Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 5: Kill the Boy


Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you!

Good day to all you good Ladies, Sers and Stone Men.

This one goes by @OzofThrones of House Oz and you have found the spoiler-free and speculation-stocked Unsullied Recap of epic proportions.

Join us as we discuss dragon BBQ’s, Snow on the go, the contagiousness of greyscale, and an episode chock-full of Bolton Family Values…


Once again,thank you for joining us at our great monstrosity of ice and stone at the Wall.

First off, a note regarding last week…

After reviewing Sons of the Harpy, I admittedly was entirely too harsh in regards to the episode. Just because a couple of bad apples can leave a less than fruitful taste in your mouth, as vested viewers we should be wise enough to not allow those apples to spoil the entire bunch.

If anything, the criticism should have been that there was a complete dump of information overload. But that too is an unfair criticism, especially since intense non-book readers typically long for increased knowledge regarding the history surrounding this great tale.

Depending on the progress of the season, Sons of the Harpy may be one of the most important of S5. But Kill the Boy was arguably the most entertaining. Let’s hit it…

Grey Worm in ICU: We open up with the Worm in recovery and potentially the best looking nurse in Meereen at his side. That’s the good news.

The bad is obviously the passing of Ser Barristan, a fact that was apparently spoiled by the previews of Ep. 5 at the end of Ep. 4. The jury is still out on whether or not the intention was to leave the viewers wondering if he had survived his wounds. Given that Worm slayed the Son just before Barristan was given a final blow in Ep. 4 and the question to Missandei on if Selmy had survived in Ep. 5 would lead one to believe it was.

Regardless, HBO took away most doubt in the Unsullied minds at least for the people that saw preview. I’m not sure if we will ever know the true intent, but alas, Selmy is no more.


Worm obviously feels guilty which leads to his admission of fear of never seeing his beautiful nurse again. His statement to her leads to some Worm intimacy. A man is not entirely sure where this is leading, but the scene was very well done and seemed like a natural progression given the circumstances.

Dany’s Dragon Dinner: Having seen enough of the issues at hand, Dany tries a new tactic in offering up some appetizers to the big boys in the basement.

My only regret with this scene was that Hizdahr was not the chosen dish. Every time the guy talks, I silently wish for Daario to whip out the hooked sword and give Hizdahr a much-needed trim off the top.


Instead, she caves to his wishes in allowing the pits to reopen and then proclaims that they will marry. What?

Damn, at the weddings.

Bottom line: I don’t trust Hizdahr. Period.

Jon Kills the Boy: Tormund! In a move that makes sense in theory, Jon urges “Baby Seal” Giantsbane to have a nice conversation with the Wildlings about moving south of the Wall and avoiding becoming a part of the frozen dead army.

TormundOf course, there is nothing popular about this move with the majority of the Crows including Edd and Olly. Giantsbane agrees so long as Jon agrees to be his companion. One of the many things that seems troubling with this arrangement is the state of the Wall with Jon being absent and only having recently been elected as Lord Commander.

Before Stannis leaves for Winterfell, he agrees to let Jon borrow the boats. As it appears, Jon going on the wildling cruise seems imminent. This raises plenty of issues… who will be left in charge? Will there be an uprising within the Crows due to his unpopular decisions? Could there be some kind of “vote of no confidence” against Jon? And ultimately, will they turn their backs on him?

Another notable encounter was that of Stannis and Sam the Student. Stannis talks to Sam about dragonglass and his father, Randyll Tarly. The name “Randyll Tarly” has been a recurring mentionable since Season 1 and holds importance as the one man that defeated Robert. As much has he has been mentioned throughout the duration of the show, hopefully we will actually see this man on screen at some point.

The fact that Stannis recognizes the usefulness of Sam was a nice touch. Sam certainly would have been a fantastic Maester.

And then there was that glare from Velvet…

The World Famous Bolton Bed and Breakfast: An all-inclusive winter resort for getting flayed, laid, and engaged.


Myranda is none too pleased with the upcoming nuptials of Ramsay and Sansa, which comes as no surprise.

What does come as somewhat of a surprise is Myranda leading Sansa to the kennel and the inhumane quarters of Reek. Myranda knows the sadistic nature of the people in her surroundings, but she is apparently willing to chance the backlash of making such a move to scare the shit out of Sansa. Punishment likely awaits her.

