The North Remembers! Telltale confirms Game of Thrones Season 2


Iron From Ice! Telltale’s epic Season 1 conclusion hit platforms wide last Tuesday and the team behind The Forresters has confirmed that they are not finished yet! In a recent report with The Hollywood Reporter, Telltale revealed details about Season 1 and the in-development Season 2.

Depending on the choices you made throughout Season 1 (especially in the finale), House Forrester’s disarray will vary but no matter the variations, a possibility for Season 2 is certainly an option. THR spoke with Kevin Bruner, Telltale’s CEO and co-founder and executive producer for the Game of Thrones adaptation:

On the cliffhangers “The Ice Dragon” left and Season 2, Bruner says:

When we initially announced the series in 2013, we let everyone know this would be a multi-title, multiyear partnership with HBO. After this week’s finale, I’m pleased to officially confirm that there will be a second season of Telltale’s Game of Thrones series, and that it’s currently in development.

The questions left on the table at the conclusion of season one, who survived and who didn’t, as well as all the other choices you made play a huge role in the second season. We’ve been planning the second season all along, but I really shouldn’t be revealing more than that.

He also gave some details behind the development process as well as how far along Season 2 is:

While we cannot divulge any of the specific details, we can say that Telltale’s approach to game development is much more like television than most other game developers. The development process at Telltale spends a significant amount of time upfront in the writer’s rooms with not just writers, but designers, directors and creative input from all across the studio.

It’s not unusual for our games to exist longer on whiteboards and sticky notes and in scripts longer than they do in traditional game production. It’s incredibly similar to how TV often spends so much time in preproduction and planning before moving into actually shooting.

He adds:

I’d say that’s been a defining approach here at Telltale over the last 10 years, as we’ve always envisioned our games as more in line with interactive drama and playable cinema than what most might traditionally think of as “games.” So while we cannot say exactly how far along season two is right now, we can say that there’s never a shortage of sticky notes on the walls around the studio.

Which is exactly what not only makes Telltale’s games so unique but also ideal for expanding the Game of Thrones universe.

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Bruner concludes on some improvements they sought to make from Episode 1 to the finale:

We knew that going into the first episode, it was going to be a big risk in having one of the main playable characters die early on without any other possible outcome. It was a risk we were willing to take, as we wanted to establish upfront that no character would be safe, and also provide a catalyst for the conflict between House Forrester and House Whitehill. The emotional response to his death was strong, but we also heard criticisms that there was nothing the player could do to survive. While that was partially anticipated, it helped influence our later decisions to leave the fate of Rodrik, Asher, and Mira entirely up to the player.

Beyond this season, we know that the choices made will have long-lasting effects on later episodes… but we’re still not quite ready to go into detail.

For the full story including choices, the finale, and the possible outcomes of House Forrester, head on over to The Hollywood Reporter.

Now that Season 2 is official, it’s the perfect time to binge-play (is that a thing? It is now!) the entire first season either in its full retail form or digital download.

If you’re not ready to fully pledge your loyalty to House Forrester, why not just try the first episode? It’s free on all platforms!

Are you excited for Season 2? Have you replayed “The Ice Dragon” yet with different choices? Let us know below!


  1. Very nice. Just finished Episode Six last night. The whole episode is basically a big cliffhanger for most characters, so of course there should be a second season. First Telltale experience I’ve had where the fates of several characters vary dramatically based on the choices I’ve made.

  2. Great news! Predictable after how EP6 ended, but great nevertheless!

    Can’t wait too play S2 and see how different choices play out!

    A bit sad I lost my saves.. 🙁 But this makes me want too play the series again 🙂

  3. I have to be one of the few GOT fans that didn’t care for Telltale. I thought the characters and story were boring. And of course, the evil hobbit Ramsey Snow.

  4. Only people who bought the first one can play the second one? Doesn’t sound like a good business model, especially given how Season 1 ended ?

  5. The Tattered Prince:
    Only people who bought the first one can play the second one? Doesn’t sound like a good business model, especially given how Season 1 ended

    Mmmmm not sure. I know with the Walking Dead games, you didn’t have to play S1 to play S2. They’ll probably have default choices set for those who didn’t play S1 or lost their saves.

  6. Alright Telltale, fix your shitty engine. The lag in the last episode was unbearable. There were literally 40 second of lag in the climax of the episode at Ironrath, and this happened about 5 times, a lot of the dialogue was glitched to all hell as well.

    Also Maergery is a fucking imbecile as well. ”Muh muh position with Cersei is very delicate” fuck off. I died because she couldnt take a snarky comment or two from Cersei, and just wanted to be queen above all else.
  7. Meh, the game was not that great. The story was quite unoriginal, it felt too much like the story of the Starks, they could have done a much better job than that considering it took almost a year to get for them to publish all the episodes.

    What was the point of the north grove?!? So much build-up with no real explanation or impact on the general story.

    Also, the Telltale Games engine is really bad. The constant frame rate issues and lagging music has been a problem for them for a long time, but it have never been this bad. I know Telltale can do things way better than this.

  8. Jonathan,

    I sort of get what you’re sayin but really the Starks have never had a son exiled to Essos, one of their younger boys murdered (tossed out a window yes, but still alive), & their eldest daughter’s head removed from her shoulders. I agree the family does have a few close resemblances to the Starks but nothing I’d be too upset over.

