We shared a version of the newest Game of Thrones season 6 promo yesterday, but today, HBO has finally uploaded the March Madness teaser! With better quality, we can take a clearer look at the video and even catch a few things we missed in yesterday’s viewing.
The teaser:
We’ve taken more screencaps from the fresh version of the trailer, to cover anything we might’ve missed and so you can all take another look. Since there are a lot of images, they’re all going below the cut!
Beautiful shots, with loads packed into a short video, but it feels like more. That shot of the Night’s King against a burning background- wow!
What is the Night King burning behind him? Could it be the 3 Eyed Crow’s cave? We did see what looked like the roots from his cave with White Walkers in it from the Behind The Scenes video that was recently released. Could that be the big White Walker scene they were talking about? Wun Wun is definitely crashing through the gates of Castle Black. Oh boy, this gonna be good….
Looks like Bran is having a vision of the Night’s King meeting dragons…
It looks slightly different … especially the Nights King among fire … so cool!!!
Is it just me… or does Wun Wun look “zombiefied”? If that is Wun Wun, I sure hope not! Looks like they intentionally left the picture of you know who, out of the shot this time…
The Night’s King is a better Darth Maul than Darth Maul in the Star Wars prequel.
Cersei’s Landing is going to be very exciting and crazy.
I wouldn’t be surprised if
They’ve pretty much given away one big plot point: Sansa and Theon on the run (which will upset some viewers that they can even walk after that jump – but I just prefer them to get on with the story and not deal with a bunch of injuries), and they get surrounded by Bolton men and are rescued by Brienne. Guessing this might even all be in Ep 1, so there isn’t going to be a time jump between the seasons.
This is not the same as the one on TV apparently. They replaced the shot at 0:20 with the Night’s King in front of fire with Yara kissing on TV.
How can you tell? It’s hard to make that out lol. I doubt he is, those are Wildlings behind them and that gate is from Castle Black, could take place in the same episode from the Jon Snow shots in the Trailer…
The Night’s King is creeping the shit out of me.
Holy Shit, 31k + views in less than 10 mins.
Wow this is different from the one we saw today. Nights King in front of flames!
Wow this is different from the one we saw yesterday. Nights King in front of flames!
They removed the part in which Brienne attacks somone’s soldier in the horse.
That Night King shot is pure mystery!!!
i have my theories on that part 😉
HS telling Tommen mom and uncle are doing weird things, and then HS telling Jaime that sis is doing weird things??
HS can’t keep his mouth closed with Lannister men. Maybe show will make Jaime choose between sis and son??
Night’s King is watching things burn!!
Talking about this:
About that one shot of Wun Wun:
Looks like the Sword of the Morning should have been named “Sword of Your Mom’s Mourning When I’m Done With You.” Am I right? Am I right?!
Flayed Potatoes,
No. Only AD against 6.
Yeah, that’s a shame. Anyone managed to properly record the other version that aired on TV?
Well…that’s a bit disappointing. They didn’t get any stuntmen to play the other 2?
The Night’s King photo is one of the best stills I’ve ever seen from GoT. I almost want him to win.
Sick of seeing Theon in distress!
The Night’s King is just here to burn sh*t down. I love it. I may actual end up rooting for him. LOL.
It certainly looks like Yara in front of a crying Theon.
Is that smoke in front of the Dothraki horde in the 2nd still. Or maybe it’s just dust.
Flayed Potatoes,
that same Jon Stark shot is there too, but it’s somehow clearer, it looks more like him now.
Look at the first picture of the charging riders – there is something very strange about the legs of the first rider of a ashy-white horse. His feet are not in normal stirrups, but rather in a kind of leather sacks. Could it be Bran or are my eyes cheating me?
I’d personally guess it’s more likely episode 2 or 3 (depending on whether they’re in episode 2), and episode 1 will just quickly introduce that Sansa/Theon are on the run, and both the Boltons and Brienne are chasing after them.
The shot of Brienne attacking the Boltons is slightly different from the vidcaps.
I’m still hoping it’s Benjen (which would justify the show mentioning him in the season finale). To remind us he’s still lost somewhere.
Yeah…in the books.
You’re definitely right 😀
That 1v4 looks srsly badass
Flayed Potatoes,
Well, it could be Coldhands and Benjen at the same time. 😀
Some kings just want to watch the wall burn.
Come on, it’s 100% Castle Black
It shows shots of the same white horse twice in the video. Could that be Jon Snow on that white horse? Just a thought.
Arya kind of looks like she’s warging in her first shot…
We’re only going into season 6. The Night’s King will not be burning down anything this season. I bet it’s part of Bran’s vision.
I can’t see that happening. Actually, if Cersei fails to win her trial both Tommen and Jaime will be in danger.
Yeah, you’re probably right. I don’t know lmao, I just want April 24th to be here!
This is what I’m thinking, and I don’t want this to happen as well. I feel like if she’s supposed to grow a lot as a character, she won’t be able to do that with him. And to me it would invalidate what Liam said about her arc being amazing this season.
Oh my… No words!! 🙂
IF he’s on the show this season, he’ll probably just be on a normal horse? They would have to CGI an elk, so nope. They’d probably would cut the flock of Crows too; they really need to save the CGI budget for the Dragons and the Direwolves…that stuff ain’t cheap, even with the expanded budget this year…
that’s just a vision probably, so he ain’t burning anything. I mean, I don’t think they will do well around fire…..
No. LF won’t be in the North that soon. We know that he will have a scene in the Vale at some point this season. And it makes no sense for LF to just be there out of nowhere.
And it makes no sense for Brienne to save Theon and not Sansa.
I don’t want to offend you, but I really can’t understand how people are coming up with this much nonsensical ideas.
Yes, they could easily merge the roles on the show. 🙂
The Stark reunion nobody expected lol.
Flayed Potatoes,
I bet we will see hightower/whent in the show later. There are at least 2 men wearing kingsguard armor in those ToJ leaked photos. They only show arthur in the trailer
The other issue I have with the idea of Brienne only finding Theon is…well, if she did that, she’d then just resume her pursuit of Sansa. Genuine resolution to this particular story really requires her to actually meet Sansa again and either get a mission from her or be definitively rejected by her and accept that (or believe she’s dead, I guess, but how would that happen?).
Now I definitely think, as Mihnea pointed out in the last thread, that Tyrion does NOT say “Are you afraid? You should be”. There is a distinct change in voice between these words and “great game” etc, which IS Tyrion’s voice.
It would be quite a twist if Brienne saves Theon and LF saves Sansa! Not sure me likey, but could well happen.
As many are pointing out, it makes much more sense if the NK vs. fire shot is a Bran vision of the future. And it IS dragonfire and that stops the NK. Bran sees the possibilities.
I’m going to say what everyone is wondering.
“What happened to Yara and the stripper?” 🙂
Regular fire doens’t do anything to them ( i think ) I remember in Season 5 episode 8 when the White Walker appeared in front of Jon, the fire around him disappeared, meaning the White Walker used his magical powers to remove it lol
Where is Pod during the Sansa/Theon pursuit? This is all very intriguing.
Flayed Potatoes,
It’s definitely Castle Black. It’s the gate with the walkway over it, where Sam started out when the wildlings attacked a couple seasons ago.
You may be right, i have never thought of that. Thanks.
Fire cannot kill a WW. Though I think dragon fire can. We’ll have to wait for season 7 to confirm. Maybe Season 8…
Very cool.
Yeah with that fire and some of the other pics I’m starting to wonder if Bloodraven is surviving this season, but he probably already knows…a thousand eyes and one etc.
Also, I’m officially paranoid and reading stuff into everything. After “One way or another, a face will be added to the hall” We saw Jaime, Dany, Tyrion, Cersei, Arya, Theon and Sansa before NK grabbed Bran.
I think Dany, Tyrion and Arya are safe d/t major plot points.
Please don’t kill Jaime *prays to old gods and new*
Well, Valyerian steel can kill one, as seen in Season 5 Episode 8. Valyerian steel is forged in Dragon fire, am i correct? That’s why they are so rare.
Well or its only Valyrian steel that can kill the WW.
I will put massive, massive amounts of money on the fact that Brienne likely rescues Theon and not Sansa.
Among countless other reasons, Daniel Portman indicated in a recent interview that he and Brienne will be “back to square one” in terms of their quest.
Sansa is a plot mover for *Brienne’s* story, not the other way around (ie. Brienne is not merely a device to get Sansa from Point A to Point B).
It’s a foregone conclusion to me that Sansa ends up back with LF and it always has been.
This is what my first instinct tells me, but I’m confused as to why they’re speculating that it’s another location (reports aside, Wun Wun is a strong giant….so why not break more than one door haha).
Who says the ‘are you afraid? you should be’ line? It’s not Tyrion, but I can’t identify the voice. Maybe it’s one of the new actors.
I love reading these trailer threads where people posit something that won’t happen the way they’re imagining, and then they argue why doing it that way will be terrible and stupid as if that’s what’s going to happen… when it never works out that way.
Night King is burning Bloodraven’s tree. Bloodraven will die, leaving Bran as the realm’s last hope in Season 7. There will be a huge magical battle between WW and CoTF at the cave, allowing Bran I escape with Meera and probably Hodor. It is definitely known.
The Night’s King will be fookin’ awesome this season; that scene with him walking towards the fire is great, and symbolic.
And that slow-mo shot of the charging horses is beautiful. GoT is so aesthetically pleasing.
Which they would be, at the start of the season, chasing after Sansa again.
I thought it was strangely convenient how the opposing side Ramsay is facing is blurred out by the focus on the fire… Hiding a particular resurrected character, are they??
Nice catch! Those are definitely their colors. I think I spot another small banner in the background (a tiny square above the second white horse). I wonder what that is.
Flayed Potatoes,
lmao some people act like there can’t possibly be two gates busted down in one season.
Dragon glass and Valyrian steel can kill WW. And yeah, its said that Valyrian steel is forged with dragon fire. So it makes sense that dragon fire could kill a WW.
I can’t help but imagine Wun Wun picking up a Night’s Watch member after breaking down the gates and biting half his body in half and spitting it out at another Night’s Watch member.
I think it is.
They should make Wun Wun busting through gates his thing! I totally wouldn’t mind 😛
Sean C.,
What makes you think Theon would immediately tell her everything?
I mean, maybe he would. But I can’t think of a lot of reasons why he wouldn’t either.
Not according to George R.R. Martin. However, D&D might change some things.
And this is Winterfell’s gate
Completely different from the one in the teaser
He wouldn’t need to get into graphic description. Even a cursory account of the situation would convey the gravity of it. And even without that, Sansa signalled for her help and ended up fleeing Bolton hunters in the woods. That would back up everything Brienne feared about Baelish in the first place.
Does anyone have that edit with the WW bts pic in what seems to be Blooraven’s cave?
There won’t be any trial. Cersei is safe in the castle with UnGregor, why would she surrender to the High Sparrow for a trial?
WAIT! Did I just see that?
I fully agree. LF strolling about in the woods near Winterfell is not very plausible.
Remember the one new picture we got yesterday in EW where Theon and Sansa head towards some kind of thicket. Now we see Sansa alone hiding in it and looking towards something. In the other trailer shot with Brienne riding and fighting Boltons, there was Theon alone at the right hand corner.
And yes, that shot of the Night’s King is awsome. I’m just wildly speculating of course, but I could see the Children of the Forest using fire as a defense against the Walkers…
Also, if Yara and Theon are gonna hug it out, I’m gonna cry like a baby.
Sean C.,
I’m not sure I even understand what you’re indicating. What I’m saying is there’s going to be a wrinkle where Brienne and Pod find themselves in Theon’s company, but not Sansa’s (or maybe not in either of their companies, but Theon’s seems likely). Perhaps they rescue him from harm, but he and Sansa have split up so he doesn’t immediately know where she is and they have to guess.
House Umber’s flag is visible behind Ramsay. RIP Osha and Rickon?
I saw it too. I guess it’s Hornwood banner and the green one is from House Mormont
I’m willing to bet Wun Wun and wildlings will go crazy in first episode or shortly afterwards. It looks like Yara with Theon. TOJ seems interesting.
And what will happen with Sansa after that?