Breaking Bread with the Boltons: In covering his ass (which Iwan failed to do in the opening Winterfell scene), Ramsay explains the current state of Reek as punishment for what he did (but didn’t actually do) to Sansa’s brothers. And Sansa appears to have bought it.


Pass the potatoes.

Walda would then break the news that the Roose indeed got loose and a Baby Flay was on the way.

Pass the gravy.

Later, Ramsay would hear the horrific Boltonesque story of his conception and that the romantic Roose always considered him his son, quelling the fears of Ramsay that he would no longer be of importance to his father. Roose then explains the threat of Stannis and the importance of Ramsay in the upcoming battle.

All the while, Alfie Allen demonstrates again how incredible his portrayal of Theon/Reek really is. Reek is able to identify the fact that Sansa needs to leave which also may be an indication that eventually Theon could warn Sansa of the inherent dangers that she is faced with. That is, if it’s not too late.

There is also the “North Remembers” lady who tells Sansa to put the torch in the window if she needs help. Brienne and Pod are on call, although it’s hard to imagine how much help the two could be against a fortified Winterfell full of Bolton soldiers and well stocked kennel.

Valyrian Cruise Lines (no wine served): Jorah and Tyrion remain in the boat and venture through Valyria as a “safer” passage, as opposed to the open seas and the threat of pirates.

There are many reasons why so many are passionate about this show, and scenes like the depiction of Valyria has to be one of them. For lack of a better word, it looked fantastic.

Drogon flies overhead adding to the magnificent landscape. Unfortunately, he was also a distraction to something that just jumped in the water.

Finally, we get some indication as to the reasons for the numerous mentions of greyscale with the intro of the stone men.


Tyrion gets taken under and Jorah gets touched. For Jorah lovers, the question now becomes how fast does greyscale spread and can he find a cure before it is too late? Jorah as a stone man would likely not be an upgrade in the category of handsome.

Episode 505 Personal Awards

Favorite Action Sequence: The Stone Men

Favorite Quotes: “A good mother never gives up on her children.” -Dany

“Fewer.” –Stannis, in potentially the best one line quote since “Hodor.”

“This isn’t a strange place. This is my home. It’s the people that are strange” -Sansa, in the understatement of the Season

“I imagine you’re familiar with the procedure.” –Roose

“Don’t let them touch you.” -Jorah

Ow, That Shit Hurts Award: Being torn in half by two dragons. Granted, he was already dead, but still.

Jackass Award: As entertaining as dinner with the Bolton’s was, this has to go to James Bond Bolton for the horrible actions surrounding the conception of Ramsay. Good Lord.

Overall Thoughts: Man, what a fantastic episode. The pacing was obviously different, spending more time on particular scenes and giving each scene time to develop… a welcome change.

I’m also still trying to figure out the glare from Red Velvet on Jon. Was she trying to tell him that he was making a mistake, much like Stannis made by not taking her to Blackwater? Or am I reading too much into it? Probably.

Ozzette’s Thoughts: Can Cogman write every episode?

Enough said.

What say you, oh great Unsullied army? Speak up or forever hold your peace.

Personal Note: A man will be taking his annual adventures to the shores of Westeros this coming weekend as part of an annual agreement with Ozzette (and if momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy).

Internet can be bad in and around the wannabe Dorne, so the Unsullied recap may be delayed or could even be authored by a substitute Unsullied. Should that be the case, be nice to them.

Oh, and if you have any recommendations on who I should see while doing my best impression of a drunk 20 year old, please let me know in the comments.

Until next week, hang out and stay awhile. Invite an Unsullied to join us. And may there always be peace in your realm. –Oz

Find Oz on Twitter.


**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers that may be covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz


  1. Thank you for this write-up! I just want to add to what you said about the episode’s preview spoiling Barristan’s fate. I don’t know how many people have already seen the preview for episode six, but I just want to put a little warning here at the top of the comments that it gives quite a lot away again. Maybe even if you’re Sullied.

    I would honestly advise staying clear of it.

  2. I can’t properly comment but LOVE to read these and LOVE “Baby Flay” *snort*
    Cogman has my permission to write everything too.

