Cáceres is the major center of filming activity in Spain this year for Game of Thrones, and it’s about to get very exciting in the city, with shooting beginning next Wednesday. Filming will take place over the 14th and 15th, but GoT‘s crews are already busy in the Monumental City of Cáceres, preparing a plaza with sets and props.
There was some confusion this week, with Still Star-Crossed shooting in town, in at least one plaza that GoT will reportedly be using as well, but filming on ABC’s new show wrapped on Tuesday, according to El Periodico Extremadura. Now it’s Game of Thrones’ turn to roll cameras in Cáceres’ historic district.
Lucky for us, Twitter user @javiborrega was in the area, and has snapped a multitude of new photos, including one with solid proof that this is for GoT, and not last-minute, overrun Star-Crossed work.

Another twitter user, @Jaehaerys2016 magnified portions of the photos shared by @javiborrega and observed that in one, you can see “LOC/GOT” scrawled onto the side of a table edge. That confirms Thrones is underway with their newest locations preparations!
Among the other photos taken include an assortment of props on tables around the plaza of Las Veletas, awnings near San Jorge, and a fountain.
Details of props at Plaza de las Veletas location for #GoT in Cáceres.. @HBO @WatchersOTWall pic.twitter.com/qo4GrIcGLM
— Heisenberg (@javiborrega) December 8, 2016
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More details of the location of #GoT in Cáceres, This is La cuesta de San Jorge… @HBO @WatchersOTWall pic.twitter.com/2MLRKDeBQS
— Heisenberg (@javiborrega) December 8, 2016
The old quarter in Cáceres doesn’t need too much thematization to seem a Westeros city…but @HBO is working hard.. @WatchersOTWall pic.twitter.com/WIZ9heDlbn
— Heisenberg (@javiborrega) December 8, 2016
Magic in Cáceres thanks to #GoT..a statue disappears and a fountain emerges from nothing.. @WatchersOTWall pic.twitter.com/62MJayXv5u
— Heisenberg (@javiborrega) December 7, 2016
Magic in Cáceres thanks to #GoT..a statue disappears and a fountain emerges from nothing.. @GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/XbIgXZgqRW
— Heisenberg (@javiborrega) December 6, 2016
We’ve been operating under the assumption that Caceres City will mainly stand in for King’s Landing; everything we see still fits in with that idea, with the tents and tables reminiscent of the marketplace Cersei visited to meet the High Sparrow. The fountain is a little unusual and gave me pause but with a little more set decorating, it could fit right in with the setting.
Azor Cersei!
I can’t wait to watch her in action! Like I honestly want the show to just troll everyone and show her as a capable queen lmao.
Flayed Potatoes,
I mainly just want to see the hissy-fit she throws when she finds out about Daenerys’ arrival.
And I personally can’t wait for the hissy fit the fandom is going to throw when
I hope Mr Darcy falls in the fountain!
You’ll be queen, for a time… ….THEN comes another… Another QUEEN ..to cast you down and take all you hold dear.
It wasn’t Sansa, it wasn’t Margery. Yeah, the cap of Cersai’s skull will blow off like a manhole cover when she gets a gander at Dany.
Flayed Potatoes,
She may already know, and that could have been one of her motives to take a seat on the Iron Throne. But I really look forward to the first conversation between Cersei and Jaime next season.
Kinda off topic:
When young Cersai goes to see the witch, she says she’s been “promised” to the prince – which can only be Rhaegar – as far as I know, Cersai was never “promised” to Rhaegar. She was offered to Rhaegar via his father, Aerys. Aerys turned down the offer flat. I don’t think Aerys even said he’d think about it.
So, why does Cersei think she’s promised to the prince, assuming that she wasn’t fibbing. She must have been between 10 and 13 then. Would Tywin let her believe she was promised, when she was not.
Maybe Cersei overheard chatter at Casterly Rock of Tywin’s intent. She was a child, surely this would affect her vision of her future. No?
She was promised to Rhaegar. By her father. Well, I guess Rhaegar was promised to her but that’s just semantics.
I’m re-reading ASOIAF and just hit the part where Tywin told a 10yo Cersei that she was going to marry Rhaegar. Then at the tourney at Casterley Rock, Cersei’s aunt, while helping her dress, told her that they would be announcing Cersei’s betrothal to Rhaegar at the final feast. Of course, that didn’t happen due to the Mad King telling Tywin (basically) that Cersei wasn’t good enough to marry a prince.
I wonder if there’s any chance some of these sets could serve as Oldtown as well? Certainly looks like KL but surely we must have some OT exterior scenes at some point?
Flayed Potatoes,
Ha! And I’ll likely be one of them hissing! ??
Yea, there’s much more colour in the book, naturally. 🙂
So, did Tywin tell her that the offer was refused. Her words to the witch could be verbal shorthand, or she was lying, or she was mislead(in the show).