Agreed. But IMO not before the very end of the season 🙂
Sean C.,
But I think that we really shouldn’t set aside that filming info, because it is very important.
I really can’t understand how one picture of LF in the snow, can force so many people to forget everything else.
I don’t get that either. He’s a fricking GIANT, he can smash as many gates as he pleases. But in this promo he is definitely busting through the Castle Black gate with Wildlings behind him.
If it’s Castle Black, they’re using a different set.
Here’s the old set image:
Here’s the first frame of Wun Wun breaking the gate down (enhanced).
Wall is made of a different material (sandstone? vs limestone?). The wall is solid above the gate in the later shot (note the catwalk is in front of the wall).
Amazing. everything looks perfect.
1 – its so clear wun wun its NOT dead. he is with other widlings behind his back, probably to help davos and other to confront the traitors. Looks like we will be done with castle black really soon this season. I hope Ed after they kill the traitors become the new lord comander.
2 – its clear too we will have more than Arthur dayne as a targaryen soldier. It will not be only AD.We actually can see 2 of then in the new shot. One is really behind.
3 – Theres something im fiding particulary weird since the making off photos last year and with the trailer and this promo. That field where it will happen the great battle is too much green, should be with much more snow, since winter is here and episode 10 of season 5 we saw a bolton army destroy stannis army on a snow field. Like… The winter just get worse not better so the field should be at least equal as last season. And if you see the sky too is too much clean in the trailer. Looks even a summer sky. I hope at least the sky they cgi to looks a london sky haha.
OBS: Or maybe melissandre burns olly and get 1 day of summer to have a clean battle and put out the bolton advantage of snow they like so much. Hahaha.
If the whole Wun Wun busting through the gates of Castle Black with Wildlings in tow, is all in the first episode and Jon actually does get ressed, it would be the best season premiere to date lol, in my opinion.
And didn’t Liam Cunningham say that it picks up right away in the first episode?
I like the way this one is slightly different.
HS says to Tommen “..we deserve death, we all do,” as Brienne swings and we see Theon’s face.
It makes the HS seem very nefarious when juxtaposed with the visual of Theon, who is seemingly redeeming himself.
That rider that i tought it was Jon Snow in the firts trailer does not look like him in thie clearer trailer. His hair is straight, Jon´s is not.
Riders of the horse charge have white and blue banners as far i can see.
Youare using picture from the game, not the show.
This is the show version.
Again—> http://cultfix.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/game-of-thrones-104-2.jpg
I posted the screencap of Winterfell above. Winterfell doesn’t have a wooden gate.
That might be my favorite episode of Thrones lol
And yes he did 🙂
Dude. Your first picture is from a game …
Wun wun is at castle black. This is not winterfell.
Abyss! Abyss! Abyss! I summon ye!
Ohhh boy! The anticipation is killing me.
Yep. He would be like Thranduil in Hobbit and horse it’s better but I do think it’s Meera being saved by someone which might be Coldhands. We saw Ellie Kendrick shooting scene very similiar lying on the ground and looking over.
yes because they don’t like being around fire that’s why they removed the fire….. so that shot is showing us what is to come in the battle between dragons/humans and white walkers and that we will use fire to defeat them.
Exactly what i was saying a while back when the trailer released.
Hoyti Von Totiy,
It’s a low-res photo. And we barely see the face and hair. We can’t tell from that distance if the hair’s curly or not, but it’s definitely dark/black.
Great to see the new trailer. Its almost 9pm here (UK time) so off to have my ‘weekend fix’ of GoT on Sky Atlantic. Its the ‘Mountain and the Viper’ and ‘Watchers on the Wall’ from S4 tonight.
Will ‘fly back’ later to catch up on this thread – and GoT Memory Lane 302 – caw, caw 🙂
To what purpose?
Did Nights King
There is some roots in the ground.
Good job. Bran is indeed escaping from cave as magic spells seems to be less effective against White Walkers and their army. It makes sense for Meera and Hodor to go South. It must be Coldhands or some version of him because who else would be North of the Wall when all the Widlings are gone, and that person is killing wight.
Boy oh boy..
Drogon has gotten fucking big! Look at his wings
Geralt of Rivia,
Maybe I will sound like a selfish monster, but considering the actor’s age, I would be glad if he dies this season.
There is no actor alive who could replace him.
I’m inclined to agree with you here. From what we can piece together so far, The NK sees Bran/ grabs him in the vision. Maybe this allows the WW to infiltrate WW central and destroy it (ties in with the shots of the wights/ WW grappling through those roots).
I’m guessing BR pulls an Obi-Wan to save Bran.
Thanks! I’m just speculating, but it could be true (here’s hoping)
I hope this actually happens in the season. Then Season 6 will definitely be the best season yet.
Here’s the footage BTW (Spoilers obviously):
The Book of Brothers, in addition to referencing BR, also specifies at least Gerold Hightower’s presence there in Season 4, if not Whent as well, so there’d be little point in cutting them when, beyond the story effects, the fight is simply meant to be a display of supreme badassery.
And this promo definitely shows how utterly badass AD is, fighting six people like a mother fucking boss like that! For those who were complaining Barry went out too easily last year, this promo should utterly refute that stupidity. At 80, he went out like a boss, with no armor, outnumbered about 10:1 and still killed like 8 guys. AD, in this ultimate display of bossness, is fighting at least 6 dudes himself here, with armor. The badassery of AD and Ser Barry shall never be in doubt!
And man, did that Night’s King shot blow my mind, almost as much as the dope ass fight.
Could have sworn I saw Umber shields behind Ramsay BTW. Man, that battle looks truly epic. I’m still blown away by how much unrivaled awesomeness is packed in to this season!!!
In-depth breakdown, for all you information thirsty fans (BEWARE: SPOILERS):
0:02 A mounted Dothraki Bloodrider kicking Dany. The trailer makes it look like it’s one of the guys behind her pushing her, but that’s definitely a foot from a horseman.
This fades into a shot of the Vaes Dothrak entrance with the horse statue (this shot is from the first trailer)
The voice over says: “Are you afraid? You should be.” The person saying this sounds a bit like Tyrion, but at a closer listen you’ll find that it is probably Bloodraven, now played by Max von Sydow.
0:04 Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei in the Meereen throne room, followed by a shot of Tyrion keeping up at his drinking game, as we hear Tyrion’s line from the previous trailer: “You’re in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying.”
0:05 One of the bodies burning on a cross during the Battle of the Bastards. This shot also appeared in the first trailer.
0:06 Beautiful new shot of Ramsay, leading his army against the northern rebels during the Battle of the Bastards. Notice the soldier behind him carrying a shield with the sigil of House Umber.
0:08 A new shot of Theon and Sansa running through the woods, presumably on the run from the Bolton hounds. This fades into an old closeup of Sansa running that we’ve already seen in the previous trailer.
0:10 Jaime’s ship returning to King’s Landing, Cersei observing. Both shots are from the previous trailer.
0:11 The High Sparrow is talking to Tommen. “We are sinful creatures, we deserve death. We all do.” This supports the rumor that Tommen will end up being converted to the faith.
0:12 Jaime is leading Tyrell soldiers to the Sept of Baelor to free Margaery. This shot appeared in two HBO previous, so it’s old as well.
0:13 Brienne engaging in combat. An early leak of this trailer showed her on horseback, attacking Bolton soldiers, though this seems to have been replaced by an old shot of Theon about to be captured. Given the location of these shots, we can almost certainly say that Brienne will attempt to rescue Sansa and Theon at some point in the season.
0:15 Drogon circling a Khalasar. Boy, has he grown since we last saw him.
0:16 Two new shots of the northern cavalry charging into battle. We’ve had one similar shot of this scenario in the first shot, but those two are definitely new. The riders are most likley northern rebels supporting Jon and Sansa.
0:17 Old shot of Arya with infected looking eyes, thought it might be possible that she’s warging here.
0:18 Two shots of the Tower of Joy flashback, one old, one new.
0:19 Wun Wun charging through the southern gate at Castle Black. “Have you ever seen a giant, Ser Alliser?” Jon asked Thorne in Season 4. Well, he’s about to 😀
0:19 A new shot of Tyrion in the dragon pit (something that the previous trailer has already given us a look at). Given the quick camera movement and Tyrion’s facial expression, it is possible that he’s looking straight at Viserion and/or Rhaegal here.
0:20 Old shot of Arya leaping from a rooftop in Braavos, followed by an old shot of Drogon midair.
0:21 The Night’s King walking towards something on fire, followed by an old shot of the northern cavalry breaking and falling into the mud (no, Jon Snow is not in that shot).
0:22 Old shot of the Hall of Faces, appeared both in the previous trailer and the Hall of Faces Teaser.
0:23 New shot of Arya and Jaqen in the House of Black and White. Jaqen narrates: “One way or another, the gift will be given. One way or another, the face will be added to the hall.”
0:24 Several quick closeups flashing on the screen.
Jaime talking to the High Sparrow (presumably the same scene from the last trailer, where the High Sparrow threatened: “Together we can overthrow an empire.”)
Dany, still in Dothraki captivity.
Tyrion grimacing.
Cersei not looking too happy.
Arya moving through the streets of Braavos, still blind.
Theon conversing with a long haired person, presumably his sister Yara.
Sansa hiding in the woods.
0:26 Old shot of Bran standing in a vision, looking around in horror to see the Night’s King standing behind him (notice how it jumpcuts in the exact way it did in the first trailer).
This is followed by a quick shot of the Night’s King violently grabbing Bran’s arm.
Dude that’s the same frickin gate. No doubt at all its Castoe Black. And also- the first pic is from the computer game, so will hardly be 100% accurate.
The gate to Winterfell is like a tunnel- and there is no walkway above it.
I delete part of my comment. Sorry. Yes, that could be one of the factors but Bloodraven’s role always seemed to be only for this season. I’m pretty sure he’ll deliver powerful performance. To teach Bran and than maybe sacrificing himself. WW entering his cave is telling. Bran on the horse moving elsewhere, seems to be natural succesor to him and maybe warning people before WW invasion.
This article had me laughing my ass off. It’s obviously a joke.
Is it just me or…is the slow mo clip of the horses EPIC
Hmmm…wonder why the shot of the NK with the fire has him blacked out?
of course fire can kill white walkers…. why do you think they only come in winter and invade? Because in summer the tempreture south the wall would kill them. Which is logical because they are very cold cretures made of ice or sort of. Also why do you think fire kills so fast a wight and make him stop working?
not only that regular fire can kill a white walker but also a simple summer can kill them too. Maybe they are a bit more resistant to fire than a wight, but they still are heavily vulnerable to fire and high temperature.
You people are dumb as fuck. Sometimes I wonder why are you bothering to watch game of thrones if you aren’t capable to understand simple and basic things?
Aguero: Doy! You’re right about the first image. /facepalm
Going back to the other images that people have posted of Castle Black, here’s phantromstrike’s image, enhanced:
And here is mau’s version:
Notice there is an opening above the gate shown in both images.
I still wonder about the wall that you can see above the catwalk in my image:
It’s possible we’re just seeing the side of the opening, but the perspective seems wrong (the brick lines run horizontal).
While there is superficial similarities, it still looks like a different gate: Notice the diagonal bracing on the gate. The curve at the top of the gate is different too. The Castle Black gate has exposed hinges. The “Wun Wun” gate does not.
The walls beside the gate are different: Castle Black walls look to be two large vertical beams. The Wun Wun gate is made of smaller wooden slates.
The cat walk railing is different.
What else would exterior medieval castle gates be made of besides wood? (Serious question.)
Anyway, the differences could just be differences in the set from year to year. It seems more plausible that it’s Castle Black that e.g., Winterfell (or another castle), but there are definitely going to be surprises this year.
Here’s a bit clearer photo
Thanks, most thorough and truthful breakdown so far 🙂
Jack Bauer 24,
Yeah, it’s EPIC
Iron, Stone…..Ever heard about these?—>
Not wooden doors. Winterfell’s is a tunnel with bars.
the sword is not made of fire. It’s only the sword that kills the white walker, there is no dragon fire there. LOL you say it makes sense but have no idea what you are talking about.
http://postimg.org/image/z3jv4j4pb/ In the frame that Wun Wun breaks in to Castle Black there are people behind him.The wildlings ?
dan hendos,
You could barely word your own reply. I’m not wasting my time to try to explain you what I and others have said.