  3. Great as always Oz.
    I really don’t like Hizdahr… and I DONT KNOW if I like Daario either.
    And it seems that Jorah and Tyrion are taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr to get to Dany.
    The whole greyscale BS makes me sad…. i like jorah, regardless of what he did. I really dont know how this going to play into the Dany’s Arch… but in episode 2 (or 3), tyrion sees a red priestess discuss the lord of light who can cure greyscale.. but Jorah didn’t tell him he was touched. Ugh.
    Also, where is Varys? Is this the last we have seen of him? Or is he on his way to Dany regardless? I really really hope so. I hope she doesn’t marry Hizdahr until she gets advice from someone who tells her not to….

    I do NOT like red velvet’s stares at Jon. It scares me. I hope she doesn’t sacrifice him. I would be so mad… but based on my new theory of who I think Jon’s actual parents are…. this all stresses me out.

    And, dragon glass all over dragonstone? Is there significance to this statement….? So the dragons originated in dragonstone… and Stannis was Lord of Dragonstone… hmmm MAKES ME THINK! Any one have any unsullied opinions?

    It was truly a great episode…. it makes me so excited for the weeks to come… so much story and focus, and seems like well see more of the other story lines next week. Come on ARYA!

  4. such a great episode after last week. might be my favorite of the season. The dragons continue to blow my mind away with how awesome and powerful they look!

    Speaking of powerful., I wish Peter Vaughan would get more screen time. He is simply wonderful.

  5. Great recap Oz. After I was disappointed in several scenes last week, this episode was fantastic. I join Ozzette in wishing Cogman could write them all.

  6. Deesensfan:
    And, dragon glass all over dragonstone? Is there significance to this statement….? So the dragons originated in dragonstone… and Stannis was Lord of Dragonstone… hmmm MAKES ME THINK! Any one have any unsullied opinions?

    Dragonstone is an extinct volcano and dragonglass aka obsidian is a by product of eruptions – so it may be nothing more than that.

  7. I hate Dany so much. She’s the mad queen of Mereen, burning alive man the could be innocent so that the guilty ones won’t escape. I hated Barristan’ s death but a at least she is suffering.

    Oh, and I really wanna tour Essos. Bravos and now Valyria seem amazing!

  8. You forgot the best quote of the entire episode:

    “Long, sullen silences and an occasional punch in the face – the Mormont way.”


  9. I love your reviews. Read them every time! Thank you. I particularly liked your account of the dinner with Boltons… pass the salad, please! :o)

    Loved this episode!! I was seating on the edge of my couch for the most part. I feared for Sansa, for Theon and his hand (even though I can’t forgive him for what he did), for Tyrion (even though I’ve read the books, I feel I am in unchartered territory now, so I was screaming at the TV when when he was in the water the screen turned black for a few seconds!), I also feared for Jon (the world is on his shoulders and he is lonelier than ever).

    The way the episode set everything for what I think is going to be all hell loose in the second part of the season, was incredible. I may be wrong (after all I’m rapidly becoming an unsullied), but just having this feeling of anticipation is a thrill. Seriously, I can’t way for next Sunday’s episode.

    Even though we are expecting the worst for Sansa, somehow I felt this dinner may given her valuable information for manipulating Ramsay and erode the relationships within the Bolton family. I know, she’s no Littlefinger, but now she’s seen how the father controls the son.

    By the way, I would have loved to hear why Maester Aemon supported Jon in the election for Lord Commander. I can imagine why he did not support Aliser Thorne, but not why he wouldn’t support the other candidate.

  10. Great recap as always, Oz.

    For your travels to the twangy shore, some musings: My Morning Jacket are festival veterans (as are you, so I hope that’s not too obvious) and put on an amazing show. Umphrey’s too if your tastes run jammier. Future Islands put on an INSANE live show – the frontman is bringing live performance back to Westeros in a big way. Look up their show on Letterman! Father John Misty gets a lot of good press, Trampled by Turtles is a delightful bluegrass explosion, Drive-By Truckers will be like a king’s homecoming to their ancestral lands, Toro y Moi is a great act out of my little crofter’s village… but MOST OF ALL, the act that makes a jealous Myranda out of me– TV On The Radio. Never seen them live but oh, if only. Have fun, and slap on that extra SPF, else you end up like Unlucky Great Master #1!

