TodoPeniscola reports that Game of Thrones began shooting in Peñíscola today, starting at the Artillery Park. Nathalie Emmanuel and Peter Dinklage were spotted on set, and TodoPeniscola and others shared images of the first day’s filming in the Spanish city.
Inmaculados en Peñíscola listos para el rodaje #juegodetronos #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/iHFA7IpbjY
— Todo Peñiscola (@todopeniscola) October 2, 2015
Mas fotos de extras vestidos de inmaculados en el rodaje del Parque de Artillería de Peñiscola #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/imUfmBvep3
— Todo Peñiscola (@todopeniscola) October 2, 2015
El Mundo captured a few images of the Game of Thrones preparations this morning, including a typically Meereenese-looking setpiece (also shown at the top of the article):
One fan was lucky enough to catch sight of Artillery Park filming and snapped several photos, including some of Peter Dinklage and Nathalie Emmanuel.
Filming in progress in artillery park Peniscola #GameOfThrones #juegodetronos pic.twitter.com/lBSSsfQwzz
— DragonsandDirewolves (@Direwolf_Dragon) October 2, 2015
Tyrion and Missandei, sorry about the quality! #gameofthrones #JuegoDeTronos pic.twitter.com/vcC1tKLYm3
— DragonsandDirewolves (@Direwolf_Dragon) October 2, 2015
Whose the woman in white ? 🙂 She looks kind of out of place! http://t.co/RTytARV6sW #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/lrsngaaO7z
— DragonsandDirewolves (@Direwolf_Dragon) October 2, 2015
Peter Dinklage on the set of season 6 today #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/TCcyKRGvvM
— DragonsandDirewolves (@Direwolf_Dragon) October 2, 2015
this Unsullied guy is kinda jacked, I presume its not Joe Naufahu ? #gameofthrones #JuegoDeTronos pic.twitter.com/n4OTQjJaNd
— DragonsandDirewolves (@Direwolf_Dragon) October 2, 2015
It’s probably not Joe Naufahu, as we’ve heard rumors in the last twelve hours that he was seen in filming in Navarre as a khal.
Here’s another photo of the cast and producers, including Nathalie Emmanuel, David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Conleth Hill and others, out of the town in Peñíscola:
Nathalie Emmanuel, Conleth Hill, David Benioff y Dan Weiss entre otros, cenando en el @RteCasaJaime #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/z9LwaBlkk6
— Todo Peñiscola (@todopeniscola) October 2, 2015
Back in Saintfield, Northern Ireland, the cameras are still rolling and despite the police blockades, at least one local snapped a couple photos:
Saint fields , old Belfast road filming today pic.twitter.com/LlLStTYszc
— Karlas kakes (@karlaskakes) October 2, 2015
@WatchersOTWall @WiCnet Any ideas on character's??? #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/xizjKZBZ80
— Karlas kakes (@karlaskakes) October 2, 2015
Good question. We never did find out who was playing Smalljon Umber or the new Lord Karstark. Lots of Bolton extras and shields out there today, too! Our sources say the filming out there will wrap up soon, perhaps another week.
I see the battle has gone south into snowfree lands! Must be one big battle.
I’d like it if among the Boltons there were some non-Bolton banners or shields, like the Ryswells or the Dustin’s.
What are those green sticks in the last picture?
With the length of filming in some locations and the sheer number of story threads and locales confirmed for season 6, I am praying to the Old gods, and the New, that we get a 2 hour premiere and/or a two hour finale! Dreaming? Probably. But I can hope!!
Light sabers. 😉
Good to see Varys is hanging around Meereen, at least until this point in shooting. Saintfield battle is quite snow-free.
I wonder if D&D will ever cameo in GoT? Perhaps in the last season.
There are two women and two men in that photo with D&D and co.–I’m not counting the guys in uniforms–I don’t recognize. Do we know whether they’re fans, actresses/actors on the show, crew members, or friends/family of the cast and crew pictured?
