live in the north, and how many blondish people live in the south. And the silly pantomimes of old movies are generally, well, silly pantomimes.

    Sean C.: All signs point to the maester storyline being important, particularly since it appears D&D have opted to retain Sam’s Oldtown adventure.

    I just do not see how this could fit into any of the character’s storylines, including Sam’s. Now, if Sam had been a Maester from the start, and this created some situation where he had to choose between loyalty to the Maesters or loyalty to (say) Jon, then it might be something that could contribute to a story. However, it’s too late for that: Sam is much too loyal to Jon and it would be impossible to make him seem “Team Maester” in such short time.

    Now, GRRM might do this anyway: but as B&W cut all the stuff that doesn’t contribute to story, I cannot see this making it to the screen. It would just be gratuitous plot-for-the-sake-of-plot.

  142. Robb Snow,

    Not sure what his game is to be honest. I think he and Littlefinger are the only two characters who haven’t revelaed their true intentions yet.

    Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    I’ll take your word for it but I’ve yet to hear a convincing one. I mean some have been fun but are a little too over-the-top to be fully convincing. Harry Shearer in Spinal Tap was very good though! If we look at it vice versa Hugh Laurie, Andrew Lincoln , Charlie Hunnam , Damien Lewis (rumoured to be the next James Bond) and many more all do very convincing American accents from what I’ve been told my my friends and family in the states.

  143. Ser Oromis Locke,

    Show me what material he has left,oh wait you don’t have it because we don’t have anymore books to take from ,therefore you are only speculating. Sorryn kiddo,doesn’t change the fact Stannis is,was and forever will be a B+ character .

  144. TheTouchOfFrost,

    There’s definitely some crazy shit going on with Euron. He’s clearly in league with the Warlocks to some extent. He’s been using them as a source of information about Dany, her dragons, magic, and probably many other things we don’t know about yet. I sometimes wonder if Euron is really even Euron, and not actually a Warlock in disguise. There are some signs pointing to that possibility.

    Regardless, I feel like he’s gonna be an endgame player. Whatever’s going on with him, the Warlocks, and the Citadel, it’s big.

  145. Man, they’re casting anybody these days huh…..I kid I kid, dis dat dude rite dur….had to comment 2x I’m so ecstatic

  146. I haven’t read through all the comments to see if anyone’s said this yet, but could McShane be playing the Mad King in a flashback?

  147. Wimsey: I just do not see how this could fit into any of the character’s storylines, including Sam’s.Now, if Sam had been a Maester from the start, and this created some situation where he had to choose between loyalty to the Maesters or loyalty to (say) Jon, then it might be something that could contribute to a story.However, it’s too late for that: Sam is much too loyal to Jon and it would be impossible to make him seem “Team Maester” in such short time.

    Now, GRRM might do this anyway: but as B&W cut all the stuff that doesn’t contribute to story, I cannot see this making it to the screen.It would just be gratuitous plot-for-the-sake-of-plot.

    Marwyn says (to Sam): “Who do you think caused the dragons to die the first time?”
    Wimsey says: “I do not see how this fits in any of the character’s storylines”

    Here’s the big hint: “Dragons”. I know you think Sam is a petty character, and for a long time in the books, you were right, but after leaving the Wall, he isn’t just a second POV at the Wall, showcasing the events when Jon’s not there, and he’s also not a character like Arya, who’s basically showcasing stuff like reviving through Red God, FM, before they become important (currently at least), Sam is a character that has his own story now. You may think of him as small, but he’s just as much a main character as Brienne or Tyrion for that matter. In fact, Tyrion and Sam’s Dance-storylines seem to have a parallel: they’re going to where they can make themselves helpful before the endgame starts. You’re on record for saying that Dorne and the Iron Islands are the worst pieces of writing GRRM has done, so I’m fully aware that you will disagree, but Euron is a character as well. He’s not POV, and I see where you’re coming from thinking of him as a last minute addition, but book 4 out of 7 is not last minute at all. It’s smack dab in the middle and he brings as a character, major magical elements with him, which we knew would play a part when the balls got rolling. GrrM even said so, paraphrasing: “Magic is coming more and more to the forefront”. Couple that with Marwyn (referenced in Book 1). And all signs point towards Oldtown+Euron=MaegicCon, with Sam, Maesters and Euron being very important there and whatever comes out will
    – A. Get the KL-plot moving because of Tyrell-chaos, Tarly perhaps making a powerplay. Especially obvious in the books considering the Small Council is very Pro-Targ even if Cersei doesn’t see it.
    – B. Eventually hinder Dany’s return when she gets to Westeros, because the Maesters are out to KO the dragons, the Kraken isn’t to be trusted and Sam is our POV for it all.

  148. Number Johnny Five:
    Ladies and gentlemen,your Elder Brother Meribald.



    I know people are high on Purefoy or Mikkelsen for Euron and both are dynamic choices but I am still holding onto hope that Rufus Sewell will be cast. He is the perfect Euron. He could easily pass for Patrick Malahides’ brother and has the sinister appeal I crave in whomever is cast in the role.

  149. TheTouchOfFrost:

    But yeah as Tyrion said “Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head!”