  11. Deesensfan,

    The insinuation with the dragonglass seemed to simply be an acknowledgement that Dragonstone had plenty of it when needed for battle. There could be more to it of course, but there was only a small amount found at the Fist and this seemed to be an opportunity for the show to tell the viewer that there is more where that came from.

  12. Fewer. Lol. Oh, Stannis….but it was the only incorrect statement Jon made. Helloo!?!? Army of dead, people!!
    Mad Ramsay made me laugh too. JUST DIE!! Sansa, light the candle!!!! Gonna make dad apologize for killing her brother and mom!? Lil heavy on Bolton story for me. EW. Hate them. C’mon stannis get down there!!
    Dragonstone not looking like such a jerk place now. Covered in dragonglass, convenient.
    Team Shireen. Hope her mom falls from her horse.

    Long sullen silences and an occasional punch to the face. Lol.
    So glad Tyrion saw a dragon, he surely doesn’t believe in such silly bedtime stories….
    I do not understand dany marrying master guy hidzahr.
    Valryia looked awesome but stonemen and jorah! Oh no!
    I wish we had more aemon. But seems his time is short.
    Another great mothers day episode. They have been the end to a lovely day each time.

  13. Deesensfan:
    Great as always Oz.
    I really don’t like Hizdahr… and I DONT KNOW if I like Daario either.
    And it seems that Jorah and Tyrion are taking foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr to get to Dany.
    The whole greyscale BS makes me sad…. i like jorah, regardless of what he did. I really dont know how this going to play into the Dany’s Arch… but in episode 2 (or 3), tyrion sees a red priestess discuss the lord of light who can cure greyscale.. but Jorah didn’t tell him he was touched. Ugh.
    Also, where is Varys? Is this the last we have seen of him? Or is he on his way to Dany regardless? I really really hope so. I hope she doesn’t marry Hizdahr until she gets advice from someone who tells her not to….

    I do NOT like red velvet’s stares at Jon. It scares me. I hope she doesn’t sacrifice him. I would be so mad… but based on my new theory of who I think Jon’s actual parents are…. this all stresses me out.

    And, dragon glass all over dragonstone? Is there significance to this statement….? So the dragons originated in dragonstone… and Stannis was Lord of Dragonstone… hmmm MAKES ME THINK! Any one have any unsullied opinions?

    It was truly a great episode…. it makes me so excited for the weeks to come… so much story and focus, and seems like well see more of the other story lines next week. Come on ARYA!

    Lol new theory

  14. Warney Has Opinions,

    Herring won the internet in 2014 for that Letterman deal. I’d be an idiot not to go see that live. A happy idiot. 🙂

    Father John for sure. I’m not much into jammies, but too many people rave about Umph to not go check them out.
    Example: Hodor Hodor Hodor (HHH),

    TV on the Radio is added, my friend. Thanks for your opinions, Warney!

  15. I really don’t get the “Cogman should write everything!!!” comments. Yeah, the guy deserves credit for his work on GOT, but so do D&D… and there’s really no need to belittle them in order to praise Cogman.

  16. Ozzette’s Thoughts: Can Cogman write every episode?

    I see Ozette and I think alike.

    Cogman’s scripts always feel much closer to the books and GRRM’s style than the others. This one was no exception.

  17. Count me in on liking Brian Cogman’s writing. Really wish we could have him for each episode.

  18. Great recap Oz as always. I absolutely loved the episode, my favourite of the season so far. Best parts for me were:

    Stannis eye-rolling about grammar, then giving Sam a +1 for research efforts, Davos woodcarving a (direwolf?) something probably for Shireen and hoping she will protect him when it comes to battle, Gilly waving to Shireen and then her getting the angry look from mum, Dany threatening the Masters while she totally can’t control the dragons (unless she learned how to off screen) and acting like a bad ass while the dragons luckily played along and went for someone else than her, that speech to Hizdar about him being on his knees and getting married (everytime I see him I want to punch his face – I bet Dany too), that old lady at Winterfell offering Sansa help (I wonder if there is someone else in the background despite the obvious lurking Brienne, the former scene could lead to believe it but could also be someone unexpected – maybe Lyanna Mormont 🙂 ), Roose and Walda pwned Ramsay lol, awesome Valyria, creepy stone men, poor Jorah – hope Mereen has some good Ma(e)sters (pun intended)

  19. zod,

    Ozzette meant no belittlement toward anyone. It was her way of showing appreciation for how much she enjoyed the episode.

