Game Of Owns: Pirates and Vipers


Episode 312 – Pirates and Vipers
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Salt and sun fill these next two courses into A Feast With Dragons. Prince Doran and the Sand Snakes are moving South and East, while along the spray of sea a Prophet sees.

A Feast For Crows — The Prophet, The Captain of Guards

Discussion Topics
Drowned god’s favor
The Damphair
Greyjoys are coming
Seaweed, kings, and crow
The real Dorne
Sand Snakes
The best men in Dorne
Many plots
Owns of the Chapters


  1. LOL Hannah’s storyline priorities are clear. If it’s not close to Sansa, hype is not happening.

    Good podcast. So many things to touch on. I liked the parallel drawn between the two chapters by one of the gentlemen: Areon and Doran receiving news of their brothers death and dealing with the consequences and what this means for their own little part of the world.

    It is also interesting though that these are two of the Seven kingdoms where two woman are/were groomed to rule. It is clear as it was commented also in the podcast that Balon wanted Asha to rule. She is also mentioned as the rightful heir if Theon is lost. It is in a sense a crude universe version of Dorne, where the ruler can be a woman. Nowhere else in Westeros that’s even contemplated. Sure, Areon and generally Ironborn think a woman’s place is giving birth and caring for her family but that’s not to say that should Asha have won the Queensmoot she wouldn’t have been allowed to rule. The seeds are already planted so to speak.

  2. alins,

    And this has to do with this article what exactly ? Oh i forgot,mommy and daddy doesn’t give you enough attention so you seek it on the internet by lame trolling,pretty sad . Anyway on topic,now i realise that you guys are going to be spoiled of a few things like the Kingsmoot or Jaime’s Riverrun stuff,kinda dissapointing but it is what it is .

  3. Ser Not Appearing in this Series,

    LOL Martin totally does! He is a gardener, don’t you know?

    Oh and as for the Areo Hotah chapter: I agree with whoever jumped to defend it, who said that Areo is PERFECT to showcase all the Dorne conflict. Being inside Doran’s head would be biased and wrong. You wouldn’t get the same feeling towards Obarra, Nym or Tyene.

    Also: difference between books and show- lightyears apart. The Sand Snakes are interestingly nuanced and I find their presentation fascinating. However, Sidigg is awesome in being Doran.

  4. Ok, how come no one here even mentions the photo that has surfaced yesterday morning?

    I mean… I saw this one day ago and I kept waiting for a new post in this website about it..

    But nobody even mention it.. not even in the comment section of this nor the previous post.

    The photo of what I’m talking about is the one of Jon Snow and Melisandre in Season 6

    am I missing something here?

    (Sorry about my english, I’m from Argentina)

  5. Lol,

    That’s Narcos,the one with Pablo Escobar,anyway i think Fargo is a great show too but it’s just weird comparing it to GOT considering they are totally different type of shows,it should be compared to something like True Detective or Breaking Bad which is why i said that guy is a troll,he’s clearly doing this to cause a pointless flame war,otherwise why go to a fansite of a specific show to bash it ?

  6. Finally got around to the Podcast today and I totally agree with Hannah regarding both Dorne and Iron Born chapters. I’ve done the re-read of ASOIF twice and both times I found those chapters sooo boring. I feel like it takes away from the whole story the first three books were developing and didn’t find anything fascinating at all about either story line.

    I’m glad GOO has decided to do the Podcast following A Feast With Dragons order instead of just doing it in book order. This allows me some peaks and valleys in interest level when bouncing back and forth from Dorne/Iron Islands to the rest of the story.

    Who knows, maybe the GOO crew will spark some interest in the Dorne and Iron Islands story line that I couldn’t develop on my own. That would be great because clearly they are going to be involved in some capacity in the end result right?

  7. I can’t believe his name is Aeron DAMP HAIR????

    I thought he was The Damphair… as in Damph-air… I thought it was like a religious title in Iron Islanderish… gotta say I’m a little disappointed that his name is so banal… I liked the sound of The Damphair

  8. Mormont:
    I can’t believe his name is Aeron DAMP HAIR????

    I thought he was The Damphair… as in Damph-air… I thought it was like a religious title in Iron Islanderish… gotta say I’m a little disappointed that his name is so banal… I liked the sound of The Damphair

    Lol, same for me… I was so disappointed when I realized it was Damp-Hair

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