    I prefer Marwyn’s quote from Gorghan of Old Ghis on prophecy:

    Gorghan of Old Ghis once wrote that a prophecy is like a treacherous woman. She takes your member in her mouth, and you moan with the pleasure of it and think, how sweet, how fine, how good this is… and then her teeth snap shut and your moans turn to screams. That is the nature of prophecy, said Gorghan. Prophecy will bite your prick off every time.[2] ”
    – Marwyn, to Samwell Tarly, Alleras, and the “Pate” imposter

    And it seems to fit especially well in this context given the lines from McShane from Deadwood and the fact that Marwyn is a possibility as who he will play. 🙂

  150. Robb Snow,

    Not sure if he’s actually a warlock himself but reckon he has studied blood magic ( apparently that’s why The Silence can move so quick). The fact he’s sailed all over the world makes him an intriguing character as he could have learnt all sorts and interacted with any number of characters. Hope they include some of his better quotes too! I’m not sure how he’s going to factor in but hopefully in a meaningful way as I think the Greyjoys have been a bit neglected as a House…more so in the shows than the books.

  151. McShane may not be playing a character that was in the casting sides. He’s a big enough name that more than likely his character wasn’t included in them. He’s recognizable to casual TV and film watchers from Deadwood, Golden Compass, and Pirates of the Caribbean.

    Given that Nina Gold has cast non-UK based actors, including Dinklage and all the Sand Snakes, and that she looks at actors from other HBO series, Timothy Olyphant could make an interesting Euron. He’s the right age and has the look, plus can do different US regional accents. Some US regional accents are as tough to get right as British accents, especially the Kentucky one used on Justified.

  152. Wimsey,

    And yet, Oldtown has been kept in the show. All signs point to Sam’s Oldtown story as being very much about the maesters, and there’s no reason to think D&D have included it for any reason other than the reason it exists in the books (it’s certainly not just to meet Sam’s family).

  153. The reason why silence moves so fast is bc euron has kings blood and has like a dozen wives. He continuously sacrifices all his children

  154. Sean C.,

    I agree. They cut so many things, but they kept Euron and Oldtown. It means something, it will serve some purpose.

    It is obvious now that Euron is more important than LSH or YG.

    At the end of the day, all fractions from the books are here except YG.

    They simplified things, of course (Doran has only one child, Mace only two, there are only two Northem lords, the Vale will move to the Northe by Sansa’s marriage to Ramsay, not Harry, Dany has only Second Sons,…) but overall, fractions in this story are all here.

  155. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Sure, there are lots of British actors who do good American accents. I would never try to deny that. That said, however, there are as many or more variations of American accents as there are British ones. Most of what you hear (unless it is set in a specific region) is what’s called a mid-atlantic accent, which is also what American actors (at least those who go to conservatory) are taught to use. It’s said southern American accents are the easiest for British actors, and American actors from the South have the easiest time with the variety of British dialects. This makes sense, as the southern American accent (and there are lots of variations even within that, but just speaking in general terms) has the most music in it.

  156. K Noelle,

    Nothing was deleted. You posted several times so it probably got caught in the spam filter and had to be manually approved by mods earlier. Looks like it’s all set now.

  157. Sean C.:

    And yet, Oldtown has been kept in the show.All signs point to Sam’s Oldtown story as being very much about the maesters, and there’s no reason to think D&D have included it for any reason other than the reason it exists in the books (it’s certainly not just to meet Sam’s family).

    I was always kind of partial to the “maesters v. magic” theories. But I have no idea if it is vital enough to make the book (or actually if it is an accurate theory at all). I think maybe in the back of my mind I’m remember the end of LOTR where the “age of man” replaced things and elves, dwarves, hobbits, etc. faded away.

  158. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Well some Americans have done reasonable English accents; back in the day the late Christopher Jones in “Ryan’s Daughter” – even further back Bette Davies in “The Corn it is Green” and more recently Gillian Anderson in “The Fall”, “Great Expectations” and “Bleak House” and I can’t think of her name offhand as I hate “Mad Men” with a passion and don’t watch it but the redhaired lady when she was in a film called “Ginger and Rosa.

    Though I haven’t the foggiest who Ian McShane might be playing.

  159. LPR,

    Doesn’t sound believable at all, actually.

    But of course there will be more casting news forthcoming in general, since almost no announcements have been made so far.

  160. He absolutely looks like he could be younger than Balon, so I don’t see a problem eith him as Euron. I do think he could be a great Randyll, as well.

  161. LPR,

    If by chance it is true, the photo posted a few posts below that certainly fits in with two other existing characters that bear similar features.

  162. Sue the Fury,

    Probably not believable, I agree with you. But devil’s advocate, if someone, somewhere on one of these sites yesterday or the day before for example said they were hearing Ian McShane was cast for season 6 of Game of Thrones I doubt many (myself included) would have believed it. For every 9 dopes there’s a 10th who actually knows something. So, who knows. We’ll see in the coming weeks I guess.

