Harry Strickland Cast for Season 8 of Game of Thrones!

Marc RissmannWe shared a big batch of season 8 roles with you all a few weeks back, and now, we’re happy to reveal the first casting for the final season of Game of Thrones!

According to his Spotlight CV and his agency, German actor Marc Rissmann will “join the cast of Game of Thrones in the 8th and final season of the show.” The actor’s resume helpfully tells us exactly which role he’ll be playing in the season, and it will ring a bell with readers of George R.R. Martin’s books: Harry Strickland, leader of the mercenary group known as the Golden Company! Last month’s casting notices held a role for a “mercenary” that we speculated might be the show’s loose rendition of Harry Strickland and it looks like we were right.

Euron Greyjoy (Pilou Asbæk) took off in the season 7 finale to collect the Golden Company, on Cersei’s behest. With the confirmation of Strickland’s presence, it seems like Euron’s mission will probably be a success, though you can never quite predict Euron’s next move.

According to the original posted casting notice, this role is for two episodes.

Thanks to WotW reader PB for bringing this casting to our attention!

Update 10/17: the Spotlight entry has been deleted but we screencapped it yesterday:

harry strickland

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Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. I’m unreasonably excited about this casting news. This is probably the last named book character casting we’re ever gonna get, unless they bring in Howland Reed. Strickland is someone I would have been hard-pressed to identify by name until recently, and yet, it’s cool that we’re still getting book characters at this point in the story. So I’m looking forward to it!

    Sure, it’ll be a small role, but he’s named and will appear in two episodes (and the actor is filming a lot more than two appearances suggest, so we’ll likely see him in battle, which makes sense.) This wouldn’t have been a big deal in earlier seasons, but at this point it is. For example, Stannis’ general during the march to Winterfell was credited as… “Baratheon General.” Would it have been so difficult to pick a Florent out of a hat? 😛 This Strickland thing is more like that; a face for the Golden Company and a nice nod for hardcore book readers.

  2. so the bitch Cercei has already her fuckin Golden Mercenaries ..Very well..she will fucked soon because will they will join Aegon/Daenerys forces and Euron will betray/kill her taking the Throne for himself ..This guy Harry Strickland look sexy as fuck..Im wonder if also Daario Naharis will is with them…propably perhaps

  3. Amazing news, itching to see the Golden company in action, along with their elephants if I remember correctly. I’m very interested to see how he and the Golden company with be utilized in the last season.
    Really itching for more info on season 8.

  4. It´s cool to see the Golden Company on the Show.
    This guy looks fierce, different of how the character is in the book but is nice they use the name.

  5. The best thing about this news is it means the Dario will be leading the GC theories can be put safely to rest

  6. Raenarys,

    I know! Its been a while since I read ADWD, and when I saw the news I thought, “the name sounds very familiar, who is this guy?” (I had assumed it was the name of the actor)

  7. I really hope Theon beats Euron and brings back the GC for Jon and Dany.

    That would be redemption for the character since it all started going south for him when he was sent to bring back a navy for Robb and betrayed him. Having him come back with reinforcements for Jon like he wasn’t able to for Robb sounds like a nice move for Theon.

    Of course that would mean Cersei would be weak and her end would be fairly pathetic so can see them not going in that direction.

  8. Great to get our first new casting for Season 8. Marc Rissmann looks like a suitably intense performer – perfect for the leader of a formidable mercenary company (apparently he had a role on The Last Kingdom, which bears some similarities to GOT). He should fill the role of a lower-tier antagonist for the final season quite nicely.

    Back when the casting calls revealed the “Mercenary” role, I speculated that the commander of the Golden Company would be a new composite character because Harry Strickland, the leader of the Golden Company in the novels, was pretty generic. But to be honest, that’s not a bad thing – the Golden Company and ADWD in general are overflowing with characters who are a little too ridiculous for my taste, so at point in the story, I welcomed “generic” with open arms. Still, I thought the show might mix in elements of characters like Connington, Black Balloq, or Marq Mandrake and give the amalgamated commander a new name. But upon reflection, simply taking the name and character of Harry Strickland and giving him a personality upgrade is a simpler and far better choice. So this is the best of both worlds.