In other news (unconfirmed), another foreign publisher has let it slip that GRRM’s publisher has told him to hold December open for translating “Winds of Winter”. Could it actually happen before S6 people?
D&D as the mad king and lead maester 😛
Is that Conleth Hill? Doesn’t really look like him in pic (or just bad quality?)
Has filming already happened at the ‘Riverrun’ set with the tents? I haven’t heard any new news about it.
Redstar talked about it before. This guy Direwolf and Dragon heard something about one certain character making an apperance in Meereen. Part of Daeny’s storyline. It’s just a rumour, but it could be game changer.
Anyway Emilia, Weiss+Benioff co had a dinner in Teurel (near Tower of Joy location).It could be nothing, but one can wonder why there.
If filming does end about December 20th, we are basically at the half way point. Concerning the Bolton presence, they don’t film in chronological order much.
That same foreign publisher–the Polish publisher–claimed that they were expecting a 2014 manuscript for publication in 2015 back when.
I mean, there’s always HOPE, but…
SUE, do you know when this battle in saintfield starts being filmed?? Hardhome toke 3 weeks. If this battle wants to be bigger we need at least 25 days. Haha.
And sue. No one saw Michael Mcelhatton?? Thats weird. He need to be inside the war. I already missed him last episode where he had to at least be in scene at some point in the episode. I hope to see him in the war.
That character in Mereen must be Gendry. He has been rowing a while now.
How long have they been shooting in Saintfield?
Geralt of Rivia,
The photo of Emilia, Michiel, Iain and D&D was taken in Sagunto, about an hour away from Peniscola.
That shoot probably won’t begin until the Snowbowl’s done being filmed.
Is it possible that the woman beside Nathalie in this photo you linked is Kinvara, the Red Priestess from the first batch of casting calls and the leaked audition?
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
I’d estimate that a little over 3 weeks.
The character is somebody who was in Westeros in Season 5, so that rules out Arya and Euron. The Dragons and Direwolves guy said he got the information from a local, but said that there might be confusion due to a language issue. The Dragons and Direwolves guy seemed to be implying that this is someone who “shouldn’t” be in Dany’s storyline, which depending on whether he had read the books would rule out the obvious suspects like Trystane (instead of Book Quentyn).
I would try to eliminate crew members, and cast members’ SOs and family members before jumping to a potential new cast member.
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
There was some prep time at Saintfield (spotted here- http://watchersonthewall.com/major-new-spoilers-about-mcshane-and-more-in-season-6-game-of-thrones-plans-a-premiere-and-a-battle). I’m estimating they’ll have spent about a month, (with days off in there) shooting this battle. They put out a warning requesting the space over that section of Saintfield remain clear of drones (lol) until Oct. 12th so I’m guessing they’ll be well cleared out by then.
I believe thats just one of Nathalie’s friends, they turned up together earlier in the week
How awkward is a scene between Tyrion and Missandei, though. So weird.
Sue the Fury,
Dragons and Direwolves,
Okay, thanks. I’m just on Kinvara-watch at the moment since she’ll probably be shooting in Peniscola along with the actors we know are there. So this will be the first of many “is that her?” moments from me.
You’re gonna be disappointed when Ramsay kills him and Walda before the battle.
Robb Snow,
Doubt that’s going to happen. Well, I hope that’s not going to happen…
I dont think so… I’m sure there’s a hell lot of fake snow on the real set, but these are just the locations around. I doubt anyone managed to catch a pic of the real battlefield.
Or so I really hope… there needs to be snow all the way to King’s Landing this season !
Melanie Liburd joins GOT and she’s in Peniscola right now.
This is our Kinvara, I think.
Hehehe, quite probably ! I was going to answer Greenjones that I too was on Kinvarra watch when I read your post !
I dont know her at all, nor her acting chops, but she’s beautiful and could make a very strong impression as the High Red Priestess ! And Kinvarra is one of these characters that totally intrigues me for next season !