Sure, it could be castle gossip(show). Rhaegar was handsome, in addition to being a prince, and Cersei was said to be the most beautiful in all the land(guffaw!) It must have been humiliating to be refused…and like you say, affected her vision of her future.
Maybe I’m misinterpreting what “promised” means. I think promised means the offer has been accepted, and there’s agreement between the two parties.
Aerys told Tywin NO, point-blank!
This make sense.
Leaks spoilers.
I probably should comment on the pictures… they’re awesome. But, is that a slash, or is it a number 1…in “loc/Got”?
I honestly think it will be Sansa one day.
I honestly hope not. That would put Cersei’s demise very late in the series… I want her to go NOW.
I honestly hope not, full stop. She’s not remotely qualified.
HA!!! That too…
Kristofer, Rory, Iain in Belfast.
Geralt of Rivia,
Westeros Power Rangers are assembling. Bring on the comedy that is
Comedy maybe to you, but it makes sense when you think about it. When you got two stubborn individuals, he has to do something to make them stop fighting or convince of this threat. Aren’t you by any chances kag1982?
Geralt of Rivia,
No amount of justification will will make it even slightly less nonsensical. The execution is the biggest problem. There are other, less stupid and risky ways to go about it, if that’s what’s needed. But GOT’s all about shock value and mindless action now. And characters suffer for those reasons.
What a glorious manwich. ?
Geralt of Rivia,
I remember Jon marching out into the Wildling camp to negotiate with Mance(after attack on Castle Black). It worked out well for him, but, it could have gone badly. He’s lucky that Mance had basic good character. At the time, Jon said that nobody else had a better plan.
Someone here called Jon an angry young man… (can’t recall who) I see some anger in him, kind of a chip on his shoulder, understandably, for being subjugated as a ‘bastard’. It may cause him to act impulsively..maybe he’s got some low-level depression as well.
I guess killing the boy is about letting go of all that…now, he’s not so much Ned Starks bastard son, but a man in his own right…and perhaps, may become a father himself.
Geralt of Rivia,
Nope not kag1982, can’t stand the relentless repetition of boy toy and submissive mistress.
Such as?
At that time it was only a matter of time when Mance would break the defences of the Wall and invade. It was a sheer suicide but at that time he might’ve done that, Mance acknowledge that Jon would’ve managed to kill him. Without Mance, wildlings are not united. He managed to do that.
Leaks spoilers.
That’s good. I can’t stand her/his comments of mistress, boy toy or housewife.
Such as? Someone proposed to bring dead body to the other side of the wall and then wait for him to turn. But you need NK for it nearby, which is risky anyway.
Game of Thrones made the Afi top 10 of the year again for television.
6 years in a row 🙂
Geralt of Rivia,
No need to go hunting for a wight when Jon should know they don’t travel solo, and White Walkers are always closely behind. They could execute a criminal, put his body in a cage beyond The Wall and wait until it turns. They could have Daenerys fly over there on Drogon and witness them from a safe distance (wouldn’t take long). They could have Jorah simply witness them from afar and tell Daenerys what he saw. Going on this suicide mission for Cersei alone is inexcusable.
Not to mention, how is a wight evidence for the White Walkers? Cersei has The Mountain and Qyburn. Why do they think she’d immediately believe in WWs because she sees some rage-filled undead thing? Where is their proof the wight is from Beyond The Wall and turned by WWs?
Geralt of Rivia,
Nope NK doesn’t have to be nearby, see the wight from season 1.
Hardhome is proof that it is the Night’s King that raises the dead. He may have been nearby in season 1, we just didn’t see him. After all, the White Walkers obviously attacked that wildling camp.
The Mountain was never reported dead, unlike the books, so him being alive doesn’t mean anything.
A father himself….I’d like to see that. I think holding his own child could heal Jon’s heart. His whole life, never fitting in and not feeling loved. I would cry buckets.
Show made a mess of it because Benjen was killed and left there to turn. We got bodies in season 1. Wights are only brought back by NK as necromancer on his command. He has to to do it but he maybe he doesn’t have to be nearby. That remains to be seen.
Because wights are not like Mountain, blue eyes and all that.
Great deco pics, glad we cleared that up about “Still Star Crossed”
Other options
That’s what I’ve been wondering.
Benjen would be good proof but he told Bran last season that he is unable to cross the wall due to the magic embedded into it.
First, they would have to find him, which would require going Beyond the Wall anyway.
I know, and it won’t happen, just trying to find a loophole for him since he’s not your ordinary kinda Uncle Wight. ?
Jon doesn’t even know if Benjen is alive or dead or undead (even if we the audience know) it’s only Bran who does.
Well, because
Flayed Potatoes,
Funny, according to Aeron’s vision, she might be on the Throne in the SHOW’s FINALE as well.
me too
Hi folks, is anyone actually interested in discussing the subject of the post by any chance?