  163. My four guesses;
    1 Marwyn ‘The Mage’
    2 Euron Greyjoy
    3 Victarion Greyjoy
    4 The Pie That Was Promised

  164. Hahahhaha!

    I love his character in HBO’s Deadwood!

    It is so funny because every episode of Deadwood that came on me and my GF would wonder how many minutes into the episode it would be until he said the famous “c*cksucker” swear word. Usually less then 10mins into it!

    My lord he swore a lot! And the vast majority of it was that word… He used it to describe everyone and everything.

    He is a great actor though and when I saw him in this seasons Ray Donovan I got really excited… Now he is in GoT… Awesome!

  165. Dame of Mercia,

    Gillian Anderson lived in the UK until she was 11, she never lost the accent but can switch between the two.

    As for British singers, more sing with a U.S. accent (a la ‘Adele’) than a native one (a la ‘Lily Allen’). It depends on the type of song, but big ballads always seem to need a U.S. accent. Unless you’re Vera Lynn doing ‘We’ll Meet Again’.

    I’m intrigued by Nicolaj Coster Waldau’s accent; he seems very American and I just assume he’s putting it on since appearing in Black Hawk Down etc. He can do the more working class British as evidenced when he was faking it with Brienne.

  166. Wimsey: At this point, none of the lead characters are with Stannis anymore.So that made it almost necessary to write him out slightly sooner than the books probably will.

    That reasoning seems rather circular. Of course they are not with him – he’s dead! Otherwise, some combination of Sansa, Theon, and Brienne could/would/should be.

  167. SJH,

    Wow! She would be a great


    ! Can’t wait to see some pics from filming. Ugh, these off seasons are looooong!

  168. LPR,

    I’m skeptical the person has any insider knowledge, but even if they do have a connection I am more skeptical it would be for “that” role implied.
    Unless I’m assuming the wrong role.

    Considering there are two roles in the casting calls McGrath fits even better.. Foremost being the magnetic “Priestess” role, but also the “Lead Actress” role. Even though she is a younger than the description I can easily see her as the actress.

    Hopefully the McShane release is the first of a series and the unfounded rumors will take a back seat to official releases or legitimate leaks!

    LPR: For every 9 dopes there’s a 10th who actually knows something. So, who knows. We’ll see in the coming weeks I guess.

    So true.

  169. Ashara D:

    Wow! She would be a great

    ! Can’t wait to see some pics from filming. Ugh, these off seasons are looooong!

    Well it looks as vague and insecure as a rumour can get and I don’t want to be adding fuel to any uncertainties, but quietly hoping for something along these lines, and soon!

  170. Howland Reed? Umm, no. The crannogmen are small of stature and in Howland’s case possibly magical. Though it does seem like we will see Tower of Joy this year which is beyond awesome.

  171. He would be a great Randyll but I’m worried they cast him as Euron, who should be younger and better looking. They may be desperate to get someone with a name for Euron similar to what they did with Mance and miscast the role just so they can cast a somewhat prominent actor who isn’t even right for the role. I liked Ciaran Hinds in his finale scene as Mance but besides that scene he was a miscast.

  172. Darquemode,

    Isn’t she a bit old for Lyanna? I know the characters have been aged up but still, it seems unlikely she’d have reached that age and still be single. I wonder if they’ll cast the citadel characters (Alleras?)

  173. Ashara Dayne,

    If they follow the books both are too old for sure. Wasn’t Lyanna like 18 when she died in the books? That said, have they ever mentioned how old Lyanna was when she died or when she was “abducted” by Rhaegar? I don’t recall hearing her age in the TV series, but I could be forgetting something…

    Plus, if we do get to see Lyanna I doubt we will her in many scenes or for very long. I would think they could age her up to early or mid-20s easily enough. Alicia is in that range, but Katie would still be a few years older. There is just something about the roles I’ve seen McGrath in that reminds me of how I envisioned Lyanna.

    Although I realize that is worth about exactly zero to Nina Gold or D&D! XD

    I am hoping for at least Alleras at the Citadel. I’ve always suspected she has a role to play in the upcoming books. Whether or not it’s important enough to make the series is another issue though I will admit!

  174. They would most likely age up. Especially in the case of a prequel on the rebellion where Rhaegar/Lyanna would most likely be the centre.

  175. Sean C.: And yet, Oldtown has been kept in the show. All signs point to Sam’s Oldtown story as being very much about the maesters

    Or it could be about Sam dealing with his father, who is in that vicinity. The Citadel might simply be the pretext for putting Sam there.

    Ashara Dayne: As for British singers, more sing with a U.S. accent (a la ‘Adele’) than a native one (a la ‘Lily Allen’). It depends on the type of song, but big ballads always seem to need a U.S. accent

    It’s not so much that people sing in any one accent as that most singing tends to blur accents: the accenting is determined by the music.

    Ashara Dayne: I’m intrigued by Nicolaj Coster Waldau’s accent;

    Danish, I think.

  176. He’s obviously not going to play Euron Greyjoy… that role is already filled.

    SPOILER! 😉

  177. Chad Brick: That reasoning seems rather circular. Of course they are not with him – he’s dead! Otherwise, some combination of Sansa, Theon, and Brienne could/would/should be.