Yep. I assume someone alerts them to what happened at CB or they are camping somewhere close enough to hear Ghost’s desperate howl and Wun Wun instinctively runs to CB with the wildlings in tow.
I think so.
So, what if this is really show-Coldhands and he hits Meera with his ”fireball-weapon” because he thinks that Meera is some wight, but Meera will survive this. And after he will helps them escape from the cave.
http://cdn3.whatculture.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/iqMP4Z3D-600×399.png (same footage including Meera)
http://s3.amazonaws.com/images.hitfix.com/assets/9958/778-ew-isaac-hempstead-wright.jpg And Bran is really leaves the cave on a horse.
Here’s another frame grab from the Wun Wun shot
For comparison, here’s phantomstrike’s image zoomed in.
I think the catwalk looks more similar when we work to get the perspectives the same. There are the same number of vertical struts.
This probably means that there will be no one left to guard the wall by the end of the season.You know what will happen then!
Thanks for clearing up who says “Are you afraid?” It makes sense now, it’s Max von Sydow. Not putting in spoiler code, because it’s from the trailer.
I am quite confused about Brienne and Pod’s journey this season. Pod especially, is one of my faves. I really wish he would get to Tyrion pronto and be safe with him. I am so worried for him up there in the North.
Does ANY sword kill a WW? Why only a VALYRIAN sword? What else were Valyrians identified with, the most? Can anyone in Westeros produce more Valyrian swords these days? Why not?
It’s amazing you just called someone a dummy and said they don’t know what they are talking about… when it is YOU who misunderstood what was said, don’t know what you’re talking about, and can’t spell sword correctly.
I hope so. I would be so sad if we didn’t get 3. I don’t even need all of them to have speaking lines lol. I just need that number. They could easily get two stuntmen to fill in for the other two. The fight will be insane!
The catwalk looks different.
Bran is leaving the cave!!! I think the COTF created the fire to kill the wights that were attacking the cave. But the NK is immune, of course. Also, about the ToJ shot, if young Nerd was supposed to have the same hairstyle of older Ned, I think our young Ned is Robert Aramayo.
What a time to be alive
Not enough to matter. It’s definitely Castle Black.
Weight is an issue for either of these. I’ve never seen a gate made of stone.
One of your pictures is of an interior wall. Here gates are used more as “crowd control” that as protecting against a siege.
The other image shows two iron portcullises. But you wouldn’t be able to tell whether there was a solid gate or not, without inspecting the entrance.
Because castle walls are typically made of wood (often reinforced with iron), they will rot away pretty quickly. So you can’t always easily tell from 21st century photos where the castle, when it functioned as a defensive structure, had gates or not.
Anyway, I believe there are castle designs with moats with no castle gates, where when the drawbridge was raised, the portcullis is simultaneously dropped. Winterfell has a moat so it may be an example of this.
Intrigued who is in that shot of Tyrion drinking
That’s a wight he’s hitting, not Meera. You can see Meera on the ground hiding.
I agree. Assuming that it is an angry Wun Wun breaking thru the gates of Castle Black after Jon has been stabbed…
One of the biggest Season 6 question marks for me are still the two persons, who are burned by Ramsay on the Bolton’s X-crosses. If this will happen in the books, too, I guess it could be Mance and Stannis. Burning two “Kings” who have taken action against them would be a huge display of the Bolton’s power and it would surely unsettle Jon and his army of Wildings (and possibly Baratheon soldiers/sellswords). It would be a fitting end for Mance’s and Stannis’ (if he is doomed to lose the Battle of Winterfell) book arcs and clearly sounds like something GRRM would do. But as both of them seem to be dead on he show, there must be other candidates. We know that they are “known characters”, meaning that we have already seen them during season 1-5.
– Tormund seemed to be a good guess, too, but we see him fighting in the battle in the first trailer, while the crosses are already burning
– Theon will escape to the Iron Islands, so it won’t be him
– Sansa will somehow be involved in the battle, but she will either have the Wilding or the Vale army behind her, so I can’t see her becoming Ramsay’s captive again. And why would he burn her, if she is the key which ensures him the loyalty of other Northern houses?
– Brienne will rescue Theon and Sansa from Bolton hunters (as we see in the trailer), but I don’t think that she will become a captive. If I remember correctly, she and Pod were seen filming at the Riverrun set, so they will probably be in the Riverlands at the end of the season. Also, what kind of symbol would that be? Jon and the Wildings have no idea who Brienne is.
– I doubt that anyone from the Night’s Watch will be involved here
– The Vale army will probably arrive when the battle is already in full swing, so I guess Royce, Sweetrobin and even Littlefinger are relatively save
– Stannis’ corpse is probably missing a head and the person we see in the trailer is still in one piece, so it’s not him. Furthermore it is highly unlikely that the Boltons found his corpse after Brienne was gone and put it in the freezer for a whole season only to burn him later
– Melisandre being burned would be ironic. But if her visions and foreshadowing is right she has to do two more things before she can bite the dust: 1.) Walk the battlements of Winterfell AFTER the Flayed Man banners have been torn down and 2.) meet Arya again, which won’t happen in season 6.
– Some people have guessed, that Ramsay will kill Roose and Fat Walda and display their corpses on the the burning X-crosses. Well, first I thought this was stupid, as killing Roose would weaken the Bolton army’s morality. But there is indeed some buildup for a father-son quarrel and no sign of Roose riding into battle. If Ramsay is aware of the Northmen’s love for the Starks and argues in a clever way, he could cover up his coldblooded act of kinslaying by pretending to have switched sides and to “avenge” Robb by killing his turncloak-daddy and his Frey-wife. Maybe that would even help him to gain the support of houses like the Umbers against the North’s common enemy: The Wildlings.
– The only other option would be our beloved Onion Knight. In the first trailer, there is a scene where Davos stands alone in front of the remains of a funeral pile in a snowy landscape. I think this is the place where Shireen was burned. Davos will probably visit the place (mid-season, after Jon is resurrected) and find the burned remains of the stag he made for her. But this place is relatively close to Winterfell and with Bolton hunters around, he might be discovered and captured. I’m curious what the purpose of Book-Davos will be after he brings Rickon back from Skagos and discovers that Stannis has been defeated. I don’t think that his path will cross with Jon’s before he has taken Winterfell from the Boltons and I don’t know if he will become Jon’s advisor afterwards. If there is nothing more to do for Davos in the books, Show-Davos could easily go out like this.
Sorry I meant to say:
“Because castle *gates* are typically made of wood…”
Jack Brauer: I agree they still aren’t identical, but that may be just superficial differences in the set between two years.
Jack Bauer 24,
Looks the same. There’s just a difference in angles. And there are the same torch holders on the wall on both sides of the gate in both pictures. This is undeniably Castle Black.
Thats Greyworm. He’s got some new clothes for the season.
Looks like Grey Worm.
Tormund talks first “Are you afraid? you should be”… it’s his voice.
He’s probably talking to Jon reborn.
Jaime’s finally back on track, hallelujah!
Why is Ramsay riding a horse on what looks like not-covered-in-snow ground?
Why say something like that to Jon? If it’s Tormund speaking, he’d likely be saying it to the Night’s Watch mutineers, perhaps after Jon got resurrected.
Where did you see that? I’m still going with Benjen over Coldhands.
OK cheers. Looked slightly odd.
The big battle isn’t in the snow.
It could be Tormund! Could be he’s speaking to Davos et al. before the Big Fight. I am still quite unsure whose voice it is. I have heard it a few times, and nobody fits perfectly. If KYLO REN was in Season 6, I would say it’s him, lol! 😀
. I agree, it’s Benjen.
Sweet, thanks! It would be an awesome reveal for sure.
The whole battle looks like it’ll happen on a muddy field without any snow. It’s not even snowing. I can only conclude it’s a Lord of Light-Melisandre weather thingy…(there’s certainly plenty of snow in the forest where Theon and Sansa are running, and that must be near Winterfell)
Good question. We’ve seen nothing of Pod yet. He wasn’t even in the HoF tease.
What do you mean different from the vidcaps?
If it’s him they’ll certainly save themselves a bunch of CGI that the other character would require. I want to ask where he got that fireball metal chain thingy, it’s cool. LOL
Various locals reported about seeing lots of fake snow. fog and smoke on the battlefield set.
Now I want news of Meera and Hodor. We have not seen absolutely nothing Hodor.
Well, you certainly can’t see any of it in the shots that we have…unless it’s all added back in post? I dunno…
It’s not Tormund. I’d say one of Dothraki or when they put that line while Dany is looking at something.
All Dothraki will probably speak in Dothraki with subtitles…I still say it’s Tyrion: “Are you afraid? You should be; you’re in the Great Game now, and the Great Game is terrifying…”
It has deep voice. Maybe it’s Tyrion. It could be somene else but we’ll see.
I originally thought Drogon makes a surprise appearance in Vaes Dothrak, but apparently not, given this new footage, the Dothraki surly must realize that a large dragon is following them. You would think at that point they would reconsider taking Dany prisoner?
Geralt of Rivia,
It’s clearly Tyrion.
It’s Dinklage except for the “you should be” part. That’s really badly-edited in from an entirely different character’s dialogue. There’re also really choppy audio edits on the High Sparrow’s line. Which is typical for a TV spot of course. They mix and match dialogue to get the lines that the marketing people want to be in the spot.
Sounds like Pilou Asbaek to me. Probably a line his character uses a lot, too. One of his interviews about playing Euron as an example:
What is Hot may never Pie,
Chillin’ an grillin’ will do that to a dragon!
“One way or another … a face will be added to the hall”???? … We know there will be several deaths. But which main character will die???
Danny can’t die … I hope none of the remaining Starks die … So, Jaime??? is it his time to go????? His future is also doubtful in the books … but I always though Tyrion should meet him again.
I believe it’s a threat for Arya. If she doesn’t become no one, they will kill her, so she will have to escape. Maybe they need Arya’s face to kill someone related to the Starks. Or in order to be no one, she has to die first.
I’m really worried about who that Flayed corpse is, something tells me it’s someone we don’t suspect.
Agreed and that’s not the cave. The floor is too flat. Not enough bones or roots.
I think one could perhaps be Roose. But I also think it will not be too important characters. One could be one of the Northern Lords we will meet in season 6.
When hundreds of horses runs up and down a snowy field I think it will start to look quite muddy, and you will not see the snow anymore.
I’m a little surprised we haven’t seen anything of Sam, Gilly, or the Tarlys in the trailer. Or Oldtown for that matter. In the past, when they had a new location to play with they featured it prominently (as was done with Dorne and Braavos in last season’s trailer).
Guess so. The battle can’t be south of Winterfell, can it?
Alright guys, not sure if this has been mentioned before, but after analyzing the shit out of the banners on the Stark side, I noticed one more other than the Stark and Hornwood sigils. It is black and it has something white in the center of it.
Looks like a Karstark banner to me, either that or
What do you guys think?
If you watch the trailer again, you can tell it is indeed a banner and not something in the background.
Matthew The Dragon knight,
What seems weird to me is that the face is unrecognisable …why did they flay the face for the spectacle before the battle… I believe Ramsay might lie about the identity of the corpse to provoke the Northerners. He/she should be someone important for the North or an enemy. Alternatives: someone pretending to be Stannis (even Roose), Tormund as the leader of the wildlings and/or … some new northmen lords. These would have more sense than burning Davos, despite the apparent missing fingers in the burning body.
after listening to this interview I am going with Asbaek too for “Are you scared, you should be” line, sounds very much like him
.. “..great game” line is definitely Tyrion (most likely speaking to Missandie and Greyworm but I would love it to be Dany as they are sailing away from Mereen to Westeros)
that AMAZING shot of NK in front of the fire…loooved it….with this shot and what we saw in the last “making of” video its looking like NK and Company are making at least one stop on the way south which I am loving (I was starting to wonder if we would have a whole season of them just standing at the wall doing nothing lol)
..and I got a happy little surprise today in the mail today. Had subscribed a couple weeks ago to EW as part of something else and my first issue is the GOT one! (Marg on cover) The article(s) are all interesting but the part that caught me is David B talking about “leaks”. He was NOT happy with the guy who took TOJ filming vid and he was MOST displeased with the guy who “crawled through the mud and did his own little commando misson” in Northern Ireland. I am gonna guess the pictures of extras hanging around in armor on a set of a medival fantasy show known for its battles isnt the picture he got upset about 😉
One of Roose Bolton’s 20 good leeches,
I don’t know – just looks like a bad shot of the Stark banner to me?
