As construction of the King’s Landing set continues at Belfast’s Titanic Studios, for the last week Game of Thrones filming has centered on Magheramorne’s snowy green screen set, where a number of highly spoilery scenes have been filmed. And it’s here that Gwendoline Christe and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau were sighted shooting for season eight!
Before moving on to the juicy spoilers, GOTlikeLocations updates us on the new Titanic set, which is still in construction after half a year, progressing slowly but surely:

GOTlikeLocations also gives us a look at yesterday night’s Magheramorne shoot, which shows yet more armies on the move — Northern troops, by the look of them. Given the microphone, cast members were likely involved, though none can be clearly recognized:

Now, onto the real news, brought to us not by keen-eyed photographers but by our pals at Los Siete Reinos: according to their trusted sources, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Gwendoline Christie have been on set there for one night of shooting. But that’s not all!
For a sequence of aerial shots set in episode three, the Night King’s army will slowly advance through the snow, amid lit bonfires. By this point, right in the mid-season, the army of the dead will be composed of wildlings and brothers of the Night’s Watch.
In episode four, the totally romantic couple (fight me) of Brienne and Jaime come in! They will be fighting side by side (and not alone, though the others are unnamed) against the undead. They will probably be reunited much earlier, but it gives me such pleasure to know for a fact that, for once, they will be fighting on the same side.

As for where in Westeros this scene or the previous one from episode three are supposed to take place, we have no idea. They were filmed at the Magheramorne green screen set, with a mantle of snow, so it could be anywhere where it snows, which at this point is anywhere the story is likely to focus on. If I were to venture an educated guess, in episodes three and four I would place these characters somewhere in the North.
So, what do you spoiler-followers think? Will both of them get out of that one alive? Who are the other characters there? Will the Night King be fought off by episode four? What other questions can I ask in order to encourage discussion in the comments? Well, you can give your answers to all these questions and more … in the comments below!
This is the exact scene I predicted, two years ago, D&D would write… because it’s total fan service and will likely blow up the Internet.
My Braime shipping heart is glad!!
Virtually the entire main cast is there in Belfast right now. Even the actor playing Dolorous Edd was seen yesterday with Kit Harington. So wight Edd confirmed?
Given that non combatants like Sansa are also involved, maybe they are filming scenes of the survivors of the WF battle fleeing south?
That quote of Jaime talking about dying in the arms of the woman he loves and this article is getting me upset/excited/worried/etc….
ghost of winterfell,
“My Braime shipping heart is glad!!”
Of course, you shall have a cabin.
The wooden constructions on top of the turrets on the City gates are for the Scorpions. Simple.
Jaime and Brienne fighting together effectively reforging Ned Stark’s sword was one of those moments there was never any doubt would happen once Jaime picked up widow’s wail
I should’ve mentioned that in the article. Yeah, Oathkeeper and Widow’s Wail fighting together, in the spirit of Ice, just had to happen!
That’s what I’ve thought for a while. I imagine we’ll soon see them there 🙂
Do I see red-dressed Melisandre in greenscreen-picture one?!
I’m sure!
Oh, Luka! I’m not going to fight you for calling their side-by-side against-all-odds fight romantic! You’re dang right they’re a couple and this news gives me so much good cheer that I’d almost trade the next year of my life just to hurry it all up and see the scene already! Come what may between Jaime and Brienne I am so glad they’re finally doing this.
cos alpha,
If you’re referring to what I think you are, that’s an orange traffic cone.
I’m curious about the bonfire references. I’m assuming the aerial shots will be with the NK still astride Rhaegal, will he be blazing a path through the snowdrifts with blue dragon flame?
As for the Braime shippers/ haters.. we knew Jaime was headed North, Brienne is in the North. Stands to reason they’ll meet and be fighting beside one another as none of the other cast have really interacted with him.
On another note, if he has to fulfill the Valonquar prophecy… maybe it’ll be Brienne who doesn’t make it out alive. What if she’s mortallly wounded in battle and he gives her a quick, clean death and prevents her from becoming a wight? That may also feed into the AA prophecy..
I wonder if they’ll have the valonquar on the show at all. On the one hand, it was left out of the prophesy in the show, but on the other hand, it seems pretty important in the books and I assumed that the show will try to match the books with the ending as much as possible.
I personally think Cersei will blow herself up along w/ KL in a blaze of wildfire glory, but if that turns out to be wrong, then I would assume that Jaime will kill her before she has a chance to light it up, a la Mad King 2.0
I can’t wait to see this on-screen! Jaime and Brienne fighting side by side, my God, what a moment that will be!!! Goose bumps!!!
2nd GS, all the way to the right looks like Podrik, but using a smoe machine? or a fire?
Grail King,
As the caption says, that’s a crew member spraying fake snow on the ground.
Luka Nieto,
Eagle-eyed Luka – a traffic cone?!
cos alpha,
It’s not clear in this photo, to be honest, but photos from previous days show traffic cones demarcating the borders of the set.
Luka Nieto,
I’m afraid, You are right, in greenscreen-picture two Melisandre really looks conier.
Jaime is not Valonquar
Valonquar = “in high valyrian that word has no gender”
Valonquar = “little sister”
Valonquar = Arya
Cersei = The last name on Arya’s list
I’ve been wondering about this as well, but the show definitely included a nod towards it in 7×01 when we see Jamie and Cersei standing on the large map in the Red Keep with Jamie positioned on The Fingers and Cersei on The Neck. Easter egg or foreshadowing? I’ve always felt it is Jamie’s destiny to end Cersei as a way of ridding himself of his “bad” side, but it’s still open for other possibilities.
The Valyrian word you’re looking for is “valonqar” and it’s not yet known whether it’s gender-neutral. Some words are known to be (hence the Prince that Was Promised confusion), and so it’s theorized that “valonqar” could be as well, allowing for female candidates. But it’s only a supposition, not a fact.
Scorpions perhaps, but I also think that flaming arrows are going to play a significant role in the defense of Winterfell against wights. They did mention that even young boys and girls would be trained in archery.
Yes, I noticed that too! The possibilities are still very much open for just about anything, IMO. I just think Cersei will do at the end of season 8 what she did during the Battle of the Blackwater. She’ll chill on the Iron Throne waiting to commit suicide if she loses. Instead of poison, this time it’ll be wildfire though. It just seems to keep in line with her character to have a “if I can’t have it nobody will” type of ending.
