A Murder of Crows: The countdown to season six

Let’s do a quick and dirty Murder of Crows, shall we?

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s been a huge deluge of set photos, spy reports, and casting leaks announcements for season six. As exciting as all this is in and of itself, it’s rendered all the more magical once one stops to consider that this is all (potentially) brand-new material – with no more published books to draw off of, showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss are heading into spoiler territory, big time.


Given the momentous occasion, a small number of us crows here at the Wall managed to stop for a moment while scurrying madly about, trying to cover the big news, to discuss our hopes and excitements. What’s going to be the best part of the sixth season? We’ll tell you our answers – if you promise to tell us yours in the comments below.

(And don’t worry – we’re spoiler-free in this discussion. We didn’t want to exclude anyone from participating in the hugely exciting countdown to season six!)


Marc N. Kleinhenz:

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As you are all aware, I’m sure, there’s been a lot of exciting news tidbits leaking out of the season six sets already. Which has gotten you the most excited? Which is the most intriguing? Which has even possibly made you uneasy for the very uncertain road ahead?

Dame Pasty

Dame Pasty:

This is going to be hard to not be spoilerish, but I’ll try. The news coming in about the northern Westeros storyline has me seriously stoked, and from the discussions online, it looks like many fans feel the same way.

Jon has got to live. He just has to for me to stay as fully engaged with the show. Also, someone is going to have to take out the Boltons – either the northerners or the White Walkers, and my bet is on the northern families still loyal to the Starks. I also really want to see Melisandre die this year. She’s done enough damage. Imagine how much stronger the Westerosi people would have been with both Jon and Stannis to help fight the Walkers. I never liked Stannis, but he would have been a terrific ally against the White Walkers had he been able to compromise or others had been willing to compromise with him. But none of that is possible now because of the path Mel led him down (and to be fair, that Stannis chose).

Jon Snow

The next biggest thing I am excited about and is part of the northern story is Bran’s seer capabilities. I want to see, in particular, what he knows about the past and Jon’s origins. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

I’m less excited by Dany’s story, but that’s always been the case. However, now that Tyrion is there and the dragons are finally coming into play, my interest in that storyline is definitely increasing. On that front, some serious dragon training needs to occur, and that can only happen if the other two dragons are released. So who will that be, and will they end up toasted like a s’more? Dany is just beginning to learn to control Drogon, so that aspect of the story will be interesting. As for the conflict in Meereen, they just need to get it over with. I’m so over that, it’s not even funny.

The one thing that has me uneasy is Sansa. Where is she going to end up? Will she finally be out from under other people’s control and have some say in what the hell happens to her? She doesn’t need to end up ruling the world, but I do want her to have some control over her destiny (insofar as any person can have control over their destiny).



I think what I’m most excited for is the return of some missing characters – mostly Walder Frey, but I’m also really looking forward to Bran returning, as well as the Greyjoys (including the new ones!).

I’ve been trying to keep away from the set photos, but from what I’ve seen, season six already looks very promising.


Sue the Fury:

Not knowing whether something is from the books anymore makes me uneasy, but it also is very exciting. I wouldn’t say “We’re all Unsullied!” as so many do, because that’s not accurate, either. Book readers are still loaded with knowledge from A Song of Ice and Fire about people’s backstories and with hints and foreshadowing about the future. But we’re unsteady on our feet, deep into theory-land, uncertain of where things are going in several areas. So we’re the Unsteady, I guess.

As for the news coming out that has made me the most excited, I’m stoked to see the Greyjoy resurgence for season six. I love those pirates.


Marc N. Kleinhenz:

Me, personally, I’m intrigued at seeing a certain play…



The flashback scenes are going to be great, if the season five one is anything to go by, but what’s got me really excited is the future developments the show will be making, whether they’re taking their lead from the books or not. I’m especially excited for the reappearance of the Greyjoys, especially now we finally got ourselves a show!Euron, and the direction the northern storylines appear to be taking, judging by the set pictures.

Ian McShane

I’m also incredibly psyched about how many of my favourite actors the show has bagged for this season. Kevin Eldon! Ian McShane! Richard E Grant! The return of David Bradley and his creeptastic Walder Frey!

Oh, and, of course, Hodor!



Without being specific, it’s the flashback scenes, by a mile. I not only want me some (probable) The Winds of Winter canon, but I want to see how our (Emmy-winning!) team of writers, casting directors, directors, costumers, set designers, and directors of photography present this hitherto unseen material to us.

Gimme a fat chunk of Tower of Joy, ya bastards!

(And here’s to hoping they don’t sanitize it too much, like they kind of did with Cersei’s flashback. I was really hoping for Melara’s doom.)



I’m excited about the flashback scenes, but, predictably, I’m most intrigued about Theon’s storyline and, er, a certain individual he might encounter this season. Yes, I’m biased (that broken bastard could spend season six painting a fence, and I’d watch), but I also think the changes made to his storyline in season six open him up to some interesting possibilities. I’m also really excited to see Tyrion, Missandei, and Grey Worm run Meereen.

Dwarf cock

I’m uneasy about Sansa and Brienne’s storylines simply because I love them both but I don’t know if the writers have any idea what to do with them (please note, I have the same concern about their Song of Ice and Fire counterparts).

Previous Murders

Season eight

The final word on season five

Should Game of Thrones be boycotted forever more?

“The Wars to Come,” season five, and you

What if season five sucks?

The year in review

Casting the recastings in a new light

Westerosi immersion

The best – and worst – season of Game of Thrones


  1. I’m show only, but I feel like I know a lot about what’s to come and it all has me excited: Not just finally answering some questions (Jon’s parentage) and how it fits into the larger picture, but all the events up North, and even in Mereen with Tyrion and Varys trying to run the show (honestly, the Greyjoy stuff is what leaves me meh,for now). Also the anticipation of seeing so many great character actors like Sydow and McShane curl their tongues around this (hopefully) beautiful language. I do worry about Sansa, as she’s one of my favorite characters ( a lot of this is Sophie, frankly), and where and if she fits into future events. But judging by what we suspect from set pics, it seems impossible that it won’t at least be viscerally exciting. Hopefully, they have the time to massage everything into its best shape. My one concern – and its been echoed by other critics – is that, as budgets and demand for shocks increase, the show may turn into more spectacle than substance. Everything sounds big and spectacular, but I hope D&D don’t forget that the root of the show is the characters, and their emotional interplay.

  2. Most looking forward to The Iron Islands and TOJ Flashbacks. Less interested in Sansa. Only interested in Brienne and Pod if they run into a certain Septon.

    I’m interested in Daenerys since its brand new territory. I’m intrigued by Tyrion and Varys in Meereen and I hope it leads to a similar point that we see in TWOW sample chapters.