I agree. It’s probable Ramsey gets wind of dissension in the ranks of subservient Lords. Lord to Fat, or a stand in. I’m pretty sure the Umber’s will be playing the Bolton’s. This may eventuate when the Bolton’s realise Jon and Sansa are leading an army against them flying the Stark banners and causing the other lords to question their fealty.
Another option could be that Roose decides to play the defensive line he favoured in season 5 but Ramsey makes a power play and tops Roose realising a defensive line wont work with turn clocks in their midst. It also allows him to make sure their will be no challenges to his title.
The interesting thing is we don’t know who the other Lords at Winterfell are. In the books we have the Lords of the North and The Frey’s but I’m not sure the Frey’s are in Winterfell in the series. Ramsey wouldn’t kill Roose and Walda if he was reliant on the Frey forces and so this means the Frey’s are in Riverrun not at Winterfell and that they have perhaps suffered a major defeat allowing Ramsey to act and to consolidate his position. In this instance he could burn Roose and Walda on the cross.
If Ramsey kills off Roose and Walda it could be as suggested to indicate he’s changing sides but if so this is a trap. Perhaps that explain while the wildlings are set upon by the Bolton’s and seem trapped.
Again it could be a ruse like the burning of Bran and Rickon or possibly like the murder of the Targ kids in Kingslanding – remember their bodies were disfigured so they couldn’t be recognised.
It is also likely would Ramsey burns emissaries of Stanis’ forces mocking the Lord of Light.
Has anyone collected all the information from the new EW issue? I can’t for the life of me track one down
Is it only the lighting, or do the hilts of the swords that the Targaryen swordsman uses differ? Could it actually be
Cersei’s Brain,
Look at it in the promo, it’s definitely black.
Haha just read a hilarious comment from a youtube video:
“What if the Night’s King reanimates Bran’s legs and walks him to him” :D:D
There’s really nothing of note in the main article.
On it. 🙂
Sean C.,
Thanks for the heads up
But as we know Ramsey likes to cut things off.
Actually it seems more likely is that Ramsey says he has killed Theon and Sansa to antagonist the Rememberists and the Wildlings even though he doesn’t have them. Hence that may be proxy Theon with missing fingers. The question then becomes who did Ramsey kill to do this. I’m sure he wouldn’t have used a dead body. It’s not in his make up.
Har, that sounds quite amusing. It is funny to think that they believed, that they could actually keep something like this a secret.
They have to see Drogon, so I’m not sure what they are thinking.
Good point about the Freys, without the Freys in Winterfell poor Walda is really in a precarious position.
Yes, I could see Ramsey flaying and burning some people and then pretend that it is someone else.
From what we have seen so far it seems obvious that Roose will not be involved in this battle, so from that conclusion Ramsay will obviously kill his father at some point. Placing Roose on a cross and burning him would send a very strong reminder of just how dangerous Ramsay really is. It could help him against the enemy and with his own Bolton troops. The Bolton troops are more likely to stay in-line when they saw what happened to Roose. They knew Roose was very intelligent and yet somehow Ramsay bested him.
But is also serves to prove a point against the enemies of Ramsay. If Ramsay is willing to kill his own father in such a manner, then what will he do to those who opposes him.
The look of missing fingers on the cross have nothing to do with Davos. In the show Davos missing fingers are on his right hand, the visible hand on the cross is the left hand.
The gate to Castle Black would have had to have a rebuild after season 4. So any shots from earlier seasons would be invalid.
No Riverlands stuff either.
Yea. And remember he will be furious having lost Reek and Sansa. Perhaps Roose questions his leadership skills as a concequence leading to this confrontation “you have lost your wife and can no longer give me an heire luckily I have an alternative”.
The more I think about it it makes sense and is in character for Ramsey to fake killing Sansa and Theon. How this will play out with Sansa’s escape I’m not sure. It could be Sansa finding sanctuRy is kept secret, causing Ramsey to fill the void while allowing Sansa to organize her forces.
Tormond and Sansa
Jon and Danny
Littlefinger and Sansa
Wait, what???
Jon and anyone. Top ones would be Sansa, Arya and Dany.
ooohhh.. you got my mind going in crazy circles now!!
2nd guess would be Sansa/Jon but they would have to really work the relationship this season to make us buy it
a biiig stretch would be Dany/Jamie (heads would explode trying to figure that one out and definitely cause a big stir on the Net lol)
They probably don’t know it belongs to her.
Remember there is a wildlings KarstRk marriage in the books so an alliance between the north and freefolk might be on the cards.
T + S – No way
J + D – is it a flash forward??? Why would they show it now?? – No way
L + S – No, please, stop – No way
S + J ??? They are nearby.
She’s the only one with dragons…
Seems like NK/WW will be featured more than ever. Hope to see them in multiple episodes.
Wait, Jon Snow and Sansa? Getting married?
I’m wondering if we are being trolled.
The other option is D + j but they all die in a vision of a possible future
How many visions do you think Bran will have? Sounds like he will have a lot of screen time this season!
This blew my mind. Hope it’s not fake as a flash forward to a future wedding with 2 pivotal characters would break the internet for sure. The NK gatecrashing…Lord!!
Dany and Jon – could be, seems a little too predictable though.
Sansa and LF – controversial but expected given LF’s grand plan for Sansa.
Sansa and Jon – this has been thrown around a few times, don’t know what to think about it.
Could be Arya with someone?
I don’t see Jon and Daenerys getting married, Daenerys could be Jon’s Aunt if R+L=J theory is true.
If D and J die it won’t be predictable
I finally got a chance to view the second season 6 behind the scenes video – I have 2 questions.
1) At 0:55 through 0:58 – Am I correct that that’s a Weight I see busting through what looks to be Blood Raven’s cave – you can see the roots of the tree.
2) At 1:14 do we know who that is getting his makeup adjusted? Am I crazy for thinking that it’s Benjen (recasted) – he appears to be wearing all black; he’s not a weight because he’s bleeding; he’s definitely north of the wall, because he’s standing next to a Child of The Forest.
I doubt that’s a recasted Benjen next to the Child of the Forest. Could just be a regular wight.
Nice avatar!
Thanks! Glad someone finally noticed ahah.
He’s bleeding on his forehead – I might be wrong, but, I don’t think Weights bleed?
True, wouldn’t that be Romeo & Juliet levels of tragic?
Still their union seems too fairytale-esque, I do seem them uniting in the final war however.
Maybe just left over from when he was previously killed, before he got turned into a wight.
Eh?? Whatever, I’ll play:
If true, Bran’s visions are going to provide a helluva lot of entertainment.
Just rewatched and that is definitely a wight. He looks like he was dead for a considerable amount of time, if it was Benjen i doubt they would spoil it in a Behind the Scenes video like that. Also he doesnt have a beard and black hair, the two distinctive features Benjen has.
Dany/Jon however is a really big possiblity..if R+L=J is true it they wouldnt be the first Targ aunt/nephew to marry and people would go NUTS seeing a romantic scene between the two main “heros” of the story interrupted by the BIG baddie
I agree. I can see it happening now.
I am not sure show is heading in that direction..they may just be keeping it simple and Wildings are just loyal to Jon without the need for other stuff..or they may pull the Val card back out and give that story line to her and Jon
Calling it: Sansa and LF. The interwebs, populated not by the general viewer, but by forum denizens, would explode. Like Marge, Sansa gets married every so often, and I expect Ramsay to go to the great beyond this season. Since this vision is from when NK is still healthy and kicking, it could be from Season 7 or early 8, but not the end.
I am happy that we will be getting a few visions from the future!
whaaat come back
It means an alliance of ice and fire Starks and Targs, easy and west, north and south.
Also when did The Targarian’s shy away from keeping it in the family.
I realize that now, my mistake. Thanks for correcting me though.
I asked this very same question 2 weeks ago on another thread. The only response I got that made any sense to me at all was a commenter said “it’s possible that the sacrifice of Shereen is still working and melting the snow”.
I decided to go with that thought – however, I think it’s crap.
Okey, the Gifs are up now. 🙂 Couldn’t use the technique, like I wanted to, the programm keeps crashing on me, maybe next time…
Yeah … I think so. J + D would have more impact for sure … but why would they spoil it at this point. It has no sense.
Unless, Bran is watching R + L wedding and he gets interrupted by the cave attack. That would have more sense.
Thanks for the detective work….
Did you have a chance to check out the Weight crawling through the roots at 0:55 – 0:58?
OK, not going to use spoiler tags, since this is all just speculation. My thinking is: once the Boltons are eliminated, and Winterfell is inherited by Sansa, LF will want to marry her ASAP to claim WF as his own. What better gesture to Northerners than to marry Sansa Stark, daughter of Ned Stark, in front of a weirwood, to show how much he is embracing all things Northern?
EDIT: Given how much internet explosion was caused by Sansa’s second marriage (in the show), I expect her third to cause an equal furor.
Yeah, i noticed that when i first watched the video. Interesting indeed.
I think someone is trolling us. No way D&D would reveal a big future marriage through a vision, unless it was one that wouldn’t last, like
Yes, it is possible. Moreover, more possible than Jon and Sansa They would not reveal a so big thing. If this speculation is true, the appearance of NK would be shocking by itself, so I think the wedding would involve two characters who already have some connection as Sansa and LF.
I enjoy reading theories here, but it does surprise me how convinced some ppl are of their theories. I bet most of them are wrong. But it’s all good fun!
The thing that’s interesting to me is that Melisandre saw a great battle in the snow, right? So I hope wherever Ramsay has his army the snow starts falling. But I’m not too worried. bastard bowl is on and we should be confident about that, given everything we know.
I would like a new trailer. With new footage. This TV spot all very close to the first trailer. But it still gave me chills the first time I saw it in HD.
sorry for off topic, will HBO show previous seasons before this one starts? I remember last year they had a marathon but can’t find any informtion about it this year
Not always his family, in the show he had that vision of a dragon flying over King’s Landing.
As far as the wedding, the one wedding that is “break the Internet” level is Jon/Dany especially if it’s a surprise like in a vision, and there hasn’t been a build up to it. A Jon/Arya or Jon/Sansa would get a more mixed reaction I think. Cersei/Jaimie would be a huge shock too, but it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me. Dany/Tyrion could be too lol.
Anyway, if this information is legit, I wonder why they’d show that vision? Kind of spoils a big plot. What’s the reason? Is it a future event that can be prevented, like more of a warning? Or is this wedding doomed to be crashed by the NK lol.
I love the weeks leading up to the season premier, there’s so many leaks and spoilers that you can’t wrap your head around. Even if I don’t believe them, it’s always fun to speculate the “what if?”.
With this latest promo, we have yet another scene to add to the goings on at Castle Black
Jon in the snow, with Ghost howling in the distance
Someone has to find him and bring him inside
Mel has her crisis of faith and tells Davos she saw Jon in her flames fighting in WF
At some point, she gets the idea to resurrect Jon
At some other point, Ghost joins Davos and the loyalists
Alliser and Co try to break into the room holding Jon’s corpse
Wun Wun and the wildlings get wind of the murder and come crashing thru the gate
And then, of course, he has to be resurrected
That’s seems like a lot of stuff to fit into a 50 minute premiere. They also have half a dozen other stories to catch us up on. Mostly I’m trying to prepare myself for the possibility that they may leave us hanging until episode 2. But does that sound about right?
Yeah, they have the #GoT50 countdown going on for a couple seasons now. They’re on Season 3 now, its only HBO Go, but if you have HBO on demand like i do, you can just follow along with them.
Or we are seeing a vision of D and J dying at the hands of the white walkers. It gives the audience a sense of dramatic irony knowing that D and J are heading for doom but the hope this can be averted as Bran’s vision has not yet been set in stone.
Season 5 is airing on the 24th starting at 11am. It leads into the premiere at 9pm.