Would be classic last stand scenario as well if they go down this route where the protagonists win the larger war for man kind but then there is a more personal battle afterwards.
Almost one for one with a scouring of the shire
House Monty,
That’s my preferred sequence of events as well. I’d also be fine with both conflicts ending in the same episode (or in the same battle, even.) What I don’t want (and I don’t think we’re getting) is Cersei being dealt with swiftly so the rest of the season can be dedicated to the war against the White Walkers.
I wouldn’t say that.
Remember that Castle Black is a long way from Eastwatch and probably not the direction the NK is likely to go. I have been assuming, along with others, that Tormund and Beric make their way to CB along the top of the Wall to warn them, send ravens and then all ride for Winterfell themselves. There is no reason left for the Night’s Watch to remain at Castle Black – they need to join the forces south. (We will have to ignore thoughts of how long it would have taken them to travel that far while the NK’s army doesn’t move an equal distance.)
* initial Night’s Watch wights probably would come from the corpses at Eastwatch.
It’s the other way around: we’d only have to bend our willing suspension of disbelief if what you want to happen does happen, if the Night’s Watch arrives in Winterfell with the White Walkers on their toes. Armies march much, MUCH slower than small groups (except for the Mongols and a few others.) Even if that wasn’t true, presumably the White Walkers will be going from stronghold to stronghold, while the Night’s Watch will want to head directly to Winterfell.
This is true. I was thinking more about Tormund and Beric on foot all the way from Eastwatch… but, they too would move faster than the typical pace the wights slog along at.
Luka Nieto,
The wight army also is probably not going to make a beeline for Winterfell either. I mean, they’re likely to go through Last Hearth, Karhold and the Dreadfort before reaching Winterfell. Any sort of resistance will also slow them down.
Got me thinking… 150 miles on foot along the wall is going to take quite some time. Perhaps a week.
And I only just realised it’s 650 miles from Castle Black to WF. In the depths of winter that’ll take quite some time too.
Better get those jet packs fired up! 😝
Arya killing Cersei would be lame and have no emotional weight whatsoever
Hey! You edited your post to mention what I was writing too!! 😛
Or, you know, let time pass between scenes, especially between scenes set in different locations, as it’s been done for millenia in writing, theater and film 😛
“Great minds…”, right? 😀
Jet SLEDS! I can just about picture them shooting across the top like a big, horizontal luge. 🙂
Traveling from CB they should have horses at least. If the NK was smart he’d just fly around and torch (freeze?) people traveling with his dragon.
This is why I have a hard time believing the theory that the Dothraki will be ambushed on the Kingsroad. I mean, wouldn’t the Army of the Dead have to bypass Winterfell and all of the other Northern strongholds in order to reach the Dothraki before they reach Winterfell? The timing of that just doesn’t seem to work.
Valyrian Vlinder,
wow, i just started crying like a baby, thanks man.
Mr Derp,
I never understood that theory, for the same reason. It doesn’t make a lick of sense. I think the Dothraki will just arrive in Winterfell in the first few episodes of the season, and then they’ll just be there to fight in the front lines.
Mr Derp,
Yeah, the timing for that (Kingsroad) seems off.
It’s possible they send out forces toward one of the other strongholds in an attempt to stop them further north.
I agree.
As of right now Cersei still strikes me as the more interesting of the two main antagonists. Ideologically she represents a clear contrast to the philosophy represented by the main protagonists. The question raised by trying to beat her – which Tyrion and Dany were discussing in 706 – how do you defeat someone who is willing to use deceit and mass murder in a way that allows you to truly build something new and lasting is one that I think still calls out for an answer. And finding that answer really pressures the protagonists core beliefs in interesting ways.
In contrast, the NK just does not seem as interesting to me. There is a good angle to explore in him being the consequence of the never ending cycle of violence. There is another potential good angle in the existential theme of him representing death and humans defining their own meaning in the face of death that they highlighted in Beric and Jon’s conversation in 706. But overall, as an antagonist who pressures the protagonists on their core beliefs Cersei feels more interesting for the moment.
Ye, I think we will see the NK taking out other castles like Karhold and the Last Hearth first in the first few episodes before reaching WF where the Dothraki and Unsullied already will be arrived.
It took the AOTD two full seasons to get from Hardhome to Eastwatch but it will only take them 2 episodes to get to Winterfell which is about 3 times that distance.
House Monty,
Agreed. Though maybe we don’t need to look at them separately. If the writers link the two conflicts successfully, at least thematically, I’ll be quite happy.
Screen time isn’t a measure of story time. Neither in Game of Thrones or any other show … or film, or book, or anything else. No, not even ASOIAF. Why GOT gets this criticism all the time I have no idea. It baffles me to no end.
(Also, the Night King was still amassing his army, while now he’s on the march, but that shouldn’t even be necessary to mention; that’s not the point.)
They also had to wait around for their “ride”/”key to the Wall” to arrive. No more waiting now – time to move.
Agreed. That would be a very impressive feat.
I think there is something there in terms of Cersei representing the Game of Thrones and the Night King representing the consequence of it. But would love to see how the writers manage to bring it all together into one climax.
Really hoping they pull it off and tie in the culmination of the main characters arcs into it.
I’m gonna write it now just so it’s out there… Since it won’t be expected I think maybe Frankengregor will actually be the one that kills Cersei.
Another theory that confuses me. It’d be shocking, sure, but shocks are not everything. Maybe D&D would be able to make it emotionally satisfying. I’m sure they could. But would it be as emotional and thematically perfect as Jaime doing the deed because she’s the Mad King 2.0? I don’t think so.
Luka Nieto,
I think some people are so hung up on GoT being a trope-breaking type of show that they constantly look for twists and turns despite the fact that some answers have been foreshadowed for years. Yes, GoT is more trope-breaking than most shows, but it didn’t break the wheel by any means. If it wasn’t for Ned’s death and the Red Wedding, which were also heavily foreshadowed, everyone would think the show is pretty traditional when it comes to storytelling, IMO.