    Not very intrigued by the new outlaw band. Also Arya’s storyline seems to be moving very slow. I hope we see Nymeria again (the wolf not the snake).

    Hyped for Jaime’s arc this year!

    And I haven’t even mentioned the Northern Storyline.

    This is shaping up to be the best GOT season by a long shot.

  3. I am looking forward, more and more, into seeing the Northern storyline develop, in part because of the on-set spoilers we’ve been seeing, and how that furthers the story of the White Walkers as well, which is going to be just ridiculous. I’m excited to see Bran return (and Hodor!) as well as other pieces of the story too.

    I am interested in how they continue to top their previous major “set piece” type battles, especially as they have been slowly ramping them up in terms of their grandeur and spectacle without losing sight of the human story. Blackwater remains a highlight, and Season 3 didn’t have a true “battle” scene – we had the “Dracarys” moment and the Red Wedding, and then Season 4’s Battle of Castle Black was its own version of spectacle that differed enough and did much with fighting on several fronts that was worth it as well. And then Hardhome – different because of the enemy in question, because of the futility of the battle, the way in which it has become clear that the next time there’s such a battle, it’s going to have to get bigger and worse. We may take a break from that in season 6 – but eventually, it’s going to be people (and dragons??) against the army of the dead. It’s going to be crazy.

  4. And of course I’m also looking forward to whatever the hell it is Ian McShane will be doing.

    (Please, please be Septon Meribald….please.)
  5. All the stills and videos sneaked have made me more interested in seeing season 6.
    Mostly for explaining HOW things happen which will remain a mystery until we see it….
    unless GRRM spoils everything by publishing Winds of Winter…. 🙂
    Actually that probably won’t spoil anything.

  6. “Perhaps we can fly. All of us. How will we ever know unless we leap from some tall tower? No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap.”
    Bring it on.What is dead may never die!

  7. Ian Mcshane will be playing the roll of Hurin, its been confirmed, he’ll be looking for his son Turin this season. The book readers know what I’m talking about.

  8. I’m most hyped for the North. That’s become the real focal point of the show and KL is now dead to me.

  9. Ian McShane will obviously play Patchface.He will be a danger for Mel and her new path this season and will try to take her down!Not.

  10. Really excited about Iron Islands and most of all Crow’s Eye.

    Besides that of course Northern storyline is shaping up to be something else with Jon, Sansa, Rickon in the picture. Speaking of Jon. The photos of him wearing Stark colours makes me super proud. Of course his resurrection. How? When?
    If they want to include Manderly’s that would be icing on the cake, but I’d say with the news so far no. Not to mention Battle of Six Armies which is gonna be bigger than anything they’ve ever done. Since Liam hyped me up about Sansa’s arch.

    Daeny and Dothraki. Because I like them and interesting times for Tyrion and Varys trying to control Meereen. A lot of hope that we see Daeny finally set her eyes on Westeros and perhaps even landing in Dorne as to he most logical destination. I feel like Euron is her next foe, after Meereen bussiness is done. White Walkers will do something amazing but tought to say what it will be.

    Arya and Jaime will end up in Riverlands wich is exciting too. Hope we see in season 7 Arya’s and Nymeria’s reunion. Hopefully Brienne will end up there aswell. Super stoked about Tarly’s dinner and hopefully we’ll see some confrontational scene between Sam and Randyll to show how much he learned and grew up on the Wall. Don’t know what to think about Dorne.

    Of course last but not least Tower of Joy. Such a mysterious event(at least for me).It might not be that straightforward as some thing it is. If R+L=J How is Jon gonna find out about it?What concequences it will have on arch of other characters, storywise and most of all on Jon himself.

    Never been so excited about new season like with this one. Cast seems to be on the same page Emilia, Nikolaj, Liam etc. Winter is Coming.

  11. Greatjon of Slumber,

    If he’s not Tarly or Greyjoy as said, and he’s the guy that has a very short scene, the odds are good.

    Knowing him as the crusty sonofabitch from Deadwood it’s hard to hear him delivering a speech so full of empathy. But I imagine it will be in his British accent, and completely different. Probably a little tougher than I imagined Meribald. A little hardier and more rugged.

    Al Swearengen’s most inspirational moment, still a little bit of a wiseass in delivery:

  12. Like Petra I’m most excited for the Theon stuff, whatever it may be. I’ve been pretty vocal – perhaps tediously so – in my annoyance over him being a side-character in the season which tackled the ADWD-Northern-storyline, but, I shall now force myself to be positive again and say it was all just a necessary after-effect of the screen-time he had to adopt in season 4, and season 5’s content was the bridge which springboards him back into being a main character again for season 6. Or, y’know, I hope so.



  13. I’m interested in every scene and every storyline as always.

    Every spoiler we got from S6 made fans excited. That wasn’t always the case. Every season there was something that we know they will change from the books that made some people sceptical. Even a picture of Dany and Tyrion together made some people worried for some reason.

    But this year I really don’t think that anything became some kind of controversy among internet fans

    (except maybe a possibility of Theon at Kingsmoot).

    I think that real reason isn’t that D&D suddenly become great writers (they always were), but now book fans just don’t have source material for 80-90% of the scenes in S6, so they are much more open-minded.

    And I think that after 5 years GoT deserved to be judged as a TV show and not as typical adaptation.

  14. I need me some Wyman Manderly, Great Northern Conspiracy, Benjen Stark, and Howland Reed, bad! My example of a perfect season would be that all of these components are present in large roles. Ian McShane as Wyman Manderly would make my head explode. That’s probably not going to happen, but it would be amazing!

  15. Most looking forward to and anxious about a certain parentage reveal. Because I don’t like the main theory and want him to wield that sword so the father has to be …

    Not looking forward to Essos.

  16. I’m looking forward to seeing the Robert Strong

    (or is it Gregor Clegane in the show?) duel, and to see more Cersei and Qyburn shenanigans. Specially Qyburn’s. He’s my favourite secondary character, and one of the few people who can do real magic.

    Which reminds me, I’m also hyped for the Citadel and Sam’s training.

  17. Thought Ian McShane would end up being Meribald but that comment about him playing Patchface is intriguing.

  18. Rat Kook,

    Yeah, it’s a pity they couldn’t adopt it straight out. Some of Theon’s best stuff. But knowing the show they may rework it into the Kingsmoot or his future interactions with Sansa/Asha/Yara/Wun Wun.

    Allen’s performance in S2 was its highlight, I thought. Perfectly caught being trapped between two ideals with no guidance. He’s been solid even when tortured for a year. They took such care with character previously, if they have time and space I imagine they will take care to have him know his name.

  19. mau,

    Book purists still have their expectations and imaginations to bog down their enjoyment of the show, unfortunately. They’ll still insult the show for being ‘fan fiction’ and ‘pandering s**t’, as they’ve been saying.

