Game of Thrones returns to Shane’s Castle for season 6

Photo: Kieran/WOTW
Photo: Kieran/WOTW

We have confirmation this week that Game of Thrones has returned to Shane’s Castle in County Antrim, Northern Ireland, for season 6 filming. The Shane’s Castle property has hosted GoT in previous seasons, with its ruined stones and grassy fields proving a perfect backdrop for the show. No actors have been sighted yet but we do have a few ideas as to what the set could be- and has been- used for, on Game of Thrones.

Luckily, WotW reader Kieran happened to be visiting the area recently, happened upon this spot when security wasn’t around, and ducked inside to snap a few photos to share with WatchersOnTheWall.

Photo: Kieran/WOTW
Photo: Kieran/WOTW

Photo: Kieran/WOTW
Photo: Kieran/WOTW

Inside, Kieran found something familiar from season 5:

Photo: Kieran/WOTW
Photo: Kieran/WOTW

The altar with seven-pointed stars is from the High Sparrow-centered scenes with Cersei this year.

Lancel and High Sparrow
From Game of Thrones S5E7 “The Gift”

The arched ceilings and doorways of the cellar are also very familiar:

Photo: KIeran/WOTW
Photo: Kieran/WOTW

Compare to:

From Game of Thrones S5E10 "Mother's Mercy"
From Game of Thrones S5E10 “Mother’s Mercy”
Photo: Kieran/WOTW
Photo: Kieran/WOTW

Compare to:

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From Game of Thrones S5E7 “The Gift”
Though our exclusive photos from Kieran were taken more than a week ago, visitors were still running into Game of Thrones crews at Shane’s Castle just yesterday. Here are a few photos posted by a different fan on Instagram, who encountered some noise from production:

Again #gameofthrones #filming #season6 #snopping #shanescastle #antrim A photo posted by vicky henry (@vickyh83) on

It’s unclear if they’re only using the area for the Faith-related story or if all the activity going on at Shane’s Castle involves more changing of the sets. The cellars at the castle have also played the role of Winterfell’s crypts in prior seasons and it could be playing the part again. They hardly would have left the seven-pointed star setpiece lying around all year at Shane’s Castle so most likely they’re filming more scenes involving the Faith (it helps that Jonathan Pryce was seen in Belfast recently). However we can’t rule out the cellars being used for more crypt scenes eventually, as well.

Thanks once again to Kieran for submitting the photos!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Nice pix, reader Kieran! And thank you! Says No Entry but don’t they realize this is GOT fandom?!?! 🙂 we risk shit.

  2. Well we still have the upcoming trials for the Faith for which they’d need the temple pieces.

    But yeah I think the Winterfell crypts will definitely be in play next season as well with the upcoming Northern rebellion.

  3. My page a day calendar quote for 24-August:

    A little honest loathing can be refreshing, like a tart wine after too much sweet.
    -Tyrion Lannister -A Dance with Dragons

  4. Awesome!

    I was wondering where the High Sparrow scenes were filmed and where this year’s scenes might be filmed. Now I know!

  5. winnie: But yeah I think the Winterfell crypts will definitely be in play next season…

    Yeah, there is so much pontification regarding the use of WF’s crypts, like whether certain swords are missing or stored there, possible active spirits lying in wait, who’s who clues, a weirnet portal, a hidden route in/out of WF, etc. I was hoping that Sansa would be able to use the crypts last season for some strategic event(s) instead of simple exposition via LF. I’m still clinging to hope that the crypts will be used to physically/magically help the Stark cause at some point soon. 🙂

    Back on topic…The Shane’s castle area does seem like a great area to film GoT scenes, especially given the history of it (found online):

    “The castle derives its name from Shane O’Neill, John the Proud, one of the most redoubtable foes the English power met in Ireland. He was assassinated at a banquet at the instance of the Lord Deputy, who kept his head spiked for months on the tower of Dublin Castle.”

  6. Matt,

    “High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts”
    Amazing quote.

  7. This is why I love Watchers On The Wall, and why I love its users. I thought of making my own fansite community as I am a huge fan of the show, but I said fuck it, I have this site and it does me just as well.

    Now I can show my mum that there IS a way into Shane’s Castle! Always asked her to take me and that was her excuse…

  8. Cathair:
    This is why I love Watchers On The Wall, and why I love its users. I thought of making my own fansite community as I am a huge fan of the show, but I said fuck it, I have this site and it does me just as well.

    Now I can show my mum that there IS a way into Shane’s Castle! Always asked her to take me and that was her excuse…

    Don’t get arrested. If you do, then take pictures. At least get a halfway blurry shot of a cast member walking into the castle with your phone. Just joking 🙂

  9. Hodor’s Bastard,
    This is commonly repeated, but entirely false. The name has nothing at all to do with Shane the Proud, who was of the Tyrone line.
    Edenduffcarrick is the actual name of the Castle, and it is a Clanaboy castle, named for Shane McBrien O’Neill, Prince of Clanaboy.
    Through legal manipulation, it was appropriated from it’s actual heirs, and settled upon this junior line, which subsequently died out.
    The present owner, the Baron O’Neill has only a female line of descent from the House of Clanaboy, and is, in fact, a Chichester, descending from the same family that savagely starved Ulster to gain control.
    The name was changed through Royal License, and now they are called O’Neill.
    It is a story of unbridled greed and evil to put all the seasons of GOT to shame.

  10. Hodor’s Bastard,

    That blurb you found is BS. Shane the Proud was a Tyrone Prince. Their seat was Castle Dungannon .
    What is called Shane’s Castle is Edenduffcarrig, The Brow of the Black Rock.
    It was the seat of the Clanaboy O’Neill Princes.
    When the Brits appointed illegal Princes from a junior Clanaboy line, Shane McBrien O’Neill came into possession of Edenduffcarrig, though he had no real right to it.
    In celebration of his heist, he renamed it Shane’s Castle.
    It has nothing directly to do with Shane McCuinn O’Neill, AKA ” Shane the Proud”.

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