Mr Derp,
Also, during the first or second act of a story, there’s no problem with being shocking (even if it’s sometimes just for the sake of being shocking), but in the third act, when everything is being wrapped up, it’s not such a good idea. Sometimes it works… but mostly it doesn’t. By that point in a story, the number of likely outcomes should be rather small, so pulling a twist out of your ass just to shock your audience, even if it doesn’t make sense, is just cheap.
Whoever is in it for the shocking twists alone were probably disappointed in seasons six and seven, and will be disappointed in season eight.
“Valonquar = “in high valyrian that word has no gender””
• Who says it has no gender? From what source are you quoting?
• The part of the prophecy that refers to “his hands” has a definite gender, and excludes Arya (as much as I’d like to see her skewer Cersei).
Love Jaime and Brienne fighting side by side with their Valyrian steel swords.
While it is not unexpected, I do not love the fact that “army of the dead will be composed of wildlings and brothers of the Night’s Watch.” I fear that there will be a familiar face among them. Edd? Beric?
Luka Nieto:
Mr Derp,
I had a long discussion with a co-worker yesterday about the possibility of the Dothraki getting ambushed on the Kingsroad and the timing didn’t work for us either. Glad to know that we weren’t the only ones.
I’m quite interested in the path that the AOTD take. I agree that it won’t be a straight shot for WF. We will have an opportunity to see their destruction of the Northern strongholds before they get to WF
Once again, as a Northerner, I am shaking my head at the notion that a culture like the Free Folk would not yet have thought to invent Nordic skis as a way of getting around more quickly in an oft-snowy landscape. It’s such a basic technology. Same for snowshoes, which were found in many, many cultures that didn’t even have the wheel yet. But XC skis would be the way to zip along the top of the Wall in no time flat – much faster than Gendry could run! They’d just need to be careful not to go too close to the edge in icy conditions; but isn’t the top of the Wall described as being wide enough for half a dozen horses to ride abreast?
Luka Nieto,
And to your point it is interesting how two of the most revered episodes – 609 and 610 – don’t have almost anything genuinely shocking other than maybe Cersei becoming Regnant Queen.
At this point doing justice to the character journey and the themes is way more important than shock which at the end of the day is only shocking once.
I hope we do get to see that. Due to time and sticking with known characters as much as possible I wouldn’t be surprised if we only see an extended scene of one of the main strongholds and just dialogue regarding others. Although, they did introduce little Lord Ned Umber AND Lady Alys Karstark so we have a face for both Last Hearth and Karhold (still). Maybe they’ll show something for both of those. The Dreadfort is sort of up in the air at the moment so skipping that is more likely.
Though resigned to the imminent demise of many a beloved character, I really, really do not want to see Edd killed or wightified. Because he is such a sad sack, it sort of defeats the purpose of his character not to have him turn out to be unexpectedly lucky. I want to see him complaining bitterly about being made a knight or a lord or something.
Very true – there isn’t time to depict wide scale destruction. I hope that we do get to see the last stand of either little Lord Umber or Lady Alys Karstark.
A brief montage would serve well here: one Northern holdfast after another falling before the onslaught of the dead.
Agreed. And it would be regression for Arya’s character arc. Ticking names off her List is an obsession that needs to be relegated to her past. There’s no time left for her to wallow in vengeance.
I second that suggestion. A “wighted” Edd is not a good thing. He needs to be one of the lucky ones (if, for nothing else, the comic relief).
Luka Nieto,
I doubt they could make it carry much emotional weight, because there hasn’t been much effort throughout the show to build a connection between these two characters beyond Arya saying her name in a list.
As predictable as it is, Jaime and Cersei’s stories are too intertwined for Jaime not to be instrumental in her eventual fate.
I hope this becomes true!
And I’ll food fight you Luka lol I really like Jaime & Brienne as a platonic bff couple but if it’s anything other than that I’m off that ship. XD
Hopefully for them, Bronn and Tyrion are waiting out the battle in a comfy brothel somewhere far far away.
“I’m gonna write it now just so it’s out there… Since it won’t be expected I think maybe Frankengregor will actually be the one that kills Cersei.”
Close. But Gregor Clegane isn’t the “little brother.” That would be Sandor.
“But they’re already here, My Lord. Here …My Lord.”
That was a nice little surprise.
That’s an excellent point and I agree. At this point, Cersei’s death is much more than just the death of any other villain and it dramaturgically deserves more than Arya Killing Walder Frey 2.0 – not that she doesn’t deserve it, but there is very little emotional impact for the audience if it’s “just” Arya crossing the last name of her list. The Frey scene already achieved the ‘Arya gets revenge’ moment of vengeance, I don’t think her killing Cersei could top that or top the emotional impact of Cersei being killed by one of her brothers (even Sansa killing her would be more impactful I think).
I don’t really think the show wants to add the “valonquar” element to the story after they omitted it from the prophecy flashback, but just the idea of Jaime killing Cersei gives me goosebumps… the emotional weight of that scene. Plus Lena and Nikolai would act the hell out of it. I also wouldn’t mind Tyrion killing her, just because Lena and Peter’s dialogue scenes from season 2 are still – arguably – among their best work in the show.
THAT SAID I’m 100% here for Jaime and Brienne and the heartache they bring me.
Edd’s got to make it out alive. At the end, all the survivors will head south to the Summer Isles to get warm, but Edd will be told he has to remain behind to freeze his ass off supervising patching the breach in the Wall.
(Because, you know, NK is smart enough to leave AotD backups behind in cold storage in underground bunkers in the Land of Always Winter.)
Oh God, everyone is gonna die and I am so not prepared.
So, stupid question – what’s that big wheel to the right of the microphone? Is that some sort of mechanism for a camera or other equipment?
…finally revealing the punchline to the jackass & honeycomb joke.
Really? Because I’ve always though that naked bathtub scene set up a sequel, Bathtub II: Goin’ All the Way.. And wouldn’t it be the perfect conclusion to Brienne’s story – after being taunted her whole life for her supposedly “unfeminine” looks (including by Jaime when they first met) – to hook up with the sexiest man on the planet? *
* Second sexiest, for those on Team Jorah.
Ten Bears,
d(>_・ )
Ten Bears,
I’ve read a lot of posts of people trying to finish the joke, and, well, they’re all rather terrible.