  20. Yeah I agree , for some weird reason every time Hizdahr speaks he sounds like he has severe constipation and really needs to go NOW

  21. Oz, whos lyanna mormont?
    I have seen that name mentioned a few times – did I miss something?

    edit: okay she was mentioned in an episode this season. I remember now.

  22. Is dany marrying Hizdahr because she knows hes a threat? did she catch on to his Valar Morguilis?
    When he thought she was gonna burn him he said Valar Morgulis (All Men Must Die – I feel he said it like a martyr). When she visited him she said to him “Valar Morgulis”? then he said something like, I thought I was gonna die, I mean no one wants to die, I mean I was scared to die… something like that. To me… I think he is responsible for the uprisings and she figure it out and she wants to marry him so she can have a better eye on him. She also pointed out that he was kneeling to her as in “LOOK WHO’S THE BOSS B**CH”. He didn’t seem excited to marry her.

  23. Deesensfan,

    Right… She is the one who sent the note to Stannis stating that Bear Island would only support the name “Stark.”

  24. zod,

    This show couldn’t possibly exist without D&D, they’re the bosses, they work year-round, their vision shapes everything, they undoubtedly approve/revise Cogman’s scripts, etc. I meant no belittlement, I just think Cogman’s scripts tend to be the best ones.

  25. Randyll Tarly is a Tyrell Bannerman. I imagine they’ll summon him to King’s Landing at some point. Maybe to plan defenses or something.

    The question I have about Grayscale is, at what point does it become contagious?
    (Also, why doesn’t Jorah just cut his arm off?)

  26. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Oz! I really liked the episode too.

    That said, I’m baffled by the antipathy towards Hizdahr. To me, he seems like the only sympathetic noble in Meereen. I thought that this episode in particular portrayed him in a positive light, e.g. him being the only head of a noble family who showed courage in front of the dragons (in spite of later admitting to terror at the thought of dying like that – but didn’t Ned say that a man can only be brave when he’s afraid?). I even felt bad for him when Dany said she’d marry him. He didn’t look like he was keen about that at all (though he was obviously relieved that he wasn’t to be killed via dragon), which is understandable considering that she ordered his father’s crucifixion.

  27. Deesensfan,

    I think Dragonstone is also where Dany was born? It did used to belong to the Targaryans.

    …also, that walk through the kennels? Them dogs were excited when they smelled girl. They thought it was lunch time. Heh

  28. GhostCR: By the way, I would have loved to hear why Maester Aemon supported Jon in the election for Lord Commander. I can imagine why he did not support Aliser Thorne, but not why he wouldn’t support the other candidate.

    Aemon would have been wasting his vote in a tied race on the third-place candidate. It’s why he voted last.

  29. All these scenes trying to make us like Stannis (which are working) make me think he is gonna die. Probably defeats Boltons only to run into Brienne. Which now that I consider it, Renley dying was %100 deserved. If stannis lives guess it means her time is up. I’m rooting for Brienne in this one, unless he keeps pulling hilarious one liners.

  30. Cogman is the best writer on the show, in my opinion. D&D only have a contract till season 6 and I secretly hope he’ll replace them as showrunner for subsequent seasons.

  31. GhostCR:
    By the way, I would have loved to hear why Maester Aemon supported Jon in the election for Lord Commander. I can imagine why he did not support Aliser Thorne, but not why he wouldn’t support the other candidate.

    Because it would have been a wasted vote. The third guy had noticeably fewer (lol Stannis) votes than Thorne and Snow and voting for him would have achieved nothing. What’s the point of a tie breaking vote that doesn’t break the tie?

  32. minty,

    I loved Shireen’s wave too! After seeing her lovely little face last week when she heard Stannis’s grayscale story I want to adopt her. I doubt social services would have any objections, dad plans to take her to a war zone and mum wants to burn her alive. I think Stannis would approve, I’m quite a grammar pedant myself.