    That isn’t what circular reasoning is: that is basically when you justify a conclusion by assuming the conclusion. In this case, they obviously intend to cut down on extraneous plot and push ahead on the story concerning the main characters. Whatever they intend to do with Sansa (and Theon) in Winter, they will be pushing ahead with it without whatever delay Stannis would provide.

  178. LordDavos:
    I would love to see Alicia Vikander as Lyanna if they ever do a prequel


    I love her, but Alicia Vikander is this year’s breakout actress with a possible Oscar nomination for an upcoming movie (the one with Eddie Redmayne). She’s pretty much on the short list for every franchise movie, and had to drop out of a Tom Hanks movie because of scheduling. She’s not doing TV.

  179. Ravyn:

    Yeah, she is a great actress and all but I don’t see her being the kind of beauty that would cause Rhaegar to kidnap her and Robert to start a Rebellion.

  180. Ravyn

    True. Wishful thinking I guess. Maybe by the time the prequel would be ready to cast there might be more chance.

    Edit: The thing that gets me about the TV vs movies conflict is that there tends to be better roles for women on tv. Cersei has been a fantastic role for Lena Headey for instance.

  181. LordDavos,

    For better or worse, features are still considered the gold standard for a young actor. That’s why the fandom is curious to see what Kit, Sophie, Maisie, and Emilia do with this opportunity.

  182. Robb Snow,

    Dammnnn, I like the way you think, especially now that Mads show was cancelled, he should be free for some GoT action. In your dreams who should he be cast as? I was so missing Charles Dance this season, he was so brilliant as Tywin, anybody else feel that way? And yes Graham Mac playing anything, please…..

  183. Ravyn:
    Bronn’s Bro.,

    I think she’d be great in most anything. She definitely has the IT factor, and the acting chops, as Ex Machina proved.

    Great actress and all but you can’t play attractiveness. Plus Lyanna never struck me as very smart or complex to begin with so you don’t really need the female equivalent of Daniel Day-Lewis for the role.

  184. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Did anyone else suggest Hightower? Most people have gone for the wishful roles. I’ve gone for a role that would be right up Ian’s street. The only other character I’m seeing is for someone on Quiet Isle. As we’ve had no ‘whispers’ of Rory’s return going round…..

    BTW – Age and stature don’t enter the frame with GOT casting. Look at how they’ve aged up some characters. Look again, and they’ve aged-down others.

  185. Glorious news!!!!

    I can’t see Ian playing Randyll, much as I love the guy he’s not physically imposing enough for that role. He won’t tower over Sam.

    He’s definitely too old for Euron.

    Methinks he’ll be playing Archmaester Marwing judging by that description.

  186. The thing I wonder about McShane’s role is the little screen time but key importance. The High sparrow had several episodes, surely Euron and Tarly would get a few. They would be the same kind of level charactets. I like the idea of Marwyn but is his role that important (as yet)? I wonder if it is Howland Reed because that would be important.

  187. While thinking of Randyll Tarly…… There’s been nothing offered regarding ‘Mother’, if ‘Father’ = Randyll. I have someone in mind I’d love to see in the role of Sam’s mother.
    Sarah Lancashire would be my pick. Who? She’s well-known on British TV, from soaps (Coronation Street) to Doctor Who. Sarah’s the right age to be Sam’s mother too.

    Going onto other uncompleted casting….. I can think of a few other Sheffield-based actors who could fit certain roles. Not-so-interestingly enough, they used to live within a short distance of where I used to, before I moved that is.
    Tony Pitts actually resembles Clive Mantle – He looks an imposing bloke when you’re stood next to him in a pub.
    Thomas Craig – Another ‘journeyman’ on British TV. He’s also been Sarah Lancashire’s husband before.
    Ray Ashcroft – Probably in the wrong age-range for Randyll, but he’s done tough-guy roles. In ‘The Bill’, he was a detective inspector. Not bad for a former Punk-Rock vocalist! (The Push played The Limit Club on the same series of gigs as did Def Leppard and Human League. Before fame came along!) I think he may be good as an Iron Islander, but not Euron.

  188. Oh for goodness sake, isn’t anybody tying the events together? First we get the welcome OFFICIAL news, seemingly out of the blue, that the series is going to run longer than 7 seasons. Shortly thereafter, news of this most excellent actor being cast, in a part yet unnamed. Everyone is positive he’s playing this part or that part, yet none of the parts quite fit, not really. No one thinks that the two events are for the same reason?

    I’m down with the theory someone brought forth earlier: some excellent, amazing twist to the story was revealed to the powers that be, a twist so wonderful. with characters as yet unknown, that after the showrunners stopped orgasming, they fell over themselves to let us know about the extra seasons and McShane all at once. Except they left out exactly WHICH part he will be playing. That’s either to tease our pathetic, panting asses a little longer, or take some of the heat off the Jon/Kit question. Or both.

    I like thinking that George came through with a little surprise. Even if he hasn’t, and this theory is just more balony that we are dreaming up to amuse ourselves, both official announcements are happy ones.

    Only 9 more months to go. The damned smoke baby didn’t take this long.