We should start a thread at some point to see who’s got the best ending to the joke.
“Once again, as a Northerner, I am shaking my head at the notion that a culture like the Free Folk would not yet have thought to invent Nordic skis as a way of getting around more quickly in an oft-snowy landscape. It’s such a basic technology. Same for snowshoes
Three words:
Arya on speedskates.
Ten Bears,
It’s a bit tenuous of a connection, but thinking back to that bathtub scene, Jaime falls into Brienne’s arms at the end. Seems to foreshadow him dying in the arms of the woman he loves.
I think Jaime gonna die ..but not before he fullfil the Valonquar/Azor Ahai prophesy [two birds with one stone makes sense..] killing the NQ Cercei as Valonquar and the Wight Breanne as AA nissa nissa [the only womens who he had love in his life] making his sword Widows Veil [linked to the ICE the ancestral sword of the Starks and the red sword of the Heroes] a wildfire flaming sword aka Lightbringer and the helps Jon Snow[TPTWP] and Danny[The Stallion who Mounts the World]to kill the NK by giving in him the final blow [stabbing him in the back and pull out the dragonglass from his heart]..IDK ..but Jaime is a very possible candidate for AA [along with Danny ,Jon and Arya ]..and that could be badass to see happen ..Also i see Mell and Kinvara there ..possibly burning with fire the NK army and the Weirwood Trees…idk,…but surely they play some important role on the battlefield there.
Mr Derp,
Well, f*ck. I think you’re probably right. (Can’t she have just a sixty-second lovefest with him before he dies in her arms?)
Ten Bears,
lol, All I know is that “I just died in your arms tonight” needs to be playing in the background of that scene
And, if we go by Shakespeare’s definition of dying in someone’s arms, then the scene could certainly involve some “quality” time for the two of them.
Luka Nieto,
Although I don’t subscribe to the theory, Arya killing Cersei wouldn’t actually be shocking in the slightest though. It’s pretty much been her driving force for seven seasons- and all she’s talked about to anyone she can.
It’d only be shocking to the fandom who’ve been assuming that Jaime or some other valonquar will do the deed.
Well, if they connect soon enough in the season there might actually be time for more than sixty seconds. 😉 You know she’s “there” as soon as Jaime would decide he’s done with Cersei… It looked to me like he’s done now.
Perhaps Maggy was being sarcastic like people calling really big guys “Tiny.” 😛
I am literally jumping up and down and squeeing that Brienne and Jaime will be fighting side by side, even ifit is obvious.
And I hae to say I disagree that Jaime killing Cersei is the best ending. It would be far more satisfying if Jaime were to just leave Cersei to her fate. Cersei has always seen and loved Jaime as nothing more than as an extension to herself, so for Jaime to prove he has a life of his won away from Cersei would be the final blow for Cersei, and a victory (albeit bittersweet on) for Jaime, and more consistent with Jaime’s characterisation of being a man who esentially has a mental shrug in the books when faced with the possibility of Cersei dying.
Mr Derp,
Oh, good catch.
Totally agree. In my opinion, it’s a near-certainty that she won’t kill Cersei. There is very little emotional weight to it, and with the foreshadowing of her sparing Lady Crane and then turning away from KL to head to WF, it just wouldn’t feel right. As far as I can see, the only people she might tick off her list in S8 might be Gregor (assisting Sandor) or Mel. But I even find those to be dubious. Well, I could maybe see Mel.
Luka Nieto,
Absolutely agree with this as well. Ultimately what I want from the story, and especially our main characters is to look back at their journeys and think “wow, they had an amazing arc”. GoT is so much more than just shock and twists.
True. To Elizabethans, orgasm was the “little death.”
I think that The Mountain must meet his end with The Hound. For anyone else to kill him would not make sense with the clues we have been given.
I wonder if Cersei could die while blowing up Kings Landing rather than give in?
I do think that Arya will use here faces one more time. It’s too big a plot point to let go.
I really hope you are right and they won’t make major twists just for shock value like having Jamie kill Cersei and then pull off his mask and it is Arya (with us not seeing Jamie die on screen). while it would fit Valonquar prophecy it would really be cheating Jamie’s character.
I dunno. I think the whole point of their connection is that it’s unrequited, unspoken love. For them to declare or act upon their feelings would just be a cheese fest at this point. Especially when they’re all facing utter annihilation.. it’d be completely misplaced, plot wise.
Luka Nieto,
lol, everyone thinks that is Melisandre. You don’t bring back the great Miguel Sapochnik to have him do the set up to the Winterfell battle, He is back to do the battle at Winterfell and King’s Landing, this should be obvious.. .
Jaime: *Arrives at Winterfell* “Hey Brienne!, I finally made it out of KL and dumped Cersei. We can be together now!!
Brienne: *Pulls away from kissing Pod and glances over as she hears Jaime’s words*…”Oh…
I guess it would depend on each individual viewer. Does the person like romances? Does one believe that anything involving romance belongs in GoT? Has the story worked on building an inevitable relationship between the two if they are given the opportunity?
I don’t believe a lot of people would think it’s a “cheese fest” or misplaced if it happened. I think it makes perfect sense plot wise within their arc bubble. It seems most believe they should get together and/or that they will. Releasing their obvious pent-up feelings for one another by consummating prior to facing possible annihilation sounds perfectly normal to me. Shrug
I totally agree.
That’s a good point, actually. Outside the hardcore fandom, Arya killing Cersei is probably less shocking than Jaime doing it.
If that means Brienne and Jaime get to live happily ever after together, sign me up 😛 I don’t think that’s gonna happen, but I wish it did.
Sure, he’s most likely directing the battle. I don’t know what that has to do with anything. That orange triangle thing is a traffic cone.
That is the correct response.
Can anyone else see the white figure in the middle of one of those pics? Could that be Emilia or even a WW?
I don’t know what the heck it is. Looks like a large circle in the middle of those pics, and, in the last one, it looks like something white is there, but it’s taller than everyone else. Whatever it is, it doesn’t resemble a person to me, but of course ymmv.