    Child characters in lots of programmes seem to be there simply to get on my nerves but I am rooting for her harder than anyone else in the whole show. As long as she gets to the end ok nearly everyone else can end up dead in a ditch and I won’t mind. There are very few I’d want to save: as someone at work said, one of the great about the show is that there are so many dislikeable people in it. We had a general election last week and sometimes GoT is a similar kind of scenario, where you’re struggling to work out who (or what) is the least worst option.

    Could have a poll on who people think is the biggest villain in the GoT universe, although I couldn’t start it off as I don’t think I’d be able to narrow it down to less than about a top 20 :O(

  33. Geralt of Rivia,

    So since they met, the red woman AKA lady melissandre has a shown a vested interest in Jon Snow…. she wanted to make a shadow baby with him… I think she can only use “royal blood” to do these things (first with stannis then with gendry….) So it got me thinking about who Ned hooked up with to have Jon snow…. then I thought, maybe Ned isn’t even his father… so I started to think about who his parents could be. In last weeks epi — they also discuss Lyanna (Robert) and Rhaeghar. So im like is he Robert and Lyannas son? Okay…. a possibility.. but why would Ned take him…. Im sure Robert would have loved to keep him since he loved Lyanna a lot.
    So another thing I concluded after last week’s episode: Rhaegar did not kidnap Lyanna Stark and rape her. Ser Barristan Selmy on multiple occasions, talked about Rhaegar with high regard. So I don’t see him as a rapist. So I think they were actually in love. They eloped. Robert’s rescue of Lyanna entailed finding out and thus he killed Rhaegar in the process. So I went back to the Jon Snow thing and thought…. hmmmmmmm could it be?? and if it is, ned took him solely for his protection. I cannot come up with how this all ends up happening though….

    Its killing me!

    I don’t know.. I could be WAY off.

  34. From Hizdar I get the vibe that he is the one Meereneese noble that the other nobles don’t tell anything to, so that they have an innocent face to put in front of Dany and say “Harpy? What Harpy?” Either that or he is an LF-level manipulator.

    I’m a little torn on Dany burning a guy who may or may not be guilty. Was it an evil move, just a little bit? I mean no one had a trial. Ultimately I don’t think it makes me like Dany less even if it was a little bit evil. I like hands-dirty Dany, she’s a lot more interesting than Saint Mhysa. She’s going to need more pragmatism if she ever wants to really make the world a better place for most of her subjects.

  35. I really loved the episode.

    My favourite part has to be Sansa standing at the place where Bran fell.

    I’m curious about Jorah having greyscale and am looking forward how this will play out.

    And finally Stannis is moving towards Winterfell! Really excited about this. Though I am also dreading it in regards to Sansa.

  36. Just passed by to say I really enjoy your reviews, Oz, and I hope you are able to review next episode yourself, even if it comes out a little later.

    BTW: I really, really don’t think people should be discussing/exposing book theories in an unsullied post.

  37. Estelindis,

    I was starting to think I was the only one who didn’t hate and distrust Hizdar!
    He’s just always seemed to be a very desperate diplomat to me; trying to get Dany to realize she can’t just ignore and/or kill all the former masters.
    I did like how she completely trolled him this episode, though.


    …Of course, Ned was descended from the King in the North… would that not count as royal blood?

    Not that I haven’t been holding with a similar theory for a while now, as well. Up until last episode’s exposition, I had assumed Jon had been Lyanna’s rape baby. Now I’m thinking the same as you – that she reciprocated his love and they eloped.

  38. RandomSand:
    Just passed by to say I really enjoy your reviews, Oz, and I hope you are able to review next episode yourself, even if it comes out a little later.

    BTW: I really, really don’t think people should be discussing/exposing book theories in an unsullied post.

    Oz himself discussed it briefly in his last episode post. It is because of all the “clues” if you will…from last episode that were pretty hard to miss and try to draw some understanding from, not from Sullied trying to guess themselves.

    But it is truth, neither Sullied nor Unsullied at this point can prove anything other than theory with regards to the R + L = J line of thinking.

  39. nipplesonabreastplate: Just a theory!Book readers….we don’t know squat!

    Which if true means Jon is related to Maester Aemon. Right before Jon walks in he laments to Sam that his last relation is thousands of miles away. 🙂

  40. The Wolves of Winter: My favourite part has to be Sansa standing at the place where Bran fell.

    Wasn’t that a beautiful shot looking down on her as she walks up to it with snow and ash(dirt?) on the ground and her in that black dress? Nice contrast. And the Winterfell theme playing hauntingly in the background. Great moment for sure.