    House Monty,

    Preach. While I don’t believe that we’ll see Daario again, I wouldn’t necessarily mind if he were to return for the final season, as I like Michiel Huisman in the role. But the rumors of him being the leader of the Golden Company never made any sense (an undercover member, perhaps, but not the leader). If the show were going that route, they would have just had Cersei hire the Second Sons. Glad those rumors can be put to rest.

  9. The show hasn’t particularly been super successful lately w/ new additions. Not enough time to build them up.
    Hope they don’t try to overcompensate like they did with Euron. Its ok if the character is not super interesting or a super standout, just hope he fills his role nicely the way they did with Randyll Tarly,
    But hes a good fit 🙂

  10. Ryan:
    Geez…. the entire Golden Company come and gone in two episodes…. can you say accelerated plot?

    Who says they will stay for 2 episodes and not more?

    And 2 episodes isn’t that fast, look back at season 1, many “storylines” were 2/3 episodes. Remember the Mirri Maz Duur storyline? that was episode 8 and 10 in season 1, and not so many scenes either. And it felt better than the Corin Halfhand storyline, that felled strangely paced.

    Sometimes less is more storywise. Better have a character in 2 episodes where he or she will be remembered, than stretched over multiple episodes and that we don’t remember that character. I still remember the wildling woman from hardhome and she was in for only a half an episode.

    And don’t forget season 8 will have longer episodes.

  11. Bearded Onion,

    Uhm,no,they are not going to cast a character like that for the final season especially when his whole plot has been either cut or given to someone else(Jorah) . I assume they just given him the name so it could be something from the books but most likely this character doesn’t even resemble the one in the books,this was most likely a Cogman decision as he is known to be the most book nerd out of the writers .

  12. Ryan,

    Two episodes for a season of only six means much more than before . Besides we don’t know his exact screentime, but seriously did you honestly expect such a peripheral character like this to appear in all the episodes including the series finale,come on now !

  13. Yay! The Golden Company! “Homeless” Harry Strickland! Will we see elephants?

    That promo pic of Marc Rissmann in this article doesn’t match my mental image of Harry Strickland from the books, he looks too young, handsome and heroic (HS isn’t any of those things, he’s a cautious, mercenary older man). But the link to his some previous work shows he can look old and haggard enough. Also, being an exile of several generations, he’d speak the Common Tongue (English) with an accent.

    OK, now I’m picturing a fake German accent a la ‘Allo ‘Allo: “Ve haf ze elefantz und ve vill deztroi yoo, yoo Vezterozi schkum, yoo bazturtz!”

    It won’t be like that. I think the Golden Company will be Cersei’s last line of defence, but they might turn… Their role will be totally different from their book role up to now and likely role in the next books, if they ever get published.

    Book purists will howl at the Golden Company being used differently in the show, but I think it’s a nice nod to the books to include them. Especially if we get the elephants!

    Elephants! Elephants! Elefantz! Ve vant elefantz!

  14. Sue the Fury,

    Your policy deserves respect, but IMO you could make an exception for weddings. After all it’s a public event (sort of) and the fandom would be earger to send their best wishes to the people who brought us so much joy with their performance.

  15. Captain Sparrow,

    I see the reason for not dealing with any cast personal news (and, honestly, who cares), but why be rude to Old Nan?

    I have seen Marc Rissman in The Last Kingdom, and he is a scary guy. I would more easily picture him as Tormund’s younger brother, but I have faith in the casting directors.
    Harry Strickland is an awful name though. Somehow reminds me of a Woody Allen film.