  189. Great news! I am currently enjoying Ian McShane over on “Ray Donovan” and could not be happier to have him on “Game Of Thrones” no matter how “small” his screen time is!

    I am in awe of this man. His work on “Deadwood” still towers high in as far as acting goes and anything I have ever seen on HBO. The chemistry he and Timothy Oliphant had on that show is nothing short of miraculous as in what those two guys put on screen week-in and week-out!

    And I have to take a bow in front of Mr. McShane and Al Swerengen respectively, for they elevated swearing to an art form…no one since has quite mastered the ability of saying “cocksucker” quite like he did!!!

    For that and more, much more, welcome Ian McShane to “Game Of Thrones”, long overdue and glad to have you on-board!

  190. Wimsey: That isn’t what circular reasoning is: that is basically when you justify a conclusion by assuming the conclusion.In this case, they obviously intend to cut down on extraneous plot and push ahead on the story concerning the main characters.Whatever they intend to do with Sansa (and Theon) in Winter, they will be pushing ahead with it without whatever delay Stannis would provide.

    Which is precisely what you did – Stannis should be pushed out of the way because he is no longer interacting with “main characters”, even though book Stannis is currently with two POV characters and the literary equivalent of one of the top five characters in your accounting. Well of course he is not interacting with them, as D&D killed him! If they handn’t, Stannis logically would be interacting with them.

    I’d dispute your assertion that Stannis is not a main character anyway. He’s top-15 in an 8000 page book by any accounting. I fundamentally disagree with you that this “story” is only about Jon, Dany, Tyrion, Arya and Sansa, and everything else is details (which you label “plot”, though you clearly aren’t making the Literature 101 distinction that is normally made – the Queen died vs the Queen died of grief). To me, the fate of abstract entities such as the Iron Throne or the Citadel are more important than if any individual character lives or dies. This “story” isn’t as confined as you keep insisting it is, and then get angry about when it strays outside of the artificial bounds you have set. You are going to hate TWOW for the same reason you hated AFFC/ADWD – it isn’t going to be about the five characters who you think GRRMs world revolves around. Part of the tropes he is slaying is precisely that – the idea that a handful of characters are at the center of everything important, repeatedly. Personally, I loved the Quentyn chapters, for example, because I perceived them as GRRM hanging a big old gun on the wall….and then throwing it away. Most writers would not dare to do that, and it is something I like about GRRMs writing.

  191. Dolorous Methuselah,

    I think Tyrion plus most characters leads to some great conversations, It’s sad that we most likely won’t get to see him chat with the High Sparrow and that we never got a Ned/Tyrion conversation.

    Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    Sure there are a lot of accents but I don’t think , if we take the size of country into account, there’s quite the variation as there is in the UK. Unless the differences in accent are more pronounced here? This lass has a reasonable stab at most of them but misses out a lot of accents like Manchester, Stoke, Nottingham and Derbyshire where I’m from!

    Dame of Mercia,

    Gillian Anderson does do a pretty decent accent actually. She did spend most of her childhood over here though and has moved back to live here recently to concentrate on theatre work.


    When they age up or down it’s done with good reason (except Missandei which I think has ruined the character). Hightower died in his prime fighting outside the ToJ so casting a 72 year old for a minor part as that…it just makes no sense at all to age them up and actually makes the character less believable. I mean you’re entitled to your opinion but not sure how you arrived at him being a good Hightower as he has nowhere near the right build and other than that we don’t really know much about his character at all other than that he seemed honourable and displayed some signs of kindness and gave advice to Jaime.

  192. FYI: Rhaegar was 24 and Lyanna had just turned 16 (or 17) when she died (just like poor Robb), so I always roll my eyes when I see Lyanna fanart/fancasts where she looks like mid-thirties. The show has never cared for book ages though.

    I loved the Quentyn chapters, for example,[…]

    I would not say I loved them but I really don’t get the excessive fandom hate for poor Quentyn and his doomed quest either.

    Since D&D are into mixing and matching and don’t care about (F)Aegon, I wondered if the Tyrell-Danny connection Tyrion foreshadowed last season will lead to Loras getting “Quentyned”. Instead of boiling oil he gets a new visage via Dragon.

  193. Wimsey: Or it could be about Sam dealing with his father, who is in that vicinity.The Citadel might simply be the pretext for putting Sam there.

    Tarly in the books is nowhere near Oldtown, and doesn’t appear likely to be any time soon. There has been a ton of setup for something big going on at the Citadel, which would not be necessary if it was a mere pretext.

  194. Chad Brick: You are going to hate TWOW for the same reason you hated AFFC/ADWD – it isn’t going to be about the five characters who you think GRRMs world revolves around. Part of the tropes he is slaying is precisely that – the idea that a handful of characters are at the center of everything important, repeatedly. Personally, I loved the Quentyn chapters, for example, because I perceived them as GRRM hanging a big old gun on the wall….and then throwing it away. Most writers would not dare to do that, and it is something I like about GRRMs writing.

    Perfectly said.

    People read the last two books and were like “WTF! WHY??? THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT!” Because those people latched onto their version of the story. And GRRM isn’t writing their version… thankfully. That would just end up as a more extreme LOTR with good guys fighting bad guys.