People seem to think that Jon would do this either for Cersei or for Dany, or for both parties. And that is properly the main concern, especially with Dany since she has the dragons.
But I think it is far more like that Jon would like to prove too everyone that the White Walkers exists, or as many people as possible. I think that might be his real goal. That is why it wouldn’t work to have Dany just fly over with her dragons or Jorah reporting to her.
Look at Jon’s Hardhome speech he has always had the idea that everyone, or as many people as possible should know. After capturing this wight, Jon is going to the dragon pits and there will be a lot of people. It does sound like this mission isn’t just about letting some Queens know what is going on beyond the Wall. The rest of Westeros should also be warned.
I think it goes back to his Nights Watch vow:
This is the creed that Jon has lived by for a few years now. The Nights Watch vows is a guide to deal with the White Walkers. That means that people need to be warned about the White Walkers, and everyone needs to work together if you going to guard the realms of men. Even the small folk can very valuable. They can start by burning their dead, or they could make preparations to be able to deal with the wights. The small folk only needs fire to be able to help.
The problem is that we don’t know the context. Just a suggestion: Cersei pretends to agree on the parlay (and armistice eventually), but only upon condition that Team-Dragonstone brings her a wight as a proof, but not because she needs a proof, buts simply because she wants Jon and Dany out of her way. Would the wight hunt look stupid under such conditions?
I am hot a big fan of this twist either, but let’s wait with the final judgement until the show airs.
This incident is actually very common , I guess everybody is haunted by a promise made by some adult, a promise that fueleddreams and expectations, but that, in the end, was not fulfilled . This is the stuff of childhood traumas.
Tywin meant what he said to little Cersei; he promised her a Prince. I think he even told her to be especially adorable at this Tourney, because they would announce it or something in this order. I bet Tywin did not have the face to explain to Cersei that he actually miscalculated it, because, you know Tywin is never wrong.
Even better!
Night’s King = Sauron
Cersei = Saruman
Fully expect this
Is becoming increasingly clear there’s a character core of
Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Dany, Jaimie, Cersei
The Pilot reveals much, Jaimie and Cersei are amongst the first introduced so I expect them to go down to the wire etc
I think I had read that Mark Mylod had been seen in Caceres, scouting the city. He is probaby directing the 2nd and the 3rd episodes, right?
I was thinking maybe this is for Tyrion-Jaime meeting in KL, if it’s Mark Mylod maybe Tyrion will meet Jaime earlier, in the 2nd episode before he leaves for the Highgarden.
Or maybe this is Euron arriving in KL and meeting Cersei and Jaime, if the actor who plays Euron is filming there too. I read that NCW and Peter Dinklage are currently in Spain, and I also remember reading somewhere recently that NCW and Lena Headey will be filming in Caceres, I think.
What about Oldtown? Can this be Oldtown instead of KL? Maybe we will see Sam and/or Jorah there. What happened to Jim Broadbent? It had been speculated that he could play Marwyn or another maester whom Sam will meet in Oldtown. We haven’t heard him filming so far, although it had been said that he would play an important part.
The actor who plays Jorah was seen with the actor who plays Tormund in Belfast just the other day in Northern Ireland.
People have claimed to see both Peter and Emilia in Spain no pics as of yet though someone had a pic of a autograph from Peter and had a pic with NCW.
Well, filming will take place in Caceres in the 14th-15th, the actor who plays Jorah can finish filming in NI today, take a break for the weekend and fly to Spain on Tuesday if he is supposed to film there. But only if this is Oldtown, I don’t think Jorah will be in KL in earlier episodes.
Flayed Potatoes,
At the end of season 6 I remember thinking, that it would be funny if Cercei actually ends up being a good Queen in S7. Like, we all expect her to be a cold, evil B with nothing but revenge on her mind but instead we’re shocked that she becomes somewhat of a “good guy” whether it be feeding and clothing the poor or making wise decisions in the act of trying to save the people of KL from the baddies 🙂
The Tyrion Jaime meeting happens in ep 5. I think it was confirmed that Shakman had directed the scene of Davos and Tyrion sneaking into KL.
I guess we will get a better idea of what place does this stand for, once we know which actors are present next week. KL seems most likely to me.
HBO’s legal team doing their thing
Protection of those intellectual property rights sometimes really turn into a total nonsense.
He posted it on youtube, that’s why HBO were after him, wasn’t it? Anybody still wants to deny leaks.
I saw that story this morning, Absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah it’s pretty ridiculous.
Shame! You forgot Tyrion!
I break it down like this going towards end-game:
(based on perceived relevance and book POVs)
Main-Core > Jon, Dany, Tyrion
Semi-Core > Cersei, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Jamie
Main Support > Jorah, Sam, Brienne, Theon, Davos
Support > Everyone else (Littlefinger, Varys, etc)