Nice find! Can’t comment on her acting ability as I’ve not seen her in anything, but she’s gorgeous.
Ha, matching comments!
And now my brief Kinvara-watch is ended. 🙂 Great find.
Well she certainly looks perfect for it! 😀
Lovely girl! What makes you think she’s playing Kinvara though?
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
Oh it’ll happen. Legitimizing Ramsay will be bad for his health.
Lol that was quick indeed.
She’s on the photo with the Meereen cast, so I thought why not Kinvara?
Second last picture: am I crazy or are those props of flayed men??
Could be the Boltons gain ground?
Second last picture: am I crazy or are those props of flayed men??
Could be the Boltons gain ground?
Edit: NM they are huge sheilds
Now that you say it, I can totally see Benioff as the Mad King! Totally! 😀
Quite a while ago Nathalie Emmanuel said in an interview that characters who hadn’t met before would be meeting or words to that effect. I immediately thought that she was talking about the part of the storyline she is involved in, that is, Meereen. A number of posters were convinced that she must have been talking about characters NOT involved in her storyline, and IIRC, and there was a lot of discussion about Northern Westerosi characters intersecting. This is pretty exciting. I wonder who it could be?
Could be Kinvara, but what about some other new female character? I saw a picture on Twitter of clothes marked: “former slave”. I have no idea who that new former slave would be.
The guy to the left of Benioff in that picture looks almost exactly like David Walton. He’s an American sitcom actor so it almost definitely isn’t him, but still a pretty strong resemblance!
Sue the Fury,
Sue, any news about this old casting?
scratch… already been posted above
There were many ‘former slave female ‘costumes, not just one. They were numbered up to about 25 for different extras, none were for a main character
Why haven’t the siege engines at the Corbet set been reported? They pretty much confirm a certain siege! It makes me think WOTW has something else up their sleeve on that front, and maybe they are waiting to share the aforementioned set pics along with whatever their exclusive is… or maybe it’s just me being conspiratorial 😛
Yup. That’s the first thing I thought; we found our Kinvara, our Benerro/Moqorro analogue! Hopefully someone can confirm it soon. I’m quite excited and curious about the role she and her religion will play in Dany’s story arc, and in the show in general, next season.
Since royal blood has been sacrificed recently, R’hllor has conveniently cleared the skies and melted the snow in order for maximum bloodshed to occur in the coming battle. His vast thirst shall be quenched!
Really? I’m not skilled with their language, but I think it was Teruel.
I remember Nathalie’s comments on exciting meeting between characters. It’s really interesting, because this character was is in season 5 in Westeros. It has to be someone truly big since it could be a game changer.
Since you’ve mentioned North Westerosi.
Foreign publishers got Harry Potter fans’ hopes up prematurely more than once, if I recall. I suspect that what happens is that stuff literally gets lost in translation going back and forth from English Other.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up! 🙂
With Dany,Jorah, and Daario away from Meereen, it wouldn’t shock me that they’d send another main/semi-main character to interact with Tyrion and Varys. The question would be, why would they be headed to Meereen? Theon is the first person that comes to mind, as some sort of Victarion replacement. Another would be Doran. So that means it will be Davos. 🙂
Tyrion Pimpslap,
Geralt of Rivia,
Geralt of Rivia,
Tyrion Pimpslap,
Yara would make a little more sense than Theon.
Of course, the Sand Snakes need to flee somewhere: and fleeing to Daenerys would make a lot of sense. Imagine their joy to find another Lannister….
Or snow will be added later by the great god Ceegeeiii….
Nymeria Warrior Queen,
Me too. Dornish would make a lot of sense.
With Greyjoys. It could be that Euron will sent them there. He’s after all fascinated with dragons and definitely hear about Dragon Queen in Essos. Daeny already got her fleet. Instead of Victarion’s fleet, Meerenese navy with the same amount of ships 93. Dragons could be the only reason to sent them there. Especially that this chaarcters was in season 5, is what bugs me.