Yeah, I agree.
Personally, something that would shock me more than Jon and Arya would Bran and Dany, perhaps a political marriage between the King of the North and the Queen of Westeros to unite the North and Westeros and save the kingdom from the WW. I know it’s so crazy.
Episode 4 is the long one, 59 minutes. I think some stuff will be spread out until then. Maybe
I agree with both of you. Most likely half of the stuff we come up with is wrong, but with 4 weeks until we start getting answers, the gathering of clues & speculation is a fun way to pass the time.
Jon is highly unlikely to
Sansa and LF….well, I doubt it, but hey, if she’s going to be ‘someone’, there’s a power couple for you. She ratted out her dad to Cersei, and he betrayed him outright. Bonding! I don’t think we’ll see another wedding for her though. Not this soon, even a projection. Give her some time to be single!
I’m gonna say Jaime and Dany.
Actually I’ll say plain ol BS until further proof. 😉
I love speculation. And I love spoilers. I don’t think I would watch anything with no spoilers.
Jack Bauer 24,
But there’s supposed to be something big in episode 1. What else could it be? I really don’t think they will wait 3 or 4 episodes. It would be dull as hell for Davos and Mel to sputter about for several episodes while Jon just lays there.
Absolutely! 😀 This is half the fun for me, because it prolongs the enjoyment. Otherwise, ten weeks just goes by so fast. I don’t care if most of my specs are wrong, it’s actually even better that way, because not only did I have fun speculating, but I will also be surprised by the show! 🙂
Yeah, now I’m starting to think that Jon’s Snow’s situation will be resolved in Episode 1. There’s too much going on in Season 6, and D&D will not want viewers to remain distracted by it any more than they already have.
I just really don’t see it happening in the 50 minute premiere. It could be the final scene of episode 2. Whatever episode it is in it’ll surely be a cliffhanger that leads into the next episode anyway.
I would bet everything on your list would be maybe 10 mins on screen..givimg plenty of time for other plotlines…
Do you mean 2.36 for Benjen?
Could be but he looks dead to me. Perhaps Cold Hands.
The last thing dany needs right now is her future arc getting spoiled in future vision now….it already took lot of unpredictability since everyone knows she will not be in danger until she reaches westeros..and if they spoil her marriage with Jon it would certainly break the internet.
If its a death scene though it is more for the audience, what actually happens will be different I assume.
I thought he will come back in episode 2 but now I think he will comeback in episode 1 ending with him coming back as last season ended with mance burning ..
Episode 4 options is out because we know for a fact that it will end with dany …
Yeah I can see something like that….watever we will be seeing it will be stopped and happen differently during the future
That is if this rumor is legit .So where is sue …i believe she can comfirm this one
No one has come back on that hence my early inquiry; are we being trolled?
We may very well be…but like someone said upthread …there is always a chance what if that’s true…
Hope sue can help .
Jon and Sansa. I hate it but. Maybe someone else. Jon and Daeny they’re far from each other. I imagine Jon and Daeny wedding after war and not before. Would they spoil it like that? Don’t know about that.
Just a little wacky through re make up vid, is that Sansa at 3.50 having make up removed?
Just realized we all jumped at “let’s put Jon with someone”. It must be him. Bran can see all kinds of visions so it can concern a lot of people. Btw is this even reliable info?
Great as always. 😀
Geralt of Rivia,
I doubt it’s reliable. But it’s fun to speculate.
Sean C.,
She meets up with Littlefinger, or someone else we’re not anticipating, who then delivers her to Littlefinger later on.
To what purpose? Well let me reverse it – what’s the purpose of Brienne successfully encountering Sansa now? The show is not going to have her choose revenge and not have her feel the effects of that choice. That’s not what this story is, that’s not how this story works, and it never has been. Therefore, Sansa will slip through her fingers again. Furthermore, if Sansa does find her way in Brienne’s company, why does she get out of it again and into the company of Littlefinger? That would mean that Brienne willingly lets her go with him. That’s even more unlikely than the very likely option I’m suggesting, that she starts out the season having slipped through her fingers once more.
I think most people seem hung up on the idea of how Sansa gets to safety if Brienne doesn’t lead her there. All I know is that she does get somewhere safe somehow, and it’s probably not Brienne who does it. Let’s not forget, Sansa is seemingly not with Brienne at Riverrun.
I’m not saying that she’s not continually in pursuit of Sansa, or in pursuit of help for Sansa, I’m just saying that she’s “back at square one” the way Daniel Portman said she would be, and for more than five minutes.
I count 11 people in that pic of Arya jumping from the window/ledge and not a single one is looking at her?
Most likely not since it was a post & run, but it’s fun reading everyone’s speculations.
I think the big event for episode 1 is a skirmish at Castle Black. The Nights Watch will implode on itself, and if the Wildlings get involved then there will not be many Nights Watch members left.
Or Melisandre could reveal her true nature, her age and what she really looks like.
It does seem like most of what will happen at Castle Black in episode 1 has likely already appeared in the trailers. I think it is much more likely that Jon would be resurrected in episode 2.
Episode 1 will be shown in advance at the premier, if something really big happens like Jon being resurrected, then it will definitely be spoiled in advance.
What if wunwun has a bigger role saving john….old gods
How can you tell?
That shot of the Night’s King against a burning background………,,,,,,,,,,,,,,the most epic shot ….I am freaking out here …..24th April plzzz come soon
If that’s the case, it could only be to establish AD as The King Badass of Westeros in TV Canon.
And the only reason they’d do that would be for…A+L=J.
Wouldn’t that be something though, if it DOES end up as A+L=J?
Jon: “Rhaegar Targaryen was my father! The whole of the internet says so! S’like a reverse Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader thing, where I’m the one who always wore black and brooded, while my father wore bright colors and sang on street corners and stuff. Y’know, when he wasn’t abducting and raping teenage girls an’ all that…”
Brandon, facepalming: “You know nothing, Jon Snow. Your father was actually Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of The Morning!”
Jon: “Oh no f-ing way!”
Flayed Potatoes,
Looks more like a 1 vs 6 :((((((
Hello?! Where is everybody getting the idea there was a vision where a wedding between 2 imp characters was stopped by the NK??!!?!?! Did I miss something!??
Alex G,
March 26, 2016 at 9:27 pm
NK fire shot, done in closed studio. Miguel Sapochnik episode, heavy VFX work from Spanish based firm. Bran vision, from future. NK interrupting future wedding. Expect internet explosion at the reveal of the two characters whose wedding is being interrupted.
Quote Reply
This may be complete bollocks but we are all running with it.
Jaqen H’ ghar
I thought that was just a bit of fun someone was having with us…some sort of “I´m bored,let´s play riddles” game
Finally i found a friend XD
It makes ZERO SENSE for Ned to keep A+L=J a secret. Robert wouldn’t give a shit. He wouldn’t have him killed for it. He was wiping out a bloodline and AD was not part of it.
Bran Meera. Bran CotF. Sam Gilly.
That first picture is from a video game
RT was part of it, hence blood line or are you just stirring the pot?
Alex G,
Maybe so but we have to entertain ourselves some how.
If this is true, it’s Jon and…somebody.
I’m having bad flashbacks to the first 15 minutes of the movie Krull (1983); the bad guy shadow demon crashes the wedding of our two heroes…ehem. I’m pretty sure George maybe saw that movie…LOL.
Even if Bran sees a vision of the future, it may only be a possible future? Not necessarily set in stone…
Jon/Dany or Jon/Arya or Jon/Sansa are all meh for me.
Jon marrying one of his sisters? This will make him worse than Jaime, at least JC had that weird connection since they were kids. Jon will come out of nowhere to have kids with one of sisters, the ones he grew up together, while there were no feelings for years ?
Ned will be devastated 🙂
Jon-Dany saviours of the world? Even worse, and no foreshadowing or anything.
I doupt this is real spoiler, why they would give something so important from season 6?
If you ask me ,i will say its Tyrion and Dany :p :p Bran watches all kind of visions, there no reason for Jon do be the one who gets married, and the Jon we know will not get married for political reasons.
Er, in the static shots of all the horses lined up, before the charge (including the ones with the burning Bolton cross) there is no snow, just mud. In some shots you even see blue sky, so something is probably afoot with the weather…
I think the bit (FROM TRAILER 1) where Davos is looking at the pyre will be perhaps himself considering the red god. We’ve had Davos say in earlier seasons he has no god and see’s no point in it all. Perhaps after Red Velvet does her thing Davos will reconsider everything.
Or Melisandre. She convinces Jon her god is the true one who led her to him as he’s the chosen one. Then she seduces him and this time he doesn’t resist. He falls under her spell and they marry. After which it’s revealed that she’s really a shriveled up hundreds year old witch who’s God is the “evil” one and has inhabited her body at this point so he thrusts the sword into her heart and pulls out LB, the flaming sword of hero’s.
“Mel has her crisis of faith and tells Davos she saw Jon in her flames fighting in WF..”
That bit has had me wondering just a little that maybe they’re going to show us what Melisandre saw/sees in the flames and that one leaked pic of Jon on set in Stark uniform was just him filming a scene for that. Or since Bran will be having all these visions…everyone said it couldn’t be a flashback because he never wore the Stark uniform… but it could be a Bran-vision of the future, allowing him to see that while his brother is dead, he will rise again, perhaps with his help? That could be why we might not get Jon back this season but next? Maybe his body gets put on ice until then…I dunno! I’m just trying to reconcile the actor’s words with what we know, or think we know. Yes, there’s going to be a battle for Winterfell this season but whose to say that while Mel now has the person right she couldn’t have the wrong “place” and what she really sees going on is fighting WW’s in the final battle to save Westeros?
Alex G,
There’s only one (1) imp on the show. What you talkin’ bout Willis?
It is complete bollocks- the guy is clearly trolling us and now everyone is trying to figure out who’s getting married. Sheesh
That’s dragon fire…its part of the festivities of Dany and Jons wedding of which the NK was invited
2 Questions from the comments:
1. In the books
2. Howland Reed is the only survivor that can tell what happened at the ‘Tower of joy” so will Jon and he meet up or will this be another Bran vision?
Same here.
That would be so disappointing and wouldn’t look as epic on tv.
I think they could have time for this if they use short scenes in between these moments. We only really need Sansa/Theon, Bran, Cersei, and Dany in the premiere, though they will probably shoehorn a brief Tyrion scene so we can get an idea of his plans.
Dany would probably only need about 5 minutes to establish her relationship with the Dothraki. I imagine they could push back Jaime’s arrival in KL to episode 2 (like Arya’s in Braavos), so we’ll only get to see a short scene with Cersei’s state after the Walk of Shame. Or maybe they skip KL for once in the premiere. Bran would need a longer scene or two to reintroduce him, and we’ll have a scene or two of the Sansa/Theon pursuit.
The last scene of the episode could just be Jon opening his eyes, and we’ll see the effects of the resurrection and NW mutiny in another episode. It would be a stretch, but not impossible if they move fast. If they start adding a bunch of set-up scenes in Meereen, Sam, Dorne, and Balon, then the resurrection is definitely getting delayed.
yeah, arthur appears in the trailer and suddenly RLJ-deniers claim it’s because he’s Jons daddy LOL. seriously what the fuck? are you that desperate RLJ-deniers?
Oh, and not only Dayne, we definitely will see Hightower, Whent in the show too, mark my words. In those ToJ leaked photos there are at least 2 men wearing kingsguard armor. They only show Arthur in the trailer because he’s more famous and a better swordman than his 2 sworn brothers. And from a Joffrey/Jaime scene in S04E01 we have this:
Gerold Hightower’s profile in the White Book: “…..Died in the red moutains of dorne alongside his sworn brothers Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Oswell Whent. After refusing to bow the knee to the new king robert baratheon, all three were defeated by a small force lead by Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell”.
so yeah, DnD planned to do ToJ scene a long time ago and there will be 3 kingsguard, not 1.
1. In the show, Bran sent them to the Umbers at Last Hearth.
2. Yes, but there’s also Wylla (Jon’s nurse, who Ned said was his mother when Robert asked). The show might cut her and just include Howland. But if the plot demands more witnesses (such as servants at the tower or people who saw R and L head there), I’m sure both George and D&D will include them if needed.