  41. There is considerable potential for Sansa to come in to her own now, returning to the ancient home ground of her ancestors and the Old Gods, after her crash course in Real Life in KL and The Vale. The Boltons will probably underestimate her, (as has Baelish IMHO), but I’m betting that her genetic connection to the land and her proximity to the watchful eyes of the gods will do more for her than Brienne and Stannis combined. I wouldn’t put it past JB Bolton to try and use her as a hostage in the confrontation with Stannis, but she is much tougher than everyone thinks, and may yet surprise us all.

  42. Cersei’s Brain:

    You are smart – but that doesn’t mean the theory is correct.All in the dark here.

    Book readers still have some illumination on future events (though not really on this topic). It has transitioned from a floodlight to a match over the years though. A match that is going to go out in about five episodes probably.

  43. I thought this was a great pair of fatherly talks.

    Stannis: I would not send you away and did everything in my power to heal you, because your my daughter!

    Roose: I decided on a whim not to murder you as a baby because I might need a son later on, and you’re my son! (Also you’re a rape-child and that doesn’t bother us at all.)

    Spot a difference?

  44. Gosh, am I the only one who likes Hizdahr? The character is interesting and complex, the actor is good, and I like his voice too. I’m not saying he’s trustworthy – it’s GoT, who is? – but I hope he lasts a long time.




  45. Book readers should not be speculating in this post at all. Obviously book knowledge still informs theories even as the show changes things so it’s not appropriate for book readers to be discussing those theories.

    We are not kidding about enforcing this policy.

  46. JCDavis,

    Still, IMO, in the book we have A LOT more information regarding that. I’m not saying to lie, telling people that theory is totally wrong (because even we who have read the books don’t know for sure, 100%), but I think book readers should stay quiet and let the unsullied discuss between themselves. “Oh, that theory is also in the books *wink wink*. It’s basically book reader cannon”. If I were Unsullied I’d be pissed, but, again, one man’s opinion.

    I spoiler coded because, even with people saying “spoilier/spoileryer/more spoilery” things here, I don’t feel confortable doing so in this kind of post.

  47. Oz! That’s awesome man, you’re going to be about 20 mins away from where I live (Pensacola, Florida)! Hope you enjoy yourself!

  48. hexonx,

    Yeah, it was such a beautiful shot. It is also exactly the same as Catelyn in episode 2. But now with snow. Haha Winter Is Coming.

    Lots of throwbacks this season. I love it! Ties the story together.

  49. RandomSand,

    I am an unsullied, and I was discussing my theory on some topics.


    …Of course, Ned was descended from the King in the North… would that not count as royal blood?

    Not that I haven’t been holding with a similar theory for a while now, as well.Up until last episode’s exposition, I had assumed Jon had been Lyanna’s rape baby.Now I’m thinking the same as you – that she reciprocated his love and they eloped.

    That is a good point about Ned… but I really think otherwise, like you.

  50. I love “Kill the boy”, Amazing episode! Amazing scenes, script, director and performances!
    I love Tormund and Jon scene,( Kit, Kristofer are amazing actors!) can’t wait for more!! And Peter Vaughan… No words, he’s awesome!!!!
    The Wall my fav storyline!!!

  51. Tsk, why so much hate towards Hizdahr zo Loraq?!

    He’s the most symphatetic character in Meereen and has been for a while now (since Jorah left that storyline). Daenerys is the daughter of her father, a mad queen despite trying not to become like her father. Hizdahr is believably trying to prevent bloodshed while Daenerys keeps provoking one part or another of Meereen’s population.

    Obviously I don’t know whether Hizdahr is secretly part or even leader of the Sons of the Harpy, this is Game of Thrones, but so far, I enjoy him a lot.

    Either way a nice episode, much better than last week. What I was a little unsure about was Sansa’s behaviour. She didn’t necessarily seem to play it safe during the dinner/lunch. Then again, perhaps she’s trying to play the stupid little girl (as usual).

    But great point about Jon’s position being in danger, Oz. I have no idea if an elected Lord Commander can be deposed, but now Jon Snow is definitely not liked. And when he’s away, anything can happen, really.

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