Tywin of the Hill,
Those are markers to signify where they will be cgi-ing snow. No need for practical effects.
Liam Cunningham confirmed it was supposed to be published this year but got pushed back to next year.
Robb Snow,
Might be bad for Walda, but Ramsay is no idiot. All of those Bolton soldiers are loyal to Roose alone. I doubt they would follow Ramsay if they learned that he was a patricide, even though they are probably used to serving backstabbers by now. I also think Roose might be some kind of endgame material, why keep him alive if he’s just going to be offed by Ramsay? They could of done that at the end of season 5.
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
Also, Roose is a vampire who can only be killed by a stake in the dual possession of the High Sparrow Reed and Daario Euron Greyjoy. So, clearly, Ramsay cannot kill him.
Never heard of him but I’m convinced that’s him…the hairline, the brows, the height, the chin….
It can’t be her since Kinvara will be R’hllor servant in Meereen.
There is a debate on this in the next article.
Pretty sure only Coldhands Shitmouth Stoneheart and Gatehouse Chataya Ami are capable of that feat.
It’s probably a Sand Snake that makes it Meereen. There’s precedent for Doran sending somebody to Dany already. The context is obviously not specifically marriage, but an alliance of sorts. Maybe one of the Sand Snakes goes to slaver’s bay and suffers Quentyn’s fate.
I think the only other one would be Euron. The ironborn were already on their way to Slaver’s Bay in the books anyway.
Lol, Casa JAIME… where else? 😀
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
I can see it happening. I could be dead wrong of course (I certainly have been before), but there’s definitely precedent for Ramsay turning on his father at some point, especially if Roose disinherits Ramsay which has been foreshadowed somewhat.
Of course he won’t want anyone to know for sure that he murdered his own father… he’ll kill them both in secret, then probably blame it on assassins sent by the Umbers or Jon Snow or someone else. It would be thin excuse, but I honestly don’t see that many Bolton men questioning it.
Robb Snow,
Yeah, I understand your point. It’s possible, but we really have no idea. I’m just getting a bit anxious since I’m a huge fan of Roose, as you can probably tell.
From the info provided, it is someone who was in Westeros and appeared in season 5, and who would not be expected to be there. The SS or Trystane wouldn’t be much of a surprise because of the Quentyn appearance in ADWD. Euron wasn’t in season 5, so it wouldn’t be him. Supposedly it would be a “game changer”, so it would need to be someone who could provide something(troops/a home base in Westeros/Advice on the happenings North of the Wall) of importance.
he has already said he was part of a “big event” in someone else’s story line..
#TeamNotDany 😉
Somehow I doubt that Doran is going to be sending any of the Sand Snakes anywhere! That written, they might go their of their own volition: after all, they have to be going somewhere.
Tyrion Pimpslap,
Good point about the S5 appearance. That rules out Yara as well. A Greyjoy does make sense, and would have large implication, but with those conditions, Theon is the only possible Greyjoy. I just don’t see Euron trusting Theon with such an important diplomatic mission. This leads me to think Martells, then.
Just asking, because something doesn’t add up to me:
– 1. Saintsfield.
– 2. Peñiscola.
– 3. Navarre.
When there are only two filming units, this does not make sense to me. The way we worked out the filming schedual clearly showed they were tracking from Girona, to Navarre, than down southwards towards Teruel (Castillo de Zafra) and than to Peñiscola. If there’s still shooting in Navarre, than does that mean that beside the Wolf and Dragon-units, they have some third unit on season 6?
Ser Oromis Locke,
There was a third filming unit used in one of the previous seasons, but can’t remember which one. I only remember it was Dragon, Wolf, and Raven. I don’t know if they’re doing that, again, but it has happened.
Ser Oromis Locke,
In the past couple of weeks, wasn’t there a report of the Wolf unit also being in Spain? Perhaps they were there for a spot of quick filming – Teruel? – while sets were getting prepared in Ireland?