    Personally I’m excited to see if older characters return (Gendry, for example) and to see how the new characters fit into the overall scheme of things. And the flashbacks, one of which we’ve been waiting to see since season 1.

  20. The crucial thing for me is to find out what is going to happen to/with Jon. It’s been years of worrying, debating, in a perfect world we would find out by reading Winds of Winter but at this point I’ll take whatever medium is ready first. The North has always been, in my opinion, the most interesting storyline in the saga and I’m looking forward to the new lords expressing their undying loyalty to the Ned and his children. I am hoping for a Stark reunion, Jon, Sansa and Rickon for now with Bran watching over them. Arya, I would imagine, would hear the pack calling sooner or later and join them.

    I am also looking forward, oddly enough, to Cersei’s storyline. She’s a paranoid brat, she’s going to cause a lot more havoc before going down.

    I also want to see Oldtown and the Citadel. Don’t care much for Dorne or Euron. The only Ironborn worth anything are Theon, Yara and Rodrick the Reader. And one more thing, if possible I want someone/anyone to chop Walder Frey into little pieces.

  21. mau: But this year I really don’t think that anything became some kind of controversy among internet fans

    (except maybe a possibility of Theon at Kingsmoot)

    . I think that real reason isn’t that D&D suddenly become great writers (they always were), but now book fans just don’t have source material for 80-90% of the scenes in S6, so they are much more open-minded.

    There will be something for the most rabid book fans to hate (i.e. Linda). There’s already some b.s. circulating that the entire season is D&D’s entire invention and that GRRM thinks the scripts are awful. Crap like that that has as much basis in fact as the “they’re developing a movie” rumor. ON another note: I think the book will be out before S6 airs, even though as recently as yesterday Martin said he was still working it.

  22. I am most excited to see what the storylines start to reveal about the endgame.
    Very much hoping to see Daenerys, Tyrion, and Co. shape up all of Essos and get out of Meereen with dragons of the same mind as their humans. Bran with all his revealing flashbacks. Interested to see Dorne, Tullys, new houses, Ironborn, come into their own and of course, the large mess-up in the North. Not interested in Kings Landing all that much. Not much interested in the places in-between, Riverlands, vale, etc.
    Characters whose arc have become less interesting to me are Sansa, Arya, Cersei, Jaime. And Melissandre just needs to die, preferably sooner rather than later.

  23. It’s going to be hard to discuss Season 6 without venturing into filming spoilers, but I will say this …

    Based on all of the set reports, leaked photos and videos, and casting calls … I am beyond hyped. Season Six is shaping up to be the best season of GoT by far. I think it will blow Season Four out of the waters, and will make Season Five and all of the set-up it did look much better in hindsight.

    My only concern is that I hope Season Six manages to redeem the Dorne storyline, which, as far as I’m concerned, was S5’s biggest dud. (Having a certain Sand Snake in Oldstown would help tremendously.)

  24. I’m most excited about the Northern storyline, because that’s where apparently the season will climax most explosively and because that’s where most characters are converging. I’m also quite excited about Team Targaryen —Dany with the Dothraki, Tyrion and the Council dealing with whatever it is that will happen in Meereen, and then hopefully all of them uniting and heading west. There are also smaller things, mysteries yet unresolved:

    What’s up with McShane, or that outlaw band? Since Jaime is going to the Riverlands after all, will Jaime and Brienne meet again as a climax, as they do in the books? What will Arya do when she arrives at Westeros? Aside from the expected Tower of Joy flashback revelation, what will Bran and the Three-eyed raven deliver us this season? When and where will the White Walkers make their reappearance? Though we can pretty much guess how things will go in King’s Landing until about the mid-season, what will happen after that? Will Euron sack Oldtown? What will Sam do in Oldtown?
  25. I have heard some rumours that Stephen Dillane was spotted on set and that he will team up with jon snow to fight against boltons. I hope it’s not true, but it seems to be true.

  26. I don’t get why so many people even care about the

    Septon Meribald

    character, much less even if Ian McShane does fill the role. I mean, in the book

    all he did was travel around with Brienne and Pod for awhile and talk about the Ninepenny Kings war. To me, it would have more impact if they had the Brother from the Quiet Isle “re-introduce” the Not-Sandor-Clegane-and-warhorse.

    Am I forgetting something pertinent from the book? Please remind me, if so…

  27. dana white:
    I have heard some rumours that Stephen Dillane was spotted on set and that he will team up with jon snow to fight against boltons.

    First at the Tower of Joy now this?Stannis the Mannis indeed.Hope Aemon is also there.

  28. What I find interesting is that in Seasons 2-4, King’s Landing was where most of the action happened and many people were bored by the storylines in the North. But now in Season 6, it’s the opposite. The North is the happening place, and people are bored with King’s Landing.

    It doesn’t help that KL lost Tywin (to death), Tyrion (to Essos), Jamie (to Dorne), Sansa (to the Vale / North) and Varys (to Essos) and basically got reduced to only Cersei and the Tyrells. While the North gained Stannnis, Davos, the Red Witch, Sansa, and Brienne.

  29. Fienix:
    I don’t get why so many people even care about the

    character, much less even if Ian McShane does fill the role.I mean, in the book

    Am I forgetting something pertinent from the book?Please remind me, if so…

    That speech is a highpoint of the series, and McShane has blown socks off previously.

  30. Ravyn,

    If you read the books you will get far more excited bout the Iron Islands story line. really sets them apart from the rest of Westeros. Think the Irish to the English.

  31. I am most in agreement with Dame Pasty-most uneasy about Sansa, totally bored with Meereen storyline, and totally,

    totally hyped about ToJ and Jon(Snow)(Stark)(Targeyrean) saga! How/if he finds out about lineage? The Battle of 6 Armies with possibility of WW and the Wall falling?!!! OMG!! But I don’t want Melisandre to die(as I would dance on her pyre when she does) simply because we need her for Jon! I believe she resurrects Jon, and he is very fatal accident prone, because he has such a good heart?, so she needs to stick around to resurrect him AGAIN! All your opinions are great and insightful and make me so hyped for season6! Thank you to all of you for your great reporting every day on the BEST show on TV!!!
  32. Ser Gerold Dayne,

    I would be a big fan of ghost Dillane commenting on everything, like a certain character from Buffy who switched over to a spin-off. Though it would also be horrible.

  33. Josh L.My only concern is that I hope Season Six manages to redeem the Dorne storyline, which, as far as I’m concerned, was S5’s biggest dud.

    Yeah I hope they can manage to breath some fresh excitement into it. I got kind of sad recently when I considered that this year’s Dornish stuff was a continuation of the awesome Oberyn content from season 4. So like, they were actually in a pretty perfect position to make that story great, riding off of the wave of interest that Oberyn generated the year before, but then unfortunately it didn’t really pan out that way. It may or may not have been their one opportunity to really build on this stuff.

