A Game of Thrones cast member injured; plus, Emmy Weekend!

#winteriscoming #gameofthrones #belfast #jonsnow #jonsnowlives #happy #GameofThrones #got

A photo posted by D. ?? in ?? (@thankgodiamblonde) on

Sightings in Belfast continues apace but I expect they’ll taper off over the next few days with the weekend- and the Emmys this Sunday night! With Game of Thrones heavily nominated at this year’s ceremony, I think we can expect a good turnout of cast members on the red carpet. 

Best Supporting Actor nominee Kit Harington was still in Belfast as of yesterday. He ran into fans and graciously agreed to pose them. Also posing with fans yesterday was our Hound, Rory McCann, found at the Spaniard pub in Belfast.

#got #spaniard #gameofthrones #rorymccann

A photo posted by Aoife Crilly (@eeefsy) on

Another fan met both John Bradley and Maisie Williams in the city yesterday:

#gameofthrones #samwelltarly #winteriscoming ?

A photo posted by alisoncartmill (@alisoncartmill) on

#gameofthrones #aryastark #winteriscoming ?

A photo posted by alisoncartmill (@alisoncartmill) on

But it looks like Williams is on the move, departing Belfast today. Headed to Los Angeles for the Emmys, maybe?

In other news, Gemma Whelan shared this image yesterday of the ever-comfortable disposable undies from a hospital on Instagram. Sources tell us that the actress actually was injured on the Game of Thrones set last week, hurting her back and requiring a trip to the hospital.

Hopefully her recovery is speedy! Best wishes, Gemma!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. Aw poor Gemma! I wonder if she did any action scenes that could justify this injury… I fear for Yara!
    Oh and I love Kit.

  2. Hopefully the “E” entertainment channel will interview every Game of Thrones cast nominee on “the red carpet” on Sunday!!!!!!!!!

    I wonder is Arya and Jon will fly on the same plane to the Emmys

  3. have been there any lena sightings? she’s not going to the emmy’s this sunday, but it doesn’t seem like she’s in belfast either. i wonder why she’s skipping then.

  4. Aww poor Gemma. I hope she has a speedy recovery.

    Best Supporting Actor nominee Kit Harington

    This sounds so good lol

  5. Sue the Fury,

    oh i know there have been sightings of lena in belfast. i must meant more recently like a couple of days ago or something lol. i’m so sad she’s missing the emmys :(. she barely ever attends any events.

  6. I hope Gemma is better now.
    Yara is gonna face some action it looks like. I am getting quite excited about

    this naval battle

    All the best wishes to the nominees, especially Kit!! Fingers crossed for him (and Lena) and for the best drama award too.

  7. I sure wish I could hang out in Belfast!!
    Lucky people!!
    I would be over the moon if I could meet Kit Harington ??
    Oh well a girl can dream lol:)

    I’m only watching the Emmy’s because of GoT! Hope they win big again!!
    Hope to see Kit win receive his first Emmy.
    Lena should too!

  8. aurane waters:
    Sue the Fury,

    oh i know there have been sightings of lena in belfast. i must meant more recently like a couple of days ago or something lol. i’m so sad she’s missing the emmys :(. she barely ever attends any events.

    Why isn’t she going? She went last year. I was hoping to see a possible acceptance speech 🙁

  9. Jack Bauer 24,

    Lena lives in LA. I can’t see any reason she’d miss the Emmys, especially being a frontrunner. I can’t imagine they didn’t plan the shooting schedule around the awards show, since D&D and so many other people will be there.

  10. Pigeon:

    Oh Yes! 🙂

    Bummed to hear Lena won’t be attending the Emmys. The Oscars and Emmys are the only award shows I try to catch. There are only so many I can watch without it feeling like an ego-trip (seriously, free swag and constant pats on the back…yawn) but with GoT being well represented in the acting category this year, I was so hoping to see Lena and Maisie both in attendance.
    Any win in the acting category is good with me but out of the 3 ladies nominated, I am really pulling for Lena or Maisie. I used to give Emilia shit because I didn’t think she was very good. She looked great, beautiful woman but the acting was average (at times, below). While I am still not “on board” with her acting skills, she definitely has grown a lot and grown on me.
    Still…if she wins before Lena or Maisie…yeah, I admit I wouldn’t be happy. I have to remember people have been “rewarded” for a lot less, so…go GoT! No matter what.

  11. As far as I am aware, we don’t actually have confirmation that Lena isn’t attending the Emmys. People are just assuming based on that one picture.

  12. Rhaenys Stark:
    Aw poor Gemma! I wonder if she did any action scenes that could justify this injury… I fear for Yara!
    Oh and I love Kit.

    That answers my question – I was trying to work out who she played. She looks a lot different in that tiny picture.

  13. Hope Pilou Asbæk isn’t getting too much into his Stanislavsky Method while shooting torture scenes with poor Gemma.

  14. Rhaenys Stark,

    That picture seems vaguely familiar to me, I don’t think it’s new (one of the more recent comments on that post seems to agree with me).

    #HairWatch2 continues.

  15. Rhaenys Stark: Sophie dyed her hair! It says the picture is new

    Yikes, it looks like that guy’s cigarette is about to drop ash on her, and he’s got his hands all over her. But her hair looks great. She’s a beauty, that one.

