Game of Thrones Season 8 set develops: King’s Landing gets ready for battle!

Screenshot 2018-01-09 01.40.23

At the Titanic Studios parking lot, a large chunk of King’s Landing is still being erected from the ground-up, after so months. We have been following the construction of this unprecedented set step by step and even discovered its explosive (and highly spoilery) purpose in season eight. And yet, the work continues: though most of it is still taking shape, at last we can see how King’s Landing is preparing for battle.

Most of these King’s Landing streets were already erected over a month ago, but all of the buildings are still being furnished with a facade so they don’t look like large piles of scaffolding when the show airs. As of our last report, the large tower at this location had been the only building to be painted over and provided with the capital’s iconic appearance, based on Dubrovnik (and perhaps Girona and Cáceres as well.) Now, more buildings have undergone this treatment, and that’s not the only thing that’s new:

Or, for a closer look, notice the new facades and roofs, and the city walls additions:

Paint Hall - Gate Set Overview 4

Paint Hall - Gate Set Overview 5

These new photos by A Red Priestess don’t only show a few more buildings have been made to look appropriately medieval but also an interesting new detail on the city walls: crenellations. The walls look like true battlements now! These wouldn’t have been built if they were not going to be put to good use … and they most certainly are, if everything we’ve heard about this set, from siege weapons to fire and blood, holds true.

With a set this size, it’s no wonder changes seem glacially slow, but now it’s beginning to look like what it will become: one of the gates of King’s Landing, with the defensive walls along its sides and the city streets behind them. If you have read what this is all for, you’ll understand our excitement to see this set finished and filmed on.


  1. After 8 seasons we will finaly have real battle in KL. When the story started I thought that’s where the war between the Starks and the Lannisters would end.

    To choose KL as the place of final battle at the end o the story makes more sense.

  2. So the last battle of GOT has to be there in KL…Jon/Danny VS NK? Jon/Danny VS Cercei?Jon/Danny VS Euron? or Jon/Danny VS NK/Cercei/Euron ?..Any idea anyone?

  3. In a way this is like the last battle in Harry Potter happening at Hogwarts. Everything started there. It makes sense that everything should end there.

    Yes, GoT has two main places, unlike HP, but still, KL was always more important for the plot than Winterfell.

  4. “And yet, the work continues…”

    This wasn’t a subtle reference to my man Qyburn, was it?


  5. Hope Dany Jon and Cersei are all involved.

    I hope Cersei lasts until the penultimate episode.

    I dunno… I’ve always pictured Cersei’s final moments as one of the biggest climaxes of the series.

  6. I thought this place was supposed to be safe from spoilers. I didn’t want to be told there’s going to be a battle at KL. This sort of thing used to be hidden below the cut.

  7. HelloThere:
    Hope Dany Jon and Cersei are all involved.

    I hope Cersei lasts until the penultimate episode.

    I dunno… I’ve always pictured Cersei’s final moments as one of the biggest climaxes of the series.

    She will do it..I hope she get tortured before dies ..Like when she did with Septa Unella before order the Mountain to rape/kill her in the end of S6.Cercei must to taste her own medicine ..Torture,rape and death

  8. Artemisia,

    I don’t think it will happen this way.
    While Cersei’s end is no where near a tragedy, I feel like it will be written, acted, and filmed as a dramatic, tragic end. Probably with Jaime involved.

  9. HelloThere:

    I don’t think it will happen this way.
    While Cersei’s end is no where near a tragedy, I feel like it will be written, acted, and filmed as a dramatic, tragic end.Probably with Jaime involved.

    i dont say..either..but i like tinfoil stuff

  10. Grandmaester Flash,

    To be fair, “KL gets ready for battle” isn’t that “spoilery”…unless you keep reading, and even then doesn’t give away anything beyond fodder for tinfoil speculation.

  11. HelloThere:

    “I hope Cersei lasts until the penultimate episode.

    I dunno… I’ve always pictured Cersei’s final moments as one of the biggest climaxes of the series.”

    So…you’re saying Cersei’s final moments in the second-to-last episode will be one of the biggest climaxes of the series?

  12. Grandmaester Flash:
    I thought this place was supposed to be safe from spoilers.I didn’t want to be told there’s going to be a battle at KL.This sort of thing used to be hidden below the cut.

    We can only be so careful. And honestly, I just can’t consider this a big spoiler; what you’re being told in the title is that one of the two main locations of the show is going to have a battle scene during its last season, which takes place during a war between Cersei and the Starks and Targaryens, as well as between humanity and the White Walkers. It’s a given. We try our best to avoid clickbaity or spoilery titles, but they do have to say… something!

    Also, the actual spoilers concerning what this action sequence entails are referenced but not explicitly revealed in this article. There are links to an article that DOES explain it, but I was careful to say it’s “very spoilery.”

  13. HelloThere:
    Hope Dany Jon and Cersei are all involved.

    I hope Cersei lasts until the penultimate episode.

    I dunno… I’ve always pictured Cersei’s final moments as one of the biggest climaxes of the series.

    If Cersei doesn’t make it to the final episode than that is a damn shame.

    The final episode of Game of Thrones without Cersei Lannister just does not sound right.

  14. I have a strong feeling that the Great War will not make it that far south. Maybe that is more hope than anything. I also dont want to see it torched by dragons. I imagine the burning of KL will be Cersei’s doing with wildfire.

  15. I think by the time this war happens dany will be pregnant and giving birth , so she will not take part initially, when everything seems lost thats when dany will come with drogon and turn the trident into torrent…

    After All drogon always gives most dramatic entries….

  16. They have to burn it down soon, right? While it’s still winter? Even with CGI, I find it hard to believe they would be filming a wintery scene in, let’s say, June…

    We need a daily watch on that set!

  17. Artemisia: She will do it..I hope sheget tortured before dies ..Like when she did with Septa Unella before order the Mountain to rape/kill her in the end of S6.Cercei must to taste her own medicine ..Torture,rape and death

    does this have to take a complete episode? or would fifteen minutes of Cersei being raped help you compensate that Ramsay raping Sansa was not shown in full length back then?
    you probably remember that you called what Sansa has gone through a “melodramatic “rape” story”, once even a “fake melodramatic “rape” story”. that was on december 3rd at 10:43am, 11:04am and 11:17am.

    if the raping of Sansa wasn’t rapy enough for you, i’m quite scared of what you might wish to Cersei….

    to sum it up: i’ve read one stubborn and heartless rape denial written by you. and one wish for a person to be raped. may i ask you to avoid using these four buttons “r”, “a”, “p” and “e” from now on? it seems everytime you use them in a combination they produce text that leaves my stomach in open rebellion. thank you in advance!

    and before i forget it: Cersei never ordered The Mountain to rape or kill Septa Unella. you got this from an episode of the teletubbies or from your imagination. which doesn’t matter to me, as i don’t want to see neither of the both.


  18. Roshan: I think by the time this war happens dany will be pregnant and giving birth…

    I seriously hope not. Dany is one of the biggest characters in the story, whose actions and decisions have changed worlds. Relegating her to the role of Jon Snow’s brood sow, no longer able to take part or be near the action, would be a terrible waste. Also sexist. Plus I imagine you’re also hoping she’ll die in the process? (Maybe not you, but plenty of other people have eagerly awaited this ending for the Dragon Queen.)

  19. Yaga,

    Have you seen the N Ireland skies in June? The sky’s often just as grey and miserable then as it is in January and February.

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