    With the Dorne arc for season 6 – assuming it is an “arc” as such – I think they’d do well to find a way of reminding the audience early on of Oberyn’s fantastic season 4 content, because people’s preconceptions play such a massive role in their willingness to enjoy something. They need to remember the best of Dorne, not the worst. I guess they could just put the Mountain vs the Viper fight into the “Previously, on Game of Thrones” at the start of the season, but who knows how well that’d gel with season 6’s story.

  34. Fienix,

    My guess is that people are excited about Septon Meribald because he is how that certain “gravedigger” will be reintroduced to GoT. It looks like they are going to merge Septon Meribald and the Brother-from-Quiet-Island into one character. Also, he gives a great speech in the books.
  35. Josh L.,

    I’m not bored with KL, but it’s different. A lot of the players that gave it all its intrigue – Tyrion, Varys, Littlefinger, Tywin – are gone, and Cersei mostly has to carry the load herself. I think that’s kinda the point, though, and its given Lena Heady a real chance to take center stage.

  36. Really looking forward to the flashbacks, meeting the Tarly family, the theater troupe play, the return of Rickon/Osha, and finding out what happens next for Jon, Jaime, Sansa, Arya, Tyrion, Dany, Cersei, Bran and Brienne. Add in

    Rhaegal and Viserion escaping

    and I’ll be quite happy.

    Tower of Joy w/Bran, Ned, Howland, etc.
    Dany with Drogon and Kalissar
    Theon and Sansa

  38. I’m happy we’re finally getting the Greyjoy storyline that was long overdue.

    What I want to ask the writers is how it got pushed back to Season 6; not in an accusing way – I mean back in Season 2 they didn’t know if Shireen Baratheon would ever be in the TV show. So did they always think the Greyjoy storyline would be in Season 6? Did they never think it would be in the show at all, but then changed their minds when they had more time through Season 8 to fit it in? When and how did it come to be now?

    Frankly we spent so long thinking it was going to be omitted entirely that I”m of the “better late than never” mentality and just appreciating it now.

  39. Personally, I’m more interested in the development of the Northern story line (not only Jon, but also Sansa, Bran and hopefully Rickon)! I’m a Stark fan so, no surprises there.

    The Tarlys family

    reunion shows great promise, especially after the announcement of the actors playing Sam’s relatives. Hopefully, Sam will also begin to explore the secrets Oldtown has to offer, the books got me very excited on that part without providing answers.

    With Dany, I’m more interested in her getting the Dothraki on her side and finally see the big picture than whatever will be happening in Mereen.

    Kings Landing, Riverlands, Greyjoys, not things that I particularly enjoyed post-ASOS, so not particularly interested, hopefully it won’t be as boring as their AFFC counterparts…

  40. They’re doing the

    Siege of Riverrun, after all! That’s what it looks like to me, anyway! I don’t know much of medieval military terminology, but those look like siege engines and protective palisades to me.

    It’s interesting that they’re building such a large set —dozens of tents, all of the artillery, the bridge, the gate of Riverrun— for what would only be an episode or at most two if they adapted Jaime’s few chapters there directly from the books. So I wonder how much of it will be AFFC and ADWD, how much TWOW, and how much D&D’s own original material. Probably a mix of all.

  41. Luka Nieto,

    Whoa, added spoiler coding for you. This isn’t supposed to be a spoiler-filled thread really, it’s for everyone, so I’d prefer it if you kept the new spoiler discussion over in the existing spoilery posts. Because you know people aren’t going to cover their spoilers.

  42. I’m looking forward to Euron, the Northern Lords (I hope they can make them interesting characters with the little screen time they have, like they did with Karsi and the Magnar), the Tarly storyline (though I’ve heard they’re gonna be Season 6’s Dorne), the ToJ (though I think I’d now all about it by Sunday), Bran’s training, and a better motive to kill Jon than “you let the wildlings in.”

  43. Tywin of the Hill: Tarly storyline (though I’ve heard they’re gonna be Season 6’s Dorne)

    Huh? That is news to me. Not even the usual nay-sayers are saying it’s gonna be bad… where does this come from?


    Don’t speak in the name of all book readers. If anything, A Feast for Crows was the most divisive and critically panned book in the series, in large part due to the Greyjoys and Dorne. Personally, except for the extremely slow and uneventful Aeron chapters (you can basically skip him and you won’t miss much), I thought it was a great setup… with not much of a payoff.

  44. Ray,

    Book reader here who strongly disagrees. Asha/Yara are potentially interesting characters but so far the Iron Island storyline is the worst example of the AFWD problem of (relatively) boring build-up with no payoff. Besides, I never want to read another Damphair chapter again.

  45. More Wun Wun stomping on stuff please! 😀 Although I prefer to know in advance what’s going to happen (not good with tension) for me the most interesting bits will probably be any completely-beyond-the-books-totally-into-unknown-territory ones. I’m expecting that by the end of S6 most major players and situations will be in place – or fairly close to it – for the endgame and what the latter actually is should be more apparent, she said optimistically. And giant killer penguins/flying zombie nazi sharks obviously but that goes without saying 😀

  46. Some kind of Stark reunion and resurgence would make me insanely happy. Also, Bran should kick ass and Dany needs to get her plot moving again, those dragons are ready for war.

  47. Turncloak,

    no weirwoods in Dorne right? I’ve been wondering how they will present this flashback as only Howland Reed is left to have any recollections.

  48. Where do I begin?

    – How and when Jon comes back, Melisandre’s involvement, Davos’s raction to the fates of Stannis and Shireen
    – Sansa and Theon – do they manage to escape and where will they go from there
    – the return of Bran, interacting with Max von Sydow, his visions – will everyone just assume that he is dead? If not, how will they interact with him etc.
    – intrigued about the return of the Dothraki
    – stoked about the northern battle and Riverrun
    – I have no idea where Cersei’s storyline is going …
    – what will happen to Trystane?
    – is Tommen going to join Joffrey and Myrcella under their golden shrouds? If so, who inherits the Iron Throne?
    – so many questions …


  49. red viper: Davos’s raction to the fates of Stannis and Shireen

    We already saw that. Unless you mean what he does about it afterwards, or how it affects him in the long term. But we already saw his reaction.

  50. Luka Nieto,

    Well, it’s more of a conversation I had with my book-reading friends. They said the similarities are quite worrying.
    A talented veteran (Alexander Siddig-James Faulkner), a young handsome actor (Toby Sebastian-Freddie Stroma), some female actresses whose characters aren’t necessary (Sam’s mother and sister- The Sand Snakes) and an apparent divergence from the books (Jaime-Randyll and Dickon).
    They say those are the ingredients for a crappy storyline.