Why can’t the person sent to Dany instead of Quentyn simply be Doran? He doesn’t need to walk by ship. He could take Areo and he could play the Drink part?
The Wolf Unit was in Spain filming TOJ. It looks like it just split between that and the Saintfield set.
Geralt of Rivia,
A crew member who was at the dinner with them in Sagunto tweeted about it.
Season 3.
I, too, think it’s gonna be Trystane in Meereen.
Doran won’t go because he is the Prince of Dorne and his place is there. He pulls the strings from behind the scenes.
The Sand Snakes might go – but on their own volition. Doran will not trust them as far as he can throw them after what they did. But what would they do there?
Trystane might take over
But then, who is going to be the Dornish presence in King’s Landing? Unless, of course, a Dornish presence in King’s Landing won’t be needed after all, which I think looks more and more likely.
Plus, Trystane in Meereen would totally be surprising/look like a game changer
Well, thanks fo clarification. I saw something on twitter on WiC too and then the link to facebook page.
Dunno if this is of any use but one of my pals posted a picture of Kit Harrington on his fbook. He’s in London and has his standard haircut! Not sure how this relates to what they’re filming currently.
Everything we’ve been shown this week leads me to believe they’re now exclusively filming the Bolton side of the battle. No Kit needed.
The woman in white is a septa. Why would there be a septa in Meereen? Are we sure that location filming is only Meereen?
Septas don’t dress like that, though obviously the costume department based their look on this woman’s order —That looks like a Catholic nun.
The question is what happens to Trystane in KL. I don’t think that they will turn the ship around and sail back to Dorne after Myrcella’s death. Why create a situation like this with her dying outside of Doran’s circle of influence and on a ship headed straight to Cercei, if they will just turn around? But I can’t see him sitting on the Small Council as well. I think Trystane will be a Lannister hostage in KL and maybe Cercei will send a declaration of war to Doran or threaten him to kill Trystane (against Jaime’s and Kevan’s will?), so Doran sends the Sand Snakes out on a rescue mission after telling them about his masterplan and executing Ellaria? It was definitely foreshadowed that Tyene and Bronn will meet again in the “bad pussy” scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbnAAYtFdZg). And if Jaime and Bronn will go to the riverlands in 6×06/6×07 it has to happen prior to this.
My guess is:
6×01 Jaime arrives in KL with a dead Myrcella and a grieving Trystane. Cercei is furious and sends a threat to Dorne. Trystane is imprisoned.
6×02/6×03 Doran receives a letter in which Cercei threats him to execute Trystane and realizes that Ellaria has f**ked up his plan by disobeying him one more time. Ellaria meets Areo’s axe, Doran tells the SS about his plan and sends them out on missions: Obara to Meereen to talk to Dany, Nymeria and Tyene to King’s Landing to free Trystane.
6×05 Sand Snakes arrive in King’s Landing. Bronn gets his bad pussy back. Maybe Cercei sends FrankenGregor to kill Trystane, but he is freed Tyrion-style by Jaime before which leads to further trouble between Cercei and Jaime.
Clearly it will be Stannis who shows up in Meereen, as he is in fact not dead, and is one of the three heads of the dragon along with Benjen.
His fat pink mast would be so happy in that scenario! 😀
The King Who Cares,
Why would the Dornish captain, crew and ship take Trystane to KL, where things are unlikely to go well for him? Don’t you think they’d take him back to Dorne, rather than delivering him to Cersei? Wouldn’t Trystane just order them to return to Dorne?
Luka Nieto,
Why would a nun be on set hanging with Tyrion and Misandei?
Maybe she was allowed to pass through the set. Who knows. She just looks more like a real life Catholic nun than a septa to me. I may be wrong, of course.