  16. Inga,

    If you read some of the subs on Reddit people are ruthless when it comes to the actors personal lives. I wanted to cry for rose Leslie, how belittling they were to her when she and kit announced the engagement. It’s sad how judgemental we can be of people we really don’t know. I think it’s smart to avoid that kind of drama exploding in the comments.

  17. Raenarys:
    The name Harry Strickland doesn’t sound like it belongs in GoT… I hate it

    The name is directly from GRRM’s book. Maybe you feel GRRM faltered and gave a “not belonging” name to one of his characters?

  18. Sue the Fury:

    We know, but we don’t report on the cast’s personal life here.

    Quite right. The actors delight us with their work but their private lives are nothing to do with the show. Or us.

    Kit and Rose, and now Sophie and her boyfriend have chosen to make their engagements public. We should congratulate them and wish them well, but WotW isn’t a celebrity gossip site. They play our much beloved characters but they’re not Jon or Sansa or Ygritte, they’re real people who deserve privacy and their own lives.

  19. Sou:
    Captain Sparrow,

    “Harry Strickland is an awful name though. Somehow reminds me of a Woody Allen film.”

    Nah. That would be Harold Shapiro of The Golden Co., Inc., Mercenaries and Catering.

    * Kosher for Passover*

  20. talvikorppi: The name is directly from GRRM’s book. Maybe you feel GRRM faltered and gave a “not belonging” name to one of his characters?

    Well, possibly! GRRM has included anachronistic references / names of contemporary people in some other cases. Maybe he knows someone IRL named Harry Strickland? Or it’s a football coach he likes or something?

  21. Black walda,

    True, some people are really nasty (that’s why I never read anything about the private life of the celebrities. But in this particular case is a rare exception (at least for me personally) and the WotW community has always been more or less civilized, so IDN… It’s up to Sue to decide, but IMO it would be really great if the fandom could somehow send its regards (not the Lannister regards) to the people who gave us so much pleasure and simply tell that we are really happy for them and wish the very best. Sorry for the off-topic.

  22. Daddy,

    I think your right. Curious what the context of it all will be when it goes down.

    Would be rather ironic to have the golden company turning on the golden lion after the lannisters literally paid their debts.

  23. I’m holding out for Howland Reed…and a cameo by Sean Bean 🙂

    The show hasn’t particularly been super successful lately w/ new additions.Not enough time to build them up.
    Hope they don’t try to overcompensate like they did with Euron.Its ok if the character is not super interesting or a super standout, just hope he fills his role nicely the way they did with Randyll Tarly,
    But hes a good fit 🙂

    Generally, I’d agree. But last season both Jim Broadbent as Maester Ebrose and Tom Hopper as Dickon Tarly were very effective in a few brief appearances. In S6 Ian McShane blew us away as Brother Ray. And the clueless guards at Winterfell and Kings Landing were okay. This guy sounds more in Dickon mode.

  24. House Monty,

    How would the Lannisters figuratively pay their debts to the Iron Bank? Did you mean to imply something like blowing up the Iron Bank HQ in Braavos as “payback” for supporting the One True King?

  25. 2 episodes ? thats nothing. He will appear in episode and in another just to die, like small Jon umber, só much potential for nothing.

    The books always be better for things like that

  26. Aguero,

    You do realise you are basically a talking parody with this comment right ? This is the type of stuff that people joke about book purists but in a over the top joke way not in a omg someone actually made a real comment like this way !

  27. House Monty,

    Well Cersei said she is going to make another loan from the IB after the previous debt was paid so she can buy the armies of the GC so maybe he is talking about that debt . Oh and i also forgot about the food ,considering the supplies from the Reach were destroyed by Dany so she has to buy that too .

  28. Captain Sparrow,

    She did say that. For sure.

    It could be nothing. But if the Iron Bank was going to pick a time to abandon Cersei, now would be the time as they literally don’t need Cersei for anything right now. She has already given them the money they are owed.

  29. House Monty,

    Yes. The Lannisters paid the debt to the IB. I thought maybe you used the word “literally” to distinguish it from a figurative type of repayment.