    I’m not saying I believe them, but there’s a chance that they might be right, and I rather be prepared than caught off guard.

  51. Let me try to comment again.

    There are many things I’m looking forward to in s06 (The North, Jon, Sansa & Theon, Brienne & Pod, and maybe just maybe THE HOUND!!!) but one other thing I’d really like to see is some Tyrion/dragon interaction. Just imagine how happy and awed he would be to get an up close look at a dragon. Seeing from afar was cool and all but to be in arms reach of one (without getting burned to a crisp) would be so much better. I think it would also give Dinklage an opportunity to shine as he does so well. I’m hoping Tyrion will release Rhaegal and Viserion somehow. That would be amazing.

  52. Since we’re getting into unknown territory, there’s an aura of mystery around much of the season. The stuff related to Jon is the most obvious area where the show will be breaking new ground. I’m also interested in Dany’s Dothraki sojourn, since it has the potential to be much more centered on her and character-based than much of her story since Season 1 has been.

    The Meereen narrative, between the lack of spoilers to date and just the nature of the setup left in Season 5, is the one that generates the least interest from me.

  53. So excited about Greyjoy storyline! Where are we on Damphair? Was he actually confirmed, or did sources just see a priest resembling him. If this becomes another Varamir Sixskins, I might just die.

  54. Is anyone interested in buying a copy of Dany’s dragon necklace from the Pit?

    I’ve found the original jewelers and they are planning to make them although they are off for the month of October. Email them and they will put you on a notification list. I am afraid it will cost a bundle, but maybe they will reduce their prices for mass market.


  55. Concur with Dame Pasty, esp. the first paragraph, add some yummy Frey payback, perfection. I’ll be extra disappointed if Mel continues blood & fire sacrifice with her leading Jon Snow around by his nethers.

    I’d also like to see Jorah receive a bit of redemption before he succumbs to the greyscale, some comeuppance for LF, who pretty much ignited the wars and lastly what really happened to the Hound, my favorite anti hero.

    A girl does not ask for much!

  56. dana white:
    I have heard some rumours that Stephen Dillane was spotted on set and that he will team up with jon snow to fight against boltons. I hope it’s not true, but it seems to be true.

    Where did you hear this? From a GoT’s person? Did you read it some place? That is pretty big news to just drop like that with a “I heard it” sort of thing. Proof please or I can’t believe it.

    Sue? Anything remotely close to this come across your desk?

  57. Like others, I too am just looking forward to all of it, getting answers for all the things that were left hanging at the end of Season 5, the return of Bran and MAX VON SYDOW!! Resolution to what happens with Jon, Daenys, always up for watching Tyrion do anything, seeing dragons…..what happened with…..and the list goes on. I want to know. But I am very excited, more than any other season. As a Sullied, it is a scary time to be here. *hold my hand? 😀

  58. Bran and Rickon come back and this *insert Sansa’s voice here* “is all I ever wanted!”
    Not surprised by Jon: The Return but it was a beautiful shock to see him in that stolen picture with THAT outfit.
    Hoping for Mercy, this is going to be an amazing season!

  59. 1. Jon/Tower Of Joy/’Battle of Six Armies’/Everything up North
    2. Iron Islands/Euron
    3. Bran and Bloodraven
    4. Return to the Riverlands
    5. Braavos/Arya/Mummer’s Troupe
    6. Cersei’s trial/Kings Landing
    7. Dany and the Dothraki
    8. Tyrion and Varys in Meereen
    9. Tarly family reunion

    I am beyond hyped for everything Jon related. Particularly since he was spotted wearing Stark gear. I don’t know how everything will pan out, but I know that Jon Snow lives, so I am all good. Hopefully we see some Starks reuniting and annihilating the Boltons.

    I was not an Iron Islands honk when I first read the books(I was on the Dorne sucked less team), but Euron is undoubtedly set up to be the successor to Joffrey and Ramsey as the show’s main human villain. By getting rid of my least favorite POV character(Victarion), and possibly adding Theon to the mix, I am optimistic about this storyline.

  60. I can’t wait for season 6. I have not read any of the spoiler stuff, but I keep seeing how people are psyched for season 6, so that makes me really excited.

    First and foremost, I am dying to see what happens to Jon. I cant imagine the show to go on without him. My interest would decline, even though I would still watch it.
    So I am super anxious to see what happens there.
    I am also looking forward to the rest of the northern story line. With Bran coming back (YAY), the wall, the whitewalkers, what happens to Sansa, and aftermath of Stannis’ death. I also cant wait to see what happens to Dany, although I predict she will get the dothraki on her side which will be epic.
    I hope there is another whitewalker battle.
    I am curious to see what happens to Arya after her punishment, hoping it wont be permanent.
    I have seen that the greyjoys will come back into play, though I must say my interest in that story is low. I wanna see Walder Frey die a brutal death this year, please.
    Cersei… curious to see what happens but I hope she doesn’t gain any more power or anything, I just want to see her go downhill from here. Her time is done.
    Not too sure what the aftermath of Dorne will be, but I am excited for that!
    I am MEH about Sam’s story. Not sure how to feel about that.
    I am sure I am missing stuff.
    I guess the North is what I am MOST excited for.

    The north remembers!!!!!!!!!

  61. Tywin of the Hill,

    While on the surface the Tarly storyline might seem similar to the Dorne storyline, I don’t think they’re going to be the same thing. For starters, the Tarly family is just going to be a minor part of Sam’s overall character arc, whereas the Dorne stuff was set up as its own stand-alone story line.

  62. Was never a big fan of the Meereen story line, even though I like Emilia/Dany, but I think she will show some mature leadership now. With both Tyrion and Varys watching things in town, it should get really interesting. Varys has worked tirelessly to stay in a position to see that Dany gets the Iron Throne. Even though he didn’t plan to be in Meereen, now that he’s there and can work openly with Tyrion, I expect interesting, plot-enhancing and hilarious things.

    Ditto with Jorah and Dario. Dario has already shown a logical, reasonable head. I think he will work well with Jorah, based on the look between the two at Daznak’s Pit, when Jorah reached for Dany’s hand and Dario nodded in approval. Added to that, my curiosity over what will happen with the grayscale. Hope that Jorah catches at least one break this season, before he bids his last farewell.

    Jon, Jon’s whole arc, anything with Jon, that’s what I’m looking forward to the most. Am intrigued thinking of the way they might handle any aspect of his story, from resurrection, to revelation of aspects of his lineage and the fates of his siblings, to his relationships with … everybody: Davos, Mel, Alliser fucking Thorne, (sorry, really mad at that guy) Tormund, Ramsay, and the Lords of the North. Most of the whole TV-watching world is going to be glued to their TVs for that first episode, don’t you think?