  9. I enjoyed the story and had fun making some of the decisions. On the whole, however, I have to agree that the lag was extremely frustrating.

  10. I will definitely be playing s02. I do have to agree about some of the complaints regarding

    Margaery being difficult. I mean, Margaery stated it would be best to tell Cersei what the woman wants to hear regardless of how I REALLY feel. Then Margaery gets pissed when I have to “pledge loyalty” to the crown instead of her? That part of the game was really my only big gripe about the whole thing and I think it cost me Mira’s life. Not sure if she would have even ended up in a cell if I had played kiss-ass a little more towards Marg. Oh well. I guess I’ll have to make another go again sometime.

    It’s a pretty enough game to keep my attention though! Never had any lag issues. Also I don’t think the story is as bad some people here say. I kinda felt like I was playing an episode in the actual show and I think it has promise. Hopefully the end of The Forrester’s story will have a good payoff. I do love Gared and Asher as characters. As long as they make it through until the end I’ll continue to be satisfied with the game.

  11. I thought it was great, this was very delicate, having to balance production costs with making sure the game is line with the shows atmosphere etc which it was thanks to the music and the swearing etc

    Looking forward to season 2

  12. Aryamad:
    I will definitely be playing s02. I do have to agree about some of the complaints regarding

    It’s a pretty enough game to keep my attention though! Never had any lag issues. Also I don’t think the story is as bad some people here say. I kinda felt like I was playing an episode in the actual show and I think it has promise. Hopefully the end of The Forrester’s story will have a good payoff. I do love Gared and Asher as characters. As long as they make it through until the end I’ll continue to be satisfied with the game.

    I will definitely be playing s02. I do have to agree about some of the complaints regarding

    It’s a pretty enough game to keep my attention though! Never had any lag issues. Also I don’t think the story is as bad some people here say. I kinda felt like I was playing an episode in the actual show and I think it has promise. Hopefully the end of The Forrester’s story will have a good payoff. I do love Gared and Asher as characters. As long as they make it through until the end I’ll continue to be satisfied with the game.

    you still end up in a cell if you kiss her ass. It is that littlefinger like dude that puts you there. If you want to avoid a cell you have to choose not to make that ironwood deal with
    You basically have to do nothing to stay out of the cell. I am going to try that on my second save. Avoid everybody and see what happens with Mira.

    Most of the other stories I wouldn’t change my choices. Looks like ironwrath falls no matter what you do. So I just decided to kill the Whitehills because screw it they are terrible.

  13. Angela,

    Hmm… Maybe I’ll try it with Mira being a mute. lol I just won’t answer anything!

    I’m happy with my other decisions though. I don’t want to change anything else in my save aside from Mira. I played through it again yesterday and went with bloodmagic for Gared. I figured Ironwrath would fall no matter what… I’m just happy I got to kill Gryff as Asher on my second playthrough.

  14. Rather annoyed that they are making a season 2. We all know they can’t make an entire season that accounts for the three possible choices and combinations thereof, so they’re just going to

    kill off Asher/Rodrik, make Gared’s choice not matter, and probably kill Mira off early as well

    . So your choices after E6 will just get condensed into one path again.

  15. Not interested in second season at all. This one started well and went completely pointless towards the end. Your choices ended up mattering even less than they usually do in Telltale games, and second season being contination of this one means absolutely nothing you chose ended up mattering because Telltale won’t make a game with multiple different starts.

  16. Hype Man Baelish,

    You don’t have to die as Mira depending on your choices. If you agree to marry that asshole you live, he gets you out of prison. It’s a very tough choice and has heartwrenching consequences. But you live.

    Agree about Margaery though. Seemed out of character to me how little she cared about her own handmaidens, especially knowing in what a fucked situation Mira was.

  17. Thought the game was awful to be honest. The writing was atrocious and bordered on a soap opera parody. Cash grab.

  18. Aryamad:

    Pretty much.

    marry the littlefinger dude and you don’t die. That is what I did.

    As for Ironwrath, there is nothing to be done about that scenario.

    How do you kill Gryff? I never go close enough to him. Oh well. I killed the lord Whitehall dude.

    I did the blood magic too. Why not? I am staying to defend the North grove anyway.

  19. Angela,

    To kill Gryff as Asher I went with the poison plan but stopped Lady Forrester from drinking it. Ludd ends up escaping but fighting ensues and you get a fairly satisfying end to Gryff. I won’t spoil the rest for you. 😉
  20. The thing I found most annoying with the finale was Ryon. As if we didn’t have enough Stark parallels already, his last cut scene felt like very lazy writing.

  21. Ragnar,

    I’m sorry, I don’t see the need for the snark. We are all GoT fans here. I wanted to love this Telltale series, but it got disappointing really fast for me also.

  22. I just wanted to report that I am having trouble revealing spoiler codes using my Safari browser for iPad, whether I use the “Reveal Spoilers” button or touch each protected comment individually.

  23. Telltale can deep-throat my cock because that’s the only thing that would get me to play another Telltale “game”. GOT was my first experience with TT games and it will definitely be my last. What a crock of shit that experience was.

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