Because it is a TV show 😀
Of course, it would make more sense for the Dornish crew to return to Sunspeer. But then: Why does Myrcella’s death happen on a ship to KL, outside of Doran’s circle of influence? If Trystane is going to be back home and safe and Doran finds out about Ellaria and the SS disobeying his orders immediately after their attempt on Myrcella’s life, they could have poisoned her onshore just as well. They would not even have much time to flee before he finds out and they know it’s a clear death sentence.
I think poisoning her on a ship is a plot device to create drama:
1.) Trystane is heading straight to Cercei, who will be furious and surely blame him for Myrcella’s death or use him for her revenge on the Dornish, no matter what Jaime says.
2.) Doran knows that his son and heir isn’t safe in KL after Myrcella’s death. It is not only that Ellaria disobeyed him one more time, she also endangered his son’s life and is about to ruin his masterplan, which will be a disaster for the Dornish.
3.) Jaime knows that Trystane is innocent and probably really loved Myrcella. But Cercei will be to blind with rage to listen to him. She will also be mad that Jaime failed to protect their children one more time. Him defending Trystane (and maybe even helping him escape?) will convince her that he is against her. If Kevan prefers a diplomatic solution for the Dornish problem as well, she will feel lost and lonely. Jaime helping the Tyrells to be released by the Faith and Tommen’s death will be the last straw to put her over the edge and KL will burn.
The King Who Cares,
Isn’t a Dornish ship, carrying the heir to Dorne, still in Dorans sphere? Jaime and Bronn definitely have no say in where the ship goes, and are hugely outnumbered. I guess they could try to take the ship by force? They’re awfully good fighters. But it seems a stretch. We know Jaime makes it back to KL, but there haven’t been any Trystane sightings as far as I know.
Most probably! The fact that the actor has not been sighted is pretty telling. He might well have a pretty small role again this year. I doubt that they are going to have him take on Quentyn’s role: if they were trying to elevate him to a main character, then we probably would have seen him by now. For the same reason, I doubt that he will be hot-footing it after the Sand Snakes: that should be done by a main character, too.
So, Trystane might just simply drop (further) into the background.
If Ellaria had any intention of hanging around to be executed, then she would not have taken the antidote. Dorne is her Dodge: and she’s gotten the hell out by now. The question we should be asking is: where are Ellaria and the SS going? Ellaria knew that what she was doing would earn her a death sentence. However, she also did not undertake this as a suicide mission. It follows from these two details that she thinks that she can put herself somewhere that Doran cannot reach her. So, where is that, and who is her shield?
That’s a really good question. I don’t think that she has powerful allies by now. Of course she could try to get to Meereen, but why should Dany protect her? What Dany needs from Dorne is Doran’s support and army. If she was protecting Ellaria and the SS she would be on bad terms with Doran. Furthermore, Tyrion who is some kind of “right hand” to Dany now would not be pleased if he found out that they killed innocent Myrcella and ruined the marriage he once arranged.
The King Who Cares,
Probably dumb question: is Myrcella really dead?
Ellaria and Bronn took an antidote. What if Trystane has the antidote too?
I’m not particularly attached to Myrcella, so I don’t want her to be alive at any cost… It’s just something that came to my mind when I watched that episode. We see her nose bleeding, right? But even Bronn started bleeding and he was saved anyway. So if Trystane has the antidote, I presume Myrcella can be saved too. Or was her death already been confirmed by the authors? I don’t know.
Why should Trystane be in possession of the antidote? Well, poisoning seems the national sport in Dorne, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Doran gave his son an antidote, just in case… 😀
Ser Creighton Longbough,
Ser Creighton Longbough,
I’ve always assumed she’ll survive, and thought Bronn most likely had the antidote.
I thought that Myrcella’s death was confirmed by the actress and D&D. It sounded like she was dead on the Inside the Episode for the finale. Maybe I was wrong.
Khal Greyworm?!
What is happening? Any theories?
I passed by Corbet’s set today and they were still building it. They seemed to be working mainly on the bridge, and quite a few trucks were coming and going to the set.