    Next thing is Sam – I think Sam is going to discover something amazing that will help defeat the WW. First, he has to grow beyond his father’s disapproval. I’m interested to see how the Gilly situation is handled. “They’ll bloody try.”

    Basically, can’t wait for the new season. ANY thing will be fun to watch.

  63. Jon Jon Jon
    Jon Jon Jon
    Jon Starkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    Jon Targaryen,Jon vs Ramsey Bolton, Jon Commander of lords in the very great battle,Jon is the only great fighter,Jon is the CORE of GoT…,Jon is the heart of GoT..Jon is ALL

  64. Thronetender:

    Jon, Jon’s whole arc, anything with Jon, that’s what I’m looking forward to the most. Am intrigued thinking of the way they might handle any aspect of his story, from resurrection, to revelation of aspects of his lineage and the fates of his siblings, to his relationships with … everybody: Davos, Mel, Alliser fucking Thorne, (sorry, really mad at that guy) Tormund, Ramsay,and the Lords of the North.Most of the whole TV watching world is going to be glued to their TVs for that first episode, don’t you think?

    I think GOT is gonna break viewership records for episode one, as everyone, including myself, wants to know what happened to our Dear Jon.

    This post is not meant to be spoilery, so if you’re going to mention anything about the leaked photos, or videos (the North, the ToJ, a certain charcter presence in the Iron Islands…), HIDE THE M**********ING SPOILERS

  66. I would have to say I’m most excited for the gratuitous nudity!!!

    Seriosly, I am most excited to see the unknown. Even though I love my daily spoiler fix, I have no firm idea on what will happen. This is how I went through watching season 1 and it was awesome. I loved it so much I had to read the books immediately to find out what happened next. Now even though I can guess to some extent what is happening in season 6 and have a few small theories of what I believe will happen, Im like Jon Snow and I really don’t know shit. It’s all guessing. And I’m looking forward to thensure unknown.

    The thing that has me worried is death. Lots and lots of death. With the series coming to a close some big characters, both loved and hated, will be dying folks. Some I will cheer for and scream, “it’s about fookin time ya bloody cocksucker!” and others I am sure will have me say quietly, “well that changes where I thought the story was going.”

    But for now I say to death, “not today”

  67. I’m in total agreement with Dame Pasty; I think I’m most excited about the TOJ flashback and the Northern storyline, but I was really excited about the casting of Euron as well. Can’t wait to see what Max VS and Ian McShane will be doing this season. I’m in a small group of people looking forward to Bran’s storyline….I’ve missed that little (??) bugger and I want to see how much Bloodraven has taught the boy.

    The entire “off book” thing makes me crazy and I’m really looking forward the Season 6. It’s only October 1st….Winter is Coming! Can’t wait for a daily countdown to the Premier.

  68. Thronetender:
    Was never a big fan of the Meereen story line, even though I like Emilia/Dany, but I think she will show some mature leadership now. With both Tyrion and Varys watching things in town, it should get really interesting. Varys has worked tirelessly to stay in a position to see that Dany gets the Iron Throne. Even though he didn’t plan to be in Meereen, now that he’s there and can work openly with Tyrion, I expect interesting, plot-enhancing and hilarious things.

    Meereen arc is not for everyone. It has to end with some big battle( picture kinda proves it) and either Meereen will return to the dirt or to establish some ruler. Someone here mentioned Missandei and GW. I can imagine that Daeny with Dothraki will save the day ala Tywin with Tyrells at Blackwater Bay to hype Team Daeny for her arrival to Westeros. Part of me still originally hoped for quicker resolution, but it will take a time. Daeny’s arrival will be postponed to next season. It will be interesting to see where she will land Dorne,Dragonstone or near King’s Landing?

    Jon, Jon’s whole arc, anything with Jon, that’s what I’m looking forward to the most. Am intrigued thinking of the way they might handle any aspect of his story, from resurrection, to revelation of aspects of his lineage and the fates of his siblings, to his relationships with … everybody: Davos, Mel, Alliser fucking Thorne, (sorry, really mad at that guy) Tormund, Ramsay,and the Lords of the North.Most of the whole TV-watching world is going to be glued to their TVs for that first episode, don’t you think?

    His resurrection will be certainly interesting,but I think it will happen ep. 3 not 1.Mel has to realize something. I expect him to deliver swift justice to betrayers including Thorne. I think Davos will definitely be his advisor and Liam sort of said somethin to this. Who’s gonna earn his loyalty. Since i doubt that Davos will be leaving the Wall without Jon and meeting Sansa. It’s probably him, but he can’t say anything because of the official stance on this mattter. Mel is the most interesting part of it. I hope for some Stark reunion.

    About his lineage, well if Jon is truly Lynna’s son and not Ashara’s (Wylla is not even an option).His mother was someone really important. I know, most of the fandom believes in R+L=J, but until it’s confirmed by show or books. We can never be sure.

  69. The north remembers!:
    Hey guys!
    I am reading your site for quite a whileand now I am brave and join the discussion (englisch is not my first language so I hope you understand me ).
    Big thank you to the WotW team! You make a amazingjob.
    Season 6:
    It will be awesome!!! First of all Jon is alive! The best news ever since the beginnig of the show. I did not believe that Kit was done with it. Even when he told us otherwise. I mean Jon is so important for the whole story so we need him. Hopefully till the end.
    I am really excidet about how he will be resecued. But I think he will not even die. Just really bad injured.
    So I look forward to Jons storyline because I know nothing.
    Other SLs I am looking forward:
    – Theon: Ramsay must die next season! Honestly I do not really care who will do it. But it would be great if Theon himself can do the job. But Jon will be okay to (it seems so as it would be him, spoilers: battle of the bastards!)
    – battle of the bastards: the Starks will take Winterfell back. Finally! The north remembers!!!!
    – Brans Visions: hopefully lots of flashbacks about his dad and maybe visions of the future? I think Bran will find out lots about the WWs. Why should he go so deep in the north if it is not to learn how to beat them?
    – Rickons possible comeback: did someone know if he is coming back ? Or is he still lost?
    – Tower of Joy!!!! : after 20 years ( the first book was published 1996, next season will air 2016 so 20 years) of waiting we will know the truth about Jons parents. I will die of joy if me theory is right. I would prefere a vision from Bran where he is watching what happened. And I want to see Howland Reed (the one actor you where writing about looks a lot like the actor who played Jojen. Jojen Why did he have to die??? He was such a good friend for Bran. Still mourning… )
    – Sansa: where is her story going? I want her to stay with Theon and become independent. The bad bastard will die so she is free. Hopefully she will be reunited with Jon so he can take care of her.
    – Daenerys: will she finally land in Westeros? I do not want to wait any longer. Her SL is not really interesting for me. I was really happy that she met Tyrion last season. I think it is a good thing that she ended up with the Dothraki again.
    – Lord Bealish (I do not Like his nickname…): where is his purpose? I absolutly do not know. What does he want except from Sansa? He is a completly riddle to me. Which makes him really interesting. I hope he stays alive.
    – Sam: we are going to meet his family. His father must be a bad, bad man! I really hope he will meet Jon again. I love their friendship!
    – Benjen: He will come back! I do not know if it will happen next season but we will find out what happend to him. Even if we just find out he died… much better than to know nothing. I mean he had such a big role in the first and second season. The whole NW was searching for him. His story is not over. Maybe he is now one of the WW kings??? That would be great!