“…Releasing their obvious pent-up feelings for one another by consummating prior to facing possible annihilation sounds perfectly normal to me. Shrug
It sounds perfectly normal to me too after rewatching their initial encounter and captor/prisoner road trip, starting off with his horrible insults, then gradually growing to respect her, then like her, then love her… then desire her. (Returning to the Bear Pit and jumping in to rescue her…sigh. He should get a full page in the KG White Book just for that.)
The only light-colored things I see in the middle is a yellow tripod holding some sort of production equipment, and a wind machine with a white part.
Too tall to be Emilia, I think.
Melisandre a traffic cone, Daenerys a tripod –
what the hell will happen with us in this long night?
Just curious. Do you watch Game of Thrones in English or in Greek?
I watch it in English (with English subtitles) because a lot of things get lost in translation. My native language is Dutch (from Belgium).
cos alpha,
I think batshit crazy Old Nan got her long night stories mixed up again.
What if either Brienne or Jaime gets injured/nearly killed before the other’s eyes, and the concern makes them realises how much they love each other, or else after the battle they are swept up in a tide of relief and finally act on their feelings. Catching sight of each other on the battlefield, bloodied and bruised, wordlessly stumbling towards each other and kissing passionately?
cos alpha,
Don’t most people go with the definition of unrequited love as one-sided? You may not have meant it that way though. While it is unspoken to this point I do believe the writing has conveyed their connection as one that has grown to be love for each other. Brienne’s life experience keeps her from believing he would love her at the same time believes he loves Cersei. Jaime has been fighting his feelings while sticking to his commitment to his sister. Cersei herself appears to have snapped him out of that “trance.” I just assume that the next time he and Brienne lock eyes like they have so many times before, there won’t be anything holding him back…
It’s too important in their developement for either of them for things to go unsaid. Jaime needs to find love with someone other than Cersei and Brienne needs to experience romance after believing herself too ugly for love (Tormund’s creepy stalker crush doesn’t count.)
Luka Nieto,
It might just be the crappy resolution on my phone. Top photo, second group from the right… three soldiers in from the left.. white hair?
Of course love can be unspoken two-sided, especially if both are not used to know their own feelings either to recognize the other’s feelings. If they don’t dare to hope, that the other could re-love.
Would Brienne imagine, most handsome man Jamie could love her, after he had “loved” all his whole life his beautiful sister Cersei? That she, Brienne, is lovable at all?
Would Jamie imagine, this big, “unsightly” virago could love him, after he had taunted and hurt her deeply, more than necessary? That honorable Brienne could love the kingslayer?
There is plenty of shame in both of them.
I dunno, I honestly think their impending doom may dampen their inclination to be getting on down. And remember it’ll be hard enough stopping the northern forces for killing him outright after the war of the 5 kings (as well as Brangate). But who knows.
I would have thought their impending doom would have sped things up. The lack of consequences would probably help them put all their baggage aside for a moment. And there has been too much build of their relationship for it to end without some sort of conclusion. And I really do believe it is necessary for Brienne’s arc for her to experience a relationship and realise that someone she loves and desires can love and desire her back.
Love that Brienne & Jaime will fight together. Re Cersei, I think there is a very good chance it will be Arya. It was emphasised yet again when Bran explained to Sansa that Cersei is on Arya’s list, almost simultaneous to gifting the VS dagger to Arya. I can’t see Jaime murdering Cersei- his redemption is too complete in the show & the love between them too strong . I think Jaime will die in battle – I hope Brienne lives -sob- but we will not see a face removal ( too obvious) . Later , Cersei will be calmly going about her bath in kings landing & she will be told by her handmaiden that Jaime has returned with news of what’s happening in the north ( gains access). Too early or late for the mountain. She will think its Jaime until she notices something strange with his right hand – maybe it’s “grown back”. That’s when Arya will reveal herself. Don’t we already know that lena/cersei’s body double was back in Ireland ??? Perhaps an intimate scene with a surprise ending …
Unfullfilled love – or better to recognize, your love was answered, but you can’t live it anymore is climax.
I strongly believe that Bran himself will put a stop to any attempt to wreak Stark vengeance on Jaime. He has soooo moved on from any need for retaliation on his own behalf. Bran and Jaime will likely have a tense confrontation scene where Jaime expresses shame and contrition, and Bran then philosophically brushes it off, observing that things had to happen this way in order for him to fulfill his destiny as the Three-Eyed Raven.
I was just thinking about something and had to scroll up and find your comment on this…
Jaime’s lacking entries in the White Book/Book of Brothers has been a considerable point, both for Jaime and the viewers. First he’s mocked by Joffrey because “someone forgot to write down all your great deeds,” and then Jaime’s conversation with Brienne before he gives her Oathkeeper and armor. If Jaime does die I’m thinking it probably will be doing something heroic, whether or not it’s in the arms of Brienne.
It does feel like a fitting end for Brienne to become the Lord Commander of the (Kings/Queens)guard and her final scene be filling the pages with the great deeds of Ser Jaime Lannister.
I agree there’ll certainly be some form of standoff, they can’t just sweep such a huge plot point under the carpet.
But in an oddly ironic way, Jaime could well be the ultimate hero- the catalyst for saving humanity. His utterly inhuman act gave rise to the 3ER, who may very well be the key to the downfall of the WWs.
Ten Bears,
Part of me thinks they’ll tease the rest of the joke, only to cut away again. Possibly to an elderly Sam (played by GRRM himself) writing the events of the story. That possibility’s been stuck in my head since they brought back the honeycomb joke and someone elsewhere suggested GRRM playing an old Sam. Joining the two together seemed to work in my head for some reason
In that case, Mr. Derp’s proposed contest wouldn’t be a bad way to get closure on the joke.
I reckon when you’re facing certain death, that’s the exact right time to tell someone how you feel. It would feel quite unnatural if Jaime shows up and either explains that he’s done with Cersei or his actions explain that for him (the fact he’s there betraying her plans), and for he and Brienne not to discuss how they feel, especially if their lives are in danger. I’m not saying that we then get over-the-top romantic scenes between the two, but they at least have to act on it. If they didn’t, I think a lot of people would not feel closure for their plot together.