    GRRM has said from day one HE HAS NO INTEREST IN WRITING THAT.

  195. Darquemode,

    I could live with Katie McGrath in the role suggested though I’d heard she was filming a series in Canada currently so it could be trolling. She’s a young looking 30 something though a teenager or early twenty something would be more appropriate agewise. I’d thought she or Norah Jane Noone who looks a bit like her might suit Mya Stone if they had cast the character. I haven’t seen show or film with Alicia V but I saw her being interviewed and she does a good English accent and Jan of Flicks and the City says good things about her. Sometimes a slight foreign accent can be charming and not detract [eg B H Sorensen – Karsi].

  196. Abyss,

    WotW has a 100% success rate with casting and parts. Which is should be good enough for any logical reasoning.
    For myself I know because it’s the business I’m in.

  197. SmallJon,

    Sorry, but I don’t get that. What has “WotW […] 100% success rate with casting and parts” (I guess you mean reporting them; just as a side note: that would not be a 100% true IIRC), to do with the question whether

    the role of Marwyn

    is in this season or not? The lists of roles that where posted here, weren’t all of the castings of season 6. – And please don’t get me wrong, but unless your business is knowing every role that will be cast in season 6 of the TV series Game of Thrones or you are involved with the show in a way that gives you access to that information, you have no way of knowing which role is being cast and which is not.

    The fact of the matter is, we don’t know for sure if the role in question is being cast and no amount of logical reasoning can change that, we simple have not enough information, if you do then (in all honesty) please share it with us. 🙂

  198. Chad Brick,

    Well said!

    As far as Mr. McShane, regardless of whether he is playing Tarly, Marwyn or some yet-to-be-named mystery character, I am thrilled that he is in this show. A great actor and a fan favorite. Perfect news for a hot summer day.

  199. Is this how it’s going to be? Casting news trickling down, this actor or that, role unknown? If so, it’s going to be a very long wait until we even have the slightest idea about anything concerning season 6. Meh.

  200. If Lyanna was ever cast, it would need to be someone who believably resembles Maisie in some way. I’d go with Lily Collins – her age is also a bit closer.

  201. “he has a relatively small amount of screen-time during the season, yet his character is of key importance.”

    Marwyn The Mage

    do the math people, c’mon

  202. LPR,

    If that casting is true, then I’m on board.


    is supposed to be pretty damn gorgeous after all and that actress is just stunning.

  203. zambi76:
    FYI: Rhaegar was 24 and Lyanna had just turned 16 (or 17) when she died (just like poor Robb), so I always roll my eyes when I see Lyanna fanart/fancasts where she looks like mid-thirties. The show has never cared for book ages though.

    As far as casting Lyanna goes, I think they’re going to have to cast her noticeably older than the book version if — as most people both assume and seem to want — her big moment is going to be a scene with Sean Bean, aged 56+. Even with a really good makeup job and/or digital effects (a la the amazing work they did on Michael Douglas in the opening scene of Ant-Man), there’s kind of a limit to how young they’re going to be able to make Bean look (even shaving 20 years off his appearance would still be mid-30s), and casting an actress who’s younger than the actresses who play Ned’s daughters on the show would probably come across as looking off to a lot of people.

  204. Sean C.,

    Casting Sean Bean as a young Ned would be trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. Yes, he’s great and did an awesome job as Ned but casting him as a young Ned is defying common sense to please some sections of the fanbase.

  205. TheTouchOfFrost,

    I agree, as much as I like Bean in the role, but I suspect that is what they’re going to do (certainly, Bean wants to). There hasn’t been any casting for a young Ned (though there’s also been no casting info for Lyanna or any other character who might plausibly appear in a flashback with Arthur Dayne).

  206. Talking about a young Ned Stark actor has got me going off topic a bit but…. if we were fantasy casting for A Robert’s Rebellion sequel!

    Rhaegar – Mitch Hewer
    Lyanna – Lily Collins
    Robert – Joe Dempsie ( grow in a beard and it makes sense!)
    Ned – Jack O’Connell
    The Mad King – Julian Sands
    Jaime – Jeremy Irvine

    …ok I’ll stop.

  207. mau,

    I always thought Euron would end up being the closest thing to a human central antagonist the series would have. The pieces have been set up to make him Dany’s arch-rival, for instance

    his claim on her dragons, his hope of raping her and forcing her into marriage, his desire to reintroduce Essos-style slavery to Westeros (if she gets word of this, it could incentivize her to hurry up and get to Westeros), combined with the fact that he combines the cruelty of characters like Joffrey and Ramsay (ultimately bit players in the game) with the cunning of characters like Littlefinger and an interest in, and apparently ability to wield, dark magic on a scale much bigger than Melisandre (GRRM has hinted actual krakens will be part of the endgame in the final two books).

    It doesn’t surprise me at all that he and Oldtown

    his destination, the current location of Sam and Jaqen, and probably the location of some game-changing weapon of some kind

    are considered more important than LSH, Griff/Young Griff, etc.