    No big deal….

    Lemme go see what this (serious? sarcastic) accusation about D&D butchering the Harry Strickland character is all about…

  30. Oh yay! I recognised him from The Last Kingdom, which is another good show. Can’t wait to see Marc as Harry Strickland. Bring on the elephants!

  31. Luka Nieto,

    Yes. Pre-butchered in the adaptation, over a year before we’ve even seen Harry Strickland on the screen. (I never heard of him before. I don’t recall his name coming up in any discussions here.)

    What have I overlooked? There must be something in the 77 episodes aired to date that supports the grievance that a two-episode appearance of Harry Strickland in S8 will be “só much potential for nothing.”

  32. I must say I had no recollection of Harry Strickland from the books 😦
    Now that I’ve read up a bit about him, I wonder how the show will adapt this character, if the book Harry’s

    reluctance to fight will be part of the show. He will be the face for the golden company and the voice to their desertion of Cersei.
  33. I hope that the GC doesn’t desert Cersei. You people who want the opposite just have an irrational desire to punish her for just playing the goddamn Game. She killed Ned Stark, so what? Get over it.

    (Actually, she didn’t even kill him. That was all Joffrey.)

  34. Luka Nieto:
    I’m unreasonably excited about this casting news. This is probably the last named book character casting we’re ever gonna get, unless they bring in Howland Reed. Strickland is someone I would have been hard-pressed to identify by name until recently, and yet, it’s cool that we’re still getting book characters at this point in the story. So I’m looking forward to it!

    Sure, it’ll be a small role, but he’s named and will appear in two episodes (and the actor is filming a lot more than two appearances suggest, so we’ll likely see him in battle, which makes sense.) This wouldn’t have been a big deal in earlier seasons, but at this point it is. For example, Stannis’ general during the march to Winterfell was credited as… “Baratheon General.” Would it have been so difficult to pick a Florent out of a hat? This Strickland thing is more like that; a face for the Golden Company and a nice nod for hardcore book readers.

    I know this post is about Strickland but do you not expect Howland Reed to feature this season Luka? I must say I’m feeling he’s likely to appear if only for one episode given the way Meera left and the big Jon reveal it kind of makes sense for him to feature and maybe even play a small role in the great war.

  35. House Monty:
    I really hope Theon beats Euron and brings back the GC for Jon and Dany.

    That would be redemption for the character since it all started going south for him when he was sent to bring back a navy for Robb and betrayed him. Having him come back with reinforcements for Jon like he wasn’t able to for Robb sounds like a nice move for Theon.

    Of course that would mean Cersei would be weak and her end would be fairly pathetic so can see them not going in that direction.

    That would make no sense though as Cersei is paying for the Golden Company Jon/Dany wouldn’t pay for mercenaries as they have no funding.

    It’s interesting to speculate how this will play out if they are in two episodes it must be towards the end unless they are going to attack the J&D alliance from behind before they confront the White Walkers?

    Could it be the white walkers battle is episode 5 then the Golden Company/Lannisters versus what is left of the Jon & Dany alliance in the finale? That would likely mean Dany survives the White Walkers if she is the one to take down Cersei but unless she bends the knee to Jon then I don’t see how her arc ends (I really don’t see her claiming the throne).

    Either way I just don’t know what Cersei is going to do alone in Kings Landing for the first few episodes.

  36. Bearded Onion:
    So… we will be getting Jon Connington.. right? I sure hope so if we are getting Harry..

    But how would Jon Connington fit into this story other than maybe someone to support Jon’s claim to the throne somehow as we know he was loyal to Rhaegar? If he’s in it will surely only be a cameo and well off his book arc which looks like leading to his death in Winds anyway.

  37. Aguero,

    2 episodes doesn’t mean 2 scenes: 2 episodes will be equall to a normal 2-3 hour long movie. Therefore, as the character is going to be one of the main antagonists (Cersei’s land force commander) he may get a pretty decent screen time.