I think I’m beginning to feel grateful for this year off that we get before the next season. Thinking about Jaime and/or Brienne dying, possibly sacrificing themselves for each other, as well as the post about the Dothraki bringing up the point that we may lose Jorah in a horrific way is making me feel so incredibly sad! I am too attached to these characters I think. In order to get this ‘bittersweet’ ending everyone on the show seems compelled to tell us about, surely there must be a sizeable portion of characters still alive by the end right? If almost all of them died and we’re just left with a couple of broken people (the ones that survived while all their friends/lovers/family died), then there isn’t really anything sweet about that.
I think that Jaime and Cersei will need to meet one last time whether he is the one who wraps his hand(s) around her neck or not. So I have hope that he will survive these battles to get to the end-game with his sister (unless we’re all wrong and Cersei’s showdown will happen before the NK’s). I can’t see them killing Cersei before the end of the series and I can’t see Jaime managing to see her before he battles wights, so I’m going to seriously hope he makes it out of there alive. I’m less certain about Brienne though. I would love for her to survive and take up a role in the Kings/Queen’s guard like she did for Renly before it was all cut short.
In my mind, there are only a handful of ‘safe’ characters, who I really don’t think will die: Sam (as well as Gilly and little Sam) and Sansa (I don’t know why, but I really do feel she’s safe). Everyone else, I’m very scared for.
Why has no one brought up the male babies who were turned by the Night King? I bet they live at the end to start the cycle of wights again.
I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a mid-battle Jon/Ygritte type scene between Jaime and Brienne. Mph. Only this time I’ll be much more sad.
Despite expecting Jorah to die in every episode since Season 4, I’m starting to wonder if, since he has no hesitation of jumping in and dying for Dany, he might just end up living and messing with my brain in the best possible way. Wishful thinking.
Edd will be sitting on a half melted throne in the end scene, looking around despairingly and saying, “Well, shit. It figures.”
I see the long wait as both a blessing and a curse. At least it’s more time we have with all of our favourite characters still alive, but it also makes me anxious and stressed out with anticipation that I just want it to be over. 🙂
It also really amazes me just how attached we do get to these characters in this story. I never thought I’d be “that” person to be honest. I was attached to characters in Lost, but I also binge-watched that whole series in a month-and-a-half so there wasn’t this extended period of time for me to latch on to characters in the same way I have in GoT.
In regards to the bittersweet ending, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there needs to be a balance between the heartbreaking and bitter moments with some hopeful and uplifting ones. Otherwise you become just emotionally numb to it all. As far as seeing the costs of war, we need to see that from a variety of angles, not just death. That becomes uninteresting and redundant if that’s all it is, so we need characters we care about in the end to show that.
Same with me.
I never watched tv-series, neither was a passionate moviergoer, I prefer reading books – but GoT cut me down.
Some weeks ago I started reading the books and nearly can’t stop. There are some things… but okay. I’m focused now on GoT.
“First he’s mocked by Joffrey because “someone forgot to write down all your great deeds”
Joffrey was a real c*nt, and the little sh*t deserved to die, but I’ve got to say, the way he delivered that line cracked me up.
cos alpha,
I’m slowly making my way through a second reading of the books. It’s amazing just how dense this story is!
“….It also really amazes me just how attached we do get to these characters in this story. I never thought I’d be “that” person to be honest.”
I hear you. I never thought I’d be “that” person either. For me at least, watching Arya/Maisie Williams acting so convincingly at such a young age and grow up in front of my eyes makes me feel…protective. I was really surprised though that the gruff bodyguard who I thought was just a secondary or tertiary side character would turn out to be my favorite. (When that limping big fellow carrying the log by himself in the cold open to S6e7 turned around to face the camera…)
Like others have said, I really don’t mind the long wait. I know some of my favorites aren’t going to make it out alive. I’m in no rush to see them go.
These are two interesting “coincidences” in a row. We’ve known about the Dothraki cavalry wightification and now this Jaime+Brienne scene for 6 months now. Literally, it said:
“The night king raises the fallen dothraki and their horses and gets his own cavalry.”
“There is a long scene of Jamie and Brienne fighting the dead together.”
This stuff was described 6+months ago. A quick Google search will show these scenes in context.
Doubt that is real. There have already been some news that does not quite align.
Again, thanks for the due diligence about spoilers, but the Dothraki being cannon fodder has been foreshadowed since we first met them, and the Night’s King has already shown ingenuity in turning Dany’s weapon into his weapon.
Still, it will be great to watch the Borg get ever stronger as they approach the earth, only to be undone by their own cleverness as Bran and Sam team up to destroy their mothership.
Hey — why is everybody looking at me like that?!? 😉
That’s a great idea. It might take more than a single thread though. Perhaps it should be a contest. Because you’re right about the rather terrible finishes people insist are the punch line(s) to the honeycomb & jackass joke.
I’ve tried to think of what it could be. I got nothing.
in English better..There in Greece is a channel who has showed already the first 3 seasons of GOT..named Skai ..and has Greek translation but are so bad translated and is another one channel.named Nova…but this channel is so expensive and i dont have too much money for to pay for TV also..Last year i saw GOT from a Youtube channel who named IR Films …He doesnt had anymore the videos[he uploaded every Sunday /Monday all the Episodes of S7 in parts ..and i saw all of them via his channel ]but he did great job with this..Other times i had seen GOT when i have been in America[2011-2016 for studies ] and there had the money[because of two jobs for some 1000$ per month] to pay for HBO for 4-5 months at least.There in Greece dont have job and i have some less money[300-400 euros] that they earn every month..but i spend most of them[200-300 euros] more for bills and taxes and the rest of them for food and clothes [they needed]…im poor as i cannot pay for HBO or Nova[the Greek Version of HBO there]
I am excited and nervous that J and B will fighting side by side, and I hope they at least kiss… and Not a dying kiss!
Another reason Bran May shrug off Jaime’s crime against him is because he will know it was done to protect Jaime’s children and relationship and they’re all gone now, so Jamie has lost it everything he pushed Bran out the window for – and the hand that did it. Even Cat Stark was prepared to kill a child to protect her’s (the Frey child bride)…
I don’t think anyone but Cersei will kill Cersei, and I predict her demise may be unexpectedly heroic — though ruthless. This story belongs to the Lannisters just as much as the Starks, so her death has to be epic…
I’m going to pretend Jaime survives while I can.
