Win a copy of Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood!

Game of Thrones Written in Blood CoverWe’re kicking off another huge Game of Thrones book giveaway this June, here at Watchers on the Wall!

Thanks to the folks at Wiley, we’ll be giving away 10 copies of Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood, edited by Brian A. Pavlac. That’s right, ten! For our worldwide giveaway, we’re featuring this collection of essays created by medieval historians for fans of both A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood is a new collection of thought-provoking essays, examining the connection between history and the world of ice and fire. Subjects from the book include the Wars of the Roses, barbarian colonization, siege and medieval warfare, slavery, myths and legends of medieval Europe, and beyond.

If you’re impatient and want to read it right now, the book is currently available in paperback and ebook everywhere books are sold.

Entering the contest is as easy as leaving a comment! (More entry methods below)

Our worldwide giveaway rules:

How do you enter? Choose one of these methods, or all three! to earn up to 3 total entries.

Method #1 – Comments: Simply comment on this post!

Method #2 – Twitter: Follow our Twitter, WatchersOTWall, and retweet the Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood tweet (you must do both for the extra entry). If you already follow us, simply retweet the contest post.

Method #3 – Facebook: Like the WatchersontheWall Facebook page and Like & Share the Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood post (you must do both for the extra entry). If you already Like our page, simply share the contest post and you are entered!

Entries are accepted until 2PM EDT, Tuesday, June 27th. The ten (10) winners will be randomly selected and announced soon after the deadline on June 27th.

**The contest is worldwide** The winners are selected by random drawing. The winner/s must respond within 72 hours of notification or will forfeit their prize and another winner/s will be selected. The winner/s must have a valid shipping address.

Twitter and Facebook are their own entities and are in no way associated with this giveaway.

Once you’ve entered to win Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood, make sure you swing by our giveaway post for You Win or You Die: The Ancient World of Game of Thrones to enter! 

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. The gods won’t mind. They have spilled more blood than all of us combined. I hope they don’t mind if I win this book! Please, the Old and the New!

  2. I wonder what they’d write it with if the book was Game of Thrones versus Human Sexuality?

  3. MAGNIFICENT!Thank you So Much,i try Like & Share( Luck All!:D

  4. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

    — Aemon Targaryen

  5. Slice a man he bleeds…Slice an onion he makes the whole room cower and cry!
    Onion Knight don’t cry!

  6. Winter Is Here!
    But it’s OK, I have my electric throw blanket.
    Mmmm Toasty warm.

  7. Valar Dohaeris and all men must wait! But winning one of these sure would ease the unbearable wait until the S7 premiere..

  8. “All men are made of water. Do you know this? If you pierce them, the water leaks out and they die.”

  9. I’ll be checking this out for sure! I know some of the other fandoms claim their shows are the best, but honestly, what other story being told can support so many others simply by being part of enjoying the story? Answer: none.

  10. I’ve been a daily reader for the past three years but have yet to comment. (Mostly because I read at work but can’t comment there – server doesn’t allow it. )
    For the record, I’m a huge fan of both the show and the books; I think D&D have done a great job streamlining Martin’s work for television. Hats off to all the non-haters!

  11. I couldn’t wait, found it at my local indie. Wow, this is going to be interesting. Sample chapters:

    A Machiavellian Discourse on GOT

    Barbarian Colonizers and Postcolonialism in Westeros and Britian

    Rocking Cradles and Hatching Dragons: Parents in GOT

    Writing the Rules of their Own Game:representation of female agency in medieval England

    “I shall take no wife’:Celibrate Societies in Westerous and Western Europe

    Whats in a name: History and Fantasy in GOT

    Only problem is that the print is really small…..think I need to pull out my reading glasses for this one. Can’t wait to get started!

  12. As a PhD student in medieval history (Japan, not Europe, but never mind the details), I need this book.

  13. Awesome way of mixing two things that I really love. History and Game of Thrones!!! Simply amazing ❤ CAN’T WAIT FOR SEASON 7 . LET THE SNOW FALL 🌨

  14. I’ve learned so much about the historical references from folks on this site. I’d love to read a book about them.

  15. Would make a nice early birthday gift! But then again having Game of Thrones air around my birthday for the first time ever is awesome on its own 🙂

  16. ASoI&F is ripe with fascinating analogies from world history but I fear its relevance is not only in our rear-view mirror…

  17. Oh cool! written in blood! I would love to have one! (as long as it isn’t my own blood)

  18. I pray to the old gods and the new gods, please, please. I want this so badly……My Blood of my blood will read it with me

  19. Would love to give this to my son. He is a real history buff and would very much enjoy it.

  20. As a history teacher this would be an awesome addition to the book collection! Hodor

    Valar Morghulis

  21. I think GGRM got some of his inspiration for the Mountain and Tyrion from an exhibit at the Tower of London containing a suit of armor for a giant and one for a dwarf or child.

  22. I wonder how many people had to die for that book to write…
    Maybe none, only use a bit of blood from many people…
    Maybe many, only use the best drops of blood for the “ink”…
    We’ll never know the answer, but I’d still like to read it…

  23. Ooohhh history references so I can be a bigger nerd. WOO HOO! Nerdy by Nature.

    XD hee hee.

  24. When you play the game of thrones “get a free copy by commenting game” you either win, or you just leave a random comment on the bottom of a blog you were going to read regardless.

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