  38. Yaga:
    I hope that the GC doesn’t desert Cersei. You people who want the opposite just have an irrational desire to punish her for just playing the goddamn Game. She killed Ned Stark, so what? Get over it.

    (Actually, she didn’t even kill him. That was all Joffrey.)

    Agree with this why would the GC turn on Cersei if she is paying them, will Jon/Dany pay them instead no, so either they flee fearing for their lives or they will fight for Cersei as it’s what they do..

  39. Jon Snowed,

    I hope that at some point Jon & Dany will send Davos to Braavos and he will persuade the Iron Bank to stop funding Cersei. Nothing personal, just business: the Iron Bank can’t expect to have it’s due from the Night King. Moreover, Jon & Dany may be interested in getting a credit line themselves: they (or their successor) will need money to rebuild Westeros and, as the Iron Bank is simply interested in interest payments, it may very well agree.

    As for the Harry Strickland character, if I remember the casting call correctly, the actor was supposed to film in winter (or late autumn) and in summer. So, I assume the first episode for Harry Strickland will be introductory and come in the first half of the season, whereas the other will be like “the main action” and it should come late in the season, probably after the winter is over.

    On the other hand, it may be that the summer-time filming is for the introductory episode (something like Euron meeting the leader of the Golden Company in the south of Essos with all the men and horses and elephants on the background) and the main action (or non-action) of the GC will happen in winter. So, it’s still hard to guess: we need more information from actual filming.

  40. Yes that’s a plausible suggestion but for me at least timing is still tight with only six episodes left, Davos would likely need to leave in episode 2 for that to happen and I’m not sure Jon would despatch his advisor now the Whites are through the wall as there wouldn’t be time to get to Bravos and back before they reach Winterfell.

  41. Jon Snowed,

    No she isn’t. She used her gold to pay back the iron bank. What was being discussed was another loan from the iron bank. Same type of funding that could easily go to Dany and Jon. I don’t know if they go this route since its always easy to have the bank be a villain, but its not illlgical it makes perfect sense given how cersei is getting funded.

    As for Dany surving the White Walkers and taking down Cersei that is just the YMBQ theory which unlike a lot of theories has actual dialogue going for it. Doesn’t mean the theory is right, but if Cersei is the final boss than Dany’s chances look better than if the NK was the final boss.

    In terms of Dany bending the knee, that will probably happen but she won’t end up as a consort. Jon already bent the knee to her and she will reciprocate to maintain the parallel in their story. This is not the most subtle show. They didn’t mention together at least eight different times in season 7 between these two as an accident. They are clearly going to rule together and get married if they both survive.

  42. Inga,

    That would be an interesting use for Davos. The argument would be simple.

    You can’t collect interest payments if every human is dead. If you support us not only can you save the world you can profit from it!

  43. Jon Snowed:
    Yes that’s a plausible suggestion but for me at least timing is still tight with only six episodes left, Davos would likely need to leave in episode 2 for that to happen and I’m not sure Jon would despatch his advisor now the Whites are through the wall as there wouldn’t be time to get to Bravos and back before they reach Winterfell.

    Logisitics time! Does that even mean anything anymore?

  44. Sue the Fury,

    I don’t like reading or hearing about gossip or personal stories of famous people. But we do have posts to let us know that a cast member has died. Im glad we do. But can’t we also comment on happier times like this? You make the rules, and I’ll do with that. Just curious what the difference is. Thanks

  45. Haha yes that’s true! I today watched the final episode of Thronecast which went out here in the UK directly after the S7 finale and they had an interview the the chief effects lead on the show who mentions he had just been through the first three episodes on S8 with D&D and they were sharing their vision with him – interestingly he mentions the the theme of the first three episodes will be fear and that they will be pushing the FX budget yet again in S8 then stops to say he’s probably said too much.