I’d love if the White Walkers plot was finished in the beggining of the season, so the final part would be focused on more political plot! Unfortunately, it seems that the undead plot will last till episode 5 at least =(
Tyrion walks into a brothel with a honeycomb and a jackass.
Madame: What can we do for you?
Tyrion: I need a woman to lay with, for mine has left me.
Madame: Whatever for? And what’s with the honeycomb and the mule?
Tyrion: My woman found a genie in a bottle, and he granted her three wishes. The first was for a house fit for a queen, so he gave her this damn honeycomb. The second wish was that she have the nicest ass in all the land, so he gave her this damn donkey…
Madame: And what about the third wish?
Tyrion: Well… she asked the genie to make my cock hang down past my knee.
Madame: Well that one’s not so bad eh?
Tyrion: Not so bad!? I used to be six foot three!
Made my day!
Undead Elephant,
Looks like we have a front runner for the top prize, who could very well go wire to wire.
That’s the best I’ve heard yet.
That one’s already out there. I’ve read it before and I think it’s pretty lame, but of course, ymmv 🙂
I’ll try to come up with one at some point, but I don’t have much free time today. I’ll see what I can do.
Ten Bears,
I can’t imagine what the show would have been like without the caliber of actors they got for the Stark children. D&D said something to this effect in one of the S7 commentaries that it would have been a very different show if Maisie, Sophie and Isaac hadn’t been the actors they are.
And I’ll echo what you’ve said before: as long as Arya makes it out alive at the end, I’ll pretty much accept anything. 🙂 Although I’ll be gutted to see some of my other favourites potentially go (The Hound, Jamie, Jon, Sansa, Brienne..).
Two for three ain’t bad. 😉
(***shhh me! We’ve talked about this***)
Sorry, couldn’t help throwing in a jab. Like I’ve mentioned, I thought Sophie did a very good job in S7. 🙂
Not just prepared to… she DID kill that Walder wife before her own throat was opened.
Agreed. ARYA MUST LIVE!!! I’ll be throwing stuff, swearing, crying and be in the worst mood for days if she dies.
My 2nd tier (on the tantrum level) would include Ae(Jon), Daenerys and Tyrion. J&D might be 1.5 and Tyrion 2
3rd tier… Sandor, Davos, Jorah, Sam, Jaime, Tormund, Missandei, Grey Worm, Gilly, Brienne, Pod, Ghost, Drogon
4th tier… Gendry, Melisandre, Edd, Theon, Yara, Varys, Bran, Sansa, Rhaegal, Nymeria, Hot Pie (remember, this is “tantrum level” not that I hate these characters. There would still be a level of disappointment.)
While not a nice way to put it, these are on the “YEH!” list: Cersei, Euron, NK, Frankengregor, Qyburn. Oh, and Sweetrobin Arryn 😛
I’m assuming we won’t see Meera and Jaqen again. I don’t think I’d have much of an emotional response for Beric, Lyanna Mormont or any others…
Thanks for the good laugh!
Truth be told, I’m sure Jaime will die and Brienne most likely. So, I yearn for them being together at least for a short period of time. Agreed, that bathtub scene (my favourite) must have a logical completion. I admit I don’t care for platonic relationships when the feelings involved are not at all platonic.
But any scene with Jaime and Brienne interacting would be gold for me.
Simply because she often mentions killing Cersei and has her on the List, Arya may be The Red Herring. I prefer Jaime because the twins are still umbilically intertwined with hate and love. That scene would evoke high Shakespearean tragedy and would become one of the iconic GoT deaths, especially if it’s a murder-suicide. I can’t see D&D and George passing up the opportunity. Just think of the Beautiful Death poster. But in the = larger story, it’s quite possible that D&D will instead have Jaime die doing heroic deeds in battle, possibly with Brienne.
If not a red herring, Arya is IMO the logical backup candidate. She and Cersei do have a history, but not as involved as that of the twins (or even Sansa). Yet Arya as a Valonqar candidate may have been hinted at in the Season 7 trailer which showed Arya on horseback as Cersei said “Enemies in the north”. A recent YouTube video pointed out a ACoK passage where Catelyn says she wants to wrap her hands around Cersei’s white neck and kill her. That wording would be echoed two books later by Maggy’s Valonqar prophecy. On the show Catelyn’s Lady Stoneheart function has gone to Arya, who by the bye had Cersei on her List from the off. Arya’s journey closely reflects that of Odysseus, so it makes sense she’d take on Cersei. The Odyssey’s evil sorceress Circe had turned Odysseus’s men into wild animals. Several times Cersei called Arya a wild animal. IF Arya goes after Cersei, it will probably be because Cersei double crossed the North militarily…or to rescue some Northern prisoner. I assume Sandor will accompany her. So while all this is much more prosaic than Jaime and Cersei leaving this world together, there is grounding for Arya to do it. If well handled, it need not be “lame”….though probably it won’t be as electrifying as Jaime doing it.
Clobbie, I quite like your tiers for no tears groupings and agree with them, though I’d slip Sandor into Tier 2. Via redemption and being a true knight though without the title, he’s become one to treasure.
I can’t imagine what the show would have been like without the caliber of actors they got for the Stark children. D&D said something to this effect in one of the S7 commentaries that it would have been a very different show if Maisie, Sophie and Isaac hadn’t been the actors they are.
And I’ll echo what you’ve said before: as long as Arya makes it out alive at the end, I’ll pretty much accept anything. 🙂 Although I’ll be gutted to see some of my other favourites potentially go (The Hound, Jamie, Jon, Sansa, Brienne..).
Too right! Not only have they all been good from Season 1, they’ve grown better and are still true to their characters. There were no guarantees that would happen. Nina Gold is a genius. At this point, the ones I’d hate to lose are Arya of course, but also Jon, Tyrion, Sandor, Brienne, and maybe even Sansa, depending on how everyone ends up.
What I don’t get is why people think Jaime will kill himself after executing Cersei. His whole arc had been about moving away from Cersei and has been forging a deep bond with Brienne. For him to kill himself over Cersei would go directly against that, especially as he must be already aware that he is leaving her for dead.
And for Jaime to die with Cersei would only validate Cersei’s narcissitic belief that Jaime is only an extension of her, and that they will die together. Whilst Jaime has been learning all this time that his entire relationship with Cersei has been a lie and built on false beliefs.