    I hope I did not made so many mistakes…
    We will read each other again.
    Greetings from Germany!

  70. Im most anticipating seeing the newly renovated LF establishment! Maybe he’ll add an additional floor or wing to it. More ladies, more mereenese knots, more peepholes, more everything! Oh, also finding out who the hell Ian McShane will b playing

  71. Throner and the north remebers are the same person. 🙂
    My comment was awaiting moderation.
    I was waiting for ages. I did not know what I did wrong.
    It was the name.
    To save my own comment I quoted it.
    So I am Throner.
    Nice to meet you 🙂

  72. Throner,

    good job!! english perfectly understandable even with some errors!!!

    also, you get the books more than the average poster imho

  73. Ravyn: My one concern – and its been echoed by other critics – is that, as budgets and demand for shocks increase, the show may turn into more spectacle than substance. Everything sounds big and spectacular, but I hope D&D don’t forget that the root of the show is the characters, and their emotional interplay.

    Yes. This. I worry about not getting any more good snarky political banter or fleeting moments of tenderness once all Winter breaks loose.

  74. Blanche Holstein,

    Don’t you want one? I am dying for one. Most necklaces are insipid unless they are thousands of dollars. The more fans buy them, the more the price might decline.

    All the tests say I am most like Jon, but if the theory is true, Jon is half dragon.

    I need that necklace.

  75. @ Blue Dragon:

    Thank you!
    Well what can I say I am a book person 🙂
    I love books!
    I can not change my picture. It is connected to may email account. So…
    If I could change it it would be showing Jon.
    He is the hero of the whole story. He is going to beat the WW! But first of all he is going to take Winterfell back and free us from this horrible, sadistic person. Is there someone who likes him? I do not think so. Joffrey the second. And we all know what happend to him… so I hope the second follows the first.
    Watch out for the comeback of the Starks! It is comming in season 6!
    I am so excited I want to watch it now! 🙂

  76. Throner,

    well, Dany is also critical, but she cannot do the job without Jon and neither of them can do the job without a lot of help from secondary characters

  77. Can someone please tell me if Rickon is coming back next season?
    I thought I had read something about it that he is coming back but now I am not so certain anymore…

  78. @ Blue Dragon:
    Thats right they need to work together.
    The problem is that Jon is the only person who knows about the WWs and what is going to happen (that they will break down the wall). I mean the only one from the main characters. The NW knows too. 🙂
    So he needs to tell someone. There must be something to stop them.
    I think Bran will play a big role in that. He will learn some kind of magical powers (except from the visions).

  79. Thank you to the site-runners who contributed, and who have so far made the off-season fairly painless. I was dreading the off-season, but this has been fun. Glad to see Axey threw in a comment, hey Axe! But Oz, where the heck is Oz? Have we heard a peep from him since June? Is he gonna be back for the new season, or has he taken off for territories unknown? He really does take the off-season off, doesn’t he? That’s another thing I’m looking forward to in Season 6, the whole darned WotW crew back in full form!

  80. – Super hyped about the North, I want to see the North finally remembering.

    – Very interested about King’s Landing

    – Totally bored about Meereen

    Really, does anyone cares about Meereen? I don’t mean Tyrion, but Meereen.

    And I already know that I will criticize a lot when Jorah and Daario find the ring that Daenerys left.. in a huge grass plane… trampled by thousands of horses, yet somehow missing that hill-top all burned and full of bones where Drogon was chilling out.

  81. Yay! A spoiler free thread. Y’all alienate me during filming with your spoilerly topics, speculations, and conversations.

    No idea what’s going to happen plotwise in S6. And I like it that way. Hoping we see some full frontal male again, and not the tiny schlong we got previously from the wine merchant. Would like to see Ian McShane rip open Rory McCanns tight trousers in order to heal his “wound”. That is about all on my wishlist.

  82. I’m most looking forward to the Northern storyline. Everything about Jon, The Wall, Beyond The Wall (Bran and co), White Walkers, Winterfell, Rickon and whatever he’s been up to, even Sansa though I’m not particularly fond of her. I’m interested in how they’ll handle Jon/The Night’s Watch in the first few episodes. I can’t imagine they’d abandon that storyline completely until later into the season, it was the big s5’s cliffhanger after all. King’s Landing hasn’t been as compelling since many interesting characters left or died, but it has potential to be great in s6. I’m also glad we will be back in Riverlands. I can’t wait for Dorne….wait, not all of Dorne, just that one thing from the past. I hope they’ll provide a definite answer to the central mystery and theory that has been around for 19 years. That’s what got D&D the job. I need to know who plays a certain willful brunette like right now.

    I’ve read the books and still can’t bring myself to care about the Ironborn. Same with all things Essos, bar Arya’s storyline. Although I wish for her arc to be more eventful next season. Ditto for Tyrion.

  83. Hmm, so speculation for deaths in Season 6? Besides

    Kevan Lannnister
    Grand Master Prycelle

    I’ll go with:

    Tommen (the prophecy must be fulfilled, and something has to cause Cersei to go fully nuts and burn down King’s Landing)
    Fat Walda (& her unborn child)
    Roose Bolton (at the hands of Ramsay)
    Ramsay Bolton
    One of Meera / Hodor
    One of Grey Worm / Missandei
    Ser Alliser Thorne
    Dolorous Edd (sorry)
    A bunch of random Freys
    Walder Frey
    One of the Northern lords (probably Smalljon Umber)
    The Waif (the only way for Arya to get away from the Faceless Men)

    Any other thoughts?

  84. For starters, I have not read the books. So my comment is based on the show.
    I look forward having more happening in the north, including the GYs.
    The less of Essos I see, the better. Dany’s story line has always been
    boring to me. I seriously believe they killed Selmy off to get Tyrion over there so we may get more into Dany’s story. The only character I care about is Jorah.
    If Dany would finally have ships to sail to Westeros, and the ship she is on sinks and she drowns, I would not shed a tear.
    I know, it is sad. I am not sure if it is bad acting or the way her character was developed.
    I hope having Tyrion and Varys over there will make a difference.

  85. Throner,

    Rickon’s actor Art Parkinson has been spotted in Belfast a few times recently and has played coy in interviews asking him if he’s returning to the show. That’s about it.