    By listening to that I suspect the the first three episodes will feature heavy defeats for the humans and desperation may be setting in to sending Davos to Bravos to aid may well be an option. This would then also tie in with the Golden Company only featuring in two episodes.

  46. I wouldn’t disagree with anything you have written there but the idea of Jon and Dany co-ruling just feels a little too happy for this story in my eyes. I kind of feel it will be one or the other.

    With the YGMBQ I would say this is 90% likely to be Dany but could be Sansa and again how does this fit with the Valunqour prophecy which I assume means it’s either Jamie or Tyrion who kills Cersei. The issue I have with this is I suspect Dany and Jamie die before the end but if these prophecies are true I’m not sure I see how those deaths happen before the final ending.

  47. Inga,
    They may want to film outdoors scenes in December, and then sound stage/indoors things in the summer, together with – what are they called, ‘pick-ups’? In any case, Strickland will be riding a horse, and his winter filming will be “the week commencing December 11th”, which is also the exact week when the “Sailor” character will be filming.

    My assumption is that the first episode where he’ll appear, he’ll be talking to Euron/Cersei, to introduce us to him (indoors). The second one, he will attack Jon/Dany, and probably die.

  48. Can we talk about the possibility of Ser Jon Covington being under cover in the golden company, I doubt we see aegon in the show at this point

  49. Raenarys,

    Yep, its a shite name for a GoT/ASOIAF character! Would have thought with all the fancy names GRRM has come up with for his characters, he could do better than that 😉

    That character may well have been called John Smith, Alan Jones or Tom Brown. Do a google search on ‘Strickland’ and there’s plenty of people around with that surname. Some called Harry Strickland also!

  50. Jon Snowed,
    House Monty,

    In a way, I agree with Jon Snowed: logistics is important at least in the sense of the sequence of events. As for the moment, it’s legit to assume that the Night King will reach Winterfell pretty soon (Ep 1/2) and whoever happens to be in Winterfell at that moment will be besieged. That will include Jon, Dany, Davos, etc. So, the siege has to be lifted first, to have any further development, though I don’t think that the WW will be completely beaten: IMO they will retreat and reappear in the last episodes for the sake of tension. But regarding the presumable development of the Cersei’s plot, I assume that Jon & Dany (or whoever is left standing after the fight with the WW) will learn about Cersei’s plans only after the siege is lifted (either from Jaime or otherwise) and then it will be time to take the couteraction angainst Cersei: 1) send Davos to talk with Tycho Nestoris (not sure, where the representative of the Iron Bank will be at that moment – I assume Braavos, but he may be in Westeros, too); 2) send Jorah directly to the GC to warn his old buddies that they may get no money – that would delay any offensive; and 3) do something about Cersei (looks like a task for Arya and the Hound). That gives Ep 4-5 for planning and preparations, and Ep 6 for the final denouement.


    If the sailor and Strickland have matching filming dates, it’s quite possible that the commander of the GC will be introduced on the boat, namely on the Silence, sailing to Westeros already. That would involve an outdoor shooting (at least some of that). However, it also means that horse-riding and whatever comes along with that will be filmed in summer, which implies the action happening in spring and in the southern Westeros. At least, it looks this way so far (the truth may be different).

  51. Inga,
    > However, it also means that horse-riding and whatever comes along with that will be filmed in summer, which implies the action happening in spring and in the southern Westeros.

    No, it absolutely doesn’t imply that. They are perfectly able to shoot more than one scene in December, including horse-riding and fighting.

    The only thing that will imply action happening in spring will be… a huge battle filmed in spring.

    Speaking of which, it’s odd that WOTW hasn’t heard of extras casting calls for the battles.

  52. Jon Snowed:

    “….how does this fit with the Valunqour prophecy which I assume means it’s either Jamie orTyrion who kills Cersei.The issue I have with this is I suspect Dany and Jamie die before the end but if these prophecies are true I’m not sure I see how those deaths happen before the final ending.”