That, and in the books Jaime does not give a shit about Cersei possibly being executed by the High Septon as well as having a dream on a Weirdwood dream in which Cersei walks away with the dead, leaving Jaime behind, only makes me think nothing indicates Jaime will kill himself after killing Cersei.
It’s foreshadowed that they’ll die together in the books on quite a few occasions.
Jaime can still do all these things; kill Cersei and himself by some means of heroic sacrifice, without it being a pitiful suicide. Perhaps he prevents the wildfire being released and dies in the process. And if Brienne is also gone, he really would have nothing left to stay alive for.
The only
The only foreshadowing is that of Jaime and Cersei saying they will die together. Considering that they have shown themselves blind to the reality of their relationship and of the other person, the fact they believe this only really indicates that this belief is wrong, as is every other belief they have of their relationship. After Olenna’s delcaration that Cersei will be the death of him, Jaime says it is out of his hands. But then in the finale he takes it into his hands and leaves her. And Jaime literally has a dream on a Weirwood tree in which Cersei joins the dead, leaving him behind.
Jaime’s arc has beein about him regaining his honour and growing beyond his toxic relationship with Cersei and growing out his initial delusions about their relationship, including the whole ‘born together, die together’ spiel.
The ones I hate to lose (besides the above mentioned Brienne and Jaime) are: Tyrion, Arya, “Houndie” (as Pigeon called him). Then Jorah, Bronn, Tormund, Edd, Pod, Varys, Missandei, Grey Worm, Yara, Lyanna. Of course, stop killing dragons and direwolves!
Strangely enough, I don’t worry for Jon or Daenerys – I have no idea what GRRM has in store for them, but I’m confident that, tragic or not, it will sound right. I care for Bran and Theon, but I’m afraid sacrifice is written for them.
I think Sam, Gilly and the child (no longer baby) will survive.
I hope Cersei, the Mountain, Euron and Qyburn will die.
I just had to add Sweetrobin to my “YEH list” because every time he’s on the screen I just want someone to punch him. He’s got that kind of face. 😛 He probably won’t even be in S8 so I won’t have to put up with it.
Cut the guy some slack, he’s still going through breast milk withdrawal 🙂
… and he strikes her through the heart and oathkeeper and widow’s wail reforge …
Well, you just added one other example of foreshadowing with Ollena’s words, which kinda strengthens the point.
The fact is, irrespective of what the characters arcs may or may not be, it’s now endgame time. Jaime has already shown that he’s regained his honour on several occasions (books and show). They’re all facing utter annihilation- and he’ll likely be one of the many casualties. As I said, it’s entirely possible for him to have a noble, honourable death whilst still killing his sister.
Gotta say there are so many photos and videos from Magheramorne now, I’m amazed they haven’t put up some screens on the near side of the set.
And in that same argument I pointed out how Olenna’s words prove to be false because they are in reference to Jaime being fully in Cersei’s control, which Jaime then proved to be not the case when he abandoned Cersei in the finale.
Yes, it is possible Jaime will kill Cersei and die in the aftermath, but it is not set in stone and there is also strong evidence (his Weirwood dream) that Cersei will join the dead and leave Jaime among the living.If we are also looking at foreshadowing, there is Jaime saying he wishes to die in the arms of the woman he loves. Considering that his arc has been about growing away from Cersei and has steadily been falling in love with Brienne, the greater likelyhood for Jaime dying would be in Brienne’s arms.
Geez… can you imagine trying to work in that stuff? Dark and “Wintery” (fog/smoke machine)
Considering that Jaime and Brienne are the only characters named, it makes me wonder if they shall take a leadership role in one of the battles. Jaime has a great deal of leadership experience and it would be an exciting new dynamic for Brienne to explore, especially as she is an heiress and could potentially end up having to take on the leadership mantle one day.
If so, I would love to see how Jaime wins the trust to take a leadership role. Or perhaps the starks/Dany just want rid of him and mae him fight on the front lines, only for Brienne to insist to join him.
I’d like to see Jaime and Brienne together, even (because this IS Game of Thrones) if it is only for a tragically brief time.
Valyrian Vlinder,
Yeeeaaahhh… You know some of the big names are going to go down in the North and it would make sense for at least one of those two to bite it in this fight because this is GoT afterall. Though it would mess up the more obvious valonqar theory I would think.
“Agreed. ARYA MUST LIVE!!! I’ll be throwing stuff, swearing, crying and be in the worst mood for days if she dies.”
She cannot die. Benioff, Weiss and Martin would never be able to leave their homes again. Imagine getting hissed and booed whenever you walk into a restaurant, and nasty messages spray painted on the hood of your car every week? Finally – I’ve speculated that the value of syndication rights will plummet if Arya doesn’t make it out alive.
They could’ve come back to the basque country this year again… we have enough frontons, at least one in every town, most of them painted green…
They could’ve come back to the basque country this year again… we have enough frontons, at least one in every town, most of them painted green… 😉
I hate to be this guy, but every legit spoiler I’ve read matches 100% with the (allegedly fake) spoiler synopses that were leaked on DesiNerd last year. I’ve already read the end of the show, haven’t I?
***Goes to vomit***
The “spoilers” that we’ve gotten on filming are so vague they could line up with just about anything at this point.
Btw, you should spoiler tag that you’re going to vomit or you’ll ruin the surprise for everyone. Shame.
Be still my heart <3
Are they gonna hook up?
I do see the red priest. The big fan is blowing at her and her hair is blowing back. try zooming in a little + on the pic.
I would like Jaime himself – not through Brienne by proxy – to finally honor his oath to Catelyn. If he gets to WF before Dany and her entourage, maybe he’ll find himself with the opportunity to protect and defend Catelyn’s daughters and their home.
Although… doesn’t he still suck at swordfighting with his left hand ?
I’m with you.
Also here for the inevitable conversation between Tormund and Jaime.
I don’t think this is fan service. Jaime and Brienne relationship has been slowly developing for seasons just to come to a showdown, whatever it may be (romantic or not) their characters development was meant to led us at here.
I think that Jaime-Brienne scene is happening at the Neck, where I believe one of the two main battles of the final session will take place. I explained this with more details in my reddit post