Lord Farstark,
Flayed Potatoes,
I think Bran will be able to talk with Jon while he’s down and out and proof will arrive separately.
What’s this I hear about a wedding? lol
You know RLJ deniers will still say the theory is bogus even when the show reveals it. Despite the hints for Jon’s parentage being so obvious.
Jack Bauer 24,
Episode 4 definitely seems like one where new characters can be introduced.
I agree about
. Maybe we’ll also get
Still entertaining.
You can see how different religions emerged out of the same myths with everyone coming up with their own take on an interesting story, then killing off every one who disagreed with them.
Luckily the chats don’t get quite that heated here.
internet won’t explode because we’ve been warned: Walder Frey marries undead Catelyn. It is known.
Flayed Potatoes,
Are there really RLJ deniers? This is indeed a day for taking the piss.
Yes. Preston Jacobs on YouTube is the most well-known R+L=J denier. He supports
I’ve also seen others who support other theories.
Flayed Potatoes,
hmmm it amused me alot to see how desperate RLJ-deniers are :))
Flayed Potatoes,
Very amusing
I call BS on the vision of a future wedding but if it turned out true, there’s only one wedding that would break the internet, Jon and Dany’s.
Sansa + someone (not Jon) would just have people bored, saying “oh ffs, again?”
Jon and Sansa or Arya would just disgust the audience, even with the knowledge they’re just cousins. They grew up together as brother and sisters, they see each other that way. This could happen in the books but I don’t see the show ever doing it. D+D would not want people to be repulsed by the heroes of the story in this way. We have Cersei and Jaime but there was no getting around it and the viewers were getting used to it since the very first episode when they weren’t attached to the characters yet, so it was easier to do so.
Well, som RLJ-deniers may accept that Jons mother is Lyanna, but they still dont want Rhaegar to be Jons daddy lmao. They want Ned, Brandon (yes, you hear me, Stark-incest, oh and Brandon Stark’s sperm is time-travelling lol), Aerys, Mance Rhaeg..eh..i mean Rayder, High Sparr…sorry..Howland Reed, Arthur fookin Dayne (cause this guy has a cool sword, yup), Oswell, Hightower, (hey, these 2 were at TOJ that time, who knows what they could do heh ), Oberyn, Littlefinger, Varys, Illyrio, Jon Con, and moon boy for all i know lol
Seriously, some people have a problem with Rhaegar having kids. They also speculate Rhaenys and Aegon was from Arthur along with Jon being from anyone but Rhaegar. lol
Like i said: It always amuses me alot to see how desperate RLJ-deniers are lol
PS: btw, is there any textual evidence against Jalabhar Xho + Lyanna = Jon?
Ithink it’s Bloodraven who says “Are you afraid? You should be.”
Those people have a problem with Rhaegar in general. Also they don’t want a hidden prince trope to be in the story, let alone for it to be such an essential plot element.
Kit Hairyton,
I wonder how many of those pics u saw were of her in arctic attire and really really blurry?
Flayed Potatoes,
He likes to twist things to his purpose. Well, show already did build up for one theory and that’s it. They’re not gonna drop Ashara, Arthur or Brandon on us audience. Of course another excuse is that books and show will be different in this but hardly since it’s like a key thing.
– With what we’ve seen in the behind the scenes trailer, it’s pretty obvious that the WWs are attacking the cave.
– The NK is grabbing Bran by the arm. This confirms that’s he’s indeed looking at Bran in the first trailer, not just looking in his general direction without knowing he’s there.
– The NK is standing in front of some fire.
So this makes me pretty sure the WW know of Bran’s existence and his powers, but why do they attack now? My previous assumption was that the WWs knew all along and the skeleton attack was merely a ruse so that the CotF would gain Bran’s trust. But the new attack on the cave doesn’t really fit into that picture, in fact it seems to contradict it. If CotF and WWs are in cahoots (or the CotF even controlling the WWs), why the attack?
Then again, if the CotF are really helping the humans, how did the NK get the information about Bran if he didn’t have it before? I assume he didn’t know before, otherwise he would’ve attacked Bran a lot earlier or with more manpower to make sure. Is the NK as surprised by Bran showing up in that “vision” as Bran is and that’s how he finds out? The way it’s shot it seems he isn’t, which means he must’ve known already.
Another question? If that’s indeed the cave that’s burning – which of course could be something else, possibly Castle Black, but let’s assume it is – why is it burning and who started the fire (Billy Joel says he didn’t, but who did)? Do the WW want to burn it to cut Bran off from the weirwood network? Or did the CotF initiate the self destruct mechanism to prevent the WWs from gaining control over the tree?
Geralt of Rivia,
Of course. I doubt the theory will be different in the books. It’s a huge twist that impacts the overall plot too much.
Kit Hairyton,
Those 2 pictures you provided, well they look nothing alike and why would Meera run into that fire flail anyway?
Be blessed, Maester of Gifs! I can see the movements and scenes details properly only in your gifs. The titles make me laugh. And, more than that, you took the time to work on these during Easter. Respect!
Happy Easter to you and the other who celebrate today!
Kit Hairyton,
Glad we got it clear that you’re trolling..
Which is a pointless ruse for GRRM to create. Dany is ALREADY a Targaryen. To make her a Stark would add what? And why hide it from her? Why hide it at all? And it doesn’t explain why Ned would hide from Jon who his mother was. Hey, Jon… your mom was NOT a Targaryen. So we hid that from you and Robert. Why? No clue. It makes no sense. Because Robert and the Lannisters were only interested in killing Targaryens. Robert even saved the life of a Targaryen sword… Barristan Selmy. Clearly he didn’t care about which side you were on, only about bloodline.
So Jon’s father is why the secrecy exists. Not his mother.
I find it interesting in the pre-WF battle shots, the sky appears to be clear but then it’s blanketed in white (which could be smoke from battle)…but it’s eerily similar to hardhome.
Really stupid q but who is NK? What does it stand for ?
The Night’s King, the leader of the White Walkers.
Ned’s blade clearly has blood on it in the shots of the fight with Dayne. Unless Ned is killing his own men, there has to have been at least one other kingsguard killed before the pictured showdown, so I don’t think it will be AD vs. 6.
Ned never said to Robert that his sister is the mother of Jon,to keep Jon safe from Robert.If Robert knew who Jon’s father was i think would have gone mad and kill him.Ned told Robert in season 1 that he will never tell him the name of Jon’s mother. 🙂
Thank you!
Of course! Thanks!
Exactly. Dany is a Targaryen who is also a secret Targaryen makes no sense. Not to mention all the people who witnessed her birth and the circumstances; they don’t call her Stormborn for nothing…
Just watching the first season of “The Tunnel” with Stephen Dillane and … BENJEN STARK! Such fun! (well, not really, it’s quite dark.)
The scene with Wun Wun and the Wildlings doesn’t have to be pre-resurrection. That could be Jon and his allies returning to kick ass and take names afterward.
Regardless, it would be very surprising if Castle Black didn’t have easily the most screentime in the premiere.
Yes, I think is Sansa too. I hope she will appear like a WW in Bran’s vision, with another amount of characters. It doesnt make sense, even if Sansa dies at the end of the season (something that won’t happen for sure), that she converts in WW so quickly. That only happens when the WW or NK is near, isn’t it?
I think that’s what Bran is seeing in thw trailer when the NK confronts him. That would link with Bran saying “they have no idea what’s going to happen”. If Bran see (and I’m sure he will) a dark future where everyone is dead, he will want to prevent the rest. I think that after NK wathed Bran, NK could know where he is and then go to attack the cave. Bran and co run away and try to arrive to the wall. If NK kills Bloodraven, Bran will be the last hope and an important key to the war is comming.
Re. Howland Reed. He’s been positioned in the book as the person who is still around who knows about Jon’s true parentage. I think if they start dropping his name back into the show then he will be introduced as a seen character in the present. For example, if he is named in the ToJ flashback, and Bran talks about this to Meera (“I saw my father and your father fighting together” etc.) then that would re-establish who he is for casual viewers. If they don’t do this and Reed is just shown as a random guy fighting with Ned then I won’t be so confident. The other possibility is Bran ‘seeing’ the truth in a vision, although how he’d tell Jon would be the next hurdle. The only other, final possibility is Benjen – if he ever comes back. He’s someone who *could* know the truth, if he needs to fulfill that role.
Yeah I don’t think they’ll spoil that in the Red Carpet premiere, which by the way is just 2 weeks away 🙂
Bran vision: ToJ fight and then ned promising lyanna to whatever
Dany’s position with the Dothraki clearly changes (a little) during their time on the road. She’s initially tied up, later she’s allowed to move somewhat freely. I wonder if Drogon’s appearance might have played a part in that. Or maybe Dany, after some resistance and a lack of a real alternative, even agrees to go to Vaes Dothrak with them?
Remember that a lot of people think that the Others and White Walkers will be at least approaching the Wall, if not destroying it, in the season finale. If they’re marching on the rest of Westeros by then, then it would make sense for them to go after Bloodraven and Bran before he leaves the area to try to stop whatever influence they may have on events.
While most of us have believed that Bran would remain in the cave for the rest of the series, there really is no reason for him to stay there after his training is over. He could just as easily do his part from anywhere. Narratively, having the Night’s King moving on Bran and Bloodraven gives them some good exciting action scenes for them during the middle or end of the season. Plus, it keeps the Night’s King, Others and White Walkers on people’s minds as the endgame threat. Maybe that scene of him grabbing Bran isn’t a vision after all?
Nathalie 🙂
That might not be 100% true. Part of the reason why Ned might have never told Catelyn is because Jon the Bastard via Ned is no stain on a house’s honor (on the contrary, it is almost expected), but Jon the Bastard via Lyanna is a huge stain on honor of House Stark. Given what a waspish prude Catelyn is at the outset, she would not have wanted her daughters seeing any forgiveness for Lyanna’s dishonor or it’s byproduct.
(Of course, the fact that Catelyn openly hated Jon so much also was a great smokescreen, so perhaps that was Ned’s #1 goal.)
That written, your main point (that Daenyrs daughter of Rhaegar is ridiculous) is spot-on. This is yet another case of fans using their own imaginations instead of using what GRRM has imagined to try to figure out the rest of what GRRM is imagining. Of course, I sometimes think that 99% of fan conjectures fall into this category!
There is one big reason:
We have no reason to think that Bran will be some exception to this.
It also could be late in the season if Jon & the Loyalists do not retake Castle Black until then. We know that this scene happens somewhere between the onset of Episode 1 and the close of Episode 10: and that is all we know.
This happens all the time with trailers. Look at how wildly wrong the Star Wars fans were about what the trailers from “The Force Awakens” meant. It is the same thing: people assume that scenes in a trailer relate directly to other scenes in a trailer. However, most of the time, they do not.
The other thing to remember is that trailers tend to focus on action / motion / tension scenes from thoughout a film or series. The people who make the trailer often do not know the story or even the plot. A giant kicking down a door is a great action shot. People running through woods is a great action shot. Someone with a look of trepidation in the dark with just a torch is a great tension shot. A dragon shadow over anything is a great tension shot. The people who put trailers together are really good: after all, how many awful movies and TV shows have great trailers? But remember: they don’t know the upcoming story much better than we do.
There is absolutely nothing in the books or the show to suggest that GRRM imagines this to be possible.
I still believe Snoke is Plagueis.
There’s no reason for Jon and co. to leave Castle Black unsecured like that, given how easy it would be to take it, and their lack of an alternative base of operations. The plot would also seem to dictate that Jon be somewhere where he can receive mail.
That’s nowhere near true, actually. We know that by episode nine Jon and everyone else will be battling Ramsay in Winterfell.
Loser: he’s obviously Darth Bane. And the trailer demonstrated it!
Again, that is based on the assumption that Thorne et al. were not waiting for reinforcements. Remember, in the books, there was a source of potential support for the Nationalists at the Wall. Moreover, the show has setup that the same potential support exists.
They might not be doing this: but it certainly would make more sense of the actions (both in book and show).
Your idea that Thorne and the other mutineers will survive much past Jon’s resurection and maybe even team up with Ramsay is just baffling to me. I can’t possibly imagine they’ll survive past the first few episodes.