    My current Valonqar Odds, updated as of 10/1/2017:

    Sandor Clegane. 3:1
    Jaime L. 5:2
    Tyrion L. 4:1
    Euron 8:1

  53. Jon Snowed:
    I wouldn’t disagree with anything you have written there but the idea of Jon and Dany co-ruling just feels a little too happy for this story in my eyes.I kind of feel it will be one or the other.

    With the YGMBQ I would say this is 90% likely to be Dany but could be Sansa and again how does this fit with the Valunqour prophecy which I assume means it’s either Jamie orTyrion who kills Cersei.The issue I have with this is I suspect Dany and Jamie die before the end but if these prophecies are true I’m not sure I see how those deaths happen before the final ending.

    I get it regarding the too happy thing. The trouble for me is that its hard to forecast based on something seeming too happy. Happiness is such an amorphous concept. Lets assume Jon and Dany end up on the throne. Is that happy? For them personally maybe. But to get a bittersweet ending you need some sweetness and happiness. So how does sweetness for them compare to what is likely to be the bitterness for Tyrion of losing his brother? Or the bitterness of the other starks of being reunited but all permanently scared by the whole experience? Tough to say what the right proportion of sweet and bitterness is needed to create a bittersweet ending. Also, is Dany and Jon on the Throne actually a great result? The whole story started because of a rebellion against their crazy father/ grandfather? Is having the Targaryens back really a great thing for Westeros? What was the point of all that war if the end result is the same as there would have been otherwise? Tough to say.

    With these things and when dealing with uncertainty one always has to pick a default position. For me the default position is that until i see evidence that one of George’s five kids are going to die, I assume they wont since he wrote in his outline they make it through. Now, that could prove to be wrong after all. He might have decided to change who the survivors are. I was a long time ago. But since its from his own mouth or pen feels like a more solid piece of evidence than anything else out there.

    In terms of how the timing works out, I assume that YMBQ is Dany since its 80-90% likely its her at this point and that Jaime will go out with Cersei.

    My best guess is that post defeating the NK, Cersei is stripped of power somehow fulfilling the YMBQ. She is going to be despondent and depressed and try and commit suicide and will want to take Jaime with her. So they will somehow have a scene together and she poisons him or something and then he flips out and chokes her out.That becomes the third big twist at the end. But, that is just a guess based on various lines of dialogue. How it really plays out I have no idea.

  54. Luka Nieto,

    Its not about him specifc, its about even small characters that have so much potential to cativate the public just go to nothing, the producers did that right with bron, margaery, olenna, smaller parts in the books but really good in the tv, and put bigger look idiot and boring as hell in the screen, daario in the screen is just pure s…., as other smalls as grey worm, missandei, the mountain, and dont have to mention the big ones that were butchered indeed in the screen as jaime, euron,littlefinger, arya, tyrion and others. so yeah,

  55. Yaga,

    Sure, they can film several scenes in a week, but talking scenes, not fifhting ones. Or, if its a fighting scene, it should be rather short. I think the naval battle of the last season took about a week to film. Battles involving horses were taking some 3 weeks usually (at least so far). It’s not impossible that the GC will be a part of some Euron vs Theon action sequence and end up sinking along with their horses and elephants, and that all the horse-riding will be just an introduction, but I would rather lean towards the visa versa. Anyway, we will learn more in December: no the standing question is whther any big battle sequence is filmed on the abovementioned week, or not.

    As for the extras I have already wrote on another thead, that they may alraedy have a pool of refular extras in the NI. I don’t remember any casting calls for extras there.

  56. Aguero,

    You’re completely ridiculous and that fact that you don’t even realise it is hilarious . But anyway the the show is ending next year so you haters will have nothing to whinge about about except being a bunch of sad and miserable fucks .