  208. Sean C.,

    I’m hoping that the Arthur Dayne figure doesn’t have anything to do with the ToJ to be honest. Perhaps appearing in Jaime’s story to show his admiration of him and why the breaking of his oath was such a big deal.
    Don’t see the point in anything from the ToJ except the Lyanna/ Ned chat. The rest has no context in the TV series and would be best done properly if they were ever to do a prequel.

  209. GeekFurious,

    Yeah but the thing is these new,and not cliche characters you say he is writing are well boring and uninteresting compared to the characters we care about,that kinda defeats the purpose,there is not one new character from AFFC or ADWD that i care even half as much as i care for the central ones that have been present from the beginning of the story,and i’m not in the minority on that,it’s cool that you two care but you have to realise you are in the minority . And spare me this crap of saying that whoever doesn’t like the last two books is an idiot for not understanding them,that is such a condescending and lazy defense strategy,it’s like saying yeah we know the books suck and are inferior to the previous three but here,let me regurgitate the same tired argument for the past 10 years since both these books came out since that’s the only argument we have .

  210. Thronetender,

    Characters as yet unknown – or perhaps only slightly known? I see potential for a reveal that Marwyn has truly been the Man behind the Curtain all along, the crafty intercontinental strings-puller who makes Littlefinger look like a neophyte by comparison. To me GRRM has been painting big red flashing arrows pointing to the Citadel as the crux point where all the major power-politics threads (except perhaps the Others) come together. If it doesn’t dominate the last act of the story, I’m betting on next-to-last. (How much of that is just wishful thinking remains to be seen, of course.)

  211. Dame of Mercia,

    I thought that post was trolling as well… I also thought that the role he implied was Stoneheart. That made no sense to me whatsoever, Lyanna makes slightly more sense, but if Katie McGrath is cast I still think it would probably be for the Priestess or Lead Actress roles leaked.

    If, as many suspect or desire, D&D use Bean in a TOJ flashback Lyanna would need to be much older than her book role. KM may not even be my first choice honestly. I’m sure there are many younger actresses that fit the role nicely, but I just haven’t thought about it much if I’m honest.


    I have thought of Julian Sands as the Mad King as well.

  212. Wasn’t Lyanna supposed to resemble Margaery somewhat, too? (Or vice versa) I seem to remember Renley suggesting such.

  213. TheTouchOfFrost:
    Sean C.,

    Casting Sean Bean as a young Ned would be trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. Yes, he’s great and did an awesome job as Ned but casting him as a young Ned is defying common sense to please some sections of the fanbase.

    People actually think this??? I’m sure Bean is up for it, but, frankly, why would HBO go for it? The digital manipulation you’d have to do just to pull that off would be cost prohibitive and not to mention Bean would likely ask for a lot of money. And I don’t see a benefit to it, creatively, since seeing him as a younger version of Ned would be more distracting than anything else. Recasting him with a younger actor just sounds like the easier, smarter route.

  214. TheTouchOfFrost,

    Casting Sean Bean as a young Ned would be trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. Yes, he’s great and did an awesome job as Ned but casting him as a young Ned is defying common sense to please some sections of the fanbase.

    They have perfected the de-aging process for film, in “Ant Man,” Lola (CGI house) successfully created a 25-30 year younger Michael Douglas, it is absolutely amazing, and scary at the same time, imagine what they can do with that technology. The scene stunned the critics who reviewed the film, and myself included. The good news is Lola has done effects for GoT, so there is no problem casting Sean as a young Ned, totally feasible and believable with this groundbreaking process.

    Just Google “Ant Man scene where Douglas is de-aged” and read all the hoopla.

  215. GeekFurious: Chad Brick: You are going to hate TWOW for the same reason you hated AFFC/ADWD – it isn’t going to be about the five characters who you think GRRMs world revolves around. Part of the tropes he is slaying is precisely that – the idea that a handful of characters are at the center of everything important, repeatedly. Personally, I loved the Quentyn chapters, for example, because I perceived them as GRRM hanging a big old gun on the wall….and then throwing it away. Most writers would not dare to do that, and it is something I like about GRRMs writing.

    Perfectly said.

    People read the last two books and were like “WTF! WHY??? THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT!” Because those people latched onto their version of the story. And GRRM isn’t writing their version… thankfully. That would just end up as a more extreme LOTR with good guys fighting bad guys.

    Thirded! While I think that the show will always focus on central characters like Tyrion, Dany and Jon, there’s plenty of room for more in-depth characters, particularly if the show does extend its seasons. For instance I would LOVE to see a Euron that, as Outdoorcats said above, rips up the screen because of

    his claim on her dragons, his hope of raping her and forcing her into marriage, his desire to reintroduce Essos-style slavery to Westeros (if she gets word of this, it could incentivize her to hurry up and get to Westeros), combined with the fact that he combines the cruelty of characters like Joffrey and Ramsay (ultimately bit players in the game) with the cunning of characters like Littlefinger and an interest in, and apparently ability to wield, dark magic on a scale much bigger than Melisandre (GRRM has hinted actual krakens will be part of the endgame in the final two books).
  216. Aging Lynna up is something the show has already done. In the books Lyanna is born less than a year before Littlefinger. But in the show last year when Littlefinger told the story of the Tourney to Sansa he mentions he was a “boy” living with her mother’s family and Lyanna was present at the Tourney and promised to Robert. Based on the other info of Robert, Ned, Rhaegar, and Barristan the show has presented us it’s a good indication that the show has made Lyanna 4-5 years older than she was in the books. Littlefinger is likely 12 or 13 in the show version of the Tourney and Lyanna 18-20. Plus given the ages of all the kids they have to age up everyone in the past as well. Jon and Dany are 17 in the pilot and appear to be 20 or 21 in the present day season 6. This is almost 10 years older than their book counterparts.