    Of course we can infer from the return of the Umbers this season that Rickon is also making a return, since we know he and Osha planned to go to Last Hearth at the end of S3.

  86. I’m looking forward to the Riverlands (I’d like to see if they can make a sympathetic Frey), Euron, Randyll Tarly, Bran with the 3-eyed-raven and the dragons.

    I look forward having more happening in the north, including the GYs.

    What are the GYs? If it’s a spoiler, don’t forget to hide it.

  87. I show very much like, wait I cannot season 6, too long away.

    (without spoilery discussions and speculation, this is what this site becomes)

    Me show like but book want I.

  88. Hodor’s Bastard:
    I show very much like, wait I cannot season 6, too long away.

    (without spoilery discussions and speculation, this is what this site becomes)

    Me show like but book want I.

    …are you making fun of the non-English speaking folks who try to explain their views, hopes for the show??

  89. @Robb Snow:

    Thanks for your answer.
    So all Starks will be back next season. I hope some of them will be reunited (Jon + Sansa + Rickon? I think there is not such hope for Bran. He will not come back from where he is right now. Which does not mean that he can not communicate with his siblings f. e. through the trees.).
    It will be a great season!

  90. Redstar:
    I’m interested in how they’ll handle Jon/The Night’s Watch in the first few episodes. I can’t imagine they’d abandon that storyline completely until later into the season, it was the big s5’s cliffhanger after all.

    Jon would have to move towards Winterfell or Last Hearth. He should leave Night’s Watch around ep.3 max ep.4. Since they can’t go straight into the battle, because he can’t win it alone with Wildlings. He needs support from loyal banners to House Stark=Umbers and thus meeting Rickon and maybe Sansa. He has no idea about them being alive. He will know about Sansa, because I believe Ramsay will write Pink Letter to inform him Stannis was killed and he wants his Reek and wife Sansa. His outfit supports this idea too.
  91. Newbietothegame,

    Egad. No. I was semi-responding to Rygar’s wish for no spoilery discussion, which I believe would lower the comment content to Flowers for Algernon levels.

  92. Most excited about all the returning characters. Heck, if we even get HALF of the fallen-by-the-wayside characters getting a second look, that will be plenty. Which ones will be see? We need a “Wheel of Chekhovs”:

    Out of the returning characters… I want to see what the actor Lena does with Cercei’s madness.. and what Tyrion the character does with dragons. And Mel and what she does with… whatever she does. Go Mel!

    And new stuff – new utterly unimagined stuff!

  93. Aryamad,

    YES. I was just thinking about this the other day. Thinking of Tyrion reaching out to touch one of them gives me chills.

    I’ve always thought that Tyrion would end up using some of his book-knowledge to help Dany control them. Hope we see the start of that this season.

  94. Robb Snow: Oh everyone is totally excited for Dorne. We just didn’t mention it because it’s so obvious that we are.

    Uh huh. excited. …
    No matter how I try to imagine it, I just cant figure how they are going to explain the aftermath of Myrcella’s death without leaving gaping plot holes, or asking us to suspend our disbelief until we snap. I’m not looking forward to using up my suspension quota on Dorne or any plot arising from there, with exception of ToJ.

    What are they going to do, have Jaime sail back to KL with a dead daughter and then do nothing? Or have Cersei delay totally losing her mind? How would Jaime not want to go back and personally carve Ellaria into pieces? Yet, it looks like Jaime will be going elsewhere during the season, and Myrcella’s death will be relegated to “oh well, shit happens” status. Does not compute, and I’m not looking forward to it. Unless we enter tinfoil hat territory, and either Bronn or Trystane happened to have antidote in his pocket, and Myrcella is fine for now. Otherwise, boo Dorne.

  95. On a more serious note: extremely excited about the North, extremely anxious about Dorne and certain three characters…

  96. Thronetender,

    Oz is staying away from the spoilers!!! As am I… but clearly some people don’t know how to cover their spoilers… so he is staying faaaaaaaaar away
    He’ll be back once filming is done!

  97. Thronetender,

    Oz has posted since June. He’s also responsible for a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff at WotW. But he can’t be around spoiler-y things so that means he can’t post in most of the current posts we have going on, all this filming news. I’ll tell him you missed him.

  98. Throner:
    Throner and the north remebers are the same person.
    My comment was awaiting moderation.
    I was waiting for ages. I did not know what I did wrong.
    It was the name.
    To save my own comment I quoted it.
    So I am Throner.
    Nice to meet you

    Lol welcome!

    Regarding the post, Osha!! And everything North and Greyjoy related. But mostly Osha 😉

    Not sure if she’s coming back, though, as I’m staying away from spoilers.

    But I really wish we would get the book before S6 airs…still thinking that will happen. Wishful thinking? We’ll see!!

  99. Sue the Fury: Oz has posted since June. He’s also responsible for a lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff at WotW. But he can’t be around spoiler-y things so that means he can’t post in most of the current posts we have going on, all this filming news. I’ll tell him you missed him.

    Thanks for letting me know. And Deesensfan, thank you, too. What a gargantuan task to take on – staying spoiler free while working at a website dedicated to finding all the recent news on an upcoming event. Now that’s dedication. That’s more strength and willpower than I have – I’m a “oh, what the hell, that last cookie is lonely” person. I’m cooing in glee over all the good stuff that’s been coming out for GoT. Tell me, is Oz a very thin person? He must be, with that kind of willpower. Carry on, Oz – can’t wait til the season starts.

  100. Thronetender,

    I can imagine… its been hard for me not to simply click on the articles. But I have been good and completely spoiler free. The only thing I know is that the Greyjoys are back and that there will be flashbacks.

    I asked Oz on twitter, and he explained to me that he’s staying away till most of the filming is done. Otherwise I cant wait for his posts, mostly because they are awesome, but also so that I can have spoiler free discussions LOL

  101. Oh, one last comment on what I’m looking forward to – Arya’s arc, as long as they don’t show three episodes of her doing something akin to sweeping floors and body-washing, as they did last season.

    I know it’s a fine line to tread, trying to get across that the tedium of her training is necessary to get her to become No-one. But showing the tedium got tedious for viewers. I had such high hopes for Arya in Bravos; the scenes of her being rowed into town gave us beautiful vistas, and looked so promising. Then, it got boring, even after Not Jaquen showed up. Once she was out and about again, in her little braids and skirt, plotting Arya-style mayhem, then the viewing pleasure picked up.

    From the pics that have been posted, of chase scenes and traveling actors, it looks like Season 6 will portray an Arya of mischief and action again. THAT will be worth waiting for.

  102. I think I’m mostly looking forward to Dany and Tyrion finishing the matters in Essos. The show made me do something the books did not, and that was actually care for the people there.

    Other than that, I’ll be looking forward to Sansa, Brienne and Sam.

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