  57. How would a Euron v Theon battle sequence work though, Theon has just one ship? I’m assuming he will have to try something by stealth or have a one versus one fight to the death with Euron if he is really going to rescue Yara – although my instincts tell me he is doomed to fail and she will die anyway.

  58. I’m fairly certain you are trolling but if not how is the Mountain or Daario butchered on TV, I’d argue whilst the books have advantages over the show the extent we get these third tier characters is much better on the show.

    Please don’t reply that Daario doesn’t have blue hair or the mountain headless etc.

  59. Again I think you make a lot of good points. For me if Jon ends up on the Iron throne which at this point I believe is the most likely scenario then it’s bitter sweet as it’s not something he’s ever wanted but he is a good ruler so you get that sweet element. If Dany ends up alone on the throne then it’s everything she wanted, she may not be a perfect ruler but fundamentally she wants to do good, where is the bitter in that scenario? If they both end up together on the throne then I think it could be bitter sweet but it probably needs to come with great sacrifice. We also know from D&D that the ending is a great wtf moment so I don’t see any of the above fitting into that, you could argue Jon ending on the throne fits that but there is now enough build up that most people are expecting that to happen so again doesn’t fit.

    Agree about Dany being the best candidate for YMBQ, but Sansa could be a nice twist that many haven’t seen coming. I’m really not a fan of that character either but I think it could work given what happened to her in the early years of the series.

  60. I don’t have high hopes for enjoying the last series as I’m not a fantasy fan and those elements are now such a major part of the story, but I’m liking the idea of elephants very much! Looks like others do to, so pleeeeease make it happen D&D! 😀

  61. Jon Snowed,

    Not sure we know the end is a big wtf moment.

    We know the third big twist comes at the end. We know the ending itself is 100% satisfying. The two are not necessarily the same thing.

  62. Jon Snowed,

    The problem is that the fans have already predicted almost every possible denoement (and more will come). As for me, the most unpredictable ending would be Tyrion dying heroically and Jon & Dany surviving to struggle with the tax policy and interest payments to the Iron Bank. Can you imagie those two superheroes burried alive in the financial documents till the end of their days wishing that Tyrion was there? Something sweet, and bitter, and hilarious… I would rather see them die young and on the battlefield.

    As for Theon’s subplot, I don’t know how, but I have a gut feeling that his personal mission to save Yara will have some pivotal ramifications, disregarding whether he succeeds or not. But it’s really har to imagine how it might play out. Some stealth attack? Sure, but when and how – that should be a twist.

    One way or another, there is a lot of wild cards in the show still and though the main outcome is more or less predictable (at least, there is a limited number of alternatives now), there are still many unpredictables too.

  63. Carol,

    Yes, she did. But she ment that the Iron Bank opened a new credit line for her, because it was fond of interest payments and didn’t want to lose them (see Ep 4).

  64. Captain Sparrow,

    wow, you dont have ANY arguments dude, thats sad, just angry, its even sad that it seems that the show is the strongest motive of your life, to get so mad like that hahaha.

    you can go ANYWHERE you choose to talk about got, any site, any forum, 90% is talking that the show is not even close what use to be, s7 was a master trash, full of plotholes and bad writing, the books are way better, and not even for this i dont say that the Got tv show is top 3 shows in history, cause it is, but could be way better and im sure they will remake it in 10 years at least.

  65. Harry Strickland sounds like a down-on-his-luck British detective who has a good nose for solving complex murder investigations but an equally strong taste for expensive bourbon.

  66. Bearded Onion:
    So… we will be getting Jon Connington.. right? I sure hope so if we are getting Harry..

    Yeah, I mean they still have to have a character who will sail with Tyrion near the ruins of Valyria, encounter an attack by Stonemen, and contract greyscale by rescuing Tyrion from a certain watery death….oh wait.

  67. Pigeon:
    Harry Strickland sounds like a down-on-his-luck British detective who has a good nose for solving complex murder investigations but an equally strong taste for expensive bourbon.

    🤣 I like your pitch! I’d watch it.

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