  217. Darquemode,

    He’d be perfect! 🙂


    Shall take that as a compliment! There’s others that could be cast but it’s probably getting too carried away with something that most likely won’t happen!


    It’s a lot of expense for a short scene and ,as others mentioned, Sean Bean wouldn’t be cheap. Despite the success the show does still seem to be strapped for cash sometimes. The CGI wolves and dragons are still used sparingly and up until last season most of the big battles happened off screen or at night!

  218. TheTouchOfFrost,

    And while I think of actors for Targaryen roles….
    If they keep Rhaegar close to his book age Matthew Beard could work…
    If they age him up Matthew Goode could work…

    I think both have a close enough look to Harry Lloyd that they could be siblings.

  219. Darquemode,

    Possibly be would they suit platinum blonde hair?! It’s a tough one to call. I went with Hewer as he is by all accounts a universally good looking guy and he has that Targaryen look naturally. But hey, who knows what way they’d want to play him?

  220. TheTouchOfFrost,

    I was thinking of Freddie Fox if they went blonde, but Hewer would be a good choice for sure. I always picture blondes and they seem to chose brunettes! So far every Targ has been a natural brunette for whatever that’s worth…

  221. FUCK! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just jumped for joy. This joins my other favourite all time GOT casting news:

    -Sean Bean
    -Stephen Dillane
    -Ciaran Hinds
    -Alexander Siddig

  222. mau:
    I want to see Sean as young Ned. For me, different actor wouldn’t work.

    If there was a way to go back in time and use a young Sean Bean to play a young Ned, I would, too (as would, I’d guess, everyone), however, having a 56 year old man playing someone in their 20’s just wouldn’t work.

  223. Nymeria Warrior Queen,

    We would be in his 30’s. With make up he can look as man in his 30s

    They never said how old Ned was in S1.

    That is only one scene, and other actor just wouldn’t work. For me, it would be distracting.

    They used Bryan Cranston as young Walt in BB.

  224. I bow to no one in my admiration for Sean Bean. He’s a great actor of more range than his movie roles usually display (for proof, see his jaw-dropping, award-winning role in the BBC series Accused). And I fervently wish to see him return to GoT.

    But IMO some Weirnet appearances or flashbacks are the best way to bring him back. Trying to de-age him to play young Ned, even if technically achievable, would ring false. It’s only fair that Bean’s Ned ‘dreams’ the ToJ sequence. But young Ned should be played by a younger man, preferably a look-alike who has or assumes a Yorkshire accent. The only suggestion that comes to mind is Philip Winchester. He’s 30-something but could pass as younger. About 5-6 years ago he played Bean’s son in Crusoe, and IMO looked quite like him from certain angles. I’ll wager Nina Gold can find someone appropriate.

  225. Darquemode,

    He could work. It’s a fine balance with Rhaegar as he’s got to look manly but also have the clean almost-boyish good looks of a younger man!
    The pure bred ones do but their bastards don’t always. Bloodraven, Bittersteel and some of the Blackfyres didn’t either as I remember.

  226. Rygar:
    Wait a sec.Is their no Fall season in Westeros?

    Catelyn refers to Autumn (as in happening then) around the time Jaime is captured on the way to Riverrun.

  227. Sue the Fury:
    K Noelle,

    Nothing was deleted. You posted several times so it probably got caught in the spam filter and had to be manually approved by mods earlier. Looks like it’s all set now.

    Oops! Yes I see that now. I think that was the issue. Thank you for the heads-up! 🙂

  228. Darquemode:
    What a week of incredible news!

    I’m thinking he will play Tarly as well, but maybe he will be playing one of the” Northern Lord” roles?. McShane can act like a bear of a man! XD

    I was thinking one of the northern lords, and perhaps even a Skagosi warlord? I agree that Tarly seems kind of wrong, just as Euron should be a bigger character than to not be in it much.

  229. Lex,

    Oh Lex, you were around for the Dinklage news. That’s number 1 in my book.

    Way late to this party but man what glorious casting with McShane no matter who he ends up playing.

  230. He might be:

    -Euron Greyjoy
    -Randyll Tarly
    -Rickard Stark (Ned’s father, who also died in King’s Landing)

    Why Rickard Stark? Because the Ned’s flashback in season 6 will be in his childhood, this could mean that we’ll see the old Stark family (Benjen, Eddard, Brandon, Lyanna, and why not Rickard)

    this is just a supposition

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