Luka Nieto,
This is Game of Thrones people. There are few happy endings, and this one would be pretty bad from a storytelling standpoint.
Let’s take a realistic approach. After his revival, Jon would have to flee Castle Black as soon as possible. Thorne and the mutineers are in the majority. First thing Jon is going to do is go to Tormund and the wildlings. Even if they agree to help him, I don’t think Jon will want to wipe out the Watch, instead, he will want to attempt to rally the North against the White Walkers (to which the Boltons obviously won’t agree to, hence BasBowl happening).
Of course, Wun Wun is undeniably smashing down the Castle Black gate in this trailer. What might be happening here is the Wildlings coming to free or rescue Jon. Perhaps Davos or Melisandre got word to them of his assassination, and they attack Castle Black, only to find Jon gone, or perhaps it’s just Wun Wun and a few wildlings, enough to help Jon escape, but not to wipe out the mutineers. Mag the Mighty was defeated by 6 men. Wun Wun might be good at taking down mindless wights, but I’m not expecting him to last very long against a coordinated Night’s Watch force of 20-30 men. I certainly don’t expect Thorne and co to get their gloriously deserved death any time soon.
ehm. Arent there more wildlings atm than nightswatch members? And a giant can probably kill half of the nightswatch members alone.
I don’t know about going back, but people who think Bran might leave the cave this season can base this assumption on two things from filmimg news.
First, some shots from the VFX featurette suggest that WW’s may invade the cave. In this case Bran becoming Bloodraven 2.0 would not be an option anymore.
Secondly, the photo that has Bran on a horse is most probably him being physically outside of the cave. The clothes do not fit his „vision outfit“ (which we should acknowledge exists after released images and trailer shots) and his posture indicates to me and many other commenters on here that his legs don’t work.
Bran is so powerful. He can learn everything he needs and get out of there. He don’t want to stay there.
Exactly. And I saw no indication, either in books or show, that Bran will stay there forever.
I don’t think that most of the Wildlings that are south of the wall will want to wipe out the last line of the defense on the wall, especially knowing that that will only bring wrath from the northern houses upon them.
As I said, Wun Wun alone probably isn’t enough to do much damage to the Watch. A couple of good archers combined with 10 or so footmen shouldn’t have too much trouble taking him down. Mag the Mighty got killed by Grenn and 5 other dudes alone.
Both from Ramsay’s trailer VO and the books, it’s pretty clear that he’s going to send Jon a message demanding Sansa back (and/or taunting him in general). Any such missive would be sent to Castle Black.
And while this is slightly more speculative, if Brienne rescues Sansa and Theon, as all the promotional materials pretty strongly indicate, Castle Black would be their most likely destination (for Sansa and Brienne, at least; at what point Theon goes his own way, I don’t know).
It’s not just Wun Wun. There are other people with him; you can see that in the image. Moreover, Mag was killed in the tunnel, with a metal gate blocking his way.
It may only seem like a happy ending, but could very well come back to bite him in the arse in the end. How about that for speculation: Together with Davos, the loyalists and the Free Folk, Jon takes back command, receives a certain letter and decides from a position of strength (as opposed to him being a fugitive) to rescue his sister, beatraying his orders‘ mission statement for family (kind of the reverse from S3 when he chose duty over love) in doing so and leaving the Wall unattended while the WW approach.
It’s obviously Tyrion saying that. “Are you afraid? You should be. You’re in the great game now and the great game is terrifying.”
I expect he’d leave some people. But regardless, if the White Walkers use magic to topple the Wall, I very much doubt having more people there would have mattered.
If anything, that’s more reason to move the main cast away from the Wall early in the season.
Sean C.,
There is that promo picture of Mel leaving Castle Black with some other riders (who were cropped). So he’s either sending her somewhere or they all leave together.
Castle Black is not a suitable base for long term operations imo. It has no defenses from the south, so Ramsay could easily attack him. And Wun Wun is clearly breaking that door, so it only makes Castle Black more vulnerable.
True. And based on the things Bran might see (R+L, WW) and learn, he’d want to go back and tell the others.
Jack Bauer 24,
excellent, thanks
Any word on episode titles?
Sean C.,
Agreed. If the WW bring the Wall down, I can’t really see anyone surviving their attack (not after what we’ve witnessed at Hardhome).
So come to think of it, Jon’s decision to „betray“ the Night’s Watch and leave the Wall would not come back biting him, but be a blessing in the end… (Do I hear Melisandre wispering ? „You will betray everything you once held dear.“ ) 🙂
In the show it does.
But regardless, it’s not like Jon has his pick of castles. Obviously he’s going to have to march south eventually, but for his short-term goals after resurrection (particularly sans any knowledge about Sansa), why would he go anywhere else?
If Jon is brought back and Thorne and his servants aren’t killed off right away/very close to the return scene, it’ll be kinda silly.
Jon would be brought back and have half the NW on his side, all the wildings, Wun Wun, Davos/Mel and Ghost and somehow Thorne and his cronies aren’t god stomped right away? I don’t see it. Esp when Davos and the loyalists are gearing up to fight them already and Thorne is forcing his way into Jon’s room.
My theory, which I believe is a strong one, for the bodies on the Bolton crosses:
No one would recognize Osha; none of the major players have even met her. It would not carry gravity . The deaths need dramatic impact and this would be gut-wrenching: Davos sent on a mission to rescue/recover Rickon; nothing heard from him for an episode or so only to reappear on the Bolton cross. This would also bring his storyline in the books, rescuing Rickon from Skagos, full circle and adapted for the show (would also suitably encompass Mance’s failed mission to rescue fake Arya).
Burning the two to provoke and inflict devastating pain on Jon (and the likely-present Sansa) would be entirely in keeping with Ramsay’s character, making a mockery of Jon’s resurrection by fire/the Lord of Light, especially if Jon rides to battle with Melisandre, and giving Ramsay the opportunity for a twisted speech and show of brutality. Torching the last viable male Stark heir to the North before their eyes would be a powerful sign (demonstrating that he will do EXACTLY what Theon failed to do previously, when he burned the bodies of the two farm boys and strung them up for Winterfell to see).
Word will travel among the ranks of Jon’s rebel Northern lords that Rickon was not in fact killed by Theon (Sansa can now corroborate this). Further, Davos’s story arc has largely concluded. Also regarding Rickon, consider the very name of his direwolf: Shaggydog. A literary term for an anticlimactic and ultimately pointless story departure. Rickon will not become the Lord of Winterfell or King in the North—it was always a detour. This gives his storyline a horrific, painful ending that clears the way for Jon or Sansa’s undisputed accession to power over the North and gives Ramsay one last, triumphant demonstration of his unparalleled cruelty.
Sean C.,
The Wildlings in the season 4 battle got inside easily, so the Boltons can too (with obviously better weapons). Wun Wun is also going to tear down that gate. Goodbye defense. If Sansa makes it to the Wall, it will happen very early (as that Melisandre picture suggests). No use staying there twiddling his thumbs.
There are other castles on the Wall he can go to. Weren’t they casting a captain of a tower who has to make a big decision at one point (he also happens to be interacting with leading cast members)?
Flayed Potatoes,
Jon wouldn’t presumably be retaking Castle Black to use as a base against the Boltons. He’d probably only find out about all that afterward. They can fix the gate, if need be, and nothing indicates that any of the other castles on the Wall would be better (and in any event, what is the point of that on a story level?).
Sean C.,
I could be convinced that the “Are you afraid?” is Tyrion, but “You should be.” is 100% not his voice.
Sean C., Wylie,
Some of those points are good, but I refuse to believe that the justice spree is going to happen. As for the wildling attack, I can picture something like this:
Either that, or perhaps the attack happens during the Davos “mic drop” scene, allowing him to leave with Melisandre and Jon.
I have a question for those who have followed all spoilers closely. Do we know anything of what Melissandre is up to next season, beyond Episodes 1 and/or 2 in Castle Black? Has she been sighted at the Winterfell battle? She saw herself walking in Winterfell in her visions, but AFAIK, there has been no spoiler about her being in WF, and she’s hard to miss.
I believe Sue has confirmed a while ago that neither of the bodies on the crosses is Rickon. I personally don’t think it’s anyone we should worry about. The report said that they are known characters, which doesn’t mean major ones.
I heard elsewhere that at least one of them supposedly died in Season 5, which, if true, opens up the possibility of it being Stannis and/or his wife (Although Stannis is more than likely missing a head at the moment, so he can’t be the one we see in the trailer).
I also don’t think it’s Roose; Ramsay killing and flaying his own father would be a total character assassination imo.
Sean C.,
Ramsay knows Jon is at Castle Black. It’s the first place he’ll look for Sansa (or send some of his men). Like how Roose and he sent Locke as a recruit to kill Jon and the Stark kids. I also don’t see Sansa, Davos and Mel telling him to just stay there.
Not very much info on that.
Besides the shots in the trailer we got a picture of her on horseback apparently leaving Castle Black. So no idea on what she’ll be up to after that.
Flayed Potatoes,
Considering the amount of emphasis on the Hall of Faces in the marketing for this season, (put your tin foil hats on now!) would it not be possible for Arya to see Jon’s face appear in the Hall of Faces, steal it, run from Jaquen & the Waif, meet up with Sam, and then go back to Westeros/the North & pretend to be Jon? I know, I know…but hey, speculation is half the fun of GOT!! 🙂
Sean C.,
I’m sure they’ll have to go and meet with some lords. We’re probably getting Manderly for an episode, and my personal preference would be for him and/or Sansa to hear the speech. It would have much more impact.
why there is no snow in the battle of bastards? in i mean this will happen in ep 9, and i assume that the winter will arrive in ep 10.
I was baffled about this too. All those leaks about them spraying fake snow on the set, and all we see in the actual footage is mud. I always pictured it to be all snowy and stuff, to add to the epicness (although I must admit, that would contradict all of Stannis’ Season 5 arc, with him not being able to march because of snow and all). I suppose the most likely explanation is that the effects of Shireen’s sacrifice last way longer than predicted.
I dont think it would be such a big issue if Lyanna had a bastard. Just look at the Mormont women for example, they seem to do whatever they want, and no one in the North has any issue with it.
A big problem with all of these anti R+L=J theories is that it starts off with the premise of disproving or just being different from R+L=J. When your main purpose starts from that premise it sometimes means that logic gets lost along the way.
The theory of Dany being a secret Targaryen has always been one of the most ridiculous in my opinion. Dany is already a full blown Targaryen she birthed dragons into the wold again after being extinct for years, there would really be no purpose in making her secretly a Targaryen again.
Alternative theories such as the Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark theory would be a more reasonable theory if you are an anti R+L=J theorist. That being said Ashara has never been mentioned in the show, this could really only go one way.
It is not so much an issue of justice or vengeance or a happy ending. You also have to apply logic to the situation. The mutineers who killed Jon are a small section of all of the people who are currently at the Wall. The Nighst Watch members who remain are very loyal to Jon and Jon has just saved the Wildlings, if they discover he has been murdered in an underhanded way then there will be a strong reaction.
I must say I find the mutineers in the books even dumber then one’s on the show. In the show a lot of the Wildlings have at least gone to The Gift.
In the books there are the Queens men to contend with. Seconds before Jon was stabbed hundreds of Wildlings swore fealty to him and were willing to go into battle with him. All of these Wildlings are just around the corner. All of Jon’s support comes from the rangers, iow all of the people within the Nights Watch who are able to fight.
On top of that Ramsay has just declared that he is about to attack the Nights Watch, and they dont have Reek or Ramsay’s bride.
The point is, if you look at these situations it is a recipe for disaster. The story also has to follow-up in a linear fashion. The mutineers are very unlikely to work well together with all of these different factions. It is almost guaranteed that there will be some conflict.
Or maybe the differences are due to on picture taken from the inside (Wun Wun storming into Castle Black) and the other from the outside (the Wildlings leaving Castle Black for the Gift)?
Even if the mutineers are just a fraction of the entire Castle Black garrison, pretty much everyone there was against Jon letting the wildlings through. The ones who didn’t mutiny but also didn’t support Jon’s actions will most likley try to avoid any conflict with the mutineers, and obviously help defend the castle if/when the Wildlings attack.