    I will be sad if Lena doesn’t attend the Emmys on Sunday, I hope she does. She adds just that much more “cool” to the event. I’m rooting for Kit, of course, and any of the three of the ladies to win. They all did phenomenal jobs this year. It was a great season and I hope it gets recognized. I will be there, watching all the pre-event shows on the Red Carpet, awaiting sight of any of the GoT group. Maybe there will be a special Emmy thread so that we can comment on the proceedings.

  16. The pics with this article finally loaded, I don’t know if it’s my computer or my internet connection or what, but it’s a crap shoot as to whether the pics load or not in any given article on WotW. Maisie looks adorable in those pics, and Rory has a devil’s gleam in his eye.

    I hope Gemma is ok. What could they have had her doing that would hurt her back? Jumping from ship to ship? That’s dedication. I wasn’t a big Yara fan until this season. Gemma brought emotion, humanity and a twinge of humor to what had been a rather dry character up until now. During that interview between Yara and Dany, her voice had such a fluid, sexy tone to it, too. I’m usually all into how the men sound, but those tones in Gemma’s voice caught my attention. It makes me wonder where the writers are going to take that relationship.

  17. I hope Gemma recovers well and quick ! You go girl !

    Yeah, that may seem to point towards some action scenes for Yara and I’m all for it !

  18. Poor Gemma! She’s one of the best actresses on the show. I wasn’t a fan of her casting in the beginning since she is nothing like bookAsha, but her serious grasp of the character and the story won me over. Best wishes for a quick recovery!

    Go GoT @ the Emmys!

  19. CC,
    In the US, hospitals have stretchy mesh ones, like fishnet stockings with the legs cut off. At least they did 20 years ago when I had my daughter. Those knee-length knickers they offered Gemma somehow seem appropriately British. 😀

  20. GRRM still hating on the show after the Creative Awards 😉

    With these nine wins, GAME OF THRONES has now taken home more Emmy Awards than any other drama in the entire history of television. That is a tribute to HBO, which truly has no rivals when it comes to production quality, and to David Benioff and Dan Weiss and the outrageously talented cast and crew they assembled to bring the Seven Kingdoms and their people to life. I have been thrilled to be a part of this.


  21. Thronetender: The pics with this article finally loaded, I don’t know if it’s my computer or my internet connection or what, but it’s a crap shoot as to whether the pics load or not in any given article on WotW. Maisie looks adorable in those pics, and Rory has a devil’s gleam in his eye.

    Those are photos embedded from Instagram. Unfortunately sometimes you have to be a patient and give it a moment to load when things are embedded from an outside source.

  22. I’ve been reading a lot of prediction articles and many of them have Banks winning Suporting Actor, Maggie Smith winning Supporing Actress and The Americans or Mr. Robot winning Outstanding Drama. This could end up being a disaster and we might walk out with only a Directing win.

  23. Jack Bauer 24,

    10 Emmys is definitely not a disaster. But I just read Goldderby’s predictions and they have GoT win all 5 awards and breaking their own Emmy record, so… We will find out tomorrow anyway.

  24. Yes, strangely Game of Thrones has dropped in the betting for the actor/actress awards. They still lead, but the odds are very much less than the overwhelming number they once were. They also still lead in best drama but Mr. Robot has significantly closed the gap in the last 24 hours. Since the results are to supposed to be totally unknown, this doesn’t necessarily mean anything. But it’s amazing how every year as the Emmys close in, the betting odds change so incredibly much and usually towards the winners. Amazing how that happens with totally unknown results…

  25. orange,

    I’m just curious as to where you’re getting these numbers from, since there has been no change whatsoever on Gold Derby and I’ve only come across two or three articles predicting Mr. Robot for drama…out of dozens. That doesn’t mean GoT is guaranteed to win any of its categories, but the odds themselves are exactly the same as they were before. I don’t really get where all this tinfoil is coming from.

  26. Rhaenys Stark:
    Jack Bauer 24,

    10 Emmys is definitely not a disaster. But I just read Goldderby’s predictions and they have GoT win all 5 awards and breaking their own Emmy record, so… We will find out tomorrow anyway.

    Well not a disaster, but only 1 Primetime Emmy (Directing) would be disappointing. I’m not expecting either of the supporting actor awards, but I really hope we get Outstandng Drama again.

  27. Flayed Potatoes,

    Lots of people have presented and won.Bryan Cranston,Julia Louis-Dreyfus Viola Davis and many others have presented the same night they won.But I am touching wood so many times anyways lol.

  28. Flayed Potatoes:
    Jack Bauer 24,

    Yeah I think so too. Seeing that they have Kit presenting this year makes me think he’s not winning his category.

    Doubt the producers who put together the presenter list even know the results by the time they have to get all that together. Actually, I doubt they even know the results today.

  29. Flayed Potatoes:

    “Best Supporting Actor nominee Kit Harington”

    This sounds so good lol


    And winner will sound even better.

    HEAR, HEAR. Good luck Kit!!!

    I’m going to try and stay up to follow live tonight, but if not, this would be the absolute best news to wake up to. *fingers crossed*

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