A much smaller Wildling force was almost able to take Castle Black against a much larger Night’s Watch garrison in The Watchers on the Wall.
Flayed Potatoes,
Thank you both. I recall the woman under the umbrella, but I don’t think that was Melissandre. What I am wanted to know was whether she had been sighted inside Winterfell, where she appeared to have walked in her visions.
Sean C.,
Fair point, but the Night’s Watch force that resisted wasn’t that large. Approximately 20 men (according to Ygritte) were defending down there (speaking of Ygritte, why didn’t the Thenn warg do the spying that ep?). 2 of those men were Sam and Pyp, who missed pretty much every arrow they fired. Thorne eventually arrived with maybe 5 more, and then Jon finally repelled the attack with an additional 5 or so men. The wildlings had Ygritte, Tormund, and at least 20-30 Thenns. Most of the wildlings that are currently south of the Wall are women, children and elders (they were given priority at Hardhome).
Yep, regardless of where Sansa ends up, Ramsay will assume Sansa went straight for Castle Black.
Yes. I thought it was a very bad idea for the High Sparrow to let Cersai go. But, maybe he has other plans – like provoking a bigger confrontation.
I think HBO is not going to give us any early titles this year…maybe they consider some of them too “spoilery”?
Not Maxi, his voice is too distinct
There’s no snow because of Shireen’s sacrifice. Remember all the snow began melting after that?
thats just it.. there is not a “fraction” of anything anymore.In first season Benjen states the Nights Watch has under 1000 men (which would mean there is less then that at Castle Black) and by the end of season 5 they have lost even more to the first WW attack , the ones that desertered at Crastors Keep,the Wilding Attack and Hardhome. The “Nights Watch” as it is now at Castle Black isnt going to be able to defend its self against anything, least of all the thousand or more Wildings camped out in The Gift.
Agree on the visions. Perhaps the NK shows Bran this future hence the arm grab in a come join us resustance is futile moment.
As for BR dying and Bran leaving it makes spence to get them closer uses they can fine tune the weir net. BR called Bran because he was not long for this world.
David H,
Maybe he wants Bran to join them? Heir to the throne.
Daario v1 also turns up and I’m pretty sure all three of them appear in a scene together. I didn’t realise it was him (Dv1) until I read the cast list at the end of the episode, he looks very different with short hair.
But more importantly, guys we’ve been so busy looking at the backgrounds of the pictures for clues we’ve missed an important new development – there’s a frickin unicorn in the picture of horses charging just above one of Arya with her milky eyed look. A UNICORN! Don’t try and bore me with facts and logic and stuff and tell me that’s just someone’s sword, not a horn, because guess what: LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU! 😉 😀
Lulus Mum,
Oh yes! How could I forget Daario1?! I mean he was beaten to death by Benjen Stark, which, by the way, should settle the insane daario=benjen-theory once and for all! 🙂
True, although maybe we’ll get the premiere title on the 10th since that’s when the Red Carpet premiere is.
Look at the photo of the charging cavalry from the front. It seems that the first horse (the ash-white) one has two riders and the stirrups look very strange. Could it be Bran?
No titles, but at least we know sth about the content of the first 3 episodes (from promo stills and teasers):
Jamie returning to KL with Myrcella’s corpse and meeting Cersei
Dany captured and brought bound before Khal Jhaqo
Sansa and Theon fleeing
Margaery and Septa Unella / High Sparrow
Arya as a blind beggar in the streets
Tyrion and Varys in the streets of Mereen
Balon Greyjoy still alive, Yara returning to Iron Islands
Roose and Ramsay have a conversation
Tyrion with Missandei and Grey Worm, pouring his wine back
Jaime and Tommen at funeral of Myrcella
Sam and Gilly on their way to Oldtown
The rest… well, let’s wait and see 😉
Might be like Fight Club and he actually kills himself? 😉
When the Wildlings attacked Castle Black there were 100 Nights Watch members left. After the attack on Castle Black there 50 dead. There are about 50 Night Watch members left and only half of them support Alliser Throne.
During Hardhome just before the White Walkers descended on them Jon calculated that about 5000 Wildlings was on the boats.
The only reason the Nights Watch was able to defend Castle Black from the Southern attack of the Wildlings was because of Jon’s information. They were actually prepared and working together before the Wildling attacked.
Lets be generous and say we have 30 – 40 Nights Watch members against 2000 Wildlings, completely unprepared and fighting amongst each other, seriously they are going to be slaughtered.
Nope, LF marries unCat, remember in season one during one of LF/Vary’s verbal sparing, where Vary’s mentions that a certain Lord loves Necrophilia, hinting he knows Baelish’s dirty secret. That conversation could only be geared toward one goal.
Concerning Benjen, GRRM mentioned readers would visit TLoAW, perhaps like LoTR, SW and other famous mythical tales ASoIaF will have a daring group go behind enemy lines to take down someone or something. My guess is Benjen, Meera, Hodor and Bran are this commando group, the target is either the Night’s Queen or Ice Dragon, and the groundwork will be laid towards the end of season 6.
Anyone else think that for Bran’s first vision they’ll show it as an event actually happening and then cut to Bran in his “vision state”, whatever that’ll end up looking like? The general audience will be freaking out at first lol.
Thank you!!! It really does n´t make any sense at all that scene 🙁
Yes. The numbers would be seriously against the Night Watch, even if they were united. They’re not, though. Some of them will side with Jon. Some will be uncertain. There will be dissension; this is a traditionalist organization, and they just had their second lord commander in a row assassinated.
On the other hand, yeah, there are thousands of wildlings, and they’re not on the other side of the Wall. They’re right there, in Castle Black. No way can the Night Watch assassins survive this.
THANK YOU..been driving me crazy because “50” was stuck in my head for the number of NW members left at CB but I wasnt 100% sure..now I know I wasnt just pulling number out of my head lol
Jack Bauer 24,
oh god please no! hope that never happens. not with him again.
Don’t know if anyone said it yet but it really sounds like bloodraven saying are you afraid which would make me take a guess that he is telling bran some things about the nights king and maybe his allegiance or trying to justify the others . just a guess
Well maybe it’s because the dragons are getting bigger and there are 3 of them. In the hedge night I read that after the last Dragon died the days got shorter and cooler but I Must say also that at that time to my knowledge the others were not on a rampage like present so I’m not sure of the dragons effect as of yet . I’m just throwing out slim possibilities
The First Sword of Ireland,
As I’ve already speculated I think this Nights King is a possible future Bran.
I noticed that too. When it’s slowed down to lowest speed the moment still goes by pretty fast but for the split second his face is in view you can see the familiar features. after that he appears to make a strange movement but can’t tell what he’s doing cause view is blocked by a horse.
Mmmm. I like your idea. Getting excited for the big battle in snow!!!!!!
This is confirmed? How do you know this???
I very much doubt that that will go according to plan, because that would be somewhat disappointing imo.
About 5000 had lined up for the boats, we don’t know if all of those actually made it. The ones who did will want to prepare for winter, not pick fights with the men who manned the wall. A few of them like Tormund might lose their temper when they hear of Jon’s death, but there is no way the Wildlings will throw their full strength at Castle Black. They have winter to worry about, they have the Boltons and probably other northern houses to worry about. Meanwhile, the Watch has had plenty of time to recover, especially with the help of Stannis and his men.
Probably just an assumption.
Nope, this is based on information that can be found if you look a bit into the promo pix published by HBO in February and March. I explained the whole thing over at WinterIsComing – to me it looks like rather solid information, but I’m open to any hints or corrections 😉 .
Green Chili,
nice detective work if it turns out to be accurate!!
..interesting that the Mel leaving Castle Black picture isnt till episode 5..
I’m pretty sure that the Night’s Watch being taken over by anti-Wildling fanatics is something that would be an impediment to the Wildlings preparing for winter.
Huh??? I’m assuming you’re talking about the books, since “Stannis and his men” have been decimated by the Boltons in the show…If you remember what’s going on with the Wildlings and Wun Wun just before Jon’s stabbing in the books, the statement that the Wildlings aren’t going to be fighting for Jon almost immediately is almost nonsensical…
As for the show, given that Wun Wun is breaking the gates at Castle Black, I expect that the Wildlings will attack Castle Black as soon as they hear about Jon’s death. He’s the hero that rescued them out of Hardhome, after all. I expect the show will recreate a Wun Wun scene that already happened in Jon’s last chapter in Dance…
This is one of Winterfell’s many gates… Doesn’t proof anything.
How about Jaime Fu**ing Lannister in the Apple TV commercial?
Hate to Burst all you ASOIAF Nerds Bubble. But there is no way Jon is gonna be resurrected. That would be way to predictable for Game of Thrones. I’m not sure what’s going down with him, But he aint coming back to life.
Ooookay, I would have thought having Jon Snow mentioning the internet would have been a strong indicator that I was making a joke…
The Lord of Light has made good on his promise and the snow melted. Meh. You can see the hegdes full of snow in the background. In the foreground ton’s of horses went through.
He tells Robert Jon’s mothers name is Wylla.
If Jon is dead, dead, yes all dead. Why the Tower of Joy? Plus what was the point of Jon’s character? Who cares about the Wall? Let us just focus on a typical medieval Kings Landing Game of Thrones story line (just can’t get out of book one)
I think the shot of NK grabbing Bran by the arm is just the 3EC trying to get Bran to snap out of a vision, and in his vision it looks like it’s NK’s arm.
Or, going into fantasy-mode here, NK is an illusion projected by 3EC to get the Seven Kingdoms to stand together in unity?
I know I´m late, but two things:
Brienne& Sansas Storyline, We know the following:
-Sansa on the run, Sansa in fancy Clothes
-Brienne searching Sansa in the Snow, Brienne will be in the Riverlands this season
So heres what I think could happen:
Brienne will find Sansa and Theon, Sansa will be brought somewhere safe (fancy Clothes) and send Brienne to the Riverlands, to tell her last Relatives (Riverrun! Blackfish!) that Bran and Rickon weren´t killed by Ramsay.
Drogon, the winged Shadow:
Something lookes strange there. Looks like the Dothraki are not moving like in the Dany Scenes but rather take a break or something. The Horses are not in one direction here, looks more like they are standing?
Green Chili,
That is awesome stuff, nice find!
Was talking show only, I meant before Stannis left CB. I do expect to see some variant of or reference to that ADWD chapter too.
It might also be possible that this wildling attack is what sets the whole northern rebellion thing in motion. Thorne will say that he was right all along (if he survives) and ask the Boltons to get rid of the wildlings, who are now a definite threat to the North in his eyes.
I think the shot is in slow motion. The riders below him move too, just very slowly. I can’t imagine Drogon actually flying that slowly, look how slowly his wings unfold according to the shadow.
I probably should slowly stop overusing the word slowly 😛
It is definitely Umber http://watchersonthewall.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Saintfield-7.jpg
The TeeVee app has 9 episode titles listed for Season 6, has anyone else noticed that?
I can’t find any other source, but if they are real, this is amazing.
Link? Screenshot? Titles?
1 – TBA
2 – White Harbour
3 – The Mummers Dragon
4 – My Lord
5 – The Last Heir
6 – Winds of Winter
7 – Crow’s Eye
8 – Warrior of Light
9 – The Long Night
10 – Valonqar
I don’t know how to insert screen shots here, sorry 🙂
I do have them.
Hmm. No. If those are accurate, I am pretty disappointed in the obviousness! 😉
I doubt they are. But the app has been accurate so far, so I’m curious where they got them from.
The Watch’s task is mainly to hold back the Wildlings, as the Wall itself os made with the help of magic, making it impossible for WW to pass. Just as they are unable to enter the cave of the Raven. Or so I recall.
Oh for sure, and thank you for posting! 🙂 I suppose those who haven’t read the series may not know those references, but they seem pretty spoilery!
Those surfaced a while ago, pretty sure they’re fake.
They are fake and people keep putting it up here then asked by sue not to. So it’s best off to forget that fake list. I wasn’t trying to be rude of course you need to ask if they are real..
The First Sword of Ireland,
Yeah, I thought they were fake, the internet will break when they actually announced the official titles 🙂
But I haven’t seen these particular ones anywhere until now and was definitely curious.